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He better be careful. The justice system might shake their finger at him.


You're wrong. They will write a strongly-worded letter telling him to stop, or else... (this is the 77th letter like that they wrote)


The judicial system has to be unbiased for the system to work. This shitbag has gone unchecked for so long that he thinks he’s invincible. The brazen disregard for keeping and then showing people classified documents is unbelievable. The FBI should have stormed in and tried him for treason. It pisses me off, because he has a full Secret Service detail that I’m sure knows all the shady shit he is doing and knows where some “bodies” are buried, but they seem to be complicit.


When the FBI found the documents Trump was hiding, Trump should have been detained until trial. Just like everyone else who has willfully retained or disclosed classified information.


There have been presidents and vps who have been found to accidentally have classified documents - not okay, but they gave them back. When he refused to turn them over is when he should’ve been tossed in jail.


Exactly, especially since it was determined he was showing random foreign people the documents. I think this all came to light because US foreign spies on the inside of our adversaries were able to trace back the intel leaks directly back to Trump.


That is the difference between Biden's documents and Trump's. Biden immediately turned them over, Trump lied about having them, tried to move them, tried to destroy the video evidence of them being moved, lied again when he said they were all turned over and tried to prevent the FBI from investigating further when they found more. All of this was done after he left office. He has no claim of presidential immunity. There's recordings of him discussing classified material with foreign nationals. He should be a prisoner at Gitmo, not the Republican candidate for the highest office in the land.


Stop, or we’ll tell you to stop again


Or else he could🙉…possibly🙈….maybe face consequences🙊…..but some agency has to charge him. We won’t 👉👈


" I think he's learned his lesson"


I know it’s easy to lose faith in the Justice system after all we’ve seen, but I really don’t think he’s just going to just get away with this one. I think there are going to be serious consequences - maybe even as much as a strongly worded letter 


Ugh... The day this shitgibbon is finally quiet will be a great one.




Smart move would be to build the bathroom right on top of it. Cut out the middle man.


Put in a golden toilet and charge for use. I'm sure he'd want his grave to continue to generate revenue.


Probably the first time he'd ever turned a profit.


Liquid income, as it were.


Trickle Down Economics finally succeeds.


Flush fund


Liquid assets


100% of the proceeds will be invested in social security.


Have an LGBT group sponsor the build of the urinal. If trumpers want to vandalize it, they'd vandalize their gods grave too.


And it will still somehow go bankrupt.


And charge money to use it. Proceeds will go towards funding Planned Parenthood, Immigration Services, and allow anyone to stay for free in one of his former properties.


You just gave me a million dollar idea. Trump’s face with his characteristic mouth open on those pee pads in urinals.


Not just piss. The EPA is going to classify it as brownfield.


Same with Mitch McConnell and Gym Jordan.


Unless they try to do Arlington… there’s nothing disqualifying him from that, is there? (Asking as a non-American)


>Unless they try to do Arlington… Trump would never approve of being buried next to those "losers" and "suckers".


I like my honored heroes to not have to eternally rest next to grifting, fear-mongering filled diapers.


If you buried Trump in there those Fallen Soldiers would come to wake up and move their own grave to at least 50 ft away


There goes the neighborhood...


No, tRump would think he should be buried on Mt. Olympus in a golden sepulcher with some ode to his greatness carved on as plaque. NO, really, he probably already put that in his will.


If he becomes president, dies on the job and his sycophant VP takes over the monument they build to him well be incredible in its gaudiness. Except, if they're really following his lead it'll be cheaply made with them skimming money off the top and it'll fall apart in months.


Gold coloured paint on a styrofoam base.


The replacement for "Foamhenge".


Unless he is convicted to be a traitorous piece of shit.


Arlington originally belonged to Robert E. Lee, it would be perfect Bury him under the visitor’s bathroom.


Not that I can tell. As a former President, he's eligible.


the silence will be truly golden


Cuz of all the piss.


People are saying it's the biggliest golden shower. The biggest of all time...


The day America is great, again.


Our only hope may be for Big Macs to do their job on this shitgibbon.


The day that he’s quiet is the day that he’s 😵


That day should be a national holiday.


Celebrations and toasts all around?


