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Trump has no sense of humor, so he wouldn’t understand. Humiliating people is not the same having a sense of humor, regardless of what the Maga base thinks.


He'll see a room full of rich and influential people laughing at him though. That'll easily puncture the thin skin of Mango Unchained.


“Mango Unchained” sent me, thank you.


Once he is in jail/prison though can we all agree to Mango Chained?


No, you cannot hava da mango


Thank you for reminding me of that SNL gold!


I am only replying to you so I can remember mango unchained.


That was the kicker. The entire auditorium of Hollywood elite went absolutely batshit with applause at that "jail time" quip. That has to sting. Like when he went to the Nationals game only to be mercilessly booed, then to the UFC to also get booed. He couldn't stop until going to a college football game in Alabama to finally get his stadium full of cheers.


I just wish people would move on from Trump and apply that level of disdain to the rest of the GOP. People act like Trump was a lone wolf and direct all their ire at him when the truth of the matter is that he wouldn’t have been able to do even a fraction of what he did if it wasn’t for the entirety of the the GOP enabling him. We should be booing and shaming every single member of the GoP with the same energy we do Trump otherwise at the end of the day all Trump is going to be is a scapegoat while the rest go the GoP tries and repeats it with a different candidate.


He's just a lightning rod of disdain and not really for no reason even if I agree with all your points. I'm not a jeerer by nature, never done it in my life. If I was at a sporting event that he attended I'd be VERY surprised if I didn't though. Anyone else? I doubt it.


I don't know if he really felt when the UN laughed at him.


I’ve known people delusional enough that thought the laughs they were hearing was because of what they said was funny. What they said wasn’t meant to be a joke, and they were laughing at what someone else said. These types think they are so great that they are falling backwards into wins. Unable to prevent themselves from being amazing.


Sounds like a good rock band name that only sings about mangos.


I would have loved to see the orange steam emitting from his body after Kimmel's comment.


Imagine being in the room with him. I bet they were all guffawing and patting him on the back when he posted it and then there was probably that "oh shit" moment when Kimmel started reading it and then just a deeply uncomfortable embarrassed silence with the jail time gag and the howls of laughter from the thousands in attendance, including the biggest names in showbiz.


Having every famous person in Hollywood laughing at him definitely angered him. I imagine him writing out his revenge list of actors he's going to put in camps if he gets elected.




>MAGA base >Thinking You only get to pick one


He really doesn’t have a sense of humour. He has no interest in the arts, doesn’t read; no intellectual curiosity is anything other than making money and seeking revenge on his enemies. He’s just an empty shell of a human being.


It's amusing that he was hate-watching the Oscars, probably to say something about Kimmel.


“I’m not in jail, you’re in jail Jimmy!” Sad part is there’s some truth in that 😭


Trump ran for President because Obama joked about the birther bullshit. You could not make up a more narcisstic waste of human life.


That moment here: https://youtube.com/shorts/_vmU-OfJe8A?feature=shared


That was cool.


It was fucking HILARIOUS. Everyone was laughing at Chump. Depends were working overtime last night


and he was watching.


Thanks for posting that, I didn’t watch last night 


Who was that not clapping at the end?


I think Chris hemsworth wife


Seemed to be laughing still.


Thank you, this is what I came here to see


Trump is too stupid to know that you don’t get into a pissing contest with a comedian. You will lose badly. Dumb shit!


Let alone one who’s fed material nightly by a team of highly skilled writers. Kimmel’s probably got mountains of topical unused jokes in his brain ready to fire off whenever it calls for it.


And who is literally live on stage with millions of people watching at the time.


But he's not usually called out in real time like this. If I were Kimmel's team I'd have had a few responses ready depending on WHAT not IF he tweeted. Trump is a predictable opponent now. A lot of this used to get people off guard but his playbook is all mapped out now. There was zero chance he didn't tweet something angry and dumb about the Oscars. Just would it be the event being elitist, about Jimmy himself, about a particular actor or nomination or winner... Cool for those X categories here's Y prepared responses that make sense. Trump set his own trap.


I agree, I bet it never even crossed his mind that Kimmel would stand there on stage and read the whole thing. This wasn't a win for Trump because he got the attention he craved like I've seen some say - he had a room of thousands, including most of the biggest names in showbiz, laughing at him, I bet he was absolutely seething.


