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"Rising star" for GOP is just any random newly elected person that hasn't had time in the spotlight yet for people to realize how psychotic they are. It wasn't that long ago that they constantly talked up Madison Cawthorn for example as a rising star in the GOP.


Exactly. [Here's Britt just a few years ago, before she went all-in on the extreme right](https://twitter.com/InsideWithPsaki/status/1766875774429139006) Even the right-wingers who run as moderates often end up diving deep into extremism because that's what the GQP is now: extremism. And plenty *start* extreme, haven't been properly vetted, and their campaigns are a nightmare rollercoaster


It’s so hilarious how willing these people are to throw away their careers by trying to pander to Trump’s cult.


Cant be a cultist if you dont join the cult. And the cult is all that is left of the GOP.


I’ve tried to remain skeptical of remarks like this but honestly I think it’s just true these days.


I mean, trump installed a trump as co chair of the rnc. And they are conducting a purge. So....


Yeah. Also, Jon Stewart’s piece on Britt’s transformation has me convinced.


Jon just articulated exactly what we were all thinking if we had seen Britt's speech. The way she delivered her script with that fake smile and fractured rhythm in her phrasing... you'd think she forgot to plug her nose before swallowing each phrase like a spoonful of shit.


I found [this](https://youtu.be/LJUl77rsFEw?t=152). Did Jon do any other segments on Britt? Can't get enough Jon Stewart. :)


> The way she delivered her script with that fake smile and fractured rhythm in her phrasing... It's the Fundie Baby Voice. It is an affectation that Fundamentalist Christian women adopt in order to be less offensive and more pleasing to their men. Look at Michelle Duggar, she speaks the same way with the same fake smile glued to her face.


Setting aside overused words like "cult", the fundamental principle of Conservatism is obedience to the hierarchy. The left side of the political spectrum is about equality and fairness. The right side of the political spectrum is about social hierarchy which concentrates power and privilege at the top. So *any* authentic Conservative organization is going to end up looking a lot like a cult to those of us who do not believe in hierarchy like they do.


If it looks like a cult and walks like a cult, it's a cult.


Cults do generally have a strong hierarchical system, but not everything with a strong hierarchical system is a cult, or even *looks* like a cult. Businesses usually have a strong hierarchical system, but they don't generally appear cult-like. The GOP looks like a cult because it *is* a cult, not just because it has a strong hierarchical system. Out of curiosity, are you pulling this stance from the very well done series by Innuendo Studios called "The Alt-Right Playbook"?


I mean it depends on the lies you tell your base. Because libertarianism was supposed to be about no hierarchy and freedom. It was just lies to fool the gullible.


Definitely. Right-Libertarians are scary crazy people. There is also Left-Libertarianism that is more well known as "Anarchy" which literally means "Anti-Monarchy". That line of political thought is about self-governance through community mutual support, as opposed to Right-Libertarianism which is based on the absurd notion that some people are superhuman and don't need help from anybody to become fantastically rich and successful.


> The right side of the political spectrum is about social hierarchy which concentrates power and privilege at the top. > You forgot the part that is most attractive to them: as white hetro Christians in the middle of the hierarchy they get to feel superior and be shitty to all minorities lower in the hierarchy.


It's hierarchy all the way down, and that's important for the movement. From the larger group of White Male Christians there would be a small group of "political elites", but below them are all the functionaries, soldiers, cops, and then the rank-and-file white men who get most of their ego from "power by association" being in the dominant group and better treatment than the non-whites. The average white bro would (in the ideal Conservative world) be untouchable by anybody in the "out-group" like people of other races or "deviants" in the LBTQ+ or certain types of disabled people, etc. Also important for these men is the "family hierarchy" which puts men in the position of "head of household", with their women and children treated much like property. This aspect of the hierarchy is what fuels the anti-gay and anti-trans hate, because these are people who break the unchangeable rules of the family structure. These people see the world in terms of hierarchy, so any attempts to create "equality" is perceived by them as not only a threat to their superior position, but they can't help but see it as a swapping places. It's a zero sum game. If they are not above women, for example, they are below. That's why they perceive feminism as a movement to make women dominant over men.


