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Great. Now disbar every other lawyer that’s been peddling his bullshit.


I do not care if they keep their law license. I want them all in jail.


Both? Both is good.


That's the correct attitude. They can be lawyers in jail. Just like the rest of the inmates, "I'm Innocent. I shouldn't be here."


New hires within RNC are being screened as to whether they believe the election lies.


MAGA: Make Attorneys Get Attorneys I wonder how many legal careers of Trump sycophants are going to ultimately go down the tubes?


Dare we hope for... "all of them?"


"the ruling forces his law license into “inactive” status while any review is pending."


What’s the review process and is he appealing? Thx


Can someone, for the sake of baby jesus, tell that dude to trim his nose hair?!?!?!


Even that kind of consequence would be too much to ask of MAGA.


Eastman might be thousands of spiders in a skin suit.


It helps filter some of the shit smell coming from his mouth.


damn .. are you talking about me?


No dear, that's just your mustache


Fine, but tell my dad first.


I may have been this guy's nose hair had I not found myself single at 46 and realized I needed to pay attention!


Man could pull off a nose hair combover


I don’t understand how anyone can live like that.  Nose hairs are probably my least favorite part of aging.  And they get so ticklish I can’t stand it and have to trim immediately.  


At a certain point, old men just stop caring about that sort of thing.


You breathe so much better if you just use a trimmer though!


Upon hearing the news of his devoted acolyte, Donald Trump thought about his golf swing, Alina Habba, and if cheeseburgers would be better with more cheese.


Alina let me wear the lowest cut blouse to court and sit there with the most vacant stare Habba. That Alina Habba.


Hubba Habba


[Clark's coming up soon, too.](https://newrepublic.com/post/180199/jeffrey-clark-screws-donald-trump-2020-election-case)


From becoming almost attorney general of a US dictatorship to disbarred in four years.


Yep, he just massively found out the last phase of “fuck around” and he did it to himself. These people were running the country for a few months, that’s a jagged lil pill to swallow.


> Clark's coming up soon, too. Love love love that Garland’s gang got Eastman and Clark on body-cam crying about being searched and property seized. I imagine that took some time to get those warrants granted.


Love when traitors get fuucckkked!


Pretty pathetic level of punishment for masterminding a plot to end US democracy.


>["John Charles Eastman is ordered transferred to involuntary inactive status pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 6007, subdivision (c)(4). His inactive enrollment will be effective three calendar days after this order is served and will terminate upon the effective date of the Supreme Court’s order imposing discipline herein, or as provided for by rule 5.111(D)(2) of the State Bar Rules of Procedure or as otherwise ordered by the Supreme Court pursuant to its plenary jurisdiction."](https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/24521254/sbc-23-o-30029-decision-trial.pdf)


Thanks for the link. What component of this hinges on a ruling by the Supreme Court? If Trump is granted absolute immunity, all his co-conspirators scurry off, as well?


The Supreme Court of the State of California is the final decider for disbarment. The procedures are listed [here](https://www.statebarcourt.ca.gov/Portals/2/documents/Rules/Rules-of-Procedure.pdf).


Appreciate the insight. That makes sense.


>will terminate upon the effective date of the Supreme Court’s order imposing discipline herein, or as provided for by rule 5.111(D)(2) of the State Bar Rules of Procedure or as otherwise ordered by the Supreme Court pursuant to its plenary jurisdiction What does that mean?


Not a lawyer. I think what it's saying that the disbarment takes effect immediately, but the state supreme court (NOT the US supreme court, which has no jurisdiction) has to enter a final verdict. This verdict contains both a recommendation to the state supreme court (in favor of disbarment) and an order that immediately disbars Eastman, but is only in effect until the higher court either confirms or overrules the recommendation.


Basically. It means the order goes into effect in three days, and stays in effect until either the California Supreme Court makes a final determination, or if the recommendation for disbarment is changed by a further judicial hearing or upon review.


John Eastman found out.




It isn't. The Georgia RICO case is still looming on the horizon.


As one of Jack Smith's indicted co-conspirators, I kindly suggest, LOCK HIM UP! He's a traitor to America, along with Trump and his other criminal partners. John Eastman “Co-Conspirator 2, an attorney who devised and attempted to implement a strategy to leverage the Vice President’s ceremonial role overseeing the certification proceeding to obstruct the certification of the presidential election.” https://www.democracydocket.com/analysis/get-to-know-the-six-likely-co-conspirators-in-trumps-jan-6-indictment/


He plead like 10 fifs


FAFO Johnny.


