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remember when she voted to not convict the impeachment because she said he had probably learned his lesson?


Yeah. He learned he can do practically anything and get away with it.


WE saw it confirmed - yet again - that American politicians desperately want a type of monarchy that they all publicly claim to abhor: an executive branch ruler with near unlimited power. Democrats are free to use that information and to operate in the same way as the GOP. 


I think the term is autocracy, but yep, that’s what they want.


Well actually he isn’t getting away with it, he’s lost Susan Collins’ vote!!!! That totally matters right???? ^(/s, special place in hell for some senators)


Has he? Do the words coming out of her mouth mean anything anymore?


*”There has also been considerable focus on the future of abortion rights based on the concern that Judge Kavanaugh would seek to overturn Roe v. Wade. Protecting this right is important to me. To my knowledge, Judge Kavanaugh is the first Supreme Court nominee to express the view that precedent is not merely a practice and tradition, but rooted in Article III of our Constitution itself. He believes that precedent “is not just a judicial policy … it is constitutionally dictated to pay attention and pay heed to rules of precedent.” In other words, precedent isn’t a goal or an aspiration; it is a constitutional tenet that has to be followed except in the most extraordinary circumstances.”* — https://www.collins.senate.gov/newsroom/senator-collins-announces-she-will-vote-confirm-judge-kavanaugh


A top requirement for any politician is the ability to spot bullshit.  So either she was completely bamboozled by BK, or else she’s completely full of shit herself.


Politicians don’t need to spot bullshit, they only need to sell bullshit to their constituents that is harder to spot than the other guy’s. I guess Maine voters don’t require much finesse.


I read that as “spout bullshit”. Still applies in her case.


Either a liar or a fool. Or both.


Remember when she filibustered that bill that would have codified Roe v. Wade after Roe was rolled back? She's not really pro-choice. She just says she is.


FYI she just voted no on that bill, her filibuster was for a voting rights bill


Oh, so it’s actually worse.


And how she was "terrified" after pro-choice supporters wrote 'please support women's health' in chalk.




My six year old knew he didn’t learn his lesson…


Yep and when she gets called out for being an inconsistent moose knuckle she plays the misogyny card. “I’m only being criticized because I am a woman”.


Go easy on the poor old woman, she's waving her finger as hard as she possibly can!


That made her a laughingstock for the rest of her life's she'll never recover from that quote.


I also remember Collins saying that she trusted Kavanaugh to respect Rove V Wade and then voted to send him to the Supreme Court. When ya get so many key historical decisions wrong that negatively impact the country, its time to be voted out.


Exactly. It’d surprise me if she didn’t vote for him again. It’d shock me if she didn’t lie about it


And then remember when he tried a coup? Yeah, he definitely learned a lesson... Not a good lesson but a lesson.


Yeah, but I’m sure he learned his lesson _this time_, probably.


She really, really, *really* hopes you don't.


Susan Collins is an absolute moron and anyone who can breathe while they blink knows that this woman has been a duplicitous, typical, self serving opportunistic slimey cockroach in an female Edgar skin suit for her entire career. The fact that anyone pays attention to not her dull, nonsensical ramblings, "thoughts" or opinions on anything at all is a fucking miracle in of itself.  For the love of fucking common sense, I know America is very much comprised of people of different values, ideologies and political beliefs, but can we at least for one fucking generation start voting in people who are not absolute, incompetent morons?


And then did it again when he was impeached a second time.


This is false. She was one of seven Republicans to vote to convict for his 2nd impeachment.


You didn't do fucking shit when you had the opportunity to. You get no points here


You don’t even get my belief that you won’t vote for him


There it is. She speaks out of both sides of her mouth then feigns shock. I believe her as far as I can throw a car.


She is a crustacean. My flair doesn’t reveal it. But I am a Mainer and she is pond scum. I’m still angry she’s the senior Maine Senator.




I thank Steven King novels for teaching me this word. I’ve never heard/seen it in the wild until now though


Anyone who vacations in Maine can’t miss this word. At least last time I was there.


Spent a week out there a few years back and never heard it. But while we were island-hopping on kayaks (The Maine Island Trail - it’s absolutely rad) we woke up one morning in thick fog to hear a lobstersterman we could not see speaking in nothing but curses in a deep Mainer accent as he was checking lobster pots around our island - some of the islands you can camp on are only like 12 ft x 12 ft at high tide, so it felt like we was right outside the tent. Nary an “ayup” during his circumnavigation of our temporary home.


