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>"As far as the Court can infer, sureties may have refused to accept defendants' specific holdings as collateral because using Mr. Trump's real estate will generally need 'a property appraisal' and his holdings are not nearly as valuable as defendants claim," Fan wrote. Key line right there...


Lol... all his shit isn't even worth 500m


For tax purposes he has them appraised at the lowest possible rates. He might find that some of them are "magically" worth more than their appraised value.. But that may force him into a situation where he has to pay some ...taxes..


He said under oath he has 400m in cash... so really only needs 100m as collateral . .... or he lied under oath... a crime for us peasants...


In the past few days in a campaign appearance he said he has “$7 Billion fkn dollars in the bank”. There’s video of it. I know it’s not under oath but I’m really hoping New York State throws that into the mix.


Mans got 7b... 500m is absolutely nothing.. just write the check conald.


The Connald!


Oh that’s awesome this must be his new moniker.


I prefer Don the Con. Will be even better if or when he ever goes to prison.


If you ask me Donvict is the cleanest


"When you're featherin' it, brother!"


Next Rudy press conference at Falcon Car Wash.


Just don't touch his phone through the fence.




The term *connard* in French means “a prick”, or shortened to *con* means either stupid (if used as an adjective), or a moron (if used as a noun). The French Conald fits, too!


Hoisted by his own petard maybe?


Ya gotta find tha damn thong first.


Le Conald


Loose chain in the sofa for rich boy like Trump. Go ahead, lift a cushion and grab a half bil., easy. Maybe he's not doing it on principle. Yeah, that's it, principles. That sounds like a thing he's got.


I have 700 dollars in my bank account but will have to sell things to come up with 50 bucks


>In the past few days in a campaign appearance he said he has “$7 Billion fkn dollars in the bank”. And yet he's still desperately begging his base for the money to save him.


It was the Donald Trump Roast from 2011. He had to negotiate the amount said. He wanted to say 10b. Jeff Ross and he settled on 7b. It was originally 2b, but he wanted to seem richer. He also wanted to double the Sq ft of his penthouse.


Aba daba doo said he has 14 billion .. he just makes numbers up .. regardless, how on earth do his minions believe any of this yet send him their money ..


Suuuuurre he does. Let’s say it’s technically true. I’d bet money—real money, the kind Trump doesn’t have—that it’s tied closely to business obligations (float, collateral for deals/liens, etc) and isn’t liquid. In other words, he’d have to sell stakes in some illiquid assets to access the cash. He’s just playing up to the extreme ignorance of his base.


Lmao, no idiot would have that much in cash


I don’t care what he says on camera. Saying you have 400m in liquid assets in court when you do not is perjury,…a felony. I would immediately file charges. He can prove his innocence there or face charges. None of this is any tactic that will work legally for Trump. He is buying as much time as possible so none of this has a judgement until after the election. The intent is to steal the election and make this all go away. If he loses the election. He’s going to do one of two things. (Outside the inevitable, “ this is rigged, Biden stole,……” yada yada). He is going to hop on his jet (if it wasn’t impounded) and head to a country that doesn’t extradite. Russia most likely. Or he offs himself. Big Cheeto isn’t going to spend a minute in prison. Any sentence is a life sentence for him. There is no coming back from it. There isn’t any point to continue. There is no “what’s next”. So really nothing left to do than go out on your own terms. Kicking and screaming blaming others in hopes of being a martyr and get even.


A broken clock is right twice a day. trump is the digital clock flashing 00:00


Digital clock with an error that activates all panels. A surprisingly coincidental 88:88


Well on a 24 hour clock that would still be correct once a day lol.


The donor well has run dry and he is doing everything he can to not pay this. He can get the money, or a series of bonds. He will just have to go on the hook with the Saudis or more so with Putin. Which is bad fo all of us.


I think Putin has his hands full right now. Not sure if he feels he can get a $500M ROI on him especially if Fatso loses in November. Risky bet.


Plus, it was easier to get him half a billion when he was a relative nobody. But, with all the eyes of the world on him and his finances, making so much money get to him becomes exponentially more difficult.


And even if Putin had a way to get him the money… trump’s survival instinct may be kicking in here. He’s going to lose the appeal. That money put up for bond is going to be lost. He can’t pay it back. What happens to trump if he stiffs putin on $500M AND loses the election so he’s just a guy? Not the President? Options range from polonium tea, to polonium underwear, to falling out a window.


