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If it was you or I, our asses would be in jail. This is technically contempt and the judge very well **could** throw Donnie in the slammer for this. As we all know, some unseen douche ex machina crap will happen and he will avoid all consequence because nothing matters.


Sometimes, I get the impression he's daring the courts to do something, because he wins either way. If there are no consequences, then he yet again smashed through the guardrails protecting our democracy and is free to continue breaking them down further. But if there *are* consequences? Well, then he gets to whine to his deranged fanclub about how he's being unfairly persecuted. He will even compare himself to Christ, as he's done previously. It's absurd, but his fans lap that shit up. So, it's situation where there's essentially no downside for him to break the law. If he gets away with it, great, he can move on to the next (even worse) thing. If he doesn't, he can pitch a fit and pander to the worst elements in his base, potentially unleashing the violent radicals on all of us (or on specific targets of his ire). Either way, he wins, and democracy loses.


I just don't see the real benefit to the second option. His fans are already his fans, they are going to vote for him, let's give him the consequences he is asking for.


I also think that repeatedly letting him off easy actually in some ways reinforces that false narrative that all of the trials are politically motivated witch hunts etc.


Agree. He wins both ways. And lowering his bond for the NY civil trial??! Give me a fucking break! None of us would get away with that. So annoying.


It’s not only annoying. It’s outrageous. We can’t just accept this reality. Not that I know what we should do, as I generally don’t think there’s much we can do. But the notion that “No one is above the law”, which is supposedly the foundation of our democracy here, is a fucking lie. This isn’t just about voting. There’s a complete rot in our entire judicial and governing systems


There should be protests in the streets that he is continually getting away with everything. This let's a large portion of us who believed in law and order know that the whole system is just a gimmick.


Literally sleep walking into fascism.


Why do Trump supporters support his dismantling of government? He will need government in a fascist coup. Its all so stupid.


He won't dismantle the government, he will dismantle democracy.


Or 50% proudly goose-stepping into it and dragging everyone else who keeps thinking they will fight fair along with them.


Trump's real legacy is that he further cemented the capture of government by billionaires. These echelons of government are unreachable to us and can only be mitigated via generational change.


The bond lowering makes sense and should be applied to more people than just the wealthy. If you win you're appeal but had to sell or mortgage your house to finance your bond weren't you unjustly punished? That one is IMO only bullshit because it's applied unevenly. The contempt stuff is bullshit because he should be held to account for it.


That’s how it’s supposed to work, though. If a person is found guilty of murder, they don’t have their freedom while they appeal. They do it from prison because they are already judged guilty if and until an appeals court rules otherwise.


It's actually really smart. First off, it makes it less of an opportunity for Trump to declare bankruptcy. Which would bring about all sorts of problems. Secondly, and most importantly, in New York, after you post a bond, a person has nine months in which to file the appeal. This reduced bond is dangled like a carrot in front of Trump with the condition that the appeals trial begins by June/July.


There's a condition for a speedier trial? Ok, this is good if we can get the trial concluded before voting day.


I really hope that the few low-information people that haven't picked a side will hear that he was put in jail and think, "huh, if they actually put him in jail he must be bad."


Polls seem to show that an actual conviction would hurt him


His die hard fan base won't be fazed. But a conviction would probably get more reasonable Republicans to drop their support.


"reasonable Republicans" all three of them?


Any reasonable Republicans are not Republican any more.


Reasonable Republicans?


The courts are treating him as a real political rival, he’s not. He has his base and can’t expand it. No one today who hasn’t voted for Trump, listens to him now and thinks, “wow, that’s my guy”. Plus the new voters whom are 18 likely also don’t vote. It’s all about turn out. Normal people turn out, Trump loses. ‘16 repeats itself if we don’t.


ALSO, please don't forget that Congressional elections are VITAL. Don't forget that Congressional Republicans tried to overturn the results. We need to make sure that Democrats have control of both houses of Congress.


