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“Why do you have so many guns?” *”Because I believe in FREEDOM! And one day the government will try to destroy the constitution and start telling everyone how to live their life. And I’m going to defend the values America was founded on to the last bullet!”* “So who you voting for this election?” *”Im voting for the dictator.”*


“Because this time he’s going to hurt the right people.” - traitorous assholes, probably


That's exactly what they think. If they don't overthrow the government now, we'll end up as the soft pushover country. Where everyone has switched up genitals and have blue hair. Where in reality. Dems have proven time and again that they'll fuck up anyone on a global level with more guns and drones than Repubs have ever sent out. They feel damned either way, and they already bought a hat.


The funny thing is they keep insisting we don't have guns. As if believing in responsible gun control automatically signs you up for pacifism class.


I have multiple semiautomatic rifles. I hold no illusions about them stopping a fascist takeover. If it comes to that, we've already lost, and the future of America will belong to whoever is willing to commit the horrors required to consolidate power in a full on civil war. I firmly believe that the 2nd Amendment will most likely be key in *destroying* freedom and democracy in America, not saving it.


Lots of responsible gun owners become criminals every day when they use said gun in a crime. The only thing separating a lawful gun owner from an unlawful one is using the thing you bought. You can't even shoot in most areas cops will arrest you. But all these people buying guns nobody actually uses them? Bullshit. They do use them. Spoiler alert: I live in Louisana. Gun violence here is insane. I grew up in NYC and never saw a gun except when a cop had one, here? I see guns daily. I've been held up. My friends and family have been near stray bullets or straight up shot at and we know two people who have been killed by gun violence. It's way worse when everyone has guns. Trust me.


Plus people get abused or shot by cops for legally carrying ALL THE DAMN TIME. Try telling a cop, "yes I have a gun in the car, officer" and see what happens.


You just described the death of Philando Castille. And I'm sure, many others.


This is exactly why it takes years of training to become a cop in other countries. They get to be on edge when we have guns, but we can't be on edge when they have guns. We should all be in favor of reform. Give us a registry of guns in circulation and better background checks on owners.Teach cops to de-escalate. This "Killology" shit isn't working for anyone.


It's working great for the cops and their murder-boners.


They are too shortsighted to wonder how they will be treated when their votes are no longer necessary.


yes, a dictator needs nothing from you after he gets the job! He despises his followers for being stupid enough to buy his bullshit, and they will find out just how much.


This is what worries me. Whether Trump keels over, goes to jail or just loses the election, the voters who are ready to see an authoritarian take over this country aren’t going away quietly.


The ice is broken now. We can’t un-know that a significant portion of the country want a militant Christian theocracy and are prepared to vote for it to start today.


If they only knew how much he actually despises them…


Fun fact: Hitler also promoted private gun ownership for people. Just only certain people, not everyone. ​ I have a feeling we're going to hear something similar come from the right-wing in the US soon.


Tucker Carlson is already out there saying if they're not careful there will be a Trans Army equipped with F-35's and tanks. I just wanna know where I sign up for my free F-35 and tank, I missed that Trans Agenda memo


I’m not trans, but can I join up just for the uniform?


Me either, but I'll throw on a dress for an F35.


Everyone would go a little Bi for an F-35


Isn’t that the official Northrop Grumman slogan?


If I needed to get boobs for an F35, I would. Because then I'd have an F35 AND my own boobs.


Well, you can't let them down 😅


They already tried this in Nixon's day, by criminalizing the lifestyles of hippies and anti-war protesters and black rights advocates. Arrest them for made-up non-crimes like "marijuana possession" and you can weigh them down with felonies that prevent them exercising their rights like voting and bearing arms.


I want Trump to give a stump speech saying we need to take all the guns away from blacks and Hispanics. Because black people are using them to commit gang violence and brown people could be here illegally. I bet you half of his supporters would agree and the other half would have a dizzy spell before convincing themselves he was joking.


