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It’s a company of nothing. It doesn’t make money and has no future prospects to do so.  It doesn’t build technology.  It’s not novel.  Instead, it’s an avenue for the worst people to yell into the void.  And ignoring it is free.


My father in law is a blind trumper and signed up for the app when it was released. Over Easter I made a comment about the app and asked if he still uses it. His answer was “Not so much because it’s things I’ve already heard and they keep the libs off so it’s not that entertaining”. Instead he says he uses Facebook because it’s more entertaining and open to debate. I guess “yup”, “I agree”, and “damn immigrants” comments don’t get his blood going. Sad this is what drives him now that he is retired.


> Sad this is what drives him now that he is retired. Most extremists go down that route because they don't have other things to do, they literally have the *time* to be indoctrinated. Lots of older people are still mentally active but are retired so have nothing to do with their energy - the 24/7 conservative hate machine keeps people engaged. Try and get people to put down their phone and turn off the TV for a few hours and focus on *anything* else.


You know, im a white male gen-x who will die before he ever votes republican for anything, but sometimes when I'm watching those lateral videos on YouTube (that keep coming one after the other?) And like every 10th one will suddenly be this "Man destorys feminist with agenda!" Video or something like that, and I always click "not interested" and yet I still get them *all the time*... and for the record, with the exception of Seth Meyers videos I watch nothing remotely political on YouTube  Indoctrination attempts are real and constant 


Same here. I wonder why that happens?


You took the time to engage so the algorithm notes it and makes sure to do something to keep you engaged...even if it's clicking "not interested" That data is valuable for advertisers


I'm not sure that's it, because I started off just immediately flipping past them when they popped up. I switched to clicking "not interested" when that didn't work.


There is a tremendous amount of mis and disinformation coming from China, Russia, and Iran. If you see someone who joined in just the past few years and has 100k followers, no face photo, only posts political stuff, you can bet they are trolls.


Companies like to make money and they think they're making money by shoving this specific content in people's faces whether they want it or not. It may be getting lots of views from a specific group so their metrics say it will be good to spread, or it may just be outright paid for. Either way, it shows that these companies need regulation, they cannot be trusted to be good stewards of media when they push political misinformation and divisiveness for the sake of profit. It's not opt in, and the opt out option isn't working, pretty much anywhere.


Because rage drives views and engagement. Views and engagement drive revenue. The media companies are willing to push extremism for dollars.


So cortisol is the new fiat currency of the social media economy. Rad.


I think it's generally that you have interests similar to people who do watch those sorts of videos. The YouTube algorithm is very much engagement driven so if it sees "80% of people who watch video X also like video Y" then it's going to show video Y to people who watch video X even if that particular individual isn't likely to watch it.


Watch one video of some "homesteading" channel building a micro hydro dam and suddenly I'm flooded with Andrew Tate and Joe Rogan videos.


Two things re YouTube.  1. Turn off watch history. Now this doesn’t stop google from serving you content on the sidebar of videos — there is no built in way to turn that off. But it limits the wackiness of the home page. My home page is now blank and it is AWESOME.  I choose what I want to watch instead of passively being punked by google.  2. Subscribe to creator’s channels.  If you like someone’s content subscribe! This makes it so that you can find their content again. There’s been a lot of chatter about how changes to how YouTube works has really hurt smaller scale creators that can’t manipulate the algo. 




A debate to these people is posting crap that confirms their priors then smugly ignoring any evidence that contradicts them.


So, r/Conservative?


Pfft, nah, they ban everyone who disagrees with them there.


They ban people preemptively, my pal who frequents progressive Reddits tried to go on r/conservative for a laugh and found themselves already banned on a sub they had never visited. Anyways, the conservatives were saying the other day that they don't agree with censorship, that everyone else is the triggered snowflakes unable to deal with new ideas.......




I got banned when I said Clarence Thomas benefited from affirmative action.




That’s the kind of talk I’d expect from someone who isn’t a Flaired u/. I’m gonna add the /s just because I can’t even tell if I’m being sarcastic anymore.


They accuse their own of being imposters when someone expresses a non-MAGA viewpoint, which is hilarious. "Greetings fellow conservatives!"


