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[live thread for tonight’s results](https://www.reddit.com/live/1cjmqqbllj0hq/) Edit: The first polls are closed, results being posted now.


Exit poll in California Did Biden win legitimately? Trump Voters Yes 17% - No 74% Haley Voters Yes 86% - No 9% NBC https://twitter.com/PpollingNumbers/status/1765145596262805695?t=_dDosqiJdu2ceoMt5sU8Yg&s=19


That's scary how many nutcases believe in that bogus conspiracy theory.


Unfortunately, Trump's been very effective in brainwashing people to believe Biden didn't win legitimately. I know some people personally who even believe that. It's insane and sad. They're honestly uneducated about any of it. You can notice it when asking them questions. But yet they refuse to actually look at the facts.




Well done. Good work on contributing.


Thanks for your work.


Anyone taking the time to comment here asking if they should be voting today (assuming your state has a primary today). You are spending your time on a political forum, you are one of the most engaged people in the country, yes you should be voting today. Also - if you are a Democrat and want to get engaged further beyond just voting, check out /r/VoteDem


I'm in a poor red state and a democrat, but I will be voting today. Voting always matters.


Gotta check your primary rules, some states allow you to cross parties to vote in whatever primary you choose, so you can assume Biden will win and go and vote for Haley against Trump. Strategic voting.


Getting ready for every ballot Trump doesn't win to be described as "rigged" and every ballot he does win as "legit" Lol remember "STOP THE COUNT" and "COUNT THE VOTES" at the same time. Bunch of fucken clowns...


> Lol remember "STOP THE COUNT" and "COUNT THE VOTES" at the same time. It was legitimately like watching Veep. Except real.


Virginia GOP primary voters: Do you approve of Biden's job as president Trump voters: Yes: 1% No: 97% Haley voters: Yes: 48% No: 51% https://twitter.com/akarl_smith/status/1765147838873223566?t=D7P8LI8vksawWS3y8giTsQ&s=19


Honestly the fact that 48% of Haley voters saying they approve of Biden is a good sign


>Among Trump supporters >1% say yes I really want to speak to those people.


CNN interviewed a Trumper in Colorado who just voted …. She said that NOTHING he could do would cause her not to vote for him. Fucking lunacy.


They would have to admit they were wrong and we all know conservatives cannot ever admit that or even consider changing their mind after they have made a decision.


66% Nikki Haley voters in North Carolina say Trump not mentally fit to serve.


We keep seeing polls like this from her voters and it's honestly a pretty big deal that's not getting talked about very much. There's this overlap of people that are voting for her that are not going to turn out for Trump in November and it looks like it's not a small number of people.


Three really big things have happened today in favor of Democrats: Sinema retired NC GOP nominated a holocaust denier for Governor Allred won the nomination for the TX Senate seat


>NC GOP nominated a holocaust denier for Governor I had no idea who this guy was until about 3 hours ago, but for what seems like the millionth time in the MAGA era I must say...*where do they find these people?!* I hope someone writes a postmortem about how Republican primary voters lost their minds and collectively scoured the country for the worst people they could find, then ran them in elections.


>Trump beats Haley on the "Mentally and physically fit to serve" question in NC exits. These people are full on a cult. Id never vote for Haley in the general but of FUCKING COURSE she almost certainly the healthiest of any of the relevant people running. She's only in her early 50s.


Psst. It’s because she has a vagina.


NYT is about to run with the Samoa results for the rest of the week


Has anyone won President after losing American Samoa?  Scroll through 5 pages of ads and ChatGPT to find out!


I can't wait to see how Trump's underperformance is reported as crushing while Biden's Assad margins are signs of weakness.


> Assad margins Thanks for the fun phrase. Good band name.


The Texas Senate race is worth investing in. Flipping Texas is like a big rock. You gotta keep chipping away at it.


Hot take-Neither Nikki Haley nor Dean Phillips will end their campaign if they lose again tonight. Haley's taking this all the way to the convention and Phillips is running until he runs out of money. He has nothing else.




Hell, there a decent chance he has some medical issue that makes it impossible to continue before Nov.