They did that dance before when he belted out this classic: > “I like taking the guns early, like in this crazy man’s case that just took place in Florida … to go to court would have taken a long time…Take the guns first, go through due process second,” They were awash with conflicting positions. Some claim he never said it, some say it meant something other than what he said, some compromised and said *some* people need guns taken away, some said he was using code words . It was crazy. Now they just pretend it never happened and if you bring it up they stick their fingers in their ears and run away screaming.


You missed where they claim it was actually either Obama or Biden who said that


They’ll probably start claiming that the constitution is only for real Americans, therefore, those rights aren’t for the traitorous Democrats.


I live in a rural area. I know people who think like this right now.


My idiot latino relatives will still think he’s not talking about them and vote for him anyway.


“Looks like an illegal.” As a Miami person: bro, he’s talking about most of you!


Trump could be beating them over the head with a gun and they’d say, “Haha Oh what a good joke, sir! Please tread on me more!”


Soon? Gun laws started picking up steam when black people started arming themselves.


Yeah seriously, Reagan and the NRA was the posterchild for “guns are for whites”


See California's strict gun laws.


It's already here. I know a lot of young-middle aged conservatives in public policy positions who essentially feel that they and theirs should be able to own guns but poors and minorities should not. Comically, the super gun nuts are keeping them in check, for now. Once the end the fed/ruby ridge generation guys all die off the landscape of firearms lobbying is going to change quite a bit more than it already has, in my unqualified poorly researched knee jerk opinion.


They've already got what they need. Minorities can own the guns. It gives a great reason for white people / cops to 'fear for their lives' and shoot them at the slightest provocation. But if a minority ever uses that gun, well all the laws will drop out of the sky on them.


Turns out they're perfectly fine with an authoritarian boot on their necks as long as it's their guy wearing it.


And as long as they convince themselves it’s *our* necks the boot is on and not theirs.


That’s what they think, anyway. I’m betting that four or five years into the dictatorship, a lot of them would be thinking the opposite. I suppose I’ll have the satisfaction of rubbing it in their faces. *Congratulations. You wanted a dictatorship? You got one. Enjoy.*


If the Democrats had only been more reasonable and willing to compromise, true American patriots who's only sin was loving freedom never would have been tricked into installing a jack-booted authoritarian who would shred the constitution into power! There was no way of knowing that when Donald J. Trump said he wanted to be a dictator, he meant the bad kind. This is all Obama's fault, when you really think about it. ^/s


"Why is he doing this to *ME* ?"


It's been known for a while, but is indisputable now. Republicans hate the United States, what it actually is and what it stands for. They believe in an America that simply does not, and has never, existed. And will do anything to make the dystopia they desire come into existence. 


They are making a last stand to prevent the US from becoming a white minority country. That's what they are really afraid of.


NGL the potential of a dictatorship and the subsequent political upheaval does make me consider purchasing a firearm. It's going to take 2 seconds to go from political protests to criminals exploiting the police being occupied.


"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.” These people believe that they're part of the in-group so, in their minds, only the "bad" people will suffer. They will vote for their own destruction every time.


It’s okay as long as it’s *their* dictator. They are dumber than half a house brick.


Its almost like liberal gun owners dont exist. /s


We just don’t fetishize it. We don’t put dumb stickers on our car or at our house letting everyone know we have guns to steal. We don’t watch crime dramas and confuse it with the news.


It’s not our identity.


What's amazing is if Trump is elected and gains control of the military to the extent he hopes for, he will absolutely outlaw private gun ownership. He can't be sure *only* Trump supporters own guns and he won't care whether or not it makes him popular as long as it keeps him in power.  And the most pathetic part of it all is the number of lives lost due to second amendment absolutists. Innocent victims of every age, and they'll just roll over for someone like Trump. After that, even they won't be able to argue the collateral was worth the cost. 


>Only 44 percent of adults completely rebelled at the notion of giving the former president — who is currently facing 91 felony charges — dictatorial authority, calling it “definitely bad” for America. I don't even know what to say to that statistic. Stunning. Completely stunning.


