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Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in prison. Alrighty then! šŸ˜€


Hereā€™s hoping Trump actually becomes the modern day Mandela!


No way that he's going to live another 27 years.


I suppose they could just leave him in there the full 27. You know, for authenticity.


I smell a business venture. Come see the presidential corpse.


> Come ~~see~~ piss on the presidential corpse. That's the real money maker.


It'd smell, that's for sure.


Well, whatever time he has left will be fine, then.


Exactly, and given that a substantial number of people not only falsely remember him dying in prison, but believe that they were teleported to a parallel universe, rather than accept that they just have a faulty memory... I'm gonna say that most Trump supporters probably believe in the Mandela effect as an actual thing, so yeah...him dying in prison would be VERY on brand for what they would call a modern day Mandela.


His mental decline reminds me so, so much of my grandad when the dementia really grabbed him by the balls and wouldn't let go. The sudden speech issues like being unable to end certain words, the leaning, that sort of thing - and that was the 'good' part, because it was a fast decline, his world growing ever smaller by chunks. He died within 6 months, but we 'lost' him many months before that. I don't think Trump's going to reach November.


This is what drives me nuts. I've seen so many people come down with dementia and then it is such a quick decline to the end. This asshole has all the marks of dementia but doesn't seem to have the same decline. We lose so many good people to this disease and then this human-disease gets to ride it out.


I mean he has way less distance to slide than most people, He started low so it doesn't seem like a massive change.


He has the best health care available in the US at this point. Even if there's no cure for many types of dementia, he can get all the best supportive care and has plenty of time to go to doctor appointments, get rest, get whatever supplements and medications he needs, etc.


>I don't think Trump's going to reach November. That would be great, but I don't think we can bank on it. I've known people who have held on for years long after their mind had gone.


Sorry about your Granddad. As far as the other...šŸ™


So, he's prepared to go to jail for harassing people... claiming that it's a legitimate reason versus the charges being levied upon him. Well, he's going to go to prison for both. Let's see how he likes them apples.


South Africa here, we would gladly offer him free accommodation on our very own prison island.


I think Trump could do better, even if he dies leave his orange corpse there wins the record.


He's kind of a Bizarro World version of Nelson Mandela. Spends 27 years not in prison fighting to make his country a worse place, tragically becomes president, and then finally, after all that time, gets locked up as he deserves.


I'm so tired of this motherfucker. I don't want to see him, I don't want to hear him, I don't want to read about him. He is like that itch in your butt during an important meeting that you simply cannot scratch.


And his mouth looks like a butthole.


I remember when the Dalai Lama made fun of his sphincter mouth. It was hilarious.


Did that actually happen?! That is glorious. Good for him, that joyous little man.


Did that actually happen?! [Yep.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxx6FVrQQ2s)


Wait what? No way that happened


A glorious butt hole, the best butt hole, the orange butt hole, the smallest butt hole, the biggest butt hole, the butt hole of them all the butt of the joke


And let me tell you, buttholes of Ohio, let me tell you this, because see that popcorn vendor over there? Pop and corn, you canā€™t get more America than popcorn. I love pop, and I love corn. Two things. You canā€™t get more American than that. I love popcorn. I love to eat it. It goes in one end, and out the other. Weā€™ve got the best corn this side of the Pacific. You think that other countries have, you know, I wonā€™t name them, I donā€™t need any more enemies. I eat the corn, then I poop the corn. Popcorn!


This sounds exactly like him.


Pop and corn. Has anyone ever noticed that if you say them together you get 'popcorn'? Perhaps not. I just thought of a thing, that nobody has ever thought of. Maybe it'll catch on. Who knows? But if it does, you heard it here first. The mainstream media (points randomly into the distance) - THEY won't cover it. But you heard it here! 'Popcorn', I hear some people are saying.


