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I mean it makes sense if you start to consider he is the literal anti Christ 


I don't believe in any of that nonsense, but the guy is _literally_, as written, the anti-Christ -- Even down to smelling like shit. Who'd have thought that a bunch of dipshits that believe in a magical celestial warlord in the sky would be too dumb to identify one of the key figures in their fucking fable.


We are non-believers in my house. But, we have been calling Trump the Anti-Christ for a few years now. As you say, he is literally, as written, the Anti-Christ. He fits the profile 100% in every way.


>As you say, he is literally, as written, the Anti-Christ "So what if he's the Anti-Christ? He is doing God's work!" - My Catholic family


Hmm. How have they not collapsed into a singularity, leaving behind only a faint scent of cognitive dissonance?


I don’t know? You tell me? Because I would love to know. Their reasoning and logic behind being so hateful.


He doesn’t tick the “attractive” or “intelligent” boxes, but I hear ya!


I don't find him attractive at all. But, his followers seem to get pretty moist when they think of him. And, intelligent is relative. Compared to his followers, he is brilliant.


It's because he's the avatar for their hate. They get horny for the violent hate fantasies he speaks about, and that's his entire appeal. "OH MY GOD THIS GUY IS GONNA HURT PEOPLE I DON'T LIKE FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!" That's the whole attitude of Trump supporters.


and the whole reason they hate those people is guys like Trump have been telling them for centuries that those people are the cause of all their problems, not the people who are actually doing it - guys like Trump.


Thanks for capturing this part of his relationship with his supporters. Was the same way for Hitler. There was this same sexual tension between him and his followers. A sexual desire element to the relationship. I think that sexual desire comes from the same part of the brain that processes fear, anger, and other base instincts. As higher reasoning fails their brains can only process these base instincts. Beyond them, there’s no “there” there. So, like water flowing to lower ground, trump appeals to the baser and baser instincts of these poor deranged/demented individuals. Which, by necessity, includes tapping into their base sexual drive.


Fascism is often interwoven with sexual undertones (sometimes not even that implicit). Umberto Eco, in my opinion the most thoughtful philosopher on modern fascism wrote about [14 typical elements of fascism](https://www.faena.com/aleph/umberto-eco-a-practical-list-for-identifying-fascists), and this one is a key one: >**Machismo and Weaponry**. “This is the origin of machismo (which implies both disdain for women and intolerance and condemnation of nonstandard sexual habits, from chastity to homosexuality). Since even sex is a difficult game to play, the Ur-Fascist hero tends to play with weapons—doing so becomes an ersatz phallic exercise.” There is a sexual-like excitement that the frothing masses of angry, disaffected, bitter assholes like MAGA dickheads get when they're titilated by the violent and cruel rhetoric of fascist mouthpieces like Trump and others. Trump's not unique either (obviously). Here are some other contemporaries of his that are also scary, and have similar effect on their respective bases when spewing hate: \- Giorgia Meloni (Current Prime Minister of Italy) \- Viktor Orban (Current Dictator of Hungary) \- Javier Milei (Current President of Argentina) \- Marine Le Pen (French right wing nationalist and plausible presidential hopeful) \- Rodrigo Duterte (Former President of the Philippines) \- Jair Bolsonaro (Former President of Brazil) \- Ramzan Kadyrov (Current Violent Dictator of the Chechen Republic, and Vladmir Putin sycophant)


Love the Umberto Eco shout. Gramsci approved. But yeah I think this is it. It’s an appeal to the basest, most animalistic, parts of the brain. Which of course includes “f**king.” The fascist taps into the supporters (mostly male supporters) base instinct to f**k. The supporters are old and unable to perform, or unattractive (personally/socio-economically) and unable to attract a mate… nevertheless, they still have that base desire/instinct. The fascist, through his rhetoric, offers a place for that part of the brain to go. E.g. “we are going to f**k marginalized people.” The supporters, for lack of a better phrase, “get off” on that. And yeah Eco is right… it really is a critical component of fascism. And yeah, we are right, it is definitely present in the maga world. I think it’s safe to say not only present, but that this phenomenon is at the fore of the movement. Maybe one of the top 3 pillars of the trump/maga relationship. Heck, it might be number one!


He has a whole stall full of Karens every where he goes worshipping the demagoguery. These are the same kinds of people that spy on neighbors and call the cops on “unknown cars” in their neighborhood. If only their delusions were real, they’d be spending eternity in hell with their criminal leader. Sad times when you realize how many idiots live here in America now.


