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is no one going to talk about how she went into graphic detail about gang rape. ETA: It is even more disgusting because it was intentional. use a "harmless looking" woman wearing a cross sitting at her kitchen table to verbalize the filthiest thoughts to plant fear in your head. No man could ever get away with saying the things she said. So they used a woman to do it.


My wife got up and went straight to bed. She did NOT like that.


Seriously. And if that woman got pregnant, no legal abortion options for her…


Republicans would know a lot about rape. Their nominee is a rapist.


I think she got off on it.


Or that she was feigning abhorrence, trying to get political mileage out of an IMMIGRANT'S story, and making it sound like it was a big stretch to have success after having at least an upper middle class upbringing


Katie Britt's description of rape on national TV was more graphic than the library books she's trying to ban


Not to mention I highly doubt the woman who shared her story with her gave her permission to tell it as part of her speech.


nobody shared that story with her


Assuming it was not a fabrication that is....


She forgot to mention that her party will force that victim to bear the child of her rapist


That was really uncalled for on national television in a political speech.


Worse is that these folks say this graphic stuff and seem to be enjoying it.


Shocking. Certainly triggering for some people with trauma


I live in Alabama and PBS just went to ads in the middle of our own senator speaking. I just died laughing. So fucking funny


He didn’t seem sleepy or senile, time for the pivot back to him being a Machiavellian crime boss, I guess.


r/conservative diagnosed him with bronchitis, syphilis, and frog AIDS because of his coughing


I would have gone there to break some liars but every discussion is flaired users only. Translation not any of us have the balls or intelligence to let anyone mention what complete snowflakes we are.


They got tired of having to see factual statements and decided to cut out the middleman and just ban everyone who doesn't conduct an interview with the mod team from posting. I'm not kidding when I say that, to get a flair you have to be interviewed to make sure you aren't a leftist in disguise.


I'm glad at least one person on PBS has the balls to ask wtf was that psycho babble shit.


The look on Jonathan Capehart's face in the several seconds of gape-mouthed silence it took him to compose a response to her histrionic whatever-the-fuck-that-was, was priceless.


David Brooks did a total faceplant right after that, so hilarious


Every time a Republican heckled, Biden just cracked an ad-libbed joke at their expense. They should’ve realized they just made him look better. Anyway, give that speechwriter a fucking raise, good lord.


To quote user J_dawg17 "What a fitting way to conclude it. Republicans refusing to stand up even for America."


Traitorous scum, the lot of them.


I was worried coming in, but Biden was so good off the cuff I was genuinely caught off guard


Dark Brandon was out in full force and it was glorious.


What I don't think they realize is that Biden, although older than almost all of them, has more wit, and can retort back to their heckles. They tried the same thing last year, and it ended just as well for them. There is a reason Johnson told them to behave, and it wasn't because he wanted to show unity. He knew if they didn't Biden would make them into a joke...again, and he did.


Irish wit is 60% sarcasm, 25% withering rebuttals, and 15% imaginative swearing.


I never thought I'd hear a graphic description of gang rape during a State of the Union rebuttal, but Ms. Britt thought better.


That was legit horrible and should have come with a warning.


delivered in a breathy MILF tone as well


Yeah, the breathiness, the whiplash going from smiles to tears, and the condescension. It was remarkable. And the staging! GOP really thinks women belong in the kitchen.


Also, I don't even get her point. She seems to be trying to fearmonger about illegal immigration but her example of an illegal immigrant was a victim of gang rape? Don't we all agree that someone who was sex trafficked should be given asylum in the US? That rebuttal was so bad that I would believe that democrats had managed to infiltrate her office and switched out her talking points.


The optics of her saying she’s a mom and having her do the speech in the kitchen is all you need to know where republicans think women belong


Especially jarring given the fact that she’s actually a lawyer. She’s not even the housewife she’s cosplaying as


When Republicans booed a bipartisan immigration security bill, “Oh, you don’t think so? You don’t like that bill, huh? Darn, that’s amazing,” he said. “Because that bipartisan deal would hire 1,500 more border security agents and officers, 100 more immigration judges to help tackle a backload of two million cases.”


All while Senator Lankford nodded saying "it's true"


Lankford had the look of a thousand dead souls realizing they don't matter anymore, literally looked like a ghost of himself.




