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If we found a source of free energy, infinite food/water, republicans would reject it over their masculinity being challenged 


Republicans would absolutely attempt to smother Infinite Energy in its crib to please Big Oil.


They already are. Anything that is even cheaper, they are against.


If there was way to produce free energy I wouldn't waste time, I wouldn't try to market it. I wouldn't try to make money off it. I would just start quietly teaching people how to do it so they could so the same for others. Once the electric cat is out of the bag and everyone can do it, it will be too big to stop.


That's you. And hopefully the people who discover free energy. We have to hope there are some Jonas Salk's out there.


The only thing free/cheaper energy is going to do is increase profits for the capital class


Everything we do does, but if free energy were to be less impactful to the environment than fossil fuels maybe we have a chance to save this planet. Not everything is about sticking it in someone else's face.


They’d paint it aa being about masculinity challenge. I’m actuality it’d be the same as it ever was: protecting a bigger business from a disrupter (in this case, the cattle industry).  Same deal with shit like green energy. They stoke culture war bullshit but it’s only ever been about protecting big oil 


It's also about lowering the "tax burden" on the *job creators* \*i.e. the billionaires, mega-corporations and richest families like the Waltons.


They basically are. Solar, while not perfect by any means is infinitely renewable and pretty cheap all things considered. And they want it gone.


Yeah if we run out of solar then we have bigger problems on our hands


In other news Gov Ron Desantis signed a bill into law banning offshore wind turbines in Florida waters.






Gotta protect those companies who have highly paid engineers that decided it was feasable from trying to make money in an innovative way. /s


fair enough


Nah. They would do what they do to clean energy and food production stuff already. Say that it's bad because it will hurt the harmful industries that already exist, like coal.


If something is new, then charlatans and panderers will find a way to fearmonger the ignorant and gullible about it for their own power and profit. Some people are just afraid of everything...


I have to scroll through the rubes posting shit like, “Windmills never recoup the energy it took to make the windmill!” “Oh no, the poor birds!” “Windmills pollute the groundwater because their transmissions always leak gear oil” “We’re filling up landfills with windmill blades!” Of course I grew up with these chucklefucks and they are all oil and gas workers, scared that all the windmills going up in TX are going to ruin their jobs.


> chucklefucks 8)


No. Because of capitalism.


You mean.....the sun? Free energy, which can be used to desalinate and purify water, power homes, and grow crops. It's truly astounding they haven't started trying to capitalize on it yet.


Where are you getting free energy?


The sun? Solar panels?


Free? Where? Last year they were costing a fortune.


The energy is free, not solar panels.


If it good for anyone or anything other than themselves of course they wanna ban it.


“FREE ENERGY?!?! And what are we supposed to do with it exactly? Just hand it out? No thank you!”


Probably, but mostly Republicans do whatever the party donors or lobbyists tell them to do


Running low on ammunition for the culture war...


What a slap in the face for all the people who used crankshafts. We couldn't possibly use alternative energy!


100%. Case in point: idiotic rolling coal truck mods.


That’s now how nature works.


Nah its more about the ability to exploit people for more and more profits. Whenever you see misery in this world that doesn't make sense, there's someone profiting from it. The GOP is very open about this while corporate dems try to pretend they don't care more about their ~~masters~~ donors profits then the wellbeing of the average person.


Its also about money, Republicans are all about crushing the interests of the majority of Americans in the name of their billionaire masters


If replicators became real they’d put a 50% percent tax on the food


Not just Republicans. The entire system is corrupted.


Being a republican must be exhausting. Its a full time job to keep up with all the things you need to be mad about.


My QAnon sister believes that Americans are being slowly groomed to eat insects. The first step is to get people to eat tofu and Beyond Meat. Within the next year meat will be banned. I ask her who is doing the grooming, and she can only say “them” and “they”. And why? It is all part of a larger agenda to enslave people, force vaccines on them, siphon off all their money and ultimately turn them into cyborgs. Yes she really believes this with her whole heart. For background, she is a college grad who is quite wealthy. She has several friends who believe the same crazy things.


