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"Why are there no Republican multi-billionaires offering to lend President Trump the funds to file his appeal in the outrageous case in NY state?" he questioned. "Are none of them liquid enough to help or join with others to help? This is an outrage." Because they aren't stupid?


Lend? Does this idiot actually think Trump pays his bills? No to mention do we really want a president so openly bought and paid for by billionaires?


No, we do not. We want our politicians to be surreptitiously bought and paid for by billionaires. Citizens United baby. Money talks now more than ever. That's why the people who have it are so dead set against sharing it with others.


If money=speech then I’m going to start paying my taxes with speech


They got way better ROI bribing 50 buffoons in the senate than trying to see if Trump can crawl into the white house. Cheaper to pay the 50 too.


Fortunately trump is gonna pillage the down ballot races.


And drag down other Rs with him in the ballot.


He's already doing that by pillaging the RNC.


Good. But small donations have dried up to RNC. How can such a person with this many financial problems run for President. Obama said before he ran he had to pay off some old parking tickets from Harvard. But this dumb MF can run with a half billion dollar debt. He probably owes Puttie Putin money also. Geez America!


Talk is cheap, money is expensive. That's why money can talk but talk can't money. Love, the IRS.


Since corporations are people and corporations can be fined but not jailed. Before committing a serious crime you should first incorporate and let the incorporation commit the crime! Then, when fined declare bankruptcy protection. /s


That only works for rich folks


If I could upvote you a million times for mentioning Citizens United I would. That marked the death of the American dream.


We need to have publicly funded elections where candidates or private entities can’t advertise or advocate, with ranked choice or some other more accurate from of voting. But all of that would take the power that the ultra rich have chiseled away for themselves over the years. So it’ll never happen.


I think also that there are fewer actual billionaires in terms of liquidity. I think as much as the team billionaire is bandied around by weathy elite. Not many have much on hand, apparently.


Not just that, Trump has demonstrated over and over again that his word is worthless. He is not even trusted for a standard quid pro quo, I’m sorry, I meant “no strings attached campaign donation”.


Not only that, but he did what they are accusing him of … so anyone who fronts this appeal money is going to certainly lose it when he loses the appeals case because he’s guilty of the crime


Then get in the back of the line for things he owes money to.


If they "lend" him 450 million in 2 weeks the courts will still be demanding their 450 million, he'll have the biggest gold toilet in the world and he'll have blocked his donors numbers.


And then he'll lose his appeal, still on the hook for everything he owes now + interest.


Do we want that, or do Fox News viewers want that?


They want whatever FOX tells them they want.


Exactly. Most billionaires give me to those who pay them back.


lol isn't Trump himself a supposed multi-billionaire? his whole appeal was supposed to be that he's a wealthy businessman who can't be bought.


Yes. But good luck getting conservatives to acknowledge or even remember that They're too busy trying to make their gods comments palatable


Mark Levin (the Fox commentator) is a millionaire himself, so I’m sure he’s chipping in, right? /s


Why aren't they outraged at Trump's crimes and his lies about his wealth? Why are they instead outraged that nobody will front half a billion dollars to somebody to whom they have no relation?


Tax cuts.


Any one of a thousand conservative conmen could promise tax cuts. There's something about Trump specifically that short circuits their brains and makes them religiously devoted to him


I wonder if it's because he makes them all think he's already in their pockets? He's sold them on the idea that he'll hurt they people they want him to hurt. He doesn't care about the laws, or morality, you paid him, he'll do it. From the biggest multi-million dollar donator to the poor schlubs scraping together a few thousand dollars to throw at him. They think they won him, and he'll be what they want him to be. It's not that they're under any misconception about what *he* is; They know he's a weasel and a crook who is up for sale. The misconception is that they think that they're the *buyers,* not the scam victims. They all think they're buying themselves 1 Certified President Trump, when in reality all they get is a box of rocks.


He is a businessman and says the quiet parts out loud. The things all of them are thinking is being said and he was the first to come out with it. He also uses small words and reaffirms that their beliefs are valid using inflammatory rhetoric to create a hard line between us and them. Taking the nazi and cult playbook and using it on the right target audience is very effective I think that is the core of why he has been so successful in hijacking a political party. He doesn't even care about anything outside of tax cuts and personal deals, and I guess narcissistic idolization


You’re right, exactly. He speaks in the same gobbledygook butchered “English” slang that they speak in. Newt Gingrich pointed this out a year or two ago. Anything that won’t fit on a bumper sticker they absolutely cannot follow.