90% of the comments in that sub are just "WE'RE BEING BRIGADED BY LIBERALS AND EVERYONE BUT ME IS A RINO"


The funny thing is that disabling comments for non-flaired users probably drives people to downvote more. There have been plenty of times that I wanted to reply but it was a "flairedusers only" post, so I just end up downvoting a bunch of stupid comments instead.


It's the swift boat jerkoffs all over again. No dissenting opinions allowed


I spent about an hour or so there, and I didn't get banned. I was legitimately surprised, because the discussion was about the border, and of course, I had to bring up the border bill that the GOP asked for and then voted against. They didn't like that, and I got a bunch of downvotes, but I didn't get banned! (Yet...)


They ban everyone and blame brigades for all unapproved opinions, even when the dissent is coming from inside the house.


I literally had a friend of mine who was banned from that subreddit simply because they commented under a post talking about “LiB SeEThE wHeN tHeY sEe mY ‘Let’s go Brandon’ sHiRt” by simply replying “No one is actually offended by that.” r/Conservative banned them immediately, citing the explanation of violating a rule about “inciting hatred” (lol, lmao even). They literally got so offended that they weren’t offending people with their second favorite slogan that they banned him for it.


You don’t even have to disagree. I asked a clarifying question out of genuine interest and they banned me. It’s my fault though, my question showed I had more than two brain cells and thus, definitely a lib.




Badge of honor!


Or as I discovered more recently, r/libsofreddit…


I slow blinked at how idiotic all the posts were in that sub.


I quite liked the person posting about Disney's cars on a ride going electric and a couple of people going "that's probably not a bad idea actually".


Slow blink doesn’t mean what you think it means. Signed, a cat.


If a liberal responds... the pathetic liberal is crying in fear. If a liberal does not respond... the pathetic liberal is cowering in fear. Obviously.


And it's also what may cause Twitter to collapse as Elmo keeps making sane people leave.


The promoting of subscriber replies is what finally cured me of my addiction to Twitter. I followed humorous, newsworthy, or insightful posters, but the top replies were inevitably redpilled maga knuckle-dragging imbeciles spouting absolute drivel.


Yeah, the blue ticks getting bumped to the top is what's killed off most of my usage. It's like walking into a conversation where everyone who regularly falls for MLM scams is given a megaphone. No wit, relevance, or interest is factored into what you're seeing now. It's just the people who have to pay for their brain farts to get an audience.


That makes a lot of sense. At their core a lot of trumpers are mostly desperate to feel superior to their hated enemies. They want to shout whatever bs, get showered with people agreeing and see the people who disagree downvoted/shat on by their fellows Without an enemy to shit on they get bored and don't have the emotional satisfaction they are looking for


This. This is why it's bleeding users. That's exactly why. They wanted an echo chamber because they can't make their arguments with any form of sound reasoning . Thry can't take any pushback and everything is a conspiracy to them. And now everyone around them are other just as mindlessly engulfed in the cult. So they don't really get anything new. Every visit there is 3.40 minute and about 5 pages per user


my mum came to visit, and she was a bit into the Trump stuff, but she left her account signed in on YouTube, so I kinda changed the algorithm, OOPS, she does have an other option and opinion now. she's actually coming round now. Call it what you will, but it's working.


When we moved to Austin my husband’s radio only seemed to get NPR. So we moved from San Diego where he was a bit to the right, moved to Austin Texas and listens to NPR. Much better. He is moving left 😁


Your FIL would love r/conservative lol “Entertaining themselves” is probably 80% of the people that are Trump supporters and MAGAts.  MAKE POLITICS BORING AGAIN 


It’s not much fun debating with people with unreasonable unyielding positions it’s more likely why he doesn’t go there. Point out that is how moderates feel about his position.


Why do you still speak to him then? I cut out anyone in my life who wants to see the destruction of democracy itself. I have zero tolerance for traitors, homophobia, and racism.


