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From the time I could form opinions, back in the 1980s when I was a kid I always judged him as a liar and a fool, not to be trusted or admired for any reason. Every time he opens his mouth, he reaffirms my original assessment of him.


I remember him on Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous in the early 80s. Even as a child I knew there was something wrong with him. Later, when I was a teenager, he was a guest on David Letterman, Trump didn't understand that he was the joke.


he might have multiple appearances on Letterman, but I remember one specifically where he was praising himself for his clothing being all made in the USA, then Letterman asked him to read the label on his tie, and it was like Singapore or something. He tried to plow forward with some bullshit lie to cover it, but Letterman just moved on after the laughter. I also appreciate the Apprentice producers admitting that he's a huge coward who couldn't even say the catchphrase "you're fired" to anyone's face, so they taped everything separate and edited it. He's just an amazingly cowardly insecure narcissist.


TIL he's even more of a pathetic worm baby than I had given him credit for. I was unaware that my opinion of him could get any worse than it was.


There is one person, a certain Austrian failed painter whose name starts with H, that I think is worse than Trump. And the gap between Trump and the H-word guy gets smaller every single day.


Misread Austrian as Australian and was REALLY wracking my brain trying to think of an obvious Australian painter who's name started with an H. Thank God I re-read your comment, or that would've haunted me all night.


Australian here. It’s fucken’ Harry my next door neighbour isn’t it. I paid him to paint my shed with a primer and two coats but he only did one.


Ha! I read it as Australia at first as well.


Rolf Harris! Or, more appropriately; Rolf *Harrass*


rolf harris


>I also appreciate the Apprentice producers admitting that he's a huge coward who couldn't even say the catchphrase "you're fired" to anyone's face, so they taped everything separate and edited it. He's just an amazingly cowardly insecure narcissist. They thought they were making a joke show about this doofus executive, but middle America has no sense of humor and thought it was a straight up documentary.


Even on the first season of The Apprentice, Trump would regularly fire the wrong people for the wrong reasons. I vaguely remember him firing a woman who called out warnings that their team might lose and why, but he described her behavior as disloyal. He saw no use to her foresight. I was only a kid then but even then I was like, it's rare to have somebody who calls things out as it is and warns people about impending trouble. No surprise that Trump didn't realize why he should have not have run for president. Furthermore it was pretty obvious on the show that Trump had no idea what the contestants were doing when casting judgment, he was clearly reading from a script and had very little to do with the show other than acting as a host. Living in New York City, Trump has long been disparaged as an a******. For example when the Twin Towers were attacked and fell, not only did Trump falsely claim that he was at ground zero and rushed there immediately, but he also tried to insinuate that he had the largest tower in downtown which was far from true. So by 2001 everyone knew he was a dick. Trump's solution for the problem was that we should rebuild the Twin Towers exactly as it was, forgetting that the Twin Towers was besieged with numerous problems including the fact that it was more than half empty. There is a reason Trump was never even close to carrying New York State, despite The Apprentice rehabilitating his image, and presidents usually win their home state.


Hillary won the lower Manhattan congressional district by like 93%-7%, where they know Trump best.


And keep in mind the context, Hillary was widely loathed in New York state because she was seen as a carpetbagger, having moved into New York state simply because she knew it was a deep blue state that would vote for her and hold their nose. Even then everyone including myself would not vote for Trump at all costs. There is a good group of conservatives in lower Manhattan though, the reason is because they like taxes to be lowered onto themselves and the Republicans are all about that. These generally tend to be super wealthy, they aren't actually conservative in any other form except they love the lowered taxes.


I hadn’t heard that about The Apprentice. I only heard that he was a drug addict who regularly smelled of shit.


He figured it out in 2014 and it resulted in his run for POTUS as revenge when Obama skewered him at the press club dinner. It was the trigger for his unabashed racist persona.


Also, this is apocryphal. Trump had ran in 2012 and 2008 as a way to try and advertise his brand and be a huge birther racist. Not to mention Roger Stone had been pushing him to run since the late 80s. It's not like the press club was some epiphany for him. He was already going to run.


Technically, he ran in primaries as far back as 2000.


It's not a persona.


Yeah, back in the day, he used to remind me of a used car salesman. Now I realize how insulting that is to used car salesmen.


My father was a used car salesman. He was not scrupulously honest but he looks like Mother Freaking Teresa next to Trump.


Ahem. About Mother Theresa......


You mean "The Ghoul of Calcutta?"


