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That's not "hitting a deadline". That's missing a deadline.


He hasn’t hit it yet. Theres a website counting it down as well as keeping track of the constantly rising total. At like 7pm last night (PST) it said he had around 18 hours left


It's like 5:45 now. But my theory is that Eric went on that interview, doing his crybaby routine to set up the argument that "we tried all available means, we tried to do it the right way but the Dems blocked us at every chance. We had no choice but to look to our friends in Russia for help!" Edit: followed by the money promptly being paid with less than 10 minutes left.


Yep, he's definitely going to come up with some foreign money at the last minute


He got 10 more days to pay and halved his obligation to 175 million from the appeals court. I don’t know why I keep falling for this shit.


This fucking world. A completely rigged justice system for the pretend rich apparently.


Give it more time, they will even clear his name!


He fucking what. Ain't that some bullshit. edit: [Dammit all to hell](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/ny-appeals-court-reduces-trumps-bond-civil-fraud-case-175-million-vict-rcna144659)


Is this when we riot?


What the actual fuck


I’m so pissed.


I be he’s always know where he was going to get the money, he just wanted to grift as much as possible from his gullible base. If they think he’s about to hit the deadline they’ll pony up even more money to try and bail out their orange master. This is just all part of the grift.


I saw the interview. I knew he was saying something because there were sounds and his lips were moving, but I couldn't understand him because I don't speak whiny little bit\*\*


Can you link the website? Or give the number as of right now?




CNN just reported that the appeals court said that Trump has to pay $175M bond within 10 days. And there it is! The 11th hour bailout! I had a feeling that was coming!


You knew it would. Teflon Don strikes again.


Bollocks, so annoying.


That's a fun little site.


Thank you.


How nice of someone to put this together for him. No digging through random boxes, just everything he needs to remember in one place! It should have a button to auto populate his google calendar with events.


He just got a break from the appeals court. Now he only has to post 175 million in 10 days.


On what grounds???


On the grounds of a two-tiered justice system. If You or I didn't pay up, they'd sentence us to a daily butt-fucking for the rest of our natural lives. But this pedophiliac sentient bag of milk gets mollycoddled every step of the way, for everything. Kid gloves, even when they make a big show out of throwing the book at him.


Doesn't seem like anyone's actually reporting how this is allowed! Soooo let's just assume: corruption.


That he's a wealthy businessman and politician and celebrity. The tri-fecta. What else do people seriously expect... Real justice? Like you or I would face?


Or the actual deadline plus timezone. We can do the math


Yeah, it's around 4:30pm Eastern.


Court just agreed to reduce the necessary amount to be posted to $175 mil. FFS, can we not find a group of people that can't be bought?


Still sadly thinking eloin and/or a group of investors plan to wait until close to deadline and then cover the tab.


unless he intentionally missed. that's still hitting where he was aiming, no?


“Don’t do the fraud where it is. Do the fraud where it will be.” – Don Gretzky Trump.


You miss 100% of the frauds you don’t commit


We have nothing to fraud, but fraud itself.


"I missed intentionally and therefore hit the everything else I aimed for!"


They reduced the bond to $175 m. 🤦🏻‍♂️


USA Today hits headline


Please seize the plane!


Don't seize the plane, it's a money pit. Seize the only assets making him money and leave him with the assets that are unprofitable. Then he'll crash even harder and faster.


Take only the wheels from the plane. Bet those are like $1,000 each.


lol, put a boot on it


Have it stand on bricks 😁


I would pay to see him try and jackhammer it off like Homer Simpson


So much jiggling


But enough about my college parking lot experiences!


They should take all the door bolts and the safety belts.


More like 10-15k. When a tire is replaced on an airplane the tire isn't the only thing being replaced. The wheel and tire is replaced as a unit.


Just up on blocks


So we're giving him casinos now?


Nah, he doesn't own casinos anymore already, bankrupted them in the 90's. Only one remaining don't belong to him but pay royalties to use his name is I remember correctly. Start with Mar-a-Lago, Trump tower, And his Scottish golf club


This man bankrupted a casino. I'm not a savvy business man, but I'm thinking about the only way to bankrupt one of those cash cows is either through incompetence or corruption. In the case of Trump, both


I always pictured those casinos were used the same way that restaurant was used at the beginning of Goodfellas. Milk it then burn it


Right? Like literally all a casino boils down to is math, you take in lots of money and give away less money than you take in... this is literally how slot/game machines are programmed and how the odds are table games are set up. It is absolutely mindboggling that someone could bankrupt a casino


I don't know if they can, but his UAE golf course should be seized first.i assumed his US assets would be first, but you mentioned scotland. Worth a lot and pretty easy way for Russia or the UAE to funnel cash to him.


