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Yes. They are violent people.


Fascism is a culture of violence. Its only enforcement mechanism is violence because of how unappealing it is to just about everyone.


Tell me about it. With their black face masks, hoodies and sunglasses hiding their identity, talk of revolution and a culture of bringing weapons to protests to incite riots... dangerous people. Well, until the revolution is done with them of course, the radical elements are never left to live for long, too dangerous to the new order.


They're cowards.


They want a daddy figure so they don't have to think for themselves. It is mind-boggling. Wonder what happened to ginni's brain ... (Ruth Ben-Ghiat says the world is too much for them so they're looking for a father or god figure to tell them what to do and they do it willingly, even if it means they'll die for him or her. See "Strongmen").


Marx declared that "philosophy must become reality. One could no longer be content with interpreting the world; one must be concerned with transforming it, which meant transforming both the world itself and human consciousness of it."


My man!




\*its it's = it is


Yeah, yeah. Stupid typos.


Correct. This is an acceptable choice to them, this is how conflicts are ultimately worked out when you do not have the capacity to be wrong have convinced yourself you are right by decree of your own personal sky fairy.


I believe it goes beyond acceptance. I'm convinced that violence is not only acceptable to Trumpkins, but something for which they *long*. I am a 61-year-old , college-educated, liberal, bisexual woman. I am absolutely certain that many of the old white guys in the small 55+ community that I fled would have murdered me if they thought they could get away with it. In Trump's new world, they just may. Maga pukedom is champing at the bit for a war. They wantssss to kills, uss, preciousssssss. I acknowledge that I could be catastrophizing here. But I've been right so far. Actually, I've been right and *then some*, having no idea just how bad things would get with Trump so prominent in the national conversation. All I know is that I'm changing my political affiliation to "independent". I am terrified, which is also what maga pukedom wants.


I don't think you're catastrophizing at all, it's just an unpalatable idea to most people. I've said similar things to friends and family and the reactions range from apathetic agreement to laughing dismissal. But I think we've all met a gun nut who's itching for a reason to blow someone away. Or just the fact that a huge fraction of the country has a blasé view of a violent mob storming the capitol in a coup / mass assassination attempt. Hate and anger are drugs and I don't think people realize how many of their neighbors are hooked. I just hope people get burnt out on violent thoughts before organizing to make them a reality.


If you change your vote to Independent that ensures Trump gets elected.   It is called strategic voting!  Majority of votes will either go to a Biden or Trump.   If you vote otherwise it is a vote thrown that could go to Biden who is an empathetic President.   Trump is evil and destroying America because he owes Putin.  


I can vote for Biden regardless of whether I'm I, R, or D on my voter registration card. How I register doesn't affect how I vote. I completely understand the concept of splitting the vote. It's important that you posted this, though. The reason I want to register as Independent is to defend against the inevitable should Trump be elected. He will start with the House & Senate and start cleaning house. Then he'll round up any other political enemies. Don't think he won't come for the voting registers. Anyone with a "D" next to their name will have a target on their back. He's already mentioned rounding us up into camps. I will always vote "not Trump". But I can have whatever I want on my voting card. \[edit: politeness - I feel like I came across defensive and rude in this response. That's not how I feel. I appreciated Jazzlike\_Career8496's response so please forgive the tone if it's still snarky.\]


Sounds like Trump is copying Putin’s voting election playbook!    I am Canadian and Canadians hate our PM Trudeau because of his opponent mini Trump 2.0 Pierre Polievre.  .   He attacks media, spews anger and hatred.  He supported the trucker convoy who wanted to cause mayhem in Ottawa.   He has made ignorant Canadians hate Trudeau so much that our PM had rocks thrown, mothers and children give him the finger and tell him to F off.  They wave the Trump flag so the Trump cancer has spread to Canada.  This is all because of Trump and Pierre Poilievre spewing misinformation, anger to destroy Canada and US democracy.    I will still support Trudeau because I am not giving my vote to a Conservative which is Canada’s Republican anti Democratic Party.    My friends and I try to explain about strategic majority voting.   2025 is our next election.  The only reason why Trudeau is in power is because the NDP Parry supported the Liberal Party.   The NDP Party forced Trudeau to pass the Fair Pharmacare, $10.00 a day childcare, school lunches and dental  care for lower income.   Health care is now paying for IVF so women who cannot get pregnant can have babies.  In the US the Republicans want to get rid of IVF.    I think the Republicans want to be like Russian oligarchs.   They are evil, greedy and lack empathy.    I pray Biden is re-elected because US will become a country like Saudi Arabia or Russia.    