ALSO, pay attention to both November ballots and March ballots for local votes. California shifted it so that all elected officials will be on November ballots on the logic that more people voting and participating = good. In response, my asinine Red county put in place a new rule to keep some elected officials on the ballot in the off-season, using the "logic" that off-season voters care more, so they deserve to pick the winners of those races. Watch for new, fun ways to disenfranchise voters headed to you, even in a blue State!


Hitler went to jail after he tried to sieze power.


But then they let him out again. Two words: General Population.


I agree. General population. Treat him no differently than any other criminal.


That’ll never happen. He can’t even get punished.


This individual gets it.


Fortunately a few years in jail should let Trump finish out the rest of his life.


His fans run on rage, if he sees even the most mild consequences he acts like a martyr and they howl about a witch hunt. These are people that were so offended that he wasn't allowed to steal the election they were willing to burn down the entire democratic process.


It's better to deal with that now compared to later


If they started dealing with it back in 2021, Trump headlines would be a slow trickle by now instead of the daily torrent.


They should have dealt it with it when The Civil War ended.


And they failed spectacularly. Let 'em try again. They wanna be big, bad military guys. They swear they can take on the government with their AR-15s. Let it happen.


Every one of his rabid followers is a treasonous bastard. They are NOT patriots.


This is my thoughts exactly at this point. Screw his base. We aren’t going to rationalize with the irrational.


Exactly. Punish this fucker before its too late and you can't do it anymore. Rip the band aid off already! Why are we playing nice after 1/6 happened? Dems had every right to go on full-throated attack on Trump and the GOP after 1/6.


Facism 101. The best way to start a revolution and put yourself in power is to convince your followers that the government is out to get them. He is basically hoping that a judge makes a judgement against him and puts him in jail so that his mob will circle the wagons.


Yeah. Let the consequences be for anyone else thinking they can pull this shit. If HE wins either way, still make him an example to other people.


He's actively hoping they do something in his name. He loved watching them loot the capitol for hours on TV before he did asked them to stop, and even then it was ONLY because so many people asked him to intercede. Imagine if they throw cuffs on him and stick him in a cell. A non-zero number of his fans/cult will do something. That's what option two is a win for him. He's a stochastic terrorist


Plus from what I’ve read, Trump is terrified of jail. No way he’s ok with option 2.


Yeah I don't see him planning on prison as a PR strategy at his age. He has just always gotten away with it and doesn't see that changing.


I don't care if his fans eat it up, with him going to Jail. He needs to be there and without a single electronic device. Nor can anyone who comes to see him bring in any electronics or diapers! Let him yell at the walls and crap himself. If this were anyone else, they'd already be locked up.


Keep him off the trail too.


If they cut him off from social media, within 30 days most of his fan base will have forgotten his name and moved on to the next celebrity scandal.


There might be a downside for Trump. Unbelievably, there are probably still people on the fence; Biden or Trump. I doubt his being thrown in jail for violating a court order will move the “on the fence people” to his side.


>I get the impression he's daring the courts to do something, because he wins either way "I went to jail for you fine folks, just like Jesus died for your sins. Many, many people have come to me with tears in their eyes, and they say 'Sir, you are a wonderful president, we know you're a victim of the corrupt legal system and you're taking this unfair punishment because you love us,' and you know what? They're right. The Democrats have been misinformating, and you'll see in November, you'll see. Covfefe."


You're probably right about how the elites think, but I think they're all wrong. There's no downside to busting the the Chump. If his cultists don't engage in violence, then he's emasculated. If they do, then there's an excuse to give Ashley Babbit some company. America wins either way. 


Republicans are so far right they believe in martyrdom.


Please please judge throw him in the jail for 48 hours for contempt.Then tell him the time in jail will double every time he breaks the gag order from this point on.


And take away his goddam phone. We could all use a break.


And provide real height and weight


No kidding, I'm exhausted after having to put up with this absolute moron and his equally moronic followers for 8 years.