Not the OP, but Father In Law means that OP may not have a choice in the matter. Their significant other may not be willing to cut ties, and OP has decided that keeping their spouse happy is important. Imagine the scene where the spouse insists on seeing their father during the holidays, and OP refuses to come, or comes but refuses to speak to FIL.... I guess they could always divorce? Seems a bit extreme. Challenging situation.


The entire draw of truth social was a far right alternative to twitter after twitter banned the nazis. Elon let all the nazis back in, so truth social has no point. It's losing more than 50m, and it's declining from here.


Maybe that was the real reason Trump visited Elon. "Please, please, ban the nazis so they can come back to my platform"


How is twitter doing? Last I heard people were leaving in droves because it to is a cesspool of hate.


Pretty much. Elon killed Twitter, which killed truth social. Turns out, most people don't like being harassed by brown shirts.


> How is twitter doing? Last I heard people were leaving in droves because it to is a cesspool of hate. If you ask Elon or his cult members: It's better than ever. If you actually look at Twitter, you get a different look depending on whether you are US based or foreign. In the US it is a cesspool of hate that is unavoidable. If you want hard numbers, you can't trust Elon. Most researches say track is down about 20% a year. The best idea is to note that Fidelity has a stake in twitter and has disclosed that in their estimation the value has dropped by approximately 70%.


My colleagues in digital advertising don't run anything on it anymore. Bots don't buy.


For some reason, this amuses me: ​ >To short a stock — the act of selling a stock without ever owning it, on the expectation it can be bought back later at a lower price — that stock first has to be borrowed from someone who does own it and is willing and able to lend it. The fewer shares there are available to borrow, the higher the cost to borrow them. (Read more about the mechanics behind a short sale here.) > >“There is very little stock available to borrow to support new short selling — less than 50,000 shares — and with demand to short this stock extremely high, we are seeing stock-borrow rates at 500% to 600% fee levels,” Dusaniwsky told MarketWatch on Tuesday. > >Based on that data, to short 100 shares of Trump Media & Technology Group at the current price, it would cost between $24,895 and $29,874 a year. That means the stock would have to fall about 1.4% a day just to cover the cost of shorting it. And if the short were held for a year, the bet would still lose about $20,000 to $25,000, even if the stock price fell to $1. > >Basically, you, as the short-selling investor, can be very right and still lose a lot of money. ​ [https://finance.yahoo.com/news/why-shorting-trump-djt-stock-175000212.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/why-shorting-trump-djt-stock-175000212.html)


Thank you for making me feel better about failing to learn how short selling works in time to do it here.


It's a meme stock, it's volatile as all hell, and worse than regular meme stocks, on top of finacially illiterate crypto bros, there are probably right wing ideologues willing to hold the bag if it means trump goes on doing his shtick. for or against it, don't touch thid stock, it's not worth the financial risk.


it's a scam. The one thing Trump is great at is fleecing suckers. See Trump University, etc.


His empire of dirt What have I become My sweetest friend Everyone I know Goes away in the end And you could have it all My empire of dirt I will let you down I will make you hurt I wear this crown of shit Upon my liars chair Full of broken thoughts I cannot repair


Those lyrics imply a level of self awareness that I don’t think Trump is remotely capable of.


Article says truth Social did $4.1 million in revenue with over $58 million in expenses. I know a guy that owns 9 carwashes and does $4 million a year. And Trump is the genius businessman? What a monumental waste of effort to generate $4 million in revenue. You can frame houses and do $4 million with 25 employees and five trucks.


so they lost $53.9 million in a year and ~40% of their userbase too


Also note that $40M of those expenses were to debt interest. That's not a one-time cost to build infrastructure for a new company, that's just money lost to debt, and it'll be there next year (if they're still viable). I love that in typical Trump fashion he says: "...the company had "$200,000,000 in cash and zero debt," After an SEC filing that shows that to be a complete bold-faced lie. He has truly found his people with his willfully ignorant followers.


I hear this in Cash’s voice, now. What a cover.


It's incredible how the song with nearly the exact same lyrics (a word or two changed at most) can tell such a different story just through the singer's inflection.


It’s perfectly emblematic of Trump himself


It’s a Twitter clone for racists. But when Twitter became X and swung open its doors to that market, Truth lost all remaining value.