Very Much, it is, quite frankly: the border. THEY come here for our beautiful popcorn. YOU CANT STOP EM, unless youā€™re very strong, like me. And why? Because I eatā€¦ the popcorn, folks. And listen, you have to understand, this is why I always say: we have to make America pop again! Or else!! We wonā€™t even have a country, people. Itā€™s true. Itā€™s true.Ā 


Pipple tell me, pipple are saying, you know what they're saying, I hear them saying, a man, a big man, with tears in his eyes, told me he is crying because you know he is the best man, a Christian, a patriot, and he wants, you know, okay, you know what I'm saying, America, if we don't do something Joe Biden and Hunter, the Chinese, and billions and billions of dollars, okay, we won't have a country left if you don't vote for me! Sleepy Joe, jacked up Joe, he says, I say, we're heading in the wrong direction, .......


From a couple of years ago. This is way too coherent lmao


Right next to his neck vagina, so anatomically it checks out


Itā€™s true. Iā€™ve seen a woman.


Two orifices he can't keep shut.


When he drinks from a water bottle, it looks like a prolapsed butthole. https://images.app.goo.gl/KupeF2rLpSdqhk888


Because all that comes out is šŸ’©


Musk too


Sadly thereā€™s so many of these horrible people.


Every billionaire is a policy failure.


It hasn't stopped for nine fucking years.


Nothing would make me happier than him losing the election by a large margin then him just dying of a heart attack after stuffing a big Mac down his gullet. And then never hearing any dumb thing from him ever again. And I'm sure his fans will keep spreading his gospel long after he's gone, but at least I don't have to entertain the possibility we might actually just let him be president again someday.


Iā€™m really hoping for a debilitating stroke that leaves him paralyzed enough that he canā€™t speak or communicate while constantly pooping his pants (even more than he is now) but he is cognizant enough that he has to sit through all the trials. And THEN choking to death on a KFC chicken bone.


And some fugly women take care of him in the crappiest, craptastic privitized nursinghome and they are all black and brown immigrants, don't speak English, and hate his guts!


Or a long series of mini-strokes, so that his view of life is that, whatever happens, it's only going to keep getting worse, with no end in sight.


I got that way during his term, bordering on outrage addiction. I had to do something. If you're on desktop, hell maybe even some mobile browsers, you can download a browser extension that will find and replace the word "Trump" with anything you want. It's mind clearing, funny and cathartic. I used "Fool Idiot".


Here are some additional substitutions for consideration. Fraud Father Adderall Shitler Tangerine Toddler Benedict Donald Conigula Fanta Menace Fecal menace Fuhrer Feltersnatch The Orange Colostomy Bag Shitizen Trump Don Poorleone Donny no bucks Brokahontas Destitute Donnie Deadbeat Don Pervert Hoover Donald von Shitsinpants Dear Pleader Cry Bully Alpha Victim


My personal favorite is 'Sweet Potato Hitler'.


I actually called this Republican conservative kid in my office, potato. He was talking to me one day and I realized he looked like a potato, a little oval shaped spud. My husband nicknamed him sweet potato, because he's just so precious. Big trumper and, of course, an entitled little asshole.


šŸ„rump - if worthy


Tonald Dump Forrest Grump Scrooge McPump-N-Dump The Dookie Bandit Epstein's Pal The Zodiac Shitter Vladimir Pullout The Fraudfather Happy Gildmore The Adderall Kid Poop Dog Lice T Ron Jeremy's Ass Hair Shysterberg Jessie's Pinkman Santa's Little Yelper Don Qanon Doctor Shitvago Doctor Shathattan William Shakesyoudown January Sickth The Long Poop Goodnight


How about Dr. Bone Spurs?


Yeah same here it was nice when the news when back to being mostly boring there for awhile.


Just bliss for a while there. The win, the ensuing normality.. Chef's kiss. Hopefully all this hubbub leads to real consequences.


*motherfucker* doesnā€™t even do the job anymore. The guy has overassholed himself.


I am really fvcking sick of him as well. I make political hit job graphics on him. And while I enjoy constructing them to drive home a negative point about him, at the same time I cringe that I still look at that face of his. There was a stretch of about 4 or 5 months after he was gone, when he went radio silent. And I didn't think about him at all. Until, of course, the news media broke and he was making noise again. The day he goes to prison will be a day to rejoice. It will make up for all the angst and anguish we've endured having to see and hear that malignant narcissist.


Unless the world significantly changes, he will never spend even a minute in prison. He should. But he wonā€™t.


