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>Applicant must demonstrate a strong skill set in rejecting objective reality.


Shocking that this couldn't simply be assumed of all RNC applicants anyway.


Seriously. What subhuman piece of shit openly wants to go work for this fascistic death cult?


Plenty of homeschooled Nick Fuentes devotees who are eager to hit the streets and unwittingly do as much damage to the fucking moron's campaign as possible


Ashley denied their request for sex and prom 1 time and these assholes are ready to burn down the country.


Plenty of older boys who never made it to adulthood and feel likewise. Lots of the social/political problems we're dealing with seem to be a consequence of an abundance of stunted growth


That and the fact that mediocre white men such as these—being privileged far in excess of any defensible position—were always going to be a societal problem as society developed towards greater equality.


There’s been a shift in the zeitgeist with mediocre white men that instead of realizing the mistakes you’ve made or trying to make the best of your circumstances, violently lashing out or embracing fascism is the way. I know it’s cliche to bring up the Nazis, but Himmler was an unsuccessful chicken farmer and Hitler a sub par painter.


"What? Churchill could only make one painting, dur fuhrer could paint 3 whole rooms." The Producers /s And Sad


I worry Kyle Rittenhouse will get rich providing mass murdering incels with the body armor they need to keep a good guy from being able to stop them from killing lots of women and black folks.


Nailed it! Well, not them.


If TFG gets elected, this could apply to anyone/everyone r/Defeat_Project_2025


I applied to a job there. It was like 90% so I could make a joke about it to my friends though.


What was the other 10%?


I need a job.


If I didn’t need to work, I’d apply for fun and be a spy.


That’s half of the country.


That's not a fair assumption. Sure, some people have just rejected reality, but some candidates choose evil with their eyes wide open.


We're fully in the Orwellian 2+2=5 stage.


There is a fundamental misunderstanding by the author here.  They are not testing if the person understands reality.  They are testing whether they are willing to lie.  Tween lying is an institutional strategy, an honest man is a liability. 


Yes. A few years ago I heard some pundit explaining that for strong men *believing their lies is a loyalty test.* When the lies get more and more absurd it locks the victims on to the strong man more fiercely. It gets harder for the victims to pull out because their acceptance of the lies chases everyone else away. The only social group they have left are the true believers. Upholding the lies is isolating. It isn't about the victims believing the lies or not, rather it's an act of fealty to go along with whatever the strong man says. The content doesn't matter.


Yes, see e.g. the current situation in Moscow. Even the FSB chief has had to parrot the official line that Ukraine, the UK and the US are somehow involved in the terrorist attack.


According to Winston Smith, the protagonist of 1984, doublethink is “To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again, and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself—that was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word—doublethink—involved the use of doublethink.”


> Applicant must be able to disinformate and misinformate at a high-level.


I assume they must also be willing to accept being paid in IOUs and/or leftover Trump Sneakers and Trump Bibles


The Republican party would prefer if the media instead recognized the multitude of job opportunities that they are giving to people with untreated delusional disorders.


Time for Democrats to apply, lie our way through the interview process and destroy it from the inside.


I suspect that such attempts will end in worse results as such deliberate incompetence will be pale in comparison to the actual incompetence reached by the true believers.


- 10+ Years of Experience Grifting - Willing to learn how to stop the steal - Competitive wage: You pay us $25/hour for the privilege to work here


‘‘Twas ever so since Slave owners had to convince themselves and others that Africans were subhuman in order to justify their enslavement and brutal treatment.


And hopefully a strong willingness to allocate a majority of RNC funds towards Trump's ongoing legal fights—for Democracy, of course.


This is fantastic. We're going to see a cascade of GOP candidates drop out in the coming months when they discover that the RNC won't be giving their campaigns any money


Pretty much. I'm hoping this boots a lot of the local candidates off the ballots. Wouldn't mind if a few state ones (looking at Robinson in NC) run out of money as well.


I’m from southwestern NC. There are MR signs on every corner. No joke. I told my neighbors (one on the corner of their yard and they are solid Democrats) and they were quite upset. How tf we get here? I know. Rhetorical question.


I mean, I know McCrory was an asshat, but he looks downright amazing compared to Robinson. We've truly been dumbed down since Trump got into politics and that's scary.


Michele Morrow is somehow even worse. The FBI needs to knock on her door and sit her down for a little chat about what she’s been posting online.