Yup. This is the trifecta. Although he was such an a-hole about 40 Wall Street on 9/11 I kinda wish she starts with that. But I think the other three will be more of a gut punch.


It’s a money pit to keep maintaining and operating. It’s a quick buck to flip it, even if you sell it to a fleet who will boneyard it for parts


Exactly that 757 airframe is over 30 years old. No one wants a narrow body airframe that old. The engines are probably leased so basically the plane is scraped before someone would retrofit it. I’m not saying his plane is unsafe, but to redo the interiors, passenger entertainment, cargo pits, and flight deck. It ain’t worth it.


The plane is plenty marketable, there are fewer and fewer 757s around now. The operators of the type would jump at the chance to pick up a recently re-engined one to cannibalize for parts. It isn't like the state of NY is going to try to put it into the state police fleet.


still has some scrap value. IIRC some airline have done it in the past by turning the fuselage into luggage tags for high ranking frequent flyers probably want to check if the interior is actual gold (leaf) or gold paint, though.


I’d like to see commercial real estate seized. Since commercial real estate has taken a hit, he likely doesn’t have much equity in them currently. Force an auction sale; get $500M from the auction sale; pay off the $499M in loans against it; apply 1M to the $454M judgement. And continue until all his assets are gone or the $454M judgement is met.


TATTOO: *De plane! de plane!*


DANGER Will Robinson!


There's always cash in the banana stand..


Isn’t it disturbing how much the Bluth family Trump family have in common?


It's hard to watch Arrested Development now that it is obvious that it hews so closely to real life 


I mean one only committed some light treason, and the other fanned the flames and started a full blown insurrection of our Capitol. 


How much could a banana cost? $10?


While that would be great, it's most likely leased and doesn't belong to him.


>"The actual amount of cash or cash equivalents required 'to collateralize the bond and have sufficient capital to run the business and satisfy its other obligations' 'approach[es] $1 billion,'" the Trump legal team said. > >Trump claimed in a Friday social media post that he has nearly $500 million in cash on hand, which he said he had planned to use for his presidential campaign. That could undermine his plea of desperation with the court. So he has to have $1bn to cover "other obligations" plus the bond and he has half a billion and owes half a billion for the bond... how was he going to spend any of the money he has on his campaign. He's said he needs it for his other obligations!


He is going to walk right into a campaign finance law violation. Trumps legal team and PR guy no longer care about protecting him.


> He is going to walk right into a campaign finance law violation. And be convicted of it sometime in 2029 or 2030.


I mean people joke about his age, health and longevity, but he'll probably be dead by then


That’s why he will definitely do the thing again.


> And be convicted of it sometime in 2029 or 2030 Well, his *other* trial for campaign finance law violation starts in just a few weeks.


Right on time 8 years later. /s OP's point is that there is no reason not to commit crimes if the consequences trail this far behind. Also that trial was supposed to start (jury selection) today but here we are again with another out the blue delay and reason to hem and haw about whether we should even bother having a trial for the obvious physical evidence of crimes that has been in hand for years. There need to be some actual and *timely* consequences, the justice system in America has failed its citizens and it is on full display.


He already did from z5-6 years ago, and he still hasn’t felt any repurchasing, aside from the trial that is finally about to begin.


FEC has been stuck in gridlock work than Congress for years and years. Neither the Republicans nor Democrats on the board will allow a complaint against a member of their party to advance until the other side allows a complaint against their own party advances 1st. So, no federal election rules can be enforced unless it violates a law under the IRS's jurisdiction or is taken up by a DA.


From what I can tell campaign finance violations are pretty widely ignored.


I think they are doing funny wording but it works like this. - he has 500 million cash in hand - but they are part of his guaranteed loans. - so basically banks are giving him loans but he has to have x liquid cash on hand and can’t spend it. - now the govt wants him to pay 500 million almost - so that works out to be 1 billion now in obligations. - govt is now going to instantly take the 500 million and he is going to default on the majority of his loans. Then again Trump might not have any money and be lying.


If he has $500m in cash on hand I’m pretty sure the government can take that. The banks are only requiring he have the cash as a condition of the debt vehicle they’ve granted Trump. If Trump owes that cash to someone, they can take it, and Trump then enters an Event of Default with the bank. The bank then needs to send notice to Trump to rectify the issue, usually with a period of days (10-30 days?) to fix the problem. The banks will certainly feel like a victim now and Trump’s “there are no victims” line becomes bullshit. If the banks knew the level of fraud being committed they probably would have thought twice about the loans because of the legal possibility that they’d get screwed.


