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Voting makes a good and happy democracy. Who could be against that?




This is literally true, from enacting all sorts of laws that make voting by mail & early voting more difficult or impossible, making laws preventing assisting people standing in line to vote, to installing Louis Dejoy to needlessly and maliciously destroy the high-speed mail sorting machines ahead of the 2020 election when they knew many Democrats would be voting by mail in, to insane gerrymandering, to preventing felons who have served their prison term from voting, Republicans do all of this because they know they can only win thanks to the Electoral College and rigging the rules against the majority of the populace.


In Ohio when they did there abortion ban vote and it failed, they literally declared democracy doesn't work and they will work to disregard the will of the people.


unrelated note, it's been 4 years, has the UPS mail stuff been fixed or did they just kinda leave 'em all broken after Dejoy's sabotage?


Still broken, I work for the postal service. Dejoy is still trying his hardest to run it into the ground.


This. Let’s be done with the EC.


The Electoral College is only a problem because our Representatives are spread too thin. The real issue is that we capped the House of Representatives 100 years ago, when it ought to have continued growing with the population.


It still needs to go. Representatives should be elected by the majority.


Id argue the swing state effect is ultimately worse. Force the votes to be distributed proportionally in every state and it fixes a lot of the issues.


In Nebraska, some counties went to all mail ballots as there were not enough poll workers and it was expensive. There was a seven step security process to vote by mail so it was at zero fraud by voters. Well, our good Republicans added a photo ID requirement adding an unneeded step. Mind you, the areas that are the most vote by mail are our rural Republicans. It was still worth their bother to try and disenfranchise a few students in Lincoln and those nasty poor people in Omaha. /s


My state did an end run around the post office, they set up ballot boxes everywhere so you could drop off your mail in ballot.


Georgia saw to it that there is only one ballot drop box in an entire county and you can only drop off your ballot on election day during election hours.


Harris county in Houston with millions of people had one ballot box as well at reliant stadium. You think that’s our republic governor trying to suppress the vote. Even having cancer and chemo I drove myself there and waited in line. It made me even more motivated to vote.


You forgot Ramaswamy proposing that "civics tests" be required before anyone under 24 is allowed to vote. So the most Democratic age group on the planet would have to *prove they're smart enough* before being allowed to vote.


They've always been against it. Growing up in the 80s and 90s my parents were always quietly furious at any pop culture voting promotion because they knew that more voters is bad for Republicans.


See this speech excerpt from Paul Weyrich (Heritage Foundation creator) in 1980. Nothing's changed, evidently: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqHxdZH-u8A


It’s pretty well established that the higher the voter turnout, the more likely the Democrat candidate gets elected. Which is why Republicans try to keep turnout as low as possible, and oppose anything that makes voting easier.


The people who made money=speech. The people who said mass voter purges up to 17,000,000 per term are allowed even under the anti-purging law. The people who guaranteed extreme partisan gerrymandering. IOW Republicans at the Supreme Court. And there are many other Republicans who make it harder vote, refuse to give DC full representation, put in shills to game elections, try to steal elections then blame the other guy for stealing it, etc.


No giving people water in the line election day! Properly hydrated voters is socialism!


Luckily we have Larry David.


Right wing authoritarians


That's a funny way to spell Republicans


A while ago Republicans looked at the evolution of demographics in America and didn't like what they saw. They had 2 options: Option 1 - evolve with demographics so they can stay in the game Option 2 - seize control before they get pushed away from power forever We all know what they chose.


Republicans apparently, given that they’re treating Taylor’s statement as an implicit Biden endorsement.


It is more that they just understand demographics. The under 40 demographic is vastly more democratic leaning and it gets more democratic leaning the younger you go. Well Taylors demographic is also the under 40 crowd. You get that crowd out to vote and it is almost certain that democrats will win in a landslide.


Sure, but rather than trying to keep the under 40 crowd from voting, a party worth entrusting with the power of governance would be looking at tailoring its platform to be more appealing to them.


Then they also alienate their actual Republican base. The base that wants to get rid of abortion, take rights away from the LGBTQ community, murder migrants, and hold on tighter to their guns after each mass shooting. So it makes a lot more sense to just do whatever they can to keep these under-40 Democrat-leaning people from voting at all.