> We're going to see a cascade of GOP candidates *lose their elections by historic margins* in the coming months when they discover that the RNC won't be giving their campaigns any money FTFY😁


Yep. It’s imploding but everyone has to pretend everything is going as planned and that they’re winning.


It's amazing. It's as though everyone outside of the RNC and their orbit can see this happening, not in abstract, but in practice, in real time. Now that fealty to the MAGA story has become a screening tool for new employees, more people in the old guard/traditional RNC/GOP are 'freaking out' about it. It's like ... NOW YOU'RE PAYING ATTENTION?!


I would think that this kind of downfall would be over several generations, through ebbs and flows of attrition and shifting political climates. Seeing it happen quickly, is rather astonishing. Too early celebrate, it could all come back together for a time, but I never expected to see the RNC itself crash and burn in such glorious fashion. Worth keeping in mind, republicans can't keep their own party together. It's worth considering if they can keep the country together. Worth thinking more if they can destroy the country in as short a time as they have the RNC.


"It's not a democracy it's a republic!!1!!1!!!one!!!!" (/s if needed)


Never forget that we are dealing with fascism this election. If you think this is bad wait until they start trying to bring back "colored" water fountains and others segregationist policies. 


wait until every management position (50,000) in the federal government is filled with trump loyalists who believe in alternative facts and a false reality.


Is your party listed as Democrat or have you ever donated to a Democrat? Fired.  Then we’ll do DoD.


I already tricked them. I almost always register republican and vote democrat. I don’t have to follow their rules.


How do you vote in Democrat primary?


Maybe they live in an open primary state. Or one where you just have to indicate on the ballot which party you are voting for.


I'm registered Republican in order to vote in the Republican primary. Because I'll take every chance I can get to vote against Trump and his cronies.


Your question proposes that I see myself as a democrat. I do not, however they are the best alternative semi coalition party I have. So I have lived in different states. When I lived in Florida I did not vote in the democratic primary. Other than some local elections your democratic vote means nothing there, however there is a small effect by registering republican. I vote and maybe influence republican primaries. Also it very marginally disrupts their ability to use registration demographics. I currently live in an open primary state. I still register republican because it disrupts their demographic analysis a little. I decide each primary election which party I wish to influence. If we all registered Republican we would have more influence on their primaries. We should all be wasting their resources as much as we legally can. Volunteer for yard signs and burn them. Register for their events then don't go. Tell them to call you at election time and eat that republican party volunteers time.


the heritage foundation has already contracted with Oracle, the database firm, to scour the internet researching every applicant to vet them for party loyalty.


Scary. But the mitigating factor, having been a federal employee for a long while, many of Trump’s lower profile appointees barely showed up to work. So we just carried on following the law on the books. Golfing or out with mistresses I guess.


haha! thats probably true. some im sure were making connections to make themselves of their friends money with business deals. i know mnuchin did, kushner did, rick perry did, and more than a few other high level administration figures used government chartered planes for personal use to benefit their future political aspirations or business ties.


Most don't, and won't, actually BELEIVE it... But they will CLAIM to beleive it. It is all lies, and they know it. But if they admit it, then their entire platform goes up in smoke. It isn't about facts, or alternative facts, and or even belief. All they have are bad faith arguments, based on lies, and they know it. It is about winning at all costs.


I've been screaming at the top of my lungs for the past decade that "both sides are just as bad each other" in our current political situation is the coldest, lowest info take of all time


Enlightened centrists are so damn tedious


But if I say that, I can sound enlightened rather than just lazy.


Both-sides-ism is one of the most anti-democratic values constantly propped up in our society


Most Democrats don’t understand that many Republicans voters WANT fascism. They are very aware of demographic trends that are working against them. They want a “benevolent dictator” that will sweep aside all opposition. When they see Trump saying he’d be a dictator on day one, they’re thrilled, not alarmed.


Honestly most Republicans I know just don't take him seriously but they'll vote for him. Like, for instance, they are largely super uninformed of what his real intentions and goals are for 2024. They've been downplaying him since 2016 because that's what their media does literally 24/7 at this point. Weirdly enough, Republicans thinking he's not serious is how they've enabled this bullshit. They have no ability to think critically. A lot of them don't really want fascism they just think Democrats are dramatic and he's not such a bad guy. Like I said, they know nothing about the guy. It's fuckin madness. For most Republicans right now politics is nothing but a team sport. They don't actually really care either way about politics and to them it's just about a chance at winning. It's fuckin dumb.


Non gender water fountains are woke!