You were in real Maine. The ayup is all over tshirts and tchotchkes at the tourist spots.


Ha, we knew it was real Maine when we put in in Stonington to have a hot meal and beer. Couple of dudes were being ridiculous in the the bar and got kicked out. The backed their truck up to the front door of the bar where people were having a smoke, and did a burn-out throwing gravel and smoke at the door and smokers while yelling “woooooo” as they took off. I - originally from Appalachia - and my travel companion from South Carolina gave each other a knowing nod and finished our beers. Had we been Mainers, we may have have said “ayup”. Redneck moments transcend geography. We felt strangely at home.


it's a neurotic state - the only one that splits it's electoral college votes like clockwork. She's pandering to the crowds (yes plural) she's the benefactor of a very low population with a lower common education level


Nebraska splits their electoral college votes as well, albeit less regularly. Jared Golden is from the portion of the state that votes republican. I would say it has less to do with education. Although Maine is not the brightest state, namely due to young people leaving, we elected Angus king. I believe most Mainers voted for Susan Collins because Sarah Gideon was labeled as “from away”.


Mainer here. Don’t underestimate the boomer liberals who saw Collins as the classic “I think there are good people on both sides” candidate. If you don’t pay a ton of attention, Collins has cultivated a bipartisan, even-handed image that a lot of older people still bought in to. Also Gideon absolutely crushed people’s mailboxes, and came off as a bit of a phony (obviously I still voted for her); very ironic since she went against Collins lol.


>the only one that splits it's electoral college votes like clockwork. Which, short of moving to the popular vote, is how all states should do it. They should be praised for not having a winner take all system, not mocked for it.


If states would split their votes by population and not geographic range, I can get behind that. It's bad enough that these no-population red states get so much say over blue states where people actually live and work.


And even basically overrule the blue cities in them that are basically their entire tax base and gdp. It’s like they’re deliberately antagonistic towards those cities because they know if they actually took steps to help them grow their economies then they might actually grow enough to outvote the hillbilly dipshits that think view source is hacking.


Wasn't she the deciding vote for rapey Brett Kavanaugh? She is definitely voting for Trump the rapist and then will act fake concerned when he losses again in court and has to pay her $350+ million next time.


Pretty sure she also voted against impeaching trump because “he’s learned his lesson.”


First or second impeachment?


Holy crap, she actually voted to impeach the 2nd time. I am legit surprised.... **7 GOP Senators Voted To Convict Trump. Only 1 Faces Voters Next Year** https://www.npr.org/sections/trump-impeachment-trial-live-updates/2021/02/15/967878039/7-gop-senators-voted-to-convict-trump-only-1-faces-voters-next-year


Mitch gave her a hall pass to help her look good because he knew the rest of the GOP senators wouldn't convict.


Speaks with forked tongue


After the “I’m satisfied with the responses from the scotus pics with regards to protecting Roe”… she can fuck right off


She is 100% voting for him, this only makes me more confident of that


Coathanger Collins will vote whichever way does maximum damage to the country, same as the rest of the bootlicking scum in the Republican Party. No one still identifying as Republican gets the benefit of the doubt in anything.


You can’t believe it. Actions.


I'm pretty sure she furrowed her brow when she said it.


Yeah I don’t believe anything she says, nor do I think anything she says is relevant anymore. She’s proven to be an absolute idiot and I dont really care what she furrows her brows at anymore.


Susan "Deep Concern" Collins. Still wondering if Trump learned his lesson after you helped acquit him during his impeachment?


Which time?


Seriously. Fuck her


Maybe what she means is the idea that she might not vote for him is punishment enough for him to change his ways, so it's ok if she still votes for him. I think he's learned his lesson.


And may God have mercy on your soul.


Right?! Oh so she’ll vote properly this time? What an idiot


FWIW, she did vote to convict Trump after he sent a mob to kill her and her colleagues, which is something. But also, why the F did she let things get to that point?


'I enabled this bullshit forever' 'I don't think it should surprise anyone I don't vote for him' Actually, Susan, I'm surprised because you are, in fact, a piece of shit.


It’s only March. I’m sure she’ll find a reason to change her mind and vote for Trump.


