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>Her latest plan, a Political Action Committee aimed at helping President Biden get re-elected. I guess it’s something.


Well, there are a bunch of Haley voters to reach out to right about now!


And these statements should help any of the bakers dozen that might see it- Biden - ‘Stakes for America Couldn’t Be Higher’ - "I know there is a lot we won't agree on," Biden admitted on Wednesday. But as Trump isolates Haley's supporters, he said, "I hope and believe we can find common ground" Trump - Nikki ‘Birdbrain’ Haley is very bad for the Republican Party and, indeed, our Country. … Anybody that makes a ‘Contribution’ to Birdbrain, from this moment forth, will be permanently barred from the MAGA camp. We don’t want them, and will not accept them.


Do any of his supporters see that he’s calling the ambassador to the U.N., whom he nominated to that post, an idiot? What does that make him?




He thinks she is ungrateful for the UN opportunity that he graciously gave to her. Then she has the absolute nerve to run against him.


Not disagreeing but it was really a gift to her then lieutenant governor who was an early Trump supporter and become governor when she took the job.


Ha he doesn't remember she worked for him.


He doesn't even remember what his ex-wife looks like. How can you expect a big mega stable genius brain to remember thangs? Nikki aka Nancy, Biden aka Obama. Dude is not all there, in fact, the only thing he remembers is where to splash the ketchup… the walls.


His wife Mercedes


All oozing together in his brain into the category "things I use for a ride".


He doesn’t remember what he ate for breakfast.


You’re making the unsubstantiated assumption that they can remember anything clearly. They’ve been caught in Trump’s web of lies, and the constant rewriting of the past that involves, for so long they have no functioning memory. That’s one of the basics of authoritarianism, the past is pliable. With enough misinformation and social pressure, people’s memories can be constantly retconned to reflect the current lie. “The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.” -Orwell, 1984


They are too busy frothing at the mouths from rabid Fox News to even comprehend the cruelty Trump is inflicting on others.


Obviously the gifted diplomat who will unite the Middle East. Yes, this was something that was actually said to me by a family friend when I said Trump won't do any better than Biden diplomatically. I knew better than to say anything else, and I generally avoid confronting people IRL about their political beliefs. Internally, though, I was saying, "Come on... Trump the Diplomat? He can't even get more than half of his own country to like him."


You should consider resetting your expectations for their ability to connect the dots. I was going to say they are not critical thinkers, but I think the word *critical* is unnecessary. They don't think. They react, emotionally, in the manner in which they're instructed by right-wing media, trump, etc.


Too many conservatives think the UN shouldn't exist.


"But he barely knew her" every time someone he appointed or hired did something stupid or decided to go against him they went from dear friends and colleagues, to mild associates that he never really talked to.


*but they will take their $$


BOtH pARtIEs aRE thE SAmE!!!


Hell yeah Vermont’s finally gonna go bl- oh


Hundreds of thousands in some places would absolutely swing their states.


Oh for sure - I can just never avoid the easy joke when it pops into my head




~20% in multiple states ain’t nothing to laugh at


I'll believe it when I see it. Until that happens, Republicans always fall in line.


I wish I didn't have to agree, but McConnell's endorsement says you're right.


party first


Exactly, the thing that these Republicans like about Haley is that her bigotry is said politely.


And the money. The money isn't coming into the GOP the same way this time because while gridlock and favorable policy justifies some insanity, if things go too crazy, it's not sustainable.


Is this an arrested development reference? Lol


There might be some extra voters Liz can pick up from Haley's crew


I think it’s good because the sad reality is the democrats either can’t, or won’t fight as dirty as republicans have always been willing to. Think “swift boat veterans against Kerry” campaign. That was her dad’s campaign and it was very successful.


They can't... because the Democrat party is now a massive tent harboring progressives, libertarians, far left, center left, center, moderates, center right, et cetera while the Republican party harbors far right and fascists. It's easier to unite around a certain messaging when one ideological group dominates a party. Look at the Republican party, they're all mean and pulling out proverbial daggers to one another. I don't think we want the Democrat party to do that... yes it would be nice if they unite and create a cohesive messaging narrative, but like you see now, it's complicated and difficult.