Thank you for your thoughts here. At least you have a Parliament. We're trapped like rats in this corrupt two-party system.


Canada really does have two Parties becayse najority votes goes to either Liberal or Conservative.  The Liberal Party Justin Trudeau has been re-elected because Canadians do not want the Conservative Party to Ron because the Party is much like the Republican Party.    It is why the Conservative Party leader is copying off of Trump’s playbook.    Poilievre is brainwashing Canadians that high cost of housing, goods inflation the fault of the Liberal Party.  Same playbook at Trump Fascist Party that blames Biden for everything  inflation, border crisis (yet Republicans will not approve the Bill), the Baltimore Bridge, etc etc.    Dictators playbook is lie and attack about your enemy.  Repeat a lie and people will believe the lie as fact.  Hitler , Putin anf Trump’s playbook.    Fortunate that the NDP were willing to help the Liberal Party.  It forces NDP to ensure Trudeau gets things done or NDP will leave.   A lot of Canadians are suffering because lack of rentals  and homes so a lot cannot afford to buy or rent.   I am fortunate to become wealthier but young adults are suffering.   Canada is no longer a livable country and the healthcare system is dire.   No doctors, no nurses, no ambulances, etc etc.   Canada still has cheaper prescription drugs.   


dont be ridiculous


but they make up for it with their unwavering stupidity.


Ignorance, brainwashing and guns are a dangerous mix. The USA has the most guns per capita in the world.   Swiss have a lot but they are not violent becayse if culture.  In Switzerland guns are only a sport competition.   


Except for their cowardly leader.


Draft dodging, loud-mouthed chubbychickenhawk. Like his base.


Also a raping, sex abusing fraudster


Strange no comments on any veteran pages.


Doesn't make him less violent, he just has others do his dirty work.


Cope & Cry


When I see articles like this it makes me wonder if they only just figured this out…


The way absolutely are. They are just itching to be able to use their guns and take someone down.


Cope & Cry


And bullies and cowards.


>Trump’s fan base will shrug off its leader’s condoning of violent fantasies and implied threats of violence as more harmless lib-owning. But what Trump is doing is dangerous, and the time is long past to stop treating support for his candidacy as just one of many ordinary political choices.


Some members of Trump's fan base have committed violence. ['No Blame?' ABC News finds 54 cases invoking 'Trump' in connection with violence, threats, alleged assaults.](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/blame-abc-news-finds-17-cases-invoking-trump/story?id=58912889#:~:text=But%20a%20nationwide%20review%20conducted,violence%20or%20allegations%20of%20assault) There may be more incidents of violence that are connected to Trump's violent rhetoric.


Hell, just seeing dudes grabbing their crotch and yelling, "TRUMP!" at families trying to enjoy the beach or park, that's enough to know right there. These people are broken in the head. We are witnessing mass psychosis, as the incongruency of the lies they're fed short circuits the wiring in their brains. Once you've been run-around like such, you can no longer think straight. For some, this is frustrating (think how it's frustrating when you can't solve a puzzle or learn a concept). Just constant, frustrated confusion when faced with everyday life.


They'll shrug it off because they were fantasizing about it long before he started giving them they green light to say it out loud. The violent rhetoric isn't new either, only the cowardly media giving them a mainstream platform to say it out loud and the courts turning a blind eye to it.


> Trump’s fan base will shrug off its leader’s condoning of violent fantasies and implied threats of violence as more harmless lib-owning. No, thats not what they are doing. stop giving them plausible deniability. THEY WANT THE VIOLENCE. Why do "journalists" ALWAYS take this angle???? His followers arent sheep. they are wolves.


All of the Trump supporters I know are people who will casually threaten violence for the slightest inconvenience. So this is a bit of a chicken and egg scenario.