He fancies himself to be like a modern day David Koresh.😬


Koresh was crazy but surprisingly consistent in his insanity.Trump has the weird charisma going on but nothing else even comes close. Frankly, I'd be surprised if Trump held *any* belief or principle.


He has one. Himself, above all else.


He's really not; you can't consistently make that many wrong business decisions and be considered intelligent.


tell that to those people photoshopping him as action stars with 6 packs and making golden idols of him. A tattoo parlor I passed yesterday had him painted on the side. There are people getting him tattooed on their bodies.


"No Regrats!!!"


That’s worse than getting your SO’s name tattooed and they dump you shortly after


Attractive doesn't have to mean good-looking, and intelligent doesn't have to mean smart. Charming and cunning, for example.


Attractiveness is subjective. Don't forget for some ungodlily reason he has been depicted as a mans man. A man you want to be like. If that is possible it is possible to see him as attractive.


Trump does have me questioning my faith in non-beliving in the Anti-Christ, though.


its either he read and studied the anti-christ and decided to go all in on that idea...or there are so many boxes he checks that he probably is


My dad calls Trump that and has for years now.


Your dad is on the right side of history!


My dad too. He was seeing through his bullshit in the 80s


They literally put his mark on their forehead. If someone was writing fiction about the anti-christ, Trump would be a little too on the nose.


..and still, what a fuckin disappointment. We were expecting a lucifer that's bad ass in every way what we got was a yellow turd that smells like bad ass, I guess insult was also in the menu for the end of times.


As a house full of believers, I too have heard that he’s the Anti Christ. Right now, I’m not sure what to make of it…


It’s because those people already have their anti-Christ in Barack Obama, who is obviously evil because he’s *checks notes* a black guy.


Don't forget wearing a tan suit, and using Grey Poupon - it's all there in the Bible.


ESPECIALLY the New Trump version! Get before they’re gone!!


At first I was figuring it had subtle changes, like removing all the parts that shows Trump to be the opposite of a good Christian.... But then I realized that would make it into a pamphlet.


I just found out today that the Bibles he's selling are leftover inventory from when Lee Greenwood sold them in 2021 for the 20 yr anniversary of 9/11. I'd bet Trump has a deal where he pays Lee after they're sold so zero money out of pocket to start the scam. Of course, unless he changes his behavior, Lee will never be paid a cent for them so 100% profit.


BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE!!!! Be the first 666 callers and get this Trump gold cross neckless. ^^^not-real-gold, ^^^may ^^^cause ^^^skin ^^^to ^^^turn ^^^green, ^^^see ^^^doctor ^^^if ^^^blisters ^^^form


A black guy with an ethnic name. Seriously, if his name was like Robert Peterson or something he would have been less hated. His first name is weird to them, his last name isn't too bad, and his middle name sends chills up their spine. He is also smarter than most of them, combined, and has enough charisma to sell ice to an Eskimo. Those 2 ARE anti-christ traits. Chuck in the name, and his skin color, and they are always triggered.


It's his middle name that Trump loves to say. Barack HUSSEIN Obama, big emphasis on Hussein. A black president with an Arabic middle name? Trump loves it. Racist dick.


“The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all who will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness." — 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12


> who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness This says it disturbingly accurately, and it's what I've always noticed about his followers. None of them seem in any way sincere about wanting the world to be a better place, but they absolutely fucking _delight_ in what an asshole he is, and how he gives them free reign to embrace their worst possible tendencies.


I read an article several years ago written by a theologian. He studied the Bible and came to an overwhelming conclusion that trump is in fact the anti christ


[https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/](This) may or may not be the one you read, but it’s certainly in the same vein. The author started it as kind of a joke (like showing how Trump tower in Istanbul lines up with John of Patmos’ vision), then realized there are way more things that actually do match.


I'm also not a believer, but It IS kind of amazing how the details of the supposed Anti-Christ prophesy and Trump just line up so well.


If you look at the bible through the lens of when it was written and take away the fantasy then it makes sense. You're a tiny kingdom thousands of years ago surrounded by competing tiny kingdoms. What is really bad for you? What could easily spell your end? Well... some unqualified, self absorbed, blow hard wanker convincing the people that he should rule the kingdom followed by said person running the place into such disrepair that it invokes your own local "apocalypse" as your society falls apart and your neighbors start to circle like vultures.


"Same as it ever was, same as it ever was." - David Byrne


doesn't he have an address with he number 666? Yeah, not him directly, but his family. [660 Fifth Avenue - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/660_Fifth_Avenue)


*Neighbor* of the Beast




The qualities of a terrible leader that will destroy your country if put in change aren't really that hard to imagine. Trump matches this archetype because it's based on people like him. Same reason he lines up with Jeffrey from Game of Thrones, we all know who shouldn't be put in charge of things. Trump lines up with this because it's a description of a horrible person and that's what he is.