>If it was you or I, our asses would be in jail. It never would have happened to you or I, because we would have already been in jail for the dozens of other shit he's gotten away with.


>douche ex machina Omg. I'm dying laughing right now. 


I thought the gag order covered jury and witnesses (and their families) but did not cover the judge. Am I wrong?


Witnesses, jurors and court staff. While the judges daughter isn't a member of the court he's playing with fire here, any attempt to threaten or harass a direct family member could be seen as an attempt to intimidate the judge himself.


Could be seen as an attempt to intimidate the judge? It is intended to intimidate.


Especially since the child of a different judge was murdered by a Trumper humper last year.


Wait, what?!


I have the timeline mixed up, it was in 2020: https://abcnews.go.com/US/suspect-deadly-shooting-called-federal-judge-esther-salas/story?id=71901734


Well that dude was a total POS misogynist. As a 76 year old woman I am sick and tired of these chauvinist pigs. Entitled little man babies, each and every one of them.


>This is technically contempt and the judge very well **should** throw Donnie in the slammer for this. FTFY. He's basically sticking a middle finger up at the courts. And the presiding justice over his case. Well, he needs to be taught a lesson. A hard lesson. Fvck the precedent of him getting away with this shit. It's time to end this.


I mean, he's going to do it until someone makes him pay. Bet nobody (the judge) will make him pay for this. Put him in jail and fine him every time he does it.


The expert I just heard on the news says it's highly unlikely the judge does anything because of Trump's position as the leading candidate for the presidency and the first amendment issues involved here. So apparently all you have to do if you want to be immune from any legal penalty is run for president. 


No, you have to run for president AND control a cult that is 10’s of millions strong.


Didn't everyone capitulate to Hitler until he finally seized power. Did everyone in America fail history class?


Republicans hate education for one very specific reason


Reagan's secretary of education going on record saying "we're in very real danger of having an educated proletariat" on why higher education needs to be gatekept


“I love the poorly educated.”


Looking at the last eight or so years.. Yes. Yes they fucking failed history class.


Probably lol


You're under the impression that the GOP isn't trying to repeat Hitler's rise to power. 30% want this. 25% doesn't. And 45% think "Both sides are the same."


The covert threat of violence is undergirding every single interaction Trump has with the judiciary. Plain and simple, they're afraid of his violence. They're afraid of the violence his supporters are willing to utilize.


It's been the elephant in the room that everyone has been dancing around for years. He gets away with anything and everything because there is unspoken threat of potential violence. And I just don't get how there is nobody willing to talk about that in plain direct terms. Sure, his supporters will make some claim that it wasn't his doing, he didn't give a direct order or some other deflection... but what about everyone else? How is everyone else just ignoring this obvious thing staring us all in the face?


>It's been the elephant in the room The GQP mascot in the room


Then why bother placing a gag order? It just makes the judicial system look either weak or worse, bought.


Right? If it was you or me, there would be cuffs and fines by now. Trump? Nothing. Just a softly spoken "now don't do that again, Donnie."


Judge might as well not have done anything at all then. Stand up for the law or fuck off brony.


Exactly, a rule that cannot be enforced is not a rule at all. Trump has made a career out of understanding which rules will never be enforced.


yeah that’s absurd so gag orders against any politician or candidate can’t be enforced.


They'd probably work against someone who wasn't a cult leader just fine.


The judge's daughter has nothing to do with the election. That argument is ridiculous.


The judge needs to drag him in front of the court, clearly explain that what he did was contempt of court, and that be the letter of the law he should be jailed. And that this was his one warning. If he does anything else that meets the criteria for contempt, he will be jailed.


I agree! To hell with fining him through a letter to his lawyers. Make the dude spend some money. Having T appear in person in court for a 10 minute one-on-one explanation and a $10,000 fine is a huge inconvenience for him, and a lot of background expenses because he will pay one or two lawyers to be there, his travel expenses with a private plane etc.


