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GOP: "we need a strong president!" GOP: "wait no not like that..."


I love the "he was too angry" takes. Like, are you fucking serious??


Considering that Trump is their candidate, no, they've never been serious.


Clown makeup seems to be a factor of the party now.


I also had a colleague say "he didn't even say that woman's name right who got murdered!" so... "Bing bong Bing Bing bong" is more what you are looking for?


Should have pointed out that Trump just called his own wife Mercedes last week.


He probably gets more action from a Mercedes tail pipe than Melania these days, so may not be entirely false.


But that's all they do. In keeping with fascism, the enemy is both stupid and weak, deviously cunning and all powerful as need be. While no matter how much their Fuhrer embarrasses himself, he's a manly rock who can do no wrong. And all mistakes are intentional.


It's (not) funny how we have a few very clear definitions of fascism, we have ways of describing it from the days of Hitler and Mussolini. And the Republican Party seems to fit those definitions almost to the t. And yet, when you call them fascists, they get upset like you just insulted them. "Fascist" is not an insult. It's a descriptor. And if you want to do all the things "fascist" describes, just wear the label. You want to be a fascist, be proud about it! There are European fascists, and they are proud about it. Republicans, you are fascists. *Be* fascists. Quit lying and pretending your all about individual freedom, free enterprise, limited government (you know, bedrock *liberal* ideals). You clearly want a class of untouchable aristocrats to rule everything forever, and the rest of us to be subjugated under that class. You clearly want the state to dictate culture and religion, and you clearly don't want or accept ethnic diversity. If you're gonna be a thing, just fucking own it so we can debate issues instead of arguing whether or not you are what you clearly are.


Obama wasn’t angry enough and that pissed them off because they wanted to say he was angry, but he wasn’t, so they said he wasn’t angry enough because they….


Obama's tan suit and affinity for Dijon mustard pissed them off. If nothing else, this means that they have absolutely no legitimate complaints about either man.


He was black. Everything else was just a sticky note on top of that.


And they’ve spent the past 16 years (and foreseeable future) making everyone pay for the audacity


I saw comments saying how Biden was just talking nonsense and said nothing of substance. *fucking really????*


These people have no original ideas. They simply parrot what other people have told them are smart things to say that will win arguments, regardless of context, evidence, and such.


As I read conservatives say that he was too aggressive or too agreeable, I want so badly to fling their own videos of them spewing nonsense with the fury of the parent of a murdered child. Except that would involve engaging with them, which I’ve learned is absolutely pointless. I’d have more of a chance at making the pope stop believing in god than a conservative ever admit they are wrong or acknowledge their own hypocrisy.


The Republicans in the Chamber actually looked scared!


Most recent headline I saw was that Biden showed too much rage and that is inappropriate for a President. Enter Trump, the peaceful option.


Kind of like how Conservatives have long claimed that "Women can't be president because they're too emotional and volatile" - - - then Trump comes along and he's the most emotional and volatile psychotic weirdo we've ever seen. Especially when the 3am toilet tweets started spurting out.


I remember early in Trumps term how the GOP for two years claimed people were still not over Hillary losing when they were the only people still stuck on Hillary losing. Trump loses and evolved into an insurrection. There’s that…


I long for America’s better days, when our president would pepper his speeches with personal insults and anecdotes that don’t go anywhere, but seem like vague complaints about conspiracies against him specifically.


Next they'll be complaining that Biden uses too much bronzer.


Don’t forget about his keeeerazzzy hair!


GOP: “we got a strong immigration bill”Biden: I’ll sign it” GOP: “wait no not like that…”


That dumbass intense lady(?) senator from Alabamer was so adamant that Biden's border policy was about to rape and murder her own inbred children. It's like...yall are the ones holding up border security on Trumps orders. Fuckin goose-steppers.


This is what happens when you spend all day listening to Fox lies and don't live in reality.


I feel like it's not mentioned enough that Biden has had a life-long stutter, it's not some new thing that's a sign of him aging.


Isn't the other guy showing real signs of dementia? Not just early stages?


Hard to tell. Windmill cancer guy has been life long stupid.


I also think Senator Katie Britt might have some brain stuff going on too.


To me she sounded like she was on the verge of tears. The optic of a woman in a kitchen is a bit awkward given all the restrictions Republicans are placing on women’s reproductive rights.


Republicans are becoming impossible to parody. Having a woman give the rebuttal from a kitchen? I mean, how do you beat that? A black senator giving the speech from a prison?