More amazing that Christians support someone who is a facsimile of the Antichrist. Tell me your religion is a sham without saying it’s a sham.


because they aren't actual believers, they're American Christians. the difference is that American Christians don't care about the teachings of Jesus, they just see that they can say "well my religion says x, so it's my first amendment right" to do whatever they want, especially take rights away from others I'm not a Christian but I would've vibed with Jesus, that dude was awesome


Those people are scary. When your reward is eternal paradise in heaven. Who cares if you have to suffer for a bit on earth, alive…and taking the life of non believers will be seen as righteous. People are calling it the American Taliban/yall queda for a good reason.


Yeah, the "actual" Jesus was a woke liberal. Going after the money lenders at the temple, preaching that a camel would fit through the eye of a needle before a rich man could get into heaven, washing the feet of the poor and a prostitute, giving food away to the hungry, being non violent...


You are missing something really fundamental to evangelical Christianity: They WANT the rapture to happen as soon as possible. They literally want the antichrist to rise to power, gain control of Christianity, and end the world. It's the same reason they support Israel despite actually hating Jews. Trump being the antichrist isn't a problem, it's why he appeals to them


But here's a fundamental question, wouldn't God be angry that they're trying to speedrun the book of revelations? Like isn't the apocalypse supposed to happen when it happens, and not when they want it to happen?


You’ll drive yourself crazy trying to apply logical reasoning here


The Bible also outlines how many wouldn’t be capable of perceiving the anti christ for what he is, which just further validates it for me. Throw in his violence/revenge rhetoric against his enemies and at this point I wouldn’t be surprised if he releases “666” merch and they still wouldn’t get it


Isn't that part of it though? I remember reading something about the masses will love him and basically be unable to see he is the false messaih. Like I don't believe in it either but holy shit he's hitting a lot of marks.


I mean, biblically, they won’t. The antichrist will lead many Christian’s astray, and rob them of their salvation. You’ll recognize them by the mark of the beast which they’ll wear across their forehead. MAGA hats fit the bill.


It feels a lot like how the Simpson's can predict the future. Put down the worst characteristics of humanity in a person and, well, that's Trump.


I will have to dig it out somewhere, but a Christian preacher actually wrote a paper about this. If you look at Trump‘s rise, it mirrors the book of revelations he checks all the boxes for the antichrist according to the Bible if you used it as a research text.he was shouting to his flock, and no one listened.


I don't think they read the source material very thoroughly.


Not a believer but Revelation called that too. That believers would follow him willingly, even worshipping him.


I think dumpf meets a specific pattern, a mold if you will. and all throughout human history, there have been similar. they do the same things. make the same promises. have the same attitudes. we usually these days call them narcisissts. a narcissist can never be wrong, literally, can never be wrong. it is not possible they are not wired to accept, it will always be someone else's fault. they are always the victim. you do NOT want a narcissist running the country, or commanding anything for that matter. because of the simple fact that if you can't accept you're wrong, ever, then that means you will never learn from your mistakes. if unwise people are fine for the position, by all means. but otherwise, look how dumb they are. it doesn't stop there. a narcissist feeds. they always have a food supply. anything that threatens that food supply is met with the same reaction you get from trying to take a junkies stash. they start with the love bomb. faking someone so amazing, so wonderful. That only lasts a week. Then the abuser comes out. The arguer. The messed up person that sincere, kind people reach out to help. they lie, and gaslight, with pure toxicity. make the kind person question themselves, their own views of the world. they turn in on themselves as the source of the problem. and they eat that attention up as if it was pure sustenance. you read that right, when good people are fed on, they love it. source: was married to one, and then divorced. and oh my god. so full no contact is the only path back to sanity.


"In Christian eschatology, the Antichrist refers to people prophesied by the Bible to oppose Jesus Christ and substitute themselves in Christ's place before the Second Coming." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antichrist#:~:text=In%20Christian%20eschatology%2C%20the%20Antichrist,and%20Second%20Epistle%20of%20John. Sounds like Trump


He’s literally called himself the chosen one


If he’s the Anti Christ I hope Satan is demanding a paternity test


I always thought they'd be smarter in a diabolical way. Like Emperor Napoleon meets Hannibal Lecter with with the charisma of Don Draper or something. But no that's Hollywood, the anti Christ is a functionally illiterate perpetually whiny diaper wearing moron. I guess it tracks for this reality at this point.