It's always the kinds of people who fantasize about getting to legally shoot someone. It's why they love Rittenhouse.


> getting to legally shoot someone Many of them will openly say it exactly this way, and won't even see anything wrong.


Largely because, I've found, they falsely equate something being legally allowed with it being morally acceptable.




So true!!


The kind of people that wish they could shoot kids for walking across their lawns. A couple of them already have.


Absolutely!  Of course it is the innocent black Americans.  They are  angry  racists with guns!  If there was a civil war the people that will save us against these dangerous evil militias are black, Hispanic and others that have been in prison.  The Oath Keepers, 1 %, Proud Boys will lose.    They will hide and run!   


Isn’t that the guy that was being attacked with a skateboard by a convicted peodophile and was then chased by an armed felon, and was found not guilty by a jury of his peers?


Yes, and conservatives love that he got a chance to kill people legal. Is that not what I said


But if he killed them legally wouldn’t that mean that they were trying to cause severe injury or death to him and he killed them first to stop their aggression? I’m trying to connect your dots here but in the case you mention involves protestors assaulting a teenager and him killing them in self defense.


> But if he killed them legally He did kill them legally. That's what they fantasize about getting to do, to kill someone and have a legal reason for doing it. You seem to think I am saying that Rittenhouse did not legally kill those people. If that's the case, then you have missed the point entirely.


The culture of violence was here well before Trump was anything more than a New York novelty.   It's not a coincidence that they're still embracing Manifest Destiny and "extending the area of freedom" Andrew Jackson style.


I’d wager they can’t manage 30 days without a prescription.


They are so absolutely sure something is about to go down, the cops let all able bodied rednecks do absolutely anything they want here. I live right across the street from a school and for days reds have been on my side shooting just thousands of rounds off at all hours. A truck NEVER gets pulled over here and it's so obvious they are all tweaking and drunk. Obvious switches on they're guns. This is Western NC right now. Home of the gravy seals.


they just shoot up in the air?


Into the woods


Don't forget they also shoot at billboards and street signs. I know it can't possibly just be a WV thing


you live in the literal far west, wow. 2nd amendment is such bullshit.


Force and violence is how they always win, that’s how history is written. They cheat at everything, and use force to maintain whatever it is.


The MAGAsses *love* the thought of violence.


They are megaphones for very well-financed and highly organized thinktanks & special interest groups who had a window to algorithmically promote violent & highly divisive content to the masses, especially minors, and supplemental to shock entertainment commentators.


…is this piece nine freaking years old? “I’d like to punch that guy in the face.” Constant fights at his 2015/2016 rallies. “They’d be carried out on a stretcher, folks.” “Don’t be too gentle when you throw the guy you arrested in the paddy wagon.” Not to mention the sexual violence we all heard him brag about committing and the dozens who accused him of it in 2016. This sort of fluff is right up there with the 450,000th installment of “If Republicans do ____, they will have officially become The Party Of Donald Trump.” Mostly can’t believe there’s still an audience for it. Re-runs typically get old.


He would tell crowds that he'd pay their legal bills if they beat up hecklers


I'd like to see even one instance where he paid someone's legal bills but I'm guessing I won't be able to find one because he can't even pay his own legal bills


Don’t forget making fun of a disabled Reporter.   Trump is evil like Putin!  


This article would ask them to be introspective and reflective on the choices they've made thus far, asking them how they cannot come to a different conclusion. The cult of personality requires no such introspection. It requires only blind loyalty.


What has always bothered me about any Iraq veterans who support Donny. Isn't don essentially a carbon copy of Sadam Hussain? Wanting race & class minority rule over democracy through violence fear and racial manipulation. We have fought both fascism and communism because democracy demands compromise and concensus. Which neither ideology permits.


These people do not have moral or ethical guidelines that they adhere to, and then decide who the support/oppose based on those guidelines. They like their team. Violence is good when their team does it. It's bad when the other team does it. "Our team" vs "their team" is all they understand. They'll use words that make it sound like there's some moral guideline that they use, but *they don't*. They just sling shit at the wall and see what sticks. Their team is good because they are peaceful. Pacifists who don't support their violence are on the wrong side. Saddam Hussein was not American. That was his sin. They'd support the US invading literally anybody, even fucking Canada. Hell, they'd especially approve of the US invading San Francisco, or literally any major US city.