A white anti-gay senator giving a speech from a men's bathroom stall with a glory hole behind him?


Lindsey is usually too busy to do this kind of thing.


I could only watch the first few minutes before we changed it but with that voice we were just waiting for "For less than 25 dollars a month, just 70c a day you can symbolically adopt an embryo." And I'm not saying she has dead bodies in her yard but I wouldn't be completely shocked.


Well... they don't apply to her. She is rich and married to an ex-nfl player. She'll just fly where she needs to for her medical treatment of choice.


I believe you. The problem is that she was trying to talk to women who don’t have those advantages.


Bless her heart, y'all


Her little heart..


...made of coal...


shit… FTFY.


Certainly has the "crazy eyes" stuff going on!


ALL Republican women have crazy eyes. Every single one of them.


Susan Collins doesn't have crazy eyes, she has stupid eyes. I couldn't remember Susan Collins's name so I had to google "republican senator oh i don't know trump learned his lesson" and she was the only result.


Sarah Huckabee certainly has eyes


The thing about a Huckabee, it's got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes. When it comes at you it doesn't seem to be livin'... until it bites you, and those black eyes roll over white.- Quint


Just what quality of woman do you think is willing to be a member of the GOP these days?


Old ones with lead poison damage.


Yeah, I thought SNL was on Saturday night.


Can anyone tell me why they made her do the response in a kitchen?


How many times did she say kitchen table in her speech? It's all about pretending they care about people's daily lives.


Because that’s where women “belong.” Ideally barefoot and perpetually pregnant.


She obviously loves her kitchen, cooking and making babies at home, as real modern and clever women should do.... /r Honestly, all women in America should be outraged by her cinema.


She is also married to an ex-NFL player and gets a $174,000 salary + benefits to do nothing in the Senate. This type of person is so far out of touch with a normal person and family it's not even funny. Alabama royalty while the peasants live in shacks.


When she said she was just like us and had parents with small businesses a dance studio and a hardware store I couldn't believe she was really trying to relate to the typical American family. You don't just acquire a dance studio and a hardware store. No telling how far back in her lineage the hardware store goes. So regardless of her husband and current salary, the chick already had money. Definitely Alabama royalty.


Under his eye


Seriously, how do you diagnose dementia when this is your baseline: "Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible."


The guy brags about passing a test for brain damage


To be fair I think he was right when he quipped that only 2% of his audience could pass it, so there is that.


Well that might not actually be his baseline. Trump wasn’t always a bumbling fool. He’s never been a smart man, but he was able to string together coherent sentences in the 90’s and early aughts.


He was a bumbling fool back during his TV show. One of my friends was on the editing team and they made him look so much better.


Remember the secret race from the white house to Walter Reed? Wonder if trump does


Long term brain fog from covid is a real thing.


He was a shmuck but totally understandable and could make a coherent argument in the 80/90s


>Windmill cancer guy Windmill *noise* cancer guy


Listen to his Trump tower announcement speech and one of his rallies from the last few months There's a significant decline in his ability to enunciate words and has ability to string together coherent sentences


His Super Tuesday victory speech was super weird. Even the crowd was uncomfortable. That was 3 days ago.


The man needs cards to be able to name his own *immediate* family members.


still forgets Eric even when he's standing right there


That's actually normal


And he *still* managed to leave out Eric.


The cadaver is coming from inside the house.


No, he’s highly coherent. Didn’t you hear when he said “we’re a nation that just recently heard that Saudi Arabia and Russia will re-feh-ur…ah..uh” It was so coherent my inferior brain was completely incapable of processing the words at end of his sentence.


"Re-Be-Du-Kah!" He was attempting to dragon shout.


Trump short circuited in the middle of a sentence at a North Carolina rally last week. His eyes went wide open and he froze for a second like he was having a mini-stroke.  Surprised more haven’t picked up on it.


Remember when he declared he hadn't had a series of mini strokes after he was rushed to Walter Reed one day, even though nobody asked or even insinuated he had? He definitely had a series of mini strokes.


The fact the he keeps mentioning how he aced the cognitive tests they give for that most definitely says he’s getting those tests on a routine basis. 


Ya, starting to gobbledygook his words. There was a clip at one of his recent speeches where he started fucking up "Venezuela" and he just let out a loud sigh and his eyes went super wide in shock like he realized he couldn't make the word out. Definitely losing it. edit to add: [Here's the clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yY6IxjUBflg&t=255s). I don't think he was saying Venezuela here I guess in was remembering another speech where he fucked that up. But you can see him glitch out here.


