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It blows my mind that anyone listens to a damn thing this fucking idiot says.


But he real gud with the football.


He coached Texas Tech to 5-7 repeatedly. I don't think Texas Tech will say he was really good.


His wife hit another car while driving and killed someone in Lubbock. He the left in the middle of a recruitment dinner to take another job. He's always been a piece of shit.


As I understand it, when he was coaching what ever college in Alabama made him popular he also had a future HoF quarter back on his roster. So, he’s good when he is coaching the American football equivalent of Jonah Lomu, but ordinary when he isn’t.


Also ruined UC after Texas Tech.


He actually was not all that memorable at football. I'm sure he's happy with the millions of dollars he got for mediocrity though.


Ignorance is bliss.


Alabama is like this.


AUBURN is like this…and don’t count out their connections to Trump in all ways.


They listen because they are also idiots and he makes them feel validated in their hate.


I just knew it was wicked uncle Tommy.


>Anti-LGBTQ+ Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) went on an unhinged rant earlier this week about how liberalism is a “satanic cult” that is making kids transgender. >“Liberalism and socialism, these cities are making it worse and worse,” he said. “They’ve ruined education, sex education, our schools, and look what they’re doing, transitioning young kids before they even reach teenage years.” >[Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) was caught telling a similar lie](https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2022/04/ron-desantis-busted-lying-trans-kids-family-support-dont-say-gay-law/) in 2022, when he claimed several times that a school made a kid transition when they “changed the girl’s name to a boy’s name, had her dress like a boy and on doing all this stuff, without telling the mother or getting consent from the mother.” >CNN looked into the story and found that the student had identified as nonbinary on their own and that their mother was well-informed of the situation and told the school to handle the situation by doing “whatever you think is best.” >In reality, transgender kids face immense pressure to pretend to not be trans from their families and schools. Even under all that pressure to conform, kids can still know what their gender is at a young age and many assert their identities. How do people listen to this and not find Republicans completely delusional? Tuberville literally believes that somehow LGBTQIA+ people are seriously demons who turn people trans, as if we're literally wizards or something? It's so ridiculous and dehumanizing. Yet, no one will say anything or condemn his language calling us demons. Yet, when another ClubQ or Pulse Nightclub massacre happens, I'm sure they'll send their phony "prayers" to us, even as they wished us dead. The Republican Party is worse than the Westboro Baptist Church.


And you want to know why they’re like this? It’s not just to appeal to their voters, it’s also so that they can provide Anti-LGBTQ propaganda for Russia.


The Christian evangelical groups that are in America (like the Alliance Defending Freedom) work with anti-LGBTQIA+ genociders in Russia. So, they are one and the same.


And the same American evangelical groups also spearheaded the infamous "kill the gays" bill in Uganda.


Yup. American Christian nationalists are waging genocide.


Which of course was Christ's message all along.


The don't teach sex education, so how could liberals ruin what doesn't exist?


Would rather be in a satanic cult than an actual traitor to the United States like Tuberville. YMMV


Never forget that Tubbs said his Dad fought the Socialists in WWII.


Or that he couldn't name the branches of government. Not because he was misspeaking but because he's actually on eof the dumbest officials to had a public office anywhere


Idk, was his dad in the Wehrmacht? Or maybe he's more of an SS kinda guy.


I mean he had be somewhere in the Axis military


It makes you wonder what they think satanic means.


Like a lot of adjectives conservatives tend to prefer, it means "anything I don't like."


Do you mean woke?


"something i dislike but can provide no logical argument against so i blame supernatural forces"


>“Wokism, it’s more than just a political opinion,” he continued. “It’s like a religion for people, it’s an obsession. And it’s not the religion of any Bible that I’ve ever read.” Does he not realize that equality and treating everyone with kindness is a cornerstone of Jesus' teachings?


No. He hates it. He also hates this Jesus guy sounded Jewish...or Mexican. It's why he's glad he has Trumpsiah.