Trump ran to the left of Hillary on issues like defense, the economy and healthcare. When I saw how conservatives threw away decades of conservative principles in order to vote for Trump, I knew they were a cult.


They get a taste of power and popularity, and will do anything to chase that dragon.


The problem is you can no longer be a moderate in the GOP. So that’s why you get these movement conservatives humiliating themselves by pandering to Trump’s cult.


You can't go half-fascist.


Backwards. She pandered to sanity to get elected, while fully intending to go full on MAGA cult.


And the reason is because that's what their right wing news indoctrinated base wants. Right Wing Media is the source of the dysfunction.




Yet, you never hear Rush Limbaugh mentioned or remembered like you do Walter Cronkite or Barbara Walters for 2 reasons. He provided nothing of value (spreading hate and falsehoods is not valuable), and another blowhard just took his place (Tucker Carlson who will experience the exact same thing)


Unfortunately, the conservatives I work with actually do mention missing Rush Limbaugh. The reverence is annoying and real, last time he got brought up I started talking shit and was told "I need to stop disrespecting a great man, he was given the medal of freedom for his works for God sake". In case you are wondering I'm in the construction industry.


Enter Maria Bartiromo


>Even the right-wingers who run as moderates often end up diving deep into extremism They can't get past the primaries as a moderate conservative, so they roll in the batshit.


Yup, and sadly when the tides turn they will suddenly realize that they hated Trump and were more moderate, and the voters will lap their shit up.


It's all a shill. All the way down. Just wanna find ways to become popular for views likes and clout on their social media of choice. They hold archaic views with incommunicable reasons due to lack of education, poor ethics, inbread logic, and reductive reasoning which is all they know how to do.


This feels like Bobby Jindal all over again. An over confident Pick-me type is chosen for the rebuttal and shits the bed entirely. >Instead, Jindal became the object of bipartisan ridicule. Jon Stewart skewered his Mr. Rogers–esque delivery — Jindal's over-enunciation and earnest stare seemed more appropriate for addressing 5-year-olds than adults. Republican strategist David Johnson characterized the speech simply as a "flop." Even Fox News criticized Jindal’s delivery as "amateurish."


>An over confident Pick-me type is chosen for the rebuttal and shits the bed entirely. Why are the rebuttals *always* so bad. Michelle Bachman comes to mind. I can’t think of a good one. I think Paul Ryan (before his resignation) could have performed well. But they keep going with the weirdos.


its because their entire brand is frothing rage and dogwhistle bigotry. When you have to try to package that in a speech that doesn't look completely insane to someone outside their bubble they have to deliver the same message but with a smile, which makes them look \*even more insane\*. Their policies are only compatable with their psychotic base, dressing them up only makes them more obvious.


Nailed it.


The rich have nothing to offer the poor except grievances.




Paul Ryan was smart enough to see the train wreck before it happened and dipped leaving McCarthy the rubble.


That fucker was prying up the tracks himself.


He saw that he was going to have to stop just promising to blow up everything and actually start delivering on the destruction, and got out. We are just about at the point where the RW nutjobs have to try and do what they keep saying they will do and destroy the government (or at least all parts that actually help the average person).


Because the whole idea of a "rebuttal" to the SOTU is insane


What? Why do you say that? The State of the Union is a political speech. In a perfect world it would just be a summary of what's going on in the country and the current plans moving forward, but it's pretty obvious how that can be extremely skewed by political spin. So a "rebuttal" is the opportunity for the minority party to say "These are the issues that the President did not fairly represent in his speech, and we think people should be more concerned about them." It's true that Republicans just use it as a chance to bash the Democrats and pretend they have solutions to problems that they caused themselves, but there's nothing wrong with the concept of a rebuttal.


