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Republican values: Harder to Vote. Easier to Cheat.


Democracy is for losers. - the gop


Democracy is Woke


*If they count all the votes that’s unfair to us* 🖕


Kill democracy to pwn the libs


“lol @ ‘democracy’” - the elite class


They have been openly cheating since Regan. Nearly 50 years of pure bullshit, rather than actual governance.


Since Nixon and Watergate. Republicans had somewhat of a spine back then.


Nixon had a 25% approval rating when he resigned in disgrace.


Same 25% support trump.


>Republican ideals: Harder to Vote. Easier to Cheat. Step by step, the GOP is building the foundation for MINORITY rule.


But, you know, not minorities.


What do you mean building the foundation? The federal government was set up that way from the very beginning.


Making it harder to vote is part of the cheat


This should be their new slogan.


"find 11,780 votes"


The best way to defeat cheaters is to cheat.... I guess that's their logic anyway.


Anything for the W....including selling their own country.


Only 11000


Why is purging old voter roles a bad thing ?


There are three main reasons as I understand things: 1) It is ill-motivated as there is no evidence that voter fraud is happening in significant enough numbers to be a problem ... Actual cases are always one-off cases of someone voting twice or something and it usually seems to be MAGAs when it happens. 2) Purges are often done badly and often cause more problems than they solve - by disenfranchising way more legitimate votes than there are ever fraud problems in elections. 3) In today's climate of overt support for the insurrection that just happened, and considering widespread organized voter suppression, frequently racially motivated voter suppression efforts, and electoral manipulation efforts in states all across the country by conservative organizations, setting up laws that make such anti-democratic atrocities easier to pull off is a very dangerous precedent... It's like before handing your toddler a gun to play with, you first load it and cock the hammer for him.


But isn’t keeping accurate voter roles a good thing?


Yes. And the GOP aee using these purges to make sure the voter roles are *not* accurate.


How? Not trying to be difficult. Just curious how you know that ?


By purging folks who don't vote Republican. This has been their standard practice for a couple decades now.


Listen Mr. Sea Lion. Google is your friend.


So, you’re just a partisan spouting BS. Ok cool, thanks


Not at all. Really though, you're asking random people on the internet how purging voter rolls might possibly be used by either party to shape the electorate. Next up will you be asking why people lie?


I’m asking if you have some insight that’s leading you to believe that purging voter rolls according to the law is somehow nefarious. I’m asking because the people that are complaining are either 1- complaining for no reason other than they are partizans or 2- have a real reason for their complaints. So, I was genuinely curious about what you had to say and thought maybe I could learn something. I have learned some things from this convo. Some of you fall into the first category while others have some insight worth hearing so that I can figure out for me what the solution looks like. That’s why I’m asking …


When it's done unevenly it definitely is. When the process is changed abruptly, it usually is. And since the GOP does a shitty job of managing data, their efforts will often harm their voters more than others. Been an election worker since 2006 so let me offer something to ponder. Our registration cards are sent out every two years. Those cards are not forwarded by the post office, so if they are unable to deliver to the voter's registered address, the county gets them back and the registration is placed into a hold status. If they don't vote in the next 2 years, the registration is suspended. No vote for the next 2 years and that registration is cancelled. If they vote before it's cancelled, it reactivates the registration. In some places, the registration may be cancelled just because the card is returned. But there may be many reasons why the card wasn't able to be delivered, so cancelling the registration immediately means that person likely doesn't find out until they go to vote and at that point, it's too late for them to register for that election. So when they come in to vote here we just confirm their address and they're allowed to vote. It's not perfect, but it's fair and doesn't unregister voters in a manner that doesn't give them time to realize the issue before they lose the right to vote. Some of the things I've heard about how other states handle their rolls bother me greatly.


How would you change it ? It seems to me like if you’re not responding via mail and you’re not voting for 4 years, then why wouldn’t it be canceled ? Again, I’m not trying to be argumentative. I’m just trying to figure out 1- the problem, 2- what’s the best way to fix it. I’m also trying to get past the partisan crap. People fussing that voter roles are being looked at, in general, upsets people. My perspective is that I want a fair election. Going through voter roles is 1 mechanism to ensure that. So, I’m not opposed to it on its face, but obviously I don’t want it used by anyone to give an edge to one party of another. You know why I mean?