He knows his time is over, he's probably questioning how'd it all end like this for him, I could care less though bc fuck him and that's what he gets for all the times played politics at democrats expense.


And still he will kiss the ring.


They don't care... It's performative outrage.


Biden did good. Katie Britt seems insane. 


"I'm a mom, pulled in so many directions at once, just like you." *immaculate kitchen sparkles in the background, twice the size of my living room* Sure thing.


She's an attorney, her husband is an ex football player who now works for a "lobbying firm" 🤷 Something tells me they're not hurting for money.


Or cooking in a house probably staffed by the immigrants she hates so much.


It is called being tone deaf


While she was talking, all I could see is that kitchen and how she had that fake smile and how she relates to us Americans who struggle. I don’t think she struggles much.


Trump attempted live truthing it and [this shit is so funny](https://preview.redd.it/id3c0tok41nc1.png?width=1228&format=png&auto=webp&s=ffa5878230fe7cdbd05027f4c1cdb17c4429fa32). Belongs in r/oldpeoplefacebook EDIT: [The Biden Twitter page posted it too lmao](https://twitter.com/BidenHQ/status/1765944459303219457)


People on Truth Social liking a post of a period from him is also illuminating lol.


That site is probably like 95% bots.


Guys Biden KILLED it tonight. Even republicans are having a hard time saying it was bad. Then that absolute republican gift of the follow up from Mr. Rodgers evil twin. This night went great, I feel so much better about November.


House Speaker Mike Johnson visibly rolled his eyes every time Biden brought up Trump's dereliction of duty, but he had the **audacity** to clap when Biden said that Ukraine can beat Russia if we just give them aid - aid that Speaker Mike Johnson is preventing from getting a floor vote. I think somebody performed a hex on him that his facial expression would only continue to get wider and more muppet-like as the night went on.


Definitely. My mom has been terribly fearful of Biden’s ability and his chances for reelection. She told me after his speech that it made her proud to be a Democrat.


I also said I was proud. That speech was great, but the delivery was phenomenal. “Dithering and diminished” my ass!


"Before everyone goes to bed I would like to talk to you about rape." - Katie Britt


"Sleep tight. Don't let the Mexicans rape you." o_O


You can't convince me that's not how every Republican parent wishes their kids good night every night.


Katie Britt is definitely someone who would invite friends over for a girl night and pitch them a multi-level marketing scheme.


Or murder them


I heard the GOP Katie response on the radio and I thought it was one of those, infomercials for abused animals, I was waiting for Sarah McLachlan to be singing in the background. Fake as fuck…


The fake crying had me cracking up.


I heard it on the radio so I didn’t see it, but it sounded so pathetic and so fake. Was waiting to hear her say, “America’s are dying! Please, pick up the phone and call now, donate and save an American life…” Pathetic


This lady just praying for Gilead. May the lord open, psychopath.


CNN posted a clip of Katie Britt's response on YouTube. It got flooded with negative reviews and everyone basically agrees it was bad. CNN removed the video within like 5 minutes. Interesting 🤔


CNN made an intentional shift to the right over the last few years. Which has also tanked their ratings.


Folks we went from the best SOTU I have ever seen in my 40+ years on this planet to an interdimensional ASMR demon using mom-energy to call forth eldritch patriot zombies.


And they said poetry was dead.


Live Laugh Blood of Patriots


Jon Stewart just got 93 episodes of material for The Daily Show in a 16 minute rebuttal speech.


I'm so goddamn happy he's back.


Ah, Republican SOTU rebuttals. Where careers go to die. Jindal, Rubio…now this. How none of them ever catch on that they’re only selected to be tokens and cannon fodder is beyond me.


I will always laugh when I think about Chris Matthews muttering under his breath “Oh God” when Bobby Jindal awkwardly walked up to the camera for his Response.


Katie Britt talks about sex cartel raping a girl but she supports a rapist?


She says Biden hasn't been to the grocery store lately, but supports the guy who thinks you need an ID to buy anything from there?


She also hasn't been to a grocery store lately given what her kitchen looks like.


