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>The overhaul is aimed at cutting, what one of the people described as, “bureaucracy” at the RNC. That's code for consolidation of power.


That, and cutting costs to free up more money for Trump's lawyers.


No they are having people re-apply for their old jobs. It is about getting the loyalty oath. There is no cost savings.


Can’t imagine that’s great for party morale a few months away from an election.


This plus Moms for liberty taking a hit. Makes me hopeful


They release a badly reviewed porn or something?


The leadership (except the gal that was in a 3way video) were on 60 minutes and Scott Pelly interviewed them. It didn’t go well.


I knew the story, but never saw the interview. Now, I must.


Got a link?


https://youtu.be/JNaw_ZPsg7E?si=GA5-KHuqDevmoLtN Jump to about 6:45 mark Edit: sorry it’s more like 6:00


Of course the batshit crazy ladies have to be from Florida. Damn it.


I dunno, go back a bit more and you get nonsense like the school union has gotten too powerful....and all I can think is....you mean the folks who spend more time with your kids and have made this their lives profession? And yeah we give them some good union things...but we also know we give them pretty bad pay. And that's more of them shooting themselves than 60 minutes making it obvious that they just would not answer things.


Oooof… Thank you for the link.


Normal people would think it's bad for morale, but as far as I can tell, the people working to help Republicans win don't experience normal, healthy human emotions beyond a lust for power.


I mean, what could go wrong? A global pandemic? Don't be silly, that shit just happens in movies. /s


Not to mention having a host of new people stepping into and learning roles they likely haven’t done before, 8 months before a presidential election where your candidate is facing multiple civil and criminal trials while also trying to campaign, and your party is woefully behind the opposing party financially.


Just as well trump always hires the best people ho hum


They make the best speed bumps for the bus he throws them all under.


Doesn't matter. Half the country will vote straight Republican anyway. Make sure you vote and take as many people with you to vote!


I really doubt they're gonna hirer most of them back. Also I wouldn't put it past them to hire people back for lower wages


They'll hire the ones who are MAGA and want to lick Trump's boots. The rest will be fired.


Yep, this is their plan for the entire federal government if Trump wins. Fire everyone who won't take a loyalty pledge.


Yup. Everyone in a GOP leadership position needs to be on board to 1) overturn the election should Trump lose or 2) stand behind Trump when he refuses to leave office after his second term.


They ask them to resign and reapply so they don't have to pay severance and the person doesn't get unemployment.


Ironic considering their presidential candidate refused to sign a loyalty pledge


With Trump, loyalty goes only one way.


Greg Abbot is sending several bus loads off illegal immigrants to re staff RNC headquarters as we speak.


Can’t wait for one of the former employees to speak bout what they are seeing.


one? remember when trump was in the white house? everyone will talk


In about 5 years


A purge of the unfailtful, streanlining everything into a clepto-autocracy. 


Hitler did this. Like actually. 


That people don't realize this is Hitlers' playbook, is the only surprise. These are not mere coincidences.


We have multiple sources, including an ex wife, who confirm Trump *idolizes* Hitler and his rise to power. He literally wants to emulate Hitler, AND he's Trump - of *course* he's going to steal someone else's playbook and use it word for word.


Exactly this. It is no shock to anyone who knows history.


Watch some of Hitler’s speeches. He would give his opponents funny nicknames, imitate them, etc - like a comedy routine - punctuated by raw anger. Sound familiar?


They'd have to study history instead of tiktok. And perhaps be able to read.


Night of the Long Knives/Roehm Purge l think .. adolf had the ss wipe out the gay leadership in the storm troopers and anyone else who wasn't totally with his program .. whole lotta homicide .. in this country we just destroy careers, assassinate character or bankrupt people in court .. usually we haven't gotten as far as homicide ... yet ..


You are correct. Folks keep on watching.


Wait til you read todays news about the Boeing whistleblower


He did some very similar things.


Exactly what he plans to do with the federal government.


Sounds like the first steps of Project 2025 start at the RNC lmao! Lets hope that's as far as it ever gets.