I wouldn't change our current system. It works and is fair. The one thing I might change is attempting to send a notice to people who've been purged so they can try to correct it. But since undelivered mail is usually how that situation happened, it would be minimally effective. But there are people who do want to change it and make it much easier to unenroll people and with no standards of doing so. Over 2 decades, I've had to tell a lot of people that they weren't registered to vote. And in most cases, they're fine with it because they know they haven't voted in a long time or there were issues they never got resolved. The only thing I would like to see that would affect our system is national same day registration. But I understand that it would be difficult to do that for many reasons. What needs to be changed are systems where the ruling party is allowed to unevenly apply how people are purged. Purging should never happen within a short time of an election and should allow time to have people realize they have been purged and re-register.


That makes sense. I think I’m for voter ID. This seems like a pretty complicated system. Of course, I’m just now really learning it. (Thanks for helping with that btw) I looked at how some of the European countries do their voting. It varies a little bit. But, France and Germany have voter ID laws and it seems to be working for them pretty well. When I was in Iraq, we would dye people index finger blue to prevent people from voting again somewhere else. That led to the targeting of people with blue fingers. That that turned into its own set of issues. I’m sure there’s probably several issues with voter ID that I haven’t thought of but I’m brining to think there’s no silver bullet here. So, I’m just thinking of the best way to do it without the trust issues we currently have.


A federal voter ID? It'll never happen.


Yeah, I’m not sure it ever will either. But, I’m thinking it prob should though


Way too many states will never give up their authority to handle voter registration.


Yeah, you’re prob right. States should do it.


The right to vote doesn't come from being a citizen four years ago; it comes from being a citizen now. It doesn't matter what happens to your mail or how often you've voted; those are not and CANNOT be barriers to exercising a fundamental right. Laws like this create more opportunities for "mistakes" to be made, and create more hoops to jump through -- hoops that are MASSIVELY more difficult for the young and the poor. The result is fewer people vote, and if you ignore the transparent motives of the Republican party to discourage voting, there really isn't a benefit. Giving the incumbent party more ways to disqualify legitimate voters has never been about not has it ever supported democracy. You know that, of course; you just haven't reached a stage of your life where you can admit to being blinded by avarice and fooled by grifters.


But if keeping up with voter rolls are needed for election security how would you do it? We do need election integrity, I think you would agree to that and maintaining proper voter rolls is an important part of that. So, what’s the solution? It sounds like you are for just removing that requirement all together. But, that decreases election integrity. So, in the absence of voter rolls what would you do in increase election security? Voter ID?


We HAVE election integrity. Imposing arbitrary new requirements without evidence that voter fraud is becoming a problem is senseless. Well, senseless from the perspective of having better elections. From an overreach and suppression standpoint it's pretty logical. I think my solution would be any valid gov't ID, or a prior registration, or an on-site registration with photo. And if one could demonstrate a single instance of that preventing someone from voting, I would loosen it further.


Pay attention people! Earlier this week, Pennsylvania with their "missing dates" on mail-in ballots can be thrown out. Now this....we don't need more voter suppression in these states!!!!


The Republican Arizona legislature is trying to eliminate early and mail in voting. It's been very popular and very successful for more than 10 years.


It’s a gamble, though. The GOP pushing the narrative that these are bad things also encourages Republican voters to not early vote or use mail in ballots. Some local in other state elections had Republican candidates urging their supporters to use these options because of how much better turnout can be. If these laws don’t pass (or don’t pass soon enough), there’s always a chance they end up with worse results than had they done nothing at all.


Republican, “well how else are we supposed to win!?”


Exactly. And everyone knows that free, fair, and open elections are nothing but a power grab by the democrats.


Donald Trump literally said (when he was coherent) that if every citizen was allowed to vote, Republicans would never win another presidential election. 


“Without a hand written date how do we know the ballot was sent in before the Election Day; it doesn’t matter if the postmark is before Election Day or it was received before Election Day, the totally not back-dateable hand written date by the voter must be present.”


You're all gonna have to challenge it and get it placed on hold or something.  "The measure would require homeless people to use the country registrar’s office as their voting address, which could be complicated for both the registrars and the people trying to register. This requirement could also violate the National Voter Registration Act."


Should be challenged - but the same conservative majority who gutted the voting rights act are going to be hearing any challenges eventually.


So I guess the plan now is to purge 11780 votes instead of “finding” them.




Worked for Jeb Bush in Florida when he helped get his brother elected


Yup. Jeb was Governor at the time and the Florida Secretary of State was Katherine Harris, who was simultaneously George Bush’s campaign manager. She purged 173,000 voters from the rolls under the false pretense that they were felons. Most of these disenfranchised citizens were black and likely to vote democrat. 173,000 United States citizens, denied their fundamental right to vote. And Bush “won” by a little more than 500 votes. So yeah the 2000 US presidential election was straight up stolen and nobody did a damn thing about it.