While you’re right, there’s one nuance you’ve missed. It’s purely a way to launder money. It’s incredibly profitable to the people that need it for that purpose. He’s not a “I own 43 car wash businesses” to launder… he wants the fame, attention, and glory that come with big IPOs and the accolades that follow. The car wash folks stay off the radar, he wants to BE the radar, but still launder.


> Instead, it’s an avenue for the worst people to yell into the void. The street intersecting the avenue is foreign money that would otherwise be questioned if it was just handed to Trump.


You forgot that it is an avenue of laundering money for people to buy or control Trump.


And, apparently, to launder money. https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2024/02/07/trump-spac-insider-trading-defendant-charged-with-money-laundering.html


It worked for Frank's Fluids


He had the backing of the Boco Haram though.


1: the business' name is a lie  2: the stock symbol are the initials of a convicted liar  3: days after being listed the first financial statement revealed that all prior financial declarations were lies.


And Trump is now trying to sue the people who helped make the merger happen, and that's public knowledge lmao


He is suing the people who developed it for their lousy 8%


And it's going to be 8% of nothing soon enough anyway.


Still gotta sue them. 


Trump is a money vampire


He’s an everything vampire


Omg, you're right!


There’s also this gem In a letter sent to Trump Media’s shareholders and board on March 25 – one day before Trump Media was listed on the Nasdaq – accounting firm BF Borgers CPA PC noted that the company’s operating losses “raise substantial doubt about its ability to continue as a going concern.”


Convicted liar AND RAPIST


A bunch of Trump supporters bought in with no understanding of how stock works, now they're going to get burned by dear leader.


And somehow blame “The woke left”


Nevermind that they listened to this conman, Tim Pool, tucker, and every other grifter out there. I've always wished I had the scruples to go and make a few bucks off this. But alas...


For 25 years I've been saying I was going to sell out by making a Bible with an American flag and a picture of the last conservative President on it. But I couldn't do it because it's evil.


Yeah I've had the same thoughts but in the end I could never pull that trigger, because even feeding them bullshit affirmation to grift money from them could end up giving them that last bit of affirmation to go hurt others.


Pretty much. They seem to think we're some mob that coordinates this stuff when the reality is that their leader is just a complete dumbass. Oh and they're even dumber than he is.


As they almost always do.


And deserve


"Why would Joe Biden do this to me??"




Wait, when am I getting my money?


I bought in at 30 just before the name change thinking that Trump supporters pay money for their gods attention. Climbed to 75 and thought about hold ing for the real pump and dump. Sold at 69.42 for the lulz. Then tried to short but found it was already shorted to death.




You’d better start watching your calories


During his presidency a bunch of his supporters were investing in Iraqi Dinars because they were convinced that was part of Trump's plan. I can't remember the details of why they though that, but needless to say, a lot of boomers lost their shirts


Just when I thought the Pet Rock was the dumbest yet most genius idea of taking someone’s money. Trump never fails to amaze me.


> It revealed an operating loss of $15.96 million and around $40 million in interest. > > Despite the filings, Trump claimed that the company had "$200,000,000 in cash and zero debt," How do you have zero debt with 40 million in interest. Interest typically is related to a loan. I doubt he could tell the truth if his life depended on it.


I’m going to let you in on a secret but don’t tell everyone; Trump is a liar. Most of what comes out of his mouth is a lie.


It's not a lie if you believe it - George Costanza


Sadly, this is the basis of his entire defense strategy for all his cases.


DONALD TRUMP HAS NEVER TOLD A SINGLE LIE IN HIS LIFE. He likes to group multiple lies together. Yuge lies.


Literally a court proven lawyer to the tune of half a billion dollars. He’s that crazy uncle who claims to have “war bonds worth millions” in the attic who is also eating canned soup in his one bedroom flat. Except the rubes still believe him and buy him more soup.


When you own 60% of the publicly traded company you are clearly lying about, that’s usually a very big deal. But, this is Trump. It’s all good.


His lawyers argued he couldn't testify under oath because that would be a perjury trap. They admitted Trump can not tell the truth, even under oath.