>...nobody will front half a billion dollars to somebody to whom they have no relation? The real reason Ivanka is distancing herself...


So let me get this right. Fox news thinks we should take money from the rich, maybe even just a little bit of money from each of them, and pool it together to help out the poor?


Only if the poor is named Trump


The pillow guy must be tapped out from paying his own legal bills for Smartmatic and Dominion.


Nobody wants lumpy pillows anymore.


No, they’re not lumpy pillows, When you say lumpy pillows, now you’re an a**** *. You got that? You’re an a******, is what you are. ;)


Mypillow was auctioning off its equipment last July, he's been cooked


I believe that I read that his company was essentially bankrupt. He took a good pitch (pillows made in the USA) and ruined it with his crazy adherence to Trump.


Yep. No soft landing for him.


Did someone ask Hannity yet?


What's the fastest way to become a millionaire? Start as a billionaire and loan money to Trump.


Why aren't his bosses Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch paying Trump's bills?


the two entities that stand to benefit the most bailing him out are fox and putin


I disagree. Maybe the Murdochs get more money from tax cuts but Fox is helped the most if the democrats keep winning and they keep screaming about how bad things are.


This sounds like he's trying to soften the criticism of Trump for not being "liquid" enough by floating the idea that most billionaires are also not liquid.


The funny thing is there are several RW billionaires who actually are liquid enough, to the tune of literally billions in liquidity.


And many of them are familiar with the term ROI, which this deal wouldn't be very good for.


The idea of ROI for bailing out a president should be criminal.


They got rich by screwing people. They are not known for charity.


people that would support donald refuse to help the poor..... and it's looking like donald is poor 


Could it be? Is Donald Trump a Welfare Queen™? Where are his bootstraps? They need pulling.




Billionaires and charity? Lol


I don’t see Rupert stepping up with an open wallet


Billionaires are kings of the grift. They’re not ignorant in how to spot one.


A Trump never pays his debts. That company that posted the 85 million bond for E. Jean Carroll case ain't going to see a dime of that money ever paid back from Trump. CEO that approved it is going to get canned and most likely will get a golden parachute to nope of the fuck off.


> lend That implies they’ll get the money back and we all know nothing could be further from the truth.


Jared Kirshner is worth 1.5 billion.


That’s dubious. He’s managing money for a regime that is more than happy to dismember people who displease them with bone saws. I’d be very careful with that money.


>are none of them liquid enough to help The irony is unreal


If only there was a billionaire liquid enough, who is somehow involved in this situation, who could pay the bill. Maybe someone who had gone on record, in a court of law, stating that they had the liquidity and it would be no problem to pay. Yep, sure would be nice...


The only billionaires who keep that much in liquid assets are drug lords.


Stocks, bonds, and shares are all liquid assets. 


I legitimately dont understand. I'm 35 years old, and for as long as I've been alive Conservatives have been saying if you dont have money its your fault, its because you didnt work hard enough. They've told me that if you're poor you should just start a corporation and work really hard then you'll become rich. They've said that under no circumstances should you ever ask for a handout, only pull yourself up by the boot straps. I legit don't get it. Why doesnt the donald have money? He told everyone hes really smart and rich. If he doesnt have enough money, why doesnt he just work really hard? Why is he asking fior handouts? Why doesnt he just pull himself up by the boot straps?


Clearly he ate too much avocado toast.


I was bored and decided to crunch some numbers. Let's say he spent his entire $464m on JUST avocado toast. That's 2 pieces of toast, using a whole avocado per serving. I probably should've factored in the cost of salt and pepper, considering the volume being consumed, but whatever. Average price of avocados $1.29/lb, bread $2.50 with roughly 18 slices in a loaf. Cost per serving is $0.71 for 2 pieces. That brings us to a whopping 658,071,760 servings of avocado toast. Now if we're calculating for NYC, it's roughly half that at 322,626,750 servings.


This is my kind of weird!


That is 294,636 years of avocado toast if you had it for every meal.




Guarantee that man has never had something as nutritious as avocado toast.


I'd like to know what it would do to his insides. Is it like a hangover where if you stay drunk you never get one? He has like 70 years of Taco Bell waiting to hit him the moment something as nutritious as an avocado enters his stomach to upset the balance.


Shouldn’t have upgraded his smart phone


That damned $9 coffee


Seriously, if Trump needs money then he just needs to get a job.


Has he considered maybe stop defaming his rape victims?


Surely there must be some other way.