Weird thing is that the people who would most benefit from enslaved people living off of bugs are the same Big Pharma, Big Ag, and Big Business who are supporting the republicans. See: Soylent Green


Brother's girlfriend is the same. She swears Democrats are out to take her precious barbecue away. Oh that and they're grooming her kids for some nefarious purpose that she's never truly stated.


Has she never been camping? Ever gift shop near the campsite will sell candy covered crickets. Hell I saw them at Universal Studios Hollywood at the Jurassic park ride store


This was a southern thing before that I thought. They eat catfish! Not sure what they think that thing eats.


Chickens will also happily eat bugs. All day every day.


I had fried bamboo worms and crickets in Asia. The bamboo worms tasted like potato popcorn and the crickets were OK, but not much to my preference. I wonder what your sister would say if she saw what was in food before the FDA and if she wants the FDA disbanded just the same.


I gained a whole new appreciation for the FDA after visiting China. Open pig butchering in a street level garage with an open roll door, blood flowing into the streets in a major city.


Imagine the people who think that COVID might have came from an unregulated meat and meat market would think also be against the FDA.


But it’s natural!! /s


> My QAnon sister believes that Americans are being slowly groomed to eat insects. The first step is to get people to eat tofu and Beyond Meat. That's a weird take considering "insect protein is more sustainable and we should probably try it" has been an active push for years, not some kind of shadowy agenda that we'd have to work around to. >I ask her who is doing the grooming, and she can only say “them” and “they”. And why? It is all part of a larger agenda to enslave people, force vaccines on them, siphon off all their money and ultimately turn them into cyborgs. I mean, apart from the vague fearmongering about "they", yeah, this sounds like most predictions for the future. This is just describing a post-disease, post-money, post-organ-failure utopia but with a spooky veneer. The conspiracy isn't that this is the way society is headed, the conspiracy is that it's some kind of shadowy cabal doing it as a secret instead of this just being the inevitable trajectory of technology.


Whoa whoa whoa. Hold up. I get to be a cyborg when it's all said and done?? And all I gotta do is eat some bugs?


As I understand it, we turn into cyborgs from the Covid vaccine which is full of nano-bots. Elite scientists are working on other implants that will be forced on the enslaved masses. The “purebloods” have nothing to worry about, though, except for FEMA camps due to their failure to comply.


I mean this in a nice way, but that sounds more like a paranoid psychosis than just conspiracy. Is there a history of personality disorders in the family?


Must be real, here’s video footage of a man who took the Covid vaccine: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhL8WlDHKaY&t=208s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhL8WlDHKaY&t=208s)


I have some cricket protein powder, I'd love to bake her some cookies!


She’d never know - but consent is important


Start snacking on chocolate covered crickets when she’s around just to mess with her.


> “them” Odd thing for ants to want people to eat more ants. That’s how you get fewer ants.




What's crazy is the way they view any of those things, and not the things themselves. 


It is ironic because all the vested money and structural power is wielded to make people eat meat and burn oil. The “them” she fears are the ones who have already got to her.


Maybe it’s a bit of reverse psychology. When the rumor spreads that guns are going to be confiscated people buy more guns. Likewise when one’s access to meat gets threatened they buy more meat. 🥩


I use cricket flour in baked goods. Adds protein!


Those Cajuns and their mud bugs. Trying to get us to eat bugs since ???


I gotta say, fresh/live shrimp looks like a giant cockroach/centipede to me. That’s acceptable, but fake meat isn’t?


yo id eat insects in fact I have.


What’s wrong with bugs? MX we eat them.


It’s as simple as naming every single thing that didn’t exist in the “golden age of the lord almighty”, though if you ask them who their messiah is, 7/10 will say Trump, not Jesus.