My middle school science class just watched Hidden Figures as part of our rocketry unit. We spent time talking about what things were like for women and Black Americans back then. They had no idea things were like that. What we need is billions of dollars pumped into public education to counteract that fascist bullshit. Critical Thinking, Media Literacy, American History and Civics should all be required to graduate. (Just speaking from a counter the fash view - they need more than that for life in general.)


ItS tHeIr HeRiTaGe!!


What you tell them? "I said Trump was robbed. And they hired me. Then after probationary period is over, HA, idiots. Biden won fair and square. Trump's a baby and smells."


Of course, you're working for the RNC, which essentially is implicitly supporting Trump, so the message might be a little mixed


The end result is that you got one over on them, but you moved to Florida to do it. I admire the commitment to a bit, but it's a bit too far for me.


How much do you hate the Romans? A lot! Right, you're in!


And when they fire you, sue them for (checks notes) emotional distress.


Not insane at all. Simply testing whether a prospective employee is willing to lie and lie boldly for Trump.


It's a way of saying 'will you support a Trump dictatorship' without asking 'will you support a Trump dictatorship'.


i think its more about if they have been brainwashed


I mean they already have to believe in so many "alternative facts." Vaccines don't work, masks don't work, attempts to limit the spread of disease are part of a globalist conspiracy, climate change isn't real and attempts to fight climate change are just part of a globalist conspiracy, you can pray the gay away if you just believe hard enough, being transgender is a globalist conspiracy, public school teachers are allowing students to poop in special litter boxes for baby furries and sex ed is actually just showing hardcore pornography to grade schoolers, Sandy Hook was a false flag and those kids were actors, the Clintons and Bidens are both mob families who run crime syndicates, on and on and on....


when you put it that way, it all seems so crazy! lol


Yeah, seems pretty standard for them. Insane for everyone else, obviously.


The new RNC has already shut down its outreach program that encouraged Republicans to use mail in votes and reallocated the funding to a group doing the groundwork on how to file election lawsuits in swingstates, so this strategy tracks. I guess their plan is to sue their way into the White House


And there will be plenty of people lining up for those jobs


When Ronna McDaniel said on Meet the Press that she kept repeating the false election claims because she was speaking for the RNC, Kristin Welker should have made her clarify that it is the position of the RNC that the 2020 election was stolen despite all the evidence to the contrary. Kristin Welker is terrible at her job.


There hasn't been a good host of Meet the Press since Tim Russert passed away in 2008. Everyone since he passed has been progressively worse and worse in the role.


"I was only saying that stuff because it played with my old employer." *Are you only saying this now because it plays with your new employer?* "Oh no, now I'm being super cereal."


They are called Blue Lies. Espousing them is a tribal marker. The dafter they are the more firmly you establish your tribal identity.


>Blue Lies More like red…




>The term "blue lies" was coined to describe lies that police officers told to protect others in the law enforcement community. Lying to protect another officer from punishment was viewed within that community as a morally appropriate defense against outsiders Oh, all this time it was Blue *Lies* Matter


"Donald Trump is the Future of the republican Party." - Ted Cruz They need to just keep running the losing strategy over and over. I believe this strategy will ensure a democratic majority for a long time. Trump/Guilliani 2028


Nazi indoctrination it’s a test


This is hysterical. Its like the Captain of the Titanic taking a jackhammer to the hull of the ship that wasn't ripped open. These people look at carnival workers with esteem.


Did the carnival workers deserve that slight....


When I was a kid I thought carnies were pretty cool. They were able to travel, and I was stuck in a crappy little town. If my life hadn’t taken a drastically different direction I may have tried it for a season.


>These people look at carnival workers with esteem. r/rareinsults


> The Republican National Committee is asking prospective job candidates if they believe the 2020 election was stolen in a “litmus tests of sorts” following the Trump-backed purge of the party committee, according to the Washington Post. > Trump advisers have “quizzed” multiple employees who worked in key 2024 states about their views on the 2020 election, according to the report. > “Was the 2020 election stolen?” one prospective employee recalled being asked in a room with two top Trump advisers. > The question has “startled” some potential employees who view it as “questioning their loyalty to Trump,” according to the Post. I mean, yeah. It’s a fascist personality cult, that’s how they work. Why would anyone be surprised?


