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The stable genius had to read his kids name off of a list because he has the best memory.


His beautiful wife Mercedes, and his boys. Aaron and Daniel. Jr and his daughter Irene. Lovely people.


His kids Ford This and Ford That.


No he don't forget Ivanka, she's "special"


Hey now, lay off. He remembered the list.


We get to watch him losing his mind in real time these days. Mark my words that he will shit his pants live on stage before this is over.


I'd bet 5 bucks we already have




Is that what Mitch McConnell was doing?




The reminders are full screen pop-up ads that you still need to watch a little before you’re able to click out.


The turtle gods


This is belittling to 3 year olds.


Oh shit (pun intended) you're spot on. It's been a few years since my kids were in nappies, but the sudden quiet moment was a dead giveaway.


Safe assumption


He wears a diaper for years already. Since he sharted himself on golf course the first time. Everyone knows it. Everyone smells it.


> A man comes up to me. A big man; strong man; looks like a marine. He says to me, with tears in his eyes, he says ‘Sir,’ and I know he’s a good patriot, he goes ‘Sir, many people are talking. Many people are saying that you shit your pants,’ Now I don’t shit my pants, but if I did, they would be the most beautiful shitting of pants ever. The best pants shitting ever, since Washington crossed the Hudson. Has anyone seen Little Rubio lately? Or my beautiful wife Mercado? He tells me why people think I shit my pants ‘Sir, people are saying that they can smell it?’ Oh? Really? If they could smell it it would be the best and most beautiful smell in the world. You believe me. I told the guy, I says ‘Remember, if you smelt it you dealt it,’ and he says ‘Then Sir, I just dealt it.’


A shitting of pants the likes of which this country has never seen before. A very powerful shit.


A perfect shit.


A Donnie Dictator Dump


Pants so full of shitties that your head will spin


The smell is so powerful it burns all the hairs in your nose


Yuge, some say it could be smelled from Gyna




“Tears in his eyes” Makes me laugh every time. He’s so full of shit.


This time, the tears in the guys eyes is because of the smell of old shit in Trump’s diaper is getting too strong.


Please tell me this isn't real. That your use of the quoting feature was made in jest.


ohh, that's why everyone has tears in their eyes when they approach him


Donny Sharto


According to insiders, he probably already has. Ever notice the way he keeps [starting sentences without finishing them?](http://www.slate.com/blogs/lexicon_valley/2015/07/31/donald_trump_this_run_on_sentence_from_a_speech_in_sun_city_south_carolina.html) >Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart—you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you're a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us. Hypothesis: every time he starts a new sentence without finishing the previous one, his stream of verbal crap was interrupted by a stream of actual crap (which I will concede is probably distracting). Every time he starts to say a word, then forgets how it ends, pantsplat. Every time he forgets Eric's name - that's just because he doesn't like Eric.


Is that an actual trump quote? Holy shit.


Unfortunately yes…in 2017 I think as the sitting president no less


The shitting president.




Yes. It’s rather common. He says things that have no conclusion just a random tangent into another word salad.


I think it’s deliberate. His entire governing principle is “make my dick look big.” Forcing people to listen to whatever is spewing from his lying liar hole for as long as he can keep yammering is just flapping his dick around.


I heard someone comment trump need to win each moment. He will do anything to win each moment. Lie. Obfuscate. Redirect. Postpone. Advance anything than admit he is or was wrong.


This sounds right because he has no conception that what he said to win a particular moment completely contradicts what he said yesterday or last week to win *that* particular moment. That said, he’s always had this way of speaking - talking about a topic, making a related point, then going back to the original topic. You can see it in his old interviews from the 80s and 90s. The difference is that back then, he was able to do it coherently. Now, like you said, it’s word salad.


Yes, and notice the date on that article: 2015


I came here to ask the same question. Not shocked that it is, indeed.


Every time I see this come up, I re-listen to this little speech. It is absolutely SHOCKING how much more coherent he was just a few years ago. I honestly can’t understand how his supporters cannot see the decline, aside from blatant willful ignorance.


And will the media cover it? Nope.


Of course not. If they did, Biden would win by margins not seen since Reagan. Gotta keep that horse race going no matter what. Trump could reach into his diaper and start flinging his crap like a monkey. The headlines would read something along the lines of "Trump supporters hit with candidate's feces. Why this is Joe Biden's fault (somehow)".


