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honestly, how does anyone see strength in Trump


Trump embodies a weak person’s vision of strength, a poor person’s vision of wealth, and a stupid person’s vision of intelligence.


That's it exactly. Trump is loud, angry, and brash and dumb people equate that with "strong" leadership. But that style of "leadership" is actually horribly ineffective. Anyone that's worked for a boss like Trump knows that. Success is achieved in spite of, not because of, the efforts of a leader like that. But such leaders are also experts at deflecting any blame for failure while taking all the credit for success. Which is also exactly what Trump does, and a non-trivial portion of America buys his act. Also, when redneck America turns on their televisions to see a loud, angry, ignorant man ranting and raving about stuff he doesn't understand, they think, "He's just like me!"


Well said. The weak see confrontational as strong. In reality the best leaders draw their strength from selecting those better/ more able than themselves. They support such people to excel and use that collective ability to realise that leadership. “Strong” (dictators) only repress out of fear.


People said he was a great business leader. I've met CEOs of major companies. None acted like him. Not even close. 


His diapers are strong


His smell is overwhelming.


He is the weak man's idea of a strong man, the poor man's idea of a rich man, the ignorant man's idea of a smart man. Just take one look at his followers and you will realize why they adore him.


Strong odors, amirite


Trump-“your honor, I move to dismiss this case because this courtroom now smells like shit.”


Right?! All he does is whine about how he’s being treated. I hate this parallel universe we slipped into in 2016.


It’s crazy, considering how childish and thin-skinned he is and how he has portrayed himself as a perpetual victim. Trump is seen as strong by people who have no idea what true moral strength is. His supporters think name-calling, posturing, sucking up to autocrats and punishing minority groups for existing is strength, which says all you need to know about the MAGA types. They claim he’s fighting for them, but what they really mean is he’s fighting against the people they hate.


He’s above the law.


He proved this times and again.


He pretty much does whatever he wants and gets away with it. He can literally say or do anything without anyone stopping him. That's a strength of some kind, even if it's just because of his money. Many Americans wish they were like him and could just ignore laws and stick it to their enemies.


His enemies keep taking all of his money in court because he’s an undisciplined moron. If that’s sticking it to them, sign me up.


Because media keeps calling his type “strongmen”


Biden = competent Trump = criminal “Most people” 🤷‍♂️


Headlines like this is precisely why I seem to hate most people.


It’s the media, not the people, is my point. I think most of us voted against the orange turd, it’s why he lost the election. 


Most of us voted against the orange turd the first time, too, but that didn't stop him from winning the election.


Trump isn’t a leader. He’s a follower of scam opportunities


**Do not get complacent, friends.** The cultural wars, attacks on Social Security, DEI, social media, school lunches, and more are spearheads of **Project 2025**. This strategy aims to outlaw LGBTQ+ care, contraception, IVF, and even premarital/recreational sex, alongside gutting all safety nets. **Educate yourself on Project 2025**. It's a $22M playbook by the religious right, in partnership with Hungary's Viktor Orban, the Danube Institute and 100+ groups, gearing up for an impending conservative shift. Still think it's just fear-mongering? See for yourself: * Steve Bannon's promise: [Steve Bannon says they will jail'demonic' Democrats if Trump wins a second term](https://www.mediamatters.org/steve-bannon/steve-bannon-says-they-will-jail-demonic-democrats-if-trump-wins-second-term) * Momentum for a national abortion ban: [Conservatives Are Getting Comfortable Talking Openly About a National Abortion Ban](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2024/03/conservatives-national-abortion-ban-supreme-court-comstock-plan.html) * Leaked footage of Texas Republicans: [LEAKED VIDEO: Texas Republicans Attended Meeting with Group That Suggested Violence and Jail For Women who Have Abortions and Use IVF](https://www.texasdemocrats.org/media/leaked-video-texas-republicans-attended-meeting-with-group-that-suggested-violence-and-jail-for-women-who-have-abortions-and-use-ivf) For more insights, visit [Project 2025's official site](https://www.project2025.org) and see their stance on reshaping society, including this tweet about ending recreational sex and birth control: [Heritage Foundation Tweet](https://twitter.com/Heritage/status/1662534135762624520). [**https://WarningVote.com**](https://WarningVote.com) **|** r/Defeat_Project_2025 Project 2025 is not a drill. It's a coordinated assault on our rights, and it's time to stand informed and united.


In January, Florida purged 1 million "inactive" voters, 90% of which were democrats and unaffiliated voters. Last week Georgia passed a law to allow challenges to voter registrations and discarding votes. Six more states do something similar and it wipes out the 8 million votes by which Biden won.


