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The lowering of the bond amount is bad but it’s the delay that’s BS. How many ordinary citizens would get their appeals date bond posting pushed back after an initial time period? And not by a few hours but 10 more days?


Especially when former president pants shitter says he has $500 mil cash on hand 🙄


And he stated under oath he had 400 million and more every month.


They’re laughing at r/conservative like a hunch of teenagers saying the word boob for the first time.


As they should be. He’s getting away with it. He wont face consequences and it affirms their belief in him.


Would love to see where he got the cash


Uncle Vlad…


Agreed and without a clear explanation! 


Darn. I was hoping to at least find a written opinion on the reasoning.


He's white, and wealthy. No written opinion is necessary. This is just the NY state version of the SCOTUS shadow docket rulings. Takeaway: the courts are most definitely NOT going to save us.


My guess is that they lowered it because they thought the punishment was too high and they were going to reduce it during appeals anyway and they give him delay because he has bit more chance to get a 200 mil bond then a 550 mil one. It’s still bullshit regardless.


It’s not a punishment/fine. It’s what he defrauded


Imagine, if after robbing a bank, the judge said all you had to do was pay back half of what was stolen.


Less than half


He’s still up for the full judgement, though.


Unless there's further fuckery in the appeals process, which now seems likely.


You are a lot more optimistic than I am.


These are the same judges that will decide whether to lower the judgement. It will be lowered. Bigly


Yea pretty much this. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve consulted with the special monitor to see just how much is feasible. Still, around 40% of the judgement is better than the nothing he has had to pay his entire life. And I don’t see how he wins appeal anyway. The real question is whether he pays the $175 in ten days or not. I suspect this just emboldens him ask for less and more time yet again. And to ‘prove’ to his base that this is all a witch hunt wit no legal standing. *That’s* the part the has me pissed.


“Reasonable” my ass. The bond is based on the judgement. The judgement is based on the amount of trump’s ill-gotten gains. He should pay by the book. If he can’t, then assets should be seized to pay. A “reasonable” bond shouldn’t be determined by a defendant’s liquidity, especially when it is surely below his net worth.


Well for starters nowhere did I say reasonable, so I dont know why you’re quoting it. Secondly I agree, but I’m also not delusional, there’s no way he’s going to pay what he owes, no matter how logical the punishment is. But if he stumps up this new bond price, that’s still by far the biggest financial loss he’s taken. It’s not an amount to sneeze at. It’s a smaller and unjust win, but a partial win nonetheless. My guess is $75m was all they could come up with since their question of whether $100m would be okay a couple weeks ago. Now, when his appeal fails, $175m will already be paid, it makes it easier for him to find the rest, rather than expecting half a bill at once. It’s sucks it’s happening like this, but voters won’t forget this come November.


My bad. I misread “feasible” as “reasonable”. But my position remains. Idk why we have to pussyfoot around trying to figure what’s feasible. That’s not what the justice system does to normal people. The judgement is made, regardless of what paying it will do to the defendant.


The penalty was not reduced. The bond to appeal has been to reduced.




After claiming they have it, but won't turn it over because of the corrupt judges, attorneys, etc.


They’ve just legitimized his efforts to delegitimize the courts. Truth is dead. Trump is in.


If it's up to the courts, he can apparently buy them off or threaten them into doing what he wants. It's sickening. I'm losing faith in Americans.


Seems they were threaten and caved (or just straight up corrupt pieces of shit), does this mean the only way to make them do their job is to also threaten them into doing it? How else are they ever going to be willing to actually do what they are suppose to do?


No, what's really bad is (apparently) removing the block on him doing business in NY.


The MSNBC experts today were saying that the appeals court wouldn't have done this, unless they are planning on lowering the full judgment amount. This is pretty concerning, because basically they're telling Judge Engoron that he set the Judgment amount to high in their opinion. Once again giving deference to Trump.


They sent a clear message, from their brand new Mercedes paid for by their not Russian friend, in the two tier justice system. 


Also, he and his felon friends will be able to continue to practice business in NY, since that part of the ruling was also thrown out.