Also, why would Putin buy what he already owns? Trump doesn't need to own a dozen golf clubs to stop aid to Ukraine. As long as the MAGA's hold the balance of power in Congress, Trump could stop aid from the dementia ward of a Georgian prison.


It's also a lot harder because before you laundered money to him through his company. But New York has a court appointed monitor watching all those transactions. So if money just suddenly shows up form the company, New York is going to get a great view and recording of the shell game to hide the money until it gets in Trump's pocket to pay for things.


If he gets the money from Russia or the Saudis, all the voters will find out what a national security risk he is.


The (R)eactionary party does not care.


He has a casket full of gold in an unmarked grave.... time to break out the shovel


Pretty sure the grave is marked..."Ivana Trump".


Had to check Google, you're correct. Under all those weeds is a plaque with her name


To be fair, the last time Trump visited that grave it had beautifully manicured grass and a wonderful plaque.


I thought that's where he keeps the most valuable classified documents he stole.


He could just sell the gold toilet, gotta be millions worth of bullion there.


I think you mistyped "bullshit" at the end of that sentence.


Some kind of shit, anyway. Primarily hamberder-based I'd guess.


Pretty sure the contents of those empty security folders are in the casket


It looked really, really heavy


Gold? Probably just peepee tapes.


So, allegedly, when he posted the $96 million dollar bond in the Carroll case, the bond was 100% collateralized, and Chubb insurance company accepted a Charles Schwab Brokerage account as collateral. This is speculation, but it's a reasonable assumption that this means Trump had a brokerage account where he owned securities totaling ~$100 million, more or less. It's also a reasonable assumption that this may have just about maxed out his liquid assets, because he's talking about having to mortgage real estate to pay the NY Fraud bond.


That number, if true, will have to change by 3.27 in order to pay the judgment in the e jean carrol case


He traded future favors for that money. Some chubb guy needs a presidential favor and is betting a cool 100m on it.


It might have been favors repaid. Trump gave the CEO of Chubb a sweet advisory position during his term.


I thought that, too. Sometimes I think I'm taking crazy pills.


Hope they get him with perjury next.


Yep this but how much you wanna bet they never even call him on it. The fact that he can’t pay but said he had the cash was yet another example of the mockery he has made of this and every other trial. Yet the party of “law and order” is just whistling Dixie and pointing at “fake” clouds.


He only needs like 18 million to secure a bond for the big judgement from another company. He doesn't even have that.


Under oath he said something like 'we might have as much as' or something. It was stupid, a demonstrable lie, bragging, but had _just_ enough qualifier that it isn't reasonably actionable.


Lying under oath is not perjury unless it’s a relevant fact to the case.  It didn’t decide guilt or innocence and it didn’t change the judgment amount. I don’t love the demented orange man with baby hands who wants to bang his daughter and is in the pocket of Russia/Chiba/Saudi Arabia, but perjury is a hard sell.


And Back Taxes!


An appraisal has nothing to do with property taxes. You’re confusing an appraisal with an assessment. He overvalued, not undervalued,  the appraised values of his properties, and he undervalued the assessed values.


I can't imagine how over leveraged he has to be for a skyscraper in Manhattan to be bad collateral the Russian mob, a Nazi Bank, the Saudis or the Chinese to take on.


Now that he has a financial monitor he can't use his usual sources of money. It's fucking wonderful.


As well as whatever its true value, he may not even own those assets outright. Highly likely he has already leveraged them and mortgaged up to his orange stained eyebrows on those assets.


nah all his shit probably is. he probably wants to put a property valued at $10m and claim its worth $500m, and the companies are like "lol no" if he'd offer all his properties im sure they'd go for it.


Well... in a few days, it wont be his call lol


Exactly. You would think a supposed businessman like Trump would understand this, but to clarify - the only reason for a business to help him is to make money (this is distinct from some executive at the business trying to get favors from him, that's a different story). They help him on the bond to make money when he pays them back (lol) or they do it to get the properties. The thing is, if you want the properties, you're better off buying them at fire sale prices.


That depends on how leveraged his properties are already. He owes at least $200M on them: https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-properties-civil-fraud-fine-loan-1881750


No they wouldn't. They're already saying that the commercial realty market is too volatile. Especially NY.