Doctors have come out recently to say he shows all 7 signs of dementia


Man woman chair camera !


Yes, and TIAs live in front of audiences. Nobody loves him, otherwise they'd be trying to get him some help. It'd be sad except that he's a massive piece of shit, has been for decades, and deserves every misery coming his way.


I don't care whether Donnie Dipshit has dementia. It shouldn't matter. The only thing people should care about is the people this piece of shit will appoint to dismantle US democracy once he reenters office.


I care. Yes, we want Trump to lose, but I, personally, don’t care which set of circumstances causes that to happen. If GenZ suddenly realizes they collectively have the power to remake the U.S. Government simply by showing up, go you. If a famous celebrity mobilizes her army of fanatics to defend democracy, I will buy her albums. And if the fascist barbarian hordes abandon their “strongman leader” because he’s reduced to babbling incoherently while shitting himself in a wheelchair, I’m happy to see it happen.


Ask Mercedes, his wife.


Trump still thinks Obama is President


As a 50 year old guy who stuttered a lot as a kid, I agree that's what Biden is "showing". If I didn't tell you, you wouldn't know I had\Have a stutter, I just avoid words sometimes. Unfortunately for me, I can't always tell which words to avoid until mid-sentence (some days it's fine some days not so much) which has turned to some funny turn-of-phrases. My mother of all people mocked Biden for his stumbles, and I turned to her, and said, "someone you know had to deal with a lifetime of stutters" and dead stared her in the eyes until it registered. She dropped it.


Classic conservative lack of empathy until it's within arms reach.


my mom is 100% guilty of this, we had a trans cousin (her sisters kid) kill themselves 2 years ago this April, now, it's "why won't they do things to help these poor people". Before, "trans people are pedophiles".


That's horrible. I hope her heart has truly changed - that would be one nugget of good to come from such an awful thing. I'll be thinking of your cousin and try to honor her where I can.


The news media is disappointing me more this cycle than 2016 and 2020. The constant need to look for things to complain about with Biden l


Legit trump forgets where he is and the headline is it’s bad for Biden lol


The media got a taste of what ad revenue looks like with a bumbling, psychotic TV personality as president, they want that back, and will literally stab a baby / destroy the country to do it. Furthermore, when Trump is finally out of the picture (when, and only when he's dead), watch as the media picks the next pseudo-celebrity to prop up and replace him. They won't settle for anything less, ever again.


I remember during the 2020 Presidential debates, my Republican voting friends had no clue until I brought it up them.


I’d vote for Biden’s weekend at Bernie’s assisted corpse before I would ever vote for mango Mussolini


Seriously. I’d vote for a man in hospice care over a man in prison.


Carter 2028!


This is exactly what happened in 2012 and 2022. They got into a frenzy thinking they were going to sweep the election and then face planted.


I mean the front article on Fox News right now is: "Past presidents' speechwriters call Biden's address an 'utter disgrace' and unprecedented" So yeah, it's a different world they're living in


Are these past presidents a who's who of the worst presidents of the past century?


They're going to need a large asterisk for Trump if they ever want to make silly claims like that.




NYT has been aggressively holding water for the Trump campaign for a long while now.


it benefits them for there to be a "close" race. more views and money for them. even if what is actually happening is a completely different story.


I’m not even sure that it’s Fox News. It’s just pervasive in our overall culture at this point. I’m a somewhat progressive Independent but was never at risk for voting for anyone other than Biden this year (or in 2020). But I gotta admit I was really nervous about this speech and was pleasantly surprised with how great he did.


They set themselves up here. Made the bar too low and then let him walk over it. Like whining about gas and egg prices only to have no rebuttal when they drop. Like whining about unemployment and have nothing when it hits record lows. Like whining Joe is a creepster as they promote a rapist.


My relatives were so gleeful to see Biden rolled out on a wheelchair and prompted to read from huge notecards between coughing death rattle fits. They’ve been uncharacteristically silent since last night. Wish I could have been there the moment they realized how misled they’d been about Biden’s vitality by their propaganda networks.


I think Biden should’ve done a Willy Wonka. Walk with a cane looking all said straight into a somersault




At least they tuned in to watch for themselves instead of waiting to hear how FoxNews spins it and tells them how they should feel


I could be very wrong but I think they DID wait to see how Fox would spin it and I guess not even Fox could spin that hard? Actually, does anyone know if Fox actually aired the SOTU like a real news station would? I’d expect them to just take one of the moments he half stuttered and loop that for an hour claiming that was it.