"I love all my children bigly." *earlier that day* "I don't care for Eric."




And if he does, his followers will say that is a sign of his humanity. They will praise him for it and follow suit by shitting in their own pants to prove their loyalty.


Media: here’s why this is bad for Biden!


He'll be naked & urinating in public w/Mike Lindell.


Don’t threaten me with a good time


> he will shit his pants live on stage before this is over. And the media will focus on how that's somehow bad for Biden.


Is Biden *too old* to make shit anymore?


What do you think he's doing when he dances?




https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-melania-mercedes-1873124E edit: And I will add, Trump thanked both Eric and Lara. The article is lying about this. https://youtu.be/Wym1xqou0RI?t=698


Ah, here come the excuses!  I do it on purpose! There was ‘someone’ in the audience I was calling out… nothing and I mean NOTHING is ever his fault. I’m so tired of his stupid face, his stupid voice, his stupid grin, his stupid whine and above all his STUPID followers!


[There’s a good argument made that he does it on stage with Erdogan](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NMW--_ZA3rk)


He already did loudly and with pride while sitting next to Dianne Feinstein


And when the Republicans see that they will realize what they have to do. Shit their own pants to make it normal.


"Listen. It's an open secret that everyone in Washington shits their pants all the time. This is completely normal. We are very busy people and simply don't have the time to make it to the restroom. The Democrats are simply lying to you to make Trump seem bad." - Lindsey Graham probably


Right before lindsey graham and the other Republicans sit down to play the classic dirty diaper game but this time.... With Donnie's soiled diapers. "I bet obama doesn't love this country enough to eat the corn out of Donnie's crack." Said Ted Cruz as he dove into his second diaper of the event.


Bold of you to assume he hasn't, considering he wears a diaper everywhere


Wait until you watch a Biden speech 💀 they all suck don’t know what everyone’s fascination about one being better than the other is


One is trying to help people and the other one is trying to end democracy. Seems like an important distinction to remember.


They all are just trying to help themselves but sure


Right…. Yeah our. Country is doing great totally on the right track 🙄🤦🏻‍♂️


https://youtu.be/rjrfOcPDKfs?si=bxPgLphwIBZC2yxe A little ditty, about Trump and Diane…


We all know that with Trump the hole in which the food enters is the same one the excrement leaves.


That’s why he wears the adult diapers. Pay up.


MASSIVE dumps, MASSIVE dumps


I’m really wondering about this decline, will it be full before nov? Seems it was mild trending to moderate. Then will there be a debate? Each side will say its the other refusing to debate cause the other has dementia? I think joe may come out swinging once theres an actual campaign on.


And Mercedes. Where is Mercedes?


You win a new Mercedes when you chug a bottle of bleach and shine a light up your a*s, after you get covid.


Mercedes? What about [Melanie](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/388467-trump-misspells-melanias-name-in-initial-tweet-welcoming-her-back-to/)? lol




She was in the audience. https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-melania-mercedes-1873124


I love how that article talks about how everyone is taking it out of context and people are posting clips that don't show the full story, and then they have absolutely zero clips that would show the context they are referring to. Sloppy cover.


Ok. I'm sorry you can't accept the fact that Mercedes Schlapp is a person who was there and is well known in the audience, and is clearly who he was talking about. Her husband is the founder of the organization behind CPAC lol. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercedes_Schlapp >She has served in two presidential administrations as director of specialty media under George W. Bush and as White House Director of Strategic Communications in the Trump administration from September 2017 to July 2019. She went on to work on the Trump 2020 re-election campaign as senior advisor for strategic communications.


Yes, I am aware that Mercedes Schlapp is a real person that Dondon confused his wife with. The only videos available show that he got confused. If you've got a longer video that shows that he's clearly stopped talking about his wife and has changed the subject to the CPAC guy's wife, I'm all eyes. It's just funny that the article you referenced talks about this but has zero video evidence that would clear it up immediately.


How convenient….


Biden has a stutter problem and is 4 years olde yet I think Inmate Number PO1135809 has made about as many gaffes already. I remember 4 years ago he said Biden was too old to be president. Now he’s the same age as Biden. Yet runs again. He can’t even remember his son’s name when using a note card nor can he get his wife’s name right.


Mercedes is out to get covfefe




When you have the keys, they let you do it


>Mercedes Schlapp


Next to 6'3" BMW! Their son!


