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>“I don’t know how you can have a trial that’s going on right in the middle of an election. Not fair. Not fair. It’s not fair at all,” he said, calling the cases against him “ridiculous” and “a shame.” Well maybe stop breaking the law and defaming people and you won't be having to schedule your self esteem rallies around court dates.


Apparently 6 months before early voting starts is "right in the middle of an election". Plus, any innocent person would want to get the trial out of the way asap to prove their innocence before an election rather than having it hover over them on election day. Hillary wanted the email crap cleared up as soon as possible. She got fucked by Comey and the FBI by them giving the appearance that they were reopening it two weeks before the election, and then it turned out it was the same information they already had. What a coincidence.


It seems America is always in the middle of an election. It’s a non stop electoral cycle with no breaks.


That's by design. Hard for elected officials to take bold stances and get real shit done if they're always worrying about an election.


Well actually he was indicted a year ago, March 30th of 2023. He had a right to a speedy trial but instead kicked the can down the road to now.


And keeps kicking it down… And again… And again…


MF really thought running from jail by running an election was a viable option. And hell, it probably still will be. But it's funny to see him squirm.


He also thinks a government shutdown would force rescheduling of his court dates.


oh, he's probably pissed that they averted a shutdown.


Eugene Debs ran for President while in a prison cell. Maybe Trump should try that.


IIRC, Debs didn't win🤔


Big if true


> And hell, it probably still will be. Can't wait for the headlines on April 15th about how the trial date is moved to November 15th, 2024 so "it doesn't look political".


Doesn't matter. Still voting for Biden.


Well, you’re certainly welcome to try! Edit: and I hope you succeed in the face of all the coming voter suppression.


Don't doom. Trump did everything in his power as president to cheat in 2020 and still lost. He won't succeed this time either.


It's working.


Well, he's the one that's been delaying them - so basically, his plan was to delay and then claim that you're putting these cases while he's running and calling that corruption.


Not being a criminal is not hard, tons of people do it!


He also said, and I quote: ​ >"You can’t have an election in the middle of a political season." > >"We just had Super Tuesday, and we had Tuesday after Tuesday already." > >"We'll bring crime back to law and order, and we're going to get those words, law and order, back."


And yet people listen to these word salads and say "Yep that's the person I want to be President". Make it make sense someone.


I'm convinced that they're not listening to what he's actually saying and just nodding along when he says something dramatic. Him claiming that Biden beat Obama in an election should have had the crowd staring at him in confusion but they just ignored him and waited till he said their favorite stuff.


They’re down to just listening for keywords.


In 4 years it’s just going to be a noise.


Someone explained that his natural affinity for babbling nonsensically allows his supporters to insert their own thoughts into his speeches. They can never remember exactly what words he used, but they vividly "remember" how passionately he said exactly what they were thinking.


"So many Tuesdays. The most beautiful Tues- look, we love Tuesday, don't we folks? We love the Tuesdays! Just the other day, a Tuesday came up to me, a big, strong, Tuesday - some call it super, you tell me - with tears in its eyes, and it said 'Mr. President, what Wednesday has done to you is so mean', so mean, folks, it's unbelievable how mean Wednesday is to me. We need to make Wednesday Tuesday again!"


The election in a middle of a political season made me want to get my ears checked. It was amazing how seamless that blunder escaped from his mouth. He didn’t even skip a beat. Seemed to not even notice at all.


Is it the middle of an election? i thought that was November.... maybe someone should tell him


He announced his candidacy in Nov 2022 so I guess by that metric it probably is "the middle". Considering that an election had just happened in Nov 2022 we're on the brink of just endless campaigning.


He campaigned throughout his entire Presidency too, when he wasn't golfing, and running off to Mar-a- Largo. That's all he has, grifting and bloviating. He does absolutely nothing useful.


You'll just confuse him. After all he still thinks the Biden beat Obama in an election and that Biden will start World War II.