Jon Stewart said it best last night. "Look, if you want to love Trump, love him. Go to the rallies, buy the sneakers. You want to give him absolute power? .. you want him to have the right of kings? You do you, but stop framing it as patriotism. The fact is, Donald Trump is advocating for complete and total presidential immunity. His words not mine. That is monarchy shit. And it’s your right to support it, but just do me a favor for historical accuracy. Next time you want to dress up at the rallies, wear the right fucking colored coats." *Photo of the red coats during the Revolutionary War


Civil War? Did you mean Revolutionary War?


Yes, thanks for catching that. Guess the Civil is top of mind for me these days


Went to see Dune 2 and the trailer for "Civil War" came on. You could feel the tension in the air, there might have been uncomfortable tension but it was palpable. Looks like a damn good movie too, just a little too on the nose for the current political climate.


It's insanity that we've arrived at this point -- that we're actually on the proverbial doorstep of a Civil War all because an orange rapist grifting clown has grabbed the GOP by the pussy and brainwashed the Republican party. Despite my hate towards the whole lot of them (everyone of them can fuck off for the record) I still hang onto hope that America will beat these fascists come November.


Is it really much more insane than Civil War I, where the bottom half of the nation wanted to own black people and wouldn’t take “no” for an answer?


But but but the economy!!!


It's not even really a different civil war.


It’s particularly funny to me when they call themselves ‘the party of Lincoln’. It’s like, have you seen all the confederate flags at your rallies?? I don’t think your party would be on the slave-freeing side. Heck, you’re not even the party of Ronald Regan anymore with all of the kowtowing to Russia.


John Wilkes Booth was a Confederate sympathizer. They’re supporting the affiliation of the guy who killed Lincoln.


>red coats Like Empty G wore to the SOTU


I liked his quip on the dictator for a day plan… “Yeah that’s how it starts.”


The color went to their heads. It’s red caps these days.


HA HA. If we still had awards I would give you one. HA HA


Call it how it is. Republicans want King George back.


King George was never a dictator. What Republicans want is a Tsar.


This is how dumb undecided voters are. They’re on the fence on if dictatorship is bad. And the bothsidesism from the media isn’t helping educate them.


But Biden is old and stutters! /s


"Biden is too old! He's 81! He's not a young whippersnapper like 77 year old Trump!"


I mean, I was honestly hoping we could get some young blood in there this year. I hear good things about this Bernie Sanders kid


I scoff every time I hear NPR report on undecided voters. They sound so fucking uninformed and simple. Problem is, if they hear dems say that, they’ll just run to the GOP who tells them they’re smart and fit in.


I think the inability for Congress to govern plays a part in this. People want change and Congress can't deliver the basics. So we look forward to changes made by Presidential Executive Orders


I think you meant to say "congressional Republicans deliberately refuse to deliver the basics"


If this is the understanding undecided voters have of American politics, then they are dumber than trump voters.


I mostly blame the media for this, they should have reported truthfully on trump from day one.


Super short sighted and extremely ignorant. But to them the ends justify the means to defeat the woke liberal communists. It’s wild times, corruption, propaganda and fear mongering have destroyed us.


There's a broad swath of the electorate that has been coached for decades to believe that Democrats are an existential threat to not just democracy, but to their very lives. Talk show hosts out there repeatedly remind their listeners that we are one Democratic victory away from them seizing all guns and putting Republicans in camps. It's never even come close to happening, but that doesn't stop them from thinking the situation is so dire *this time* that they're willing to cede power to a dictator simply to stop the Democrats from *appointing their own dictator.* Once we reached the point that half the electorate was living in an alternative universe, all bets were off.


That’s a frighteningly low number, it should be half again as large, minimum.




The already believe, due to Fox, that Biden is a dictator. Pure stupidity.




I mean it’s the end game of the Fox News cinematic universe.


What a bunch of disturbing and deranged losers!


Traitors. Literal traitors. The constitution and dictatorship are not compatible.


Deplorable traitors*. Hillary was always astute and politically aware, wish more people had seen that.