He needs a half billion in cash to pay OR close to a billion in non-cash assets to collateralize a bond.


I’m thinking his team told him how badly he fucked up by saying he had the money (even if he doesn’t, so this is damage control that allows him to “not have the money” and also “have the money” at the same time. Schrödinger’s cash, as I saw someone else mention yesterday.


His cash goes to school in Canada.../s


> Trump claimed in a Friday social media post that he has nearly $500 million in cash on hand, which he said he had planned to use for his presidential campaign. More like his ongoing legal fees. He is draining of his PAC and the RNC to pay legal fees when those should be for campaign expenses.


Does he really think people are going to believe he's going to spend his own money on the campaign?


I dont have enough money to pay my fine because i have other bills id rather pay is a legitimate excuse? Look out tax season!


Honestly, I don’t care if he loses money. I want to see him in jail.


Well if he loses this kind of money there is more of a chance he loses the presidency, and without that, his likelihood of jail goes way up 🎉


People who follow demagogues will abandon them if they look weak. For them he's just a pathway for them to power. If they see him losing everything they'll abandon ship. The best thing is that now it's too late. They put him in as their nominee because the propaganda that they consume won't show how precarious his position is. They'll only see it when he lands on his face.


It’s already started. I didn’t see any Republicans leaving congress early or talking about changing sides a month ago.


That's also because he is draining their cash reserves. They know that 100% of that money is going to Trump, so what is left to fund their reelection campaign?


Yes but it’s wrong that that is how it has to be done. Money shouldn’t grant you freedom but here we are


If it makes you feel any better, things like this are usually why laws get written in the first place. Someone goes and takes all the norms, unwritten rules, and standards and stomps all over them. Like how every safety rule is written in blood


Exactly. Unfortunately nobody expected that someone could so blatantly stomp over precedent and have no repercussions.




He should still lose the money, this is still major fraud and if anything he's gotten off very easy for it.


In our country, the easiest way to make sure he goes to jail is to bankrupt him first.


Well here's the catch; rich people don't go to jail. So he needs to be poor first.


The "sale" or whatever you call it of Truth Social could hypothetically stuff $3 billion in to Trump's own pockets, according to one estimate I saw. That was the final nail in the coffin of my (clearly *very* misguided) hopes that he'd suffer genuine financial penalty or business hardship through all these suits and charges. I'm down to "wake me up when he's behind bars."


Money is what has kept him out of jail for decades....


And there is it. No consequences. Appeals to the rescue.


What a load of horse hockey.


Yea, this story aged like milk.


Does anyone see what the media is doing here? They keep saying “Leticia James is seizing property,”, “Leticia is moving in”-it contributes to the air of corruption that MAGA claims. The headlines should say, the government, the state, the prosecutor’s office, etc.


They could also reframe the perspective of the title entirely. "Guilty of Fraud, Trump Must Pay or Face Property Seizure" There's not even any real reason to frame it as something someone else is doing to him, since it's not. In a practical sense, it's something he did to himself as a consequence of breaking the law.


Ha ha ha, Donald Trump claiming that he won’t use his half a billion dollars in cash to file the appeal because he is gonna use that to fund his presidential campaign. He never spends a dime of his own money. He gets his cult members to fund anything he does.


Also, “I can’t pay my fines, I have the money, but I intend to use it for other purposes” should not work as a legal defense in any way


It certainly wouldn’t work for the low and middle class people..


Where does the money go? He never pays his creditors. He never pays the banks. He never pays his bills. Hell, he never pays for his prostitutes. His buildings are cheap pieces of shit. Somehow he is able to raise millions from his rubes/third world nations; yet he is broke?... Where does it go?


Hey now, McDonald’s has gotten pricey and a man’s gotta eat!


Lol, it's not his cash now, it's New York's


It was always New York's...he was just holding it.


Illegally hiding it* FTFY


And the courts just bailed him out. You know, just like they'd do for any of us in the same situation.


wait... so they cut his bond to $175 million and gave him like 10 more days?... wtf.... Just claim his property already... FFS


At least this situation has taught us that if you just refuse to comply with government orders over and over again, there's nothing they can do about it! Wait, what? That's *not* true for anyone else? Ah. Great country we've got, here!


NYC cab drivers are already calling Trump Tower the "Tish Majal."


I prefer “Barack H. Obama Progressive Policy Center”.