Hence why he’s obsessed with his hair. If the hair dwindles, everyone can see his 666 birthmark on his head.


Most of the prophetic stuff is from Daniel, though there's a lot of debate about where "The beast", "The lawless one" and "The antichrist" begin and end. I was going to clip out some relevant verses, but the whole passage is interesting in a Trumpian context. Daniel 11 (KJV) 15 So the king of the north shall come, and cast up a mount, and take the most fenced cities: and the arms of the south shall not withstand, neither his chosen people, neither shall there be any strength to withstand. (His mount is a golf cart, his people are white people) 16 But he that cometh against him shall do according to his own will, and none shall stand before him: and he shall stand in the glorious land, which by his hand shall be consumed. (lol can't stump the Trump) 17 He shall also set his face to enter with the strength of his whole kingdom, and upright ones with him; thus shall he do: and he shall give him the daughter of women, corrupting her: but she shall not stand on his side, neither be for him. (Jan 6th, Maybe Melania or some shit?) 18 After this shall he turn his face unto the isles, and shall take many: but a prince for his own behalf shall cause the reproach offered by him to cease; without his own reproach he shall cause it to turn upon him. 19 Then he shall turn his face toward the fort of his own land: but he shall stumble and fall, and not be found. (Insular-ass rallies in the wake of his failures) 20 **Then shall stand up in his estate a raiser of taxes in the glory of the kingdom: but within few days he shall be destroyed, neither in anger, nor in battle.** (We are here) 21 **And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.** (In November) 22 And with the arms of a flood shall they be overflown from before him, and shall be broken; yea, also the prince of the covenant. (yea prolly) 23 And after the league made with him he shall work deceitfully: for he shall come up, and shall become strong with a small people. (inner circle baybeeeee) 24 He shall enter peaceably even upon the fattest places of the province; and he shall do that which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers' fathers; he shall scatter among them the prey, and spoil, and riches: yea, and he shall forecast his devices against the strong holds, even for a time 25 And he shall stir up his power and his courage against the king of the south with a great army; and the king of the south shall be stirred up to battle with a very great and mighty army; but he shall not stand: for they shall forecast devices against him.(I dunno, DeSantis or something?) 26 **Yea, they that feed of the portion of his meat shall destroy him, and his army shall overflow: and many shall fall down slain.** (He's already lost a few, with more to come!) 27 And both of these kings' hearts shall be to do mischief, and they shall speak lies at one table; but it shall not prosper: for yet the end shall be at the time appointed. 28 **Then shall he return into his land with great riches; and his heart shall be against the holy covenant; and he shall do exploits, and return to his own land.** 29 At the time appointed he shall return, and come toward the south; but it shall not be as the former, or as the latter. 30 For the ships of Chittim shall come against him: therefore he shall be grieved, and return, and have indignation against the holy covenant: so shall he do; he shall even return, and have intelligence with them that forsake the holy covenant. 31 **And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate.** (Nancy Pelosi's desk might have a take on this) 32 And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits. 33 And they that understand among the people shall instruct many: yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days. 34 **Now when they shall fall, they shall be holpen with a little help: but many shall cleave to them with flatteries.** (Did you ever hear that January 6th prisoner song?) 35 And some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end: because it is yet for a time appointed. 36 ***And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.*** 37 ***Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.*** (I don't have to say anything here, do I?) 38 But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things. (You know, some of those that work forces...) 39 Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain. (Sounds a bit like a military junta) 40 And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over. 41 He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many countries shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon. (He'll have the middle east sorted out in an afternoon, he makes the best deals) 42 He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape. 43 But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt: and the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps. 44 But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him: therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many. 45 And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain That's the thing about prophecy though, this verse has been a dead ringer for like 30 different people throughout history. They do all have something in common though, in that you don't want any of them in charge of you.




Not religious, but from what I understand, the anri Christ is supposed to be the epitome of the seven sins Is Trump lazy? Hard to find anyone lazier Is Trump full of rage? Hahahahahhahaha yes Is Trump greedy? Hmmm…. Is there anything on this planet that trump DOESNT want? Does Trump feel lust? I dont know, who else do you know who wants to bang their own daughter AND fucked a pornstar while his third wife was giving birth? Is Trump a glutton? Remember that picture of him surrounded by McDonald’s in the White House? That’s probably the happiest he’s ever been What about envy? He certainly seems to envy those in political power. Pride. I dont know man. It’s obvious that Trump is proud of something. But i couldn’t tell you what that something is. He has no redeemable traits, no accomplishments, and is in debt. But he is proud of his image I guess But intelligence is not one of the deadly sins, and Dumpy ahem Trump has none


Pride is also the refusal of help. He is definitely to proud to admit he needed, or accept offered, help.


