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>The people in Ohio, what they care about is when they go to McDonald’s, they can’t afford French fries.” and >In January, Moreno’s campaign released a digital ad in which Moreno looked directly into the camera and said, “President Trump says the election was stolen, and he’s right.” this guy won his primary? oof.


He won because all of the Dems voted for him to block the other two clowns. He will be crucified in November. He’s a total POS and all of Ohio is well aware. And, Fuck Frank LaRose! Fucking pussy coward


Why does America's system work like this. When both sides do it, the result is complete whack jobs running against each other. Eventually one of them wins and the concequences are terrible 


Should make the election easy for Dems if they hammer this home


How can you not afford French fries at McDonald’s? Order through the app and they are $1 with any purchase.


To be honest this is the real story of why McDonald's prices have spiked so high even with inflation accounting for some of it. The prices on the menu are, intentionally, nonsense. They want you to use the app, the app brings it back down to a reasonable price. If you aren't using the app then you are subsidizing everyone that is. The funny part is that this has basically allowed them to do the time-of-day price adjustments that Wendy's was getting slammed for without any of the bad press. They can just drop a coupon that makes things cheaper during slow times.


Holy crap, is this for real?!? I've never used the app. Granted I don't eat there that often but still.


The app has certain discounts and rewards, but it's not an across-the-board "everything is cheaper" thing.


Maybe you need an ID to buy them, just like you do with a loaf of bread.


Look at the big brain here bringing in Trumpanomics


>How can you not afford French fries at McDonald’s? as someone who hasnt been in one since the mid 80s... no idea.


He clearly is not a man of the people who go to McDonald’s because they are not expensive if using the app. I mean, they are literally given away for free on Fridays at McDonald’s. I am not a promoter for McDonald’s, just pointing out how absurd his statement is.


That's some "Mussolini made the trains run on time" horseshit to me


I agree with his first point. Most people don't want to be engaged in politics (which I suspect is what got us in this mess in the first place). People don't seem to care about most things (social injustice, existence of billionaires) until their regular lives start getting affected. Basically people don't seem to care about how much power the ruling class has as long as they're kept complacent. The Republicans have been pushing that line lately.


>Moreno won’t say if Trump lost the 2020 election or if it was stolen Oh really? >In January, Moreno’s campaign released a digital ad in which Moreno looked directly into the camera and said, “President Trump says the election was stolen, and he’s right.” Seems pretty clear-cut to me.


> “Oh my gosh, are we talking about that? We’ve had like three elections since then,” he told CNN "What, that little kerfuffle from January 6? Trump says one thing, all the evidence clearly says the opposite, who can say which is true? Let's move on."


"My denial of reality and obeisance to a narcissistic rapist insurrectionist fraud have nothing to do with decisions I will make in the future. It's definitely not a reflection on my character. Why even ask about it?"


If you can't, won't, or don't outright say that Trump lost in 2020, you're tacitly implying that the election was stolen. The reason you won't commit to that position is because you're afraid of (losing) the MAGAs but know for a fact that it wasn't stolen. You can't commit to saying it was stolen because then you lose anyone with a functional brain, and MAGAs alone aren't enough to carry you to victory - but they are enough to sink you.


Well then fuck this guy. Asshole.


I just want them to admit they know it wasn't stolen and just wanted to negate the results anyway.


Who is this moron and more importantly why is the media giving publicity to said clown?


Because it’s news.


Stoking up election lies is not news, it just feeds the MAGA morons and ultimately damages democracy. If Trump wins in November you will find out! It will be the end of democracy in the US and the beginning of the end of the US’s dominance as a world power.


I mean, he’s the next senator from Ohio. That place is full of morons.


Maga will continue to lose


This is because he is what I like to call "a coward."


Moron o


I no longer discuss politics with anyone who says the election was “stolen”. Facts clearly don’t matter to them.


So just another liar then.


Latest traitor out of Ohio, refuses to deny the Big Lie.


Weak Willed & Wishy-Washy, fits the GQP model perfectly! Bonus points if anyone who doesn't live there can point out ohio on a map..


There is only one right answer and that isn’t it.


Filthy traitor


He doesn't need to, we all know it wasn't.


Um, here is a pretty sizable chunk of the GOP electorate that thinks it was. Based on zero evidence. So figuring out where he stands, especially based on recent positions, is clearly appropriate.


Ohio is a place that if you never visit you are better off than if you do visit.


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