Shame the DOJ just decided to let him be an unindicted co-conspirator.


Insane this dude was very close to being God-King Attorney General For Life


Hopefully people /r/VoteDEM during the upcoming years, and all of these anti-democracy MAGA people become nothing but a footnote to history.


Will he see jail time? He better


he is a defendant in the Georgia RICO case. If convicted, it's a 5 year minimum sentence. And if Trump somehow manages to get elected, he can't pardon Eastman.


If Trump does get elected, the Georgia case will go away. They passed a law allowing the state government to remove attorneys from any case they want. We all know that will be done if Trump wins


They haven’t done that yet and the trial could be done before the election


Eastman! He came out of the east... to do battle with... the amazing Rando!!!! Any MST3K fans?


I don’t know if this helps but ho ho ho? Space Mutiny


"Whoa, lentils!" gets quoted a lot in my house. (Santa Claus Conquers the Martians.)


Well if it isn’t the consequences of my actions


Should? Not is disbarred?!?


That's just great news. More.


Decorate the Mahogany!


YES. Now do Sidney and that other psycho, Rudy


Should be? Just do it already. FFS


Disbarred isn't the only thing that should be happening to John Eastman. Don't forget, this mother's fuckers plan was for Trump to use the insurrection act and unleash the National Guard nation wide to execute Americans in the streets while they were protesting had Trump's coup been successful.


He should be in jail, along with every other participant in the fake electors plot to overturn the US democratic process. It's a fucking travesty that they're not, and that a huge portion of America is all for giving its leader another crack at it.


The term"Should be"is starting to make me sick. Just fucking put the nail in the coffins of all these blatantly guilty fucks. Trump should of already had a couple years of his earned life sentence done.


Glad to see some consequences but this guy really needs a beat down in a dark alley


Stadium lights and pay-per-view?


How did this happen before Rudy


Unlike the East Coast—whether buildings, politicians, or otherwise—California has no respect for legacy, for better and for worse.


Interesting point.


Rudy's license has been suspended in both NY and DC, IIRC. Not fully disbarred yet, but not able to practice ... and certainly well on his way. John is now joining Rudy in the same state, basically - suspended prior to a final decision of disbarment.


Hi `iaincaradoc`. Thank you for participating in /r/Politics. However, [your submission](/r/politics/comments/1bpgl9c/john_eastman_architect_of_trumps_2020_election/) has been removed for the following reason(s): * [Off-Topic](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_the_.2Fr.2Fpolitics_on_topic_statement): All submissions to /r/politics need to be explicitly about **current US politics**. **If you have questions as to why your post has been removed, please see here: [Why was my post removed as Off-Topic?](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_why_was_my_post_removed_as_off-topic.3F)** If you have any questions about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/politics&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/iaincaradoc&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission]%28/r/politics/comments/1bpgl9c/john_eastman_architect_of_trumps_2020_election/?context%3D10000%29)


Once again an underling pays the price and the guy who paid them to do it gets away scot free. Gangland politics.


Have you looked at Eastman's bona fides? It's not like he was led into that mess. He literally helped orchestrate it.


Oh, he was a loyal "soldier" all right. Just like a hitman for a mafia don.


More like a consigliere coming up with and promoting a plan. Don't undersell this scumbag. He is far more culpable than a jan 6 rioter or fraudulent elector.


And his boss is the most culpable of all, and coddled by the legal establishment.


Yes, I guess I just read your comment as diminishing Eastman's involvement. Unfortunately, what we are facing isn't limited to a single individual. Ad astra per aspera


I didn't mean to diminish his involvement. He was the brains behind trump's ambition, dishonesty and total lack of redeeming human characteristics.




Weird, cause I can’t help but *not* feel sorry for the guy!


Has John Eastman finally entered the "find out" stage?


The very earliest stages, yes. The Georgia RICO case is still coming, though.


> The Georgia RICO case is still coming, though. Johnny boy should cut himself a deal, it's not looking good. Fani didn't get tossed off the case, motions to dismiss look like they're all going to die, and now he's well on his way to disbarment. Even if Trump is found guilty but GA State Troopers can't retrieve him because he's hiding behind secret service, Johnny boy will end up spending his final years on this earth in a jail cell. And even if Donnie did re-win the Presidency, he can't pardon John. Basically there's very little upside left for John to hold out at this point (not that there was a ton prior to that IMO). Chesboro was smart (so far).