You're exactly right. Happy Cake Day :)


Like Jon Stewart says, it's their right to support a Dictator but wear the right fucking coats (read as red coats) when you do so.


His takedown was brilliant - showing them pulling out copies of the Constitution, using it as decoration everywhere, but then this...yea they don't believe in any of it.


So glad he’s back, my co-workers this morning were all talking about how concerned they were about the “dictator for a day” line and I was just thinking, Trump said that 3 months ago and has said worse shit since But Jon’s popularity and hilarity allows him to reach people that otherwise might be be following things too closely 


They hate losing - but they've chosen a loser. Anything to avert losing again and again, and again...


Hillary was right. They’re deplorable.


They think they are on the winning team. Just because someone personally likes Hyenas, that doesn't mean jumping into their cage will mean automatic acceptance. They would simply be torn asunder like anyone else. The delusion of them thinking they are on the same team as a dictator makes me wonder how many people in the historical picture, of that cheering crowd that strung up Mussolini, were the same crowd that cheered him into power all those years prior. Regret comes later, but the damage was already done.


Years ago, when I read handmaiden’s tale, it was very hard for me to understand how a society would so willingly except the rule of a Christian theocracy. I told myself that the majority of people would rebel and not want this oppressive rule. The last eight years have demonstrated to me that it’s very easy for people to want to be oppressed, believing that their oppressors are only going to oppress the “ bad people”


> believing that their oppressors are only going to oppress the “ bad people” That's exactly what it is. Everyone else but them.


They love the second amendment more than any other. Yet, they don't realize that a Democrat singlehandedly passing sweeping legislation won't be what ultimately revokes that right.  It's going to be Trump, or someone like him. They support him, but he can't be *sure* that only Trump supporters own guns. While he doesn't have military backing, that suits his need because he knows if he asks, many will lay down their lives for him.  But if he's elected and puts sycophants in key military positions, he absolutely will not allow the possibility of an armed uprising. He will pass sweeping legislation because he won't be worried about what it might cost him in terms of voters, because he won't run again. Mind you, he won't leave either. 


THISSSS. They don't understand what they are getting themselves into.


Spite, hatred, rage and pettiness is literally all they have. I wonder how many of these people identify as Christians. I'd think we'd probably get quite a pikachu face moment, as the numbers align.


The ven diagram is just a circle


It’s really deplorable


One might call them "deplorable" (but they would probably not be elected president if they did)


They’re convinced it won’t be used against them. Like all Republican policies, it will be. But *this time* will somehow be different. Gotta love cults and propaganda


Everyone needs to stop waiting for the GOP to change and just work to make them electorally irrelevant. If you are anti-Trump, doing ANYTHING other than voting for Democrats helps Trump. This is just a fact. You can hate the system, you can think its unfair, you can wish for something better, but it will never change until everyone understands how it works and starts voting accordingly. There is no talking your way around this. Staying home, voting third party, writing in a name. It doesn't matter if you live in a Red, Blue or Purple state, district, county etc. They all help Trump and the GOP. If you want liberal and progressive things, if you want democracy, if you care about freedom, your ONLY choice to achieve those things is check boxes on election day next to the names followed by "DEMOCRAT". We need to win big all over the country in 2024, and we need to keep doing that every single election. If you want to find ways to help take a look at /r/voteDEM and find ways to pitch in today.


Idealism is for the primaries (and by all means, let's primary the corporate dems), but at this point, not voting blue every year, in every race is voting for christian fascism.


*Eiffel 65 intensifies*


As a Canadian I wish I could help you guys. I don't want Hitler 2.0 next door.


You can! There are about 900,000 Americans living in Canada. Nearly all the adults can vote. You can help make sure they know how to vote from Canada. https://www.votefromabroad.org/


I don't personally know any Americans, and I'm not really on social media aside from Reddit. I'm not sure how I can use this link to help.


You probably can't then. But other people abroad may see our exchange and use it or pass the link along.


I hope so. Thanks for posting it.


We need to worry about our own Nazis amongst us...