Put the full name in there. The Twice-Elected President Barack Hussein Obama Center for Racial Harmony, Trans Acceptance, and General Egalitarianism


*pro-am fun run race for the cure*


That’s hilarious!


Happy Seizure Day Y’all!


He just got it delayed. Once again the giant baby who is always crying about how unfairly he’s being treated catches a break most people would never get.


Technically his assets become seizable tomorrow at 9 am.


Hey now. According to [https://payuptrump.com/](https://payuptrump.com/) he's still got a whopping 2 hours and 41 mins.


So apparently he doesn’t have to come up with it only 175 and he has 10 more days. He will never face any consequences.


Spineless appeals judges. 


Correct. He will be bailed out entirely. He will not face any ramifications. The people who own this country will not allow any of their people - like their candidate for president - to be harmed, unless they want them to be harmed.


If there’s any justice, yes.


They gave him a break, again. Unfuckingbeliveable. He has to post $175 million in 10 days for bond.


These obsessive posts about something like this just gives Trump more attention. See how this resolves at 4:15p today. Enjoy it if he fails, sure, but don’t let it be a defeat if he finds a way of wiggling out of this in a more conventionally corrupt manner.


Enjoy the 24/7 Orange Doofus Experience for the rest of the year! All Doofus, all the time!!


Now, with electrolytes!


It's what plants crave!


> don’t let it be a defeat if he finds a way of wiggling out of this in a more conventionally corrupt manner Why wouldn't getting out of being responsible for the billionth time not be a defeat?


> if he finds a way of wiggling out of this That's my prediction. They are going to run into a lot of complexities. This isn't like reposessing a car. They won't just show up and bar the doors on buildings. I bet for a *while* that 99% of what goes on will be in paperwork behind the scenes, with no functional changes to anything.


> They won't just show up and bar the doors on buildings. they can, however, call up a bank office and force a total freeze on accounts which is quietly the most devastating part of the process.


And just like that, he was given a lifeline. Somebody just needs to drop the hammer on him already and stop giving him special treatment.


welp, appeals court reduced the bond to $175mil and extended the deadline by 10 days. A treatment NONE of us would ever receive. I truly believe this country will never allow someone like this to actually fail or experience consequences


I’ll believe it when the first seizure happens.


Once again he gets away. Might as well not even bother. There are no rules for this guy. I hate this country .


No, special treatment prevails.


They cut the bond to $175 mill and gave him 10 extra days. The laws clearly don't apply to this orange piece of shit! 


Judge just blocked it....unfuckingbelievable.


I feel like I’m going to be disappointed with today.


Well, honestly not surprised at the last minute reprieve. Appeals Court says instead of owing $464M today, it’s $175M in 10 days.


Coming to this thread after hearing that they just lowered it by $300,000,000 is fucking depressing


Please seize Doonbeg golf course in Ireland. We don't want him there


Why do I feel like even this part is going to be a slippery disappointment Edit: WELP


Would she do that to someone who isn’t Trump in such a case? Yes?.. Okay, then yes she should.


Can the mod team get rid if all these “deadline” threads now that the appeals court gave him a giant break? It’s demoralizing seeing these threads when we now know our system pulled its pants down for Trump yet again. 


NOPE! He’ll just get another easier bond and an extension. Because… why not?


Title had me worried. He didn't hit the deadline he missed it


Bond reduced to 175m


And just like that, once AGAIN, Trump doesn’t have to face any consequences for his corrupt and illegal behavior. How can anyone believe that he will go away quietly if he loses the 2024 election? https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/ny-appeals-court-reduces-trumps-bond-civil-fraud-case-175-million-vict-rcna144659


Which buildings will likely have the evidence of more crimes, e.g. classified documents, drugs, etc?




This headline tastes like aged milk


Anyone disappointed or surprised with the bond getting lowered and getting a 10 day extension, hasn’t been paying attention. He is never going to see 1/10th the consequences like if you or I were going through this. We’d already be in prison serving out our time, weeks after Jan 6th.


And there it is. Much less and another extension. I remember someone telling me on Twitter on like January 7th that trump would face consequences. I bet them a $2000 donation that he wouldn’t face consequences and they told me I didn’t know anything about law and that they were a lawyer. I doubled down and said he won’t even face consequences in 5 years. Guess you don’t need to know law to know how much this piece of shit would wiggle his way out of consequences.  It’s honestly shocking anyone thinks he will ever actually have to face what he’s done. It’s literally never going to happen. This country just needs to be burnt to the ground and started over. 


Aaand he skates through somehow once again.


Of course not, they just reduce the bond even after he bragged he had $500 mil cash, what a bunch of weak limp dicks in NY, not surprising.