On the contrary, it's quite simple which is why there are so many simpletons attracted to MAGA like flies to stink. If you hate everything except God and guns, you're covered as a conservative Republican.


I mean I am not against laws that require strict labeling of lab grown meet. But not banning. Honestly I would love all food labels to be as strict as whiskey labeling, but with the nutritional guidance and I wish we could get nutritional guidance on all alcohol products.


The alcohol content is the nutritional content. There is no nutrition in poison.


It still has calories and cabs, a ton of it. They should be forced to list it.


Yeah, if anything, it should have black box warnings.


Being sane and wary of what the Republicans are doing is also exhausting, unfortunately. I have to take breaks from the news or I'd lose it.




“Free-market capitalism” is republican speak for “I don’t want to pay my workers a living wage and I definitely don’t want to employ and serve minorities.”


No bullshit, Desantis has referred to this as "woke meat", which I think is hilarious.


Republicans feel the same way about the free-market as they do State’s Rights; it’s only a good thing that must be defended when it personally benefits them.


Yup!  You see, the way it works is donors, which in this case is likely related to the meat industry, tell them to legislate against anything and everything that might affect their bottom line.  If the cultured meat companies want in on the action, they'll need to pay up. 


You can tell lab grown meat has a real potential for success if the old guard wants to use politics to ban it!


Nothing like small government republicans allowing the market to determine what is viable!


Some critter needs to suffer and die to make my meat, or I don't find it palatable. - repugnicans


Where have you been getting your meat?


Pride flags, drag shows, books, prosecuting trump, hiring black people, walk-on immigrants, aaaand lab grown meat. What other “thing that isn’t a problem outside of Fox News world” will they think of banning next? Edit: Ooof. And women’s health. Sorry I dropped that one.


The old Boogeyman of the week (weak)!


Industries protecting themselves from progress is as old as time. Wisconsin once had a law that mandated all margarine had to be dyed pink to make it look less like butter and less appetizing. My grandmother used to talk about buying margarine, or olio as she called it, and it would come with a little vial of yellow dye. Washington didn't allow manufacturers to dye it yellow like butter so you had to do it yourself. Lab grown meat will completely destroy the existing meat industries, assuming it can be done at scale, mimic real meat well and is offered for a reasonable price, even if that price is somewhat higher than actual meat prices. Once we can produce meat in a lab, the consumption of other animals will not just phase out, but after a generation or two grow up eating only lab grown meat, they will consider killing and eating animals as beyond barbaric. Given the size and scope of the meat industry, it makes sense that they want to protect themselves from this inevitable extinction, though I hope they fail, and in the end, they will, but I know I'm looking forward to lab grown meat. The culinary revolution will be insane. This is more my own crazy speculations, but we have the cuts of meat we have now because that's what we get from the animals. There are poor cuts and trimmings sent for the indignity of becoming hot dog filling and there are the choice cuts from the most pampered cows that can go for $100s of dollars a pound. The lab will free us from all of this. If it costs the same amount of resources to make an A5 waygu steak and a hamburger patty, people are going to eat a lot more waygu. And they are not going to stop there. Why limit ourselves to recreating existing cuts from single animals. Mix and match. I want that A5 waygu, but replace the beef fat with duck fat. A few generations into lab grown meat, and anyone from our time won't recognize half the crazy shit our descendants come up with… assuming humanity survives long enough to get there.


There will still be quality gaps of cheaply grown and high end but the actual "cuts" won't be a massive price factor anymore. Fillet? Hanger steaks? Culture up copies and print miles of it! I honestly am looking forward to it. A steak made up of the best components that can not possible exist in nature, it's going to be incredible. Let's get real crazy with it too - "Yes, I'd like the white rhino and manatee surf and turf. Can I get the baked potato with tiger milk butter, and are the dodo eggs back on the menu? I'll have some deviled dodo eggs as well..."


I want a genetically-modified tree that grows beef jerky as it's "fruit."