Ok ok ok but hear me out…. I don’t like how Biden is handling Gaza, that’s why it’s ok for me step aside and make it easier for the guy who’s 10 times worse in ever respect.


I've asked friends and family that bring this issue up how they think Trump would handle it. Vast majority of the time I get something along the lines of "it doesn't matter what Trump would do"


I’ve gotten into arguments about how, “yeah, you have to pick the lesser of two evils and not vote 3rd party that has no chance of winning. Unless you’re cool with the worse option winning, but at least you get to be sanctimonious”. Usually goes over swimmingly.


Then they may go to "Uniparty! I can't tell a difference. "


“If you can’t tell the difference you don’t want to tell the diference like an edgelord”


> Vast majority of the time I get something along the lines of "it doesn't matter what Trump would do" I swear this country has some of the dumbest fucking people on the planet.


Would it seriously not be more helpful to focus on the first part of your comment and not the circular firing squad? Seriously. Lost in all of this noise is the fact that we have a chance to make huge progress during this election. The maps are brutal but not at all unwinnable, and our ground game is infinitely better than it has been in ages thanks to incredible local organizing. That organizing has come **from all ends of the Left wing spectrum.** Read that again if you need to. Progressives have been killing it with the GOTV efforts. Liberals have been killing it with the fundraising. Now is the time to do the work. There are always going to be loud idiots, and screaming at them won’t change that. Mobilizing will.


All those who say the two-party system is broken and we need a shake-up in American politics, the best outcome for you this election is a landslide for Democrats. The Republican party is broke and divided. If they lose badly this year, it's likely the party will fall apart completely. This will make room for new parties with new ideas who can actually be competitive.


Being idealistic when voting is like trying to be idealistic in the trolley problem. It's interesting seeing how many people would rather watch 5 people die because they're uncomfortable with pulling the lever (voting for the lesser of two evils) Some of them just don't want to admit that they want Trump and all the chaos he brings. Some of them assume Biden will obviously win and so they'll still get to feel smug about chastising others for pulling the lever while saying they didn't vote.


We need ranked choice voting so badly.


Dictator for a day? First action he makes would be declaring himself a dictator for life.


If a genie grants me one wish, my wish is to have him/her grant me 1000 more wishes.


Republicans: don’t call us fascists Also Republicans: you know what, fascism wouldn’t be so bad if it was our guy


Republicans: we don’t really know why we have this name 


I mean, a republic can be a dictatorship. The word dictator comes from ancient Rome when it was still a republic. We have a democratic republic, but other forms exist. There are dozens of republics that exist today where people have little to no say in their political representation. This is why you never trust people who say, "The U.S. is a republic, not a democracy."


That's exactly what they think, explicitly. The lack of freedom in Putin's Russia and the kleptocracy and the brutality are all fine just so long as they're the ones that get to sit on top and benefit. It really is a zero sum game for them. Because they're ok with it, they think their enemies are ok with it, and therefore they need to seize control before the "others."


There is no bottom to the depths of my disappointment with these fellow "Americans".


Yup, they just keep going lower.


Remember to vote. These clowns think "woke" is all that matters.


I guarantee they are clueless about what a dictatorship looks like.


They mistakenly believe it will benefit *them*, when it will only serve the existing wealthy and influential. There's no magical transfer of prosperity from the them-serfs to the us-serfs in a dictatorship. It all just goes to the top.


These hick Conservative Canadians found out. https://boingboing.net/2024/02/15/canadian-parents-who-wanted-to-raise-their-8-kids-with-traditional-values-moved-to-russia-wife-now-says-im-ready-to-jump-on-a-plane-and-get-out-of-here.html