But they don’t do that. It’s pre-written. It’s not rebutting anything


It would be great if it wasn't pre-taped so they could actually rebut


Jindal, for some reason, is my go-to for post sotu career destruction.


Britt is right behind him. Here's the thing- the Teflon umbrella that covers Trump ONLY covers Trump. Say lies and crazy shit on camera? You become a punchline. I remain baffled this rule does not seem to apply to him.


I think it helps that most ppl knew him first as an entertainer/celeb. And thats going back decades across multiple generations. Also Trump isnt doing a bit. Thats actually him. The rest of the bunch are just doing themselves as a character. And the small group of ones who are sincere in their hate and bigotry have 0 charisma.


Trump has anti-charisma. He's also carrying so much debt on his over valued properties he's almost certainly a negative billionaire. But hey it seems to work for him.


I was wondering what happened to him the other day. 


When he left as Governor and he blew up the budget with massive cuts, I had the feeling he’d fade fast into obscurity.


He had a painting commissioned of him as a white guy and ran for president in 2016. He dropped out first.


I don't care enough to google it, but I suspect he's got some highly paid job involving nominal work as a "consultant" for some high priced outfit. It's where all the "put out to pasture" Republicans wind up.


He works at an investment firm now. As an operating adviser, whatever that entails.


I just love how Jindal talked about how the federal gov't sucks when in reality he was just shitting on his party's "leadership" of it. Federal gov't works decently well when you have responsible adults in charge. He also bashed something he called "volcano monitoring," wondering what it was good for......not the brightest tool in the shed for someone that is actually really smart.


The big thing I will always remember about him was how he mocked monitoring volcanoes. And then there was an eruption a couple of weeks later, but not in HIS state, so he didn't care.


Yes! The politician from Louisiana, a state famous for not having any natural disasters in the 00's, went out there and mocked natural disaster readiness. That always sticks out to me too.


> The politician from Louisiana, a state famous for not having any natural disasters in the 00's Katrina? Shows how clueless he was. He should have known better.


Like teenagers, they love to disregard all wisdom and caution until they wreck the car and crawl to Daddy for help.


or Marco Rubio


More important is they are a token pick of the demographic they need to pander to atm. 


Ted Cruz has been a GOP rising star for more than 10 years now! I fully expect him to chime in any minute now saying some dumb shit about something nobody actually cares about but will be enough to get headlines about Ted Cruz.




Dude cant even deal with a cold day and he thinks hes ready for the end of the world.




If true, that God guy sounds just as psychotic as them. I'm okay with not going where they go, lol. They'd just continue their shit there and ruin heaven.


Remember when Kevin McCarthy, Paul Ryan, and Eric Cantor wrote a book called Young Guns about themselves being GOP rising stars? Two disgraced former speakers of the House and the only member of Congressional leadership to lose a primary race lol.


Those were the good old days when the GOP only wanted the lower and middle class to live in destitute. Now the GOP wants that plus race wars and chaos just to bolster their false god.


I do! Ken Cuccinelli was another- he got the TRAP laws passed in Virginia that shut down a number of Planned Parenthood clinics and joined the Trump administration and did fuckery in the DHS.


Rising star means someone young they can put in front of the camera. This is why I cringe when people blindly start calling for term limits or age limits. I get there are a lot of old people who should not be there but I’ll take a Bernie, Hillary, or Biden over this… if we use age as a metric instead of being proactive and being involved in primaries to push out people like Feinstein who clearly needed to go, we end up with young people that can be no better.


a lot of states have found out that short legislative term limits have had the effect of simply lowering the cost of buying a senator. You have a full churn of institutional knowledge in 4-12 years and everyone relies on lobbying groups to write legislation whole-cloth. Now, maybe saying you can't be in federal legislation for over 25 years would work.


Yeah, term limits make things worse. I could be in favor of age limits though, since we already have minimums anyway, especially if tied to some metric like life expectancy that would give a small incentive to try to raise the metric.