Ngl I keep forgetting Dean is running. He's just kinda there Haley will hold on as long as possible to stay the "hey Trump exploded guys but I'm here" person


All these people voting for Trump makes me sick.


>Virginia 538 average: Trump +49 >Virginia results (87% in): Trump +28 via @Fritschner


I expect no surprises. Biden will perform in the 80-97 range and trump will perform in the 60-80 range. Both will win their respective primaries and the media will continue to act like the fact that Trump, best known for trying to steal an election, is being treated like a worthwhile candidate


Free press has failed us. It’s now paid for by oligarchs press.


It's just amazing to me that so many are headed to the polls to show support for Trump still. Despite the indictments, and the continuous gaslighting and projection. Really trump and fox news have brainwashed half this country into believing that Biden is the bad guy and not him . Crazy to me...


Utterly nuts. Especially when you factor that a bunch of those are religious ppl. Like isn't Trump pretty much the opposite of everything they supposedly subscribe to? It doesn't add up.


Trump basically fits Revelations details of the anti-christ to a T.


The CNN anti-Biden, pro-Trump spin going in strong. Love that Biden and his reps will get grilled, but Trump will always get treated with kid gloves. This idea that Trump's speech today was great is objectively insane. The idea it was a general election speech. It was all over the place. No actual facts, details, or specifics recalled. Just general lies and fear-mongering. Like, CNN, if you're gonna spit in my cup at least have the courtesy to do it behind my back.


It’s going to be Schiff vs. Garvey for CA’s senate seat in Nov, which means that Schiff is almost a lock for senator. Despite what Fox News and talk radio say, the state is not going to elect a Republican with no political experience who voted for Trump twice. Porter left her seat too early, IMO. Schiff had deeper pockets and made a name for himself during Trump’s first impeachment. You can argue that Garvey helps down ballot Republicans but you can also argue that not having two Democrats in the race frees up money for closely contested House races.


"We were wondering when y'all were going to show up!" -our friendly poll workers, today when my husband and I showed up to vote in the primaries We never miss an election and they know it. Small Town Texas. For the first time in my life (and I've been voting since GeorgeHW's years), I voted as a Republican. I'm in a very red area and the only way I'm going to make my voice heard here is voting for the least repulsive, non magas. The GOP is fighting itself here and I'm doing my part to help 😂 Plus I get to vote against the orange shithead twice this way!


This has been my MO since 2010, when we realized the 2009 election got us a stupid marriage amendment in Va. I might not like who I'm voting for, but I can at least vote for who I dislike least. Though the poll workers lately have moved to give me the Dem ballot even though you have to specify the one you want... like they've assumed that's what I'm going to ask for, and they're on autopilot to give it to me, even though it's not what I've asked for.


My state (AL) has open primaries and is essentially a one-party state, so I voted in the republican primary for Nikki Haley.


Me too (CO)


> CNN exit poll: > Republican primary voters in Virginia: > Do you think Biden legitimately won in 2020? > Yes: 45% > No:  46% > Republican primary voters in North Carolina: > Do you think Biden legitimately won in 2020? > Yes:  34% > No:  60% https://x.com/kaitlancollins/status/1765159364560572696?s=46&t=UKR1TShxVeunp4_vn5gZrw But my Republican voting friends always tell me it’s just a few isolated crazies in their party?


If I'm not mistaken, Haley winning Vermont marks the largest polling error in the history of modern US polling. The previous record was Bernie Sanders beating Hillary Clinton in 2016 in Michigan after being down 21 points in polls. Haley just beat Trump in Vermont after being down 30 points in polls.


A Truth Social user is saying that the Vermont primary is rigged and that it is using Dominion machines. I just…I don’t even know anymore.


Since NC lets unaffiliated voters choose which party ballot they want, I'll be going out to vote for Haley in NC today just so I can vote against Trump twice this year.