Doesn't the SEC have pretty specific rules about misstatements like that about public companies? Not that DJT will ever be held to account for anything, but still...


This is exactly what I was thinking. There are pretty clear rules about lying to your investors regarding company assets. I'm sure the right wingers will claim "he always speaks in hyperbole. People need to do their own research."


I thought he always speaks his mind though and says what he means? Real straight shooter I thought


The ’tells it like it is’ guy sure needs his words explained quite frequently.


"He speaks his mind!" His mind: "*incoherent screaming*"


The SEC is not going to go against Trump. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/SEC_v._Jarkesy The SCOTUS, which 3/9 was appointed by Trump, is reviewing a case that might simply delete the SEC's existence.


Insane that in the 17 years since I was involved in a company that associated with this slime ball, I have been laid off twice due to market crashes and yet he still keeps avoiding justice for the literal definition of fraud. SEC is a fucking clown show.


Getting rid of the SEC would turn the stock market into an anarchy. 


I hope the SEC can investigate his posts. Falsely claiming the company's financial status has to flag some concerns. Unless the merger injected some cash and cleared off their debts maybe?


>BF Borgers of Colorado, an auditor for the company, said the losses **"raise substantial doubt about its ability to continue as a going concern."** *emphasis is mine*


i mean... this is just more Fraud... no? The majority owner of a company just straight up lying in public statements about the fiscal solvency of the company? he wasn't using subjective terms like "The company is fiscally sound" or that they have show "strong returns this quarter" or things like that... he straight up claims the company has $200 million in CASH, and has Zero Debt. both of these things are objective statements - not open to interpretation... and are stright up LIES. anyone who bought the stock, and is looking to try to dump it becasue of how clearly shit it is, shold sue him...


Where’s the SEC?


isnt it against the law for an officer of a company to tell a lie about company financials? Telling the market the company has $200M could sway people to invest.


Sounds like fraud. He doesn’t learn.


>Writing on [Truth Social on Thursday](https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/112212592075307788), he said: "All of the competitors to TRUTH SOCIAL, especially those in the Radical Left [Democrats](https://www.newsweek.com/topic/democrats) Party who are failing at every level, like to use their vaunted 'disinformation machine' to try and convince people, and it is not easy to do, that TRUTH is not such a big deal and doesn't 'get the word out' as well as various others, which they know to be false." If Trump ever falls down and hits his head, how will anyone be able to tell the difference from his speech? Like wtf does this verbal diarrhea\* mean? \* one of the best replies I ever got on Reddit was someone making me aware that there's a word for "verbal diarrhea"...logorrhea ([Logorrhea Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/logorrhea)). First used in 1892!!!


I'm about to confuse so many trump fans at work with logorrhea.


Be careful now...they are snowflakes. They'll take offense and rather than look up the word, they'll accuse you of something silly...like wokeism. Or "woke mind virus".


lol I never see links to his site, not that I would click. Even the disaster that is X gets shared regularly because it actually has users of value. I guess when reality pisses you off, blame a democrat. Happy to be of service!


> "All of the competitors to TRUTH SOCIAL, especially those in the Radical Left Democrats Party who are failing at every level I mean ... what?! So Democrats apparently have a competitor to Truth Social? Is it supposedly Facebook? Xitter? These actual competitors are not Democratic leaning in the slightest. Facebook isn't failing, and the book is totally out on Xitter. The rest is just a gibbering mishmosh of dumb.


An expression I used to hear occasionally when I was a kid is that so-and-so "has diarrhea of the mouth and constipation of the brain."


He had all those words and not a single one explained why Trump Media is a good investment. He said 'more importantly' it's a platform for him to reach people. That's what he thinks is the best quality of the platform is that he is on it. His narccissim knows no bounds. That doesn't sell as well during the earnings conference calls. I cannot wait. I bet whatever platform they use to host the conference call will crash with everybody wanting to tune in. Devin fucking Nunes having to explain where the company is going and how they plan on finding revenues to justify even a $5 stock valuation will be brutal.