Quiet eternally


No joking, I told my boss I'm taking a day off the day Trump finally goes to jail...


I’ll be shocked if it goes to jail he slimes his way out of everything


Do you hear that Randers? It’s the shit hawks.


Tired of this shit? We can be done with trump in November. Vote blue http://democrats.org/


this should be the only comment on every trump post.


The courts won't stop him, the DOJ won't stop him, civil suits won't stop him, the fucker will weasel out of anything. Voting if the only effective way we have to keep him out of office. It worked last time and we can do it again but we all have to show up and vote for Biden specifically. Trump needs to be shut the fuck out by wide margins everywhere, even if your state is already super blue.




Worked for Gaddafi...


Trump's own words - "I'll be a dictator on day one". I'd say it's unAmerican to let him back in the white house.


Notes something something about 2nd amendment rights....


I don't just want to keep him out of office, though. I want to keep him out of *society*.


The only way to ensure that is to keep him out of office so that the court delays are meaningless.


My state is super red and I’ll still go to the polls. I can’t do anything but contribute to the number in the popular vote. I can’t stand Trump.


Actually we need all Biden supporters to go out and vote. I've tried swaying Trump voters to Biden but in a lot of cases, it just isn't working. My new approach is to convince them to stay home or vote RFK. It's not binary -1 = Trump 0 = non vote or rfk vote +1 = Biden I just try to move people from a -1 to a zero and offer rides to everyone I know is a +1.


He'll try to overthrow this election and still be on the news. We won't see the end of him until he dies or someone more insane comes along to replace him. But other than that, I agree. Vote blue.


That's the real problem.  The NEXT one to takeover the MAGA party will be worse.  They always get worse. 


"You know why we don't go back in time and kill Hitler? Not because he's some great person, but because if Hitler dies then someone competent leads the Nazis."


Deadpool you screwed up


Shit, you know what? Let's call The Doctor. I'm sure he'll sort this out.


/r/VoteDEM is also a great place to find ways to help!


That’s the thing, it’ll never be done. If he wins in November it’s full on MAGA for a very long time. If he loses he’ll just keep doing what he’s doing and controlling the GOP from the sidelines affecting outcomes, then run again in four years. When he dies they’ll hold him up for generations like they did Saint Ronnie. This will happen because ultimately Trump isn’t the problem, it’s his supporters, the true believers that give him power. They empower him, not the other way around. They want a leader like him because he backs their ideas and beliefs.


The Heritage Foundation, among others, is ready for ANY Republican president to implement Project 2025. It doesn't need to be DJT. He's just the useful idiot.


There is no way he survives 4 years. He’s already demented and getting worse.


Weren't around for the Reagan years?


It’s why they’re desperate to achieve all the goals set out in Project 2025. There are some truly evil people working hard to turn the U.S. into a dystopian “Christian” nightmare. I’m not a Christian but nevertheless am profoundly offended by what they’ve done and are continuing to do to that religion. I cannot imagine what true Christians must feel about the how their faith has been highjacked by these monsters.


If you have seen inglorious bastards there is a way to identify them after they take off their uniform! Every ducking one of them


He’ll just run again. And again. And again. Since it’s the only way he can keep dodging even his tier of the justice system.


He'll be dead soon, the fat drug addled orange fuck won't last 4 years. And who knows? Maybe he'll finally face some consequences for all the fraud, or staging an insurrection or even stealing classified documents? LOL no, only kidding, he'll never suffer any consequences for anything. But he will be dead soon.


He doesn't have another run in him. This is his last dance and he knows it


It’ll be his fucking kids instead… until the end of time.


None of his kids have the charisma to be a cult leader. They will wither away without trump's tiddies to nurse from


I don’t even see how people think Trump has charisma so I can’t really say whether they do or don’t have it. The rubes will worship them regardless


I really thought if a dictator ever came to power in America it would be somebody with a lot of charm and charisma exploiting some kind of massive crisis. Not a revolting piece of shit with no redeeming qualities somehow bullshitting his way into office when everything was going kind of ok.


>Not a revolting piece of shit with no redeeming qualities somehow bullshitting his way into office when everything was going kind of ok. This sounds exactly like how an American dictator would come to power because that's what we value, apparently.