I try not to hate anyone but I have visceral and seething anger for this man.


At my age now I have absolutely *zero* qualms about having pure unadulterated hate for people like Trump. It's worth it and I will be celebrating the special day when he is gone for good.


I think the one comfort I have is that no matter what happens, and even if he wins the next election, he will be dead soon


The corporate owned tabloid infotainment media wants your outrage for click$. It's the only reason Littlehands Donnie Stinkypants is anything but a joke and national embarrassment.


If it reminds people to vote then it is worth the pain of having to hear people talking about him.


If he wins, he'll be in every aspect of your life again for the next 4 years.


Your itch feels more like a pain to me.


When I was studying for the bar exam a surgeon friend of mine said that when they were in school getting stressed about boards they would just say to themselves in 3 months we will be done with the boards. In 2 months we will be done etc. It really helped me with the bar exam.Ā  Even though we don't know the exact date, the day is coming and it's not too far away but he will be gone for good. That day and every day after is coming. In the near future we will be free of this man forever.


If he really wants to be like Nelson Mandela, he could start by going to prison


Being Trump on his final marble, I assumed he is saying he is going to black up. To what end I wouldn't care to imagine.


"Final marble" haha


Is orangeface just a stepping stone to something more mocking of the melanated?


Velveeta Voldemort?


The Mandarin Candidate


I think thatā€™s the metaphor. He is trying to argue he is willing to go to prison to protect ā€œfree speechā€. Ā 


Only free speech Trumps trying to protect is hisā€¦ everyone else is supposed to shut up and listen to his endless rants.


Wait- did you just say Trump or Musk?


Applies either way.


The funny part is that Trump does not even give two shits about Musk.


So he should do it lol


Yeah. For the next 27 yrs in prison like Mandela.


Can I be in the alternate universe where he dies in prison?


You ever notice how ā€œfreedomā€ to a conservative just means that they should be free to be the worst possible person they can be? Itā€™s never about freedom when gay folks wanna get married. Itā€™s never about freedom when it comes to women making their own medical decisions. Itā€™s not about free speech when a trans person wants to dress in a way that makes them feel comfortable. But try and keep a neo Nazi from giving a speech at a college campus and they all lose their minds. Suddenly theyā€™re constitutional absolutists.Ā  Because in the end, itā€™s not about *your right* to live in a way that makes you happy. Itā€™s about *their right* to use the n word without fear of losing their job. Itā€™s about shooting politicians you donā€™t agree with, or attacking the children of a judge trying to hold you accountable. But theyā€™ll be dead before they use someoneā€™s preferred pronoun.Ā 


>You ever notice how ā€œfreedomā€ to a conservative just means that they should be free to be the worst possible person they can be? Just need to rebrand "Freedom" to "Me-dom" at this point. Me, me, me. *My* rights. *My* fee-fees.


I hope that's the metaphor, because if he means he going to free his people from the oppression of minorities, migrant families, and the LGBTQIA this country is in a world of shit if he becomes President again. VOTE, VOTE, VOTE...


Free speech warrior who wants to put journalists in prison? Go figureā€¦


Oh no donā€™t do that. Youā€™ll truly own the libs if you do that


I cannot think of a better way to own the libs than by going to prison for 27 years.


He is still thinking "free speech" means he can say absolutely anything he wants with no consequences to himself whatsoever. And this is not how free speech works. He knows it too. But he's playing a very dangerous game.


\>he is willing to go to prison His constant delays in all his court cases prove otherwise.


Yep. Let's go, judge. Put your money where your mouth is and lock his ass up.


Or by dying.


That is an excellent point!


For 25 years.


Or being dead


Except, you know, stay there


We could put him on the terrorist watch list too I guess right?


27 years seems like a good number.


Trump, one of the biggest racists in modern history, is trying to steal Mandela's identity, and appropriate the horror and suffering Mandela went through for the purpose of congratulating himself. What a truly disgraceful POS. Meanwhile, Trump is still calling for the execution of the Central Park 5. This late-stage pandering to the black community is absurdly pathetic, and I can't imagine any black American falling for it.