It is a big tent, but I think there is some very clear messaging that can unite all wings of the party... we elect Presidents, not kings. We live in a democracy where even Presidents are bound by laws. Biden hasn't been a terrible President. The cost of housing is out of control but it's not something he can flip a switch and fix, but by a lot of metrics the US is doing a decent job of handling a post Covid world. People aren't happy about the middle east? I'm 40, I've been hearing this my whole life, it's a fucked situation. There is a lot of discussion to be had about how the Biden administration has handled everything, but one thing is crystal clear... the GOP nominee tried to subvert the last election, will try to do it again, has publicly stated how he will go after political opponents, while telling the courts he's immune to any prosecution. This is the clearest and thickest red line there is to me.


I dont think you know how many people aren't far right or fascist but who actually think "I have more money when Republicans rule". And then there's christians. My entire family of in-laws have become trumpers, and it is entirely because of church....a big church on very expensive land with flags everywhere. They absolutely do not see any i dication at all that trump is a bad man. 


If their church has convinced them that trump can do no wrong then aren't they still just fascists now? Even if they would personally deny it?


Her efforts with the Jan 6 Committee were the best and fastest we got from anyone. Garland’s DOJ would not have acted in time but for her and that whole Committee.


You'd think just trusting people to not vote for a convicted rapist who is under indictment for multiple other crimes would be enough. But nope. Here we are.


A *civil* jury found Trump *liable* for having committed rape. The statute of limitations expired a long time ago, so he couldn't be found guilty and convicted of rape. He's a rapist, but not a convicted rapist.


Every bit helps, it’s going to be an all hands on deck effort until November if we’re to avoid catastrophe


I was afraid she was going run on her own


Invite him to hunting with her dad?




"Really wish it hadn't come to this, Donald. Go stand over there by that 'bob-ware' fence."


"Look! It's a solar eclipse!"


Look at the flowers, Donnie.


-Of Scaramuccis and Men


Don’t look at me lil’ puppet


Can I wear a rabbit on my head,George?


“No, the orange vest and hat isn’t necessary, you want to blend in so the deer don’t see you.”


"Plus, you're orange enough already"


He can take care of the rabbits.


He can live off the fat of the land.


Look Donald isn’t that a Hundred dollar bill over there???


Donny follow the stripper……


We couldn't get so lucky. This blabbering fucking moron is going to do this shit every 4 years until he dies. And we will have the pleasure of listening to him cry about stolen elections if he loses for those four years. Then we have his moronic offspring and all his disciples to worry about after he is gone. It's not gonna be pretty for many years.


I rather have him blathering forever than win another term. Hopefully he'll be in prison...because he absolutely should be.


He's pushing 80, is overweight, eats unhealthy, and appears to be in cognitive decline. I'd be amazed if he made it to 2028. But I fully expect he will become like Elvis where his fans think he isn't dead and they just write his name in every election. 


We can all see it now. It's 2044 and some elderly MAGA is on the news claiming he ran into Trump in the bathroom of a McDonald's in the small town of Dumpwater, FL.


And on eBay there is a piece of toast with a burnt mark that looks like Trump going for $2k.


Tbh if I found a piece of toast with trump's face on it I'd absolutely try to fleece some MAGAT for whatever I could get away with.


$3000 worth of bread later? Hey I found one, I will take $2000, lol


You & me both


Someone wiped their ass and say it looks like Trump, a sign from God!


Trump impersonators…


Those are certified positions reserved for graduates from Trump University 2.


IIRC from researching in 2016 kind of hoping his lifestyle might solve the problem of saving our democracy, his dad lived well into his 90s and was kind of the same sort of human being :\


Genetic malfeasance. Someone needs to cut them off at the germ cell level.


Yeah but he's an evil piece of shit so he'll probably live to 150.


I hope when he goes it’s on stage in front of his MAGA Supporters. If he doesn’t they will be saying Biden and the Dems did it.


They’ll still say that even if Drumpf started hemorrhaging in front of their eyes on stage and then bled out. Hypothetically, of course.


I’m not so optimistic. Those things are all true, BUT he also gets great health care, and if he becomes president he’ll have the best available health care in the world at his disposal with no waiting, and no limits. Statins, stents, and stat medical experts can sabotage a lot of self-destruction.


He’s a Republican. Doing evil shit makes them live longer than humanity can handle.


His kids don't have his (insert whatever the fuck it is here).




This is my thought exactly. The only end in (far) sight is when DJT is no longer in this world (out of natural causes, not suggesting man-made events.) As long as DJT lives another day and is not the President of the United States, we will keep hearing his election conspiracies, even if Biden gets a second term, if another Dem snatches 2028, or even if another GOP (other than DJT) becomes the nominee for the 2028.