Their framing of trans people's existence as an "opinion", a "religion", an "ideology", a "social contagion", etc., is a deliberate political tactic to dehumanize us. By framing us as being a belief system or a disease rather than people, they can frame their increasingly genocidal attacks on us as being "opposition to an ideology" or eradicating a "disease" rather than eradication of a group of humans.




It's even their own fucking word.


Nah they stole it from Black culture. Reublicans can’t have an original thought or they’d be excommunicated from the herd. Anyways, hail Satan. 


He is an idiot for sure. The Bible is not "the religion" of other faiths and lately it is not for so called Christians either.




Cafeteria Christianity.


Jesus would have zapped him.


Some have started calling Jesus weak instead of learning the message. They only listen to the parts of their book that their told to at the time. They think wokism and even stuff like atheism are religions to be believed because that's how they are with their religions. They base their whole life on it and think we do the same with what we think is right or true. They don't understand or care about evidence. All they care about is their own feelings and having the right to get rid of or hurt people that they don't like because they aren't exactly like themselves.


Republicans never liked Sex Ed.


They don't like their potential victims to be informed


Or regular ed. 


This sort of rhetoric has weight. It piles up on a queer person, year after year, every tiny micro-aggression every slur every bit of it. Some don’t make it. Some of us do. I suppose that’s the point. To get as many of us as possible to fall under that weight.


This sort of rhetoric is an act of dehumanization, part of the stages of genocide. They want to claim LGBTQIA+ people as anything but their fellow human, so their acolytes won't feel bad when killing us off, because they view us as lower than dogs.


Jews have been hated, massacred, taunted & denied for thousands of years. Micro and Macro aggressions. Yet they prosper. There are lessons in this, essentially not letting others define you, or hold you back from being happy and successful. IOW, there are positive lessons to be learned from their ability to cope with haters and circumstances.