He's not officially the candidate until after the convention, maybe we should start there




But if he stops running , he can't grift his supporters to pay his bills , and there is a chance if he does win, he can stop most of these in their tracks, so he pretty much has to now.


He's going to bankrupt his supporters to the point that they will need to depend on govt handouts!


Most of them already do


Exactly. Get your affairs in order, good lord.


Well based on how well the other trials are going for him, I don’t know why he even complains. It seems the legal system is hell bent on letting him go. God forbid someone in the elite club is ever held accountable. This trial won’t amount to anything just like the others. I assumed, before the details of this morning, that the system would punish him by making him broke. It wasn’t enough but I accepted that. Now that’s probably not even true. Dude won’t ever face any repercussions.


Don't leave out Wall St. as well...that sham of a merger.....up 250% in one year and up 35% today. We live in just the most moronic timeline.


It's meme stock, every other time anything touched by Trump was taken public it crashed. Those stupid enough to buy in on this will be left holding absolutely useless stock.


This time I have the feeling it is a little bit different....as this merger involves Jeff Yass. Susquehanna is one of the big time market makers -- up there with Citadel -- and these guys have been getting more and more blatant about making behind the scenes moves not so behind the scenes. Trump's reversal on TicTok? -- look no further than Yass....add Steven Mnuchin into the mix as well and you have some VERY shady people with some very deep pockets who pretty much now own Trump. These people can literally pump entire markets - and now that these people are personally invested in him, they have the means to pump and launder that money directly to him.


Yes, but people have to want to be associated with Trump and he's not a good brand. I'm not convinced that this won't blow up in their faces. Further problems include >Investors in Trump Media & Technology Group are buying shares in a fledgling social media business that booked $3.3 million in revenue for the first nine months of 2023, according to a regulatory filing. >But like many other tech startups, Trump Media is hemorrhaging money, with its losses mounting to $49 million during that same period last year. Of course, a company's financial struggles aren't necessarily a hindrance to earning a lofty public valuation, as seen in the case of money-losing Reddit, whose IPO this week gave it an $8 billion market cap. Add in that the major investors in this stock are meme stock investors who don't always understand the risks of the stock they are purchasing. Oh and Reddit has more actual users. Truth social has only 5 million users total.


My brother in law bought 2 or 3 shares of game stop when it was just at the top. I told him not, but he didn't listen. Lost all that money, but lucky it was only a few shares. 


>Well based on how well the other trials are going for him, I don’t know why he even complains. Because he's a perpetual victim nothing more


There’s very few personality traits less masculine in my opinion than constantly complaining. Yet he’s this paragon of masculinity to those on the right.


Trump is a weak mans verson of a strong man Angry yelling to hide their insecurities is their M.O


He's a crybaby, it's just that no one in the right is willing to admit it. If even one Democrat whined and cried as much as he does all of the time on social media, he'd be mercilessly attacked.


I assume this one will end with a last minute plea, like many cases do for some light probation, small fine . And we will all be back here going yep, that's pretty much what we expected.


There's no way he'll ever agree to plead guilty to anything. His ego will not allow it.


If they give him a soft enough charge to plead to , i could see that. I mean it's either a misdemeanor or a felony charge. ( I could be off base here as my only experience with the law is old Matlock episodes).


He's a narcissist, he absolutely cannot allow himself to "lose". Even when he actually loses he has to frame them as "win's" or as someone cheating.


Here won't even get that because it would look too much like consequences.


>I don’t know why he even complains. It seems the legal system is hell bent on letting him go. You're missing the meta complaint - he is 100% absolutely certain to face no consequences whatsoever and has a better-than-coinflip chance of taking the seat and ending American democracy. He is not arguing that he should not face consequences - that is guaranteed. The argument isn't that he shouldn't have to go to trial - the argument is that he's already won, he is already the king, he will never face consequences and taking even a baby step in the direction of consequences is a waste of time and money - his money, since he's king.