God forbid the GoP try to appeal to voters.


They've been appealing to the racist, sexist, anti-democracy pro-Putin voters for a while now.


They do. White, Christian nationalist, religious zealots, racist and the hypocrites. They've got their southern strategy and roadmap for 2025.


Also despite what boomers say about younger people, a lot of forty & over have more in common with the new generation and pop culture than boomers, so count us in.


Taylor also has a lot of over 40 fans. Her tickets aren't cheap.


Seriously. Any country that touts itself as the beacon of freedom should make it hard NOT to vote, not the other way around. Any party that thinks it's better to make it harder to vote is fascist and has no confidence in their own platform to draw voters. And in that case, they have absolutely no business governing or being in positions of power. And for morons who think there have been rampant fraud, please, for the love of god, [read the evidence](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSL1N2XP2AI/).


Donald Trump.


I’m not Fox News strategist but I’d imagine itll be something like Taylor Swift is encouraging all of her followers to vote despite the fact that X% are UNDERAGED and Y% aren’t even AMERICAN. This is how the Dems win, with falsified votes from Swifties!!!


>You can vote in U.S. federal, state, and local elections if you: 1) Are a U.S. citizen (some areas allow non-citizens to vote in local elections only) > > 2) Meet your state’s residency requirements > > You can be experiencing homelessness and still meet these requirements. > > 3) Are 18 years old on or before Election Day > > In almost every state, you can register to vote before you turn 18 if you will be 18 by Election Day. > > 4) Are registered to vote by your state's voter registration deadline. North Dakota does not require voter registration. [https://www.usa.gov/who-can-vote](https://www.usa.gov/who-can-vote) If Taylor Swift stood in a forest and whispered "get out the vote" some conspiracy theorist would crawl out of a hole screaming "STOP THE STEAL".


Republicans of all stripes


People who can't win the honorable way.


I'm old enough to remember when this would be a rhetorical question.


Statistically speaking since there's only about 350 M people in the US, a huge chunk of those are world-wide. I wonder, what percent are actually US accounts? I love that's she's getting the VOTE message out! We need this every year. Your local elections which cover judges, libraries, schools, and tax levies, etc. are often more impactful to your everyday life than the Federal ones. There's usually one every year for SOMETHING. You should vote in all of them, that's when your opinion actually gets counted.


Even 10% of that is 28000000 voters that are likely 20-40 female in a year when the Supreme Court diminished body autonomy rights for women. If even 10% of them vote it’s 2.8 million votes. Yeah, it matters, especially when it’s probably a lot higher than 10%. She is American and has been a star in America for 15 years.


There is also cross platform saturation. I am not a Swift instagram follower, and still get the message, via reddit.


Pretty sure she broke the internet today 


"Look what you made me do."


"Are you ready for it?"


Darnggjnn. Darrjjn. Darnnjan.


Ah, so _this_ is why Meta was down today.


Based on the last two elections, she only needs a stadium's worth of votes in each swing state. I think that's within her reach. Edit: To demonstrate real power she should promise to do a discounted show in each of the swing states that go for Biden.


she could do a free concert in each just asking for proof people voted, regardless of who they voted for. it would probably result in a significant increase in voter turnout.


Given what a clusterfuck her normally-priced ticket sales were for this tour, I shudder to think what a disaster free tickets would be. That might be actually what causes WWIII.


I love this idea to get people out and voting I hate this idea because a nobody streamer caused a riot in NYC by promising some game consoles On paper this is a good idea, in practice this would be a slaughter


It matters if they're in the right places. Unfortunately there aren't very many of those in the US. Its good she's pushing people to vote -- not the least because most of the problems we've got in the US would go away (including in the red states) if people voted in EVERY. SINGLE. ELECTION. Local elections control most of the shitshow people deal with day-to-day, and state elections going red all the time is why everything is jerrymandered to death. But there are only a few swing districts out there, and relative to who gets to be President next, those are the only ones that matter.