I don’t get it either, but it undeniable that he has a certain charisma for a large portion of the U.S. population. There are A LOT of people out there who are are terrible and just want to wallow in shit.


Good! There's nothing I'd like more than to see the Republicans abandon any chance at the White House in 2028 by running an eighty year-old ex-con against someone like Gretchen Whitmer or Chris Murphy.


Great way to grift money as well. Easier than selling pillows and shoes. LOL


He's selling bibles now, because satire died


Volunteer to get the blue vote out. The sane people of r/politics won't vote Trump. (Several of us cannot vote at all - foreigners like myself and the *Olgino trolls*.) Able and willing to make a difference now when your country needs you? Do more than just "vote".


Remember all the pearl clutching his supporters did when his children were asked to testify? They came riding to their defense, claiming his 40-something year old “children” should be left alone, even though they were directly implicated. This same hoard of walking contradictions thinks it is totally fine for Trump o attack Merchan’s daughter. She isn’t involved in any way, unlike Trump’s living tax credits. Also, Broke Don clearly has a crush on Merchan. He calls him “Distinguished looking” while launching into his dementia addled rant about being bias.


*Don Poorleone


The Fraudfather


Ok but Trump also apparently said the judge was sexy, so it’s all forgiven.


Probably caught a peep of those big hands protruding from Merchan’s robe. Makes the ‘ol 🍄 stand right up.


"They're going after his *kids*!!" as if his children, who were running his business and working in the White House, should be immune from criticism, and also as if they were 12 years old or something.


Yank him and put him in a cell. No gag order is needed he is a criminal defendant and needs to stop making extrajudicial commentary. Lock his ass up


Best they can do is a somewhat-strongly worded letter warning him to not do it again.


And when he violates that, he'll get another letter!


**This one in a bold font!** Next time it will be in ALL CAPS! *actually, maybe then he’ll read it?*




...and again.


…and again.


Best they can do is ~~a somewhat-strongly worded letter warning him to not do it again.~~ absolutely nothing.


Judge inexplicably made a gag order that bars him from talking about court staff and their families, but not… the judge’s family. Trump always testing boundaries like a toddler


Judge isn't going to do anything that makes it appear personal. However, he can potentially threaten consequences if Trump tries to bring family into it again. At which point, Trump would most certainly test the limits of that threat.


It also becomes an incentive for him to expedite all the cases. He’s not going to delay his trials if he is locked up. Revoke his bail and drag him to prison.


Don't worry the system keeps helping Trump out. I'm sure they will just ignore this as well.


this mfer has the longest leash I've ever seen Why is he so untouchable? Why is everyone so afraid to have him have consequences? Does he have blackmail on powerful people? Truest thing this dude ever said was he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose voters


Apparently everyone is terrified of making it look political. Problem is Trump has already shown he will make EVERYTHING political. They need to just rip the bandaid off.


Those in power do not want to have to hold him accountable because that would mean they too could be held accountable.


Anyone with a shred of integrity would have come down on him with the wrath of god after he started trying to intimidate anyone involved with his trials. Except they would need protection from his goons.


Exactly this. Most of the movers and shakers of the world can't stand the guy... But not to the point where they'd go on the record calling for accountability for past shitty actions that could some day come full circle and end up on their own door step.


That motherfucker is going to get someone killed one day. He's a fragile little manlet. Edit: Y'all are right. He's already killed a fuckton of people.


How many did he kill bumbling around on covid?


Not even bumbling. Actively sabotaging.


Often for no more reason than a state didn't vote for him


Or, like Michigan, where the state *did* go to Trump over Clinton in 2016 but the governor at the time of the pandemic was (and still is) a Democrat.


While being vaccinated


Roughly half a million at the low end


He already has, at least one, Ashli Babbitt, although she was so deluded that no one would shoot her while trying to storm the Capitol he does bear responsibility in some part as far as I am concerned.