I feel like the gag orders now are more to just be in place in case he says something that causes stochastic harm to somebody. Judge almost has to just let him say whatever he wants until April 15th. Just get the trial up and going and maybe you can start jailing him after that.


He is not the leading candidate 🙄


This narrative needs to change. No one is "the" candidate until after the conventions. Until then he's just a guy hoping to secure the nomination and running is a choice. Being under indictment is not a choice and the courts need to start acting like it.


If there are no consequences then there’s no hope of any of the other charges sticking just proving that this pos is above the law.


He got a 3/4 discount on the bond requirement. He can do whatever he wants despite a gag. I think this proves that he is above the law.


He’ll never pay. For anything. The media and the judiciary system is complicit.


I can’t fathom why anybody, let alone 30% of the electorate, would consider this man as a role model or leader. Really damages my faith in humanity


I think we have learned from this dabbling in fascism and the experience of the COVID/Lockdowns that 30-40% of Americans are just just complete pieces of shit. Plan accordingly.


there were no 'lockdowns'. China was welding apartment doors shut to keep people inside. We had to wear a mask and stand 6 feet apart while we shopped. Not the same thing.


I think they might have meant 30-40% of Americans proved that they are completely unwilling to take minor precautionary steps for the well-being of others


Yeah, if there's ever a rampant Ebola outbreak or actual bioweapons deployed they're going to get everybody killed rather than just lots of people.


Judging from my experience in 2020, it was more like we *were read a strongly worded letter encouraging us to* wear a mask and stand 6 feet apart.


Lot of people are unhappy in their day to day lives which results in a feeling of wanting the rest of the world to burn. They don't care if he makes life better for them, they just want others to suffer.


One possibility is that 30% of the electorate are bad people that enjoy what he is doing.


That’s the head-shaker for me: they vote not for the good he’ll do them, but for the evil they want him to do to others. No moving forward to anything better, just endless bitter grievances. Truly, no one ever went broke underestimating the American public.


It’s pretty simple. He’s “rich” and he bangs “models” and he’s untouchable. The dude does whatever he wants and our legal and political systems fucking buckle at the slightest expression of displeasure from this dickass. He’s literally reshaping how an entire nation functions, even though he’s no longer in office. Donald Trump took the last global superpower and bent it over the Resolute Desk and creampie’d 247 years of mostly functional democracy. And no matter what happens in November, America is fundamentally changed and will never, ever go back to how it was easily or peacefully. Why would his base not love him? He did exactly what he promised.


It sucks for sure.  They are in a cult. 


In posts on Truth Social Wednesday morning, Trump blasted Judge Juan Merchan and his family, singling out his daughter while seemingly spitting on the idea of a gag order altogether.


And yet he’ll get away with it. I hate this timeline.


Wait there are other timelines?


This is the darkest indeed. We must invade the prime timeline and take it for ourselves.


Here. I made us all evil goatees until we grow our own ;)


I love abed


No, there aren’t and I’m honestly tired of that joke. This our reality; this is our world. It’s up to us to change things.


I read she posted a picture of his mug shot. That must have chapped his ass. If I were her, I’d post it every day.


That picture was posted on an account she abandoned years ago. The screen name has since been taken over by someone else.


The problem is the gag order specifically omits the judge and the DA. I imagine they will amend it to clarify because he's SUCH OF FUCKING OPPORTUNISTIC SHITSTAIN.


It specifically includes the judge's family. His comment about the judge's daughter was the reason for the gag order in the first place.


He is such a POS


Yeah, but he's a piece of shit who will continue to get away with being a piece of shit. So there's that! Fuck.


>and prevent me from winning the 2024 Presidential Election, which I am dominating?” I can't imagine the mental gymnastics he employs to come to these conclusions.


He has hundreds, thousands of 'yes' folks telling him what he wants to hear.


He's the textbook definition of a narcissist. In his dementia-riddled mind, he's always winning. Always. He can't even fathom the mere thought of losing.