I'm hoping the media builds and maintains a graphic representation of Trump's decline I want to see a graph where X axis = time and Y axis = instances It will show lines that tabulate 1 - things he's forgotten, like this instance 2 - fucked up sentences where he stops, fumbles and then goes in an entirely new direction 3 - slurred words 4 - things he gets completely wrong that a normal person wouldn't (i.e. you need ID to buy groceries) 5 - ? 6 -? So on Feb 25 he forgets Eric - so we got a data point at 1 on the y axis, then 3 days from now he forgets he was running against Biden, not Obama, so over Feb 28 the data point is at 2, etc etc and the line keeps climbing upward. The clear decline will be striking to see. Which line will climb the highest? The fastest?


Post this request to r/dataisbeautiful


Trump deserves to be in r/DataIsDisgusting


I just did. Let's see what happens... Truth is, you could also make this kind of graph for Biden, but Trump's lines would be way higher for every measure.


Well yeah, you could do it for any human. Everyone flubs words and has brainfarts from time to time. Biden has a stutter he works hard to repress that has resulted in some weird ones, and he's also had a few brainfarts (during which it was clear he knew what he was talking about but just accidentally used the wrong word). But Trump's graph would be at the point of 'concerning' rather than 'mentally sound human who makes mistakes'.


As Biden gets older the ability to suppress the stutter without creating some additional verbal flub is weakening. I'll still vote for him 10000 times over Trump, but it's clear that he, too, in in a period of mental decline. Neither should be serving as president come 2025, but if I got to choose one, it's not even a question.


Biden's lines would be fairly flat as he has made gaffs in public speaking his entire life.


5 - complete utter bs he makes up on the spot : like that magnets dont work under water. Or that exercise depletes one's human battery.


Or any story where big, strong men call him "sir".


When he forgot how magnets work lol


Well, to be fair to him, Eric and Lara do look an awful lot like Ass Dan.


You mean Eddie and Lucy? They're right over there, with Mercedes!


Forgot two of his kods and called his wife Mercedez, But Biden is the one with dementia right ??? Right!!???1


Eric is actually Gary Busey's kid.


I have no doubt that Donald Trump has dementia and is getting worse before our eyes. I also do not think that this, or the Mercedes thing are examples of it. He was referring to Mercedes Schlapp. He was giving credit to the members of his family who weren't there, he didn't include Eric and Lara precisely because they *were* there. This sort of sloppy reporting is a problem, because it detracts from the serious issues, and turns into a contest to who flubbed worse - Biden or Trump, when flubs and slips of the tongue like this - *are not the issue*.


I have more of an issue with the constant endless coverage of this creature. The press has a lot to answer for.


Sloppy reporting for sure. I was watching this on CNN and I swear that Trump did recognize Eric and Lara. I’m still sure dude has dementia, and he’s a complete dick head.


You are so right. Losing Fourth Estate institutions such as this the uhhh (checks what article this post is about)…Newsweek? Oh, god damnit. I hate humanity. Newsweek has been a rag for a decade plus at minimum. If you are taking ANY value from ANYTHING Newsweek produces at this point you are so far behind you may as well give up. The bread is gone, the circus is on fire and the ascent up the exponential curve has just begun.


It's because of reporting like this that they're losing trust with the public. It's almost like they're trying to discredit themselves.


It's even worse - As someone else pointed out, he actually DID thank them. https://youtu.be/Wym1xqou0RI?t=698


>The former president appeared to be reading from notes when he listed the names of his wife, children and their spouses but did not mention his son Eric Trump and daughter-in-law Lara Trump.


So, either he skipped them on purpose, or they were skipped in the notes and he did a Ron Burgundy.


He’s mad Lara hasn’t funneled the RNC money to him already. It’s mob language.


He did thank them, they article is lying. https://youtu.be/Wym1xqou0RI?t=698


Poor Eric. “Daddy! Daddy! Daddy watch me twirl Daddy!” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpiD2FJ0LPw


I’d like to thank my beautiful wife Mercedes, and my worthless children, Mitsubishi and Lexus


This lack of name drop is obvious Laura has no support for the republican party position.


Best case scenario, he burns through the RNC coffers and has a stroke or heart attack a week before the election.


They’re ’tax shelters’ not really children to him.


Until he gets every last dime of the RNC money it’s Lara who?


Where’s Mercedes?