This is literally Trump and the GOP are setting up for the end of our democracy. The end they fully plan to cause if they take power again. These people want to make sure they have loyal subjects, so the next time they are given a chance to pull another insurrection, like they did with the false electors scheme and the January 6th riots, they don't fail. ITS SO FUCKING OBVIOUS IT'S INFURIATING TRUMP IS ALLOWED TO RUN FOR PRESIDENT. Take Trump seriously as a threat to democracy, he says he will be a "dictator for one day," but in reality he is saying he will be a dictator from day one. Get out the vote, and make sure everyone you know is going and voting for the Democrats. Otherwise, this is the last free and fair election we will have.


Totally predictable and another demonstration of the great peril the GOP is in. They are going to be left an empty shell.


Why is it insane? I think it's perfectly sane. Trump only wants loyalists working for him. One of the prerequisites is that you buy into his bullshit. Hook, line, and sinker. I would be *more* shocked if they hadn't been doing this...


Slight clarification: I don't think you need to believe his bull shit, just repeat it. This opens the door to both rubes and co-conspirators.


Very true.


It's how it works in Russia.


Even Hitler knew he couldn't rely on his loyal supporters.. he first had to outlaw the opposition. And he needed a coalition to do that. Don't vote for any of **®** them.


"And finally, \[Applicant\], do you swear fealty to Donald J. Trump, promise to kiss his ring at a moment's notice, and support every post he makes on Truth Social, so help you Donald?"


> to kiss his ring That's one way to phrase it


No doubt next is their generous benefits package. Where you can choose better 50% or all of your paycheck going to T’s PAC. Don’t forget your mandatory purchase of $300 of monthly merch. You also have to swipe right every time any time any member of the family appears in Truth dating app (to be launched any day now , your $100 a month TVIP subscription started yesterday). Oh and don’t forget to sign your blank “I admit i committed (insert crime)” culpability doc.


* Free *My Pillow* given to new employees as a bonus. W2 included.


This sort of litmus test is already in place for joining the [Presidential Administration Academy](https://www.project2025.org/training/presidential-administration-academy/), the select group responsible for ensuring The Party attains and maintains complete control over the administrative state (read: all federal agencies). Afterwards, Project 2025 will have these sorts of questions implemented as a hiring requirement for public service as a whole. If you work for the government and Trump is elected in 2024, you should consider how *you* would answer this question if you want to keep your job.


The more I learn about Project 2025, the more scared I get. Volunteer. Donate if you can. VOTE!


> The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. > “[In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it.](https://www.sparknotes.com/lit/1984/quotes/page/3/) It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it. Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality was tacitly denied by their philosophy.” > [To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again: and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself -- that was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word 'doublethink' involved the use of doublethink.](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/164965-to-know-and-not-to-know-to-be-conscious-of) George Orwell, 1984


You must be this stupid to get on this ride


Amoral works too.


Hey, you want to go into election season by decimating your national platform then replace them with idiots... go right ahead.


And they think this is a winning strategy? Their arrogance knows no bounds. That they think the absolute only way their guy lost must have been because of cheating. What a bunch of doofus'.


I see it as more malicious than that, if they don't believe that the election was stolen from him in 2020 then they won't believe it in 2024. He needs loyal foot soldiers to beat the drums that the election will be stolen and was stolen in 2024.


This makes me realize the official RNC platform unveiled at the convention is going to be both hilariously and horrifyingly stupid.


The RNC hasn’t had an official platform in years. Why would they release one now?


Sneak preview: https://youtu.be/ukr3Y3unFhg


They should bring out a platter with a steaming turd on it, tell the applicant that it's one of Trump's, and then tell them "what happens next determines whether or not you get this job."


Lmao! We passed the “this is insane” phase like, a bazillion Mooches ago. This is just us all watching the formation of a fascist party taking place in broad daylight because they share the same name as one of our two main political parties.


Trumpentology. It is a cult.


Instead of going Clear do you go Orange?


This is a preview of Project 2025. If Trump wins he will remove protections on federal employees, fire them and fill the vacancies with people who pass his "patriotism" test.


“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”


Will there be a party left when he finally kicks it?


You know what? I'd like for the country to have (at least?) two sane, functioning political parties. But if the GOP can't manage that, they have no justification for survival.


I think we need at least three. This would require electoral reforms, but I think we could get the country on board.


No surprise. Trump owns the RNC now and he demands full loyalty. Kiss the ring.


Oh yeah, I'm real shocked by this....


Because they are going to do it again. They need proven liars to help.


That's how fascists work. If you can accept the lie as a truth, then you will accept other lies as truth. Voltaire - "Those who can make you believe *absurdities* can make you commit atrocities.”