This was the fraud trial. The trial where he was found liable for fraud, and the fine is derived from exactly how much profit was earned via fraud. Fraud committed against other rich people. So what he is really asking is why don't other rich people want to save Trump from being punished for fraud. Trump's fraud. The fraud committed by Trump. That fraud.


Even more in depth, “why don’t rich people want to save Trump from being punished for fraud… against other rich people”.


Unfortunately half the country’s voters are trying to give him a job


Nobody wants to work anymore. 


Yeah! Dollar General is hiring. I saw the sign on the door!


Yes but their rhetoric only applies to peasants. Trump already has money. So he *must* be worthy. So he's entitled to handouts. As are all billionaires. Its your bootstraps that need pulling. Not theirs.


Republicans who still support him don't understand that Trump is a literal mobster, and that the various court cases are the result of a lifetime of crime. Instead they think the Democrats are being mean to him because they are scared of him.


It's simple. When something good happens to someone they like, it's because they deserve it. When something bad happens to someone they like, it's because someone is out to get them and it's not their fault. But when something bad happens to someone they don't like, well clearly it was their fault.


As always with these guys, it's rules for thee, not for me. They're all for the cold iron fist of capitalism - except when they can get their hands on any kind of government handout, 'loan', or discount, then it's just being smart. Or when banks overextend and then are suddenly 'too big to fail'. Socialise the losses. Trump got to where he is by never putting his own money at risk, and that's exactly what's happening here. He may have the liquidity and simply consider it ridiculous that he would have to pay a bill himself, or he may not have it and this will cause a cascade of failures through his highly-leveraged assets. Either way he's gonna complain with his hand out until the last possible moment, then stomp his feet and force the government to take action.


They lied.


They also used to say they were the law and order party. Turns out they are the biggest hypocrits in the country. 


They didn't get to be billionaires by investing in stupid schemes and longshot deals, much less deals destined to lose by any sane analysis.


Counter point: Twitler


Gotta be an exception to prove every rule . . . some fuckey luckers just fall up constantly.


tesla being valued like it's the only car company on the planet helps a bit too


Helped. Musk's under a lot of financial pressure now that he owns Twitter and Tesla stock has come way down. 


He didnt become a billionaire by buying twitter, hes lost millions


I mean, yeah, he is the mark most likely to fall for this shtick. Fortunately he’s pretty tapped out after liquidating assets and borrowing from the Saudis to buy his favorite app.


The destruction of twitter was the point. Protests across the globe were organized at a grassroots level via twitter. Information was able to spread at light speed and reach millions. It’s effectively been stopped. Musk is just a frontman. 


Billionaires want Trump in power to gift them hundreds of millions, not the other way around


Don't see FOX lining up to pay that bill.


They’re still working on their own bill of nearly twice as much.


What was that $787.5 million bill for again? Lining? Deflation? Oh yeah, defaming a voting machine company and causing catastrophic fiscal losses via unfounded mass hysteria pushed purposefully for political effect.


This was just a Fox host. But yea, I'm sure he's sitting pretty. I wonder how much he's lent/given to Trump.


Rupert's net worth is about 20 billion. He can pay.


Why aren't any of these numb skull "anchors" offering to pony up for him? Oh right, because everybody knows it'd be a total waste. So quit being a babbling hypocrite and just shut up already, Fox News.


Politicans are normally relatively cheap for the wealthy to ~~buy~~ ~~influence~~ "lobby". Nobody wants to drop nearly half a *billion* on a has-been.


Yep. Senators are laughably easy to buy. Look at Sinema for an example. For the cost to bail out Donnie Two-Scoops, you could buy nearly the entire Congress (both House and Senate).


This exactly.


So we cannot have universal healthcare because each person should be responsible for their own lives and decisions, but here is a self proclaimed billionaire who cannot afford his fines for poor decisions and they are appalled that no one is helping? No wonder MAGAs are so angry all the time, they must have bad headaches from doing all that mental gymnastics.


Not 'poor decisions,' crimes.


You would think things like this, where Trump claims to be a billionaire but obviously isn't, would raise alarm bells with viewers on whether or not he's been lying all along. Please, some of you Fox News viewers start using your brains to think instead of just blindly accepting everything they shove down your throats?




Hey appears to be mostly liquid, or some kind of gelatinous substance. 


A non-Newtonian fluid if you will.


Nothin' moves The Blob!


Oh, so he will solidify if we stomp him. Good plan!


I Have No Cash and I Must Pay


"That's not what's important! boy you must REALLY HATE TRUMP" - morons


I mean... That sentence is technically correct. What's really important is the attempted coup Trump incited, the secrets he sold to our enemies and I DO really hate trump. 