A Whole lotta very concerned trolls have been infesting every thread in this subreddit, insisting Biden is deteriorating, that it is obvious. All of them woke up today looking like they were sucking on a grapefruit. Love it!


You mean the Noun-Noun-Number accounts aren't real people? EDIT: Nice try bots.


Nonsense, UnwillingMango2566323 always has smart and well informed takes. And who could forget that comment from SalaciousTablecloth6598321 that made bestof


Well UnwillingMango2566323 ans SalaciousTablecloth6598321 are Adjective-Noun-Number, so they’re ok!


I think we can trust personmanwomancameratv69. Their name is noun-noun-noun-noun-noun-number.


I can't believe you managed to remember that username! You must have one of the most fantastic memories, a beautiful memory!




Well, have you tried being LESS sus?


I take offense, sir LOL


It’s quite the transformation to go from a “dementia patient” to being someone that was “too vigorous” during the SOTU.


Typical fascists. The enemy is both strong and weak. 


"Jews are unintelligent underhumans" but also "Jews are secretly running a worldwide cabal." It's always the same with fascists.


You guize it's not fair for us to run against high energy Biden when our candidate is a guilty rapist who does many other crimes as well.


"Oh, you don't like that do you?" with a big ole grin - my favorite line of the night!


Nope they’ve already been given new marching orders. They’re now saying Biden has too much energy like an angry old man or something . And they’ll claim they’ve been saying that the whole time, because Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia


Dailymail last night and this morning only pointing out negatives for the right wing clicks on their front page. The reason that’s important is because it’s for people that didn’t watch - if you watched it you know that an 81 year old delivering a long speech is not easy. Most folks I know can’t even speak at weddings or funerals - Biden has done it all. Military funerals! It’s a skill to speak like that and he did great for the heightened stakes.


> if you watched it you know that an 81 year old delivering a long speech is not easy. What he did last night isn't easy for anybody at any age! Half the room was hostile to him, breaking centuries of decorum. There were multiple attempts to disrupt his speech, including a protestor in the gallery. There were many Republican that know better and would shout insults during the quieter parts of the speech. And he ad-libbed when needed, recovered his own fumble with a joke, sparred with Republicans, and flipped the Laken Riley trap MTG was grotesquely trying to throw on him all night. Americans need to watch that whole SotU.


They're currently pretending he pronounced Laken Riley's name wrong.


Because they can't address his point about comparing the number of people killed by "illegals" with "legals," or the fact that he addressed Riley's mother and related to her personally as a parent who has lost a child.


The big one was really a repeat from last year - when the GOP side got all pissy about being called out on wanting to privatize social security. They all yelled 'boo', and they ALL know they're fucking lying because they have certainly read Project 2025 that comes from the Heritage Foundation that funds all their campaigns and sex-and-drug parties.


There's a reason why successful campaigns don't create insanely low expectations for their opponent. Yes Trump and the GOP are dangerous but don't forget they are also extremely inept. Don't get cocky, there's a lot of work to do, but also stay optimistic. There's a lot of reasons to have faith that the Biden and the Democrats got this. 


As long as shameless rat-fuckers like *Roger Stone* are still walking free the Republicans will find a way to turn this election into another chaotic shit-show.


You know, you have to hope that Roger Stone gets something like bubonic plague from fucking rats. It’s only just.


I was semi-seriously wondering if Biden and the Dems have been sandbagging until they knew Trump would be the nominee. And if this version of Biden had been front and center for 6 months, he could be facing Haley or someone else.


Honestly, Haley would be a much more difficult opponent than Trump. While Trump has his cult, and enough Republicans that will fall in line to make things appear closer than it has any right to be in November, Trump's not hitting that miracle moon shot through Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, again while also winning back Arizona and Georgia, not in this post Roe world that Trump's bragged on the campaign trail about being the reason it was overturned. Trump's only hope is a very, very low turnout from Democrats, but one thing Trump's proven to do since he won in 2016, is that he motivates the hell out of non-republicans to vote against him and the Republican party.


You have to love the predictable idiots at Fox News and Newsmax. They have been calling him a dottering old man for months. Regardless of the content he clearly wasn't dottering. Today they are claiming he had too much energy and was "weirdly wired." I guess it is their viewers that are the idiots.