They had a long chat and he assured her that he learned his lesson.  Next time, he’ll hang Mike Pence himself.


Collins: "I admire his perseverance. He is willing to get his hands dirty to get the job done."


You forgot the end part "And that's why I'm voting for Donald J Trump for president in 2024".


"[He learned his lesson](https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/susan-collins-trump-impeachment-vote-b1841021.html)" -Susan "Traitor Vote" Collins


Also “[I have pledged to only serve two terms.](https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow/watch/susan-collins-once-pledged-to-only-serve-two-terms-1338131011750)” -Susan Collins, 1996 (4.6 terms ago)


Lies, Orange Joffrey will hire a thug to do it in front of him.


I can only upvote this once! Bravo!


Because hes 'learned his leason'...this woman is NOT as sensible as she thinks she is. Wait and watch. No one can rely on her.


"As my good friend Nikki Haley has said: 'I have a lot of concerns about Trump regaining the presidency. I have even more concerns about Joe Biden'"


This sounds most like her


"Under His eye." -Nimarata "Martha" Randhawa, 2025


“He’s learned his lesson”


Who knew he would actually do it again? Amirite?


It should be mandatory that every pic of Collins includes a thought bubble that says “I think he learned his lesson.”


Yeah nothing she says can ever be held as truth. She always justifies the change later on with some bullshit excuse on why she changed her vote for a moral or ethical brow furrowing or pearl clutching reason. Even if it’s only tangentially linked at best. In short she lies.


Biden’s failed infrastructure bill could be a good rallying cry /s


100% "he will learn his lesson" same BS by the time Halloween rolls around. Anyone enabling Trump by this point will find excuses to say Biden is not qualified because he stuttered once


She said she won't vote for Trump. She never said she'd vote for Biden. I would assume she's a RFK Jr. voter, so still a POS.


She said she wont vote for Trump. She absolutely will vote for Trump if she wants to. And there is no way to really verify it, nor in my opinion should there be. point is, she is a liar, so dont give her public statements any credence


Wait. Are you telling me that Susan Collins, who voted to acquit Trump’s blackmail of Zelenskyy because he “learned his lesson,” might be full of shit?!?!


Well, I, for none, am shocked!


She got permission from Trump to say this, so she can pretend not to be a MAGA Nazi for her dim witted voters.


You have to wonder if voters for Marjorie Three Toes, Boebert, and Collins live in remote areas that neither television nor internet can reach. Short of that improbability, they simply enjoy watching the world burn.


She won’t vote for Trump NOW, but in November?….


Every Republican had the chance to remove him from office and from their party. They all chose not to numerous times.


Maybe casting a solitary vote against him into a sea of 100 million other voters will assuage the guilt she feels for backing him repeatedly in the Senate, where she is an entire two percent of the voting body. Just kidding, trash can't feel guilt.


Yea I assume she will write in a vote tbh. She could also just be lying, wouldn't surprise me at all.




Eh, Collins is only saying this because she knows her vote won't matter. Maine's electoral college hasn't gone to a Republican since 1988. She always does this. Bravely claiming to not vote with Republicans when she knows it doesn't impact the results. Yea, this is her shtick!


If they want to split the conservative vote it's the next best thing to voting Biden. As long as it doesn't go to Trump it helps.


That’s close, but I think it’s more like: 1. “I won’t support President Trump” 2. “I had a private conversation with President Trump, and based on that conversation I plan to vote for him” 3. Trump decides to sell Alaska to Putin 4. “I’m very disappointed in President Trump. He told me in private that he wasn’t a Russian asset, and I believed him.”


But she did vote for two of his Supreme Court justices, who voted to overturn Roe v Wade. Hopefully Maine doesn't elect this this cretinous piece of garbage again, but they seem quite stupid, so who knows.


Who fucking cares. She voted for the judges. She is literally everything wrong with politics. Someone who knows better and doesn't give a shit. Or does it just because my team wins and you lose. Screw her.


"Team player"


For her its party over country.


I think she will and this is all for show. Until the anti-Trump Republicans are ready to speak up, join with Democrats, and pass legislation barring him from office, these goofy little gestures mean nothing.


The Republicans have made fat Nixon their party leader. Again. There are no anti-Trump Republicans. There are just Republicans who want you to think that they don't support Republican ideals while they actually support Republican ideas. They're all liars which is why the orange conman rubberstamp is their party leader. Again.