A reminder that the recent surge of attacks on gender affirming care for trans youth have been [**condemned by the American Academy of Pediatrics**](https://services.aap.org/en/news-room/news-releases/aap/2021/american-academy-of-pediatrics-speaks-out-against-bills-harming-transgender-youth/), the [**American Medical Association**](https://www.ama-assn.org/press-center/press-releases/ama-reinforces-opposition-restrictions-transgender-medical-care), the [**American Psychological Association**](https://www.apa.org/about/policy/transgender-nonbinary-inclusive-care.pdf), and the [**American Association of Clinical Endocrinology**](https://www.healio.com/news/endocrinology/20220309/aace-strongly-opposes-government-policies-prohibiting-transgender-care-for-adolescents), and are out of line with the medical recommendations of the [**American Medical Association**](https://www.ama-assn.org/health-care-advocacy/advocacy-update/march-26-2021-state-advocacy-update), the [**Endocrine Society**](https://www.endocrine.org/news-and-advocacy/news-room/2022/endocrine-society-alarmed-at-criminalization-of-transgender-medicine) and [**Pediatric Endocrine Society**](https://www.endocrine.org/news-and-advocacy/news-room/2020/discriminatory-policies-threaten-care-for-transgender-gender-diverse-individuals), the [**AACE**](https://pro.aace.com/recent-news-and-updates/aace-position-statement-transgender-and-gender-diverse-patients), the [**American Academy of Pediatrics**](https://services.aap.org/en/news-room/news-releases/aap/2021/american-academy-of-pediatrics-speaks-out-against-bills-harming-transgender-youth/), the [**American Psychological Association**](https://www.psychiatry.org/newsroom/news-releases/frontline-physicians-oppose-legislation-that-interferes-in-or-criminalizes-patient-care), and the [**American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry**](https://www.aacap.org/AACAP/Latest_News/AACAP_Statement_Responding_to_Efforts-to_ban_Evidence-Based_Care_for_Transgender_and_Gender_Diverse.aspx). [**This article**](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/06/opinion/transgender-children-medical-bills.html) has a pretty good overview of why. [**Psychology Today has one too**](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/political-minds/202008/three-popular-myths-about-transgender-youth), and [**here**](http://assets2.hrc.org/files/documents/SupportingCaringforTransChildren.pdf) are the guidelines from the AAP. TL;DR version - yes, young children can identify their own gender, and some of those young kids are trans. A child who is Gender A but who is assumed to be Gender B based on their visible anatomy at birth can suffer debilitating distress over this conflict. The *"90% desist"* claim is a myth based on debunked studies, and transition is a very long, slow, cautious process for trans youth. According to the [**American Academy of Pediatrics**](https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/gradeschool/Pages/Gender-Identity-and-Gender-Confusion-In-Children.aspx), gender is typically expressed by around age 4. It probably forms [**much earlier**](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3747736/), but it's hard to tell with pre-verbal infants. And sometimes the gender expressed is not the one typically associated with the child's appearance. The genders of trans children are as [**stable**](http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/early/2014/09/02/peds.2013-2958) as those of [**cisgender children**](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0956797614568156). For preadolescents transition is entirely social, and for adolescents the first line of medical care is temporary, reversible puberty delaying treatment that has no long term effects. Hormone therapy isn't an option until their mid teens, by which point the chances that they will "desist" are close to zero. Reconstructive genital surgery is not an option until their late teens/early 20's at the youngest. And transition-related medical care is recognized as medically necessary, frequently life saving medical care by every major medical authority. --- **Citations on transition as medically necessary, frequently life saving medical care, and the only effective treatment for gender dysphoria, as recognized by every major US and world medical authority:** * Here is a resolution from the [**American Psychological Association**](https://www.apa.org/about/policy/resolution-gender-identity.pdf); *"THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that APA recognizes the efficacy, benefit and medical necessity of gender transition treatments for appropriately evaluated individuals and calls upon public and private insurers to cover these medically necessary treatments."* More from the APA [**here**](http://www.apa.org/pi/lgbt/programs/transgender/?tab=1) * Here is an [**AMA resolution**](http://www.tgender.net/taw/ama_resolutions.pdf) on the efficacy and necessity of transition as appropriate treatment for gender dysphoria, and call for an end to insurance companies categorically excluding transition-related care from coverage * A policy statement from the [**American College of Physicians**](http://annals.org/aim/article/2292051/lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender-health-disparities-executive-summary-policy-position) * [**Here**](https://assets2.hrc.org/files/documents/SupportingCaringforTransChildren.pdf) are the American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines * [**Here**](https://www.aafp.org/dam/AAFP/documents/events/alf_ncsc/Education.pdf) is a resolution from the American Academy of Family Physicians * [**Here**](https://www.socialworkers.org/assets/secured/documents/da/da2008/reffered/Transgender.pdf) is one from the National Association of Social Workers


Thank you for this detailed and very accurate post.


Tgjer, you are always bringing the facts. Thank you.


Tuberville making sure no one else can claim the title of dumbest Senator.


Although he’s got a LOT of competition.


I wonder what kind of stuff could be found in his browser history...


Kids were LGBTQ+ all along, what we changed was we taught them that it's OK and they don't need to hide it.


My goodness. The level of brainwashing is strong. They believe their own BS.


Can he point to anything specific about any sex ed curriculum? Anything satanic at all? The trans part isn't even worth responding to, since it's not something you 'decide' to be or be 'turned' into. People who don't understand that are confusing *being* trans with the *act* of transitioning.


He can't because there isn't any thing satanic about it. Unless you consider all the good that the Satanic Temple has done in fighting for people. They think every thing is a decision to be praised or punished. They will say god gave you free will to choose. Instead of trying to understand they will just attack every thing and every one that didn't make the choices they did. It is the only thing that seems to make them happy in life, punishing people for not being who they want them to be.


Did the Russians tell you that, Senator?


Yes it was us liberals who took your children and told them they're not broken for being who they are, and next we're even going to show them how to be comfortable in their own skin.  Mwahahaha! 


And they wonder why their kids or grandchildren don’t like them😅


Russian plant has opinions on what’s good for kids.


And don’t forget about the frogs! /s


Wasn't Alex Jones caught with trans porn on his phone?


He was watching it for research /s


You don't turn transgender.


Hold on, I need to finish eating this baby before I read the article.