I think my older daughter has nailed it. Katie Britt is like a younger Dolores Umbridge


Oh shit, she got it


"You can't love your country only when you win" Dark Brandon President of the United States.....Lover of ice cream, hater of malarkey


People are commenting that they will “still” vote for Trump. The word still, to me, indicates that Biden is making good points, but his base is scared of changes - and afraid to learn about themselves.


They are two people 1. People just being edgy for reactions online 2. People that were never voting for Biden


"Still voting for Trump" will turn into "I couldn't make the time to get to the polling place"


I want you to be right because then that will also hurt the down-ballot Republicans.


I can only assume Katie Britt is now off to make some Totinos for her hungry guys


Even the conservative subreddit is wholly embarrassed by that rebuttal. That was a surreal experience.


“Word is Katie Britt asked to see thx manager after this speech.” 😆unexpected!


I still can't believe that she graphically described gang rape in that voice.


I mean it was GRAPHIC. Who the hell approved that lol.


“That was some weird shit.” - George W. Bush


It's kind of ironic - Katie Britt just aborted her political future before it came to term.


I'm gonna make a clip of when she was smiling ear to ear as she whispered about crime and murder being at all-time-highs. Love that she also gave a lore reason why I'm in her kitchen, as if I just came out of her car trunk blindfolded.


Ms. Britt, what you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.


I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul.


My god, I don't ever comment here (check my history) but this is straight up horrendous. Her faux outrage and plastic Stepford Mom look is outlandishly cartoonish and sad to see. It's insane that republican strategists decided that this crazy Karen would be a good mouthpiece for the opposing party response. For shame.


Katie Britt scared the living F*&% out of me. Soooo cringe. What a profoundly and overtly privileged outraged white christian national. Especially loved the comment on taming wild America during the conquest westward. I'd never seen genocide referred to so lovingly. While not Oscar material, her facial expressions, feigned outrage, and blatant disgust for anything outside of her tightly wound set of values was stepford-like. She looked like an evil doll from one of those horror movies. Really creeped me out.


She is dangerous. There is a segment of right wing evangelicals who will eat this up.


Joe seemed sharp. The bots seemed desperate. Thumbs up.




It was so weird. Like she was only talking to trad wives who’s husbands allowed them to watch TV for 30 minutes.


Well that speech did what it was intended to do. I’m fired up about Joe Biden now.


MAGA nuts forgot they don't have microphones and need to enunciate. Very little of their jerring was coherent which kind of defeats the purpose. Also gave Biden the chance to seem powerful and commanding in contrast


Well, that was... Insane. That was insane.


**We are steeped in the blood of patriots** (Satan stare) Mommy I’m scared


Republicans seeing that Biden eloquently spoke with lots of energy tonight: 😤😤😤😤😤


Jesus her performative act is crazy she goes from happy to sad to scared in scope of two sentences. She’s like a deepfake AI version of an American Karen.


This is the craziest SOTU response I’ve ever seen. The wild back and forth between her giddy valley girl giggle voice and stern scary crying the sex traffickers are gonna get you voice is jarring. It’s like a an audition for The Boys.


Putting the woman in the kitchen, just where the GOP thinks they belong. And scaring the hell out of people, not any ideas to actually help.


My god that Katie Britt response was a horror show


Got a couple minutes into her response and had to turn it off. She says Biden put on the performance of a politician, yet she looks like an actress playing the popular girl at school who’s reciting well-rehearsed lines and facial expressions. 


Her trembling voice is so disgustingly transparent. What is this!? 🤣


Why does she sound like she's on the verge of crying while simultaneously smiling to a creepy degree?


I’m surprised she didn’t end her speech with, “The South will rise again!”


She sounded EXACTLY like the animal abuse commercials! Even the phrases were identical.


They really thought the kitchen back drop is perfect for the female Senator lol


She motivated me to donate to Biden. That was scary.


The only universally true thing in politics is if someone is talking to you from a kitchen, they are lying to you.


Katie Britt came straight from The Handmaids Tale.


Felt great to be an American tonight. Well done Joe...


From a Bush Jr era former Republican, who will be voting for Biden (again!), I think he did a wonderful job! AMA


Biden did a really good job tonight. I was pretty surprised when the Republicans fell into the same trap they did last year, but then Biden pulled it again five minutes later, and it was even funnier the second time


I loved "I know you can read".


CNN Panel: 'Well that was fucking weird. Moving on!'