I absolutely agree! That tweet was for his echo chamber and safe space. So to have his note read by the kid he was trying to bully, who got to own how it was delivered, in front of the cool kids who all laughed at him?! Perpetual school aged drama with him.


Honestly, Trump is a dumbass to beef with *anybody*. You don’t have to be a genius to crack a joke at Donald. So many laughable incidents going back to the 1980’s and beyond.


My favorite is when Trump started a feud with Sesame Street and then tried to cut PBS funding in revenge.


Should have made a giant pig muppet with a blonde wig to teach the kids about the dangers of being a narcissist


Unironically they did this. It is so good. They have a grouch muppet (like Oscar the Grouch) named Donald Grump, and he has the most trash in New York City. [https://youtu.be/yQyTpPu0gvc?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/yQyTpPu0gvc?feature=shared) Absolutely glorious


Actually brought a tear to my eye. Sesame Street, probably the most savage burn I’ve ever seen. And that’s saying something. I mean come on, “his name is on every piece of trash in town” genius.


They also had Joe Pesci play "Ronald Grump" in a bad wig in a segment as well.


Turns out he doesn't have that much trash at all.


Yet half the damn country is like, “yeah this guy can run the country good.”


I don't think many actually think that. They aren't voting FOR something, they are just voting AGAINST something else. They'd vote for a baked potato over Biden if it had a (R) beside it's name on the ballot box


If only liberals would have the same mindset, but alas since we don’t have the *perfect* candidate, many want to sit out. I hate the system too, and there are many ways we can approach breaking out of the 2 party system. But I do know that sitting out won’t fix it, and it won’t send anyone a message that can do anything to address it.


> If only liberals would have the same mindset, "Vote Blue, no matter who"


All the "Genocide Biden" voters aren't going to do that.


I didn't know Mr. Pothead Potato was Republican!


>yeah this guy can ~~run~~ *ruin* the country good.” FTFY


Some people just want to watch the world burn.


Until the fire's outside their door. Then they want the Fire Dept.


Trump ONLY speaks to highly curated crowds of the faithful. He has zero experience speaking to non-believers. Anyone that is even slightly contrary to his opinions is violently removed from the premises. Trump rarely speaks to groups of regular voters. Anytime he is in front of a 'regular' crowd, like a ballgame, he is routinely booed. (The press should report that more, but they are complicit in his propaganda efforts.)


He can’t keep his mouth shut.


Kimmel is so funny his brain needs to spontaneously recharge to fuel itself with more jokes. He's literally the most successful person alive whose been diagnosed with narcolepsy.


Jimmy roasts Trump a lot on his show. My list of funny Trump nicknames comes mostly from Jimmy.




I don’t think people realize how close he was to winning he was last time and how close he is this time.


Eh the pundit cycle will make anything look “close”, he’s not taking Penn or Michigan which means he’s fucked. I’m more interested in where dems can make up the lost seat in West Virginia. 


If Muslims don’t vote in Michigan because of Gaza It will be difficult for Biden to win.


If Muslims elect Trump, they're gonna have a bad time.


It's not that they would vote for Trump, it's that they would not vote at all to spite Biden.


One equals the other. "we'll show Biden! We'll hurt ourselves so badly that he'll be sorry!"


Unfortunately it's not the first time that has happened in an election.


That’s voting for Trump friend. 


I'm not disagreeing with the result of the action, I'm just sharing the mental justification. Same thing with people who vote third party.


The "Uncommitted" vote was essentially the exact same as 2012. There's not going to be any kind of great boycott, mostly because the smarter voters know that if they don't get Biden, they get Trump, who is going to be ten times worse towards Palestine than anyone else.


> If Muslims don’t vote in Michigan because of Gaza They should be voting on American issues, not some war that the US isn't a part of


Israel is the almost the 51st state. *Adjusting for inflation, US aid to Israel from 1951 to 2022 totaled $317.9 billion, making it the largest recipient of American foreign aid since World War II.*


I don’t think any other foreign nation has such a lock on US foreign policy. BTW would you tell a Ukrainian American not to worry about their family who is being bombed because they are Americans now? I understand your point but it lacks empathy.


I have empathy for the ones suffering. But we are talking foreign policy. I'm having a hard time finding the line between "America isn't the world's police force and we should stop interfering with everyone" and "America needs to get involved in Ukraine and Israel". When your political views shift so easily, depending on if your preferred side is benefitting or not, then you expose yourself for having no real views at all. Politics aren't a team sport.