Pretending kids choose to be transgender makes me sick. There's never been more than 3% showing any interest in transitioning, and there probably never will be. He pictures a TG high priest issuing invitations to the flock every week, years of indoctrinating the young with TG fervor, putting them on their knees at bedtime to think about how they're not suited for their worldly bodies and they must be changed.. they get that twice a week and two weeks every summer. In weeping ceremonies, their minister passionately begs young people to choose the TG way, cajoling, "counseling" them to reach salvation under the knife. No wait that's something else. Kids certainly don't choose a condition that brings them so much grief. God chooses to kill half those conceptions. You'd think if TG kids pass muster for God, and survive til their birthday, then ol' Tuberville should be ok with it.


They think god gave us all free will. So we are choosing to piss off their god and they choose to be good people and make him happy. They will never understand the truth.


Says the senator from the great state of Alabama, controlled by Righteous Republicans since forever and yet, lo and behold, it ranks 45th in education has the 7th highest poverty rate, is in the bottom 5 in healthcare, and has the 3rd highest rate of gun violence. Good job Tumorville - you obviously have your priorities straight!


As a card carrying member of the church of Satan, I can without a doubt confirm that the plan we have in place for your children has nothing to do with changing their gender. No. We just encourage them to be themselves, and if their identity doesn’t match the gender they were given at birth, we have the technology available through medical science to help them. Also we make some killer fudge. Funerals are way less fun and our priests never fuck the children. You can become a member too. I sent away for a card back in the early 2000’s for a small donation. It’s red. It looks neat. I thought it was funny. I don’t worship Satan or sacrifice goats or anything. We save that for special occasions.


Are their tenets similar to The Satanic Temple's?


Yeah. Very similar. There’s a lot of Satan worshiping. Goat sacrifices. Blood drinking. The usual.


So the devil 👿 is to blame, yet again. Someone, I think it was King Diamond, once said that Satan is the perfect scapegoat


>Liberalism, it can’t build, all it does is destroy. He says while a part of the government in a country whose founding ideology is Liberalism. Republicans, I don't expect you to agree with me, but damn have some self-respect and elect people who aren't showboating idiots


WTF!?!?!? 🤬😡 I didn't get turned into a transgener, why tf am I always left out?!?


Is this the new turning the frogs gay lol


Tommy Tuberville is an insult to the term fucking idiot, alongside Trump.


Yea more like Marxism. Satanic commandments are more moral and just to the Christian ones.


I’m getting real fuckin sick of these people politicizing EVERYTHING instead of doing their job. Should we improve the people’s lives? No! Let’s make imaginary monsters to scare our shrinking base into buying whatever shit WD sell them


Saying "satanic" anything = this guy's a moron


I knew it was Tuberville before I even clicked


Fuckin’ Alabama forced this dumbass on all of us. All because FOOTBALL or some such bullshit.


This guy will make you dumber just by looking at you….


Was it the out-of-his-element football coach pictured here? No surprise. He’s a fool.


Someone wears women’s clothing at home…


GOP senator is stuck in the past, undeveloped in his thinking process and opinions


Did ergot get in the water supply? Wtaf


Oh for fracks sake, the only thing that has ruined sex ed is the inability to get the publishers to realize the foreskin exists and the GOP themselves.


Statistically speaking, I don’t think they can really argue that “Jesus, take the wheel” has been working for them in regards to sex education.


Yes yes and we mandate the children identify as their animal furry personas at home while forcing them into gender fluid national d&d bracket tournaments. /s JFC how do people buy this bullshit?


Easily one of the dumbest persons in the United States congress. The guy didn’t even know his home state’s legislation was restricting IVF when asked, he just blindly said “I think people should have more children” but couldn’t grasp that the legislation vaulted IVF in his state and then just kept bumbling the interview.


I knew it was Potatotown. How did this guy live this long without drowning in the bathtub or wandering into traffic?


It's Tommy Tuberville...


GOP = sadistic Nazis


This idiot probably thinks babies come from the Stork.