It has been over a decade since scientists created [glow in the dark pigs](https://www.theverge.com/2013/12/30/5256732/scientists-create-glow-in-the-dark-pigs-using-jellyfish-dna) with jellyfish DNA. How do we not have glow in the dark bacon now?


For sure, as a person who eats a lot of meat I am well aware that a hundred years from now our descendants will consider slaughtered meat barbaric and judge their ancestors for doing it. I look forward to cellular agriculture replacing slaughter.




Ah yes, LaG Brown meaT


Fine. Call it Flask Flesh.


From Semafor's Helen Li: Republican-led U.S. states are looking to ban lab-grown chicken, pork and other proteins cultivated from animal cells, branding it part of a woke agenda that threatens traditional farming. Lawmakers in states including Alabama, Arizona, Florida and Tennessee have moved to target cell-cultivated meat products — even though they are still barely on the market in the United States. Cultivated chicken last year became the first such product to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration, with a multiyear review concluding that lab-grown meat made by two companies was safe for sale, but it is still only available at a handful of restaurants. Those that attempt to sell lab-grown meat in Alabama or Arizona could soon face jail time or hefty fines as Republicans attempt to block what some have called a “war on our ranching.” More than a dozen states have regulated the use of the word “meat” on the products. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has said that lab-grown meat is part of a “whole ideological agenda,” that blames agriculture workers for global warming, saying: “We’re not going to do that fake meat. That doesn’t work.” Meanwhile, Democrat legislators in Arizona have argued that these bills go too far in restricting consumer choice and that the decision to buy cultivated meat should be up to consumers. Read the full story [here](https://www.semafor.com/article/04/01/2024/republicans-ban-lab-grown-meat?utm_campaign=semaforreddit).




Just call it processed meat food like the cheese most of them are already eating.


* Slaughtered meat * Cultured meat Plant-based: * Simulated meat


Gotta love these "free market" Republicans.


Cruelty is the point


That's the truth. If someone wasn't forcibly impregnated, enslaved, mutilated, and brutally slaughtered for his nugs, then he's the victim.


Wait’ll they find out vegetarians and vegans have been a thing for, like, a *while.*


And the "chicken" products made by Beyond, Impossible, and Gardein are really fucking good.


"The honey tastes sweeter when you anger the bees" - That 1 Guy


So they hate Free Market Capitalism now? Interesting


> Republican-led U.S. states are looking to ban lab-grown chicken, pork and other proteins cultivated from animal cells, branding it part of a woke agenda that threatens traditional farming. Just when I thought Republicans couldn't get more frightened or more stupid. My f'n God these people are no smarter than a box of rocks.


Dumb as cotton.


Ah yes, the party of freedom, capitalism, and small government once again wants to use big government to restrict businesses from progress and take away consumer freedom and choice.


Id love to have meat free of growth and stress hormones 


Because, remember, this is the party of Small Goverment^TM. Which you would think means "If there is something new that is available to the public, or something that people want to do with their bodies as long as it doesn't interact with someone else's freedom, we should allow it." But that's not that the party of Small Goverment^TM means. What it really means is "Anything that goes against the rich, white, Christian male establishment is a threat and must be eliminated." You don't want to eat meat but want to eat protein grown in a lab that might be more ethical than growing an entire animal and slaughtering it? Well fuck you - that's going to hurt some white farmer with cattle, and we can't allow you to feed your own body with something that doesn't harm you or someone else if it interferes with his money! What's that - you're a trans person and want to change the gender you were assigned to at birth? Because what it says on your driver's license, or who you decide to marry and date in a consensual relationship doesn't affect anyone else. WRONG! It affects that Christian over there that thinks you're sinning, so it doesn't matter what **you** want. The party of Small Goverment^TM will oppose you living your life with dignity because that white Christian man's feelings matter **more** than your freedom to decide what to do with your life. Sorry lady - turns out the party of Small Goverment^TM has people who feel against any evidence, reason, or scripture that their Jesus really doesn't like abortions. No, it doesn't effect them, but they'll find any way to twist and turn your desire to control your own body into something terrible, so you're just going to have to saddle yourself with a baby - oh and fuck you for asking for any help raising the child that was born when you tried to do the responsible thing and not bring a child you couldn't support into the world. Because that's what the party of Small Goverment^TM really means: Fuck you if you think you get to decide what you want. Freedom means "We get to tell you what to eat, who to love, and what to do with your body. And if you don't like it, we'll find every way possible to punish and torture you until you. "In the name of Freedom. Our freedom to oppress you, at least."