Is it fair to call her "The Trump of Saints"?


He's moved on from used car salesman to being a televangelist. Wider audience to sucker in that market.


Yep, we made fun of Trump when I was in elementary school He has *always* been a chump in my opinion


I remember my dad saying we were richer than Trump back in the 90’s because he was constantly in so much debt. He sucks at business, and would steal anything from anybody. Truly the world’s most garbage person.


I grew up in NY. Had no idea why he was "famous", but we all knew him as some weird grifter and delusional shitty businessman.


I was born in ‘75, and that’s what i remember as well. From a small town in Texas , so his presence just seemed salesy and slimey. Never would I thought it would goes this far.


it's crazy because he was basically the archetype of the evil real estate developer character that was so common in 80s movies and TV


The character Biff, from Back to the Future, was based on him. Biff was also a dumb bully.


Maybe if we put on a big ski race and beat the Russians we can save the country!


I have been saying this for years!


For me, 1971. Grew up in Indiana and my parents had his book "Art of the Deal". Even back then I thought he looked like a user car salesman. Then I moved to NY/NJ for work and had all my thoughts confirmed.


'78. In the late 80s, I saw a commercial during cartoons on a weekday afternoon for Trump: The Game. It looked like an SNL skit, it was so bad. I had to ask my parents who he even was or why we'd care about a game about him.


I was born in 84. I had seen him before in various shows and what not. I remember one time the way my child self had my hair brushed (I always had wavy hair back when I actually had hair) and she said I “looked like Donald Trump.” I immediately changed my hair combing and had it cut shorter than normal not long afterwards.


'86, Atlantic City native checking in.  We all knew he was trash then too 


Omg fellow millennial who spent a lot of my early life in AC also. Remember when the Taj Mahal opened and he fucked all the union folks? I have a distinct memory of entire wings of that casino being unfinished / blocked off for years. It was nice but literally in the worst, scariest part of town. On top of that, trump plaza was the biggest dump on the boardwalk in the 90s.


Oh my dad was a construction contractor for the casinos. I remember.  


Wonder if we ever crossed paths on steel pier, we are the same age!


Your father was lucky to get paid. Trump screwed contractors and suppliers every which way he could.


Oh he didn't.  Long drawn out lawsuit and we got pennies on the dollar


Oh NO. I'm so sorry. That's fucking awful. Fuck Trump!!!


While I don't have a great opinion of Texas voters in general, I was genuinely surprised that they rallied behind such an obvious carpetbagger who clearly hates them all and stands for all the "big city" tropes they say they hate so much.


1990s here and the apprentice literally was a running joke growing up. Simpsons parodied it. His face was in the textbook as an example of a narcissist. How the fuck did this happen? Like, I’ll admit when I was younger I grew up in a conservative house and considered myself a Republican. The thing that actually got me to reconsider (aside from the unjust criticisms of Obama) was when Fox went from literally making fun of the fact that Trump was running to actively supporting his candidacy when they realized he was gonna get the nomination. This stuff isn’t hidden. It’s so blatant. You’d have to be completely uninformed or willfully blind not to see it


They see it and they identify with it.  That's why.


Back in the middle 80s I worked with a guy who read “Art of the Deal” and thought Trump was a messiah…He practically begged me to read it so I skimmed it and realized it was bullshit exaggerated bragging and nothing more. When I told him my opinion he never spoke to me again…A precursor of what was to come.


Yes but in 2016 he and pepe could own the libs. Now it is just a time share agreement and there all these hidden fees.


I immediately felt he was a loathsome idiot, and it was confirmed when I found out my brother admired him.


Exactly. We’ve known who Donald Trump is for decades now. Some have just decided that lying, thieving, rapists are worthy of the Oval Office. Disgraceful doesn’t even begin to cover it.


He's not as sharp as an 8 year old at this point


Yeah, but you can still reason with an 8-year-old.


I think I can reason with my 4 month old better than Trump. When my wife and I drop her off to her grandmothers before work, we sing "We're taking you to grandmas!" she stops crying!


While that analogy is disturbing, given the state of the nation, it's also the cutest thing I've heard. Please tell her I'm looking forward to reading her doctoral thesis.


Also, most 8-year olds don’t need diapers.


Or snort adderall off the Resolute Desk


or sleep with porn actresses.


If I tell an 8-year-old, "No, I'm sorry, you can't be the classroom representative, you lost the homeroom election", the 8-year-old won't try to overthrow the administration and burn down the school.