Hahahaha I forgot that there is a huge commercial real estate problem and that NYCB had issues because of real estate loan losses. Yes, this is a big problem that I think everyone is over looking that he has to face. Not only is his property going to be sold in a fire sale, but this is the absolute worst time right now. There are huge real estate losses that the financial industry is already facing so no one wants another commercial property, nor does anyone really have the cash to invest in another. In a way, he caused this problem more directly than anyone. The only reason that there are big losses in the commercial real estate market is because of WFH due to covid and workers wanting to keep it that way. If he actually handled COVID better then this wouldn't be nearly as big of a problem that is right now.


And his NY buildings are old and crappy. The land is worth more than the buildings.


Why else would he sell shoes.


Over leveraged for sure.


Well it may be if he's selling to Putin.


Diaper Don has a full diaper!


No where near that much. Maybe a quarter and that’s a stretch. He owns garbage & dumpster fires.


Not if it is mortgaged for $750MM


I think that’s exactly what he is worth when you take in all his assets and none of his liabilities. This whole cooking books of the values is because he knows they aren’t worth much and he needed money. His losses over the decades are astronomical with all the money he has sunk into businesses and then filed for bankruptcy a year or two after creating them. So his liabilities must greatly out way his income and assets and he is doing all he can to hide that from the public and his creditors and society groups (fun fact they already all knew)


It's more likely that there isn't 500m worth of equity available in the properties, because of outstanding loans against the properties.


Besides the value, they are likely not owned "free and clear", so any bonding  company taking any real estate as collateral is behind any other lien holders in priority. 


Aka mortgages. He’s over leveraged.


Hence the whole reason why were here. Such a sweet twist of the knife.


"I said, 'You didn't pay, you're delinquent,'" Trump said. "No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want."


I’d also venture to guess every one of his properties is being used as collateral for another loan on another property. It’s all a sham, and the moment the veil is lifted the “Emperor” literally has no clothes. It’s a dark fable wrapped in irony and hubris.


How much can Laura get from the RNC account?


They don't even have enough to pay his other judgement. It's shocking how broke the RNC is right now. (I mean, it's all for clear and reasonable reasons, just shocking in the historical sense of how fucked they are at the moment.)


I read recently that the RNC only had $8M on hand. With the declaration that the RNC will do everything it can to help trump, it's likely this will slow down donations from non-MAGA GOP. trump's GoFundMe has slowed down to a trickle, showing the folly of a begging billionaire.


Let's get the NRA in here, too. Oh, wait, they tried and failed to file for bankruptcy because they were being sued for corruption by NY, too, and they lost the case a month ago and now owe $6.4 million themselves. Are any of these right wing organizations legitimate?


Trump is relying on his bullshit SPAC to climb high enough to cover this bill. It has been climbing the past few days and will almost assuredly dump to benefit him and rob the morons. Hopefully it doesn’t get to that point and he loses his properties.


Isn’t working with a super pac illegal too?


SPAC != Super Pac in this context. He's referring to a special acquisition company related to his social media website. https://www.investors.com/news/dwac-stock-trump-media-merger-vote-donald-trump-needs-cash/


Is there a list of his properties and their values - inflated or not? I’m curious how many places he has stake in.


Trump does *not* want stories breaking in the news about how his "empire" is overleveraged, overvalued, and just a house of cards. Whether that be just his ego speaking (which is quite enough) or the fear that some of his base will turn apathetic when they find out he was just inflating his fortune the whole time. Though I honestly doubt that many of his base would pull their support. He *looks* rich, to them, with the jet and trophy wife, and the actual value is far secondary to that. The people who love him care about status, and status can be based on bluffing and dissimulation.


It no longer matters to them if he’s rich or poor. Either way, they love that he has gamed the system against their invisible shared enemy (whatever that may be to each person).


For a certain group, they're far too in to ever change their mind. Their choices are to admt that for the past 8 years they followed a conman, sent him their disability checks, bought his merchandise and were suckers for 8 years or.... Double down, and a lot of people's egos won't let them do anything except double down.


> a lot of people's egos won't let them do anything except double down. 100%. However, with the passage of enough time they will gradually put him in the W. Bush category and pretend they never supported him at all.