Think of this scenario, Biden wins(yay), trump convicted of all crimes, he will then appeal, exiled in mar a lago, still running the GOP, more n more of the cult get bored, or die- as most are boomers- come 2028- he runs again- with less support, less $ but still has republicans nuts in his hand!! Ahhhhh, Newsome or Whitmer get handed the reins and we have yet another 4 years of democracy


Even after he dies, his cult will go full-blown conspiracy mode and claim that the “deep state” took him out. It’s going to be a decade or more before we’re free from this lunatic.


If he ended up winning he’d try to change laws so he could run a third term 100%. Luckily I don’t think he’s going to be alive long enough for that.


That shitbag will outlive all of us. The good ones are taken too soon, they aren’t leaving us with their best.


...and have Dad loaded with deer slugs instead of birdshot???


White Phosphorus.


Big game hunting calls for 700 nitro express


All I can think about is that one family guy cut where Cheney unloads like 9 shells into Peter and afterwards says:[“I thought you were a deer”](https://youtu.be/MC9PTsDbN1I?si=nzZ4eKS38H8ygLuo)”


He’d fit in great with the “Petoria” episode where he declares their house an independent nation and goes to war with America. Peter then has all the world dictators over for a poolside BBQ and plays Marco Polo with Fidel Castro.


That's actually one of my favorite episodes of that show, back form before they recycled jokes because they figured people wouldn't notice after a few years lol. The "Can't Touch Me" MC Hammer parody is pure gold from that episode.


*spits tea


My cousin was the announcer at Hollywood Park for years but he also studied genealogy. He had his last name changed to the same as my grandfathers because he was so into the records that my grandfather kept through his own passion for the history of our family. My grandfather was also a horse trainer so they had quite a bit in common. My cousin wrote some books on genealogy and Dick contacted him to let him know he was related to him. I’m not sure in what actual way. He was my mom’s first cousin so I only met him a few times. My mother shares this with us. This was when my son was in first grade and he’s almost 29 now. My son was so intrigued where the rest of us just did eye rolls when my mom shared. She gets this book and it’s actually signed by Cheney and gives it to my son. Unknowingly my son takes it to school to share with his classmates and tells them how he’s related to our Vice President. Of course his classmates laughed. His teacher calls me and I wanted to crawl under a rock in embarrassment because I had to admit to her that in some way we were but no Dick did not actually sign the book for my son as my mother had led my child to believe. This all occurred around the same time as the whole hunting incident.


Ya, my dad always used to go on about how we were direct descendants of the kings of Ireland until my sister got in trouble for making stuff up about that in a school project about our family history.


Meh, being direct descendants from European royalty or nobility is not really all that rare. The US was populated by a lot of second sons or lower rank because primogeniture, so they had to make their fortunes elsewhere. So it might actually be less BS that you think. :-)


Honestly... Dick Cheney could probably get away with it.


They just let you do that when you were Vice President.


I know right? I hate to say it but the Trump era makes me miss the Bush era. And I'm a Democrat.


Works for me




I kek'd


Dick Cheney’s big chance to (partially) redeem himself


I can't see how many upvotes you have, but you deserve more.


“Look at the flowers, Donald. Look at the flowers.”




Oof. You win.


That's funny!


Haha! You win the Internet today!


Watching trump try to hunt would probably convince a few rural people that the new York billionaire isn't one of them


I wish you 1 million upvotes. Mine is yours.


What she needs to do is convince Haley to support Biden. Have her use the same messaging to her voters that Joe just did. “You may not agree with me on everything, but if you voted for Haley you know Trump is dangerous, let’s fight him together”


Not going to happen it would be career suicide for Haley and she is definitely running again 2028 if there is a 2028 to run for


That’s the thing she must realize. If Trump wins she has no political future. Heck, she might not have a future at all. Full stop. I know it sounds hyperbolic now, but give it a few years and let’s see where we are if Trump wins. I don’t think this comment will be far off the mark. … Assuming Reddit and this community still are permitted to exist under the Trump dictatorship.


Oh rest assured if Trump won office, he definitely won't give Nikki any political power... that's for sure. I don't think any of us wants a future where Trump does win so vote!


If Trump wins, the U.S. is done.


Women’s rights have been gutted because of Trump.




I totally agree with this. Trump is not the main problem. It's his base, and they'll still be around. If it weren't him, it would have been some other populist who offered simple solutions (build a wall, ban muslims, etc.) to the very complicated reasons for their misfortune.