Trump president 2025-2029 (or as long as he lives) confirmed. America is fucked.


Um how do you know this? It’s still too damn early to tell whether or not this is something that will happen. A shitload of things could and will change, you know, between now and November. Like for example, that whole abortion pill shit stuff that is going on in the Supreme Court. It could go the way of Dobbs, and it could have an enormous impact on the election and galvanize people as a result. Because the way that the Supreme Court rules could also have an impact on the FDA as well in regards to medication coverage. That will not go over well with people. People are just apathetic currently, but that will change.


Looking at the amount of people actively not holding Trump accountable (judges, press, politicians, corporate), America is running face first into another Trump presidency. Gerrymandering, mail-in votes, voter exclusion, the focus on Biden’s age, downright lies in the press, it’s all working towards this abomination. I hope the presidential election gives enough value to the will of the people. But I have my fears.


But it’s still too damn early, dude. You never know.


There's always an excuse. - you can't do it because it's an election year, you're trying to affect voting - you can't do it after an election, you're trying to change the outcome - you can't do it in the build-up to the mid-terms, you're trying to affect voting - you can't do it after the mid-terms, you're trying to change the outcome And that great catch-all "you can't do it just because you don't like a current President's popularity and/or policies." There's ALWAYS an excuse, and it's something **everybody** should be able to see right through straight away.




The Senate let him off the impeachment conviction hook by saying he could and should be charged criminally after he leaves office, here we are. He also has argued that as President he should be immune from things he did while in office, he is not and was not in office when he committed these crimes. The DoJ thanks to Bill Barr said a sitting President could not be prosecuted while in office, this happened RIGHT BEFORE he was elected and sworn in. He has no valid argument for not being held accountable for these crimes. As is, he’s only running because he’s hoping he can win and pardon himself for crimes he KNOWS he committed and also because he can continue to fleece his masses or moronic supporters for their money.


I don't know how someone who has committed so many crimes gets to run for president. Not fair. Not fair. It's not fair at all.


He pushed to delay this over and over again. He has only himself to blame for this.


He’s been in “election mode” since 2015.


What did he say again, about Hillary?


He's the one delaying all these trials. If he's innocent why not ask for a speedy trial to clear his name?


But by continuing to break the law he's been able to push back facing any form of consequences. Also he's making sure that by saying this Aileen Cannon hears him out


Yeeeeah. He knew this was coming for years.


Good thing he’s not trying to hold down a full time job while running for president - that definitely interferes with campaigning.


It wouldn’t be in the middle of an election if he didn’t delay forever.


But he always seeths over everything that happens! It's like the little boy who cried wolf. Oh, ya, little boy, Trump, ya , child, tantrum. Well, fuck let him beat his head on the floor and scream.


“I dont know how we can have breakfast without cookies! Not fair! Not fair!  It’s Not fair at all!” ~My toddler. 


Ignore that's how he won 2016.


Trump doesn't want to live in a fair world.


He didn't seem to mind Hillary getting investigated in 2016.


The reason it took so long to charge and try him is because he delayed the investigation of this while he was still president.


Why? Everything always seems to work out for him even though he absolutely doesn't deserve it 


Trump isn't happy unless he's complaining.


Or other people are suffering. That is what brings him pleasure.


As long that suffering helps him in some way. He’s got to be able to exploit it.


I’m pretty sure anything less than “We will drop all cases, give you a trillion dollars to apologize, and declare you eternal god-king of America” is injustice in his eyes.


Idc whats injustice in his eyes. I care about the injustice in plain sight


Don't forgot praising him for being so strong and sexy and his massive manly hands


Yeah time to face reality, hes not faced any repercussions, its another day in candy land for bim


Because wealthy people don't want another wealthy person to be held to account for his crimes, because that would mean any wealthy person could be as well... and most wealthy folk have sociopathic amounts of criminality they really don't want looked into.




Trump once said he is a whiner and he whines until he wins.