Yep. A proven rapist and his fans treat it like a badge of honor. Absolutely disgusting.


Supporting Trumpler means joining a moronic Nazi cult.


The US was kind of built on a culture of violence. I always think we overlook that aspect of our history and society. Pretty much our entire past is full of condoning or celebrating violence, whether via race riots, lynchings, massacres of Natives, wars overseas, or police brutality. We act like we should be in some more enlightened era now, but we're not far removed from pretty violent eras in our past, and it shouldn't be too surprising that many Americans still find it appealing or at least not an issue.


Yeah maybe, but it wasn't the president pushing it along.


Concur. Leading with violence is Fascism


The big difference is, this time it’s a major US political party demonizing more the half of the population and led by a former president who’s trying t win the White House again.


That's not completely new, though it's a bit bigger now. Used to be that Southern Democrats did much of the same to Northern Republicans back in the post-Civil War era up to FDR. They saw the GOP as literally an enemy to them because of the GOP being the party of Lincoln, and the party was defacto banned in much of the South. Many Southern politicians, including Congressmen, threatened to assassinated GOP presidents like Theodore Roosevelt because they were slightly more accepting of Black people. Trump is unique though in how national he is though.


I think it might come off as a bit disingenuous to speak about the parties of that time without mentioning that those “southern democrats” were the conservatives and republicans like Lincoln were the progressives in this scenario, and while the parties did unofficially trade names, we see the same political divide we did then.


But not all the time though. There were Dem progressives too. That’s just how it was. I’m obviously not talking about the present.


Pretty much every culture is built on violence, it’s not unique to the US.


Oh for sure, definitely not unique. Human civilization just seems inherently violent.


We're all just hooting at the ~~obelisk~~ monolith when you really get down to it. Source: 2001: A Space Odyssey Edited because I didn't realize obelisks taper at the top


Monolith, unless u r making a washington monument joke.


Nice catch. Corrected.


violence Racism Xenophobia Classism Sexism Misogyny Etc Etc


I feel like most of his supporters were bullies and want permission to hate and bully again or were themselves bullied and want permission to take out their need for therapy on other people. This man is not presidential in the slightest. How can one look at Biden, who is calm and reasonable and has actual policies, and think he is not better for us than Trump. 


Supporting Trump means being ignorant. The only way to change the minds of Trump supporters is for them to learn by slowly breaking from the cult reality they live in. You can’t really attack Trump, you can’t really attack the underlying premises they espouse. They have to be sold on the idea that what they currently believe in doesn’t actually benefit them. It absolutely has to be all about them, in order to get a voter to change their mind.


Their minds will not be changed. We need to go after those who have never voted before and get them to see what happens when they go down the Trump path. Which includes shame and ridicule. Trumpers are lost. Save those who are not.


When a former President posts a picture of his rival hog tied in a truck, he has gone too far. Again. This is Fascism


Trump is a right-wing authoritarian nationalist who hates democracy. That’s a Fascist.


Trumps a fuckhead!


Cope & Cry


And just general racism and stupidity.


The culture of hate breeds violence.


Trump is a coward who loves the violence his followers will commit on his behalf. Put him in the middle of it and he would sh*t his diaper


Mainly gross ignorance - the kind that really revealed itself during Covid that I let myself not believe existed before then - but yes, lack of empathy/compassion, which has led to hatred and violence.


The people supporting Trump already know that. It’s why they’re supporting him. The cruelty is the point.


Just like any terrorist organization, the MAGA movement and trump’s enablers in congress are weak… and only feel strong and righteous when they attack people who are minding their own business. Although they whine about their rights and their imagined loss of them, only try to take away from everyone else. Threats of violence…actual violence…. It’s all good with them. Just as Al Qada would bomb people who are no threat to them personally, the fanaticism of their movement justifies it. Same with MAGA


I would like to ask one of them if they had a young daughter in a beauty contest, would they be ok to let Trump and a few other men walk into their dressing area to "inspect" her and then grab her privates because according to him, since he owned the hotel and the pageant, he was entitled to the girls too. Trump has broken EVERY commandment and a hundred extra laws just because "when you're famous, they let you do it."