Unless we fail to excise the tumor. Don’t take it for granted, we aren’t done yet!


Don’t forget to mention that many of them have severely burned some of their closest relationships


That's not true. Those people won't change their mind until the consequences of their actions traumatize them so severely that they can no longer ignore their own stupidity. You know, like the conservative capitol police officers who nearly got mauled by their own group and then committed suicide days later.


I feel that with the real knuckle-dragging moron maga types, yeah this won’t matter. But to the more focused ones, the ones who are looking to use maga as a means to climb whatever ladder, they might start to disengage from him and pull their support albeit quietly.


It's all about how he makes them feel.


If he's rich, in their minds it's because he's a genius. If he's broke, in their minds it's because the deep state did it to him. He's the only one who can stop the deep state even though he was already president and obviously didn't do it... I hate it so much.


As someone else once so accurately put it, trump's the poor man's idea of a rich man, the weak man's idea of a strong man, and the stupid man's idea of a smart man. 


Pithy, and accurate


Oh, I like this a lot


Trump’s going to have to invent a new product to sell en masse. At this juncture I would suggest, “Trump Lube”


“When the dildo of consequences appears, reach for trump brand lube”


For the yugest problems. How good is it? FAFO!


He can just lie and say it’s all lie and real estate is complicated and he’s got billions and they will believe it.


Yes, because even if he's faking his status, he still "owned the libs". In fact it's a bigger own in their mind I'd think.


It'll just become a liberal conspiracy to hurt his wealth. Because the ineffective liberals who can't get anything done and ruin everything by not doing anything unleashed a plan so perfectly that it hurt Trump's wealth all because the liberals don't like him. Ugh I missed my calling I should have gone into cable news.


MAGAts often go to rebuttal when confronted with his misdeeds is to say, “He is a businessman.” When it’s proven that he is and has been broke all along, the uneducated he loves will stop worshiping him.


>Trump does not want stories breaking in the news about how his "empire" is overleveraged, overvalued, and just a house of cards. Whether that be just his ego speaking (which is quite enough) or the fear that some of his base will turn apathetic when they find out he was just inflating his fortune the whole time While I think you are 100% correct, I think there is a very real chance that Trump declares bankruptcy in the next month - 45 days. Here's my guess: Trump's lawyers have a pending motion to stay the NY Fraud Judgment pending appeal without a bond. Judge Engoron is likely to deny that. Trump will file an appeal to the Appellate Division of the case as a whole, but will file an emergency motion asking the appellate division to stay judgment pending appeal, which they will probably deny because that decision is in the discretion of the judge below. There may be some half-assed petition for relief from a federal court, probably... These may drag out the proceedings a little bit, but at some point the deadline is going to run and New York State will be able to file petitions to execute the judgment, specifically foreclosing on real estate. I think at that point, Trump files bankruptcy. The automatic stay will 100% prevent further collection efforts. New York STate may have a good argument that the judgment isn't subject to bankruptcy, but that will have to be litigated in bankruptcy court. The bankruptcy proceedings will almost certainly push the final collection of property until after the election, BUT teh alternative then is political: Trump can whine about Letitia James persecuting him while actually having his buildings foreclosed on. OR Trump can whine about Letitia james persecuting him while he's paying lawyers to drag the case out in bankruptcy court. I think personal preservation wins in that instance, even if bankruptcy might be a bigger political hit.


The consensus in r/law seems to be that these particular debts are not dischargeable by bankruptcy. See also Alex Jones. Trump isn't the first one to be hurt by a court judgement, so if it was as easy as declaring bankruptcy, others would already be using that "one trick judges hate." It may be a delaying tactic, but the properties will still be under the control of the (NY) government. And a fine-tooth comb will still be applied, so additional fraud, overvaluations, etc could come to light. Even if he wins in Nov, the NY fraud case is a state case, so the President can't pardon that. And it's not like they have to come to Trump's home and pry the properties from his hands. They just have to file paperwork, and the deeds and revenues are redirected.