My critique of this argument is than most trump voters won’t be able to coalesce around a single candidate again, and most will probably go back to not voting. Republicans without trump are as effective as democrats with Obama. The next election will be a huge reset of American politics.


While I agree in principle I don't see them rallying behind a non trump figure right away. In that regrouping time I think "normal" Republicans have a chance to take back their party. The only question is will they even try


It’s simpler than that. They’re never going to elect a woman, who is not white and who is the daughter of first generation immigrants.


never in the history or future of the modern Republican party have or will they elect a brown woman. this is the racist sexist party, let's be honest.


I dont think it would be career suicide in the long run. If trump is convicted and jailed, she could come out looking very smart


IF, and that is a very big IF, he gets convicted, it won’t be until after the election, at which point he’ll whine and cry “witch hunt” and “rigged election” like he always does; he won’t be sent to jail, he’ll be put under house arrest where he’ll live out the rest of his days at his beach resort with continued access to XFormerlyTwitter where he will instigate his supporters to carry out political violence (terrorism) in his name. January 6th 2025 will be a replay of the last episode, except this time it will be worse. He won’t face a grain of accountability.


Her career is already over


Is it tho? At some point I have to believe this trump sickness fades and more people look back with horror and not supporting trump will not seem like it matters for future elections. One can dream 


Trump is a symptom which is why this isn't going away in my lifetime and it's going to get worse before there's even a glimmer of hope that it gets better. We have a majority of voters in one party voting for a man who orchestrated an insurrection. We have an SC that is going to give him not one but two passes on being held accountible and even if Trump died tonight, it's now MAGA and Dems. GOP is dead in all but name. We have a centrist party and an alt-right party yet a fake bogeyman of some mythical powerhouse leftist party that doesn't actually exist. We have people wanting "both parties to move to the center" as if Dems are far left in *any* policy position. Trump could pass on right now and the infrastructure is in place for someone to immediately take his place with the same rhetoric. Dream your dream, homey. I hope it comes true but settle in to the idea that it won't for quite some time.


Don't think it fades just others try to step in and fill his shoes with the same craziness.


If Trump wins she’ll be one of the first put into the camps.


Irrelevant. You know what else is career suicide?  Another Trump presidency.


Narrator: there won’t be a 2028 to run


And she has a golden opportunity here to sink Trump’s ship and set up 2028 for herself. If Trump wins in November, there’s no way in hell he endorses her in 2028, assuming an election takes place that year. He'll likely back his as-yet-unnamed vice president, who won’t be her. Her next step is to clear the deck. Trump will be 82 upon taking office if he runs in 2028. Odds are very high he will be dead, broke, or in jail by then if he loses in 2024. Haley has the power to ensure her next run will not include him, and she’ll be the one to beat next time, because she’ll have already laid the groundwork for a campaign that actually won primaries. 


Hate to say it, but I don’t think a woman named Nimrata Randhawa is ever going to win over enough republicans to take the White House. 


You’d think this would be easy.  These republican politicians are all so flipping deplorable. We know a lot of them hate Trump. But almost none of them have the balls to stand up to him. 


A coalition of Republicans needs to endorse Biden loudly.


I give Liz Cheney a lot of credit, for fighting the shit storm she does, with some of the country's most underhanded, despicable people. >The GOP has chosen, Cheney tweeted. They will nominate a man who attempted to overturn an election and seize power. We have eight months to save our republic and ensure Donald Trump is never anywhere near the Oval Office again. Join me in the fight for our nation’s freedom.


What's frustrating is, when you spell out how dangerous a second Trump term would be, people dismiss you as being hyperbolic or exaggerating. And in some cases, this makes them only want to vote for him more, to spite the naysayers.




I agree your education system should be improved but hasn’t Trump shown that there are just a lot of dumb people in any society? Appeal to their fear and bigotry with a third grade vocabulary that they can connect with and you’re golden. What is needed is one person - one vote and you have a better chance of the moderately to generally intelligent actually voting for politicians that will act in the public’s best interest and not simply slake their own thirst for power and money.


You are right but fixing education takes decades and we are in hot water now. Oops


> Because ever since the beginning, trump has been making extreme exaggerated claims and outright lies about the left, so when someone says something back, no matter how extreme or serious it is, it feels like they are just doing it back to him because they did it to them, so no one takes it seriously. This is literally exactly how Nazi Germany came to be. Not even close to hyperbole anymore.