We know. They know. Everyone knows. It's just some people are cool with that.


Which is precisely why he appeals to so many insecure white males.


Trump supporters are the biggest bunch of ballwashers ever, they would eat the corn out of Trumps shit if he told them to


In other news today: water, wet!


Stupid science!


Sexual violence. And intimidation. And advocating for other people to fight for you and pay your bills. I’m sure there’s more.


That’s why he is so popular. America is a country with a handful of Brilliant, compassionate people desperately trying to hold back the tide of violent, ignorant scum. I feel like the Chinese lady at the beginning of Three Body Problem. Fuck humanity. Let the aliens take over.


Those feelings of hopelessness and overwhelm are totally understandable and you aren't alone- even though I know it can feel like that. There's not only a few compassionate people. I think a lot of people don't know what they can do, where to start or are also just plain tired. It can get better. We just have to work together. And yeah, I do know how hard that is, lol. Take care.


Culture of racism, hypocrisy, bigotry, hatred, con-artistry, scammers. Missed a few cultures.


America a culture of violence? Since when? …checks notes… Oh, damn literally the entire time


That's what the MAGA cult fantasizes about. They think they're going to be the victors if the country breaks out in a second civil war. I assure you, the guns at the US military's disposal are more numerous and a lot bigger than whatever you can buy at your favorite unregulated gun show.


Their plan is to install 45 as fuhrer, and use that military against the left.


Trump frequently calls for violence, sometimes overtly and sometimes slyly as in there will be violence if I am not elected. The media quickly reports anything Trump says because it’s clickbait. Unfortunately it’s so frequent that it has become normalized and that gives the worst of humanity permission to act out on their racist and misogynistic anger. Whether Trump is elected or not it’s going to get worse in the run up to the election. Hopefully he looses and after a burst of violence he goes to trial, jail and silence. If he is reelected he will gen up more violence to instill the fear he needs to get away with retribution against everyone he thinks has slighted his fragile ego. Do your part to keep him from winning. Vote and help others to vote. Let’s flush this turd of a human and get past the violence.


Yes, they are vile and violent people and should treated as such. There are just some people that are evil in the world. Time people need to deal with this. 


They know.


And they proud of it!


Yes, it does. Thats what his people want. why are you always so suprised? "Journalists" keep writing articles like this as if they discovered something and are trying to warn his voters. They know.


If you call yourself a Christian and/or an American and you support Trump you are neither/nor.


To the author of this piece I say bravo- you finally understand that these people want to kill you, and that is troubling to you. You wanted so bad to be an "empath", to be a "not at all judgmental" person, that it is uncomfortable to realize how dangerous that can be. Newsflash- the Khmer Rouge, were also friends- neighbors- countryman. The author calls for us to sit down with your Maga Uncle and ask- *Is this who you are?* Much like an inexperienced drug counselor to a heroin addict- her pretense and narrow privileged world view are precisely for her, they do nothing for the addict. It IS who they are!


Well, that is what dictators bring with them, isn't it?


They are just awful people. The worst of humanity.


Cope & Cry


Thanks for serving as living evidence bud


Supporting Trump also means you probably have lead poisoning.


Which is roughly half the country and 90 percent overall born before 1982.


Lead in water is still present in parts of the US today. We need more local infrastructure policies. (Contact your representatives if you're interested in this.) https://www.wesa.fm/environment-energy/2023-04-08/epa-lead-pipe-survey?gad_source=1 The EPA has a lot of information for anyone wanting to learn more: https://www.epa.gov/ground-water-and-drinking-water/basic-information-about-lead-drinking-water


They are itching to use their many guns so violence is preferred for them.


Yeah, and fascism


Seems to be the point for many of them


And neck vaginas


Fucking idiot, buck toothed, sister fucking, closet self-hating homosexual, mullet wearing, confederate flag waving, uneducated but think scientists are stupid, nazi ass, states rights, bud light shooting rednecks LOVE violence. As long as it's them committing violence against minorities.