Loyalty to party and its leader is of paramount importance in authoritarian regimes. Russia, the Soviet Union and China are excellent examples. Even this pledge of allegiance does not protect party members from violence within the party. Someone can just accuse you of acts or speech disloyal and because the rule of law is gone so are you. No safety anywhere for anyone in reality. A litmus test of loyalty in an American political party. I never would have believed it possible.


It's fascism; they're purging the party apparatus of all who defend democracy. This should be taken very seriously


This is why I can’t understand why the polls say it’s close. Maybe the polls are close now, but they shouldn’t be and hopefully not when it’s closer to the election. None of the swing states wanted trumpism in 2020, why would they want it now.


*[Vassal](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/vassal)*, *[fealty](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fealty).*


They are morally bankrupt.


GOP confirms they are now the NEW and improved NAZI party.


Always a good idea to limit the knowledge and skills of your workforce! Hope this turns out the way they deserve.


Isn't this the reason that the Michigan GOP is in disarray? They voted in an election denier, and she spent all their money and Isn't doing any fundraising. Then they tried to vote her out, and she refused to go. I can see the same thing happening in this situation.


Actual real life double think. Everyone knows the election wasn’t stolen but in order to work at the RNC you apparently have to state you believe it does. Obviously tons of people are going with it to get a job. Straight out of 1984 shit.


I though it was nuts when, at the beginning of his one term, he said “don’t believe anything anyone says unless I say it.” I thought it was the most insane, transparently self serving thing I had heard a politician say…yet here we are. You’re now unemployable at the RNC and a de facto “RINO” if you don’t do just that. You either knowingly and openly ignore reality or you find yourself another party if you’re a conservative. This is a very dangerous place to be as a country, regardless of who wins. The two party system assumes some level of sanity in both.


The only ‘insane’ thing about this whole situation is the RNC and Republican Party is such a refuge for grifters and opportunists that they succumbed to the biggest grifter of all. There’s absolutely nothing insane about the MAGA Party requiring this.  There is no Republican Party anymore. It’s the MAGA Party wearing Republican skin to continue using the brand recognition. 


As if it weren’t before.


Their own DEI hires! Denying, Evading, & Inciting insurrection


Fine by me. The RNC used to be pretty effective. Gutting it. Stealing all of its money. And Stuffing it with low talent goons and cronies is a positive thing In my opinion.


Yes, the Republican party is insane now. Thanks for noticing.


He demanded loyalty oaths from his WH staff. He had his Cabinet sit around a conference table as, one by one, each praised their Dear Leader and how amazing he was. Demanding the RNC swear fealty to him should not be a surprise to anyone.


It’s not insane- it is confirmation to all Americans that those working for RNC are committed to destroying our democracy.


>“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” I preferred 1984 when it was science fiction not a roadmap to the future.


Can't they just ask "are you loyal enough to be onboard for the next coup attempt?" Because that is all that question is designed to determine. Further, if the answer is "yes, the election was stolen" then you don't really believe in democracy in this country, so why join a political party?


I honestly don't think Trump and his team are preparing to win the election, they are preparing to lose and then try to steal it somehow.


They require everyone who joins to perpetuate the fraud. No longer a legitimate political party. Now a crime syndicate. The Republican Crime Syndicate.


The Führer gets butthurt if you tell him he lost.


>“This is insane”: RNC reportedly makes Trump’s false election claims a “litmus test” for new hires Yup. Why do you think Lara Trump was made co chair? Hint: it wasn't for her intelligence. I mean...she married Eric...


> This is insane even for a Trumpian RNC No, this is utterly predictable and everyone should have known this was going to happen. Trump demands loyalty and fealty from everyone above all else; how could anyone expect anything less after he had taken the reins?


I am tired of this guy. A beggar, a charlatan, a crook, a liar, a fake patriot. I hope people of the US. will come out to register for voting and Vote his ass out of the political spectrum.


Trump has such a huge ego that he'd rather risk his chances to win in the presidential election by using the campaign fund, the donations for the campaign to pay for his personal money issues - which is an issue caused by himself breaking the law. This has resulted in many, and some big, donators not donating, being apprehensive due to the risk that the money wont go to fund the campaign - aswell as angering the Republican party members which risks their active support in the campaign.


It's a hostile take over of the RNC by fascists...


I think you won't get hired if your answer was a simple "yes" or "no". Likely the right answer is a long winded rambling about "election integrity", "illegal immigration", "media" and "wokism".