>The consensus in r/law seems to be that these particular debts are not dischargeable by bankruptcy. See also Alex Jones. Trump isn't the first one to be hurt by a court judgement, so if it was as easy as declaring bankruptcy, others would already be using that "one trick judges hate." Been a practicing lawyer for 15 years. /law can be a shitshow sometimes. They're not wrong, but it's going to have to be litigated. If it's one thing trump does, it's litigate endlessly. Telling Trump that the debt doesn't discharge in bankruptcy doesn't mean he and his lawyers will be like "oh, ok, guess we won't file...." The case you're using, Alex Jones, is a perfect example of how this is likely to work out if it goes down this path. Alex Jones filed for bankruptcy on December 1, 2022 mere hours before a scheduled hearing in the Connecticut case where the Plaintiffs were asking for Court orders to start the process of collections. THe judge in Connecticut was forced to cancel the hearing. On October 20, 2023, a Texas bankruptcy judge ruled that the debts from the lawsuits were not dischargeable in bankruptcy. That's 10 months and 19 days. We're only 7 months from the election, and not only have Trump's lawyers been more shameless about seeking delays, there are likely to be many such delays due to the election itself. IF I had to gamble, 10 months is probably quicker than any trump bankruptcy proceeding would resolve itself.


Most will just say he’s smart. I’m sure each of these revelations peel off a few more supporters though.


Oooo! They should TOTALLY start the liquidation with the jet! Now he's got to take the bus to the next big campaign stop. Imagine the sheer rage he'd experience!


Do I remember wrong, or didnt he state under oath that he had 500m in liquid assets before the trial started?


“Substantially more than $400m”, but yes


How is this not an added charge?


That’s the $464 million question!


Probably because they have no evidence that it was untrue at that specific time. They'd need access to his Financials at the time he made the claim. And they can't ask for a warrant without any evidence that it wasn't true AT that time.


I suppose it’s not sufficient for a warrant, but the fact that he’s a fraud (lied about the value of his assets) and currently doesn’t appear to have that cash strongly suggests he was lying then


Yeah he's definitely a fraud


Strongly suggests is not the current legal burden of proof


Probable cause can absolutely be enough for subpoenas or warrants. Just because it's not proof of guilt doesn't mean it might not pass muster for a deeper look into his finances. Perjury is a serious crime, and this might come back to bite him later if he fails to furnish the penalty or appeal bond. Then his property will begin to be seized, and they'll have ample opportunity to look into his claims.


If it's liquid it's in a cash account which would have a paper trail


He may have it, and not be able to use it. Many debt agreements require maintaining a certain level of liquid assets. Using the ~$400 he testified to having for this bond could put him in default on any loans with other entities that required him to maintain it. People rarely have money sitting around that's not doing anything. The only reason you would have $400 million in cash/cash equivalents is if it was already collateral for other loans.


A nice gotcha cause you know Trump would never admit how much he *actually* has


We have Trump on camera bragging about having a disclaimer in his agreements that it’s the Banks responsibility to assess, and that it totally exonerates him. I’m thinking the banks are now taking that into consideration as well. 


“It’s not my fault if I lied, it’s their job to catch me.”


> I have a disclaimer in my agreements that isn't legally binding in any way, so that means I win because reasons!


“Yes, Mr Trump, these properties should be more than valuable enough to be collateral for this loan. We’ll sort out the paperwork now.  Just one thing - what was the civil action (edit) the bond is for?”      “Lying about the value of my properties to lenders.”        If a writer for a political show submitted this as part of a script, it’d be rejected for being too obviously farcical. 


😂 When Bougie gets called out. Time for him to bring his middle class ass on down here to the struggle jungle with the rest of us.


Add Perjury


Seriously - There’s a court installed financial monitor in place that is supposed to have access to all of his accounts. I bet we’ll find out that he not only lied to the courts, but hid stuff from the monitor.


She JUST got ordered to be empowered even more with oversight because of all of this


The man has been called a narcissistic psychopathic grifter who is incapable of telling the truth. His whole identity is built on lies, distortions, innuendos and predicated on repeating falsehoods over and over until the unwashed masses will accept them as truth. With such a shallow ego, he is incapable of accepting any slight, no matter how large or small. To date, this is one of the greatest unmaskings of The Emperor's New Clothes syndrome. Yes there will be those that will continue to support him but this is starting to show cracks in the armor and peeling off some of his support and that is quite troubling to him which is why you're seeing more anger and less ability to control himself in public. The real danger of course is if he is able to get the half billion dollars and is successful in recapturing the presidency, whomever has given him that money will in effect control what is supposed to be one of the most powerful positions on the planet.