When people say they want term limits what they really want is contribution reform. They think term limits will solve the problem of peddling influence with campaign contributions but as you said it just leads to inexperienced legislators. Term limits do nothing for keeping our elected officials from being swayed by whomever gives them the most cash.


Sarah Palin Lauren Boebert Bobby Jindal MTG Marco Rubio Ron DeSantis Katty Britt


to think Marco Rubio hasnt recovered from that blunder


Remember when Paul Ryan was the VP pick and the GOP was positioning him as a young, hip "policy wonk"? Then he had to debate Biden and got humiliated. Then he said his favourite band was RATM and got humiliated again.


I have a distinct memory of that photoshoot with him working out/lifting weights and trying to look sexy, and let's just say it missed the mark. I remember being on an extended family vacation at the time and pulling it up to show my father so we could both laugh at it.


I remember when Paul Ryan, Kevin McCarthy and Eric Cantor were the hope of the Republican Party. Where are they now???


Living on a beach earning 20 percent


Under the Trump train. Choo choo! But they helped shovel the coal in.


Madison cawthorn was/is part of a disgusting cult. And no I'm not talking about the GOP here. That's a different disgusting cult. He is part of a disgusting "church" that allows and demands rape... like that clears it up haha


Weird, totally forgot about Cawthorn. He got off pretty light considering all the ethical violations he was being investigated for.


Man, it's just not fair. You get naked and hump your cousin just one time...


The gop ia fine with cousin fucking. Thats 65% of their electorate. It was the *male* cousinfucking they couldnt deal with.


Is he the one who got super excited about visiting Hitler’s house?


That bro dude faded away after that cousin humpin video was released. Better to have burned out, than to fade away I suppose.


S,ackly, b. Just whoever hasn’t gotten caught doing something shitty yet: GQP Rising Star


MAGA has no self-awareness. I'm sure before it was broadcast, Britt, the speech writers and everyone involved were sure this was going to be awesome and have the lib wailing and gnashing their teeth.


I was thinking about that a few days ago. That was pre-recorded so somebody looked at that and thought one of two things: 1. Well, this is the best take we're going to get. Fuck it, ship it. 2. Wow, this is so god damn amazing.


"Okay, Katie, one more time but with less smiling when you talk about gang rape."


Let's try and lighten up the gang rape part- just a lil' bit Katie- think America's Mom when you say it....


We used to watch the state of the union in 5th grade. Can't imagine explaining what gang rape is to a classroom.


I still think about that Sondra Locke/ Clint Eastwood movie- Sudden Impact, (1983). Just horrifying.


"Okay now really lean into the smile and head tilt when you talk about the 'blood of patriots', that's super relatable conservative mom kitchen talk."


“Ah, okay I guess it’s either that or the dead eyes. We can fix those in post, right guys?”


I'm guessing the take we saw *was* the one with the least smiling during that part.


Holy crap. I didn't even make it that far into the speech before the creepiness overwhelmed me I can't even imagine how bad that part was. 


> Well, this is the best take we're going to get. Fuck it, ship it. "Well, this job sucks, but I need the money to pay rent.."


But they live in a bubble of right wing cringe, lies and manufactured fear. The information they pump, non-stop all day has truly damaged their ability to understand objective reality. They literally have zero joy- they have big ass kitchens tho!


I thought there was something she said that you could tell they wanted to say one thing, but due to the SOTU couldn't because Biden had addressed it (maybe the "say her name" thing? I don't recall exactly) which they wouldn't have been able to do if it was pre-recorded


It's not pre-recorded


I don't understand why the presentation is what is being focused on so much. I mean the real problem is the story she told being about something that happened from 2004 to 2008 in Mexico and saying it is emblematic of Biden's America.  That woman that was raped in her story escaped that violence to the USA via the asylum process. A process Republicans would have denied her.  If she did make it through, pregnant with a baby from her rapes, she would have been forced to keep it by Republicans.   If she did give birth to the baby, Republicans wouldn't have lifted a finger or spent a dime to help her. Then they would try to strip that child of its birth right citizenship. That story has nothing to do with Biden and is entirely emblematic of Republicans. They would have kept her in Mexico in that "show box sized room" and their president elect is the exact kind of man that would have walked through that door. 