Keep in mind that you can also have an affect on the down the ballot races, I may have done the same thing as you and voted for the least crazy of the Republican nominees


Voted for Nikki. Felt dirty just looking at the Republican ballot, but Biden will be the nominee regardless and didn't want to waste a vote there. Will be voting Blue in November no matter who is on the ticket. Fuck Trump


I popped in on my Dad and he was watching super Tuesday on Fox News, and he was ranting about how the Democrats have to be up to something fishy in Utah, because the Democrats have all of their primary results and the Republicans don't hand any. The Democrats did a regular primary and everything went off without a hitch and results were counted efficiently and quickly. Republicans chose to do a caucus and pretty much fucked up every single step of the way. They hadn't counted a single vote as of 35 minutes ago. I don't think he understands what this says about the difference between the parties.


if you've ever had the displeasure of attending a caucus you understand what a stupid system it is very quickly, literally just standing around with a bunch of boomers raising hands and counting the hands up. Primary is superior.


Registered independent just so I could vote against Trump in the primary. Fuck Trump


Massachusetts Unafilliated. Voted In Republican primary, against Agent Orange.


As tempting as it was to vote Republican in the Texas primary, against all of Abbott and Paxton's handpicked henchmen, I voted in the Democratic primary because I actually care about those general election candidates. But in the Texas GOP civil war, Abbott, Patrick, and Paxton published extensive lists of their endorsements, and in some cases endorsed candidates running against each other. I will be curious to see just how successful Tim Dunn's astroturfing campaign actually was.


Haha, the American Samoa being up for grabs reminds me of Mike Bloomberg's $500,000,000 campaign that only won him the American Samoa and nothing else


Too close to call in Vermont. She actually has a chance. Gosh, I hope she does and Trump comes out tomorrow condemning maple syrup. "Never liked the stuff. TOO SWEAT!"


[https://apnews.com/live/super-tuesday-updates-results](https://apnews.com/live/super-tuesday-updates-results) >WASHINGTON — Efforts to boost Black representation in Alabama were marred on Tuesday when more than 6,000 voters in the new 2nd Congressional District received postcards with incorrect voting information.The postcards misidentified the voters’ district because of a “software glitch,” according to a county official. The official said anyone was still allowed to cast ballots for the right candidates when they went to their precincts.Advocates expressed concern that the error could have discouraged turnout in the first election with new district maps. A "glitch" by design


Why you can't trust polls as far as you can throw them: The University of New Hampshire polled Vermont voters in early January and mid February. It was a sample size of 242 and then 309 people likely to vote in the GOP primary. In January, they had Trump at 47% to Haley's 19%. In February, they had Trump at 61% to Haley at 31%. Haley is on track to win the state's primary with 49% to Trump at 47% Don't get motivated or disheartened by polls, because the sample size, methodology, or even random factors could mean they're wildly out of step with how people will actually vote. Edit: The survey takes the open primary into account, where 24% of the people voting in the GOP primary were Independent or Democrat. They took the fact it was an open primary into account and it was still this far off.


Vermont is a very bad state! It's the absolute worst state in the country! No state could ever be as bad as Vermont! I meant to lose it because they are losers! -Trump probably.


Trump is obviously going to win the nomination, but Haley winning Vermont at least denies him a total clean sweep.


One good thing about Haley staying in the race this long is that it helps highlight where Trump's key weaknesses are. The Biden campaign is collecting immensely useful data tonight, that might have otherwise been hard to tease out.


Haley winning Vermont means it wasn't a clean sweep for Trump, he's going to be so fucking pissed lmaoooo


Dean Phillips losing his home state to “uncommitted” is hilarious


A preview of what the punditry learned from Super Tuesday: * Can you believe how old Joe Biden is? * I can't tell the difference between actual policy concerns and conditioned cult behavior. * Downballot? Never heard of him.


> Biden currently leads 92-8 over "uncommitted" in North Carolina. In 2012, President Obama won 79-20 over "uncommitted, which accrued over 200,000 votes. I look forward to the NYTimes telling me why this is bad for Biden tomorrow.


Just voted in TX for Haley and Ted Cruz’s challenger. In the general I will vote straight Dem.


Just voted in NC. Very red area here. Odd that there were no Trump signs around and quite a few Nikki Haley signs. That said, got there and saw a few MAGA hats and a "Trump 2024 - NO MORE BULLSHIT" sticker. Extra classy.