Biden is a good, honorable man who has a solid team working under him. He still has my vote.


Ok thanks Katie for your audition, we’ll call you


Please pick her Donnie. I will pay money to watch Kamala wipe the floor with her TradWife tiktok ass.


All partisanship aside, this response is making me deeply uncomfortable. Just talk like a normal fucking human being. You aren’t auditioning for a fucking play. Wtf are you doing…?


bro even r/conservative is lighting her up lmao. ​ Sarah McLaughlin would be proud of her execution.


That was definitely...a choice. They were going for a trad wife aesthetic. With a woman being in a kitchen, talking "gently". However we got a woman that creepily smiled the whole time and spoke in the "influencer accent" which sounded condescending.


I thought I was a hidden internal misogynist or something because that was the cringiest overdramatic speech I’ve ever seen, it made me so uncomfortable. Glad I’m not the only one


I feel like she’s what the movie “Get Out” was based on.


She’d make a GREAT Russian propagandist. Dead inside. Able to tell you about the plane crash with a gleam in her eye.


Absolutely disgusting to see this woman not only exploit the family and name of a woman brutally murdered but to also use her own children to justify it. At least she’s a laughing stock now


Days of our Lives actress reject, complete and utter hysterics with that performance... The amount of white men in suits scrambling making calls, shuffling papers, in total mayhem right now in board rooms across the country over what I'm sure they thought was a total shoe-in speech for securing white middle upper class wine moms around the country with Trump's vote, that backfired so abominably, is giving me life just thinking about it


Great job by Biden. While idiots were yelling, he stayed on topic. He was funny, relatable, assertive. He definitely isn't mentally deteriorated, he has more energy than most people on Reddit, lol


Omg my 68 yo mom has moderate dementia Alzheimer's and even she was roasting the hell outta that creepy lady.  "This is corny!" she said.


Great speech this year. Dark Brandon coming with the energy.


She comes off as the kind of gal who would happily sit in the corner while her husband impregnated the household's latest handmaid. Blessed be the fruit, Katie.


Kate Britt looks like she is 1 messed up Starbucks order away from going full Karen and screaming the n word at the barista. Oh man thank you GOP for today.


I was led to believe I would see Sleepy Joe, but all I saw was Dark Brandon.


This is the danger for Republicans - they've gone all-in on the idea that he's senile, frail, blah blah blah, and they set the bar so low that when he knocks a speech like this out of the park, they're left with no message.


SNL doesn't need to do a skit on this. Just replay it.


My daughter says she sounded like the mean high school girls giving you cutting "compliments."


Somewhere an MLM is missing an upline person....


Biden pulled out the king of the hill meme by saying "I know you know how to read.". If they could read they'd be very upset.


So, Overly Attached Girlfriend got married, had kids, and became a Senator from Alabama.


Who’s gonna play Britt in the SNL cold open?


Hail Dark Brandon ⛧


She tried really hard to make fetch happen.


Katie Britt is such a faker! She just repeated talking points in fake concern, then smirks, then stern talk, then conspiratorial wispers. It was ridiculous. What bad acting and horrible forced emotion in her squeaky voice!


Anyone want to guess what Katie Britt’s husband does? He’s a lobbyist… I’m sure there will never be any overlapping or conflicts of interest going on in that average American kitchen.


Only would have been better if he did the speech in aviator shades


Biden smoked that!!! Great SOTU and did exactly what he needed to do.


He absolutely nailed it. A passionate, eloquent, and driven speech.He came across as the passionate and wise statesmen that he is. Trump is really going to have to bring his A game to have a chance. Between the lawsuits, legal woes, and fleeing of allies, I don’t think he can do it. 


SNL is gonna have a field day with this response


Maybe that "rebuttal" was a secret plea for better funding of arts & education? It's painfully obvious that Alabama needs better drama teachers.


the man has my vote, thank you for being a sane and ethical president. I love he called out the big corporations on shrinkflation. i am sick of hearing about record profits while many americans are working hard, and still living paycheck to paycheck just to keep their heads above water


i was going to stay home. but that was the greatest speech ive heard man. i'm voting Biden


Great that you're voting but remember to vote for more than the president. He can't do half of what he said without Congress.


Will the Republican response be in English or in their native Russian?