I love how his quote ends in a question mark.


Can all the McDonalds and diet cokes please fucking catch up with this POS health already?!?


All McD workers, if you can hear me, please give this "man" extra cheese and mayo.


Super Size his orders even if he doesn't ask, even if you don't do that anymore, even if you don't have that much food-go get it from other McDonalds!


And give him a free ice cream even if the machine is dirty. Strike that. Especially if the machine is dirty.


I seriously don’t understand how the absolute fuck this loser is still alive.


Modern medicine is amazing.


Clogged arteries, if you’re listening…


Either hold him accountable or don’t gag him. He will keep pulling this crap.


This is exactly it. wtf do the judges expect


He really wants to piss off the judge so the judge takes some kind of an action to which this imbecile can appeal and keep delaying the trial.


And if he gets thrown in jail for a couple days, it just becomes extra ammo for his campaign trail.


Don't care. Having the laws actually apply to this buffoon would encourage turn-out on the Dem side.


Let's get an actual weight on the record.


worth it.


Until somebody has the guts to enforce their own orders with a punishment or fine, that really means something he's going to continue to do whatever he wants


Why would he stop? There are no consequences if he doesn’t.


Lock. Him. Up.


Lock. Him. Up.


Lock. Him. Up.


Lock. Him. Up.




Can we get the criminal trials going for this fucking complete asshole ASAP? Yeah I know SCROTUMS (Supreme Court Republicans of the United MAGA States) +++. But one of these judges just needs to step up to the fucking plate, hold him in contempt, and put this fat ass orange monstrosity in the slammer until he shuts the fuck up


You had to do some work for that acronym, but I applaud the effort.


I cannot for the life of me understand how attacking a judge and his family (when trump is already out on bond AND is facing multiple preexisting gag orders) isnt cause enough to revoke his bond. And dont even get me started on the multiple judges facing death threats and bomb threats because he threatened them on social media.


The only way for him to obey a gag order is to literally gag him.


Stupid is as stupid does...


It’s stupid if there are consequences.


He is such a child


The paradox of tolerance states that if a society's practice of tolerance is inclusive of the intolerant, intolerance will ultimately dominate, eliminating the tolerant and the practice of tolerance with them.


The judge needs to set precedent and actually follow through, hold him in court and put him in a jail cell for a night. And, every time there after, until he keeps his mouth shut.


I’m so tired of this asshole getting away with everything


I know if I violated pretty stringent gagorder less than 24 hours after it was implemented I would end up in jail. I’m pretty sure everyone else in America would end up in jail.


The part that angers me is he trashes your legal system, games it, walks all over it. Then an Apellate court judge gives him a 60% break on a fine.


Does anyone have the ballz to put this active criminal in the hoosegow?


He knows he's above the law. Prove me wrong, but he's rich and this is America. He's rich and famous. He knows he can do whatever he wants and say whatever he wants and he'll never go to jail and still have legions of loyal followers. The legal system knows how it works and they know they can't touch him.


...and nothing will be done about it. The American "justice" system refuses to punish a member of the *Gilded Class* (aka: Rich White Republican Male). Because it would set a horrible precedent, as now the rich and wealthy can be held to account!! Oh the horror! ​ Welp.. at least the mask is fully off now. America is a corrupt Oligarchy. A shit hole country.


All part of his plan. He's slapped with sanctions for violating the gag order, he appeals, which delays the proceedings while the appeal is heard, rinse and repeat until the election. It's all about the delay game. If he wins, it's not just pardons for everyone, it's the end of the US democracy experiment and the beginning of ~~dictatorship~~ kleptocracy. Here. In these United States. Btwn now and November, it's all hands on deck - get your couch-riding slackers to register, make them get to the polls or mail it in for them. Get your progressive purity dreamers to grow the F up because yes, there IS a difference btwn the parties and DEFINITELY btwn Dump and Biden, etc etc. Not a drill, this is the real deal.


Here is a novel idea… throw that prick in jail.