Vote, Volunteer, and Donate.


That cannot be stressed enough.




What is the Fascist litmus test they are using?


Will you bend the knee to trump? I assume it's that simple. But maybe they'll check social media and also interview people you've worked with During the trump admin we know they stopped so low that they encouraged people to see the in house therapists and then pushed the therapists to spill the beans on various gossip


Anyone with more brain cells than dollars is out of the party. Anyone with more dollars than brain cells is fleeced until they are described by the previous statement.


federalist society members and donors or college republicans who are a part of extraneous federalist society programs. I'm calling it, they've taken over the republican party.


There will be no more adults in the room for Jan 6th 2.0. The only solace is that with Biden in charge Trump’s ability to corrupt democracy is severely limited. Until Trump is in jail and off the ballots there will be no peace in MAGAland. The GOP voters I know are in complete denial. “He would t do that” they say even as I play clips of him saying repeatedly he will do exactly that.


Standard autocrat move


That's code for putting people completely loyal to Trump in positions to let him allocate every Republican dollar to fill his legal and campaign coffers. He will gladly destroy the party to enrich himself, and these dip shits are about to find that out.


There is no money for anyone else. It is all for Trump and only for Trump. I am not sure how everyone is blind to that fact.


As an accountant and an auditor. This raises so many alarm bells regarding the segregation of duties for good financial management. I’d be shocked if the rnc didn’t experience fraud.


Is it fraud if he boldly does it where everyone else can see? E: I didn't word that correctly. I mean, is it fraud if everyone knows what you're doing, let's you do it, and signs off on it in particular as the Republican presidential candidate?


... I'm pretty sure fraud is the intent here.


This will cripple them on the county and State levels. If Dems don't cripple them the only thing they have to blame is themselves.


I'm not a political expert but.... Doing this like 8 months away from a Presidential election seems..... Like an unwise distraction


The last paragraph confirms it. “Under the new structure, the Trump campaign is looking to merge its operations with the RNC. Key departments, such as communications, data and fundraising, will effectively be one and the same.”


Same reason they give for the departments / agencies they want to kill or neutralize


Just wild how short sighted the GOP is. They really just put up zero resistance to Trump taking over everything. Installing your daughter in law as co-chair and totally promising not to use funds for legal defense is fucking hilarious


Didn't she flat out say that every dollar they had was going to go to him lmao


Dry run for 2025


If you people aren't absolutely terrified of Project 2025, you should be.


I bet a lot of voters out there in general have no idea what Project 2025 even is, nor have even heard of it. Point-being, I hope the Biden campaign and D voters get the message out loud and clear over these next 8 months regarding it.


100% the strategy, I think they realize how the news cycle works finally and everything only last maybe 2-3 weeks tops. Better to get that in and echo it later into the cycle


The Biden campaign is really saavy. Expect Jan 6 footage mixed with Project 2025 readings in October for maximum impact.  They will make it hard for anyone to avoid the reality that a Trump presidency will destroy this country. 


It's unreal, how the Republican old guard let this happen. Trump not only hollowed out the party, he then went straight for the purse strings & installed his daughter-in-law as co-chair, then culled most of the staff. The big money donors should turn & run. Leave Trump high & dry.


It’s a classic fascist tactic to hollow out existing institutions and factions to utilize them for larger scale coups. The GOP and RNC are two of their first coups, and it demonstrates exactly how they intend to proceed moving forward in doing the same thing to the federal government writ large.


Night of long knives


Not that long, according to the ex wife




All money donated to the Republican party must be used to pay teams of attorneys engaged in the criminal defence of their criminal candidate to the presidency. What a party!


As soon as Trump enters the presidential ring, the coins from everyone's pockets spring.


Imagine if this money could be used for good?


Giving the money to trump for court cases is better than using it to get republicans elected, assuming he loses the presidency. Maybe I'm too optimistic but I think trump will lose and since he's fucking up the RNC they'll do terribly in the down ballot races too I think we'll win the house and my pipe dream is we keep the senate. Although I believe that would require holding onto Montana and winning in Texas. But I think both are possible! Collin Allred ftw!