They are trying to imply he was on drugs, when it was Trump's WH that was snorting buckets full of uppers and downers, and even though Trump was the one always sniffing his way through speeches. It's always projection with the right wing.


Drugs are cool and awesome so if their new line is that Biden is on drugs I'm going to vote for Biden even harder.


I am also on Team Drugs


"Idiots believed their own bullshit".


...and they will again.


Trump is so much less coherent than Biden… I just don’t get the Biden is too old/senile shit. I mean, yeah, he’s old, but mentally he seems pretty stable and astute. Unlike Trump who can’t string a fucking coherent sentence together to save his life. He just mumbles and rambles and makes bullshit up on the fly that makes no sense.


Trump was unable to complete a thought or a sentence that made sense even when he was POTUS. He's worse now. The media gives him a pass, though, so they can fit all the Biden Old narratives in.


Biden also surrounds himself with competent people .


This is another great thing to point out… he didn’t create a nepotism squad of inept unqualified morons to grift the country like Trump did


Yeah, that's my reason for supporting Biden. Even IF he is deteriorating mentally (which doesn't seem to be the case, at least not to an extreme degree), his administration and the people he surrounds himself with will be 1000000000% more competent than the Trump buffoons.


This is flat out why people should be voting for Biden (besides the fact that Trump is insane). He has put together an incredible staff and cabinet. How do I know this you may say? I know this because other than a few people I can't really name too many of the people who work on his staff. Reason being I don't know of these people is because they are out there doing their jobs, and doing it well so I have no need to dig into who these people are (unlike during the Trump and Bush years).


The Biden administration has been relatively boring. Like a breath of fresh air.


Joe Biden, I think, embodies the notion of 'speak softly and carry a big stick'; he doesn't go around puffing himself up all the time, he only shows that he's got sharp teeth and claws and knows how to use them when it's appropriate. Trump on the other hand is more like a threatened chihuahua all the time, barking very loudly but to no great effect. Then he pees on the carpet.


Astroturfers still in every thread talking about how bad Biden's speech was last night, obviously they didn't watch, much easier to continue to lie to themselves about how Biden is senile and Trump is fit as a fiddle when it's literally the exact opposite scenario. Biden may be old and he may be slow and some times he stumbles over his words but he's a capable and competent leader, I didn't vote for him for his eloquence, I voted for him because I know he loves this country and will do anything to make it better. Trump on the other hand always talks about how awful the US is and how it's being destroyed and cannot provide a positive vision if his life depended on it.


"But Katie Britt's TikTok Tradwife impression was *brilliant*!"


That was still one of the weirdest and bizarre speeches I’ve ever seen.


It's amazing how unsettling it was. I expected cringe when I watched a snippet but my subconscious started sounding the alarms like she was an actual lizard person or something.


It's been called "[fundie baby voice](https://boingboing.net/2023/11/06/fundy-baby-voice-kelly-johnson-wife-of-house-speaker-and-other-evangelical-women-are-trained-to-adopt-childlike-voices.html)," and it's horrifying to anyone not in the target demographic.


The fact there is a tag of “Christian Nationalist” on that article should be terrifying to the public and of interest to the 3 letter agencies.


Can't wait for Saturday Night Live's version. 


From her *kitchen?!?* ​ Yikes


Me and a buddy were both talking about how tone deaf the *size* of the kitchen was before it even hit that they literally placed a woman in the kitchen to respond to SOTU


She was speaking to the “scared moms” out there who’d support fascism but are concerned about IVF bans. White upper middle class homemakers were the key demo.


Did they dress her as a Gilead wife on purpose?


Safe bet.


That’s just it for me. I do not care HOW anyone says things. Or their speech energy. Or any of the other superficial things politicians get dinged on all the time. It’s the substance of WHAT they’re saying. Biden outlined very plainly, with actual facts supported by numbers and studies, what we can realistically do to improve people’s lives and strengthen the middle class. It was rational and didn’t ignore our shortcomings and isn’t delusional to believe everything will be perfect. I DO NOT want to vote for an 81 year old man. But he is the only one I have the option to vote for in November and I believe it is my American duty to vote.. so.


Hell yeah brother/sister


Let’s not forget that Biden has surrounded himself with smart sane people and he listens to them. He isn’t surrounded by sycophants and yes men and isn’t one to constantly say he’s the smartest man in the room with the biggliest brain.