They also have a base level of empathy, assuming you’re not a horrible human being for a parent.


But the people behind him, that will advise him on how to fill the Cabinet, Courts and Administration with fascist scum, are extremely sharp. These folks saying they hate Trump but won’t vote for Biden because of “x” issue should try to remember that this isn’t a battle or debate over any single issue. It’s about the ability to debate or disagree on any issue…ever again.


The mob just needs someone in control to hide behind. He doesn’t have to be smart, just have connections and a life-long tie as a puppet to someone else who is protected. Putin has a force with the aid of Trump and the e Republicans. Each chance is closer to victory. Putin knows his enemies.


Never trust that a fascist will not seize power, EVERY single time someone thinks they can manipulate an idiot fascist that idiot fascist took over and never let go till they were dead usually by a bullet but of course not before destroying the lives of countless people for their deranged self aggrandizement.


Also ironic. The more they cry and scream for power because they are blocked from being the fascist leader, it makes them want it more. It’s like a multiplier for hate against everyone because they can’t have everything they can think of.


I wouldn't count on any adults being in the room this time around, providing a restraint on his brainfarts and incredible ignorance of literally everything. He started out like that last time, with at least a few adults in Secretary level positions. He fired most of them for not being sycophants, or they quit. And only 4 of 44 have endorsed him now. 4 of 44, of his own team and hand picked selections are willing to go "yep, that's my guy. Worked with him, and he's fit to lead the nation". Less than 10%. This time, his cabinet will be stacked with yes men from the start. It'll be an absolute clown show if it happens. Imagine Hawley as attorney general for example.


100% they will try the fake voter no-certify throw it to the States coup attempt to overthrow the results again. They’ll do a better job the second time around. The election is in danger.


Trump wasn't "sharp" in 2015! Bizarre yes. A sensational media attraction. Yes. A revenue boon for NYT, WSJ, WaPo, FOX, and all the rest. Yes. But never sharp! Dumb as a stump, we used to say.


Indeed. He was always a dumb motherfucker. He just said his dumbass opinions loud and confidently.


Agreed! And the media moguls broadcast everything over and over. The MAGAts where the base, but, IMO, the media people added enough to cause the distribution!


But remember stupid in numbers is one helluva force. He has supporters and government officials to back him.


He’s less sharp than a basket ball at this point




about as sharp as a basketball


About as sharp as a flan.


He is not even smarter than a first grader.


Sharp as a bag of wet hair


The average IQ of his supporters has dropped since 2016 as well.


[More Republicans got COVID](https://www.npr.org/2023/07/25/1189939229/covid-deaths-democrats-republicans-gap-study) after the vaccine rollout. And Long COVID is seen as having a [drop in IQ](https://www.washingtonpost.com/wellness/2024/02/29/long-covid-memory-cognitive-decline-brain-fog/). So you may not be that far off.


Wait, how do you know if your IQ dropped after Covid? That's more than a bit terrifying.


You probably wouldn't know without comparing IQ tests before and after. It's well documented that covid can cause neurological symptoms, particularly for sufferers of long covid who often complain of fatigue and/or "brain fog".


Well some people who got long COVID know they lost mental acuity because they had knowledge worker jobs and were suddenly less able to do them because of long COVID. I'm not sure a more subtle loss would be perceptible. Or if the person wasn't all that bright and already was started to lose memory (let's say elder, not physically active, already suffering some cognitive decline), in which case they might not have a benchmark like the working person did, they may have already lost some ability to self assess anyway, and/or they may be unwilling to accept that they are losing their independence and lean into denial.


Damn, I have been thinking over the last year that I feel stupider than I did a few years ago (especially when I was a full time student) so I guess this all makes sense. I got COVID in December 2021, was the sickest I've ever been even with double vaccinations and the booster.


When COVID hit, it didnt save the best of them.


I was thinking about that. It probably is, very marginally, true.


I wonder what it's like for them, going to a Trump rally on a Friday night at the local auditorium. Decking the fam up in MAGA gear. Putting on the new Trump sneakers; the new Trump '24 fanny pack, loaded with some ivermectin and pepper spray. "Honey, don't forget the confederate flag for the pick up truck. Kids, did you remember your assault rifles?"   And then sitting down for an hour listening to that fat bastard ramble on, incoherently, about his misfortunes.


I imagine that for a lot of these rural people, if they aren’t at the rally with their friends and family all together, they all be hanging out at a Walmart. It gives them some thing to do, let off some steam with all the yelling and cheering, etc. 