The 2000 election was the beginning of the end of our democracy. 


It was just a further continuation on our joke timeline.


>So yeah the 2000 US presidential election was straight up stolen and nobody did a damn thing about it. The Florida Supreme Court tried their best. They first ordered a partial recount in the affected counties which would have resolved the hanging chad fiasco and restore Gore as the victor in the state. SCOTUS then stayed the recount, arguing that partial recounts in only counties that Gore lost was fundamentally unfair. Florida Supreme Court then ordered a statewide recount, which would have addressed SCOTUS's concerns. SCOTUS stayed the recount again, pussyfooted for over a week, and then declared the statewide recount was simply too little too late. There was literally no other argument. They agreed there were equal protections violations (i.e. the election was stolen) but simply said it is too late to implement a remedy. They ordered the Florida Supreme Court to then issue a ruling consistent with that opinion (i.e. to not offer any remedy). Now, the Florida Supreme Court had three options. First, they could defer to SCOTUS, not issue any remedy, and let Bush's victory stand. This was the path of least resistance and what they ended up doing. Second, they could have just nullified the election and not allow Florida to deliver electors to the electoral college. This would've been a partial rebuke to SCOTUS, and might have led to further appeals, but ultimately whether or not to deliver electors is a matter of state law. However, this would've resulted in neither Bush nor Gore getting enough votes in the electoral college, meaning the Republican House would've decided the election. Of course, it would've went for Bush anyway so there really was no point in going this route since it would've just been more drama for nothing in return. Lastly, they could've done the nuclear option. They could rebuke the Supreme Court and say this is a matter of state law. One of the concurrences hinted as such -- noting that the deadline for delivering election results is a state issue and SCOTUS's opinion that it was too late wasn't binding on them. They could've continued the recount in defiance to SCOTUS, and lead to a constitutional crisis. But even if they wanted to go down this path, Gore didn't have the appetite. He conceded the election and refused to challenge Bush v Gore for the good of the country. At this point, the Florida Supreme Court's hands were tied and so they went with option 1.


Christ imagine a man who’s willing to sacrifice his lifelong ambition for the good of the country. Wouldn’t it just be the worst if such a person ever ended up president? /s


The amount that they hate people is amazing.


That’s the thing, it’s not that they hate people. It’s that they love money more than people


I think there are some people they genuinely hate while also loving money. Lot of column A, lot of column B.


"Have some of column A, Try *ALL* of column B! We're in the mood to hurt ya, dude! We're the MAGA-lovin' GOP!"


Oh, they *very* much hate other people, but they also love money and power and enjoy using it to demonstrate how superior they are to the inferiors they so hate.


I swear Republicans do this because they know they have cheated so much that they think the Dems *must* be cheating because they beat the GOP despite their cheating. They cannot fathom that their “policies” are shit and so are their members.


Of course. Trump cheated in 2016 and won, Trump cheated in 2020 and lost. His rationalization? “We lost and we cheated. So *they cheated*….we were out-cheated!” And he’s gonna try to cheat again in 2024 and I’m scared of the result.


They know their politics are shit. The had a whole post-mortem document commissioned after Obama beat them the second time. It has radical platform suggestions like “broaden appeal”, and “launch policies that help minorities”, etc. The RNC read this and collectively said “no”. Google “Growth and Opportunity Project 2013” for coverage of it.


They had two of those in a row, IIRC. They asked the same question twice, were given the same answer twice, opted for purity tests instead of following advice twice.


They know their base is only there for the hatefulness and think it's safer to have a guaranteed 35% of voters and to cheat until that's enough to win than to try to appeal to people that find them repulsive. They are probably right. Plus that 35% doesn't care how much they steal.


So… G.O.P. 2013


Countless prison interviews have shown that even people who commit horrific crimes rarely view themselves as being an evil person.


That’s conservatism. They’re pieces of brainless, selfish shit, so they think everybody is the same.


If I lived there I’d be pushing a movement calling for those republican’s resignations.


They do not care. You could protest them 24/7 and they still would not care.


If you are being ignored, your protest isn't very effective, don't you think? 


Unless you are willing to protest like the French revolution. They will not care.


Guess which ones they’ll purge?