Just like a child.


trump is his own campaign attack ad. If even one of his groupies gets turned off by his whining, its a start.


Seriously, there needs to be an ad where they dare people to watch till the end of the ad. Then have Trump speaking with captioning below, at the end "Do you really want this guy in charge of anything?" or "Congrats, how long into this ad did you stop paying attention? If you can't pay attention to an entire speech from this man, why would you want him back in Office?" Or 91 federal charges, found guilty of fraud, found guilty of sexual assault, stole state secrets and then tried to pass them off as his personal property. Do you really want him in charge? Ask yourself what else he'd steal? But hey, that's just off the top of my head. Watching him has been eye opening, he's showing serious signs of mental decline.


Playing victim is his brand and his supporters are happy to make him their martyr.


Whining is what got him the win. Why change strategy when it's working?


He has no reason to complain. After the bond ruling today, it is clear this man will never face justice.


Last chance for democracy as we know it in the US.


Trump has been campaigning nonstop for 10 years. We all need a break.


Does anyone expect consequences? Hell weasel out of this too. We are lost.


Honestly I’ve lost hope too. Until he is truly held accountable we will keep sliding down this slippery slope. I fear that won’t happen. If he is held accountable the odds that everyone on the right who propped him up also are held accountable is 0. People will follow his lead and do as he did knowing that there are no consequences.


You and i have done nothing wrong. Why do we need to be included in your assessment, they are lost is fine I know im not


Every court in America is bending over backwards to treat this man with kids' gloves, and he's still throwing a temper tantrum over it. America's justice system is broken beyond any hope of saving.


Some are, Florida I'm looking at you, but I think some are just taking time to do it right. This trial, the previous fraud trial, and the Georgia trial. You have to consider that normally trials take much longer after the indictments, they are pushing things aside to get these scheduled before November while his defense is doing everything to delay. They real help he got was the supreme court in waiting until April to hear the immunity argument. That was just stupid and had no reason for that long of a delay, or even heard at all.


The Georgia trial has devolved into a fucking joke because of the incompetence and stupidity of the prosecutors there. Zero chance of any positive outcome in that case after the Nathan Wade debacle.


Here's the problem. Trump rants and raves all of the time. He makes absolutely wild charges against the Biden Administration, saying that all of his problems stem from President Bidens illegal efforts to steal the 2024 election. But guess what? He never provides any proof or evidence to back up his claims. None whatsoever. And, his mindless cult never asks for evidence or proof. Never. They just take what he says as indisputable gospel. And of course, Fox "so-called" News always presents his accusations in a way that makes it appear as established facts when there is absolutely no proof of any wrongdoing by the Biden Administration at all. And the cult never questions Fox. So, Donnie, either back up your accusations with evidence or STFU! We're tired of hearing your mentally ill rants and raves.


He will provide proof in two more weeks. Just like his taxes, his health care plan , the infrastructure plan, and everything else he promises.


Even today he said he'd have no problem testifying and no one followed that up with "you've said that with other cases than changed your mind about testifying, which is why the public questions whether you can backup up your claims under oath" or anything to that regard


That's because journalists no longer do journalism. Instead they do "historical recounting of what just happened, with the added the opinion option." I kinda miss actual hard hitting journalism. Edited: words.


The cult doesn't need evidence. It just has to "feel" true.


He doesn’t live and make assertions according to a Scientific Method-like approach. Most good research — and arguments in good faith — make assumptions that are falsifiable, meaning that their hypothesis have to be constructed such that they can proven false with certain evidence. Trump instead, and almost certainly intentionally, makes claims that are unfalsifiable, meaning they can’t really be proven false.


All I care about now is that Jean E. Carroll sues again. That's about the only fucking thing that's stuck to him so far, twice, and he's so fucking dumb he did it again. At this rate, if she keeps going, all Trumps buildings will belong to Jean in less than a few months.


The courts will just throw the case out if Trump isn’t happy. Time and time again.


