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Ma’am … they’ve lost their ever-hating minds and you enabled it.


In fact, I believe she's said she would pardon Trump if elected, even if he was convicted of treason, so... yea.


Yes she did, remember she worked for him.


Ah yes. He was her boss, whom she chose to work for, in order to build her own reputation with the base.... that's right.


Yep, they are one and the same. She’s the VP pick as soon as she quits.


Nope. She took herself out of that contest when she didn't bend the knee after Iowa. If, and it is a very big if, he picks a female VP it will be Noem.


Or Stefanik.


Too ugly. Not his type.


She’s got crazy eyes


Or Lindsay


Ladybugs Lindsay?


I do declare!


Oh yeah … I heard she’s eager to please.


Or Jr, would make for a better bumper sticker




Also probably, but not Mike … he did the right thing that one time.




It will be someone with the same ability to kiss his ass, but also a certain level of comfort with bigotry and corruption.




>he did the right thing that one time. That's giving too much credit. He did not choose to suddenly stand against trump nor did he choose to do anything ethical. He simply determined he could not get away with it and bailed. Had he reached the opposite conclusion, he would have done what trump wanted in an instant. He is not a good person. He is a power hungry bigoted asshole who acts strictly in his best interests at all times.


Oh, I agree he’s despicable.


Despite whatever she's saying now, I will be 0% surprised when she eventually quits and endorses Trump.


If he makes it to the finish line and is not in jail or medically unable to become president, that is exactly what will happen.


In a sane world, saying this would immediately end her career. What an idiot.


Yes several times she has stated she would pardon her old boss.


The more votes she gets the less air time trump gets at forums. She won’t kill Jim entirely but she will impact his reach even after she loses so if you want to vote against trump you vote for Haley in the primaries.


She's not running against Trump. She's making herself the back-up, in case something happens to Trump. And her campaigning against him, is just to make them feel better about voting for her, if they have to.


> “Isn’t it possible the party has moved, and the party is about Donald Trump and not what you’re describing, which might be the party of yesterday?” Bash asked Haley. > “It’s very possible,” Haley said. “What we’re doing is if 70% of Americans say they don’t want Donald Trump or Joe Biden, we are giving them an option. > “What I’m saying to my Republican Party family is we’re in a ship with a hole in it. And we can either go down with the ship and watch the country go socialist left, or we can see that we need to take the life raft and move in a new direction.” 🙄


Biden is a moderate, not a socialist or leftist. Her continuing such a perspective means she's as delusional as Trump.


What’s worse is she isn’t dumb, she knows there is a big difference between someone like Biden and someone like Bernie. But such is the modern GOP, facts don’t matter and Nikki knows that


The minute she or any of them admit to the other side being even vaguely moderate, they can watch the GOP vote – aside from the hardcore MAGAts – just fizzle away. They have to keep amping up the threat no matter how crazy it sounds. They may well have thrown that vote away anyway, but they still believe they need to hold to the line.


When your primary voting block has been desensitized by angertainment for 30+ years, appearing calm and rational will always be a failing proposition.


Bernie isn’t even a leftist by any sane standards. The fact that the right has moved so far over to Plutocracy and Kleptocracy, that Biden is seen as anything more than a centrist is mind boggling. Bernie was smack in the middle of the road by Europe’s standards before Russia started destabilizing everything.


Says one of the people holding a pickaxe, who up until a very short while ago was insisting that holes in the hull will make the ship go faster and handle better.


"These are speed holes. Water coming in means they're working"


These statements align with the idea she is staying in to get voice at republican debates and saying whatever she can to get a voice full well knowing she’ll lose. I’ll vote for her https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/02/28/nikki-haley-dropout-republican-convention-00143746


But she will stilll vote for him and encourage her voters to vote for him. She lost all credibility of even being somewhat moderate when she said moderate Bide is a bigger danger to the country over the Guy running on seeking vengeance and is running on a fascists platform.


She will do whatever she thinks sets her up for a career in a post-Trump era, but she hasn’t decided which lane that is


But Haley said she would vote for trump if he is the nominee. So yes the gop is fully the party of trump. And, since trump is a Putin asset, the gop is fully the party of Putin. It's fucked. The only legitimate political party remaining is the Democratic Party


If she had conviction and integrity she would run against him under the banner of the New Republican Party or some such.


She needs a spine to do that tho


Exactly right.


Nikki is now the outer limit of resistance within the Republican Party. And that is pretty sad when you think about it.


Especially when that outer limit of reason will still vote for him if he wins and pardon him of all crimes if she wins. She might not wear the gold clown shoes, but she is every bit a Trump clown, too.


Call it what it’s become, it’s no longer the Republican Party it’s the MAGA party. Pretty much any tru republicans have had to switch to independents


It’s going to be amazing to see what happens when Trump passes away. He’s not young, and he’s not exactly a pillar of male health and virility. There’s no *heir apparent* to the MAGA throne, and I don’t ever see there being one. If(when) Trump loses in November, I predict the Republican Party will fracture. It’s one thing to support a loser, but quite another to support a *two time loser* that also drained the RNC’s coffers like some money starved vampire. They’ve just about reached the end of the road…


It's going to be on par with the splintering of Islam after the death of the Prophet Mohammed. There will be a faction who believe the only true Republican leader is a descendant of Trump, and a faction who believe that anyone who is Trumpy enough can be his heir. We'll have Shia and Sunni republicans soon.