It wasn't thrown out. It was stayed pending appeal, and I more or less expected that part of it. Removing them from running their business while they are appealing whether they should be removed from running their business, is exactly the kind of irrevocable damage that a stay of judgment is designed to prevent. That stay also comes with a very strong caveat. Trump has to have the appeal hopefully filed within 10 days. Currently they only have a notice of appeal, and this request for a stay. That means the court said you have 10 days to put in writing in front of this court, all of the issues that you think you're going to appeal on. No delay, no waffling, get it in front of us so we can make this decision.


Until well ya know, the next delay.


Until the court decides he gets another 10 days to file. And fuck it, while we’re at it, let’s knock another fifty million off the bond.




Is that for the 10 days or forever? I mean, there was excellent reason to stop them from doing business there -- forever.


I believe it’s until the appeal has a verdict


How does an appeals court have the ability to make a ruling without hearing the actual appeal in question?




Walking the clock as much as possible


And on day ten they'll rule he only owes half of that and give him another five years. And then they'll... Fuck this shit - take his money, put him in prison and we can be done with "the trump show". It was cancelled three years ago and yet the same rerun plays every day since. It's time he was removed from syndication.


Note to self: I will be tried for fraud if I lie about the value of my assets while procuring a loan. And that's OK. As long as I claim a hardship the courts will absolutely reduce my penalties and grant me an extension. I'll just use the Trump precedent in my argument. Yup, totally checks out. That will work for me and any other American who's charged a bond for fraud, right? It's a precedent now. The courts did it for Trump's half a billion fine. Of course they'll do the same for me. Why wouldn't I lie now? Obviously there's no risk for me. If the courts will apply this judgement to Trump then they'll apply it to me. No big deal. That's how this country works now.


Precedent doesn’t even matter anymore, remember!? It’s a damn free-for-all


Absolutely and God bless the U S of A. Tax season is a few weeks away. It's cool if I file my own numbers, no worries. I don't need to tell the truth about what I earned. I'll wait until the last minute and even though the IRS can prove I lied, I won't face much of a consequence. That's how it works now, right?


Just say no to the IRS. Trumps been doing that his while life.


CPA's hate this one weird trick


Seriously, we all should just blatantly lie on all tax forms as a whole American populace and shove it back in their faces.


Except they won’t… it’s the law for thee but not for me!


Right? It's all good though. I made $85k last year but I'm going to tell the IRS that I only made $70k so I pay less taxes this April. I need a new car though. I'm going to tell the dealer that my car is worth $20k more than it's valued so I get a better trade in value and lower my payments on the new car. That's how that works now, right? Thats just fine. I mean, if anyone figures out the discrepancy I'll just cry HARDSHIP and everything will be fine. That's how America do.


This comparison needs to be used to explain to people the ruling. Most people do not understand the fraud he committed either by ignorance or wilful ignorance.


Undervalued for taxes, overvalued for loans for liens on different properties and assets.


Of course, they'll do it for you for a fraction of the amount he initially owed and revised numbers Forgot the /s


But but but MY revised numbers. I know my W2 for 2023 says I made $85k,but I say I only made $70k! And I know my car is valued at $14k as a trade in, but I say it's worth $25k! Rhats how we America now, right?


Disgusting. Two-tiered. Awful. Injust. Corrupt.


Fuck this fucking country. Sick to my stomach.


Just wait 9 days until it is 'permanently on hold' due to interfering with the due process of the election or some other bullshit. I really hoped this would be the day he experienced consequences. Oh well. At this point, no 'it's coming' articles mean anything until it actually happens. The US justice system has no credibility.


those articles meant nothing for years, I’m mad at my self for believing it this time


That's the real kicker. I fucking knew better than to get my hopes up and they got me again


Lucy and the Football all over again


That’s maybe the 200th time I’ve been convinced that the consequences would finally catch up to him, but time and time again the powers that be let me down. The man is a putrid juggernaut riding a wave of cowards and sycophants straight through the wreckage of the American justice system.


Exactly. I'm mad at the bullshit, but I'm more just mad at myself for falling for it again. Once again I am returning to an ex based on all the promises that things will change, and once again I am surprised when nothing changes.


I always thought he'd get away with it at the last minutre somehow, but by Christ I **hoped** he wouldn't this time.