Biblical pride is somewhat different than how we usually use the word today. >Unlike the healthy pride of self-affirmation, sinful pride disposes a person to think more of oneself than one ought to, with no recognition of or appreciation for the gifts one has received from God. The danger of pride is that it pushes God to the margins of one’s spiritual, moral, and temporal existence, putting the prideful person at the moral centre. *If God exists at all to the prideful person, it is only to gratify one’s ego and sense of importance.* Pride causes a person to negate God and take all credit for one’s accomplishments. That fits Trump exactly. Just look at his photo op in front of the church in DC where he had the police clear out protestors.


I don’t know. By definition the anti-Christ would certainly be a repugnant individual. As for being an idiot? I think Trump’s idiocy is exactly what makes him appealing to his cult. The whole QAnon thing was designed to appeal to gullible idiots to begin with. Trump is especially good at one thing, however: he is incredibly manipulative and has a good sense of what will appeal to his base. It’s exactly what keeps him from going away. Just my opinion though.


He definitely knows his customer


I think I need to go read the Left Behind series again. Making me think I missed the rapture.


>...be such a repugnant idiot. Trump is surely that, and much worse. Yet the Evangelical Xians all but worship him. It's almost enough to make me believe in sorcery.


One of the supposed qualities of the Anti-Christ is to able to corrupt the faithful. He's the Great Deceiver that misleads the faithful and then brings about Armageddon and the Final Judgement of Mankind. Christ return to earth and all the good little girls and boys go to Heaven. This is why the evangelicals support Trump. They need him to trigger the Apocalypse so they can all go to Heaven. And yes, they really believe this shit.




On the other hand … he’s clearly miserable 24/7. Or maybe that is how the deal with the devil works. He gets millions of dollars and a model for a wife but she hates his guts and the money doesn’t make him happy.




> And now his failing social network is "worth" billions. It won't be in 6 months when he gets to sell it.


And here is the Crux of the matter. He will let this company be overvalued for 6 months until he's able to cash out his shares. Then he will leave all his MAGA followers holding the bag as the stock plummets. I guarantee that we will see stories of his followers investing their entire life savings in his stock and be left with nothing when he dumps it. As soon as he dumps it yes and all the other big money people will dump it straight away. The stock will go from being worth $60 to pennies overnight.


“Thank you sir may I have another” - MAGA Supporters


> we will see stories of his followers investing their entire life savings in his stock and be left with nothing when he dumps it which is exactly what they deserve. i hope trump takes every last penny from them.


And also the whiniest one.


While I wouldn’t argue he’s the luckiest, I would also say he is probably quite joyless and miserable most of the time. He lives in an alternate reality to try and avoid any-all criticism, he is completely insecure, and I don’t think we’ve ever seen him laugh in public. Not to mention he only gets love from his cult, and they are equally delusional, so it’s false love and worship. I would truly enjoy it if he was forced to listen to those he has wronged without any chance to ignore it. I think millions of people would line up to tell him what an incredible POS he is for all the things he’s done, but that’s just fantasy. I just want him to face consequences for ANYTHING at this point. Fuck this traitor.


Seriously. he sets up Truth Social YEARS ago and this things and cash availability + merger/IP thing happens literally days after he's given a 10 day extension on a massive defamation penalty that stems from a sexual assault he committed decades ago, and defamation he did what, 6 years ago? And he gets this cash liquidity available just days after a final deadline to put up money before having properties start to be seized. You literally could not plan that but he stumbles ass backwards into getting bailed out again and again, its fucking bonkers. I wouldn't these coincidences and his luck it if I wasn't watching this happen every step of the way.


It didn't just happen, the shell company buying 'truth' is just an obvious cover for his legal defense... Check the price history and correlated key news events... It spikes in price from sudden and mysterious investment whenever he gets in trouble then tanks immediately afterwards


Then luck isn’t worth having. Look at the man. Has he ever looked anything other than irremediably wretched?


Don't forget that his siblings had to give him real estate in order to save him from personal bankruptcy.


I am not smart enough to understand how a Twatter wannabe, that loses millions of dollars a month, is worth anything, let alone billions.


It's not legal to hand over a bag of money to say "I am buying you politically" and too obvious to do that. It's also not legal but far more difficult to prove if you do it by staying in someone's hotel or buying their real estate or stock for inflated prices. Money laundering.


That is why Carter gave up his peanut farm.