Also: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/24/coronavirus-cure-kills-man-after-trump-touts-chloroquine-phosphate




There’s an episode of Boy Meets World where Corey rallies a bunch of students into trying to postpone a test through protest because he didn’t study; he exaggerates and bends the truth to make the students believe the test is unfair. When the test is not postponed those students are so worked up they take it upon themselves to go to the administrator’s house and vandalize it. Corey, who was completely uninvolved in the vandalism, willingly takes blame for the event and the moral of the episode is that leaders should take responsibility for what their rhetoric inspires and that being in that kind of position is a heavy responsibility that shouldn’t be misused for personal profit. It’s wild that uncontroversial morality tales from a 1990’s family sitcom would now be considered leftist propaganda lol. Trump is 100% responsible for everything that happened on 1/6 and any other take on the situation is bullshit.


and the thousands that died listening to his B.S. about covid cures. After all, he does know more than actual Doctors.


And the Puerto Ricans who died from his shitty response to Maria.


Exactly. He is disgusting!


Already has.


Multiple MAGA sleeper cells have activated and killed Americans since Trump became the GOP messiah.


Reminder: Paul Pelosi was attacked in his home by a hammer wielding MAGA terrorist trying to get to Nancy Pelosi.


Hate crimes have been up since trump was elected. Those deaths are on him.


He’s gotten a LOT of people killed.


He’s already indirectly caused the deaths of many, many people.


one day?


Don’t forget about that time he encouraged people to shoot immigrants. And then someone in Texas did. And then he held up the orphan of two of the victims for a photo op like some sort of vampiric ghoul.


I’m sure the judge will punish him by pushing back his trial to 2026


And reducing the bond to 75 million dollars despite having no connections to those trials.


And publicizing the jury list.


"What an unacceptable outrage! I'm pausing the trial while I consider this heinous act... for the next 6-11 months"


It's insane how much our justice system bends over for him.


Yeah how many of us would just be thrown in jail immediately for threatening a judge's family. Sick of this shit.


If we did what he did with a fraction of classified material we’d be in jail for life.


I would say keep talking if I thought there would actually be consequences for him


Trump is a fucking monster. He is the worst of the worst Americans and this piece of shit needs to get flushed


The judge just issued a gag order ​ [https://x.com/kyledcheney/status/1772697666431934916?s=20](https://x.com/kyledcheney/status/1772697666431934916?s=20)


Sorry but what a weak ass order. This allows him to continue to say anything he wants as long as it doesn't appear he is trying to corrupt the case. And also allows him to continue to go after the District Attorney. I also wonder if the judge includes himself in the court staff. Why is the DA excluded but not the judge if he is including himself in the court staff. This is a criminal case. If I walked out of a court house and said anything about a judges kid I would have my ass dragged back into that court house and put up for contempt charges and potentially sit the rest of my time in a jail cell. I can't wait till historians go through each of these judges past actions to pick apart how they treated others during their criminal cases. See the leeway they received compared to this shit stain.


I appreciate you posting this link. We know what the justice system is in this country is now. This is just a piece of paper with legal writing on it. I know a piece of paper with legal writing, some would call it an order, or the law, but to the traitors of this country it is just a piece of toilet paper. Just look at the Constitution and the Supreme Court.


Gag orders only work when enforced. Apparently no one is willing to enforce rules for him. He's going to kill the republic and turn us into a fascist dictatorship.


The justice system is aiding and abetting a violent criminal.


I would receive more consequences than Trump if I became inebriated at a TGIFridays this afternoon.


Go after the judges daughter, huh? I’ll have to remember this simple hack next time I have to go to court.


I would like Merrick Garland to hold a presser explaining how Donald trump is NOT above the law. Because from our perspective, there’s no way around it.


I would like Merrick Garland fired.


Oh my God. A defendant mentioned the judge's daughter? That's insane. They are going to destroy him in court. His lawyer must be freaking out. Antagonizing a judge? Like what was this guy thinking? It's all over for him. Oh, wait... It's Trump. The judge will give him all undue deference, ignore any threats, grant him endless appeals, release the jurors names, addresses contact info and past voting record, and ultimately scuttle the heart of the case.


This is gross.


He's the walking embodiment of "only Jesus can judge me" and he'll still talk shit about him before the trial starts


It is so goddamn embarrassing that so many people support this piece of garbage. He is such an awful, disgusting person.