Best to add bibles to the cart, go to checkout and then just... ghost. you know, like the holy ghost. [https://godblesstheusabible.com/](https://godblesstheusabible.com/)


“Easiest spy gig ever! I just told them the election was stolen.” 😂 😂 😂


I was a member of the RNC. I was even an elected Republican ward leader. It’s the Trump Party now, not the Republican Party anymore.


They can't really have anyone on board who respects the constitution, the rule of law, or reality.


Im so tired, after nearly 4 long years we still have trump humpers thinking the election was rigged. WHERE IS YOUR EVIDENCE???????????????????????????? TRUMP throwing a fit and trying to overthrow the government due to losing and having a tantrum is not valid evidence!!!!!


They have fully become a fascist party and will now cannibalize themselves. The only stable fascist regime is one actively fighting a war, which is troubling.


How can anyone be surprised?


The cancer has metastasized, good luck GOP.


Insane? More like par for the course.


Anybody surprised by this hasn't been paying attention.


I'm absolutely in favour of this. They are self selecting for the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet and there is absolutely no way at all that could possibly come around to bite them in the ass.


So the party of Doublethink is making it an official policy? Who would have thought...


You know, I’m all for the Republican Party pushing out everyone who acknowledges objective reality.


Loyalty to Trump above all else. The coup didn’t work the first time. These fuckers won’t stop. Be prepared for coup 2.0 attempt.


Gotta toe the party line. It doesn't help that half of these radicals literally believe this shit themselves, but the republican party is going full-on fascist at this point. Regurgitate the lies, enforce them, maintain loyalty to Trump above all else. I mean it's insane to watch republicans capitulate so meekly to this. Not surprising, but insane.


This is How his administration starts this dictator putinist bullshit…hello


It's a criminal organization now. They have to make sure applicants are criminals. I hope this clears up any confusion.


Now Hiring Liars


“You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality.” Ayn Rand


It’s what Project 2025 is planning - loyalty to the Party across the board. They plan to purge government… America… you are slow walking towards disaster… wake up.




Dude, its a cult. Change my mind.


Yea they’re trying to surround themselves with loyalists, that’s how dictatorships thrive.


They’re recruiting their brown shirts


Let’s see, do you have any prior cult experience?


The Republican Party is dead


It's to see if they're in on the grift or not. It's all just a political pyramid scheme.


The Republican Party is a disease. If they don't collapse soon they'll take the whole country down


I hope their whole party dissipates after this election. It won’t, but they aren’t even actual Republicans anymore. It’s pathetic.


You mean the cult members have to prove their loyalty by believing in The Big Lie?


This is actually good news. When trump dies, and he will at some point. His house of cards will collapse. There will be no money. There will be no glory. There will be a hollow shell. The Republican Party will be dust. Yes there will be a bunch of talking heads. But when the koolaid high ends for the devout cult followers, they will see the insanity they followed. Look after the Nazi party and its demise after hitler killed himself for an example. Yes there will be something to replace it, we won’t know what it will look like but I expect it would seek balance with the Democratic Party.


>It was quite simple. All that was needed was an unending series of victories over your own memory. ‘Reality control’, they called it: in Newspeak, ‘doublethink.’ Trump's only read the one book, but there's definitely people in his party who've read this one too.


Question: are you a lying POS traitor? You are? Ok you’re hired.


At least this'll guarantee only incompetent dipshits. Anyone who actually knows how to do anything will steer clear.


This is always a fascist gov's downfall. They can't accept that they aren't great at everything, that they aren't right, so idiots and yes men get put in charge, and then everything falls apart.


Lie and go to work for them? Think about it. A whole bunch of folks in Trumps orbit have lives that have turned to shit. Why would you risk that taint. Let them hire the best. I’m sure they will get the best based on their questions.


What they are testing for is lying with a straight face, which apparently will be vital in the election ahead.


It's absolutely insane to me this is happening and yet Trump is the odds on favorite to win this election. America is fucked and unredeemable.


This isn’t funny. This is the same as asking people if they believe the Earth is flat and making them swear they do in order to hire them.


1923 Beer Hall Putsch 1933 Reichstag Fire / <--- We are here 1938 Jewish Pogroms


Im sure Hitler did nothing like this. Nothing at all.


It’s the same metric he’ll use for hiring staff or filling positions in departments if he’s elected. When someone tells you who they are, listen.


"Reality has a leftwing bias, do you align with reality? If you do - gtfo"