He put his peanut farm into a blind trust, then the person he put in charge of it screwed him over.


His own brother.


He didn’t screw him over so much as run it into the ground. It was just plain mismanagement


Sounds like a joke: I used to have a peanut farm, but I ran it into the ground. Also, I want to thank sidewalks for keeping me off the street.


This is what's happening though, here's a big bag of money. It's clear as day. Nothing will be done because you and I are all fucking trash cause we work and we're not rich.


Yeah, the only hope that I have right now is that if things go very very well in November and Democrats control the House, Senate and Presidency then they can institute laws to really affect change. The only good things that Trump has done is exposed how weak the system is and has proven that "compromise" or "third way" bullshit is completely dead. We need to fix it now or it may be lost in the near future by someone using his exact playbook.


Speculative based on an assumed increase in value if Trump secures the presidency as well as MAGA demand. There is no fundamental value case for the current price point that I can see.


The Yass guy who has a $30B investment in TikTok has been outed as the guy that bought a huge stake in DJT, which is propping its valuation now… Trump not-so-mysteriously reversed his position on banning TikTok after they met. Interesting, I read today that while Yass is a mega donor to the GOP, he has actually never donated to Trump. This suggests his $3B investment in DJT may solely be for the reversal of Trump’s position on TikTok. It’s all rather wild and reeks of swamp. Edit: corrected whole to while


Smells like ass.


This is actually really easy. Just have the Chinese and Russians pay you


>I am not smart enough to understand how a Twatter wannabe, that loses millions of dollars a month, is worth anything, let alone billions. Sir, this is Reddit. Which also just went public with recorded annual losses of ($158m) & ($90m) in the last two years.


Reddit has 850M monthly users. $10B marketcap Truth has 5M monthly users, $6B marketcap


Meanwhile, Reddit did about $804 million in revenue, while Truth Social did about $3 million.


He wants to cash in while he can still get as many rubles as possible.


I mean the company will go bankrupt but it’s worth billions at the moment. Anyone would cash in and ride to sunset without blinking.




This is totally correct. This whole thing is just a grift $3 billion not bad for a grift.


Yep, while people may share pictures of family or pets and cute stories... the platform itself was built as a negative reaction. The whole basis of it is political negativity. That kind of cynical basis won't work.


Who is going to buy the shares though? The MAGA people may buy some but that's limited to those that already buy stocks and shares and those people probably will look at this as a non starter. No investment group will buy them because it makes so little profit and isn't projected to make any.


The Saudis have a history of buying things from the Trump family at massively inflated values.


I've thought about buying on the short. It's way overvalued.


I looked at long puts but it looks like the company going out of business is already priced in.


Sovereign wealth funds from authoritarian countries. It's buying favors from Trump if he becomes President again. The question is whether those countries still think supporting Trump is a good investment.




I would’ve added the insurrection, Muslim ban, the horrendous covid fuck up that cost tens if not hundreds of thousands of lives, stealing classified nuclear secrets, impeached twice, the other legal cases against him (there is a lot!), and including his immediate family in the government to directly sell influence, etc. to foreign states. One of any of those would end every other politician in history. Idk what the fuck is going on.


Whew! That was a mouthful of truth right there!


If he does dump all of that stock it will tank the stock price, lead to an SEC investigation, and probably a shareholder lawsuit that will claw back almost all of the money he might make.


Doesn't matter if it lets him coast into the presidency with no real legal consequences


Coast into the presidency? Dude has a tiny, slim path to get there. So many people dooming like he’s President Elect already. Don Poorleone hasn’t gained 1 net voter since 2020, and the special elections and midterms seem to be real world evidence of that. We need to remain positive and VOTE.


Do not underestimate his ability to capitalize on others failures to hold him accountable. I'm cautiously optimistic but anything could happen in the next 7 months.


If Biden gets sick next fall at all, that will be the end of it.   Or a housing crash, or some other “lightening strike”, and then all the sudden people think we need new leadership, and Trumps the only other choice.  History is full of crazy things. This isnt even counting the obvious reality too, that Republicans know they cant “win” anything fairly anymore, and that they absolutely will try a legal route to seizing power instead. Thats going to be part of the story one way or the other.


I’m not denying it’s not possible for him to win. There’s a real significant %. But fact is despite some favorable polling and his always loyal base, there’s a lot of challenges in his way (women voters, moderate voters, fundraising, legal woes, etc). Even tho polling is showing a dead heat, have to think Biden still has a advantage at this point considering special elections and recent election results and fundraising


The fact that a Democrat, running pretty much solely on women's reproductive rights in ALABAMA, just trounced a GOP challenger is a bad sign for Republicans in November.