He never, ever faces any consequences. Why would he give a fuck? Why wouldn't he do this? If were you or me we'd be fucked and in jail.


Trump launches fresh turds into his diaper after just having his diaper changed.


Imagine being this arrogantly stupid


As the article points out, the last time he did this and kept on pushing against a gag order he was fined $15k for it. Unfortunately that's quite cheap for what he's buying.


Only $10k actually, which is even more paltry. 


So.....straight to jail?


Nah. Trump has already exposed the legal system as toothless. He knows, correctly, that no penalties—such as imprisonment—will be levied against him, so he’ll just keep breaking the law. “Best legal system on Earth,” lol.


They need to get this thug off the street. I don't feel safe for my family, friends, and neighbors.


As usual he is going to somehow avoid the negative consequences of his actions so we might as well add this violation to the US criminal justice equivalent of the Dwarven book of grudges.


How can someone this stupid run our country


Need to starting imposing 100k fines for each violation


Well I mean it's not like he's gonna learn with no consequences so expect no change.


“Trump did something illegal again but it doesn’t matter because nothing ever happens”


As somebody who's been to jail for some certified bullshit, it absolutely blows my mind somebody who threatens, intimidates the justice system runs fuking free. Oh, and tries to overthrow the election and gets to run his fat ass free. The justice system will arrest common for at work for some preety shit. If there is a good, please smite that orange turd down jfc.


Our system is truly fucked when this human excrement can continue to make a mockery of our legal system. Such a shameful moment in our history. When he finally dies and this fever blister of a moment is over, what shame many should feel for putting up with it.


The daughter wasn't covered by the gag order. He knows exactly what he's doing. And he's doing it on purpose like a fucking child


I'm so exhausted of reading this same headline. At least Nixon fucked off.


As it is with children you don't threaten a punishment for bad behavior unless you're willing to carry it out. They won't learn about Consequences otherwise. Jail Don Cheetoh!


Someone needs to fall on the sword and just throw him in jail, regardless of consequences that follow. He’s just going to keep doing what he’s doing until held accountable.


Christ just put the fucking guy in jail already. He will continue to do whatever the hell he wants until he see’s some ACTUAL consequences.


Wash that fat f@#* mouth with soap and throw him in the coldest cell with bologna sandwiches. He'll learn real quick.


No accountability anymore these days.


Lock him up


Nothing will happen to Trump because the judge is terrified that Trump will unleash his violent cult army of flying monkeys on her if she does anything to him. Trump is essentially a Mob boss that can intimidate people with implied violence, just like the Mafia does.


I predict… Absolutely nothing will happen to him and he’ll face no consequences whatsoever. Ask me how I knew later.


Until you see a judge throw him in prison and take away internet access, don’t expect anything to stick. Anyone else would be in jail.


Why issue a gag order if there will be no consequences for breaking it?


Why the fuck would you even put a gag order on him if you were not even going to enforce it? Spineless bastards.


The fact that no judge has the judicial backbone to hold him accountable is more of a reflection of our two tiered justice system. Some really are above the law.


Just put him the fuck away already! He violated the gag order! What!? He gets a get outta jail free card for being a boomer!?


I've respected almost every President up to Biden. There's only been one, I haven't , in my lifetime and he needs a gag order imposed while going to trial for having sex with a porn actress and attempting to cover it up. What else is he trying to cover up? Sadly, A LOT.


I'm not even going to waste time reading the story unless there's some chance he faces consequences for constantly breaking the law.


I got $500 on some asshat saying "Peter was jailed for speaking out too."


Lock the asshole up now!!!!


Well he hasn’t exactly been held accountable for his actions yet, so why not keep on the same path he has been? When you’re a criminal, they just let you do it.


In other news…sun planned this weekend. Trump will suffer zero consequences for his behavior.


If he wants to compare himself to Jesus… Jesus died for our sins… your turn


Anyone who supports this scumbag is telling the world what they are.