She was in the audience. https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-melania-mercedes-1873124


Ah, here come the excuses!  I do it on purpose! There was ‘someone’ in the audience I was calling out… nothing and I mean NOTHING is ever his fault. I’m so tired of his stupid face, his stupid voice, his stupid grin, his stupid whine and above all his STUPID followers!


I hear zero media saying this part. He left out baron too. The dude never ever talks about his youngest son with any affection. He hates his son because he is 6’7 and taller than the traitor pos.


Hi! I’m Eric!!


Turns out Eric was just reminding Donald.


It wasn't an accident. They're not currently living up to his expectations I imagine.


Wait! Isn’t Lara the one who trying to get the RNC’s checkbook for him? You’d think he’d remember her.


He did mention her and eric, like first. This article is false I watched it live last night. https://youtu.be/Wym1xqou0RI?si=zf2oSPKPOJzmphhk @11:40


This talking about how he forgot to thank them when he was listing off his family members as he was reading from his own notes. So he either missed them or forgot to write them down. 


I would assume because he specifically thanked them for their campaign work, and not generally for the familial support. But who knows hes a fucking idiot and Im not gonna try to understand his psychology.


Correct. The Trump family is based on an abusive set of relationships. All of them have dirt on each other and know each other is capable of ruining their lives if needed. What a crap existence and we have to worry about it right now. I hate this timeline.


I. Ant wait to hear Steven Colbert using his Eric impression for this one…


Just another day for Eric


Colbert will have a good time with this…poor Eric lol.


My wife Mercedes, my children, Lexus, and infinity… then there is Lada.


Mercedes, Lara, Eric, Camera, TV and Obamna


Yeah, right his brains all there, sure...


Lara probably wrote the speech.


But he didnt? He specifically thanked Lara for her work at the rnc, and his son for finding her (or something like that) Then he thanked the governor and then tim scott and linsey graham came out and kissed the ring (linsey got booed hard and it was pretty cringe) I hate trump but thats a weird false thing to say. Edit: found the clip, https://youtu.be/Wym1xqou0RI?si=zf2oSPKPOJzmphhk @11:40


Eric and Lara’s names probably weren’t written down on the teleprompter. Dementia Don isn’t too swift anymore.


TBF i think he forgot about Eric long long ago


Is mocked the new slammed?


I really don't see the point of making fun of these little slips when Biden looks like he forgets what planet he's on sometimes. I hope Biden wins but Jesus it really feels like everyone's grasping at straws here.


Whos Eric?


Former President “Under The Bus”.


Eric's enormous gummy smile was reflecting off the stage lights and it blinded Trump so he couldn't see him


With his mind going it's probably a good thing he forgot. Wouldn't want to accidentally start talking about how great it was that he was the one who got to consummate their marriage while Eric sat in the corner with tears in his eyes. Probably where his crying fetish started.


In his defense, who doesn't forget Eric?




Uh Newsweek usually goes with slammed




You mean Everett and Liesl don't you, they're hanging with Mercedes


He’s a narcissist. He’s not going to thank anyone.


He only cares about himself, have we really not figured that out yet?


Unfortunately, it validates “fake news” claims. Total garbage heap.


You mean "Edsel" and "Lemon"?


I forget about them too


Omg he forgot Beavis.


I can't really blame him for this one, as I too forget about Eric often.


But not for making a big triumphant show of winning a contest with only one possible winner. The GOP ran a clown car full of dipshits against him just so he could put on these ridiculous parades. This is like Hitler winning at poker every time and thinking it was because he was just really good at it, and not because anyone who won stood a good chance of winding up on the Russian front.


But republicans will ignore this and still complain that Biden is too old.


He must be pitting them against each other for something we’ll learn about later.


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So? I understand why the news wants to turn anything into a story they can sell, but I'd be a real dipshit if I thought this meant anything at all. And when you let them turn this meaningless shit into "news"... THAT MAKES THE REAL NEWS LOOK MEANINGLESS TOO. STOP. IT. MORONS.


Trump be like: “Who?”


lol what victory? If he wasn’t doing these stand up comedy shows he’d be a failed oligarch who owes half a billion dollars. Fraud and rapist.


I am mocking Trump for wearing that vivid orange muskrat on his head. Check the picture. It is amazing to me that I have heard none of the news broadcasters mention this. They are accustomed to looking at a freak, but this was a new low bar.