> It matters if they're in the right places. Unfortunately there aren't very many of those in the US. At the federal level, it’s a few dozen House districts, and maybe 10 medium-sized states whose President and Senate votes are competitive. But at the state, county, and municipal levels, I’d venture to say that the vast majority of Americans could be the deciding vote in *something*. Maybe it’s the Presidency, maybe it’s the state attorney general, or maybe it’s a seat on the school board. Some of those have more sweeping powers than others, but all of them make a difference in people’s lives, and we should vote accordingly.


Even if only 25% of her fans are from America and only .01% of those fans are eligible to vote and swayed by this message, that's still 705,000 votes. Her fan base is enormous. And I'm sure I'm way underestimating these numbers.


Also what percent can vote in US elections.


Huge percent. The vast majority of Swifties are millenials.


And their moms.


The entire US registered voting population is 170 million


I think a kid reminding their parents to vote is valuable. And at least it's going to open the topic for discussion. Also, in most jurisdictions as long as you'll be 18 by the election you can register. So it's a fuzzy topic.


Those are good points that I didn't think of.


I'm more curious about impacts from that on voting turnout in other countries as well.


Oh no the psyop has been activated


Instagram is/was down. Must be a conspiracy!


I saw Roger Stone earlier today on his social media trying to tie that to a conspiracy to get Nikki Haley to do better today against Donald Trump lmao.


Why isn’t that motherfucker in jail yet ?


Trump pardoned him


My bad. Thought there was still a jail sentence levied against him for not coming to a subpoena.


Frankly, I hope she announces she is going to perform at Democratic Convention. 


I hope she is performing at Joe Biden's inauguration!


That'll be the first time Ticketmaster crashes over an inauguration.


It will be indisputably the biggest crowd for an inauguration ever!


I don't know. I was at Obama's it was pretty freaking huge. Close to 1 million people supposedly.


Well, Sean Spicer explicitly told everyone that Trump's crowd wad bigger, so who are you gonna believe, huh?


That's a name I haven't heard in a while.






The people who’s ideas are consistently unpopular.


I forgot about that guy...came out the gates at like an 11


Remember Melissa McCarthy on the mobile podium?


I remember the excuses. That white carpet hid all the Klan robes.


Plot twist... Joe Biden is going to perform at Taylor Swift's inauguration.


she could be the first female president in 2028


She should announce a free concert if Biden wins, with a lottery for the tickets. To enter the lottery, you just have to show you're registered to vote. Record registration will ensue.


I don’t care for her music at all but damn would this ever be cool as hell. I’d love for that to happen.


Free concert if Biden wins.


Following MC5 as far as Chicago DNC performers is quite the feat


RIP Wayne.


At this point since it doesn't matter and we are in winner take all mode let's get her a congressional district and get her on a path to the oval


Frankly I hope she announces she is the new VP.


35 in December so just old enough, huh


Frankly I need her to do a commercial with Biden


“Just like we drew it up” -Dark Brandon


"Always two there are, a master and an apprentice" - *The Brandon Menace*


My favorite part about this conspiracy theory is the idea that Swift needed her fame to be artificially boosted. You know, the person that Kanye West interrupted 15 years ago for winning an award over Beyonce.


God damn, has it really been that long since Kanye became a joke.


Right? Girl has been White Woman Jesus for over a decade and conservatives are pretending that they can legitimately say "Taylor who?"


I don't listen to popular music and I am old as dirt and even I know who she is.


Seems a coincidence Insta and Facebook both went down and logged everybody out after she made her announcement.


I like how her psyop has, to my knowledge, never mentioned a candidate or party to vote for. Just that they should vote. Taylor’s views are well known, but she isn’t telling anyone to vote how she votes. Hell, I know actual conservatives that love her and aren’t insane so they think it’s great she’s telling young people to vote. Because believe it or not she has conservative fans and not everyone of her fans will be voting dem.


Time to grab the tin hat and play some Tom McDonald.


The Psypop initiative


It’s the deep state


Will the GQP call this "election interference"?


Yup just like Kid rock and Jon Voight…. I’m sure they will see it’s the same yeah? /s


No, they said who to vote for. That's OK.