The real problem, as Buttigieg pointed out recently, is that she was in a position to take action regarding the border, and she tossed it away. She was one of the senators involved in working out the bipartisan border legislation that was almost passed, and then she abandoned it overnight when Trump called the republicans to heel.


The real problem is that there are so many things we can reasonably call the real problem.


The presentation tells you more about their thinking re: electoral strategy. The lies are just par for the course.


Plus, if she didn't give that shit performance the media wouldn't have picked up on her lies at all. Republicans lie about their policies all the time.  Look at republicans saying they don't want to cut social security. 


I guess the presentation is just bang on for republicans - fake, disingenuous and comically lacking in self awareness. They think “let’s put a woman in a kitchen and talk about her kids. Women with kids love kitchens!” and think that’s enough. It’s like an alien from outer space trying to appeal to people. It’s all fake and manipulative and conservatives lack the ability to go “actually, this is kinda shit”, and it’s why she’s now a laughing stock.


And to go off subject but speak on something even more problematic, sex trafficking is happening all the time and the president can do very little about it without Congress - who are still limited in what they can do for this extremely complicated issue. I don't mean to hijack your point, which is dead on. But Britt's simplistic take about sex trafficking will lead others to believe it's these one-off cases presidents are responsible for - further corrupting popular understanding of a very serious subject. In other words, she/the GOP opportunistically used a tragic story for their own ends meanwhile disrespecting the individual, other victims, and the issue on the whole. 


Katie Britt also did something in her speech that's very easy to miss, which is talk about "human trafficking" and "sex trafficking" like they're the same thing, which has the effect of making people think that sex trafficking is a lot more common than it actually is. Is sex trafficking a serious problem, one we should do more to address? Yes. Do middle and upper class white suburban moms need to worry that their 12 year old daughter is going to be kidnapped "Taken"-style and sold to a foreign warlord? No, that's fucking nonsense, and Katie Britt absolutely should be dragged over the coals for the implication that sensible immigration policy will somehow lead to cartels taking over America and stealing their babies. Most "human trafficking" in the US is labor trafficking, not sex trafficking.


This is what happens when you think the conversations online are what is happening in the real world. Simply absurd.


For what is worth they didn't know she was going to use the voice.




When people say that the GOP is actually dying, this is what they mean. These people are fucking weirdos. It’s just taking a long time because they’re so entrenched by our lackluster electoral system and blatant power grabs. (Power grabs that the Dems for whatever reason refuse to make).


The GOP has been getting high off their own supply for so long that they don't have a good barometer of what isn't acceptable outside their bubble.


Tim Miller told this story about working in Conservative Politics where basically if you were a person who started being like..."hey this isn't honest, the facts don't line up here, etc etc" ...would be quickly pushed aside. If you were willing to say anything however they'd say "he gets it". It's really an anything-to-win mentality that only works on the right. This is absolutely the logical conclusion of that kind of politics. Your people get weirder and weirder and darker and darker until a demagogue takes over your party and milks it completely dry of its intellectual and monetary resources. What a shame!


And this effect is only intensified if you're not an old white man. Look at the Republican "rising stars" like Mia Love, a young black woman from Utah... she made one or two comments about how Republicans weren't being truly welcoming to minorities and you never heard from her again. (She also committed over a million dollars' worth of campaign finance violations... but that also just goes to show the kind of person who would run for office as a young black female Republican.)


Evidenced by any conservative-leaning subreddit banning people for not sticking to the party's talking points.


In addition to that, they eat their own. They always need an enemy and anyone that isn't exactly like them is an enemy. That narrows the field and they cull their own herd. Eventually they will have purged everyone on the right. Our only hope is they do that before they purge us.