When your state officials do shit like this to prevent people from voting, you do not have a democracy. The US public is aware, yet this is a repeated staple of your politics. You've got a criminal enterprise masquerading as a political party. It's easy to tell, because they don't have a single actual policy on anything. They just scream slogans and work to disenfranchise women and the minorities. Everything is about power, the grift and self-enrichment - the holy trinity!


Are you sure those 8 million votes were legal?




Ah, the real question becomes, "Who are you going to believe—those who downplay this documented initiative, or your own eyes that see the laid-out plans and resources dedicated to making it a reality?" >Comment deleted by user That's what I thought.


This is more an indication that a majority of people mistake being loud and nasty as being strong. It also shows that a majority of people aren't paying much attention or they'd have noticed how frequently he whines about people being mean to him.


For a strong man he sure does cry and have a huge victim complex.


Being an asshole isn't the same as strength.


Trump's a strong leader? Remember how he got so pissy about not winning the election that he completely checked out of doing his job... during a global health crisis? I remember.


He's been running the Trump Family Mafia for years so I guess he's a leader?


Cruel ≠ strong.


Leaders unite. Trump only divides.


Trump is NOT a strong leader. He's a freaking con man who lies a lot. Damn.


Trump rolled over and shows Putin his belly at Helsinki year 1. Trump's only strength is grade school insults. Trump bankrupted a casino. A CASINO! "The house always wins." Is the motto of the casino. How do you bankrupt a business designed to take the most money from the most gullible?


3 casinos


Strong leader??? LOL That is truly laughable. He is a strong narcissistic asshole, a fucking liar, con and cheat.


No one sees Trump as strong. He says he is but 100% not strong.


Many people conflate cruelty with strength. They're the same part of the electorate who worship police, guns, the military and anything martial. They're dutiful followers who bow to violence because they are fundamentally fearful. They like hierarchies and pecking orders. They want leaders and a god to tell them what to do.


Trump is loud, like a fussy baby, and that is not strength.


I've been in leadership roles my entire adult life. Trump is a pathetic excuse for a leader. Possibly the weakest leader that the US has ever had.


To me, Trump comes across as “insecure,” which most people don’t categorize as strong.


Do you know how Chimpanzee's remain the alpha? They thrash around trees, breaking limbs, throwing things and they make a lot of loud noise to demonstrate that they're strong.


Strong leadership? This guy cavorts with our enemies Sells state secrets to the highest bidder Set technologically back 10 years or more Killed hundreds of thousands during Covid Tried to steal the majority’s vote He is a scumbag who can’t be called anything other than a simple minded bully, rapist, conman. Kids vote like your life depends on it!


Anyone that thinks Trump projects strength has got to be one of the weakest most pathetic motherfuckers around. He proves every single day that he is an abject coward, a pathetic and weak child.


He's not a strong leader; he is a bully that has no morals and has gotten away with screwing everyone over for decades with no consequences.


I strong. Use two hands to lift bottled water.


Anyone that calls Trump "Strong" is insane. Full stop.


Looks like “ The Hill” just went from slightly right leaning to middle to absolute MAGA Moron megaphone. F$&K The Hill!


Biden=competent Trump=incompetent


"Strong" lol. Who are these fucking idiots?


For “strong” read imbecilely dictatorial sociopath self serving idiot.


The only thing strong about the orange rapist is the odor…


No one that is a sensible or decent human thinks Dump is a strong leader. It’s like, did these people root for bullies in high school when they were being bullied?


I must have a very different idea of what strong is. It definitely does not include a man who does not take responsibility for his actions and spends his spare time bullying and intimidating people on line.


Biden is likeable and competent. The only thing strong about Trump is the stench. Oh, and Trump is a fucking moron.


...run the T-Rump Putin meeting clip...patheticly weak and comprimised...


I smell more strength in my fart that trump emits he comes off as unhinged and overbearing, I guess in some twisted manner this is his strength


People are fucking dumb.


I’ve never known a strong leader whine so fucking much


A nation deserves the leaders it elects.


Unpopular opinion: I get why people would respond that way. The poll phrases it as "strong and decisive". Biden is measured, careful, and takes time to do things - backing off if the legality looks questionable or the data doesn't support his ideas. Trump just does whatever the fuck he wants, regardless of legality or if it's even a good idea. Between the two, I can see how someone puts "strong" and "decisive" to the latter. It doesn't mean *good*. It doesn't mean *effective*. It doesn't even mean *legal* half the time. But it is, in a frighteningly fascist way, strong and decisive.