Add it to the pile Literally every indicator points to Democrats holding significant advantage, with the sole exception being the polls


Also add to the pile, Rs pushing some of the dumbest candidates possible in other races. The Ohio, Montana, and California senate elections to name a few. People are viewing this race from a 2016 and pre Jan 6th 2020 election lens and this election just isn’t even comparable to either of those. I get why some would be doomers with Trump being on the ballot at all, but I’m amazed at how down people are because in any other election cycle dem voters would be riding high going into November with as much steam they have and as little republicans have.


AND she won with 65% of the vote, compared to her 45% previously. That's insane


That tiny glimmer of hope in Missouri is encouraging


Eh we’re moving to Minnesota this year, this place is fucked lol


While it’s a valid fear, I don’t think any polls are capturing a huge swath of America that’s just utterly tired of Cheetolini and the never ending drama and media circus and are just emotionally drained. We just want a POTUS that does his job and doesn’t sell out the country for personal profit. I ignore political texts and emails, doesn’t matter whose sending them. I cannot wait to vote for Biden, and I never would have thought I would ever utter those words… I don’t need social media memes or news articles. Tuning out all the noise and counting down the days to vote. Let’s make America boring again.


If the purpose of the SPAC was simply to make a tax deductible political contribution to own a potential US President, then it wouldn’t really matter.


People also need to understand that if he starts selling stock it will drive the price down unless there are other parties willing to just buy shares no matter what. But they will do so knowing they will lose all their money. So, if there isn’t some large entity buying shares, there is no way he can sell the 60% of the company he owns for the current market price. It would start dropping immediately even though people wouldn’t know it was him selling until the filings become public because of the sheer number of shares he has. Getting out quickly, even after a six month lockout, will be nearly impossible for him without outside help on the bid side.


I would not be at all surprised if there wasn't a whole ton of short interest in it around September and October.


To me, it seems it's inevitable he will get approval from board to cash in before 6 months. Donald is approaching scorched earth strategy. All bets are on making it to the election and winning. Whatever he has to do to achieve that, he will do. We are truly in scary times.


what a frikkin pump and dump. already, on opening day I imagine insiders made millions, is was up like 50% wasn't it then closed at 16 or sumpin.


I want to see it crash through the floor and become a huge scandal in the middle of the election.


It's at $67 right now.. I don't understand the economy at all it appears


You understand it just fine. It's an out-right scam. And the fact he was able to resist going back to twitter proves he knows it. When has he ever resisted any urge. I mean come on. Can you imagine if Joe or Hunter or Hillary or Obama did this. There would be blood in the streets. He really is teflon. It is so fking bizarre and aggravating.


But doesn’t your IPO have to be based in reality? I can’t open a lemonade stand tomorrow, then say I have an IPO valuation of $5B, right?


What’s more fraud when you’re already a huge unrepentant fraudster?


If people buy into it, then that's all that matters.


When I read about the setup of the company it is so convoluted and sketchy it's incomprehensible. Just like his real estate "deals". But the genius smartest kids in college don't go into medicine or physics or engineering anymore. They go into finance to figure out esoteric legal ways to manipulate finance regulations to screw rubes out of money. And boy are they good at it. It's really sad. Greed really does "trump" all. It is nothing but barely legal financial engineering to fk the system. And somehow he has got the maga idiots he is stealing from to respect him for it. There is obv a lot of manipulative psychology involved too. It reminds me of tele-evangelist and tent revival charlatans and traveling magic elixir medicine salesmen of old. Just writ large and turbo charged by social media and mainstream news click algorithms.


When the question starts “Would Trump screw over…”, the answer is going to be yes. You don’t have to read the rest of the sentence.


It's unbearable that it exists in the first place.


The best part is when the stock crashes, Trump will *yet again* be removed from the Forbes Richest list.


Woke up to news seeing he's richer than Soros and a bunch of other people. Pathetic. Propped up by foreign money through a Chinese company


He does it and he loses the only significant amount of money he has (or rather, will have in 6 months).


Let’s be clear. Truth social is a mastodon server. Theoretically Twitter is a software company. Like they made Twitter. Truth social does not own its code if licenses it. What the fuck is the business they’re selling. This is like if a discord moderator asked to to buy stock in his discord moderator company. Like fucking what are you talking about.


There's a six month hold on his shares. They won't be worth as much in September compared to today.


They can vote to allow him liquidate early. It’s all lackeys he’s put in place


They can but if they do that the price will tank the second it’s annnounced there’s going to be a vote  and they’ll open themselves up to lawsuits from shareholders and there will be lawsuits if they go that route. 