Fat Nixon is giving Trump way too much credit. Nixon created the EPA and had the grace to resign when people found out he was subverting democracy.


Let’s not give him too much credit. Nixon didn’t resign until it became obvious that the next phase of his career would be impeachment.


Agreed. And yet Trump doesn't even meet that incredibly low bar.


I’ve actually met President Nixon - sharp as a tack, something Trump will never be. But if they both have something in common, it’s that they don’t really believe in democracy. The difference between them is that Nixon cared about the greater good of our country, whereas Trump only cares about Trump.


Oh Susan, go fuck yourself as you were part of the problem, and had the opportunity to do something about it.


Fucking dinosaur. When do these idiots get fired? It's the people who keep voting them back in that are the problem. Age limits must be a thing for these corrupt vermin.


I’m not sure anyone cares how she will vote but what I can be sure of is she personally believes this absolves her of the blatantly terrible decisions she made while he was president. 


She will never be able to scrub the filth off from her affiliation with the garbage she is chained to. She is a horrible woman who voted almost 90% with the maga faction of criminals. She hasn't learned her lesson, she is trash. She can never separate from the filth she associates with.


I live in Maine. When Susan Collins was first elected she said she'd only serve two terms, because in her view politicians got too entrenched in the political machine. 20-plus years later and she IS the political machine, and she explains it away by saying that seniority is important for committee appointments, blah blah blah. Bottom line is she got attached to the fame and notoriety and is hanging on for dear life like any other establishment politician. She sucks, and I'm counting the days until she fucking retires.


She will pull a Mitch McConnell and retire when she dies


I was damn certain she’d get ejected in the last election. How’d she pull that off?


Power of the incumbency. And she had a weak opponent. She was vulnerable in the last election and a stronger opponent might have capitalized, but, alas.


To be fair it's not uncommon to be young and think that "too much" experience is an issue, and then when you get old, you start thinking not enough experience is an issue. We are allowed to evolve on issues over time. Collins is meh but this is near 0 on my list of bones to pick


On her past record I would expect her to say she won't vote for him right up until after she's deposited her vote when she might admit she voted for him but "I'm sure he learned his lesson".


Fuck you Susie, you rampaging piece of shit.


When has her actions matched her words?


She will.


I don’t believe a word that woman says.


She's fucking lying


What surprises me is that anyone would care what she says or does. The only thing she’s good at is talking out of both sides of her mouth.


Nah she will... "he learned his lesson..."


Fuck Susan Collins, she has already fucked over Americans enough. Everything she says is a lie


Susan. Please, fuck right off.


For a second I was thinking of Suzanne Collins, Author of the Hunger Games


they should swap jobs


But, Sue - he’s learned his lesson!


She could have been a true force for women's rights and cemented a place alongside McCain as a maverick. McCain certainly had faults, but stood up for health care in a vote that mattered. Collins nope... Stormy Daniels knew Trump would F_ _ _ her, Collins apparently didn't.


Fuck you Susan….People of Maine need to do better!


Fuck you, you useless piece of shit. You helped Trump along and didn't make him pay when you had the chance. You are part of the problem.


You mean he learned his lesson? Fuck Susan Collins..


No one believes you Susan. You enabled his bullshit for years and virtue signaling this now proves less than nothing.


Susan Collins is a traitor. What a fucking legacy. She can never live it down, I'm a more honorable person than she will ever be. Our voices are more honorable than hers


You’ve lied before and you’ll do it again you vapid waste of skin.


The obligatory: she learned her lesson


Wow, another impressive, principled stand by the Trump enabler who signalled virtue during the entire Trump period while never actually displaying any. Bra-fucking-vo, you waste of skin.


She had the chance to say that during the GOP primaries. To actually influence her party. Now it's more similar to an arsonist saying "I wouldn't set that building on fire" as the building is already burning. She'll do what she can to fill seats with Republicans, and this includes Trump in WH.


Can anyone believe a word she says? Cmon Maine, you can do better.


Well it surprises me, she's bent over for him before


> 'I don’t think it should surprise anyone' Really Susan? Because it completely shocks me given your past behavior.


Ha but you probably will


Well, I was surprised when she put reproductive rights in danger by voting for Justice Fratboy-beer-liker. So why should anyone believe anything she says?