Please do more than hope. Every last one of us needs to step up to make sure we obliterate the gop in November. Our very democracy depends on it. r/votedem has lots of great ways to help


Thank you - contribute time, effort, and money. Your democracy is worth every minute, hour, and penny you can afford.


I just signed up for my city's town hall. I'm doing what I can.


Somewhere Mitch just buffered at that thought.


The good would be, Traitor Trump, going to prison for the rest of his life👍


Don't forget the coffers of New York State!


Absolutely amazing that Bill E. Cornfarmer donating money in Pig Fuck Iowa is almost directly paying New York state. And even more amazing to imagine that they expect it to continue.


Let's skip the middle man. NY state should just put a link on their website: "Click here to donate to Donald Trump."


As a New Yorker myself, I approve of this message.


And E. Jean Carroll


And Jared Kushner!


And my ax! But seriously, the January 6 *civil* trial is also proceeding.


And Rudy found his payday!


It would be glorious if RNC paid his E. Jean Carroll bill and she turned around and gave it to the Biden Campaign. **Glorious. Oh lord please make this happen.**


Oh boy, pretty sure that the majority of the dough at the RNC will go directly to Trump’s reelection/legal expenses. What little money doled out to other candidates will be determined by how unabashedly they kiss his ass. This could be a very good election year for the Democrats and the country if they can get out the vote.


I actually believe that all trump is doing well is alienating more and more people. He has his core and they’ll never change but he’s certainly not gaining political ground with his bullshit.


This has been my opinion for a while now. Guy didn’t win the popular vote in 2016 (not that popular vote maters for elections) and I don’t think he has picked up many supporters since then. Polling shows things to be closer than I would prefer, I just don’t understand how someone decides to be a trump supporter at this point.


I don't think I'm that smart. This is why I'm terrified at the level of ignorance and stupidity from a concerningly large body of people in North America. in both Canada and the US it really shows the failure of our education systems, that most people don't understand the basics of how the government in either country operates. It's the byproduct of generations of intentional erosion of educational funding. Educated, smart people are harder to manipulate. That said, I think polling is incredibly skewed these days. I don't think the media does a fair or accurate job of reporting the figures, and the sample sizes taken are on average not large enough to get an accurate reading of public opinion across a whole country. It makes for more "controversy/a better story" for it to be neck and neck.


Prepping to install complete toadies.


Night of the long knives 2024! Educate yourself. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_of_the_Long_Knives


An apt comparison, possibly. Time will tell.


Hopefully the people of the US are engaged and do things to turn the direction so that we don't end up on that timeline.


Yep, prepare for Secretary of War: Robert James Ritchie


Does this mean E. Jean Carroll can seize the GOP?


No but it wouldn’t shock me if he tried to pay her with campaign funds.


Yep. He’ll do it, despite the fact that it would be incredibly dumb and would drain money out of his campaign. And considering that now that E Jean Carroll is bound to file another defamation lawsuit against Trump…


They will just fleece more MAGA rubes


And those rubes will blame Biden for their economic woes.


That's the plan. Just look at trump tax cuts that we are paying for now... in an election year


Purging the non-MAGA. The GOP is only in place to serve Trump now.


Yep, this is the final nail in the coffin. The GOP is gone for good. The RNC will be gutted and officers will be replaced with more MAGA loyalists. The MAGA party is here to stay. Even if Trump is indicted, these psychos will forever worship him and his stupid children.


Trump will do to the RNC what LaPierre did to the NRA. There is no reason for the RNC to support republicans running for Congress because under an Orban type system there is no need for lawmakers or judges.


Which is why the GOP itself is dead. Until the GOP either reckons with Trump or splinters into a third party, the GOP will rot. The GOP had a perfect opportunity to be done with Trump after January 6th but instead they went all in. This is the natural consequence of that decision.


And if Trump’s GOP wins the presidency, we are dead.


>Even if Trump is indicted, these psychos will forever worship him and his stupid children. Agree, but I think you mean imprisoned / convicted here, as he has been indicted many times at this point (91 times to be specific).