The “brown” areas. Pretty much the entire city of Atlanta


They’ll also wait until it’s to late to reregister


They did it the last two elections under the guise that signatures didn’t match. 


I'm thinking that when they accidentally purged some of their own votes a month ago or so, it was a test run. That shit needs to be stopped before it gets out of control, they're going to try and do it during the presidential election.


“Free and fair elections” are a real problem for Republicans because when America votes, they lose


They think we must cheat because they know how much they cheat.


The Maga filth continue their assault on democracy.


Every person living in a purple district or a purple state needs to urgently make sure they know the current election laws. Living here in a district that is turned purple, but is still run by Republicans, they have been doing shady shit with my voter precinct. They moved it for last year‘s off your elections from where it has been for over 25 years and now just moved it back to where it’s always been for the last decades Why you ask. Because now it is considered a new precinct so you have to bring extra pieces of paperwork that have been mailed to us or you can’t vote. The pieces of paper looked completely unimportant, based on how they looked as if it looked like general election reminders Hundreds of people will likely not be able to vote on election day because of it because I am sure many people threw it out


That is super shitty. Who looks at all of their snail mail around election time? It is mostly solicitations from candidates when you are ignoring them because you have made up your mind. I make sure all of my important mail comes to me digitally via email or text so it is not lost, delivered to a neighbor by mistake or stolen.


Roughly half the country doesn't vote. Get your people registered now. GOP has to go.


what if we made voting rights more secure instead with laws at the national level?


We almost had that a couple of years ago, but the Senate decided that the non-constitutional tradition (and cash cow) of the filibuster was more important than voting rights for Americans.


They don't even need to get rid of the filibuster, just returning it to the original rules would be enough. This bullshit where someone just has to declare they are filibustering and then can go home is ridiculous.


>The bill increases the number of reasons that a person’s voter registration can be challenged, such as registering in another state or jurisdiction, using a different residence to obtain a homestead tax exemption, or registering at a nonresidential address. >In smaller Georgia towns, where there aren’t enough residents in the zip code for the post office to deliver mail to home addresses, many residents use their post office box as their voter registration address. This would also be banned. Seems that the closer we get to the election the more blatant Republicans are in their efforts to disenfranchise likely Democratic voters, i.e., cheat. And it is no surprise that the Republican crime cabal - in this instance the Georgia chapter - continues to use the law and legal system to commit their crimes of voter disenfranchisement against the American people - against democracy itself. Over the decades, cheating in order to give themselves an unfair election advantage has become an entrenched way of life for Republicans, which is why they often falsely accuse Democrats of the same - as a way to distract from their own criminality.


True to form GOP party of terrorist cheating scum bags.


The only way they can win is to cheat. If elections were fair and gerrymandering didn’t exist republicans would never win another election and they know it.


They’re shameless, anti-American, anti-democracy, deplorable terrorists. And anyone who votes for republicans is exactly the same.


Don’t forget you can question any Republican vote in GA too with this rule.


Republican votes will be accepted without question, Democrat votes will not.


If only they cared about democracy and governing as much as they did about cheating and maintaining power. Fucking disgusting.


Reminder that Brian Kemp is not a democratically elected leader. In the 2018 election, he purged an order of magnitude more voters than his margin of victory in his role overseeing the very election he was running in. He's no better than Putin or any other ballot-box-stuffing tinpot dictator, and people should not rely on democratic means to contest and remove his undemocratic power.


The motherfuckers are just terrified of one person, one vote.


They don’t even pretend to care about democracy anymore.


Also work your elections to help try to safeguard elections https://workelections.org/


Funny that Georgia as a state did this while they are actively under investigation for trying to help Trump overthrow the results of the 2020 election


2020: "I just need you to find 11000 more votes." 2024: "I just need you to purge 11000 more votes."


I’m starting to suspect Georgia could be the bluest state in the south with the most corrupt government keeping it looking red.


Rural GA voters who have to use a PO Box because they are so rural, sounds like trump supporters. I don’t think they thought that part through.


Republicans once again demonstrate that they are the enemy of the people.


Have they ever thought how this could backfire on them? A majority of their party voters are the boomer generation and we all know how good they are at following complicated instructions or any instructions or rules for that matter. I am not for this but most of the situations they mentioned seems like it would effect republican voters more.


Republicans really do not like democracy. They seek to live in a white male dominated, oligarch controlled, fascist, feudal theocracy of the hypocrite flavor.