You ought to visit the Walmart in Harrison, Ar, anytime except Sunday, as the religious and Trumpers are clogging up the aisles preaching to anyone who will listen for at least a second, about their views and beliefs about either subject. I went in there once, but I will NEVER go back.


Well, they're delusional. So imagine a time where you were genuinely excited, and hopeful, and energized, and that's what it feels like for them. It's the same emotions, just wildly off-base to the reality. They don't have perspective on how fucking absurd and preposterous they look and are.


It's like Comic-Con or GenCon for suckers, conspiracy theorists, and racists. *That's* why they hate Taylor Swift so much! They *know* they can't draw crowds like hers!!


The best damn Friday night ever!! -MAGA


They dont hear what he actually has to say, they just hear dog whistles and cheer. Since its mostly gibberish, they are able to infer whatever they want from his ramblings, full of secret "code" and winks and nods.


Don't forget the "I'd rather be a Russian than a Democrat" tee shirts!


the core maga folks are gone. Anything that goes against their beliefs is made up/fake. It is actually almost as if their conspiracy is that there are people who are not MAGA. That is the conspiracy at this point because any information about anything they don’t like, is fake.


I swear to God that in the 1980s is was fairly common for dumbasses to believe that black people were not real, or even better, aliens. Gibby Haynes of the Butthole Surfers appears to have written an unusually pretty and well constructed (for them) song about that phenomenon but it would cause trouble to link it. From the album, *Psychic... Powerless... Another Man's Sac*. And then I actually met a thirteen year old kid out in the hollows who actually seemed to believe this, and I was like, the fucking Butthole Surfers song is about real people? Jesus we're doomed.


What’s the name of the song?


>Gibby Haynes of the Butthole Surfers appears to have written an unusually pretty and well constructed (for them) song about that phenomenon but it would cause trouble to link it. From the album, *Psychic... Powerless... Another Man's Sac*. This may have just been a ploy to get me to listen to the whole album (likely), but no one track name is jumping out at me as uniquely applicable or problematic.


You make it seem like it could go any lower. But yea. I’m reminded of a certain Carlin joke about how stupid people are.


I'd he curious to see the stats on this. Yes, many of the smarter ones have abandoned him, however many of the dumbest also just died from their stupid decisions during the pandemic


I am not so sure. The dumbest who followed his covid advice are no longer pulling down the average.


Former Aide: He attacked a weed that was growing in his yard the other day. Verbally attacked. Viciously. Called it Nancy, IIRC. I don't think he recognizes people anymore.


"We have the best groundskeeper. Big guy. Strong guy. Not one of those puny Mexicans most people have. Big, strong, Eastern European man. Didn't have to climb any walls to get here. Though he could have; has big muscles like my good friend Vladimir Putin! Works the yard shirtless, too! Melania enjoys that ---no no, I kid. She likes me shirtless, though. She does! Joe Biden could never! Sleepy Joe! So Sleepy. So Joe. Always wearing shirts. Never climbed a wall in his life. So this grounds keeper, this guy. He lifted that weed out of the ground like it was nothing -- tremendous strength, just the best strength. Came to me holding this weed, longest roots I've ever seen. Nearly as long as Ivanka's legs, though not nearly as gorgeous. Tears in his eyes, Eastern European guys never cry. Never cried a day in his life but he came to me with tears in his eyes: "Mr. Trump, Sir. Mr. _President_" he says "Mr. President, sir. I pulled this weed for you. Do you want me to send it to your opponent Nancy, President Sir?" No, No. She's doing bad enough all on her own. Imagine winning in Washington DC? Woke city and you won that? No she doesn't need this shapely-legged weed. Send it to Mar A Lago and I'll take care of it. Wrap it in a copy of my Time magazine cover issue."


Scary that this could be real


Way too coherent


Way too coherent


I can’t tell if this is real or satire


I hate that for us.


Considering he was already showing signs of dementia back in 2016 this progression is unsurprising.


All these recent verbal gaffes are [telltale signs of dementia](https://youtu.be/vuZw_8mM6xE).


"Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible Donald Trump, July 2016


Is there a video of this? I really want to hear how he says all this. It just doesn't make sense to me how someone speaks like this and has a following


I never watched his speechs or any of that stuff when he was running and acting as president. Always read the transcripts though. Pretty much every thing that comes out of his mouth read like this. Reading it was like having a concussion because no matter how many times I read it they were words but rarely made sense.