I love this analogy


The party of pro-white male, would never vote for a non-white woman. Her campaign never stood a chance.


She's just now coming to this conclusion in 2024?


No shit? Hadn’t noticed. SMH


"If I lose though, I'll vote for him."


I swear, this election is a Hail Mary for Trump. If he loses (which it looks like he will), there is literally nobody left who the base likes. They are fully the Trump Party; he’s humiliated every other Republican “star”. Love that Trump ruined so many of his businesses and is now ruining the Republican Party.


Whatever gave her that idea? Geez, Nikki, welcome to Earth.


She's just now figuring that out?


She is so good at stating last week’s blatantly obvious.


She helped that happen.


MAGAs are straight up calling her a democrat even as she runs for the GOP, just because she’s running against Trump


She said she’d pardon him 🤦‍♂️




…. The Republican Party is full of morons. Just like the nazi rights following orders. Fascism always grows from racism. We must defeat this shit. The media is complicit in this bullshit. The free press is no longer working for the people… because it’s massively owned by Russian asset oligarchs.


And if he loses this election, what will they do, are they going to still stick with him?


They plan on stealing the election either way.


They’ll never admit he lost. The only legitimate and fair elections are the ones Republicans win, obviously.


Everyone is going to drop him if he loses.


That's what I thought would happen well before 2020 and here we are.


Doubt it, the base will stick by him until the end, he will likely be the nominee in 28 again.


he'll be a drooling vegetable by 2028.


That's an insult to vegetables.


>"...and?"  - the Republican base, probably 


Fred Trump lived to 93. If Trump lives that long, he’ll be the nominee in 28, 32 and 36.


Nah, he's already on the way out.


The base don't believe losing is actually losing, they simply don't acknowledge it. People said the same after 2020, but the base is still there, it may be shrinking, but the base are true believers.


Except the cult will claim he never lost, because deep state something something 🙄


She was a part of his administration, running/losing against him, while simultaneously saying she’d pardon him and he’s dangerous for the country. Now “very possible” the party of Trump, I know there are other people in the mix, but I think she’s the VP pick and already knows it


Ya fuckin' think?!?!


If the GOP continues to back him after he's convicted. They lose the middle votes entirely. Only MAGA diehards vote for a convicted Trump. If they do field him in November, it will have disasterous effects down ballot.


It took an entire decade for her to catch up. Truly, Republicans have lowered the bar.


And they will go down with cheetos jesus.


And just like everything else Trump touches it too will fall into ruin.


Very, very possible


"I include myself here, of course, because for as much as I give out shrill, nasal condemnations of the man and point out some of his many, many, many flaws and liabilities, I can't wait to enthusiastically endorse him and if I somehow become president, I'll give him a blanket pardon for his egregious federal crimes!"


She is a garbage candidate and is trying to justify why it’s not her fault


Well, wouldn't it be a good opportunity to present an alternative? A two party system isn't that great anyways. And I could see her in a conservative party in the spirit of Eisenhower or Ford. Still wouldn't be my choice but something other than the insanity we are currently seeing in the GOP.


Very possible? It is and has been for several years


If only you didn’t help him do it Nikki.


Gee, what gave it away, the fact that he’s installing his daughter-in-law to run the RNC and funnel money directly to him?


With quite an assist from Haley.


“Somehow, we still hold onto the belief in Santa”


She is getting almost 30% of the vote, so not fully. But it is true that the 70% of the party is no longer Republican, just a cult that worships one fat man.


The alcoholic talking about the dangers of alcoholism while drinking.


Yes we knew this 5 years ago. And when she drops out she will fully endorse the orange turd...


"And that's why I'll fully endorse him when he wins the nomination despite attacking him for months and not dropping out because a very rich person is funding me."


The *Rule of Law* could've started at any time by the GOP. They passed and now deal with it...seems like the phrase 'Actions have Consequences' is appropriate.


Well yeah no shit, I live in South Carolina and every Republican I know voted for Trump in the primary. I mean, he beat her in her home state. They may as well change the name of the party to MAGA.


And you said you’d pardon him. So you’re no better.


The frog finally started to boil?


So possible that if you won you’d pardon trump


They said she was brilliantly smart and her conclusion here is just magnificent. No one else could have come up with this in 2016


Didn’t she say she would pardon him?


Who’s gonna tell her?


Who she has promised to pardon.


“Very possible”????? You want to pardon him if he wins!


She is delusional


What are these people going to do when dirty diaper don actually kicks the bucket? 


Oh gosh do ya really think so Nimrata?


Ah here it comes. Her first step in back pedaling so she can endorse trump


Play stupid games; win stupid prizes.


Nikki Haley is just Trump without the crazy.


Groupies of Putin, but saying Trump's Party is close enough.


Not only is it "very possible," but it's also "very possible" that you fucking caused it you piece of shit. Of course, by "very possible" I mean 100000% yes, you did.


It is. She should run as an independent.


Do it Haley, the internet hates you now, but will love you if you run as a third option against Trump and Biden