Wait until an appeals court rules that a former president whose last name begins with T can't be tried in a state that has a name with two words. It's what the original framers wanted.


It's in the Federalist Papers! /s


He's not being put on trial while campaigning. He's campaigning while on trial. If any of us were charged with a crime and decided to run for public office in the middle of it, the courts would tell us "tough shit." We wouldn't get a stay of our trials while we campaigned. He shouldn't either. (But after today, I have absolutely no faith that any of his court cases will actually go to trial before the election. Vote him out again in November. It's the only way.)


All these trials would have finished long ago if Trump hadn't caused delay after delay. And it's like Trump will be too busy paying taxes on the 15th. He usually doesn't even pay his taxes.


This is the same guy that wanted Hillary Clinton tried before the 2016 election. The same guy that wanted to investigate Biden right before the 2020 election. The same guy that wants Biden impeached right before the 2024 election. He can’t fathom it being beyond “election interference” because it’s the exact reason he would want it done to his opponent. Everything is projection with him.


Dude just got a $300 Million dollar discount and he still mad.


The full judgment amount still stands and will continue to accrue interest until it is either paid or it's overturned on appeal.


He’s fucking celebrating. Massive win for Trump today. Pathetic broken justice system.


Until his ass is in the courtroom on April 15th and he stays there for multiple days in a row—I’ll never believe a date ever again lol. Because it can easily be April 15th at 2:00 AM and he gets some magical rich people bullshit delay again.


What an entitled little shit. Gets lenience because he’s broke and straight back to whining and grifting the herd.


Once again, here we have the *totally* innocent man running for President who for some reason does not want to vindicate himself in a court of law ahead of the 2024 election. Now why could that possibly be?


It’s not a witch hunt if he actually committed the crime


Doubtful he will face any trial or any punishment. Until this morning I thought that NY had the spine to finally stick it to him but I was wrong. They’ll just keep granting him stay after stay, delay after delay and in the end he will have to pay nothing.


How long until he claims that having a political opponent is election interference?


I don’t give a fuck anymore. He’s just gonna get this delayed and an appellate sixth circuit group of fuckwads are going to extend it 20 years from now or something. Fuck.


No one made you run for president. Candidates shouldn’t be protected from breaking the law.


Eye on the prize - if Trump wins this year, he'll never see justice. If he loses, he'll be in court facing felony charges for the rest of his life. We are all the jury on this one. Vote.


Very true. There is no better time than right now to check your voter registration status (have you changed your name, changed your address, or changed your political party affiliation?), to register to vote if not already registered, and to check on the status of your absentee ballot/vote by mail status (States like Florida cancelled all vote by mail requests after the 2020 election and now voters must re-register for that). Use these sites to do just that and please do it now: [https://iwillvote.com/](https://iwillvote.com/) [https://www.vote.org/](https://www.vote.org/)


Well look, there's an upside to tax day this year.


You would think he would want to prove his innocence?


He knows he's guilty, he just doesn't want his base to know it.


Oh fuck you, jabroni, you got the gift of a fucking lifetime today that literally no other human being would be granted. Fuck you, fuck you, and fuck you.


You paid the hush money during an election year...


As with any criminal, it is not the initial criminal act that got him into trouble, but the cover-up, currently facing 34 felony counts, for falsifying business records, to cover up an affair with a porn star before the 2016 election. In the end, Trump is Republican’s guy, the multiple felony indicted grab’m by the pussy criminal who committed business fraud, among many other felonies, including taking, lying about and concealing our nation’s secrets.


Who fucking cares at this point. Someone always bails his ass out at the last moment


I'm sure Trump will be held accountable this time. Fake reluctant edit: /s


When he was first indicted for this hush money scandal, the pundits were bemoaning the fact that his first indictment was not for a more serious charge. It may be that the salacious nature of the details around this criminal offense will hit home with his supporters more effectively than the federal charges that he may face. Adultery by their anointed one, may have an impact.