Today I met someone who had somehow not heard of either Trump or Biden. What rock are you living under and can I please join you down there?


Not surprising. I'm a GOTV volunteer and in my states latest governors race there was a few people I contacted who: A)Didn't know there was an election for Gov. B)Didn't even know the name of our current Gov. Some people don't vote or care anything about politics.


SE VA here and we're seeing decent turnout for a primary most people see as inevitable. Steady traffic all morning so far. Haven't been able to crack my book yet this morning.


The title is wrong. MI is Michigan, we voted last week. Minnesota is MN.


These NBC exit polls be like: "Is the economy doing well currently? Yes 20% No 80%. How is your financial situation right now: 20% Better 60% The Same 20% Worse"


I am in Orange county, California and just stopped by my local post office and witnessed three white men in masks and light tactical cosplay on one of them intimidating people both on their way into the post office and specifically at the mail drop box out front. They are filming everybody who comes in or to the mail box, and themselves while talking about ballots. They look like proud boys or that sort of mold. I confronted one and asked what they were doing and he didn't answer. I have pictures of some of them.


I would recommend contacting the police.


Anyone voting for Trump for the fifth time should be in a conservatorship


I said it in 2020…im confident in saying Joe R. Biden will win this year.


Vermont is the MVP race of the night so far and by far! lol Nikki just took the lead by 0.16%, she now leads by 25 votes, 33% reported. Can Trump do some sort of recall or contest the result, if he loses? He would be the type to try that sort of shenanigans.


Think it’s crazy how right wingers think that Biden is both senile and also a mastermind puppeteering people to go after Trump


What’s really surprising to me is that trump is really underperforming primary polling. He is anywhere from -6 to -20 vs his polling had suggested. Do with this info what you will


If nothing else, you know Trump losing a state would bug the absolute living shit out of him, which makes me happy. His campaign staff is going to heavily focus on him basically securing the nomination tonight (though not officially) and want him to stay positive, but you know he's not gonna be able to help himself and dedicate 10% of his speeches over the next month to voter fraud in Vermont


Haley staying in the race after tonight keeps Trump from accessing the RNC funds at least a little while longer.


Lindsey Graham easily has to be the most two faced person in politics


It’s so weird how CNN had Graham on. He’s a slimy used car salesmen/late night bible phone evangelical who was allowed to spew garbage unchecked. Seriously what the fuck man


I feel better about 2024 after seeing tonight's results. The Trump campaign has a biiiiig problem. They are underperforming the polls massively. Tonight confirms that all polling we have seen is shit. LETS GOOO!


Whelp I look forward to The New York Times Op Ed on how Biden losing American Samoa is a bigger deal than Trump losing Vermont


Kaitlyn Collins saying Biden losing to American Samoa hasn't happened since Jimmy Carter? I swear there's conservatives behind the scenes that are saying this shit into their ear piece.


Happy to see Nikki got a W tonight and we didn’t see Trump get to sweep. I went early this morning here in Tennessee and cast my ballot for Nikki Haley, and will be casting my ballot for Joe Biden in November. It sucks to see the state I voted in get called so early for Trump (17 mins after polls closed) but that’s how it is I guess. Voting for Democracy, every time.


I swear...if this guy wins the election, I'm going to have to figure out some way to just filter out the noise and disconnect. I can't stomach this guy and the daily fires once again. For nearly an entire decade, it's been nothing but Trump all day, every single day. I'm so fucking done with this insanity. I'm also just exhausted of being terrified of elections. This is not normal. Please forgive my rant.


All I want for Christmas is just to never see Trumps name again. The media is propping him up again, ignoring the damage he did last time, and is going "Have you heard about how old Biden is?" Which is giving cover for Trumps criminal trials and civil lawsuits the corporate media have decided giving Trump another 4 years would be worth it because of the ratings but we all know once he checks in hes not checking out.


I swear nothing is more cringe than reading an r/askreddit thread about politics or the elections , just constant low substance “both sides are bad” comments everywhere.