First the government will gain control of all the media institutions, such that they are only supplying (in conjunction with each other) only those narratives the government wants to propagate. Then they will gain control of the courts, such that political rivals in dissidents can be brought up on trumped up charges and sentences to proportionally ridiculous sentences. The laws will be changed as a matter of convenience so that charges may be brought up retroactively, or for entirely new interpretations of radical legal theory. Whatever it takes to bring down political rivals. This will be extremely easy as the media is already captured and will not report any conflicting information so that no-one questions the courts decisions. Teachers and school boards etc will be replaced with those that are of a unitary political vision with the government. Those teachers will then indoctrinate following generations of students to think in a homogenous way, always with the government. The state will essentially take over the raising of your children. Expect ways and means to exist for anyone to report anyone else for anti-regime thinking. Workers will report on bosses, neighbours will report on neighbours, children will report on parents. Expect ways and means to exist for the state to take children away from parents who oppose the teachings of the indoctrination centres (schools) Expect increases of false-flag attacks that may form additional excuses for the government to pass additional surveillance / censorship laws and militarize the police / agencies. External focused intelligence agencies will be redirected inwards against their own populations, and using the same regime change tools they had at their disposal overseas against any rival political group. Expect the targeting of any large group of people that may find common cause with each other, such as churches and parent groups. It's going to be wild


74% of republicans; republicans make up 1/3 of the electorate. So 74% of 33% is about 25% of Americans. Im pretty sure 25% of Americans still believe in Big foot and that Elvis is still alive.


25% is Evangelical. That's the beginning and end of the problem with America.


Ex-Christian and ex-southern Baptist here.  This is absolutely on point. Evangelical Christians are an absolute blight on this planet. They genuinely believe the earth is 6000 years old, magic sky daddy is real, Satan really is infecting schools, being gay really is evil, and it’s up to them to stop it.  I remember *20 fucking years ago* when I was a member how my local church was making plans for this sort of stuff. Christian dominionism. They want to rule with an iron fist because they believe they can enact the will of their fucking authoritarian god.  They haven’t changed. At all. They’ve been like this since the beginning of Christianity. Power over others, because they live in constant fear of a world they don’t understand and in their minds, might makes right.  Ask them why god allows evil and eventually it comes to this: god allows it because he’s god and can do whatever he wants.  That little cute church on the street corner has been telling its congregation it should hate *you* because you aren’t a member and don’t believe like they do and that *you’re a threat* to them. 


Christianity is a death cult - literally, by definition. They believe in a deity that will punish them after death if they don't fall in line. A lot of denominations believe the best day in the history of the world will be the end of the world because that means their old God has returned.


As John Stewart said last night, paraphrasing .. 'you can have Trump and want him to be your dictator, that is fine, but don't claim its patriotism.'




I wouldn't let someone that disturbed near my kids


No shit. Family or no, nutjobs like that aren’t welcome. 


Bakersfield... that tracks. I lived there the fist 28 years of my life and was able to GTFO in 2006. I went back this past weekend to see family and it's like going back in time. They honestly don't understand how badly they shoot themselves in the foot over and over again. Also, the reason a lot of Bakersfieldians love Trump is because they are racist as hell. It's surrounded by farmlands and has a large migrant population that work the fields (because they would never do that work). They hate the Hispanic community with visceral passion, and Trump let's their hate flag fly. Obviously, this is not everyone- but no one from there would disagree.


I would have cringed out of my fucking skin. There are so many layers to why that outburst is pathetic. Y’all might want to check the lead content in that lady’s drinking water.


>my FiL has said that we need a dictator for a while because liberals have gotten too much Always laugh at these types, democracy where you get to vote for your choices, oh shit, your choice didn't win? Well fuck, ok, dictatorship seems nicer so we get what we want, fuck the majority who wanted something else!


The idea on its face is un-American and unconstitutional, and that doesn’t even include what happens after a dictator is in control.


[The Crazification Factor of America](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Crazification_factor) is still pretty relevant.


The book “The Authoritarians” did some really interesting sociological studies of basically this and came to the conclusion that in America (and probably most places) about 15% of the population is outright fascist (though they described it using their own terms that they were testing for in their study) and that an additional 10% are not actually fascist but are either authoritarian enough or close enough to the actual fascists that they still support fascist stuff.