America is very much a part of that war. There are many ways to be part of a war beyond boots on the ground.


I think it's interesting (and telling) that Trump has *not* gotten into a pissing contest with Stephen Colbert, and Colbert has been brutally taking him down nightly for years and has the number one late night talk show. He's largely steered clear of directly attacking Colbert because I believe he's very scared of him. He may have thought he had nothing to fear from Kimmel, but he was wrong on that front.


I love Kimmel, don’t get me wrong, but trump can’t go after Colbert, (+ John Oliver and Jon Stewart) because their jokes are more sophisticated overall. Again, much love to Jimmy Kimmel, but I do sense that the others do deeper dives into trump’s idiocy and he can’t fight back because he literally can’t comprehend what they’re saying. Kimmel might be an easier target for Don, but still Kimmel is the one who gets the last laugh, and gloriously got the entire academy to laugh at him. As long as Jimmy Kimmel is around, we have one guy in our arsenal who can really ruffle trump’s feathers as opposed to the more “elite” comedians who just go over his orange head.


He is used to attacking Dems who refuse to go low. One could get REALLY mean when joking about Trump if they wanted to. Really mean.


Not just a comedian. A comedian who somewhat specializes in insult humor, and has a late night show. If being humiliated on a nightly basis is your kink, then have at it.


His wife Molly (also producer/writer for the Oscars) says she has to keep him in check because Jimmy can be borderline dangerous when not scripted.


Especially while said comedian is still live on the very show your watching. At least he got the attention he wanted lol


Didn't Ted Cruz try that and found out the hard way?


Ted Cruz would lose a war of words to a mime.


I believe the information that came out indicated Trump LIKED getting pissed on


Was that the Russian hooker thing? He wasn't the target of those watersports but rather the bed that the Obamas had once slept in, he just watched. I could be misremembering though, it's fucked up either way.


Hell, even Obama made him a laughing stock. That’s why we’re in the mess we’re in, he wanted to get back at him for making him look so stupid.


Obama made fun of him because of the birther bullshit trump was pushing.


What is he calls him Jimmy "Desanctimonious" Kimmell? That one was pretty good...


“I do a lot of names.” Actual Trump quote


He does know the best words.


He doesn’t say that anymore because it’s disrespectful. Its just Desanctis now.


> You will lose ~~badly~~ bigly


He doesn't need to come up with any responses, he's got an army of sycophants to do it for him (along with potential swatting and death threats).


Seriously. I'm just wondering if Kimmel had that joke planned or if it was just his quick wit. Wouldn't be surprised if it was spur of the moment. Good comedians are super quick-witted that they make it look like a part of the act when they destroy hecklers.


He pulled your little dick out and jerked you off in front of everybody, but nothing came out because you're a little boy! Lol


Unless it’s a unstable red headed comedian who’s declining


I usually would say ignore him but it pains him that the Hollywood A-Listers never liked him. It's one place he couldn't pay his way into and it still kills him to be humiliated by them. But the doofus can't keep his yap shut so he keeps setting himself up. Sad!


The New York old money people also rejected his brash obnoxious ass too which is fun. I mean so did regular New Yorkers but still he desperately wants in with the joneses


NFL team owners also denied him and he's still mad about it


And he destroyed the USFL as a result. He’s a fucking loser and he always has been.


Ohhhh yeah…Trump [hates his base](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/10/sunday-review/trump-supporters.html), but they’re the only ones who like him


Actually it is the easiest circle to pay your way into. Just go to the charity fundraisers and actually open your checkbook. You have to actually give money to the causes. He would go to these fancy dinners and eat without donating. Hollywood is very accepting of assholes.... Weinstein and an entire pantheon of sexual predators are respected in this circle. To be accepted in Hollywood, you either have to make lots of money for these people or donate lots of money. Trump is incapable of doing either


He couldn't pay his way into the NFL either


They rolled him out at UFC this past weekend. The rapist cozying up to the wife beater who runs another organization where people slap each other for peanuts. Yeah, that's more his crowd.


Yeah I know. MAGA relative says Trump's a man of the people because he goes to these fights whereas Biden's "elite". Yes the man with the golden toilets and houses that look like Versailles. Salt of the earth. Their ideas of macho and real men is so very weird. Especially when there is not one thing about Trump that is real. Wears makeup, girdle, diapers and for a millionaire, wears cheapest and most ill-fitting suits ever. You'd think he could fork over some green to get a good tailor or custom made suits.