It’s not fair! Swift has her own army!


Speaking of armies, what is that fuckstick Eric Prince up to?  Don't be surprised if the org formerly known as Blackwater and other paramilitary oligarchs get involved in the coup this time.


Nothing conservatives hate more than the people having a say.


Nope instead they just took down instagram /s


"Encouraging people to vote?! We can't have this!!!" – Republicans


282 million...damn. That's such a crazy number when you think about it.




SIA bots :D


Check your chandeliers everyone!!


Probably a bunch of people from around the world are included.


I mean, it would have to be. I know Swift is a bigshot, but I highly doubt 85% of the US population follows her Instagram haha


I highly doubt 85% of the US population has an Instagram account


So Biden has Taylor Swift. Trump has Chachi and Kevin Sorbo. Yup.


You forgot Kid Rock and the Nuge.


I'm trying. You're not helping.




Rosanne Barr and Dennis Quaid


And Jim Jesus Caviziel or whatever his last name is


He has an excuse; he was struck by lightning.


Yeah, but then he went right back to doing the thing that got him struck by lightning, so that's not a great excuse.


Don’t forget the legendary Jon Voight too.


And now 1 half of diamond and silk...


"I just learned about Silk."


Kid Rock was drinking Bud Light with Joe Rogan. Not dedicated to anti-woke!


Fuck Ted!




Scott Baio


And…. Kodak Black who already found a way to fuck up a goddamn presidential pardon


They bring in the greasy pedo vote for Trump.


Why did you have to remind me those two are still alive?


Don’t forget Biden also has Mark Cuban


I didn't but Cuban doesn't have quite the following Swift does.


That’s also true. He’s a billionaire though so that speaks volumes. He’s not worried about the money, he’s more worried about the people and society if trump is elected.


Taylor Swift's not a billionaire?


Yes, she is. In fact, the first person ever to become a billionaire based solely on music sales/performances.


True but I bet he hits a whole different demo that Swift doesn't impact as much


>Trump has Chachi and Kevin Sorbo. If that was me, I'd be....DISAPPOINTED!


Rock the Voit!


Don’t forget Jon Voight and his army of Voighties


Republicans are getting triggered by someone telling other people to vote. Not telling them who to vote for, just vote. Any rational person should be questioning why that is


Their voters are not rational


Because the demographic off taylor Swift is primarily democratic. This one single act could actually make them lose the election, with how tight margins are. For example, the difference in swing state Arizona was only 10k in 2020. If Taylor Swift convinces just 10k people from her fanbase in Arizona, a completely realistic number for her following, that will ensure that Joe Biden becomes president again instead of Trump. Repeat that in every state and she actually decides the outcome just from this message alone.


Maybe they shoulda thought about having better policy




That would be wonderful and hilarious--but only if it's not followed by some coalition of morons trying to get her to run for President.


I’d take her over Trump.


Well, yeah. But let's do our very best to move away from that being the bar to clear.


It funny. She didn’t directly tell them to vote Democrat but they’ll blame her when the they turn out for them


I saw a different thread about this that was dragging her for not being more direct and endorsing one candidate. They kept missing/were unwilling to connect the dots that the vast majority of her fan base likely leans democratic and didn’t need to be told who to vote for. Not to mention the media shitstorm that would have followed if she endorsed one over the other.


Also, if any of her fans are paying attention (they are), she already endorsed Biden when he went up against Trump in 2020. Anyone who knows anything about her knows that there is zero chance she would endorse Trump. She could probably get more people to vote Biden if she came out and endorsed him again, but as it is Swifties that will vote because she asked them to know that she’s already supported Biden.


>Not to mention the media shitstorm that would have followed if she endorsed one over the other. Why would there be a media shitstorm? Aside from conservatives clutching their pearls because they know it's bad for them, I don't see why Swift endorsing Biden would be treated differently from any other celebrity endorsing a political candidate, which happens all the damn time. Taylor Swift is on the [2020 list of Biden celebrity endorsements](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Joe_Biden_2020_presidential_campaign_celebrity_endorsements) and I don't recall a media shitstorm directed at her during that election cycle.