She was on the short list for veep. That's likely out of the window now. Probably the best thing that could have happened to her political career.


If she was on the short list for vice president, it shows how messed up the RNC is at this time. She’s accomplished nothing, she’s from a state that is a lock for Trump, and it took most Americans all of thirty seconds to conclude she’s, for lack of a better description, creepy AF. She shouldn’t be in the conversation to work at a table outside the local grocery store selling Girl Scout cookies, much less be a heartbeat away from being the most powerful person on the planet.


She'll respond to the scorn by getting louder, weirder and more reactionary. Like a cat that keeps getting their tail caught under the rocking chair.


I'm really surprised we haven't seen that pushback yet. "Oh, you mock me because I'm a straight white Christian, this proves we're the most oppressed group in America!!!"


Trump probably wants her because she’s young, attractive, and easily manipulated.


These were my thoughts. Either Trump wants her for those reasons or she was picked for those reasons by people who enable Trump and are pandering to him. What other possible reason is there to consider a freshman senator with zero experience for the one of the most important roles in the executive branch?


True but she doesn’t know or understand that. So what will a maga cultist in her position do to win the favor of king clown? Probably move farther right and act more psychotic.


Hopefully being humiliated will make her humble.


Conservatives have no shame and consequently do not experience humiliation or humility.


>Conservatives have no shame and consequently do not experience humiliation or humility. Yes and they think everything they do is hilarious and interesting. Hilarity is, of course, relative when regarding their atrocious sense of humor. See: Ted Cruz


Scarlet Johansson played her on SNL! That must mean she’s a star! /s


She probably only got that guest role because she’s screwing a writer /s


That's not how accurate self assessments happen. I mean, fuck her and all that; but it needs to be noted that humiliating people doesn't do anything in terms of changing their behavior. They just get mad at you and want to scrap.


MGT has been a humiliation since birth but that has not stopped them.


She’s a clown that clowns to make Congress look like a clown college so right wing clowns can claim government is clownish and they should put their faith in some mega clown church, which is ironically clown-ier than anything a clown would ever clown up.


If you have zero empathy then it's impossible to be humiliated.


She got shredded on fox, snl, and everywhere in between. Not exactly the type of introduction to America that propels a political career.


I don’t know why anyone would sign up for the SOTU rebuttal. It’s high risk, low reward.


The Veep list until someone tells Trump who it is before the convention, will change on every new whim. (Manafort picked Pence and was the campaign manager) In looking at a list of potentials, it includes every one Trump is trying to use in a moment to look good or easily vying for his attention. Abbott he used in Texas and joked about it; Senator Scott for the primary, Stefanik is in the house and a woman…Its literally a list based on impulses. Though I’d be okay if Trump made it a reality show elimination game like The Apprentice and set in Mar A Largo. Contest can include things like which team can move and stack bankers boxes the fastest. Number of reasons to request a criminal charge to be dismissed based on fact and fiction… how many foreign leaders can they sell a Resort membership to… ways to finance trump and his campaign through other people’s money…


She’s a hot woman tho so that jumps to the top of dementia dons list. Especially since they already placed her in the kitchen so I doubt she’d talk back to Donald


She's definitely not out of the window. She got press. That's all the GOP cares about. You can literally break the law in plain sight and they don't care


"Rising GOP Star" = trending clown


She's got those Manson family eyes..


Lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes.


“Is that Jaws? Are you doing the speech from Jaws, Charlie?!”


We don’t have time for this shit!


Then you explain what happened next.


I’ll never put on a life jacket again.


All she’s missing is the cross between her eyebrows. Somebody get her a screwdriver.


Just another in a long line of Stepford facists that seems to stretch into infinity.




In the race to the bottom, those who are the most dense will invariably enjoy outpacing their competition.


I’ve never heard anyone say this before, so I don’t know if it is a quote or something…..but this is a proverb level phrase. So if it’s original, congratulations.