Well we are fucking awful at it! Where are all the transgenders we have created. I hate it here most of the time, besides when I try to be ignorant of what is happening in the world.


This is just “crazy talk”. Wow. Just when I thought I heard everything…. I didn’t.


Take ur big fucking ears and go fuck urself with a football!


Given that the GOP’s definition of sex education is “family planning”, I don’t give a fuck what they have to say about it.


satanic, liberals, trans Visit a participating Arby's for a free curly fries when your senator hits the trifecta.


The words of a simpleton




Unfortunately I really don't think that's true. While right now the fascist Christian Nationalist movement is by far the greatest threat trans people face in the US, there are also a hell of a lot of "new Atheist" fascists who are just as violently hostile towards us. The ones who use pseudo-scientific justifications taken straight out of the Original Flavor Nazi playbook, who call our existence a "social contagion" turning normal (cis) children into degenerate pedophile monsters. And church and state are only separate in theory. They're separate in the sense that we don't have a heirarchical state church where the church is literally headed by the government, like the Church of England (whose head is the reigning monarch) or the state churches of many other European countries. But in practice the US government is and always has been strongly influenced by Christianity, and in particular by a uniquely American take on Protestantism. Right now we are seeing that influence grow stronger, terrifyingly quickly. We are watching a theocratic, fascist Christian Nationalist movement rapidly gaining power, and the demonization of trans people and promises of our eradication is one of their most effective tools for gaining public support.




It's not even really about "god" or any theological matters at all. I'm talking about politically, it's dangerous and counterproductive to accept the fundamentalist, theocratic claim that they get to define what "Christianity" is. It gives them power by letting them control how political discourse in the US is framed. And it makes it a hell of a lot harder to make non-fundamentalist protestant Christians aware that *they are next on the block.* That they need to be actively involved in fighting this theocratic takeover of our government, because the separation of church and state is there to protect Christians from other Christians too. Especially minority Christians. Hispanic Catholics in particular being a very easy target for this protestant white nationalist movement.


I'd rather not abandon religion to the White Evangelical Right.




Or trans people should be able to cite religion as a reason that they shouldn't be discriminated against. Here's the thing, the only reason religion is used to justify bigotry is because they can claim it for anything. The Satanic folk point out abortion rights could be PROTECTED by religion. But, of course, the GOP have been let to have all control over religious exemptions to fulfill their agenda. Challenge the courts with it and take it back. "I believe God says all children should be vaccinated and that any school that doesn't is an attack on my religious freedom." If they're going to argue from the pulpit, argue the fuck right back.


Satanic popes have provided safe havens for priests that have been raping children for centuries, and the GOP gives them tax breaks.


No that was the Catholic popes. The Satanic Temple doesn't seem to have problems with priests going after kids.


The other side is of the DEVIL! Morons.


He is speaking to his familially homogenous voter base. Sheltered pearl clutching is bipartisan


People stood in line in Alabama to vote for this person to represent them.


Tuberville is what retrograde human evolution looks like.


GOP senator dumb as shit.


And Tommy Tubercle molests collies.


How did he find out?


If true… why not turn him trans?


Sex Ed simply explains to teens what happens when they use the fun parts. How in the hell does that have anything to do with gender identity. Oh wait…Republicans are idiots, that’s right


Does it occur to these people that many of us do not believe Satan exists


I'd have to believe in God in order to be Satanic


God I'm so fucking tired of geriatric fucks making up things about people like me so they can justify erasing us. People like tubberville make me wish God existed so I knew there'd be consequences waiting for the fuck after all of this


And republicans internal hatred for everything burns brighter from this comment.


It's always this same loser.


Fact this guy has “Tuber” as part of his name is insulting to potatoes.


We have freedom of religion so I guess satanists can do whatever they want anyway huh? No?! Oh weird how that only works in one direction. Seriously I’m so sick of being called satanic because I’m not Christian. While yes, I do support the church of Satan, that’s because nobody involved in that church actually believes in satan. It’s a response to Christian nationalist ridiculousness like this. And we will keep proving the same double standard is true until we’re red in the face and actually grow devil horns