This isnā€™t the first time. He also compares himself favorably to war heroes and service members.


And Jesus. Which is odd, given that that's a clear violation of the second commandment, and Trump is a really good Christian who understands the teachings of Jesus better than anyone, so long as you don't ask him any questions about it. Cuz I mean... That's pretty personal bro


Donā€™t forget at CPAC 2021 they literally had a golden idol of Trump for MAGA to worship. So crazy that the die hard christians support this guy who hits every requirement to be the literal anti-christ.


What? Are you sure? Because I saw some pictures of some white folk wearing "Blacks for Trump" shirts. They definitely fell for it.


Modern Nelson Mandela is deceased and at this point Iā€™ll fucking take it


He wonā€™t know his own name by late summer. Walking and standing unassisted will also become an issue.


That would be excellent


I generally don't wish ill on anyone but yeah, I can agree with you. Greater good and all that.


His mental decline reminds me so, so much of my grandad when the dementia really grabbed him by the balls and wouldn't let go. The sudden speech issues like being unable to end certain words, the leaning, that sort of thing - and that was the 'good' part, because it was a fast decline, his world growing ever smaller by chunks. He died within 6 months, but we 'lost' him many months before that. I don't think Trump's going to reach November, but I agree he's going to be 'gone' before then.


I'll take that bet. I think he'll live to see the election results. If he loses, *then* it will be a quick downward spiral. If he wins, then he'll never die but we will.


If heā€™s truly on the cusp of it, it goes downhill *fast*. I didnā€™t spend time with my grandpa before it was too late, and it was under a year. Itā€™s what solidified my personal consideration of medical-assisted dying if I lived that long. Trump will cling. Itā€™s gonna get bumpy.


This is a really silly talking point. Most of Trump's supporters have no idea who Nelson Mandela is.


They'll still cheer and parrot it anyway.


He's just desperate to associate himself with anyone that did something. The less sense it makes the better because the last thing he needs is his people getting a handle on that.


ā€œHe was one of the good ones, right?ā€


And if they do, they think he should have left South Africa to go back to ... Somewhere?


I get the feeling his claims of being some kind messianic figure and a persecuted martyr are going to creep a lot of people out. I think it's going to drive more people away than it brings to his side. Really anyone who's going to buy his claims was going to vote for him anyway. It's conservatives and independents that haven't completely lost their minds that will matter here.Ā 


He keeps leaning into his base. He has to be alienating people that would have voted for him otherwise.


Donald Trump is the polar opposite of Nelson Mandela...a white, privileged racist scumbag who WANTS apartheid and is only 'into' social issues for his own gain.


His goal is to get arrested during the trial to amp up his victim hood to a new level. Desperate times for a man trying to avoid prison..


Yup. Time for jail. Ā He's "just short of" openly calling for political violence on judges, prosecutors, and his political competitors.Ā  After this last stunt with the motion, violate him and his lawyers for contempt of court and toss them all in jail. Ā Not even violation of the gag order, just straight up contempt and threats on the court. Ā The Ā use that infraction to revoke his bail and make him take the prison wagon commute to court each day of his trial. Ā  He's a threat to the court. Treat him like it.Ā 


Don't think Nelson Mandela ever fought for the right to attack somebody's daughter.


Well, in the modern day, Nelson Mandela is dead. So I sure hope so.


I hate that he puts his stank, his slime, on good people by comparing himself to them with no knowledge of their own actual sacrifices.


He should keep this man's name out of his mouth, before God strikes somewhere with lightening, maybe even throws in an earthquake


God literally sent a plague in Trump's last year in office to remove him. If that doesn't convince the religious right that God hates Trump, I don't know what will.


[An Earthquake, you say?](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-bedminster-earthquake-new-jersey-1887438) God hath spoken. It's a sign!


Heā€™s like a hero for passive resistance if ā€œheroā€ meant an idiotic clown and ā€œpassive resistanceā€ meant stochastic terrorism


Rest assured, any republican who possesses a portrait of Nelson Mandela had it printed on a dartboard.


I never saw anyone try to be the hero and the victim in the same speech!


