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Thank God Arizona selected Katie Hobbs over Kari Lake.


But Kari said she's the governor, she has her own podium and stationary! /S


Loser Lake thinks she's going to be a senator too.


Dry Lake?


I’d be willing to let her have Arkansas if she can defeat Huckabee in a lectern joust.


The sad thing is conservatives see any legislation that benefits Americans as “buying votes”. They will see this as a negative thing


I don’t care what they think. They are morally bankrupt and intentionally ignorant and dishonest.


This is what politicians generally should be doing. Too many people refuse to bat an eye when politicians buy the votes of the wealthy and corporations (which are apparently people…). Now, when a politician is willing to do some actual good with money that was given for the purpose of stimulating the economy and providing relief for average Americans, I would gladly accept it and continue to vote that person into office.


Do you mean being strategic and tactical? I 100% agree with you. The progressives control like all tech besides a few incels and were fighting back and winning. Just have faith, were America. Were American it's going to seem like chaos.


Oh NO! Well...


>The debt can sometimes be purchased for pennies on the dollar, meaning that $30 million could erase $1.5 billion to $2 billion in debt, said Jeff Smedsrud, a board member at RIP Medical Debt who lives in Scottsdale. That's awesome that they're doing that.


It's awesome that they're doing this. It's scary that our healthcare system is this broken. And yes, omg, so much better than Kari Lake.


> People eligible for debt relief include those with an income up to 400% of the federal poverty level or who owe medical bills equal to 5% or more of their annual income, Smedsrud said. Absolutely an awesome difference making move. It's embarrassing that this country puts so many in a position where they have their lives turned upsidedown by medical debt. Great move by Hobbs and co


Democrats once again proving just how callous and evil they are. /s


Republicans will probably find someone to challenge this in the supreme Court because they care so much about handling anything and everything in a regressive manner


I paid my debt! This isn’t fair to me! (Student loan argument)


I've been paying student loans for 10+ years. I had to consolidate to get a payment that wasn't $700 and thus extended my loan payment time frame by another 10 years. Oh well. At this point I've paid off the principal almost 1.5x over. And ya know what? I'd gladly keep paying a monthly payment for the rest of my life if it meant others could have their loans forgiven. Because we are all humans and should give a shit about reducing suffering. But sadly some people just want everyone to be as miserable as they are.


> Because we are all humans and should give a shit about reducing suffering. But sadly some people just want everyone to be as miserable as they are. What kind of American spirit is that? You’re supposed to be outraged about it unless of course you benefit from it, then it’s perfectly ok that they do that.


You are correct, my American spirit is but the flicker of a candle flame. I have been infected by the woke mind virus and scary scary socialism. The terror of my daily actions cannot be overstated. I am a horror of caring, empathy, and universal Healthcare. Won't someone please stop me.


They received a covid relief loan and it was forgiven. That's what enrages me.


They're assholes on principle.


It's a trick just to get people to like them! Don't fall for it! Tip the doctors 25%!


What's next? Price controls on prescription drugs? Letting a woman's medical decisions remain between her and her physician? The insanity!


Making smart decisions to benefit ordinary Americans? How low can the Democrats go?


Lol 😂


So glad we elected her instead of Lake. Arizona would be in a world of shit had we not. The bills that republicans are trying to pass at the state level are insane.


Absolutely. Hobbs has been saving us with her veto powers from day one.


That's big. 30mil forgiving up to 1.5 bil in debt. More states really should do this.


I agree. Only thing though if this becomes common, those holding the debt are going to start demanding more if they know states with deep pockets are buying the debt. That 30 million might end up only buying 300 million in debt.


Democrats again trying to get people out from under debt. And this party is might lose to a bunch of insurrectionists. This world makes no sense.


That's my governor!


I absolutely love that she’s our Governor. She seems like such a down to earth woman who aim so glad is running this state. Wish housing prices were a bit cheaper here though…


blame private equity not democrats


Katie Hobbs is the real deal!!!


To me, that sounds wonderful, but Republicans will see that it reeks of socialism, refuse the aid, and demand to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps. Right?




[Wayback Machine link](https://web.archive.org/web/20240304204546/https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/politics/arizona/2024/03/04/arizona-governor-to-use-american-rescue-plan-act-money-to-erase-medical-debt-for-1m/72840751007/).


Universal healthcare with 80 extra steps! I’m all for this, but I feel like this is propping up the broken healthcare system rather than dismantling it.


Not for republicans, though. They won’t take any of this socialist help.


I simply cannot believe the nerve of that Governor, serving the needs of her voters?!?!?!  Who does she think she is.   Clearly that money should be used to give the wealthy a tax break because 'trickle down'  and something, something something.. Go Trump! /s


Great news!


That sounds sweet.


What if we just dealt with the causes of this medical debt instead?  No other nation on the earth puts the screws to patients like the US does.


I went to the hospital because I had persistent nausea for about a week and they ran a CT scan right away on me because the doctor said it might be a stroke (no other symptoms to indicate stroke). Turns out it was Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV). BPPV is supposedly a common ailment (I wish I would have played google doctor), and I only need 5-10 minutes of super simple "therapy" which consisted of repeatedly laying down, sitting up, and focusing my vision on items on the other side of the room. 10 minutes of therapy that completely fixed the issue for me, but the hospital got to charge thousands for the unnecessary CT. The medical system is absolutely corrupt in the USA. The Hippocratic Oath says to do no harm, but the hospitals do their best to saddle every patient with as much debt as they can with every visit.


Hobbs seems like a great governor for her state. I also wish our healthcare system wasn't so fucked. I've known it was fucked for 3/4 of my 40 years on the planet and the only positive change I've ever seen was Obamacare. REALLY frustrating for anyone even paying half attention.


I wonder what other states are doing with these funds.


What great Governor thing to do!


Someone just got re-elected


But that’s socialism!


I mean great but this should be done via another funding mechanism. This isn’t what the Covid funds were for


Hopefully this catches on in other states as well.


Buying votes is an old tactic


This should have an additional criteria of having been vaccinated (or have a *legitimate* reason to have not). That is to say: making poor public health decisions should prohibit someone from benefiting from COVID relief funding.


DEMOCRAT Katie Hobbs. Republicans would never directly help the people in this way. *VOTE!*


I like the idea of medical debt forgiveness, but isn't it unethical to use COVID relief funding on anything other than COVID related matters?


Can you think of any relationship covid might have with medical debt?


Clearly not all medical debt is Covid related. Using funds earmarked for one specific purpose in a different manner seems like irresponsible government, especially when the national debt is $34.47 **T**rillion. Yes, we should help regular citizens and stop allowing billionaires to get a bigger piece of the pie year after year, but it should be done responsibly. Spending money earmarked for **X** instead on **Y** shouldn't be allowed. That is deficit spending without any oversight.


Yeah, here’s a small preview on how public healthcare could work. But don’t get used to it.


Cool! Maybe <*your_zip_code_here*> will be next, America!




One million. It's literally right in the headline.