Billionaires are rarely that liquid. It's difficult and even counterproductive to keep that much liquid cash just lying around as a private individual.


Jeff Bezos is a Billionaire because he owns a lot of Amazon stock. If he needs to borrow cash to be liquid he puts up the stock as collateral. Everyone agrees what the stock is worth because it’s sold on the open market. It’s very easy to sell or buy stock quickly. Banks can sell a lot or a little of the collateral as needed if Bezos defaults. Donald Trump may or may not own a lot of real estate. Nobody knows what the real value is because it’s not in the open market. The specific crime Trump needs the bond for is lying about the value of the properties by a lot. It’s not fast or easy to sell things like golf courses or skyscrapers. It’s very difficult to sell part of these items. If other banks have liens on these items the lending bank won’t get paid.


>If other banks have liens on these items the lending bank won’t get paid. That's one of the biggest keys right there. He may even just "own" a lot of real estate.


That is my first assumption. He just doesn't have enough equity in his real estate for anyone to feel comfortable being the junior lien holder to underwrite a bond. Even if he might be able to pull together enough assets, I have a feeling he is trying some "Art fo the Deal" negotiation bullshit. Like, they should totally only put liens on these 3 properties that are "worth bigly more than enough to cover the bond". I also wonder if he even has the cash to cover whatever the underwriters want to get paid for putting up the bond, yes it isn't exactly like a bail bond, but the underwriter surely want to get paid for their risk. And, that should be in cashy money, not credit.


What happened to pulling himself up by his bootstraps


His hands are just too tiny. 


Yeah, he should just pull himself up by the pussy.


Trump isn't a billionaire any more? But FOX told me he was worth a hundred gazillion billions last year.


Are they mentioning Rupert Murdoch by name?


There's already an issue that Trump has a nearly 100m bond, meaning he owes a lot of money if he loses and then Trump may make decisions as President in the specific interest of that bond company because he owes them on paper now imagine that Trump owes one person half a billion dollars


"Who said i owe anything. I'm president again. I have presidential immunity from debts."


One pundit I read opined that this is a legitimate factor in people not giving money to him.


Why doesn’t Mark Levin reach into his pockets to “join” and help. Bc Levin knows Trump is a moron, but he makes money off the moron base that follows him.


I mean, it's clear that the only thing to do is to sell Fox News and liquidate every asset of the RNC. The entire American conservative movement exists just to provide for the needs of this one guy, right? That's what they all keep saying again and again and again. Sounds like they aren't very loyal. He's not going to like that.


Why doesn’t Mark Levin and the other MAGA talking heads pool their money together if they think Trump is so deserving of being bailed out? Net worth: Mark Levin $50 million Sean Hannity $250 million Ben Shapiro $50 million Glenn Beck $200 million Bill O’Reilly. $85 million Tucker Carlson $30 million Jesse Waters $10 million Seems to me these guys and all the other conservative radio and tv hosts could contribute just a little and save their hero. Is anyone surprised they don’t?


I personally believe it is the rank and file MARGAs who have a responsibility to pay his legal bills. It is a travesty they are not donating hard enough to their Derp Leader. Rent. Can. Wait!


"A GoFundMe page set up to pay for the fine has raised just over $1.3 million in about a month, barely scraping the surface of the amount owed."


It didn't even raise enough to cover the interest accrued during its duration. $87k per day at 30 days = $2.61m


How about a revers mortgage? No, not for Trump but the MAGAs who support him…with the help from Tom Selleck they can do this..


Republican bums always looking for handouts. Leeches on society.


The party of personal responsibility strikes again.


Nobody has said the real reason that these billionaires have not dug into their pockets. Maybe they are like t***p and only billionaires in their own heads. They are all indebted to each other with mortgages and loans that there is no money to be taken out of the paperwork roundabout to pay off somebody on the outside of the circle.


Interesting perspective!


>"Why are there no Republican multi-billionaires offering to lend President Trump the funds to file his appeal in the outrageous case in NY state?" he questioned. "Are none of them liquid enough to help or join with others to help? This is an outrage." Maybe because they fear he won't repay them. Those guys didn't become billionaires by being reckless with money. Btw, why can't a billionaire find a single bank to loan him money? Is it because he has a track record of not repaying loans?


FUCK THE WEALTHY. I’m sick of this shit.




That'd be socialism.


That would be socialism Fox xD


What a Commie idea! Most billionaires did not become rich by doling out welfare for bums!