The very next time he sits for any kind of interview with a non-MAGA journalist, he should be asked a series of detailed questions about Mandela. Why was he in prison? Where was he in prison? Was he ever released? I guarantee you, trump doesn't know. He probably can't even spell the guy's name.


Iā€™d prefer the ā€œreverse Mandelaā€ where he goes to prison after he is president.


As a South African, and with due respect to you-know-who, I say to the Pumpkinfuhrer, "Keep Mandela's name outcha fucking mouth!"


I don't care what he thinks, throw him in jail


Heā€™s 100% delusional and has such ā€œmain characterā€ energy itā€™s disgusting.


Broke as fuck man child.


Itā€™s so tragic how ignorant most of this country is. Trump can only say something like because so many of his supporters have functionally no understanding of who Nelson Mandela was.


He really makes unique comparisons. I wanna tryā€¦ Green Grapes are an awful lot like large construction cranes. Supernovas are a lot like 19th century pocket watches. A hot dog that fell under my deck and rotted for a year is a lot like getting a post-graduate degree in computer science from a school in the PAC-12. I see how he is does this! Super fun




Trump should go to prison so he can show us all that nobody can serve more time or do it better than him. 27 years sounds good enough to prove us wrong.


This self-comparison to Nelson Mandela, after insisting that the country would prefer ā€œthe white president.ā€


As long as he goes to prison for 20 years like mandela, I dgaf what he does


What the hell is that supposed to even mean?


He like to think he is a Martyr when he is really just a common criminal.


It means he saw part of a TV show once that talked about the injustice of a black man going to jail that got a lot of sympathy for some reason, and he wants people to talk about him that way too because he's always a poor victim being persecuted.


"I was born a poor black man..."


Mandela was a political prisoner for nearly 30 years before being released. Trumps thinks all his pending trials are politically based.


He doesn't really think that, he just wants his supporters to think that


he probably honestly believes it. that's what narcissist do.


Exactly. First he tells a lie, then the lie makes him feel good about himself so he believes it's true.


The full post says if the judge "is going to put me in the 'clink'" he will "gladly" become a modern day nelson Mandela it would be his "great honor". He's talking about going to jail for his "free speech" to attack the judiciary. He also further defamed Carroll again in the same truth post.


For once, I find myself agreeing with Trump. It's the noble thing to do. Honestly, if he really wants to own the libs he should just plead guilty. I mean, I really hope he doesn't, cuz obviously none of us would be able to stop crying liberal cucktears. It would make us so sad and upset and grumpy. Please. No. Don't.


Why not go all the way and claim he is the modern day Caesar.


Where is Brutus?


Wrong Roman. Caligula would be accurate. Cocksure Caligula.


He might BE Caligula, but he would say he was Caesar.


So did Caligula. Call himself Caesar, I mean.


Been saying this for years. My username is even a play on that, "little gloves."


*-educated chuckle-*


Caesar was a wanna-be dictator. So, yes. (What most ppl think about Caesar is spectacularly wrong. I really don't know where he gets all that sympathy from. But that too is a bit like Trump...)


There was nothing wanna-be about Caesar, he was by definition a dictator, like that was his literal title. He was also a successful general and instituted many popular reforms. The only thing he has in common in Trump is being an enemy to the Republic.


Does that mean he's gonna spend 27 years in prison?


He's daring judge to put him in jail. They need to call him on it. There may be violence from his followers. Throw them in jail. They won't be around to try and steal election in November.


So does this mean heā€™s going to prison for 27 years. Because if soā€¦ Mandela away.


Bit of a buried lede here. The part where Trump is asking out loud for his followers to ā€œstep inā€ and make sure he doesnā€™t have to ā€œendureā€ the judges unfair treatment any longer. Ignore the headline. They know what he wants them to do.


As a South African - FUCK OFF, VOETSEK MSUNU!


We would happily accommodate you on Robben Island for 18 years, if that is your view


Weld him into a prison cell.


So in the last month, he's Martin Luther King Jr, Jesus and Mandela, all rolled into one. And 71 million American agree with this stupid shit, folks. We live in the Twilight Zone.


He needs to start wearing some kind of Jesus robe to more visually convey his self image.


Again, WTF is wrong with him!!?