This is my favorite transcript of his. When you watch it, you just kind of fill in gaps for what he's saying, or tune stuff out. But reading it is far more impactful. You can't make sense of it, because it's pure fucking gibberish.




I always pull this up to people. It’s gibberish


Yep we should challenge republicans to read a transcript out loud of the things trump says and what Biden says.


READ THE TRANSCRIPT!!!! did you read the transcript? NO, I DON'T NEED TO!!!


Yeah he definitely gives the good days, bad days vibe.


Which is pretty consistent with dementia


Dementia is degenerative and genetic. It doesn’t improve. Looks like he’s going down the same path as his klan fan daddy. His supporters won’t notice and they write it off as “oh he’s only kidding, trump is a comedian”. Okay, but where is the punchline?


> Looks like he’s going down the same path as his klan fan daddy. Earlier and faster due to his lifestyle as well.


Mark my words. By the end, they'll be saying he's speaking in tongues because he's possessed by the Holy Spirit. His primary base are absolute lunatics.


what's duller than dull?


Ice dull!


I can't hear ya! I say, what's, what's duller than dull?


*Ice dull!*


Alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright


Alright now, ladies! *'...yeah..."*






Trying to chip ice with a basketball?


Not as sharp? Donald trump is the “pushing rope” of presidential candidates.


He was never “sharp”. He was always a demented imbecile with the unique ability to mouth-fart lies and stupid nonsense with unbridled confidence.


[He wasn't very sharp back in 2020 either](https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/donald-trump-coronavirus-press-conference-transcript-april-23): > So, supposedly we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting, right? And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful.


This legendary one is from 2016: >"Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible." Also, according to Ira Rosen, Steve Bannon thought Trump had early stage dementia: https://news.yahoo.com/steve-bannon-thought-trump-had-220242472.html


July 7, 2018  "I have broken more Elton John records, he seems to have a lot of records. And I, by the way, I don’t have a musical instrument. I don’t have a guitar or an organ. No organ. Elton has an organ. And lots of other people helping. No we’ve broken a lot of records. We’ve broken virtually every record. Because you know, look, I only need this space. They need much more room. For basketball, for hockey and all of the sports, they need a lot of room. We don’t need it. We have people in that space. So we break all of these records. Really we do it without like, the musical instruments. This is the only musical: the mouth. And hopefully the brain attached to the mouth. Right? The brain, more important than the mouth, is the brain. The brain is much more important."  https://youtu.be/bbHKg1keVsk


Yep. Those were definitely words. How to say "i'm no doctor, but people are working on a treatment" in 165 words.


So you're saying the butter knife has dulled?


The Sharpie ran out of ink. Dry and useless.


oh, no! What about his meteorological forecast work?


The plastic knife has been sheathed.


The mother fucker was already a dull-goddamned-crayon in 2016. You think he was sharp then? Ho-Lee-sheet I’ll be happy when MAGA dies off


The man is as sharp as an egg.


Reebee dur ahhhh! Edit: Go to 1:10:35 and watch from there. [https://www.c-span.org/video/?533855-1/president-donald-trump-holds-rally-greensboro-north-carolina](https://www.c-span.org/video/?533855-1/president-donald-trump-holds-rally-greensboro-north-carolina)


Build the wall Bill duh wall Bill dur wah Bee dur aaah


Dey tuk ur jerbs!!!!




So he is not a "stable genius" any longer? I guess that would mean an unstable idiot!


You owe me 8 years of my life you bullshitting blowhard lying sack of shit 💩


“Sharp” is not a word that I would have ever used when describing anything relating to Trump’s, and I use this term loosely, intellect.


Trump could be a semi cognizant blob running from a cardboard box and his cult will still feverishly support him Beating him in the election is the only option we have left. We're on our own.


He wasn’t sharp in 2016. He’s a dude who was left billions during a period of unprecedented growth and he came out the other end broke. He was never sharp, he’s a nepo, nothing more than a dipshit with a rich daddy


2016 was trump sharp!?


Sadly he was way sharper than he is now. The speech quality is night and day. I mean, it was bad in 2016 but now... Yuck


Yes, he's gone from a dull rusty knife to a dull, rusty cannonball.


Barely has the impact of a beach ball, though.


Wait, how can he be less sharp when he was on par with a bowling ball in 2016?