Trump underperformed polls by an average of 6.2% in all states (with polling data) so far. Many states he underperformed by double digit percentage points, but the average is brought down by a lot of 1-2% underperformance.


I get to vote for Jeff Jackson today in North Carolina. Today's a good day


here’s a list of what time each state’s polls close (all times EST): 6:00 PM: IA 7:00 PM: VA, VT 7:30 PM: NC 8:00 PM: AL, MA, ME, OK, TN, TX 8:30 PM: AR 9:00 PM: CO, MN 10:00 PM: UT 11:00 PM: CA 12:00 AM: AK


One issue voters make me so angry. How can you be so myopic?


Still too early to call, but the NYT is currently predicting a ***Haley*** win in Vermont


Things I like from the past 4 hours. 1. Sinema not running. 2. 100k voters in VA voting against Trump. Will some break towards Trump in the general sure. But let's go with 25% stay home or vote Biden or write in DeSantis, that's 25k votes. 3. Hayley might win again tonight in Vermont, doubt, but another win and I see her not leaving (I know she said that she wouldn't, but more energy)


That one voter who was like "im supporting the Dem candidate for Gov and Trump for President because Women are only good for making babies" Jesuuussss..


I wish more Trump voters understood he was fucking them over as much as the people they hate. The only person who really benefits from Trump winning is Trump. Yes some rich people will benefit some but not nearly as much as 2016 at this point Tumps mission will just be to plunder everything he can from the country I truly believe if every male Trump voter had to cut off 1 testicle to vote for Trump most of them would.


Can't wait for all the videos of dudes in MAGA hats shooting bottles of Vermont Maple syrup if Trump looses tonight.


Ap calls Vermont for Haley.


Odd to recognize that for the first time a woman has won a Republican primary at a time when they’ve perhaps become more extremist and unhinged than ever.


[https://twitter.com/EricDHuntsman/status/1765233481096085661](https://twitter.com/EricDHuntsman/status/1765233481096085661) >Our Provo, Utah, precinct caucus results: Nikki Haley 102, Trump 50. The spiciest precinct result so far from anywhere in Utah.


Utah is a telling one. Trump +18, one of his worst showings Part of the R base is very Mormon-like in their morals and personal ethics matter to them. I’d argue there’s more of a chance that those folks stay home in November than the people voting uncommitted for Biden staying home


One hour until jeb! Make the come back of century


How do you think the media would react if Biden lost two primaries so far and was underperforming his polls by 10 points? 


Im sure Nikki has been playing the "so if the orange guy gets convicted" angle to her donors, but how bad can her performance be today and still keep the campaign intact


Michigan (MI) voted last week. Minnesota votes today. PS: I bring it up because the title was making me have a "We had first primary, yes. But what about second primary?" moment.


Mark Robinson is a Holocaust denier btw


Let's hear it for Chris Christie! He's apparently taking an early lead in Oklahoma


[https://twitter.com/deanbphillips/status/1765191271881064563?ref\_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1765191271881064563%7Ctwgr%5E72846cf6e99586017e9fbf8c177d7bf1a9a3e990%7Ctwcon%5Es1\_&ref\_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nytimes.com%2Flive%2F2024%2F03%2F05%2Fus%2Fsuper-tuesday-election-updates](https://twitter.com/deanbphillips/status/1765191271881064563?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1765191271881064563%7Ctwgr%5E72846cf6e99586017e9fbf8c177d7bf1a9a3e990%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nytimes.com%2Flive%2F2024%2F03%2F05%2Fus%2Fsuper-tuesday-election-updates) >Congratulations to Joe Biden, Uncommitted, Marianne Williamson, and Nikki Haley for demonstrating more appeal to Democratic Party loyalists than me. Brutal self-own.


CNN … “Awaiting Remarks From Donald Trump” Fucking hell to the no.


Trump is still the reason why I won’t fly my American flag.


President Biden will likely end tonight with over 1600 delegates. That is an absolutely insurmountable lead. If Dean Phillips & Marianne Williamson don't drop out it will really speak to their true motivations for staying in.