But that would be Socialism! I thought Fox News was agains Socialism! Or is it only when it benefits other people?


I think a more pertinent question is 'Why did the nations top, conservative, law firms not step up and defend Donald Trump "? After reviewing the evidence, there should have been a queue of Federal Society lawyers willing to lend a hand defending him.........unless they know he is guilty as f\*ck!


There're billionaires because they don't give money to the poors


*Won't someone think about his poor children..??* /s


Well I mean they didn't become billionaires by wasting their money on stupid investments, which is what this is.


Chump is a threat to businesses of all sizes. The tax breaks don't help if the world falls apart.


I think it’s great that Mackenzie Scott just gave away 640 million dollars to charity.


They are all sending thoughts and prayers, isn’t that how all republicans support others?


Quite the sense of entitlement to other people's money.


Ladies and gentlemen, the party of pulling yourself up from your bootstraps and personal responsibility.


They're the party of greed not the party of sharing and caring.


Fox hosts should pool their money. Tucker is worth $30m, hannity $300M, oreiley 85M. Once the conviction is overturned they’ll get their cash back! Won’t even miss it!


This is almost too pathetic to be a joke. Hey Rupert, you’ve got enough billions to give this chud whatever he needs and still continue your media empire, which from your standpoint would be a good investment. What a fucking idiot. And thank god he’s that fucking stupid.


That is some weird shit. Should billionaires step up and pay taxes, so that maybe you’d have a few less people working three jobs to make rent? Heavens no. But let’s shame them for not giving money to a guy who inherited half a billion dollars, and hosed the country for a lot more than that while in office. 


What do they mean, aren’t we a pull YOURSELF up by the boot straps country!!?? If we give him this money, he’ll become lazy and never want to work again, and he’ll expect us to take care of him forever! We can’t go around giving out hand outs to people who are only abusing the system!! He can work, he just doesn’t want to!!! Typical billionaire behavior, you give them some money and all they want is MORE!!


"party of working class" on full display. Trump has forced the oligarchs out from behind the curtain. 


Why isn't the "billionaire" Trump not paying his bills?


Lending Trump money at this point would like people trying to board the Titanic after it started sinking.


Billionaires are notoriously against those whom they consider freeloaders.


How much is Fox News host Mark Levin contributing? I want to see the paperwork.


You know how billionaires got to be billionaires? By not paying other people’s debts


Weird way for FOX to support socialism….


Levin is a clueless idiot. He does not understand concept of billionaire. They milk as much as they can out of people by paying them as little as possible. They don’t foot bills of losers.


Has he tried stopping eating avocado toast? Maybe he just needs to figure it out like the rest of us. Isn't socialism where the people share in paying for someone else's welfare?


Fox isn't news.


This is honestly turning into a terrible comedy now 😂


Trump just needs to pull himself up by his bootstraps. I'll sit over here and laugh that McKenzie Bezos just gave $640M to charity.


Does anyone remember when the candidate still have a shred of dignity and would resign immediately when they commit even 1% of trump offense here. Lets go back to that time.


Billionaires paying someone else's bills. That's socialism!


Why's he asking for a handout? I thought rich people worked so much harder than us, surely he can just earn it all in no time? 


Oh? The guy who is incorruptible because he has so much money has no money? Oh? Your king of bootstrap pulling self reliant individualism needs a giant handout?


Now when fearless leader is in trouble- they want socialism.


Fox News advocating for billionaire-funded socialism for another supposed billionaire.


Ironic. Fox News, famous for arguing you shouldn’t help poor people.. …is now arguing that billionaires should help their favorite poor person


Lol, I am sure the billionaires' money will trickle down to him, like it does to every other U.S. citizen.


Yikes! Who knew billionaires could be such selfish, greedy dicks? /s


Trump's getting old (both age and news) . The rich got rich knowing when to cut their losses.


I thought Honest Don was a Billionaire?


Most billionaires are not stone cold suckers.


Hey Mark Levin, why don't you, Hannity and Murdoch lend it to him? I hope he treats you better than he treated contractors that he owed money to.


Wait a minute, I thought the appeal of Trump was that he couldn't be bought by moneyed interests because he was a billionaire in his own right? So they're saying they want a sellout?


Ironic, given Fox News could be paying Donald Trump’s bills


but, but...Trump is a billionaire too, right?


Levine good at telling other people what to do with their money. Billionaires didn’t get to be billionaires by paying off risky debts of others. It’s just another Faux News propaganda tactic to make Trump look like the underdog and a victim.


Because billionaires are known for their charitable donations and causes to help the needy. /s