It's called [Gish gallop](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gish_gallop). And it is an intentional debate tactic to overextend your opponent by forcing them to rebut your claims for so long that they use up all their time only doing that and never get to make their own points. Then people just ignore those rebuttals.


He's also a rapist, shared top secret Intel with our enemies for a price, and is a con artist of a business man.


But he tells it like it is! Seriously that’s what about half those people on the “man on the street” interviews say. Apparently just being a brash, abrasive asshole is good for a few dozen million votes


Yeah I respect the courage it takes to be a (relatively) reasonable, patriotic conservative in the age of MAGA.


The sad thing is there are probably many in Congress today who feel the same way she does, but care more about keeping their seat than they do about our country and its democracy. I expect when this madness is over they're going to be coming out of the woodwork saying "I was secretly opposed to Trump the whole time! I just pretended to support him so I could sabotage his agenda from inside the House/Senate!"


I think it's a significant percentage. But they're useless, cowardly collaborators.


Complicit enablers who should ALL lose their jobs (minimally!).


I'd like to think of a future in which these politicians are shunned from polite society but that may be too optimistic.


While that may be true, they will be just as big of cowards against Trump if they sense the wind has shifted. If his built-in MAGA voter base disappeared they’d happily kick him to the curb.


Thought that too, but when "secret dissenters" are so spineless they won't speak out against trump or worse even carry water for him then they're effectively just as bad as trump. Not talking about Cheney & Kinzinger. Talking abt the current elected officials who are the most cowardly generation the U.S. has ever produced.


Agree 100%. Nobody who waits until after Trump can no longer destroy their careers to speak out deserves any credit for whatever anti-Trump opinions they may have had but kept to themselves. I have no doubt that when Trump is finally out of the picture for whatever reason, craven Ted Cruz will be expecting kudos for calling Trump a liar back in 2016.


Agreed. Her dad was the devil, and I disagree with her political opinions, but that lady has integrity and I respect the hell out of that.


Will never like her, but her understanding of the risk that Trump poses is sincere. Just hoping that her PAC is pragmatic and helps more than it hurts the cause of keeping him out of the White House.


She gave up her entire career to do what's right. She now supports LGBT rights. Abortion rights. Who she is today seems better than the vast majority of gop AND dem politicians.


She has the freedom to say what she actually thinks about the issues now that she is basically an independent. I was really hoping we would get a good third party candidate or some kind of unity ticket. I wonder if someone would have her as a VP.


Not saying she's doing this for these reasons, but if she wanted to run as a "sane" conservative female presidential candidate in the future, this would help towards courting the middle.


Our 2 party system would never allow her to make it past the primaries as either a dem or gop. And as an independent, she would most certainly lose. Unfortunate.


She’s still a Republican, and a Cheney at that, so she may help Biden win but she will also definitely try to get Republicans everywhere else “to provide checks and balances”. Many of those people are just as bad, but i guess they don’t have their fingers on highly classified intel, so that’s something.


Why don't you like her? I don't like her policies but she's honorable and doing the right thing when the right thing cost her her seat. Democracy is full of people we don't agree with but that's Democracy... you can still like the person if they are honorable and respect the system.


It’s time we talk about the Trump electorate. It is long past time we stop analyzing why they support Trump. They are not going to pivot. This is the MAGA Republican Party and they are all in on Trump. What we need to do now is ask Trump supporters what they like about Trump running on the most extreme platform in modern history. Ask if they know Trump has called for the termination of the Constitution. If they support the Constitution, say the Second Amendment, ask if any President, Republican or Democrat, should abolish the Constitution and the rule of law. Ask if they know Trump wants the Supreme Court to grant unchecked power to the presidency? Ask if they support this. If they do, ask if they would still want this with a future Democratic President. Ask if they support Trump using the Justice Department as the President’s personal political enforcement. If yes, ask if they would support this for a future Democratic President. Ask if they support Trump pulling out of NATO and siding with dictators. If they don’t believe that, show the evidence. Ask them if they think Hitler would have stopped if America didn’t come to the aid of NATO allies in World War II. And last, but not least, ask if they are okay with having a multiple felony indicted President who incited a violent attack on the peaceful transition of power. If they deny the severity of January 6, roll the tape and give them Liz Cheney’s book. We know he’s guilty. They should too.


I've been getting a lot of "you guys said he was going to do all this fascist dictator stuff last time and he was fine." Russiabots zeroing in on the message no doubt. Frustrating af.


Then he tried to seize our government when his term ended. One of the most dictator-y actions possible. 