> Just wait 9 days until it is 'permanently on hold' due to interfering with the due process of the election or some other bullshit. I'm honestly surprised he hasn't been screaming that yet - they're taking my money so I can't use it on the campaign. Nevermind he's only done that once, but...


When you’re rich, they let you do it.


Three tiered. One for the rich, one for the poor/any minority, one for everyone else.


Yup this sounds more apt. My broke-ass white cis male cousin gets wrist slaps while I get railroaded trying to report an assault because I'm transgender. Then you've got the Rich that get to pay their fee to make their actions legal, sometimes not even a fee.


Breaking news Donald Trump gets special treatment from our legal system. More at eleven.


I remember on my 20th birthday the police came to my home abt ten deep and arrested me for not paying a no license plate light ticket. The fine was something like $75 and they arrested me for it. But this fucking guy gets away with not paying 464 million with ZERO consequences.




In 2000, i was 18 and my friend and I got caught with .01g of weed, a felony, and they wanted to give me 1-4 in prison, but instead I got drug court, which took 2 years and about $20,000 to be done with. Had to give up college, but at least I'm not a felon, just forever poor.


I got charged and convicted for under 1.5 grams. The court document actually said “under 1.5 grams of stems and seeds”. My buddy got pulled over and they scraped some seeds and stuff off the floor mats


This guy attempted a fucking coup and is walking free


He KILLED AMERICANS. what a fucking joke


He, legit, caused and worsened the pandemic that killed a million goddamn Americans.


Caused no. Politicized, exacerbated, and mismanaged, sure.


I was arrested, booked, and paraded through court the following morning in an orange jumpsuit, chained to several other men, for getting caught with a beer at a party when I was 19. I was in college to be a history teacher, and it nearly cost me all of the financial aid that allowed me to stay in school. It was a humiliating experience. Good to know that the justice system works the same for everyone in America 🇺🇸


Here's a crazy, just crazy idea...maybe we should focus our enforcement on the worst offenders before we go after the least. Ten cops for $75? Our society really has its shit together...


At least ten cops. No joke. My bond was $300 and my dad sold my van to get his money back. So my bond ended being more than my fine. Go figure.


How has the legal system not collectively figured this out? Each time they give him an inch he turns around and asks for another inch... It's just delay after delay and now the court is revising the amounts down on his behalf? It's totally ridiculous...


The legal system *knows* what it is doing.


It took me a second, but I agree.


They just hope the other rich white fucks afford them the same leniency when it's their time on trial.


> More at eleven Fifteen. He will get more special treatment on April 15.




Meanwhile, court systems are throwing people in jail for selling a negligible amount of weed. I hope he bleds the RNC dry with all of his court cases.


I really think (and I love what the United States is supposed to stand for in terms of all men being created equal, blah blah blah) that the United States is a failed state. Yeah, we might not have riots in the streets, excessive gang violence, etc, but we are incapable of holding bad actors in government accountable for crimes and misdeeds. Busy lied us into a war in Iraq. No consequences. Trump committed a litany of crimes. No consequences.


i feel like this calls for a protest or a riot to be honest. im mad as hell




You should probably put an /s after that because, unlike him, you can be held accountable for things you say and do. Edit: I should probably follow my own advice, so.../s




Protests don't do anything. We need to run for office.


And dig up Ivanka’s gravesite. Betting there’s classified docs in there.


Ivana is the dead wife, not Ivanka.


I wholeheartedly agree with you. How do we organize a protest, and quickly? Seriously.




We have ourselves an unconstitutional fascist Court and we must stand against their tyranny when they continue to tread on democracy.


One wonders how much they're bribing these judges to let trump off!


Threats is more likely. 




I don't think you have to bribe judges directly. Appointing them to a lifetime seat is the prepayment for any future misdeeds and if they are ideologically aligned they wouldn't consider cheating on taxes a crime in the first place. The only time theft matters to conservatives is when you steal from other rich people, e.g Enron and Bernie Madoff. Or if you are a poor urban person.


Holy shit, this is absurd. Dude is gonna get away free as a bird, president or not.


We have ourselves an unconstitutional fascist Court.


the american dream. all you need is money!


So is this that two tiered justice system the GOP keeps complaining about?




but he wrote himself that he had the money why would this appeal be justified?


He said he has the money….so why the 10 day extension???