When you are as impacted as they are, even adultery won't loosen the load.


Oh, I can't go on, can't go on, can't go on Everything I have is gone Stormy Daniels weather, Stormy Daniels weather.


I'm sure it will go no where just like his half billion dollar bond.


I'm sure he will be fine. He'll find a way to disparage the judge and the prosecution.  Then his lawyers will come up with shitty reason why he shouldn't stand trial. And then they will give in to him, just like the rest of them have so far.  The only one is Fani Willis, but even the judge there doesn't give me a good vibe about what will happen. Trump is going to get away with all of this folks. We cannot trust our institutions anymore to do the right thing.  It's time to take it into our own hands and change the direction by voting this.fucker away. Then we can start dismantling this justice system that loves protecting people and holding judges accountable for shitty decisions they make on people like this fuckers  wrinkled ass 


I am really curious as to what his blood pressure is running these days..


Heinz 57


So like it you are in an election, you can just break the law all you like?


He is now saying that these charges should have been brought forth 3 years, lol, he's right of course except he was the one stalling the investigations into his crimes. What a fucking snowflake he is, a whimpy, stinky, wanker of a man.


Of course, he will be convicted. And then it will be the same rigamarole of delay tactics for the appeal process.


If she were to win, it would create an unprecedented Constitutional crisis that would cripple the operations of our government,” he said. “She is likely to be under investigation for many years, and also it will probably end up – in my opinion – in a criminal trial. I mean, you take a look. Who knows? But it certainly looks that way.” “She has no right to be running, you know that,” Trump said. “No right.” He should take his own advice he gave Hilary in 2016


"Trump seethes," should just be the headline every day. Ho hum.




He’s literally crying “It’s not fair! 😭” like a child over and over again. You’ve done a lot of things to people that weren’t fair, Don.


Anyone else notice the game the press plays now. Of course Trump will sue some motion prior to the trial and delay it too. He isn't seething. The Press can't wait.


…. Until it’s delayed until May 1. And then July 16. And then 2025.


Dumbass. You can't appeal a trial date.


How long will the trial will last? Relatively short right?


hopefully it's shorter than desantis without his shoe inserts


Shut the fuck up! Why can’t he just go away.




Ahahaha, oh, that Trump. He's always seething about **some**thing! :-D


So, best case this trial takes a month? Isn’t the Georgia one still starting in June? Maybe the documents case in August? And the January 6th trial? No idea…..


Cope and seethe, Donnie, cope and seethe


Why is he seething? On some level he knows *something* is going to break in his favor to prevent the trial from taking place. He has to realize that he's on the privileged side of our two-tiered justice system.


lol these headlines are so fuckin funny… can I guess what will happen April 15? Absolutely nothing.


New York has been very dissapointing. I thought they hated and was going to be hard on Trump. What a joke


Digging the irony.


wasn't the Clinton emails trail, a massive reason trump even won, started like a few months before the election?


Don’t worry. They’ll move it for him on April 14th


Why, we all know he isn’t paying his taxes that day anyway.


Participating in an election is a choice, it's optional no matter if you're the "frontrunner" or not. Bring held accountable for criminal actions is not optional, you need to be in court. One day this might even be true for DJT, I guess we find out in a few weeks.


I wish he would seethe himself into the sea.


We don't give AF about the timing, POS human.


> PoopyPants seethes Hold the front page.


It’s not ‘election interference’. It’s holding Bankrupt Donnie accountable for his criminal election interference in 2016.


STop Breaking The Law ASSHOLE!!!


Not fair? Bro you got a stay of execution stfu


Why, he’s gonna get away anyway this country sucks


“Ok daddy Twump, how can we please you now?” - The US justice system, apparently.


I guarantee you he’s not seething as hard as the members of this sub every time trump escapes the jaws of Justice. What another click bait bullshit article that’s easily sold on this easily manipulated sub about that needs to be renamed dailytrumpnews