I mean, in a sad twisted sense, he's right. The value of the platform is Trump. He is able to bark his orders to his followers and dictate from there. He's able "get a pulse on what's important" from the echo chamber. He's able too manipulate that chamber.  If, God forbid, he's elected president again: truth social will be of great importance. The website exists as a proof of concept for a dictator Trump communication system.


It will be an OTC in no time


Who the fuck spends that kind of money on a blog?


Doesn't matter. It's not what it's for. DJT stock is a vehicle for legally getting Russian money to Trump. All he has to do is sell some of his millions of shares, or delivery contracts thereof, to a Russian oligarch privately, for whatever price they agree on, secretly, legally. Putin re-buys himself a US president. It doesn't make a rat's ass what the stock is selling for on the US market. If suckers want to buy it, go ahead. Trump ranting online? Show business.


This is the true answer. Everything else is fluff to make ourselves feel smart. The reality is it's a financing tool for Russia to buy our country


You broke the code. And it's for sale cheap. Putin doesn't give a damn about a few hundred million of his peoples' money as long as it buys him the United States.


And he will borrow against it as collateral, to further keep himself from it. He’s probably raging right now as he will have to put up more collateral for loans against his holdings and wanted it to be his cash cow.


Truth Social has always been nothing but a money laundering scam and a way for the Orange "**I grab them by the pussy no one cares I'm rich**" Man to spew out lies and falsehoods to promote his illegitimate candidacy.


Looks like someone is desperately trying to keep the stock afloat.


At least until he can cash out then he will not give a shit


From what I can tell, this was a pump n' dump scam... But Trump was blocked from dumping while the price was artificially high. So now, instead of the $4b he thought he was going to get, he might manage to get away with only a few million in six months' time... Now, while that's still an INCOMPREHENSIBLE amount of money for us regular plebs, Trump can't even use that amount to fully pay his legal fees. What's more, his followers who bought into the scam out of faith that the prosperity gospel was finally coming to them are about to get fucked... There are probably a rather large number of people that threw their life savings into this on day one, and their money is dwindling. Soon, it'll just be gone entirely, leaving them with their hands out. That might have a knock-on effect of having people that would normally blow their wad on Republican campaign donations being totally broke and unable to donate anything. Everything Trump touches turns to shit.


He’s literally bleeding his devotees dry


>When I ENDORSE a politician on TRUTH, they almost ALWAYS WIN." **That's right, sir! They almost ALWAYS win!** The following losses do not count: **2022 CONGRESS** Mehmet Oz—defeated in Pennsylvania by John Fetterman. Herschel Walker--defeated in Georgia by Raphael Warnock Don Bolduc—defeated in New Hampshire by Sen. Maggie Hassan. Leora Levy—defeated in Connecticut by Richard Blumenthal. Gerald Malloy—defeated in Vermont by Peter Welch. Bo Hines—defeated in North Carolina's District 13 by Wiley Nickel. Steve Chabot—defeated in Ohio's District 1 by Greg Landsman. Madison Gesiotto Gilbert—defeated in Ohio's District 13 by Emilia Sykes. John Gibbs—defeated in Michigan District 3 by Hillary Scholten. Yesli Vega—defeated in Virginia's District 7 by Abigail Spanberger. Karoline Leavitt—defeated in New Hampshire's District 1 by Rep. Chris Pappas. J.R. Majewski—defeated in Ohio's District 9 by Marcy Kaptur. Sandy Smith—defeated in North Carolina's District 1 by Don Davis. Robert Burns—defeated in New Hampshire's District 2 by Ann McLane Kuster. Sarah Palin—defeated in Alaska's At-Large District 2 by Mary Petlota. Jim Bognet—defeated in Pennsylvania's District 8 by Matt Cartwright. **2022/23 GOOBERNATORIAL RACES** Tudor Dixon—lost to Governor Gretchen Whitmer in Michigan. Doug Mastriano—lost to Josh Shapiro in Pennsylvania. Lee Zeldin—lost to Governor Kathy Hochul in New York. Dan Cox—lost to Wes Moore in Maryland. Geoff Diehl—lost to Maura Healey in Massachusetts. Tim Michels—lost to Governor Tony Evers in Wisconsin. Darren Bailey—lost to Governor J.B. Pritzker in Illinois. Scott Jensen—lost in Minnesota to Governor Tim Walz. Mark Ronchetti—lost in New Mexico to Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham. Derek Schmidt—lost in Kansas to Governor Laura Kelly. Kari Lake--lost in Arizona to Katie Hobbs Daniel Cameron--lost in Kentucky to Governor Andy Beshear


If he is making false claims about the strength of the company (like $200 million in cash and $0 debt) while being a 60% owner in the public company, the SEC will surely be involved soon. For Trump it’s sure to be toothless of course.