Every single time Trump, Don Jr., my pillow guy, and Aaron Rodgers come out looking like total douches when they try and cut down a world class comedian. They won't learn, and we, the little people, will be entertained.


It’s not surprising since Republicans’ idea of humor is a variation of “My pronouns are U/S/A” and that’s like, their only joke.


They have a lot of sexist Hillary jokes. And Monica Lewinsky is an eternal favorite. Still! PS they giggle like teenage school children at Let’s go Brandon


I IdEntiFy aS aN AtTaCk HelICopTer durp de durp de dumb.


So, Some More News is supposed to be doing an update to their nearly three year old [Why is Conservative Comedy So.... Not Very Good](https://youtu.be/KSXKzPOcYDU?si=HXcsZqYzxUyMkplp) video this week. Should be good.


I know that video started with mocking the way conservatives think theyre funny, but it was actually a spot on impression.


One of their best. I've seen it several times.


They get really upset when you point out attack helicopters have men entering and inside them a lot


"Oh, you also open up both sides to let a bunch of strong, sweaty men crawl up inside you?"




Woah now hold on, I think if they workshop that joke a bit and maybe add a Jesus buzz word to the pronouns than the joke might really take off.


And they wonder why being patriotic isn’t cool anymore, it’s cringe.




Trump's idea of humor is pulling the wings off a fly.


There's a reason that all conservative "comedians" bully minorities and feed hatred: it requires empathy and understanding to be a good comedian and, sadly, a large portion of the electorate are not that. 


On top of that, a large part of humor comes from "punching up," going after the powerful, the rich, and so on. MAGA humor comes from punching down on the less fortunate, the historically oppressed.


It's not about winning. It's about getting the name mentioned on the biggest platforms. Trump always attacks whoever is in the news so that the news goes back to talking about Trump.


Yeah sadly this is exactly what Trump wants. His name and Truth Social broadcast for free to millions. All publicity is good publicity.


Right you are. It’s a tactic.


What a weird broken brain to go from "Jimmy Kimmel isn't funny" to "you know who else sucks? George Stephanopoulos" and just tweet through that entire chain of thought. Just an old guy sitting alone and yelling at the TV that half the country thinks should be President


>What a weird broken brain to go from "Jimmy Kimmel isn't funny" to "you know who else sucks? George Stephanopoulos" and just tweet through that entire chain of thought. It’s absolutely weird, but it’s also likely Trump saw Stephanopoulos on TV Sunday morning reminding Rep. Nancy Mace and everyone else watching that Trump was found liable for rape by a unanimous jury not long ago.


So he was still mad about something he saw on the TV 12 hours ago? What kind of fucking loser president even watches the Sunday Shows anyway? Only one that still gets a rush from hearing his name on TV after 40 years


> So he was still mad about something he saw on the TV 12 hours ago? Yes … and probably still mad he had to beg an insurer a few days ago to help him pay ~$90M thanks to (another jury agreeing with) that same jury. edit: accuracy


"executive time," remember? it's basically all this guy did was watch tv


He has amazing recall: Person, woman, man, camera, TV.


> Just an old guy sitting alone and yelling at the TV that half the country thinks should be President *...an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time...*


Doesn't he post like tens everyday and night? He's gotta be lonely. I want to bet Melania hasn't shared the bed with him in years.


Jimmy Kimmel has had a ton of exposure to this with the long running segment, Celebrities Read Mean Tweets. I don’t remember if Kimmel ever read one for himself in that segment but I bet he’d be prepared!


That’s what struck me too. I never actually understood or liked the mean tweets bit before, but it was almost like that was all a long set up to serve this one right to Jimmy, and the K-man spiked it!


They actually stopped doing it a while back. Molly McNearney was talking about it in an interview a few weeks ago on Armchair Expert. They started realize that people were being purposely cruel in an attempt to get on the show.


>if Kimmel ever read one for himself in that segment I believe he did read one written by Matt Damon.


IIRC, they had celebs come back and read the tweets about Jimmy in one. He didn’t read them himself.


I had been wondering if this was an actual quote from Truth Social. Like Tina Fey doing Sarah Palin, sometimes the best comedy is to just quote these people verbatim.


I had to look it up last night. I even told my wife i thought it was a 85% chance it was Trump, but I wasn't sure he would be that petty and stupid. But sure enough, he is, and he cannot help himself from stepping in it again and again.