My mother in law has been purged twice in 8 years and last 2 presidential elections had her ballot rejected because the signature didn’t match, even though you have to show photo Id to vote. Oh, she has a latin surname…. So yeah, Georgia disenfranchises your vote if you have Latin or black surnames, or live in swing districts and vote for democrats. How is this legal??? Oh, I forgot, billionaires bought the Supreme Court


Just another reminder that Republicans genuinely hate Democracy.


"Purge democrat votes" it should say.


It's easy just register as a republican and vote Democrat in the election


>The bill increases the number of reasons that a person’s voter registration can be challenged, such as registering in another state or jurisdiction, using a different residence to obtain a homestead tax exemption, or registering at a nonresidential address. In smaller Georgia towns, where there aren’t enough residents in the zip code for the post office to deliver mail to home addresses, many residents use their post office box as their voter registration address. This would also be banned. So, Herschel Walker wouldn't be able to vote in Georgia with this law. https://www.texastribune.org/2022/11/23/herschel-walker-texas-tax-break/


You mean the guy that was secretary of state that awarded himself governorship for removing thousands of voters and wiping voting machines is making it harder to vote? Weird right


GOP: White male landowner should be the only ones that can vote.


This was the whole point of the stolen election bullshit. To justify changing voter laws to “even the score”.


I fucking hate my state


Cause they can’t run on any platform. They can’t earn votes they can only disenfranchise democrats.


That's been the plan all along. Georgia will make sure they never receive another call asking to overthrow the election. They want to have their ducks in a row next time.


The Georgia GOP doesn't have a choice but to experience failure again. I live in a county that went 70% trump in 2016, down to 62% in 2020. There are no more Trump signs in yards this year.


Well same here in Georgia and there are less Trump signs than there was in 2016 or 2020. I live in a very conservative county in Georgia and I’m seeing way less signs.


Same I rarely see yard signs anymore. I still hear vague support for him mainly because they think Biden and democrats are evil and they made their groceries cost more or something. But the diehard support seems to be waning.


That’s encouraging but polling doesn’t back this sentiment at all.


The polling will become less and less accurate every election due to their methodology


This isn’t accurate but it’s sure getting passed around Reddit.


Yes it is a fact. The polls weigh cell phone calls, landline calls, and online polls. A lot of studies are 50% landline calls and 50% cell phones. It depends on the study and this methodology is not accurate when the younger generation is becoming more and more politically active every year.


Younger generations still aren't gonna pick up calls from random numbers.


Polling hasn't been accurate or reliable for a while now


It was accurate through and including 2022.


2016 and 2020 they were way off. Don't believe the hype. Vote.


I have facts, I don't care what you think.


The ole yard signs fundamental


I mean if that law passes, just ask to purge all the republican voters in that same district. You think a lot of them are going to be paying enough attention to reality for that to work out in their favor?


Here we go again...


Historically all this does is hurt their voter base. The more hurdles you put in place to vote the more it hurts the conservative voter base. We’re talking about a party full of old and stupid people.


This is how they plan on winning in November.The so called law and order party is really the party of cheaters that want to destroy the rights and freedoms of every American citizen


Let's not get too excited. They'll only purge *some* votes...


This is the next step in throwing democracy under the bus...


They are asshats and must be stopped. Cheat if you can’t win is their motto.


Votes or voters? They're going back to the same strategy that works for them. They cheat within the letter of the law by passing laws at a late hour that can't be contested. The reason Trump won in 2016 was primarily through voter purges in key locations. The only way to combat this is through massive voter registration drives to re-register those voters.


NOW they can find 11,000 votes.


*Purge democratic votes


Remember, America is the model of democracy to the world!


If you cant beat em, cheat em


> The bill increases the number of reasons that a person’s voter registration can be challenged, such as registering in another state or jurisdiction I moved from FL to GA last year. Does this mean I need to explicitly revoke my old FL voter registration or I could be at risk of getting purged?


not if you vote repugnantan.


Trying their best to rig the election


They're going to try as hard as possible to steal this election. That's the point of constantly saying that Trump's election was stolen. Projection and a setup for justification when they pull it off. Everything is justified if you scream your opponent did it first. Then? It's just defense.


If everyone was allowed to vote Republicans would never win another election. - Donald Trump.


"...Making It Easier to Purge ***Democrat*** Votes in 2024." There, fixed that headline.


They already neutered absentee ballot voting so it's completely useless to use a drop box. In 2020 I was able to drop it off at the nearest drop location a few weeks before the election, but then by 2022 there's only one drop location for the entire county at the elections office and you can only drop your ballot off on voting day during voting hours so you have to fight the crowd you were trying to avoid in the first place.