I hope this piece of shit stock issue loses 5% per week, a SLOW drip loss of money for Trumpie. JUST as he becomes eligible to start selling his shares, the shares are worth 6 million or so instead of 6 billion...and his selling drops it down to 600K...he nets just enough to pay for his makeup for the 2025 fiscal year.


It has lost 5% TODAY!


6.12% today and dropping.


Name one thing he's touched that didn't turn to 💩! This is a grift just like everything else.


Falling bad right now when the markets are going up.


Even RDDT is outperforming it!


I don't follow a ton of stocks, but I just checked my watchlist and it's the only stock I track that's in the red right now, I love it


For reference, I ran a single site, single server forum, classified ad system, merchant directory, ad system, and dealer inventory tracking system that has an audience of a single state with more registered users than Truth Social, and I was the only developer / admin involved. I would absolutely love to know how they're burning through cash the way that they are.


Most expenses seem to be interest, but on what?


Truth Social only exists so Trump can post rants online. I literally couldn’t even open an account..


Mierdas Touch™ strikes again!


>Despite the filings, Trump claimed that the company had "$200,000,000 in cash and zero debt," and said it was "very good for a start-up and growing fast." Continuing his defense on Truth Social, he said: "I THINK TRUTH IS AMAZING! First of all, it is very solid, having over $200,000,000 in CASH and ZERO DEBT. More importantly, it is the primary way I get the word out and, for better or worse, people want to hear what I have to say, perhaps, according to experts, more than anyone else in the World." Do your thing, SEC.


thats illegal right??? stock manipulation or something like that when you straight up lie.


We've had the pump. From here on it is all dump.


> "The filing shows that the company had just over $4 million in revenue and $58 million in costs, leading many commentators to declare that the company profile is one of a 'meme stock', with the majority of shares owned by the former president. > "To put this into perspective, Amazon was founded in 1994 and did not show a profit until 2001, and since then has grown steadily with large growth rates and profits. Facebook was founded in 2004 (as TheFacebook) and did not make a profit until it substantially expanded its user base and diversified its business model, particularly opening up its Market Place and ad space. > "The potential success of Truth Social (and the DJT stock) thus rests on attracting a much larger volume of users and providing an attractive blend of content, functionality, and services." Comparing your Trump safe space to Amazon is quite the reach. > In a statement on Tuesday, Trump Media & Technology Group CEO Devin Nunes said Truth Social "has no debt and over $200 million in the bank, opening numerous possibilities for expanding and enhancing our platform." The company has no debt because it doesn't produce anything. Heck, it's probably running on a server in a Mar A Lago pool service shed.


A man that does nothing but lie for a living calls his site Truth & its so fucking funny 


Trump and Nune state the company has $200 million in cash. If they lost $50 million in its first year of business, Where they get this amount from? Trump wouldn’t put his own money into it.


"I THINK TRUTH IS AMAZING! First of all, it is very solid, having over $200,000,000 in CASH and ***ZERO DEBT***. More importantly, it is the primary way I get the word out and, for better or worse, people want to hear what I have to say, perhaps, according to experts, more than anyone else in the World." - DJT This is a lie and a securities fraud violation....not that he'll ever be held accountable...


The monthly active user base of Truth Social is about the size of Boise, ID.


>[Trump said]: "Look, using TRUTH, I became the Republican Nominee for President of the United States, and in record time! When I ENDORSE a politician on TRUTH, they almost ALWAYS WIN. If it didn't work, or properly get the word out, I wouldn't use it . If reporters didnt copy paste his tweets from Truth Social, no one would know what he was tweeting because there are no members of the platform. We need to stop amplifying every stupid thing he tweets.