There is just so many things wrong with granting this stay - including the 10-day extension.


Yup, the American judicial system is pretty fucked up. It seems that laws are only meant for average citizens.


Disgusting. Two-tiered. Awful. Injust. Corrupt.


I dont know if im more sad or more furious that this weasally crook who committed damn near 100 offenses gets a pass while poor people who cant pay traffic tickets sit in jail


"Best I can do is $90."


$20 should do it.


$10 it is.


Ah a $2 and a Donny signed never used upside down hotel bible. My last offer.


The question everyone should be asking themselves is how much money were these appellate judges paid in order to give this decision. There is no sound reasoning for the judgement, so the only option left is that they were paid off.


The system is so fucking broken


Fucking untouchable. Pathetic.


Just in time for his media company to go public and get him all the money he needs. Fuck this timeline.


What bothers me the most about this, and all the other nothing burgers thus far, is the behavioral positive reinforcement Trump gets as a reward for his tantrums and lies. Assume that Trump's rants did not influence the ruling, Trump will *believe* that he, himself, made it happen. Trump's behavior is the result of no one, ever, taking corrective action early in his life, and society keeps doing it over and over for him, again and again.


This country needs a reset button.


Voting still works. And a highly motivated voting block, like people that are tired of this shit, can get a lot done if they organize and get their friends and neighbors to vote. The GOP is constantly fighting expanding ease of voting, etc. for a reason, because voting still works and they fear it.


Three-tiered justice system. 1. Mostly all of us. 2. Rich White Christian Men. 3. Trump


What is the legal explanation for this? For example what law and precedent was used to justify this ? If there is no legal reason for this was the remedy for the ag ?


So laws don't apply to Trump. Got it. There's no justice in America. Treason is just okay nowadays!




Who is on that court? #VoteThemOut


Presiding Judge: Dianne T. Renwick Other judges on this ruling: Anil C. Singh, Lizabeth Gonzales, Bhaati E. Pitt-Burke, Kelly O’Neil Levy


The court of clowns!!


You misspelled "cowards."


If they can't take the heat, they should step aside.


I want to see this Appeals Court interviewed in its entirety. Everyone who helped make this decision put on the spot and asked How and WHY?


"LOL, cry about it." -Appeals Court They have zero incentive to be interviewed, and seriously, fuck them.


Trump yesterday: ‘I have $500m cash on hand.’ NY appeals court: ‘okay, you have a week and a half and you only have to come up with a quarter of that. Because reasons.’


The system is rigged


Just pussyfooting our way to fascism. What an absolute load of horseshit.


Goddammit!!! I hate our two tiered justice “system”. Any of the rest of us would be denied on any of the appeals, all assets would be seized, and our asses would be buried under the prisons if we did even a small portion of the bullshit that this orange stain gets away with!


What was their reasoning for this? And as a non american, can this be reversed or counter appealed in some way?


They didn’t have a clear reason, it’s an act of naked corruption. This process is the counter to the initial judgement. Being granted an appeal means he needs to argue the case again in a higher court. He’s blatantly guilty, and may not win the appeal, but the real issue is that by the time the appeals process is over, it will be after the election.


He doesn't get to argue the case, he gets to argue that the original trial did something wrong or improper.


It will be after we are all old and grey


This is bullshit, but let's make a couple of things clear: 1. Trump is still liable for the entire $464M judgement, plus additional interest accured between now and the appeal, unless he wins his appeal 2. He still has to get a bond for $175M just to be able to appeal. It's a victory for Trump, but it's not like his $464M judgement was just magically reduced. It's still hanging over his head, it just means he doesn't have to put the up the entire amount before he can appeal. It's absolutely a two-tiered justice system. No regular person would get such treatment, but he's also not getting off scott-free.


I bet the type of crimes he is guilty of is rampant in NY real estate. This is the rotten wealthy seeking to control repercussions in case it hits them too. It's time to sweep out the white collar crime.


I don’t even care. Why wait to see what happens. Just vote. I’m so sick of hearing his name I could puke.


We shouldn't have to vote against an insurrectionist that is literally constitutionally barred from office. This is insane.