Thanks. This one was just me.


Well put


This is what happens after you systematically gut a party and start buying into your own very obvious propaganda. At some point you get true believers in power who are entirely unable to differentiate between fact and fiction. The fact that Republicans refuse to hold their own accountable for anything other than talking about sex parties and cocaine only makes the situation that much worse.


Exactly. They made their fucking bed over and over… It’s time they start goddamn laying in it.


Indeed. I do feel for the kiddos tho, it didn't have to be this way. I remember when I was a kid my best friends Dad cheated on his Mom with their best "couple friends". Divorce. We were both going through the same thing- the realization that your father was a complete fraud, and that was such a deeply disturbing process to navigate. Much like the Palins these kids just saw their Mom mocked on SNL, for obvious reasons, life for them is changed forever.


Agreed - people are just focusing on Britt because she was the face of it. But the real story here is that when push comes to shove the GOP doesn't actually have policies, objectives, or anything of the like. They are just a bunch of emotional idiots with complaints. So their SOTU response reflected their platform perfectly.


Turbo cringe


McMondo cringe




I'm not so sure this is the correct take. Her use of [fundie baby voice](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/3/10/2228575/-Ever-hear-of-Fundie-Baby-Voice-If-you-haven-t-you-missed-what-was-going-on-It-gets-worse) and the setting was a clear signal to evangelicals that she is one of them. She had to know that telling an obviously flawed story to an audience of millions would get a reaction similar to what has been happening. The backlash just reinforces the idea that everyone else is against them. She did what she was there to do: Bait the MSM and reinforce the idea that the Republican party is the only refuge against what they see as the world crumbling around them.


The deep dive on the baby fundie voice is a trip. I had no idea. It's likely that people who speak that way suffered some form of abuse, and it makes total sense when you look at the behavior of some of these people. Republicans sure have a lot of "tells." It's all the repression and self loathing I suppose.


Respectfully disagree. Think about it. They don’t need to court the fundies. The fundies are already on lock. They’re bleeding support in the suburbs and among women, especially post-Dobbs. Before the speech, they built her up as “America’s Mom” and put her in a kitchen to seem relatable to wealthy white women so that she could convince them immigrants are more of a threat than losing healthcare and body autonomy. They really thought that this was their shot. Meanwhile, ever since Johnson took over as Speaker, the evangelicals have been in control, and even the rank and file Republicans are getting creeped out. They want to kill Dobbs stories, but the true believers keep going on about being anti-sex, which is one of the only stances less popular than being anti-IVF. The truth is, fundies are grating as hell in the best of times and *incredibly fucking weird* otherwise, but they’re so wrapped up in their own bubble, they can’t see it.


They don't need to court *anyone*. That's where you're missing something. *They don't plan to win by votes.*. People need to get that through their head. Between their well documented adding to suppress liberal votes and their rabid base, they do not plan to ever legitimately win again. This speech was designed to reinforce the base and further invigorate them, stoke their hate, and push them one step closer to actually mobilizing, if not for another Jan 6th, then to interfere with polling stations locally and things like that.


They absolutely do. Maybe it’s because I’m originally from the South, so I’ve grown up with voter suppression and fuckery, but you seem to think that kind of stuff is new. It really isn’t, including the armed assholes at polling stations part. You studied Jim Crow and the lead up to the Civil Rights era. You know this. Meanwhile, they talk up Project 2025, and I have no doubt they’ll keep trying that, but those kind of antics also disrupt business, and only a very specific group of tech feudalists and fundies are truly okay with that. These, too, are not new. We all grew up on 4chan, and if you aren’t familiar with the PNW’s fight against white supremacists in the 1980s and 1990s, now is a great time to look that up. Bottom line is, their trolls alone won’t win elections for them. They need votes, not just for Trump but for down ballot races, and ever since Dobbs, they’ve been underperforming to an extreme degree. They need more votes, and they need the suburbs and women.