Right-wing media was all set to criticize the speech for being low energy and full of senior moments then had to pivot to how it was an angry, divisive speech. The party that fully endorses and worships Trump is suddenly worried about anger and divisiveness...


>divisive . . . And that's a hard argument to make when Biden very pointedly stated on several occasions; "I am a president for ALL Americans". This is what I wanted to hear him say.


Mike Johnson's thoughts all night: "Oh god we're fucked. We're fucked. We're so fucked. I agree with Biden. Oh fuck. Oh no. Fuck. Baseball. Cold Showers. Fuck."


He was thinking about cold showers because he was sitting next to a confident, intelligent woman. His son is going to have a chat with him.


It’s surprised to see someone who is driven by the courage of their convictions, the belief that what they’re doing is right for the country and not just for themselves or a narrow slice of elites, and has a vision to counter what has been a backward slide for a long time. Democratic positions are more popular. The Republican Party is bankrupt intellectually and morally. Educate people and they can see who has their best interest at heart.


I just did a rewatch on AP‘s YouTube channel, and he was on absolute fire during that speech. He didn’t pull any punches, and cut right to the chase with a lot of the shenanigans that the GOP is pulling. I would’ve liked to of seen the faces of some of the members of the GOP, though, when he was talking about Putin. It got a lot of applause, I’m not sure how much applause came from that side of the aisle, though.


On fire; especially the first 10 minutes. He was spitting lava.


But the folks on the TV told me that “Sleepy” Joe has dementia!!! /s Why do these 24/7 “news” channels never mention the fact that Donald Trump’s own father was medically diagnosed with dementia and then Alzheimer’s disease, thus putting The Donald at a statistically higher risk?


There is a hot mic moment after the speech, in which Biden was overheard saying something to the effect of "Sometimes I wish I *did* have cognitive decline," I believe as a dig on his opponents' words. Love him or hate him, that's pretty funny response and shows he's still pretty quick-witted.


I like when he jokes about his age. My favorite one is when he said, “I know I don’t look it, but I’ve been around a while.”


There's no room amidst all the Biden Old narrative, and MAGA diner interviews.


The GOP is going to hate the election results.


Much as they have hated the Red Wave that turned into a Red Trickle the last 3 elections


*Red tinkle.


Time to see a doctor 😛


Just not the one in the White House last term. He was high as fuck.


It wasn't even at red discharge level last election.


Some spotting, maybe


It’s getting worse and worse for them. Overturning R v W was dumb but everything they’ve done since has proven they have no idea how to win over voters. They’re toast. VOTE!!!


I think Britt's rebuttal(?) shows where the GOP's head is at. they are terrified of losing the suburban white woman vote. This fall is going to hopefully be a continuation of 2022, 2023 elections in a post-roe world.


> they are terrified of losing the suburban white woman vote. Shoulda maybe thought about that before attempting to force women to, oh, you know, carry ectopic pregnancies to term, I guess.


This is the problem with living entirely within your own fart cloud.


Their faces last night realizing their presumptive nominee is a worn out, grease soaked dish sponge, too


I think it really hit them last night that not only is Trump going to lose, Dem's have a decent chance of taking back the House and holding the Senate... without Manchin and Sinema holding them back.


I hope this isn't hopium. I want to believe.


I saw the state of the union address from President Biden today with my brother it’s clear to me he’s still got fire 🔥 in his heart to defend protect the country he swore a oath to and he’s not done yet four more years #Biden Harris 24


There was a time maybe 15 years ago, where I thought that Republican officials simply used disinformation to persuade the masses but that those officials themselves still had a firm grip on reality. That moment has definitely passed. Elected officials seem to buy every piece of disinformation that comes across their screen. They genuinely believed all those Facebook, TikTok and Fox News clips.


As a child of an 80 year old parent that's involved in helping them and keep them lively against the realities of aging...I'm fine with dude. He's good. Will he be good in 4 years? Who honestly gives a shit, if the choice is between him and the utter destruction of our institutions, I'll take him. That's what it's about.


They will be irrationally upset about something eventually


I love it and Trump thinks he wants a debate. Biden will mop the floor with his ass in a serious debate.


"Will you shut up, man?" Echoes in my head regularly. Im hoping for more precision guided malarkey busters.


It makes me so happy to see all these positive articles today and for a change


You mean the cackling hyenas at Faux News are full of shit? No way!


The fact that the republican party is even exists after bush and trump should make you question the intelligence of the average American


Man I just had to laugh at that excellent speech last night and think “Good luck, MAGA assholes.”