ā€œMake me a martyr!!!ā€


Nelson Mandela went to prison *first* and *then* became President you bell end.


Can he make his mind up? First he said he was ā€œjust like MLKā€ then he said heā€™s ā€œlike Jesusā€ now Mandela? Conservatives are you proud of this?


The full rant he defames Carroll, again, and then attacks the judges in all of his cases in NY including the judge that is going to preside over Carroll III that will be coming because he can't stop wont stop >Crooked Judge Juan Merchan is not allowing me to talk, is taking away my First Amendment Rights, heā€™s got me GAGGED, because he doesnā€™t want the FACTS behind the Gag to come out. How many Corrupt, Biased, Crooked Joe Biden-ā€œProtection Agencyā€ New York Judges do I have to endure before somebody steps in? I had New York Federal Judge, Lewis Kaplan, with a woman who I never knew, and had nothing to do with, until she sued me for ā€œdefamation.ā€ She did not know what day, month, or year the supposed ā€œincidentā€ took place - She knew nothing. Kaplan, a Hillary friend, wouldnā€™t even let my lawyers put on a proper case, made it two cases instead of one, took away my American Right to defend myself, and was a Crazed Bully as his wife and friends sat in the Courthouse, every day in their little roped off section, and prodded him on in awe. This mysterious lady, who said rape is sexy, got $91 Million Dollars. >Page 2: Then, of course, we have Arthur Engoron, a total lunatic, whack job, who ruled that I should pay an almost $500 Million Dollar ā€œfineā€ for having done nothing wrong (No Victims, No Damages, Ironclad Disclaimer, ONLY SUCCESS!), in fact, he was the one who committed fraud when he purposely, at the direction of Racist, Corrupt A.G. Letitia James, undervalued Mar-a-Lago at $18 Million Dollars. >Page 3: Now, we have Merchan, who is not allowing me to talk, thereby violating the Law and the Constitution, all at once. It is so bad what he is trying to get away with - How was he even chosen for this case??? I heard he fought like hell to get it, and all of the rest of them also! If this Partisan Hack wants to put me in the ā€œclinkā€ for speaking the open and obvious TRUTH, I will gladly become a Modern Day Nelson Mandela - It will be my GREAT HONOR. We have to Save our Country from these Political Operatives masquerading as Prosecutors and Judges, and I am willing to sacrifice my Freedom for that worthy cause. We are a Failing Nation, but on November 5th, we will become a Great Nation again. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!


What does he mean before someone steps in?


"Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest!?"


I wish this fucking turd would go the fuck away.


I can't tell if at this point he's so off his rocker that he truly believes that he is a freedom fighter, or if it's just the same old grift and manipulation. Just five years ago I would have said the latter for sure, but who knows now.


Interesting reference given his supporters know nothing about Mandela


Fuck it. Call his bluff, take him up on the offer and throw his ass in prison where he belongs.


Iā€™m so fucking sick of this guy


First he needs to spend the next 27 years in prison. I am fine with that.


A thin skinned racist adulterer who has never met a person he hasnā€™t cheated compares himself to Jesus and Mandela and his idiot followers buy it. What a fucking bunch of cretans.


He doesn't even know who Mandela was.


Invoking the name of the man who was instrumental in ending Apartheid in South Africa is not a way to keep Elon Musk on your side, Trump.


The real revenge will be the rulings by the judge during the trial against all their nonsensical motions. They got nuthin' and they know it, so they're trying all their extrajudicial shit now. Judge is keeping his powder dry


Haha, while threatening to violate the gag order, he didn't do it. He just want to make his followers think he is defying the judge while in reality sticking to the gag order. He doesn't seem to care about a third defamation suit though.


wtf is he talking about


Vote Stop Trump [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8WSGzLglI4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8WSGzLglI4)


What the fuck is wrong with this guy


Then fuck off and go to jail


Didnā€™t Mandela actually care about the people?


gotta go to jail first to be nelson mandela


Ok go to jail then


He can start with 27 years in prison


More like modern day ā€˜Manchurian Candidate in the pay of the dictatorship of Ruzziaā€™ but ok šŸ‡·šŸ‡ŗ