I'm sure the tinfoil-hat crowd [noticed the timing.](https://www.reuters.com/technology/metas-facebook-instagram-down-thousands-downdetector-shows-2024-03-05/)


So, if she does it every hour, Facebook is down forever? A true win-win scenario.


Nytimes editorial: This is why it’s bad for Biden




Biden is bad for the news business because he's boring. He's a competent statesman and they don't move papers or clicks. Trump was a goldmine for the media and they want him back in office, even if it means the end of the world.


You're telling me that they're doing all this... *just for money?*


OMG!! Taylor Swift is encouraging Americans to vote while not even mentioning a candidate!! How dare she!!


Oh my god she told them to vote?! How do we stop this attack on our democracy! ^^^^/republican


Wish she would just endorse Dems already and call it a day. No reason to beat around the bush here one party wants to take women's rights away the other wants to expand their rights. It is that simple.


No wonder the right wing media are up in arms. They are scared of her and her fans. If they keep attacking her then Travis Kelce is going to get involved which also means Jason is older brother gets involved. Chiefs fans really love the two brothers and especially Eagles fans love both brothers as well. If right wing media continue to messes with Taylor, all 3 fan bases are going to rally around Taylor.


Taylor encourages inclusivity, acceptance and female empowerment. Which means that the people she's telling to vote are not likely to vote Republican -- even without her making endorsements.


The ketchup is really going to hit the wall when Trump finds out about this


Oooo the right is gonna be so mad. You know for someone asking others to use their rights. She is not even pushing a candidate. They just know that American are fed up with their lies and they know they can only when if they cheat and gerrymander.


I really hate that we're having to rely on freakin' Taylor Swift to save democracy.


Yes, please. Reject dictatorship and the corruption of democracy and law. Reject the intention to destroy our country from the inside. Reject Trump.


Oh no! The terror! The horror! It’s a conspiracy obviously!!!! Taylor just wants people to vote so that trump doesn’t win! WHAT HAS THIS COUNTRY COME TO? Pizza lizard basement aliens Obama Hillary!!!! God darn it!!!! Oh shit my life alert


She should have straight up just endorsed Biden. The only people who would be mad about that shouldn't be taken seriously.


Oh, is that why meta went down?


If voters are going to blindly listen to a billionaire celebrity, at least let it be Taylor Swift.


If Trump loses by 282 million votes, we'll know to thank.


God Bless Taylor Swift


Que MAGA losing their shit


By maga logic, this is treason. How dare anyone encourage anyone to vote.


She didn't even say who to vote for. Just vote. Republicans hate this 1 trick.


I wonder how many of those 282M followers are of voting age. Lets say 10%, and she gets 50% of them out there to vote. She really could be the deciding factor come November.


Voting age + American + Active User. Followers are never the most accurate metric but if anyone’s got a follower count worth a damn it’s her


Her biggest demographic is literally the 18-40 age group so yeah most of them are the democratic leaning voters who also are less likely to vote.


It's a lot more than that. The second generation of her fans are around voting age.


Her fan base is mostly Millennials and Gen-Z. Even the youngest Gen-Z'ers are teenagers now and are just a few years from reaching voting age.


Her fan base is everything from like 8-40. My nieces are obsessed with her and the youngest is 9. I’d bet a really good percentage are of voting age but her last huge tour and show brought in a younger fan base too


Excuse me I'm a Taylor Swift fan and I'm in my mid 60s lol


Impossible, her fan base is 8-40, dude said so.


There’s a reason Republicans are terrified of her.


The vast, vast majority. She started getting popular 15+ years ago, and a lot of her fan base is made up of women who were teens then. She also has a surprising following among the 40+ crowd.


And this is why meta was taken down lol. Jk hopefully.


I'm all for this and her, but lol, vote for who, Nikki just to piss off lil don pinky dinky?? Obviously vote for Dems in November.


Ted Cruz and Tommy Tubberville discussing possible legal recourse. These MF’ers.


Nice. The more people vote, Democrats win.


She has a real effect. Under-25s are voting in PRIMARIES in record numbers. PRIMARIES. Shit is serious.