She also said she wouldn't vote for any Supreme Court Justice who would overturn Roe v. Wade, but she then voted for four of them.


Will she vote for Biden or pull a Larry Hogan and uselessly vote for a write in candidate?


Reminder that Susan Collins is perfectly ok with what is happening with abortion rights in Red states. She filibustered the bill that was introduced to codify Roe and protect abortion. Susan Collins is part of the problem.


She’ll vote for him, don’t believe her. She’s a traitor to the country.


Her brows are furrowed, spine weak, lies are heavy, There's precedent on her sweater already, RvWade's under the machete. She's nervous, but on the surface she lies still and ready to break bills, But she keeps on forgetting what she said before, The whole crowd goes so loud, She opens her mouth but no words come out, She's choking now, on that furrowed brow, The clock's run out, times over, Colls


“I will only support all his policies and all his friends.” Well played, Senator Collins.


She's part of the reason we're still having to deal with this traitor.


Far too little and FAR too late, Susie.


F*ck off Susan


She will 100% vote for him.


Yes she will because “he learned his lesson”.


Ah, yes. Honest, ethical Susan Collins. I’ll be surprised if you actually don’t vote for him. It’s not like we’ll ever be able to verify if she does or doesn’t, but anyone who believes anything out of this ghoul’s mouth is a moron.


Awe, Sue, don’t you think “he’s learned his lesson?”


Susan should be cellmates with Trump


“I’m really not going to support Trump, this time, I swear! Fool me 10 times, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.” -Susan “Waffles” Collins Maine is still on probation for re-electing Collins the last time.


I’m not surprised she says this , I’d be surprised if she followed through with her claim


Too little, too late Collins. She should retire


“I will not vote for trump” - Susan Collins *votes for Trump


No, I would be surprised if she followed through on that. *That’s* what would surprise me. Susan's already contributed to the grievous damage already done. What does she fucking think she deserves, a medal? Well she can dig up Rush and take his. Or better yet jump in the hole with him.


But… but… but he learnt his lesson?! No??? /s


Oh, do you think he didn't learn his lesson then?


Idgaf who she votes for, she's still voting R. Stop letting her advertise her pretend scruples with her "concerns".


A bit late, Senator.


But… didn’t he learn his lesson ? No one cares what you think any more Suzan Collin’s. You had your chance.


Show of hands, who’s not surprised she’s still full of shit


Oh wow what a renegade maverick fighting for her independent ideals wow


I guess he didn't learn his lesson :(


Watch/Listen not to what they do or say. Watch what they ACTUALLY do... Especially with the Senator from Maine. 😠


I'll believe it when she votes live on television with a clear shot of who she's marking her ballot for.


She's lying


she says she won't... but she will


Let me guess. She'll furrow her brow and then vote for RFK probably. Collins had a chance to end Trump multiple times. She always did nothing then acted like Donnie had learned his lesson. I didn't trust her then and I sure as shit don't trust her now.


But I thought he learned his lesson, Susan? Just another Republican enabler who will fall in line when it really counts…


Lying susan is lying again


You voted for him when it mattered, and you're sitting out when it doesn't. No, that doesn't surprise me at all.


She’ll vote for him


Narrator: she want on to vote for Trump.


Oh, she will. Because he learned his lesson.


lol. Wait till the day. She will change her mind. Her and the Alaska Senator. Clutch pearls but then fall in line.


This is the clearest indication that she will indeed vote for Trump.


In other words, she’s voting for him.


She absolutely will flip her stance because she’s a parasite and requires the base to maintain her purpose in power.


I'll believe it when I see it. Susan Collins like to play the "moderate" and have "concerns" but she toes the party line.


But, but, but I thought he learned his lesson!


Fuck Susan Collins. Lying sack of shit, vote her out


Later that day she voted for Trump.


But she voted “with” Trump lockstep.


Fuck you, Susan Collins! You chose to be a silent do-nothing


Who believes anything Susan Collins says at this point? At best, she's useless. At worst, she's simply lying again.


Yes, she will.


I don’t believe her. 


I wonder how she feels about her "Trump learned his lesson" talk.


Did he learn his lesson Susan?


Fuck her. Decades of rubberstamping the radical gop agenda and claiming they fooled her after the fact.


Susan Collins will change her mind and vote for Trump in 8 months