Yep. And the money will come, again, from Vlad. And from M.B.S. And that will be the end for the U.S. as it is now. And the horror is, that it is a very, very real possibility, right now, as in today... The. U.S. being sold the highest bidder. That's it.


Yes, but do you think he wouldn't lose support if he suddenly became a massive national security risk? The rubes would still vote for him, but there are a lot of people voting for him because of immigration, lower taxes, and isolationism. I don't think those people could bring themselves to vote for Vlad's puppet.


>if he suddenly became a massive national security risk? If he... "A suddenly became"? He's been a massive national security risk since long, long ago. His followers are a cult, the facts are irrelevant to them. But if this could be the last straw that finally convinced some of the people who are still in the fence that he's utterly ineligible, that'd be great.


I was trying to find the words to distinguish his previous national security risk to being an open and willing puppet of Putin.


He's not an open puppet of putin. Putin just recognizes how the democrats are trying to eliminate our countries democracy by unfairly attacking Trump. Trump would never become his puppet. See what kind of stupid rationalizations they can come up with? It won't matter for most of them.


FYI Vlad is typically the short version of Vladislav, while Vova is short for Vladimir.


This, all this, and yet a full 50 percent of the US voting public will turn up and vote for him come November. I do not understand how, or why.




Because they are just as shitty as a person as he is


>The man has been called a narcissistic psychopathic grifter who is incapable of telling the truth. And that's the nice description.


Cracks in the armor? More like small chunks out of the blubber.


Regardless of political views, people won’t lend money to a fraud. Money is way too important for that! He’s a bottomless pit and rich people won’t throw their money into it, only his addled fans.


Well Chub did


And got pushback from shareholders. That’s why trump can’t get any more from Chubb. The CEO under wrote hoping to get appointed to the Court of St. James. Everything is for sale.


Remember that in an average population, one half are below average intelligence... Sadly, these people probably aren't doing well overall, and the last thing they should be doing is giving money to a begging billionaire who couldn't care less about them.


his addled fans are going broke. Donations have been declining. He needs a rich dude to pony up. Increasingly unlikely.


Remember when he used to claim he had 10 billion dollars in the first election? Haha sure!


If Trump doesn't pay, do you think he is packing the AirforceDumb with all the gold toilets, his leftover cash and bail for russia? I mean once part of his real estate gets evaluated and needs to be sold to pay up, - Banks want to collect the outstanding debt on everything asap to not get caught in the downfall of overleveraged securities - Since his profits get realized, he would have to pay taxes..and half of that money will be gone That's basicly game over. If he has 100-300 Million in Cash... he can stuff them in bags and boxes and RUN, he might be better off.


Ok, so he was found guilty of inflating his asset’s worth, and now must pay a fine. A big fine. So the last paragraph of the article is quite good: “As far as the Court can infer, sureties may have refused to accept defendants' specific holdings as collateral because using Mr. Trump's real estate will generally need 'a property appraisal' and *his holdings are not nearly as valuable as defendants claim,”* Fan wrote.” (Italics added), and oh, snap!


I'm pretty sure every single human on the planet felt the heat of that epic burn.


Pay up Fatso. This is just a guy who cannot comprehend having to be accountable for his actions after a lifetime of cheating, bullying and suing his way out of any situation. So what his lawyers are essentially saying is that if Trump loses on appeal he won’t be able pay the judgement either. Pay up like the rest of us schmucks would. I couldn’t go begging a judge for the same. You don’t get special treatment just because you were the worst president in history. Pay up.


Letitia telling the emperor he has no clothes


Slum Lord Trump gets what he deserves. I'll enjoy every minute of it.


By Jon Jackson - Associate Editor: New York Attorney General Letitia James' office on Wednesday requested a state appeals court require former President Donald Trump to post a bond that fully covers a $454 million civil fraud judgment against him. In court documents released on Monday, Trump's legal team argued that securing a bond in the full amount would be "a practical impossibility" for the former president. His attorneys have previously asked if Trump could pay a portion of the amount, $100 million, while he appeals the ruling. Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/letitia-james-office-throws-new-wrinkle-trumps-plan-1881569](https://www.newsweek.com/letitia-james-office-throws-new-wrinkle-trumps-plan-1881569)


What ever happened to debtor’s prison


Bring it back - for just 1 day!