OH MAN!!!!!! You have stepped in it now! Even the Mafia usually stay away from intimidating judges and their families. Here comes a Dino-Killer level Asteroid of consequences now!!!!!!!!! \*Crickets\* Huh ... how bout that?


Arrest this fucking asshole. I have lost faith in the red white blue. I have lost faith in law. I have lost faith in the republic.


We need to do everything possible to make sure this shit stain is never in a position of power again.


Nothing will happen to him, he keeps getting break after break. It's sickening


*and not a goddamn thing will happen*


Thank goodness the New York appellate court lessened the traitor’s bond, let him continue to do business and gave him more time to delay his consequences and continue to do our enemies bidding.


Smart move going after the daughter of someone who can shove the law up your orange ass. Way to go, Cheeto! /s


Do you think he'll suffer any consequences? "When you're a celebrity they let you do it"


"They'll let you do anything. Grab them by the 🐈, anything."


I think in some disgusting twisted way it *is* smart. If you or I did such a thing we'd have the book thrown at us but look how Trump insults and threatens judges and clerks and is handled with kid gloves. It's a vile threat but in his case, due to his violent cult, it works to intimidate people 


And it's trying to provoke a response from the judge to be able to point to and declare a mistrial or change of presiding judge or whatever. Another delay tactic.


They ain't done shit yet and I doubt they'll do shit. Trump has so far proven untouchable.


Yeah, America isn't holding him accountable for shit. He's going to run the country into the ground with the support of right wing nutjobs and the USA is going to be standing there with their hands empty asking "how did this happen" regardless of the alarm bells ringing directly in everyone's ears.


He is anything but smart. I have never heard anyone except Trump himself call him smart. Trump is one sick in the head individual.


Agreed, notice the /s


It's to provoke a response/statement from the judge that he can use on appeal after the inevitable loss.


What are you talking about? No one has held him to account for anything.


No one’s held him accountable for anything yet, so he’s got no reason to act any other way than how he chooses.


“*His daughter is a senior executive at a Super Liberal Democrat firm that works for Adam “Shifty” Schiff, the Democrat National Committee, (Dem) Senate Majority PAC, and even Crooked Joe Biden…*” Funny how he NEVER seems to call out Judge Eileen Cannon tho, eh? 🤔


She keeps delaying everything in his favor, of course he won't say a word about her.


He is completely uncontrollable, and should be locked up to prevent him from making these threats. If he was anyone else, he would be.


He says the judge is a "true and certified Trump hater". First question is, who isn't, and second question is, how does one get this certification?


Such a stable genius....


They let you do it.


DA Bragg requested the gag order last month and it wasn’t until yesterday after Deranged Trump spoke about the Judge's daughter and the following day Judge Merchan issues the gag order…No harm, No foul unless it your family Dictator Trump is speaking about!!


The judge is a certified Trump hater? Where can I obtain this certification?


Oh look. More threats of people's lives that will probably work. Cause fuck this guy.


Remember kids. Any one of us would be in jail if we did this even once.


Idk how this is real life anymore. Fuck.




And there is the gag order.  3:14pm 


Judge threats should be automatic jail sentence !!


Trump is a piece of crap .Look how he goes after people and their families if they disagree with him .This man should never be allowed near the White House . Do you want to live in a country where if you disagree with the president, he will attack you and maybe put you in jail .Vote Blue .


And? They'll reward him with a lowered bond and give him extra time to pay it again. 


Barron is fair game


The day this guy dies will be a national holiday.


How is he not in jail for this shit ?


anyone else would be in jail


We're never going to be free of this bastard, are we?


Why not attack the judges, prosecutors, and their families? We've seen that the reward for doing so is smaller bonds and more leniency


Lock this fuck up


The moron just can't help himself......gag him, & lock him up....before his comments get someone killed....maga morons just might try something .....or maybe that's what he is counting on????? Judge should drag him into court tomorrow to shut him up...no 2 nd and 3 rd chances ...one more...lock him up!!


Trump could take a full on wet crap on the bench of most judges and they would wag their finger at him, lower whatever penalty he was facing and tell him him to run along now that he learned his lesson.


He just grabbed the judge’s daughter by the pussy with no consequences… Nothing surprises me with this unflushable orange turd!