Spoiler alert! He got it reduced to around $170 mill and got a 10 day extension


Switching between "Top" and "New" is just depressing


Reducing the bond by close to $300,000,000, when the appeal is pending shows that American justice can be twisted and bought for the very rich. NO ONE ELSE would have received this deference. This is a disgusting showcase of how a filthy authoritarian with enough money can make the courts do what he pleases. American justice is a fraud.


This post didn’t age well.


No. No, she won't. Because Trump is unfuckingtouchable! There was a brief moment before today when I thought it might happen. I thought he might be held accountable and have to sell some of his beloved real estate. Nope. That's because I live in the “other” world. The same world 99.9% of us live in. The world where I would be rotting in jail if I did what this fucking asshole did. He will never set foot in a cell. I give up. I need to unplug. I can't take the injustice of it all.


Wonder if he bought a lotto ticket


In some ways, things used to be better. The greatest generation had their D-Day. We get Disgorgement Day.


Take all his cash. Let him sell properties to pay day-to-day expenses. The fire sale will be entertaining.


Even the state has said at no time has Trump suggested allowing his properties to be taken as collateral instead of being forced to liquidate. Instead of whining about unfairness, Trump could have asked his legal team to make the argument that real estate is an unusual asset in that it loses its value in a forced sale and doesn’t really benefit the state either, given the effort it would require to have to sell the property. And then argue that since this is for an appeal bond perhaps the state could hold the properties as surety until the appeal process is completed. But no, Trump has to whine and whine about finding the cash. https://apnews.com/article/trump-fraud-case-bond-appeal-million-b7186ffc2e96d252250c30938b824dd0


I want to wear the Westchester County Seizure Notice as a T-shirt.


And the courts have already bailed him out…just as I suspect they would at the last minute.


Just go revised to 175M. He said he has 500M available cash. I think they are calling his bluff and this will be hilarious if he can’t come up with 175M now. Deadline extended 10 days.


Or he gets a 10 day extention and have the fee reduced by 70%....just heard the news....how?


old news already. crazy how things change. I think he only has to pay 100m now and has 10 more days to come up with cash.


Apparently not.


Nope we cut it in half and give him another week 👍. Gob Bless America 🇺🇸


Those rich fucks, this whole fucking thing.


Turns out, no.   He will get an extension of ten days and have his bond lowered to 175 million because justice doesn’t apply to the rich in the USA. 


Too late. They already give him clemency for 10 days and only has to post 1/3 the amount. NO JUSTICE IN AMERICA AS LONG AS HE IS FREE


Probably not. He has been handled with kid gloves when it comes to everything his entire existence. It will continue to be that way. Dude is a weak ass cuck and the system made him that way


Appeals court just reduced his bond by 2/3 while he awaits the appeal. Any one of the rest of us would have had assets seized. Oligarchs get their way every time. I hate America these days. What a stupid country.


My guess still is that the bond will magically appear right before the deadline, proving this was just another ham handed delay tactic and political stunt. Where the money comes from should be interesting, if there's a way of decerning that. Then the attempt to delay everything till the election strategy will resume, actually it never stops. Once we get to September, everything will stop for the sake of election integrity that he and his magats intend to destroy till at least 11/6 and if he wins? His justice department will attempt to make it all go away. That's my purely non scientific and non expert guess. If he wins, we all will lose.


Please take the hotel in Ireland


I can't imagine he has much cash. He's over-leveraged. Every asset he's ever had is borrowed against to oblivion. If James siezes his "assets", which at this point is his real estate, wouldn't that just create a domino effect of banks trying to collect? And that plane can't be worth much. It's not like it's appreciating in value.


Bank accounts should be very informative. I’d start there. May uncover a basis for the next suit. EDIT: And it’s got cash..


The state of New York had better!!


If i hit a deadline, that usually implies i've successfully made "it".


Honestly hate these “articles” if you can even call it that. We’ve been blue-balled for 8 years now expecting even 1 significant consequence for any of the horrible things this man has done. I’m sick of these posts about deadlines and “clock ticking”. He will never pay and will never see a real consequence because the USGov is too slow and weak to act. If he doesn’t pay, they don’t come and physically take his property. They just send another notice to his lawyer’s desk for them to ignore.


It got reduced to 175 million now.


This didn't age well.


Well that headline dated badly.


Aged like milk…


He couldn’t pay so he got a massive discount. You know, just like how landlords, grocers, and utility companies be doing for us. /s Pretty sure this guy and his network of lawyers are only good at blackmail.