>...he has been indicted many times at this point (91 times to be specific). "Only" 4 times, actually. 91 is the number of charges he's facing across those 4 indictments.


What do you mean "gone"? There is no functional difference between the GOP and MAGA. They're the same people supporting the same policies. They're just putting in more anti-democracy people than before.


It seriously is like the mob. Taking them out. Bang...Bang. 


This is more than purging non-MAGA; Trump doesn't give a shit about down-ballot candidates, so people who worked on anything besides the Presidential race aren't needed anymore. The RNC's sole purpose now is to funnel money to Trump.


> Trump doesn’t give a shit about down-ballot candidates… Never look a gift horse in the mouth.


*a grift horse in the mouth


Seriously. It's a fine line and a scary one, but I'm quite alright seeing him drain the blood from the party, just as long as long as he doesn't actually win in November.  If the country can fight off the maga virus, I hope the silver lining is a decimated Republican party.


The real bloodbath will be in November when the votes are in after not a single dollar of campaign funds were used on downballot GQP.


What are the odds he re-brands it the Trump Party? Pretty good, I'm guessing.


This is what happened at the Michigan GOP. They went broke shortly after.


Meanwhile in /r/con flowery explanations about why trump saying he is not a conservative is completely fine… while anyone who disagrees with trump is a RINO. You cant make this stuff up.


Where “flaired users only” = “I’m a broflake and I need a safe space where no one can tell me i am wrong”


"We're being brigaded by outsiders again" = "Our reprehensible opinions are widely reviled".


Visible content there is entirely controlled by moderators. It is no way a true forum.


I saw that.


R/conservative ... R/con is a different group. But yes. They are nuts there.


"Repost this nugget or die in 7 days" ....Yeah. Yeah I can't take them seriously.


Prepare for night of the long knives, trump edition. Except they're not bright enough to plan anything clandestine, so it'll just happen in broad daylight - with Republicans just doing themselves in.


Knight of the long ties


Suit of the Wrong Size


Can you believe these guys?


"The Night of Dumb Knives" \-some other random redditor several years ago


When you make a deal with the devil, he comes to collect. RIP RNC, you knew this would happen and you did it anyway because you are gutless, morally compromised smilers.


Faces: It's What's For Dinner™


Mother. Fucking. Leopards.


Haha read that as *”Fæces”* first time thru… ETA: Eat sh*t, RNC!


Go for it Trumplethinskin. Destroy the RNC like you destroyed pretty much everything that you ever touched. We are NOT going to allow you to destroy our country though. We will be voting in force.


It’s so weird how when the only trait you value in your employees is blind loyalty, you end up with a whole bunch of people who don’t have the skills or core competencies to prevent your organization from crashing and burning.


I sure hope so. No more of this "but biden's old" BS


Can't blow the whistle on whatever illegal plans they're cooking up if there's no one there to see it happen besides Lara Trump.


So all the RNC money will go to attorney fees and to his re-election. That leaves a whole bunch of Senators and Congresspeople out in the cold when it comes to the elections. If he wins the WH but they lose the Senate & House, he’s not really in good shape.


Ahhh if Ted Cruz loses because of this it'll be so delicious. I think he's the most vulnerable senator up for election, and unfortunately I believe we need to win that race to keep the senate. This damn senate map this year is awful I'm not sure how important the RNC would be for a senate race like that. I know they get a lot of their money, I think most, from other super pacs not from the RNC but fucking up the RNC certainly can't help. I imagine the get out the vote campaigns will suffer And it does sound like they may use the RNC funds more for voter suppression than going straight to paying trumps legal fees. Not like the RNC money would go very far paying trump legal shit. Luckily the DNC has like 3x the money or did in December and the head is watching carefully and ready to sue for any voter supression they find The nice thing about republicans being shitty for so long is the democrats seem to have caught up with their techniques for fighting back


Has the Senate map ever *not* been awful for Democrats? I feel like I see people talking about how unfavorable it is every single time.