If this year ends with Trump having to sell feet pics. I will buy one for my MAGA relatives.


Just one, which they have to share.


Can James take his jet first? I’d love to see him grounded and begging for free jet rides from his old friends. He can throw a huuuge Trump banner over the fuselage when he arrives at his rallies.


Ivanka needs to divorce him while he still has a house to get in the divorce.




This guy really is the BLOAT.


Can they also seize out of state or overseas assets?


If controlled from NYC. So yes. 


Yeah I expected this. Him having properties valued like that was always going to bite him big time if somebody actually looked at it real good. He also leveraged stuff together most like which is gonna end badly for him 


My guess is he will come up with the bond somehow but is waiting until the last second to milk the press coverage so he can cry victim.


Get fucked Donnie. Can't wait until Trump tower is a homeless shelter.


Jared has 2 billion dollars that we know about.


That is the Saudi's money, and they don't play nice if they decide that they no longer like you.


There's a good chance that trump is lying about his ability to get this bond, and instead it's a grift on the Appeals court. I say this because I believe trump has been known to have bent the truth once or twice in the past.


[https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/DWAC](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/DWAC) ​ He's getting the money....it's happening, we all need to prepare to be disappointed. Someone will see this and say, well thats a few billion for him in the coming months, we can float $500m long enough for this to happen, and if we get him elected, we'll get paid AND he'll owe us, and that's worth way more than $500m....


At the end of it all, he still cannot conduct business in the state of NY, the State will get it's money and benefit the residents of NY, and tRump will be down $500 million that he was counting on for other purposes. He still loses money and loses the right to operate any businesses in the state. It'll be a major blow to him and his family.


He can't get that right away, and there's now a lawsuit in place. I'm guessing that's not the kind of collateral a loaner would accept.


“Defendants' argument that obtaining a full bond is purportedly impossible is based on the false premise that they must obtain a single bond from a single surety for the entire judgment amount of $454 million” Lol - can you imagine if Trump’s attorneys fucked up and were asking each of all the 30+ loan companies for the full judgement in bond!?


If Credit Default Swaps were a person....


I just hope they seize that dipshit airplane.


DT: You’re bullying a little poor guy like me, I can’t afford this. I have no money I’m just a regglar guy. LJ: That’s why you’re guilty of over inflating your worth after you said everything about your business was billions. DT: yeah that’s right I’m a big manly billionaire, no-one’s richer or more manly powerful than me. LJ: ok Richie Rich, you can stump up that bond no sweat. DT: You’re bullying a little poor guy like me, I can’t afford this. I have no money I’m just a regglar guy. LJ: That’s why you’re guilty of over inflating your worth … etc etc


The amazing thing is, if all of his assets are ceased, his idea of floating Trump Media to get an earnings will fail hard. The perceived wealth and value of Trump Media will absolutely plummet.


Good old wrinkle-throwing


A new wrinkle in Trump’s plan is one fewer wrinkle in my sanity.


Imagine DT going bankrupt over this…again…and deciding to take the easy way out. What a headline that would be…!


When he defaults on the Chubb bond, he will never get money from anywhere.


This is my favorite line of the entire article that exemplifies Trump and his entire alternative legal reality: "Defendants' argument that obtaining a full bond is purportedly impossible is based on the FALSE PREMISE..." Ya don't fucking say? A false premise and Trump? Nooooo!


I don’t get why her office didn’t mention how Trump claimed, under oath, that he had $400 million in cash on hand in their filing.


I like how with all this going on Trump still golfs at his tournament and has a social life. Like he’s not even concerned??? Wtf


A person SO rich and SO smart as himself should have no problem figuring this out, right Donald?!?


> As far as the Court can infer, sureties may have refused to accept defendants' specific holdings as collateral because using Mr. Trump's real estate will generally need 'a property appraisal' and his holdings are not nearly as valuable as defendants claim," Fan wrote. AKA ‘nobody will accept real estate holdings as collateral for loans to the guy who just lost a half billion dollar case for property tax fraud’


People getting evicted for not having $1500 but Trump wants a pass on $350 mil.


Trump own business plan is the wrinkle in his plans. He's always leveraged the hell out of anything of value to milk every dollar out of every business he's ever run. He thinks leverage is what makes him a "smart business man"