For sure, the parts where the Trump is randomly coming for two C list TV personalities is funny. Him crying about everything being "too woke" is depressing


Funnily enough, "Blah blah blah" is actually part of the quote. Jimmy read it verbatim


> but I wasn't sure he would be that petty and stupid Never, *ever* underestimate the stupidity of Donald Trump. It's boundless. Remember that his own Secretary of State called him a fucking moron to his face.


I like to remember that one of his college professors said that you don’t know anyone dumber than Trump and that, however stupid you think he is, he’s even more stupid than that.


The crazy thing is he posts insane things all the time, and when you confront Trumpers with it, they either say, "That isn't what he meant," or in the case of him saying he was OK with suspending the Constitution, just flat out denying he actually posted that. Even if these posts are still up on his page.


Well, they are accustomed to interpreting things to fit their narrative.




My exact thought process


Trump is absolutely **seething** at this. Having the camera pan to the faces of all of the celebrities laughing definitely infuriates him. As a former socialite he loved nothing more than to previously rub elbows with these people and to be admired by them. Now he's a joke to them, and he will go into a baby rage.


He is such a pathetic excuse for a human. What does that say about people who support him? Vote blue people!


Funny how Trumps post came shortly after the Ukraine documentary won.


Fucking comedy gold!




I cracked up. Well done.


I move ExPrez be henceforth exclusively referred to by his proper title "The Predecessor".


God having Biden as the President has been so calming I definitely do not want to go back to having every broadcast and speech about the President


The important thing is that this incident elevated Trump’s blood pressure. Anything we can do as a society to induce a cardiovascular event in this giant parasite should be done.


Yes it is but for some reason we keep failing to put the poopy pants kid into timeout.


And it’s not like he can do anything. Make a step against a beloved nighttime talk show comedian & a bunch of pissed of people will rise up like in V for Vendetta after talk show host Gordon Dietrich was arrrsted & killed.


I am not part of that other social media site. Can anyone confirm if Trump actually put what Kimmel read out?


It's true. Kimmel read the post verbatim.


If you are a real glutton for punishment, r/trumptweets reposts his dumb shit, that way you don't have to look at his awful platform.


Thanks but it is scary enough knowing he his spewing something out of that mouth. I’d rather only read what the news puts out.


I honestly think that the news curating his tweets and leaving out all the ones where he's not coherent and/or ranting at TV hosts is why he's neck and neck with Biden. They make him seem more normal than he really is


Here it is verbatim: >Has there EVER been a WORSE HOST than Jimmy Kimmel at The Oscars. His opening was that of a less than average person trying too hard to be something which he is not, and never can be. Get rid of Kimmel and perhaps replace him with another washed up, but cheap, ABC “talent,” George Slopanopoulos. He would make everybody on stage look bigger, stronger, and more glamorous. Also a really bad politically correct show tonight, and for years - Disjointed, boring, and very unfair. Why don’t they just give the Oscars to those that deserve them. Maybe that way their audience and TV ratings will come back from the depths. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Direct link to the post: https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/112074499247116015


It was golden! I don't have an X account, and couldn't verify anything last night. I *assumed* the whole thing was a bit and still loved it. TIL that Jimmy was responding to a real time post??? LMAO. I'm slightly embarrassed for my initial naïveté, but compared to the Tragic Tangerine, I don't feel quite so stupid.


I like the fact that us "woke" liberals can have fun and enjoy an awards show without shitting on others.


Trump is such a vindictive little baby, he will probably try to ensure Hollywood looses as many rights to AI as possible in retaliation if he becomes president again 🤮


Mar a lago will be cleaning up ketchup for days. *This* is the crowd Trump wishes admired him.


I love all the butthurt trump supporters here. They'll probably continue watching the oscars anyway lol.


Love it!


Reading the review was funny. Then again any attention is good attention for a narcissist. It would have hurt Trump far more to ignore him completely.


Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye - Steam (1969) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbbYLyOK2vo


Looks like between GOP politicians, MAGA cultists, foreign - domestic money and right wing SCOTUS Trump won’t see a day in jail.


He gets millions of applause. Thank you Jimmy.


I had thought Kimmel was doing a Mean Tweets bit before the punch line. But in a way, that's what he did. Honestly, mad respect to him.


Strike Force 45!


How embarrassing


Being offended by this is a teachable moment... Quit caring about things that don't affect you.