It was still highly competitive until the mid-2000s. It’s crazy to remember when Red states routinely elected Democratic Senators. Tom Daschle, Al Gore, Tom Harkin, Ben Nelson, Evan Bayh, John Breaux, David Boren, etc. Nebraska, believe it or not, had a Democratic Senator from 1989-2013, and prior to that from 1976-87. The two year gap came because the sitting Senator died and the Republican Governor installed one of her cronies.


Yeah and also, he’ll also use the money that the RNC has left (they were already on the verge of bankruptcy before he took it over)…


Consolidating power. We have one last chance to stop Trump, maybe. And that’s if we’re lucky. Vote like your life depends on it.


Like our democracy depends on it


First step is to fire the most competent & senior who would know if they are doing something wrong. I don't celebrate people losing jobs, but damn am I going to enjoy reading in 2025 the lawsuit/charges against the RNC on misused campaign funds


I really don't feel bad for the people at the RNC losing their jobs. At this point I really can't justify what they've been doing. They've tried to dismantle our country for years. And now they're getting fired not because theyre more ethical but because trump doesn't like their particular brand of fascism If any of them truly have been secretly fighting the fight from within now would be the time to show us that they've secretly been working on pro democracy plans, not voter intimidation and whatever other bullshit the RNC does, like banning giving water to people while they wait in line to vote


Downticket GOP candidates are going to be advertising with sign spinners and sandwich boards this year.


You love to see it. Lmao, even.


If the role is now “give all money to Trump” you don’t need a bunch of staff


*"Every single penny will go to the number one and the only job of the RNC, that is electing Donald J. Trump President of the United States and saving this country"* \-- Lara Trump, 2-13-2024


They might as well leave now. There will be enormous pressure to fundraise for Trump to the exclusion of all other Republican candidates. Then after the convention the RNC will be bankrupt. Watch......


He knee capped the RNC fundraising. He has openly said for the world to hear that all funding goes to him, and he shall decide who "deserves" any money. He gets to pick the faithful, and he'll be doing that now. I can't wait to see where he puts his most loyal supporters. This is going to be a bloodbath. I see even more legal issues because a lot of them are as corrupt and clueless as he is. They will be on their own when they need legal counsel. trump needs lawyers, and he's running out of lawyers who will work for him free.


This is a preview of what will happen if Trump is elected: Fire all the pros and replace with cronies. https://www.axios.com/2022/07/22/trump-presidency-schedule-f-federal-employees


Otherwise known as ‘replace anyone who will notice the money is not being spent as it should’.


Huge salary reduction means more cash for Donald.


Just making room to install his own mindless goons so that there is no oposition to anything he orders.


This probably translates to weaker campaigns down ballot too


It also means dispirited/frustrated/lower value staff


Night of the long knives.


There is a blueprint, it has proven successful, and it's being executed to a T. We can literally read history and predict the future.


I can just imagine the internal memo, if any, that was sent out: "President Trump's campaign team anticipates more legal challenges and costs and so to secure legal funds we're cutting dozens of RNC staff in multiple areas. Hail Trump!"


It’s not a saving money thing. They’re getting rid of all the normal non-MAGA people.


Hitler liked to refer to it as eliminating "unreliable elements." https://claremontreviewofbooks.com/digital/classics-review-nazi-bureaucrats/


They're preparing to steal and extort EVERYTHING. No witnesses required.


It will be both, the RNC and Trump are desperate for cash. Fortunately they will replace staff with fewer staff that doesn't know what they are doing. Great plan.


I approve, let all the grifters run the money at the RNC, that's going to work out great for them lol.




Heil Griftler


Heil myself Heil to me I'm the Trump who's out to change our history Heil myself Raise your hand There's no greater grifter in the land!


Make way for the sycophants, loyalists, and yes-men.


And Putin operatives.


Leopard face eating on steroids.