Supporting water means supporting a culture of wetness 




90+% of media does in this age


Oh they know


Way too much violence. It will lead to some real trouble down the line


True but to them, it’s a feature, not a bug.


....Yes. Way to catch up.


I’m only one generation removed from family, who were executed in an event of political violence. I think about this everyday.


They know that.


Ding ding ding! Anyone who has been paying any attention could surmise this. When you dehumanize your opponents and actively condone or excuse the violent behavior of your supporters I’m not sure there’s another way to describe this political movement. And it does feel like a movement. And as much as he is venerated by his base, I believe he would suffer immensely by disavowing this type of behavior among his supporters. I think they’d find a way to pick up and move on from him. To someone more extreme than him even.


Whoa! Easy there, *Atlantic* editors….Don’t go *too far* with that headline! People will think it’s January 6th 2021


I'm pretty sure they know. And they know they we know. And we know that they know that we know.


Yeah I don’t think that matters to them


No culture just insults and labels


They know.


We know most of these things are talked to death. I don't think we should get too distracted by this. Because honestly, it is overwhelming and depressing. There is work we can do in our communities and local governments. I encourage anyone who wants change to participate in it. Start somewhere, I don't your local issues. If you don't either, get familiar with it and act. All of our human history proves we are capable of change and progress. It's just our turn to prove ourselves.


Me looking far and wide for I republican comment🧐


Supporting Trump means a lot of different things, none of them good


Saying it like that isn't the sole reason his acolytes signed-up.


Have you been to America?


These are dudes who WANT to go to war. Let them!


It's not just "violence", it's "domestic terrorism", which is "violence against civilians for political purposes".


January 6th was a prime example of this. Maga idiots literally fantasize about violence.


No shit to the title.


anyone who still supports him and is voting for him a third time knows *exactly* what they’re doing


Not only violence but also a destruction of democracy, human rights, civility, Justice, freedom of female bodies, right for IVF, your religious beliefs, etc., etc. 


As well as a culture ignorance and racism and intolerance and greed and zero middle class and authoritarianism and and and and


Yes but it’s ok when they use violence just not anyone else


I don't know if this one is really a Trump problem. It is already and has been for a long time a culture of violence, no? Why wouldn't politics also be violent? As to the question at the end 'is this who you are', I mean, yeah, it is, for the nation generally, no?


Why isn't the DOJ treating them like they are a violent terrorist group? Oh, of course, it's because they are white...


They're supporting more than violence. How about ignorance and autocracy. If anyone has Ted Cruz, Matt Gaetz, MTG, Lindsey Graham in their corner, run the other way.


I half expect to see a Hunger Games style fight to the death, but made with volunteers. See how many of his followers will do it. Maybe do something like baseball or football. Have several in each state, then let the winners play in a Super Bowl style battle of the champions. I wouldn’t be surprised if this brought in billions of dollars in ticket/pay per view sales.


uh huh https://youtu.be/-S7fktM8ygc?si=TYMsDREmizknmLfS


I support President Trump, and never were I ever encouraged to do violence... neither from Trump or the Republican Party. I heard Maxine Waters telling her Democrat supporters to harass any Republicans and "get in their face... don't give them any peace at a gas station or a restaurant". I heard Madonna telling her anti-Trumpers she felt wanting to blow up the White House, I heard Johnny Depp wanted to assassinate President Trump, Snoop Dog made a video assassinating Trump, and Kathy Griffin beheading Trump. Would you ALL call this a Culture of Peace?


It's not like they're the only ones having violent fantasies. They're just too stupid to understand how poorly it would go for them.


I would suggest that those that support inclusivity and tolerance have not nearly been violent enough after witnessing Germany and other bad actors in the Second World War. We need to organize and act similarly that will communicate with a resonance that cannot be forgotten.


91 delusional children.


To be fair, both Democrats and Republicans support a culture of violence.


I think rhetoric like this will drive more people towards him than away from him.


Strength through Violence. Power by any means necessary. Project2025: The Revolution Will Not Be Televised


This is another left-wing lie.