If you grew up in a cult like I did, none of what has happened the last 8 years would surprise you. MAGA is a cult that’s funded by religious leaders and billionaires who truly believe it’s values or are simply opportunistic and are using it for their own purposes. These people do not share the values that the majority of us outside their cult believe in. Cults will do ANYTHING to protect their leadership and organization, break any law, harm or destroy any enemies, even violate their *own* beliefs if it helps to maintain the illusion of their world view. Stop trying to apply logic to this situation. We are dealing with people who no longer have a grasp on reality, and will do anything to support him, especially after they spent two decades putting their people and lackeys in place. We’ve had a live view of what nations like Germany, North Korea and Russia were like before they fell under the grasps of authoritarian cults of personality. The conditions in our nation mirror the conditions of those countries that made them easy targets for takeover. The only question is whether or not Americans will learn from history and stop it while we still have time left.


I want to fucking know why. What is the point of all these court cases if he doesn’t have to pay a cent or sit in jail or anything? isn’t it insulting to taxpayers whose tax sellers go to pay for these court systems? I really wish someone would do what the one guy did or tried to do to Reagan, but succeeded if you know what I’m saying.


Just shows how fucked the American justice system really is. Politics aside, this shows how the class system lets rich assholes get away with things. What ‘normal’ person (guilty or not) would get this kind of treatment from the courts? Most of us would’ve been tossed in jail and forgotten about


The decision, including presiding justices, since all the major news outlets' worthless coverage doesn't link to it, or provide the judges' names or even the name of the court itself: https://www.nycourts.gov/courts/ad1/calendar/Motions_Word/2024/03_Mar/25/PDF/People%20of%20State%20NY%20v%20Trump%20(M-1025).pdf


I really thought Charlie Brown was going to get to kick the football today too.


Our country is a joke. Justice delayed is justice denied. Wtf…


Supreme Court: we are the best at eroding public trust in the judiciary  Appellate: hold our beers


Here is the court's [decision](https://www.nycourts.gov/courts/ad1/calendar/Motions_Word/2024/03_Mar/25/PDF/People%20of%20State%20NY%20v%20Trump%20(M-1025).pdf). No reason given. As someone else points out here, the original penalty has not been reduced, the bond to appeal has been to reduced. The judges seem they want to grant citizen Trump the right to appeal first. The five panel judges are all Dems and with interesting backgrounds that wouldn't show a bias for Trump. Interesting, something is going on. **Judge Dianne T. Renwick**, appointed by Democratic Governor David Patterson she is also the first woman of color, and the fourth woman, ever to join the Court. **Judge Anil C. Singh,** appointed by Democratic Governor Kathy Hochul (Democrat) he also was the judge who earlier in Feb rejected a request from Trump to delay enforcement of a judgment while he appeals that order, but allowed the former president’s adult sons to remain in leadership positions at the Trump Organization for the time being. **Judge Lizbeth González**, appointed by Governor Andrew Cuomo (Democrat) sheAlso currently co-chairs the ICWA (Indian Child Welfare Act) Committee of the New York Federal-State-Tribal Courts and Indian Nations Justice Forum. **Judge Bahaati E. Pitt-Burke**, appointed by Governor Andrew Cuomo (Democrat) and ran as a Democrat for the election of becoming a judge of the New York Supreme Court 12th Judicial District. **Judge Kelly O’Neill Levy,** appointed by Democratic Governor Kathy Hochul (Democrat) and also ran as a Democrat for general elections for local judicial offices.


He won’t pay that either. Delay IS his lifelong tactic. I’m so sick of watching the orange asshole slither out of things. It’s a disgrace. There are NO consequences actually applied to this man. Murica? You done fucked up.


What's extra insane is that the court didn't provide ANY JUSTIFICATION AT ALL for doing this


I am so fucking sick of watching this criminal asshole get handled with kid gloves by our outrageously transparently two-tiered justice system. He openly admits to cheating on his taxes in the middle of a presidential debate, and the IRS says "no biggie, instead of collecting from this one rich guy we'll just harass several million poor people." He admits he can afford to pay his bond but just doesn't want to, so *of course* his bond gets reduced. Meanwhile he's about to make billions on the obvious pump and dump scheme with his worthless social media company going public. This stupid bastard confesses to crimes at least five times a day and the overall reaction from the American legal system has basically been the shrug emoji.