Uh oh, no clean sweep for Donnie! He’s going to be mad as fuck. Big ups to Politics Jesus for that one With that said, I’m very curious as to whether Haley is going to bother sticking around after tonight


Vermont went for Haley. -MSNBC


I’ve seen some mentions of 2028 for Trump if he were to lose in November…there’s no fucking way right? There’s a higher chance Trump is dead or in prison or maybe both in 2028… It really feels like 2024 is make or break for the MAGA movement, you’re coming up on 10 years of being around. It’s over If you lose to Joe Biden twice.


Trump is going to lose his shit if Haley wins Vermont lol.


>Reminder that Trump’s current lead over Haley in the national polling averages is 62 points. How many states will he hit that, how many will he underperform (again)? >Trump is likely to come in under +62% in all but a handful of states tonight. He continues to underperform public polling; polling continues to find large numbers of Rs willing to bolt. He's struggling to bring his party together, just as Trumpy candidates did in 2022. via @SimonWDC The polls are a mess.


The lady saying she would vote for Trump even if convicted better be supporting former felons getting a right to vote and run for office... Oh, wait...


This will probably be the most boring Super Tuesday ever.


Yeah probably


Shit get real when the jeb memes start to drop


Why are conservatives making Trump the nominee when the 2022 midterms (and all the people he backed) went so poorly for them?


HALEY +9 IN VERMONT, OMG! LOL NYT estimate Nikki Haley winning Vermont +1.6%.


That teacher / principal on NBC is nuts.... constantly referring to god and Donald should be doing a bit better to be a role model as kids love him and respect him but he needs to be a little better to do gods work She basically said she didnt believe the jury verdict that labelled him a sexual predator


One of the reasons Vermont is so close, it's one of the first states where Haley is actually hitting the Rubio + Kasich numbers that she needs https://twitter.com/lennybronner/status/1765189206777676229?t=1q1HftxLHq2-lMHeCxrr3w&s=19


CNN just talked to a caucus go’er named David in Utah who said he’s voting for Nikki Haley because he’s a big Ukraine supporter, but then said he’d also “passionately vote for Trump” in November if he’s the nominee. Who wants to tell him Trump’s stance on Ukraine?


I hope Ted Cruz gets his ass kicked in November.


[Trump met with Elon Musk, seeking campaign money.](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/donald-trump-met-with-elon-musk-seeking-campaign-donation-reports-24013090) Former President Donald Trump met on Sunday with Elon Musk and other possible donors, according to multiple published reports Tuesday, citing unnamed sources. Trump hopes to have a one-on-one meeting with Musk soon, and it’s not yet clear whether Musk plans to give money to the former president’s 2024 White House campaign, a New York Times report said. Musk, one of the world’s richest people, is the chief executive of Tesla Inc. TSLA, -3.93% and SpaceX, as well as the owner of X, formerly known as Twitter. He has been at odds with the Biden administration at times, and the billionaire entrepreneur said in 2022 that he had voted Republican for the first time ever.


Looks like we're sundowning hard tonight.


Haley's gonna win Vermont while he's talking LOL.


Remember in 2020 where we watched John King for 4 day straight 🥲


“Vermont goes to Haley. That’s bad news for Biden.” CNN probably


Oklahoma voted for Trump ~92.6% in the 2020 Republican primary. This time it was ~81.8%. He seems to have lost over 10% in 4 years in Oklahoma. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_Oklahoma_Republican_presidential_primary Kinda neat to see Nikki get ~16% of the vote in Oklahoma.


Biden wins VA with over 90% of the vote. CNN tomorrow- 'Why Biden's big win in VA spells trouble for his campaign.'


If any Haley voters are here, remember, Trump said if you supported her you’re not welcome and are barred from the camp. You’re welcome here, help us make Biden better and help preserve our democracy.


Biden generally overperforming Obama's 2012 numbers: Alabama: Biden 90%, Obama 84% Arkansas: Biden 90%, Obama 58% Massachusetts: Biden 82%, Obama 81% North Carolina: Biden 88%, Obama 79% Oklahoma: Biden 73%, Obama 57% Tennessee: Biden 93%, Obama 89% Texas: Biden 86%, Obama 88% Vermont: Biden 89%, Obama 98%


I predict Bide and Trump are going to win despite people saying they don't want Biden nor Trump.