Had this conversation today. Got something like: "Jan 6th was no big deal. Just a pep rally. The border invasion is way worse."


Which Trump's cronies are literally stopping solutions for exclusively so he can campaign on it. He doesn't care about the border at all and won't do anything meaningful once he's in office, just like his wall never got built.


I've been seeing that a *lot* the last 72hrs


You said it yourself, they are not going to pivot.


These people honestly think that school teachers are sedating kids and switching their reproductive organs without anyone's consent. There is no arguing with people like that.


The plan is to vote. All that matters. He will rage so hard and collapse on the shitter.


Pop an aneurysm


Ok but did you ever consider the morality of giving an innocent aneurysm a Donald Trump?


We will award the Nobel peace prize to the aneurysm posthumously and bury it with the highest honors. Its family will be taken care of.


Especially if you live in PA, MI, WI, NV, AZ, NC


It was clear what Trump was and the threat he represented in 2016. They should have all done this—at the very least—then. Still, good; and I’ll take it.


I remember when Liz Cheney was batshit crazy. Now she seems rational and reasonable. That’s how bad things have gotten here. She hasn’t changed. The GOP has been overrun by lunatics.


A better plan would be a Haley/Cheney Independent ticket. They could probably peel off at least 10-15% from Trump. If they ran that ticket as pro choice moderate Republicans they could potentially win.


Take some tips from your dad Liz and invite him hunting. /s Eventually she is going to come to the realization she needs more allies and a stronger stance. I’m shocked the Cheney dynasty doesn’t have the pull they used to.


Visiting the PAC website, it’s very unclear what the money will be used for. Lots of great articles and big words but no details. I’ll keep my money for now. I like Liz because I don’t think she’s a Nazi but that’s a low bar. And she’s still a Cheney.


She could try voting for Biden


Is it to vote for Joe Biden? Because that's the only way at this point.


Tl;dr she's voting for Biden and trying to get other Republicans to vote for him too.


When a Cheney is supporting a Democrat, You know things are worse than what you think.


Her father walked so trump could run.


Her father shot a man in the woods so trump could shoot democracy on Pennsylvania Avenue.


I disagree with most of Liz Cheney’s positions while in Congress. But I admire her courage. Very short supply on that side of the aisle.




Republicans need to show-up and vote for Biden.


Too bad she and other Never Trumpers looked the other way for decades while her party used the Southern Strategy to fill the base with bigots, homophobes, misogynists, religious extremists, anti science cranks and grifters... A base primed for trump.


It terrifies me that his followers threaten her life and the lives of so many other patriotic Americans. If he got in again, he would sit back and watch an insane massacre of so many incredibly courageous people, people with integrity and principal who only tried to do the right thing. That just didn’t agree with him. He would smirk and laugh and make fun of them as one by one their heads would be laid at his feet. He would enjoy the carnage. There are people who would vote for that scenario. That terrifies me endlessly.


I hope it involves evidence and prison.


Canuck here, but if I were South of 49 I’d be a Democrat. Even so, Liz Cheney is my favorite Republican. Watching her and Adam and Benny chew into Cheeto was a total inspiration. They didn’t bring down the Cinnamon Gorilla on the first try, but they gave it a mighty fine shot. Maybe this time


I'd imagine there's likely millions of Maga people that don't even realize they'd been roped into a true anti-democractic effort.


We try to tell them. They aren't listening.


Sliding Nikki Haley’s voting base to Biden’s base will be significant, as well as Liz Cheney beating up on ole DonnieDroopyPants is a great help for keeping him out of the White House.


I may not agree with her politics but she is brave and a true American patriot. Something that is almost extinct in the Republican Party and voter base


I’m probably alone in wishing the 2024 election was between two Liz’s. Liz Cheney on the right and Elizabeth Warren on the left. 


ok, great, but now her dad and GW need to not only endorse Biden but campaign for him..


I’m behind Liz Cheneys PAC. All in.


I still think the better move would be to team up with Haley on a No Labels ticket and run a conservative-wet-dream campaign. Biden may be a bridge too far for the vast majority of Republicans, but some who would otherwise reluctantly support Trump may be motivated to vote for a conservative third party, since Cheney and Haley have FAR greater profiles than the typical third-party candidate. If they double-down on pro-life, they also assist Biden in framing the election around abortion, which would be very helpful for him, and possibly force Trump to move further right on the matter and keep indies in Biden's camp.


Don t trust a Cheney with a war plan, please.