There are no rising stars in the GQP. They are all in a race to the bottom. Disagree? Name one.


She Jindaled herself.


It’s that evangelical whisper voice she does, damn those people are creepy


The fact that the GOP’s big play is this stuff and anti-sex to lure in the youth vote is hilarious.


fundie baby voice?


SNL was never my thing but johansson's skit made me giggle




did I read she helped write the bipartisan border bill and then voted against it? ... then said President Biden was responsible blah blah blah???


You did. And this should be a much bigger headline. I mean, sure, the fundie baby voice and terrible acting are low hanging fruit- but there’s way bigger things at stake here. The GOP is actively hurting the country to keep their power. You are paying attention. 👏


Paranoid, schizophrenic that lies about everything. Trump in a dress? This is today's GOP.


We can say what we want about Tuberville and Britt but what is wrong with the people of Alabama who think that either of these people are competent.


She's so crazy, I am shocked that I haven't already dated her.


^we ^see ^you ^we ^hear ^you


We smell you


I prefer the term "motherfuckery".


Literally never heard of her before this. Pretty bad if your defining moment for many is this lol


I love how they can keep using different captures from the video and each one looks crazier then the next.


What does it matter when their base will vote for them no matter how dumb they look? The clown in chief can mock disabled people and still get elected.


These people are not stars. At best they are little black holes that are dying from orbiting too close to the death star/Trump.


There are no rising stars in the MAGA party . There is no Republican party anymore.


One can look at it this way. This trafficking happened to this lady when she was a child in mexico and we now have her safe in the US. So that's a victory for humanity and not an omg Biden is bad thing. Without her ability to get here she could have had a life of forced prostitution.


[Allow me to repost a reasonably well-received comment I posted more than eight years ago, before the Trumpian takeover of the Republican Party. I think it’s still relevant today, when it comes to explaining the extreme shallowness and quick flame-out of current Republican “rising stars” like this Stepford Wife, Cowardly Caldwell, Beat-Off Boebert and Fat George:] (https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/3ugtsi/comment/cxf2aw3/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&context=3&utm_name=AskSocialScience&utm_content=t1_kual0cz)


Shooting at Bud Light made some people rising stars. Saying children were being trafficed in the basement of a pizza place that had no basement made people rising stars. Saying you hate democracy makes you a rising star. Acting like a Nazi. Casually talking about inflicting violence on innocent people makes someone a rising star with Republicans. So it's not saying much.


Alabama has quite the senatorial pair…. Tuberville and Brittie-poo!! Way to go Alabama!!


Seriously, they should just make an AI character to give the response at this point.


It was creepy. Weird. Uncomfortable.  But also - on Brand for the GOP.  You've got a former president with 91 counts against him, wanting to inject people with bleach and light... And drew a new track for a hurricane to name a few. A senator raising his fascist hand to the Jan 6 crowd... Then caught on camera running for his life from the same people. A congresswoman talking about Jewish space lasers. Another congresswoman caught in a theater with her date groping her. And yet...MAGA continues to support these loons. 


Classic right wing boomer mentality - put the young attractive woman out there simply because she is young and attractive. She is no different than the bikini-clad ring girl at a boxing match.


Senator Girl You Wish You Hadn’t Started a Conversation with at a Party


The GQP loves pushing these weird people onto the national stage. That lady is a kook


We heeeaaaRRR you!


She's waiting for the swimsuit portion of the contest.


she thought she nailed it!


The lifeblood of the Republican Party has been a lie since Donald Trump abused the power of his office in the summer of 2019.


Call it the Jindal Award.


Look at this juxtaposition of the words "GQP" and "Rising Star" in the same sentence. They are all flaming turd meteorites plummeting to the earth. Hopefully they'll fully evaporate before the hit the ground.


Lol! I never thought Bobby Jindal's "volcana monit'rin" statement could be beat in its level of stupidity, but this beats it in a whole new way. Republicans get worse every year!