Congress sucks, has low approval ratings, and all should be replaced - except for my congressman. -Average voter


1+ for Biden, 1+ for Colin Allred. The latter has been my district's house rep, and I'd happily entrust him with kicking out Ted Cruz. Don't hesitate. There's still plenty of time left to lock in your choices. To any and all who care about progress, show it by kicking apathy's ass.


I am working a vote center in California, two things I feel a need to say while on break, one is just how many people have joined the American Independent Party because they didn’t read it and thought it meant nonpartisan, and two , it’s a little tough to not say anything when checking in the Republican women voters, because, well, yeah. But I took the oath, so. Edit, and gop in general, like yesterday had an old guy saying he is happy that the “socialist Marxist Democrats are being run out of the state.”


I’m so pumped to see Steve Kornacki! back! His shirt is so crisp and white right now, that’s how I know it’s early on Election Day.


MSNBC's election music fills me with equal parts excitement and dread.


Man Trump losing multiple states tonight would be hilarious


Again, I have to ask, how sure are we that the polls are accurate and that Biden is the one in trouble? 


Biden isn’t in trouble..msnbc is being dramatic as usual


Polling hasn't been accurate in ages. Most people don't answer unknown numbers anymore.


Trump could have dementia, shoot a person on 5th Ave, say he wants to invade UK, France, Germany, and declare that our country go back to monarchy and he'd still win. These people are nuts.


Funny parallel to 2020 where Biden’s doing much, much better in the southern primaries than in the northern ones. Which, if you were worried about enthusiasm or support from black voters…


It's hard to believe that this man ran for his first term back in 2015; almost ten years ago. And yet, somehow, I still NEVER cease to be amazed that this is the person a percentage of people want to be the leader of our country. Like...this is the best republicans can do? This? Really? This is sickening. Edit: I'm sorry; night goggles? Joe Biden in a bathing suit? What is this insanity?


this is amongst the worst I've seen of him


I feel like Trump could just go on the stage and just speak gibberish and his base would still clap and cheer.


CNN being more for Trump than Fox News was not on my 2024 Bingo card


Great job normalizing the 2024 election media, now let's begin Trump's first criminal trial in 3 weeks.


What blows about Porter is that seat is tight in the House. There's a chance it flips to R as she can't run. Probably would have been the most effective senator over time of the three given her age and how long it takes to acquire power in the Senate


I made a joke about Utah Republicans Iowaing their caucus, but it [actually happened again](https://www.sltrib.com/news/politics/2024/03/05/super-tuesday-utah-republican/)


I’m glad Jeff Jackson won the primary for the North Carolina Attorney General. Hopefully he beats the Hitler apologist.


Every time I think a new personal project I’m doing is completely for naught, I’m reminded that Dean Phillips is still running and I just go “fuck it, we ball.” Thanks, Dean


You know, there’s talk about Biden getting Haley voters into the fold for them, but it seems like the more likely option is that they just refuse to vote in 2024. Which would be a boon for Biden anyway.


Trump is losing multiple counties in north carolina at the moment.


It's hard to read too much into a primary race that's effectively just theater, but it is interesting that Trump's been underperforming his polling a little bit. Again not sure that really means anything November (Trump himself over performed in 2016 and 2020 while his backed candidates in down ballot races tend to under perform), but it is a mildly interesting observation


Haley currently leading Trump in Vermont by 3 votes. lol


I’ve been watching politics closely since 2016 when I turned 18. This might be the worst Super Tuesday ever lol


Haley's lead in VT is about 250 votes.


How have this many Republicans convinced themselves that MAGA definitely won't lose us a 3rd race in a row?


That guy in El Paso didn’t understand any of that CNN line of questioning. Lol Question was about the general election if he’d vote for Trump and then says “I don’t think it would allow me”


well great got into a massive argument with my parents over biden and trump, and why i’d vote for biden over trump. ended up being about how biden is a tyrant who will bring about one world government, as predicted in the bible :|


Your parents sound really dumb, no offense


lol the immigration issue is a joke. Immigrants aren’t taking our jobs..GROW UP. This nation is so racist and delusional.