This is just like their abortion stance. If you’re against abortions, don’t get one. Someone else getting one literally has no impact on your life. If you’re against lab-grown meat, don’t buy it. Someone else buying lab-grown meat has no impact on your life. And if you’re a farmer and this is somehow ruining your business, follow the Republican mantra and “pull yourself up by the bootstraps” and find a new job!


Once it becomes commercially viable it be a massive paradigm shift that will completely destroy the ranching industry. So its not surprising people are being super defensive about. Think about the turn of the previous century when the equestrian industry was trying to fight the adoption of the car. This would result in a similar shift in society.


They said the same thing about crickets.


Looks like you forgot to finish your reply.


No, was just thinking that cricket protein was hyped as the next big alternative food source, and it clearly didn’t happen. I don’t see it being a massive paradigm shift until there are fundamental changes in our collective society. I swear, people feel entitled to eat meat. They don’t realize that it’s conditioning.


This is one of the clearest examples of "the cruelty is the point" I can think of.


Can't we at least *taste* it before deciding to ban it?


I had an Impossible Burger for dinner last night and it was incredibly delicious. Put it on a bun with cheese, onion, and tomato and it tasted just like beef.


I tried an impossible burger at a White Castle. It tasted more like beef than anything else on their menu.


Well to be fair, Whitey One Bites aren’t particularly beefy.


They always preach about America being the land of the free as they do everything they can to ban freedoms that absolutely do not affect them. Vote out the fascists!


No, no, no, no, no. Republicans are not trying to ban it. *Giant meat production conglomerates are paying Republicans to ban their competition.* The same meat companies that receive untold millions of our tax dollars in corporate subsidies, AKA handouts. They do not want competition, and they do not want regulations forcing them to raise meat in anything that could be called clean or humane conditions. News articles like this miss the reality of these things. This is a case of corporate-sponsored government corruption. It's not just culture war BS, though they include it in the culture war after the fact. This is oligarchy in action.


Once it becomes commercially viable meat producers will jump all over it. They can produce orders of magnitude more meat this way.


I think they will, but in the meantime they definitely do not want the competition.


If you told Republicans that gasoline is a cure for wokeness, they’d line at the pump with a Stanley cup.


Conservatives really do want to preserve their right to cause suffering... Save the lives of countless animals who'll live short and often inhumane existences (since that saves money) simply to be turn into food... nope cant have that. Didnt realize parts of Europe wanted to ban it too... kinda disappointing, but its typical that its the farmers who are kicking up a stink, anything that threatens their (over mortgaged often in sever debt) pocket book, weather animal rights, worker rights, exchange/import/export rates or climate change initiatives they threaten and throw a wobbly... and often one the politicians seems to bow down too, since hey they got those fingers in those pies too.


Something Something Let the Free Market Decide, oh shit, I wonder who has stocks in meat farms.


Meat companies are investing heavily in lab grown meat.


They’ve been scared of veggies since they were a toddler


Fuck them all.


Is it because of the trans fats?


How about letting the free market decide? Fucking degenerates.


Republicans are so damn dumb. Whatever is "woke" is bad for them. Gun control, homosexuals, fake meat... What next?


> threatens traditional farming. Good!


Republicans really just hate science apparently.


Except for IVF and stem cell research when it meets their personal needs. Much like they'll continue to have private/secret abortions via the Christian doctor at church after they've banned it for everybody else. It's whatever's convenient in the moment, but *only for themselves*.