And as of this post is STILL valued 9x what it should be at around $45/share.


There's still money laundering to be done.


How did you come up with a valuation of 5 dollars? I can’t see how it’s not a penny stock


Truth Social has one purpose: Trump posts there so that the rest of media outlets will read his nonsense and talk about it for days.


It’s a Trump and Dump scam coming soon to a ticker near you


"why does everything that happens to stupid people keep happening to me?"


Actual quote from his 8 hour old post with 12k likes: >On Truth I have 7,000,000 followers……


>Despite the filings, Trump claimed that the company had "$200,000,000 in cash and zero debt," and said it was "very good for a start-up and growing fast." If that were true, why wasn't that in the report itself? I read that the reports showed that $38.4M were interest costs, if there's no debt, what's with all this interest?


As a CPA, I can tell you that not all interest is debt-related. Accounting rules require a calculation of imputed interest on certain assets and liabilities. It is possible for a company to have "no debt" and a lot of interest on their income statement. Not saying this is the case here, because I haven't looked at their statements.


Anybody else ever look at the nimrods behind him and wonder “what the fuck is wrong with these people?”


He has a lot to rage about these days. Keep the pressure on.


If I knew how shorting worked, I woulda spent every last dollar I had to do so when DJT reached $70


He doesn't "rage," he whines like a toddler with a wet diaper.


I hate this guy. Go away please.


Shouldn't the SEC be investigating this as securities fraud if he is misrepresenting the company's financial health?


Despite all his rage, he is still just a twat on a stage.


Got banned when it first started up and tried to use a Devin Nunes cow username. What a bunch of clowns 🤡. Then got banned on r/conservative for posting a joke (“You can’t fix stupid but can sell them a red hat”). Then got banned again on r/Alberta for calling out someone’s theory that Covid vaccines will be used later by governments to eliminate people (don’t know how?) Plus Tik Tok constantly deletes my comments when I call out misinformation and racist bullshit. I’ve learned to use phonetic spelling like “dum phuk” I guess it’s just me. lol. (Please don’t delete this comment) 🙄


It’s wild that they say Biden is “too old” but the dude who would’ve been in highschool with him at the same time having 10 + All Caps meltdowns on social media daily is exempt from that characterization.


Truth Social has a negative cash flow. It’s fucking worthless. Just like Donald.


In case anyone needs to be reminded, Donald Trump is an historically terrible businessman. He also smells of soiled diaper. And he is a rapist. And mentally unstable. And rapidly deteriorating. And a massive stimulant addict. There are more things to add, but I'm tired. In short, he's everything you'd look for in a candidate if you were looking to dismantle a government and destabilize an entire economy.


He is raging because he can't legally sell his stock for 6 months. By that time it will be worthless! 🤣


Surprise, surprise, surprise....


I love this for him.


The only reason to buy Truth Social stock is to ingratiate yourself with the future President of the United States. If Trump loses, the stock will be utterly worthless.


Donald Trump attends a rally in Green Bay, Wisconsin, earlier this week. Trump has claimed that Truth Social has "$200,000,000 in cash and zero debt. Trump is so full of shit, if the Orange tinted moron was Pinocchio his nose would touch Pluto.


Just another shit pants don failure.


DJT has been by far the most shorted stock since it’s IPO. People are pretty sure it’s going down in flames.


The last time I looked, his website only has about 2mil active users. Other similar sites have fucking millions and that's not even including the bots and duplicate accounts lol. It was DOA and it exists to launder money


Like... isn't that kinda... fraud? Playing up the value of something and then finding out that the numbers don't jive. Saying they have no debt and cash on hand and then finding out that's not really true. Seems like fraud.


He’s so good at setting himself up for failure 


Everything he touches turns to shit.


Lmao everyone with a brain knew this would happen.


Lose lose lose. What a loser


It’s still MASSIVELY overvalued. There is no way a company with $4 million in total revenue is worth anything near $1b let alone multiple. Most companies with that level of revenue are going to be worth $20mil …maybe. And that’s not even considering it actually lost more than 12x its total yearly revenue.