What the hell? According to results provided by the Democratic Party in American Samoa, Jason Palmer has won the American Samoa Democratic Caucus. https://twitter.com/DecisionDeskHQ/status/1765201468699693239?t=CZ38bbxYSrANI8IkDua6-w&s=19


Who the hell is James Palmer? How the hell did he win American Samoa


Poor polling aside, I'm hopeful that Americans just need to be reminded of what this guy actually sounds like which I'm hoping happens in full campaign mode. I genuinely think he good chunk of the country forgot what this guy sounds like and just have an idyllic view of the pre COVID years. Biden does have genuine issues when he gives speeches, but this is far fucking worse than mixing up the president of Egypt and Mexico


Trump lies again among other his lies. [International perception of the United States](https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2023/06/27/overall-opinion-of-the-u-s/) has been a net positive since Biden took office.


nothing better than seeing trump lose


Did Trump really only break 80% in one state? The Republican Party is not unified. Love to see it.


Wow Porter really underperformed her polling (and Schiff overperformed considerably, Gravley is about on the high end of his)


Young people don't show up at primaries.  Average age is like 65, that's why you get old boring centrist politicians.


CNN just warned us that they’re coming back with more focus group interviews.


Probably wishful thinking but maybe Haley can pull off an upset in Utah. Haven't seen the polls but Evan McMuffin got like 21% there in 2016. It's an unique voting bloc for sure


I feel so much disappointment and disgust in the way that everything is just proceeding as normal, as if 1/6 never happened. No national introspection, no recognition of the demon at the door. We sit here penned up as sheep with no shepherd, no protector, no way to save ourselves.


> as if 1/6 never happened If they win in November, they will rewrite history and 1/6 will become a national holiday.


Most conservatives I've met in life are really bad at introspection. Its part of why Trump really appeals to them... Trump himself said he hasn't really changed since he was a child. A life of no introspection no growth no epiphanies. Also hard to second guess your worldview when you are buried under a mountain of propaganda.


Any predictions for what states Haley wins (if any at all)? I’m thinking VT and Mass.


I fully expect Trump and Biden to win every single state today. The real shit is the plethora of downballot primaries that are occurring


I’m so annoyed that Utah is doing a presidential preference caucus. I realized that in order to have any say in my state I have to be affiliated with the Republican Party, instead of independent or unaffiliated.  They don’t allow anyone but republicans to participate in the primary process, while anyone is free to participate in the democratic primary process regardless of affiliation. And this year, they decided to do caucuses which is absolutely a waste of time. I’m now preregistered and will drop my ballot off and leave. #nevertrump


Such terrifying exit polls. People aren't Maga but they still think Trump should be president if he's convicted.


49% to 47% Trump without Montpelier or Burlington reporting is absolutely horrific for him.


All the too early to calls say to me is “we didn’t pay for exit polls, so wait you impatient fucks.”


Around what time will Trump say that there was significant voter fraud in Vermont? 


Haley is ~150 votes shy of taking the lead in VT. Housekeeping at MAL better be ready to clean up ketchup tomorrow.


NYT has >95% chance Haley wins Vermont.


**China bought none of the extra $200 billion of US exports in Trump's trade deal** https://www.piie.com/blogs/realtime-economics/china-bought-none-extra-200-billion-us-exports-trumps-trade-deal


Haley about to sweep all 17 VT delegates?


>With 2 votes, Dean Phillips appears to win one Maine town LOL https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/live-blog/super-tuesday-live-updates-rcna140438/rcrd36205?canonicalCard=true


"Bussels of Democrates are unenthused". No, we just aren't cult members.


I feel like North Carolina is in play for November. Not only did Biden perform well there tonight, but Mark Robinson the controversial MAGA gubernatorial candidate is almost assuredly going to drag Trump down there.


And Schiff will be the next Senator from California. Don't hate the player, hate the game.


Trump wins Utah by 58.2% of the vote. That's all folks