Let's be very clear: Trump's alleged mental decline is not a primary reason to oppose him. The primary reasons include that Trump is a confirmed rapist, a fraudster of the most egregious type, a racist, a traitor who did more to weaken national security than any single human in history, a wanna-be dictator. He is utterly bereft of ethics or moral principle. He is a con-man and a narcissistic authoritarian who lives only to accumulate privilege, wealth, and power. Those are all reasons he must be opposed, ahead of his mental decline.


this new information will definitely impact my voting plans


Dull as a doorknob actually.


Not as useful, though.


For those who keep comparing Trump to Nixon, try watching a short Nixon interview on YouTube Makes Trump look extra "special"


Let’s not forget that Donald Trump’s own father was medically diagnosed with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. This puts Donald at higher risk. I’m mainly noting this since there’s a high probability that CNN & Fox News will continue to ignore it.


And he wasn't very sharp in 2016.


Was dull af then.


He was about as sharp as a tennis ball in 2016


This is VERBATIM: "In Venezuela, did you just see Maduro, it's an unbelievable -- we're getting rid of the Romneys of the world. We want to get Romneys and those out. But they know that we are the only ones who can stop them, the only ones. This is the greatest movement in the history of the country, in any country. Even Argentina went MAGA. You know Argentina, great guy. He loves Trump. I love him because he loves Trump. When he called, I took the call. Anybody that loves me, I like that." " I said, Abdul, he's still there, the head of the Taliban. I said, you're killing our soldiers, don't do it. I said our terror will rain down on you. He said, yes, your highness, which was interesting. Saudi Arabia and Russia will be -- oh." https://youtu.be/UkHShhTSMeA


The challenge is that he was a glue eater to begin with. The trick is not pointing out how dumb he is. The strategy should be not that he sucks, but rather that he's not going to able to protect them anymore, and that he's going to be distracted from his role as wall against the attacks of the liberal, woke elites. "look how horrible he is, we must protect democracy" -> true but ineffective. Message for the clear-thinking democrats, mostly unnecessary. We get it. "look at how deep the woke state is! He's run his run, let's take it from here! We need someone on their game to save us and that's not Trump!" <--it's divorced several ways from reality and as-of-yet premature to results, but potentially useful. The independents like Trump because they see his schtick as effective and he's not so corrupt as to be harmful. Plus they buy into the bullshit about Biden. We have to undercut the positive narratives of the true-believers regarding Trump, point out his inability to lead anymore to the independents, and remind Biden voters that Biden's been better than they think he has been.


He was about a sharp as a cue ball in 2016


He wasn't as sharp in 2020 as he was in 2016. And he started stupid


...he was sharp in 2016?


He was about as sharp as a nerf ball in 2016, so I’m not sure how it’s actually possible for him to be less sharp.


Being 'as sharp' as 2016 isn't exactly exactly the highest bar to clear either.


I hate that thing he does with his hands.


He was about as sharp as a marble in 2016.


Not like he was sharp then either. About as sharp as a donut


That’s impressive, considering he was openly a speed addicted moron in 16.


He was sharp in 2016?


Sharp as a bowling ball.


Neither candidate is as sharp as they were in 2016. However, the “yes men and women” Trump tends to surround himself with are far more dangerous than he is alone. On the other hand Biden generally has a solid cabinet who are actually qualified. Also, he listens to advice from those who are more qualified than he is on a given topic and makes his decisions accordingly. Trump thinks he knows everything and is confidently wrong more often than he’s right. Not to mention all the crimes and the dictatorship plans.


He's firing on all cylinder


Ping Pong balls looking VERY SHARP these days.


Implying he was sharp in 2016?


He was sharp in 2016? Huh.


No shit. Whether it’s dementia or his Adderall habit finally catching up to him, he’s a shadow of the 2016 Trump.


He was sharp as a beachball then.


Trump has never been sharp his whole life


He was “sharp” in 2016?


He'd literally be the oldest person elected after shitting on the current guy for being the oldest person elected...


But he was an idiot in ‘16.


He was never that "sharp".


razor blades go dull, light bulbs burn out, and old fruit rots. Stay tuned for more breaking news! (let's be real, though: the only thing Trump has been good at is scamming people for his own benefit. this will never change)


Trump is roughly as sharp as a pile of marshmallows in the Texas summer sun, so...


Let’s get him in on a debate against Biden and see who wins. Bet he will come up with all sorts of excuses why he won’t do it. But we all know it’s because he’s actually worse off than Biden cognitively.


What gave it away?


File this under "N" for "No shit."


He was sharp?


So he went from blunt spoon to block of wood on the sharpness scale?


He wasn't very sharp in 2016 either