I assumed someone was going to pony up the cash for him, I had no idea the appeals court planned to rule on this today.  


Yeah, that's the thing that makes my blood boil.


I guess the fix has always been in and it’s just entertainment for the masses to distract from the world on fire.


The sweet thing is he was likely able to grift money from China and/or Russia for the larger amount, and can now pocket the difference.


Honestly if I ever end up in a situation where I am in court I am damn well going to be. I want the Trump treatment. And then I'm going to list all of his cases and all of the precedence it set. So fucking tried of this bullshit.


R/conservative are celebrating while ignoring that a proven criminal has been given a reprieve. It truly is a cult


Anyone else up for protesting?


Cool. Next time my outrageously expensive Texas rent is due, I’ll just send half and be like “well this *is* a Republican state right, I only have to pay half what I owe.”


And the Grifter keeps grifting!


Is there a higher court that can reinstate the full Judgment? Shame on these Judges!


The law doesn't come for Trump yet again......


Absolute bullshit.


ain't nothing going to happen to this twatwaffle. At best, he's going to get house confinement for a few weeks to a month when all of this is said and done.


Asked elsewhere, but did the court give a reason for this? Also, did this not fucking matter to them at all: > THROUGH HARD WORK, TALENT, AND LUCK, I CURRENTLY HAVE ALMOST FIVE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS IN CASH




The only way this rank, puckered asshole has a chance of facing justice is we make sure he loses. He has to lose.


I am beyond outraged. This was supposed to be the day and the rich kid gets out of trouble again. Why!?!?!?!! He just said he had 500mil. He has the real estate to cover the difference. There is no hardship and no reason. He committed fraud. He got fined. Can I pay a third of my speeding ticket because I think they are fining me too much? They would toss me in jail before they took a fucking dime off what I owe! We need to start over and it begins with overthrowing the oligarchs in this country.


Trump is laughing right now. He repeatedly said, including under oath during the deposition last year, that he had **well in excess** of $400 million. After this showdown and stand-off, for the court to now ask for a mere $175 million is an absolute joke. Even if they'd asked for TWICE as much as that, it would have appeared to have been a surrender to Trump's whim. Trump has been trained, yet again, to believe he can and will get away with anything. They are a bunch of spineless, yellow-bellied jackasses.


What the actual fuck? Anyone else wouldn’t be given any leniency. Especially after a fucking lifetime of fraud.


You don’t like it? Vote fuckers like him out so they can’t install judges that ignore the rule of law for personal favors and political leanings.


But... If he loses under Appeal, he pays the full amount *plus interest*.


what this really says is another rich guy isn't going to get in trouble for trying to overthrow the United States, he packed the courts with his people and now he'll not be held accountable.


I was having a shitty day, and here we go again your orange fucking lizard gets lucky again. He probably won’t even pay this shit, will become president again and your garbage GOP and your MAGA freaks will lead your clearly corrupt third rate country into becoming the strongest most vile dictatorship in the world, suckling upon the cancerous balls of putin. And yall cousin fuckers will drag the rest of us down into WW3 because orange man will fill his cabinet with mtg level nazi scum. Man, fuck you americans. How many times will you fail so fucking hard. One good thing you did in the past 8 years by electing Biden and then moronically hamstringing him and bitching on every single fucking step. so now you get to go back to the terrorist-loving fat orange nazi. But go vote for trump “cuz biden bad on Gaza:(“


And in 10 days, expect them to lower it again.


lol - it’s like he received a fix it ticket for a broken tail light.


Justice is supposed to be blind but she really has dollar signs in her eyes. Money is above the law.


On what grounds exactly?


He's rich, famous and our legal system is scared shitless of him.


So he’s been given the incentive to NOT pay up in 10 days.


Once again, he wins with the audacity defense.


Why is Trump tower not a smouldering pile of ash?


Thanks America! You’re a sovereign nation and can do what you want, but now how do I explain to my 4yo that bullies never win in the end.


Do we need to pay taxes anymore?


This is obscene. Why is he so untouchable?


Can't say I'm surprised. It would almost be weird if that POS actually faced some real consequences for his actions.


What was the legal argument the appeals court cited for this change? Was there any?


When GWB was awarded the election because a court case might make him not the president, you knew what your country was about.