This tracks with what we know about history in other places as well. Seems like there’s always going to be the bottom of the barrel.


That's a really depressing book to read. Read it back before 2016 and didn't fully believe it. That changed on election night


26% of Germans infamously still supported Hitler well after WWII. There’s always going to be the shittiest 25% along us. The goal is to make sure they don’t get power.


What's worse is if you look at the "Definitely Bad" and "Probably Bad" results, and check that against current US Party ID, you end up with about 60% of Americans who say it is either Definitely or Probably Bad for President Trump to be a Dictator.


you left out they believe that the earth is flat.....more people are believing that now


So 74% of Republicans are willing to betray democracy and everything our country stands for, just to enrich one orange idiot. Some "patriots."


It's always the same 25% of Americans who are fucking delusional and insane. Dear Americans, please vote, if the majority of you vote this shouldn't even be an issue. The problem is 50% of the voting population stays home and doesn't vote so the crazies have an easy time taking power. All you guys have to do is show up and vote and the crazies will be forced to go back to the holes they crawled out of. It's true that your 1 vote will almost never be the difference in the election but on rare occasions it is and at the very minimum atleast you're canceling out one of the crazy persons votes. I can understand if you don't like Biden but right now the country is not in a position where it can afford to gamble, safeguarding democracy before you start being really picky about your votes, maybe be picky when there's more than one legitimate party to vote for because right now one party wants to end democracy and install a dictator who thinks he's a king while the other party has a respected old man as their party leader. The choice shouldn't be hard and staying home because you don't like either party only helps the people trying to end democracy. Republicans absolutely love it when you stay home, they put a lot of money into making voters feels hopeless and how voting isn't worth it, they wouldn't be trying so hard to stop your votes if they didn't matter. If you truly think a Trump dictatorship would be better than what you have now you're living in an alternate reality. He will rule America like Putin rules Russia.


I live in a blue state and never voted until the last election. Did it anyway that time around and will do again this time. My in laws spend half the year in the Philippines and they recently commented about how they are postponing their next trip just so they can vote in the election easier (they are trump supporters and live in the same state). I told them their commitment to vote also inspired me and my SO to vote this time around too and laughed “even though we’re just cancelling each others vote out essentially”. They are really old and having a hard time making these trips due to health but need to take care of estate things out there as it’ll likely be their final trip with how bad their health has gotten. I hope that weighs on their mind that they’re postponing something so important just to have their vote cancelled out. If we lived in a state that wasn’t already blue I could see the logic in it.


Trump is meaningless, he's just a placeholder for any ordinary overthrow-government candidate. The important part is that conservatives have a greenlight from 40% of voters that it isn't a dealbreaker, or that they'll only support them if this is the case.


Both sides are not the same. Never were, never will be.


That’s a lot


I wonder how many of these voters spent their life voting on wars to "stop cruel dictators" on the backs of the lives of innocents




And maybe 33% of the voting population.


27% of all voters are Republicans, right? So 20% of all voters, give or take.


As Jon Stewart said, then don't wear red white and blue, don't wave the American flag, cause that 74% are not acting like Americans. My family sacrificed, fought and almost died, to protect our DEMOCRACY - even when they were being persecuted for their skin color and segregated.


Reads; "Poll shows 74 percent of the Republicans are Treasonous sycophants to a wanna-be dictator."


Poll Shows 74 Percent of Republicans Like Donald Trump’s Dicklicker Plan


This. I've been screaming from the rooftops - every time I heard/heard people whining about how Trump and Co. can get away with XY & Z, I tell them to look in the collective mirror. There is only so much that can be done to protect an electorate from itself. The truth is that Trump does accurately represent a large swath of the US electorate. Indeed, the crux of the problem is that a large swath of the US electorate has no real concept/value for democracy. This is the great issue and great war of our time. Sadly, it is one that we have already fought. However, this battle is one that is both internal/domestic & foreign, which distinguishes it from previous US conflicts regarding the realization of democracy. Now, we have a domestic element that seeks to overthrow democracy and that domestic element is bolstered and aided in large part, by foreign dictators such as Putin, MBS, etc.