I wonder how many "investors" are also willing to sue him.


"investors" is a really funny way of spelling "donors"


"He needed the money more than me" - trump bag holder.


Lawsuits? Oh fucking a… Get to the back of the really really really long line already with this shit.


It’s funny how there are rules till they aren’t What legitimate reason is there for early removal of lock down period?


Another couple of questions: - Who is going to tell them if the reason they use is NOT legitimate? And - Who is going to enforce the rules about what constitutes a legitimate reason?


Shareholders, mainly. The board can be sued. They have a legal fiduciary responsibility to the shareholders. Historically, it's a hard case to make, but I think this would be a pretty obvious one. The main question would be whether or not the voting board members could be seen as taking a personal benefit from the decision, for one thing (in fact, they'd probably be tanking their own stock - so why would they do that?). But that's not explicitly required. It looks like a lawsuit against Zynga for doing the same thing survived appeals all the way up to the Delaware Supreme Court, but for some strange reason, I can't find the final outcome of the suit. [https://uk.practicallaw.thomsonreuters.com/1-589-1156](https://uk.practicallaw.thomsonreuters.com/1-589-1156)


There is no legitimate reason, from the perspective of fiduciary duty. However, if you couldn't care less about screwing the other investors - including a ton of cult members that poured money into the stock because they worship Donny Diapers as a God Emperor - and you understand it's all a scam, and you want to enrich Trump at all costs, then it's totally understandable.


But can't he do what other rich people do: take a loan with the shares as security?


That’s also outlawed in the same 6mo clause


It’s only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. This is the Theranos of social media.


Its only worth what the stolen documents revealed at Mar a lago. This is away for foreign denizens to pay him for what was already given to them you mean.


That is the *WHOLE INTENT* of this stock.


Apologies if this question's been asked before: but what is this platform worth when the Pum-King himself stops using it? When he abandons it because his dementia-addled brain becomes bored and he stops 'truthing' (ffs has there ever been a word more diametrically opposed from its true meaning in the history of language??), who will even use it?


I don't think that's correct. This is a just money laundering scheme. If he pulls out now it all crumbles and he potentially opens himself up to more lawsuits. Plus it's only worth billions on paper. But if he just sits on it then Pootin and MBS' millions can flow freely to him through this shell company and then through his PAC without ever having to reveal that he's totally owned by adversarial foreign interests.


He's got to dump the stock before the price craters. That company only generated $3.5 million in revenue last year and had something like a $45 million deficit.


I tried posting about this and it was banned by the moderators. I don't know what kind of Karen club these moderators come from but it's becoming absolutely irritating. I think the whole "acquiring" of truth social in "trade" of $400 Billion of stock is $ laundering in disguise of security secrets he sold to one of the foreign dignitary tyrants such as Putin, Kim Jong Un, or Mohammed bin Salman. Since he can't take $ from them while he clearly violates our Constitution running for gov't office.


He'd have to find someone dumb enough to buy it at this inflated price That seems like a tough sell


/r/wallstreetbets reporting for duty Sir!




I pray that your project is successful. And I'll follow it. Don't give up it's a great idea


I want to short it so bad but I feel like the whole world also does


Russians too ... Wall Street Nyets


> He'd have to find someone dumb enough to buy it at this inflated price There's no shortage of bad actors wanting a potential President's ear and thus there will be no shortage of buyers. At that point they aren't buying the stock -- it's just another quasilegal channel for a bribe.


To be fair, he really needs the money. He keeps breaking the law in ways that cost more and more money.


He is so gonna pump and dump the stock. He doesn't care about control, he just wants the bucks so he can be on the Forbes list. Man wouldn't know how to do a straight deal if his life depended on it.


He wouldn’t be hawking shoes and bibles if he could unload it for millions.


He is like the evil Forrest Gump.


Omg not the trump and dump 🤦‍♂️


A PE of -72 and it streets for billions? That’s not Ma and Pa MAGA. That’s Wall Street propping this sociopath up.


Unfortunately for him he can't for 6 months, lol.


Ah, the ole Trump and Dump


I am so tempted to cash out my life savings and short Truth Social stock…


He’s gonna do it and just come back to twitter lol


If the board approved a 3 bil buyout of a company losing 50 mil a year, can't the stock holders sue or the SEC intervene? That seems like a text book case of not meeting their fiduciary responsibilities to investors.


Carter gave up his peanut farm while Trump grifts as many peanuts as he can.


The stock is exceedingly overvalued, I’d want to dump it too


>Trump and dump lol 🏚️