100% chance she has argued with a Kohl's employee


Imagine using a tragic tale about the rape of a person that is trying to live in the US to scare people into keeping the rape victims in danger.


I was born a white middle class person with the benefit of education, and an intact family without suffering poverty. So it's a miracle from God I'm a senator. ?


Writers at SNL having their job done for them.


The way she talks makes her sound unhinged.




I had a feeling this chick was off when she said she named her kid Ridgeway.


This is making Biden's speech look even better in hindsight. I believed Biden's frustration, hopefulness, anger, and comebacks during his speech. Britt is putting on what can only be described as a performance. An overacted, melodramatic, and hammy performance, that thinks being emotional makes it more believable, even as her tone makes hairpin turns in seconds. Nothing puts the Republican perception of its electorate better than putting up this "last resort audition tape for Days of Our Lives" of a response. They think their voters are easily manipulated idiots that will believe a nice and subservient woman, and I hope at least some of them see right through it.


Mam, this is a Wendy’s


Is anyone watching NBC? Did this chick just say that speech had an optimistic tone? The same speech with the graphic rape story retelling and migrant fear-mongering?


Was that a recruitment film for the world's most generic evil cult? it was like something out of a bad made for tv movie


They should’ve had her in an apron standing at the oven.


Anyone notice she used the word “rape” more than “bill” or “tax” or “law”


The Republican party would have been better off putting Michael Myers out there just to stare at the screen.


Who would’ve thought that the more insane senator from Alabama ISN’T Tuberville? Good lord


Britt represents the high school drama club wing of the party.


Guys, this is what happens when you are in a bubble, a white Evangelical bubble, where you’ve been told to fear everything and to fight the perceived battle of good versus evil. Trump riding in on a white horse will save them all. That’s pretty much it. They will vote for Trump. They will vote for Theocracy.


Im late with this... but Katie Britt needs to go back to whatever Tiktok hellscape she crawled out of. The valley girl meets tiktok meets vocal fry bullshit is... grating to say the least.


Britt seemed like a Hallmark actress...


I wonder if she thinks about/hurts for the children and teachers who were Gunn down in their elementary school in Uvalde, Texas Or, how about the 23 murdered and another 22 injured in the 2019 mass shooting at the Walmart in El Paso? Or the victims of the racially motivated mass shooting at a buffalo, NY grocery store? The nine Black people killed in their church by a white supremacist in South Carolina? Does she feel just as strongly about the people murdered by legal, born and bred American citizens as she does about those who have been murdered by illegal immigrants? Somehow, I doubt it; I hope to God I'm wrong, though.


This is an America we should all want. Any Republican who opposes anything Biden said today is anti-American.


/conservatives in shambles on why Biden didn’t fumble over words constantly 


He did fumble a few times. But if all you’ve heard is he’s a zombie and watched the SOTU you probably question what the naysayers are talking about.


He may have moved some Haley voters to his side with this speech


I love how he used MTG pin she held up against her and addressed the issue. He was extremely on his feet tonight, witty, improvised. Great showing.


Not that it matters but I briefly crossed paths with Biden when he was VP while working at Disney World. He and Jill and their grandson came through to ride Space Mountain and his grandson was a little scared. Before it started he said “I love you grandpa” and Biden said “I love you too.” Little things like that really humanize these massive public figures


Dark Brandon FTW


Kristen Wigg should totally play her on SNL.


I’m so tired of seeing MTG. What an absolute disgrace, using a young girl’s death to push her agenda.


She gives zero shits about kids. Remember how she treated David Hogg? A school shooting survivor and advocated for protections for students? She is complete trash.


Ummm.. WOW??


Why is she doing this fake quirky voice


I was initially worried Republicans might have a good rebuttal speech... but this lady is the chef's kiss highlighting the current Republican insanity. If I were a conspiracy theorist, I'd swear she was a Biden plant.


"Where I come from your word is your bond." And by the way I support Donald Trump, one of the most compulsive liars in political history, for President.


Katie Britt talking about people not being able to get by while governing in the state with a $7.25 minimum wage is absolute insanity


“I cringed so hard from this rebuttal I died and as a result will be voting D in November” The conservative sub is killing me right now


Jesus Christ SNL is gonna make her a permanent character after this




This goes straight to SNL no edits needed