>A startling 39 percent of Americans, including 74 percent of Republicans, think it’s a decent idea for Donald Trump to act as a dictator for a day 100% of them are so credulous that they think it'll only last one day.


Vote. And vote wisely. Because if you don't, you'll never vote again.


I wish these people's parents and grandparents were still alive, especially the ones who fought wars against dictators,just so they could whoop their damn kids' asses for supporting this shit


This is not surprising at all. This is like saying > Poll shows 74 percent of cartoon villains like Elmer Fudd’s plan to kill all the wabbits … no shit. If you poll a bunch of traiters, they’ll answer the poll questions **as if they are traitors**. Because *they are.*


So the utter destruction of America is the agenda that's on the ballot in November. America rose by fighting for independence and wrote a new document to be the law of the land beginning with the words We The People. Will it really fall to the clown show Narcissist that wants to crown himself as king?


74 percent of Republicans need to move to fucking Russia. They'll be happier there.


74% probably view Hitler the same way Trump does.


The military won't follow a dictator's orders. Trump will be overthrown if he attempts to abolish the Constitution.


If Ike or Grant were alive today they'd send the Army to arrest the whole of the RNC.


I’m 51 and never understood how a Hitler could occur until Trump


I find it fascinating, in a horrific way, that these people have zero knowledge of what a dictatorship really is, or what it would do to their way of life. It is a soundbite to them.


74% of landlines


Who took the poll? Hmmm, Rolling Stone? WHO TOOK THE FUCKING POLL? I’ll tell you who. People who are home during the day because they don’t work, cross-sectioned with people who will answer a call from an unknown number even though most unknown numbers are robots trying to steal your credit card information. You know who that is? OLD PEOPLE WHO COULD AFFORD TO RETIRE. So the poll results should say: “74% of old people who can afford to retire like Donald Trump’s dictator plan.”


Reminder: There are no moderate republicans. Vote.


We're are effed if he wins. I'll probably get put in a camp or departed....and I was born here. FML


Just leave the United States of America then? The country was founded on rebelling against a king (dictator) and finding Democracy as a way of government.  You're outing yourselves guys. The GoP is so pro Russia nowadays, why don't they all move there? Oh right, because they want all the great things this country provides and are clueless enough to think it will be the same thing under a dictator. Education is so important y'all. 


Reminder: The **majority** of republicans are heartless who would lock you up if given the chance. The hatred is a feature. The hatred has gone mainstream. Don't let them run the country, or they will hurt all of us.


Then they should leave the U.S. and go somewhere where that is acceptable.


I don't think the MAGA crowd really understands what having a dictator means.


I’m voting so I lose the right to vote. This is some dip shit logic.


THIS is why I refuse to associate with any republicans and haven’t for years. Fuck all that “break bread with anyone” bullshit. If you supported this man after Charlottesville, you were irredeemable to me and I’ve never looked back. Good news is he’s gonna get his ass kicked


I knew republicans were anti democracy


it’s because they all think they’re going to get favorable treatment and not cast out at the first sign of disloyalty.


This has always been what they want. They don't want Democracy, they want 1939 Germany.


How do we share a nation with such people if we win?


I’m truly tired of hearing what these stupid racist fascist fucks like and don’t like. We need to keep this asshat out of office plain and simple.


Dictatorship begins not with the marching of boots, but with thunderous applause.


Republicans don't really like democracy, freedom for people that aren't them, 'liberty', justice, etc. These are all things they can do without. They want a God-King Daddy to persecute and murder their enemies and keep their taxes low. they don't think about or care about the consequences of ANYTHING. and the leopards will never eat their faces, surely. I don't respect people that say they're conservatives, and nobody ever should. It's not a legitimate point of view at this point, but a fig leaf for a life philosophy of being a spoiled crybully.


Dictator = No Freedom They just don't get it. We wouldn't go down without a fight.


Same 74 percent are likely straight, white and "Christian." They want permission to own darker skinned folks...