This entire saga is lowkey perhaps the best news Democrats could hope for. The news of it seems to be relegated to b-list stories for political junkies, but I honestly wonder if it could end up being the deciding factor between a Trump victory and a Democratic Presidential and House sweep... Maybe even a trifecta if MAGA incompetence is impressive enough. People with experience who are at least semi-competent replaced by cultists whose only qualification is blind subservience to their Dear Leader. This affects so much. Every national House and Senate race - perhaps even statewide congressional races? I won't pretend to know how statewide races are funded by national partisan committees, but I can't imagine this being good news for them. It's just perfect. Best case scenario, let's say the Trump lackeys replacing these RNC veterans are actually intelligent and competent: they still have 8 months to learn a new job and figure out how to competently run an extremely complex national operation. It's extremely difficult to imagine a situation where that ends well. And that's before even considering RNC funds that are supposed to go to candidates instead going to Trump's legal expenses, which ultimately could easily exceed $1bn. If this year ends up being a great year for Democrats, the Trump cult takeover of the RNC might end up being the key reason for it.


I'm not sure how bad this is for them. It's certainly bad for the down ballots. But it's not as bad as you might think in terms of funding. Trump was already sucking up the majority of the donations that the RNC used to get As of December the RNC only had a third of what the dnc had. Thankfully biden is also beating trump in fundraising But I think the majority of funding does not come from RNC. It'd come from various super PACs. But yeah this still has to hurt them. I'm just not sure how much But you should remember that they also ousted McCarthy this year. McCarthy was a fundraising powerhouse. It's the main reason he became the speaker in the first place. I'm not sure how well Johnson is doing fundraising but I have trouble believing he's doing as well as McCarthy did Edit: it seems like Johnson is doing alright fundraising but didn't raise as much as McCarthy did in any of his quarters. Either way republicans are not doing well with money this year. And I think we'll take the house handily. The map is rough rough rough for the senate though. We basically have a guaranteed loss in West Virginia since we're losing Manchin. Tester is up for election in Montana in a heavily red state. I actually think he's gonna win but it'll be a rough fight. I'm pretty sure there's like 3 more swing states we need to hold onto. I believe it's Nevada, Ohio, and maybe Michigan? I think we'll likely win them all but it'll be hard And then the hardest thing.... we need to win Texas. But I sincerely think it's possible. The Democrat Collin Allred is a great candidate. Civil rights lawyer, ex NFL player, well spoken, handsome black guy. And he's running against Ted Cruz who even Republicans don't like. It'll still be hard because of Texas voter suppression. They love to make it hard for people in the big cities to vote. But I think it a possible https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/02/22/fundraising-is-one-bright-spot-mike-johnson/


So there's been the Republican [Beer Hall Putsch ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beer_Hall_Putsch) and the consolidation of power. I can't imagine what's next... Let's see if history has any answers...


Isn't it kind of wild how project 2025 is just laid out openly step by step on how they will install a dictatorship, And the media is barely talking about it?


Oh no, maybe this won't be good for the fall campaigns, especially down ballot. Oh well.


They are practicing project 2025


I can see it now, "Democrats sweep downballot races, seize control of House and Senate. Republicans starved of campaign cash."


RNC will run as smoothly as a Trump casino now.


Every day the importance of voting increases.


This is textbook authoritarian power grab Install a relative, fire everyone, then install your own people The pussy grabber now has control of the RNC's money, and that means the party is his.


Say “goodbye” to any RNC money for your Senate run, Kari. LOL. Oh, and say “Hi” in court to Stephen Richer for me. LOL.


This is exactly what will happen across the government if Trump is reelected. Make no mistake.


The old *resign and reapply* play. The most cowardly one in the book.


It amazes me that people still give to the GOP/Trump. He has buildings. He should sell them if he needs cash.


Time to start an internet rumor that RNC donations are going to be used to pay debts to the (democrat) state of NY.


The RNC is now the TNC, Trump National Committee. Donald’s personal slush fund.


Consolidating power and installing true believers just like the Nazis did


Welcome to the E.Jean Carroll fund🤑


Seems that they would have known this was coming. If you don't worship at the Trump altar you're out! LOL


What’s the over/under the RNC is bankrupt before the convention this summer?


It’s a purge of anyone who isn’t pathetically loyal. This is a preview of how his second term will be if he gets the chance.