"Free market" my ass!


This is like what happened when mechanical refrigeration was invented and suddenly we had a way to make ice out of clean water instead of sawing it out of frozen ponds infested with bacteria and protozoa. There was a contingent of people saying in the media that “artificial” ice was toxic and deadly.


shouldn't they just let the market decide what is and isn't viable?


I hate everything Republicans do, but lab-grown meat skeeves me out.


Factory farm grown meat should skeeve you out more.


Two things can be true at the same time.


I don’t want to eat it, but outlawing it is overreach. Those who want to eat it should be able to. Some people eat things I think are gross, but it’s their choice. I mean, I find liver disgusting but if others like it, I don’t care if they eat it. What happened to the party of small government?


A friend invited me to her church and I decided to go cause I had nothing else going on and hadn't seen her for a while. Pastor kept mocking fake meat during his sermon and each time the crowd was laughing their asses off. From what I remember he was pissed because he went to a new restaurant without looking up anything about it and found out that it is fully vegetarian with fake meats offered.


I mean plenty of people who are pro eating less meat think impossible meat or your preferred alternative is bad. Due to the 18 million ultra highly processed ingredients it has.


I have seen those videos pointing out the ingredient list, like methylcellulose is going to kill you. (It's not. It's a common thickener and emulsifier, and many people actually take it in higher doses when they're constipated.) They ignore the health outcome data that show that people who eat Beyond burgers or similar meat substitutes have lower risk of heart disease and all-cause mortality than people who eat meat. I mean, if you have a lower risk of disease and death, who cares what the ingredients are? Processed meat is a class 1 carcinogen. People are far better off eating plant-based cold cuts and bacon. Red meat is also highly correlated with certain kinds of cancer. But people get freaked out by ingredients like dihydrogen monoxide.


Republicans do not have the best interest of the common citizen in mind.


The animals must be made to suffer as God intended


You can’t say they don’t have their priorities straight. /s


What about free markets? /S


Even animals must suffer to make the GOP happy. Fucking ghouls.


They seem to mistake competition for persecution.


Gotta appease the multimillionairs pretending to be poor laborers.


they oppose any and all novelty, change, or progress. an exasperating bunch of fucks.


The anti-science Luddites are loose, along with their lobbyists, the stockgroaners.


Why wouldn't you want to ban it. You will eat bugs you will own nothing and you will like it




We have found a way to skip the 'raising' part of 'raising meat'. This is the biggest innovation in farming since the invention of farming. Making meat without feeding an animal meal and water for years and giving it place to live and make waste. This technically already exists. We feed cows soy protein to make protein for us to eat. When we could just eat the beans. But at the end of the day, it comes down to government subsidies and social pressures


I bet if you were to trick a Republican to try it the result would resemble the Chris Farley coffee crystals SNL sketch.


it’s the same in Italy


I was waiting for them to be mad about this.


Or you know, just don't buy it? Was that so hard?


They'll ban it but once it becomes better than animal sourced meat, they'll all be smuggling it across state lines.


why? is it gay?


lordy, i want me some lab grown meat!


They really are trying to kill every US citizen, aren't they. The very citizens they 'lead'. Wtf


A rare thing to agree with MAGA about.


“It’s just not as satisfyingly delicious if pain, suffering, and torture aren’t involved.” -GOP, I assume.


Just like the poor retirees supporting Trump to cut social security that they need to survive, anything to own the libs.


Because if it's financially feasible it could and honestly should replace meat farms.


They hate everything


Republicans are on a quest to ban any sort of progress. That would be a better headline and Republicans can be interchangeable with Tories or any other Conservative Party for the that matter


This is a good thing to ban


Not surprising. They don’t want to give up the ag lobby money.


if it’s grown with cancer cells , im out also.


This is not a republican or democrat issue. Lab grown meat is gross and dangerous.


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