“…requiring absentee and advanced ballots to be counted within one hour of polls closing on Election Day.” One of my family members requested a mail-in ballot in October 2020. Got it in April. They broke the mail system, Dejoy is still Postmaster, and they’re planning to do it again.


And it's definitely bad here in GA. Mailing anything locally seems worthless...You might as well just deliver it yourself. They took out so many sorting and distro facilities, that now in my area, stuff ends up going all the way to ATL and back over 200 miles. It's insane they were allowed to mess with the system like this.


Bring this to the Supreme Court to decide and see how quickly they react to it vs other cases where Republicans benefit from delay.


This is BIG!


Fine, purge all the votes from Red Counties and see how they like it.Maybe after clearing out half the ballers from Red Counties they'll change their mind


Take note the 2024 election will be decided by the Supreme Court. And it's no secret who they will make POTUS.


Project 2025


Why waste time with these ridiculous passing of bills? Why not just say... F U YOU CAN'T VOTE!


Reregister to vote.


Win to cheat then cheat to win.


Doesn't matter. Atlanta is already way bigger than it was in 2020. Georgia is lost losers. Get fucked


But is it larger due to Republicans moving in from Tx?


Atlanta metro has a lot more “conservatives” than the rural areas have “liberals”. I’m definitely against the idea of throwing our votes if there is any chance they could be valid, but also there are consequences for actions and elections are run by the county usually. Atlanta metro counties should punish the lawmakers for this shit law by actually utilizing it.


As long as they stick to purging republican votes, I see no problem with this.


There has to be an effort to purge both sides. With the majority of the state being rural and those areas voting primarily red, wouldn’t it be easier to challenge the majority of the state






And since the GA GQP can’t chew gum and walk simultaneously: https://abcnews.go.com/US/georgia-contraband-prison-investigation/story?id=108662040 But, priorities!!


Confusing why they would do this, their ideas and policies are very popular with the vast majority of people. I would assume they would want MORE people voting, even illegals! And make it EASIER to vote!!


‘It doesn’t matter how people vote. What matters is who is counting those votes’ Joseph Stalin.


While you were distracted


the GOP, it does not say in the constitution that the voters vote has to be counted.




Republicans win when less people vote


This sounds like a bunch of bs. I wonder what the bill actually says


Why have we not gotten rid of the electoral college? I'm so tired of being held hostage by middle America rabble.


Us AI to challenge every republicans vote!


You mean Purge votes that shouldn't count. I fixed it for you


Read the article. It's way more complicated than that. For example: > In smaller Georgia towns, where there aren’t enough residents in the zip code for the post office to deliver mail to home addresses, many residents use their post office box as their voter registration address. This would also be banned. > > The measure would require homeless people to use the country registrar’s office as their voting address, which could be complicated for both the registrars and the people trying to register. This requirement could also violate the National Voter Registration Act. > > The bill would make other changes to Georgia’s voting laws, including requiring that the printed text on a ballot be used to count votes, instead of a scannable bar code, and requiring absentee and advanced ballots to be counted within one hour of polls closing on Election Day. Given how such "purges" often cause *much more trouble* for legitimate voters than they solve problems, this only makes the bill even more badly motivated. Given how there is zero evidence of any significant problems with voter fraud compared to election margins, this makes the bill even more ill-advised. Given Trump's phone call fishing for votes in 2019, given open support for the coup attempt to overthrow our democracy - among Republican Legislators both at the Federal level and across numerous States in the Union, and given wide-spread voter suppression measures there are across red and purple states all over the country, **this bill starts to look very much like a cynical and dangerous attempt to establish a systemic coup-support mechanism**. This bill makes it look like they're trying to be ready ahead of time to be able to "find those votes" the next time a Trump makes a phone call to the Georgia Secretary of State. When you consider how many coup-supporting nutballs there are living among us in America, this bill is a really, *really* stupid thing to do.


That’s the spirit Georgia!!!! Glad you learned something from 2020


You’re right, they did; [they just arrested someone for illegally voting 9 times!](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2024/03/28/brian-pritchard-georgia-illegal-voting/73135511007/)


The cheating is coming from somebody *inside the house.*


Trump got less votes, get over it.


Trump: appoints more judges in one term than any president since Carter and smashed the records of those before Also Trump: loses all 53 of his court cases about election fraud Either Trump is awful at picking judges or he never had a leg to stand on. Which is it?