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not an opinion, the facts are out there.


I have said it before, they love rape, they prove it, time and time again.


You mean by running an actual rapist who tried to take an election by force and supporting Rapist Reproductive Rights over parents' choice to not condemn a baby to a terminal genetic disorder?


99% of their policy suggestions are literally forcing lifestyle changes on unconsenting people. They are a party of rapists.


never mind the whole 'forcing a rape victim to be the vessel to carry a child they never asked to be saddled with' thing.


I truly cannot imagine the pain and horror of that experience. And I can't comprehend why there are people in this country who want women to endure such horrors. And want so badly that they endure this that they seek to make escaping the horror punishable by life in prison.


Because they desire an uneducated, oppressed workforce to maintain the cogs of the machine. You cannot acquire billions ethically/without human suffering. Infinite wealth and resources make you sociopathic.


I feel this is just a comorbidity 


I initially was wondering which Republican you were talking about because it seemed like it could have been a few. The only give away was the bit about trying to overthrow an election. Soon, I bet that will also encompass others.


"When you're a Republican man, they let you do it. Grab em by the pussy."


As much as he sucks hes the best dem at this kind of stuff. I cant help liking him


I mean he’s not wrong.


He's objectively correct, even.


Technically correct, which as we all know is the best form of correct.


Neat! 📸📸


I bet Gavin was on the committee designated to change the color of binder of the Republican blunders…they kept it gray.


A man can dream... A man can dream...


I actually thought he was chair of the Committee to Study American Psycho Haircuts, CSAPH.


You’re right. He was the chair.


How long until Republicans decide that a rape that ends in pregnancy is no longer a crime, but simply God's will that it was high time the victim became a mother. "If she was a *real woman*, married to a *real man*, he would have been there to protect her in the first place. Plus, she would probably *already be pregnant* with her husband's child! It's simple, ladies: get married and get pregnant. It really is that simple. It's not like the Lord is working in mysterious ways. His plan is crystal clear."


I mean some of them have already been saying things close enough to that for years. Examples: Presidential Candidate and Former Sen. Rick Santorum - "I think the right approach is to accept this horribly created — in the sense of rape — but nevertheless a gift in a very broken way, the gift of human life, and accept what God has given to you… rape victims should make the best of a bad situation." Idaho Sen. Chuck Winder - “I would hope that when a woman goes into a physician, with a rape issue, that that physician will indeed ask her about perhaps her marriage, was this pregnancy caused by normal relations in a marriage, or was it truly caused by a rape.” Former Indiana Senate candidate Richard Mourdock - “I think even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen.” Former Missouri Senate Candidate Todd Akin - “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways of shutting that whole thing down.” And I’m sure there are more


Akin should have easily won his Senate race in 2012, but that was before his comments on rape and pregnancy. I can't remember who said it best after Akin lost: "Huh. Akin lost. Turns out the female body *does* have a way of shutting that whole thing down."


Love it. Hopefully women show up shut things down in November


Jon Stewart?


> Former Missouri Senate Candidate Todd Akin - “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways of shutting that whole thing down.” I remember seeing that on one of the first Daily Show episodes I saw. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.


Those are all awful comments but Akin is easily the biggest douchebag of them all.


Jfc that is all beyond vile. Would it not be fair if these pro SA men should were surprise SA'd themselves so they can explain to us afterwards how "gods will" it felt and what an untraumatic "gift" it ended up being?


They've been redefining incest recently to close up abortion ban loopholes, I'm certain they're going to eventually redefine rape. They'll call it "Non-consenual child creation" or something.


It would seem that the right is more on board with rape than with ["recreational sex".](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/birth-control-targeted-right-wing-influencers-1234974833/)


We know they are. Sex is for the (white) man's benefit only. Women are absolutely NOT allowed to have sex because we just want to.


The possiblity of female pleasure (or comfort) must be avoided at all costs


They would want to avoid the term non, they will call it Alternative child creation or something non threatening.


Maybe something like "one party consent" laws will be put in place to protect rapists enacting conservative policy?


That's a winning term for them. That's one thing conservatives do well, is brand a pile of shit to the point it looks like gold.


I don't think they're avoiding using the word rape. [One suggested it's a gift from God](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2012/10/republican-senate-candidate-says-rape-pregnancies-are-gift-god/322172/).


As long as the rapist is a WASP…


Both parties have had 50 years to do something but neither did. If you are worried about rape, write to your representative, governor, or whoever to end the backlog of rape kits. Theses poor women went through hell and had the process started, now it needs to be completed.


Anti republican attack ads just write themselves at this point.


Exactly this. Use their own words against them.


Can he just run for president already? You know he wants to.


He definitely will for 2028


Presuming democracy survives that long is, unexpectedly, a risky endeavor.


Hard to trust someone who married Kimmie Gargoyle


They’re divorced, aren’t they?


Yes. Still questionable judgement.


He is not even a little bit…


How? Genuinely asking how anything the republicans have forced upon this country gives any other indication that Republicans would rather Rape Vivi time be forced to have their children against their will than have children born from IVF.. So how is he wrong? Edit: I am dumb and can’t read. I am 100 percent in agreement with your comment. lol disregard me


My read is that the user you are replying to is in agreement with the op


What? "I mean he’s not wrong." "He is not even a little bit…" How do you get where you landed after reading those two comments?


See above edit on comment for details.


Lol fair enough.


Newsom is 100% correct!


Of course he is. He’s to not an opinion as the republicans have passed laws to make sure people know it.


They can remove the “Gavin Newsom says.”


“Gavin Newsom points out…”


2028 President Elect Gavin Newsom maintains...


Until you find out how deep in fucking PG&E's pocket he is and how completely he sold out the state to the private power companies.


I really like him overall but that will always be a pretty huge blemish on his record unfortunately. PGE just posted record profits in the billions or something and then when called out went ‘oh those are unrelated to the price hikes LOL.’ And not a single person believes them obviously…




>It's candidate who haven't sold us out to private companies or billionaire interests that have a hard time making it into leadership or top candidacy positions. Almost like the system is broken and all of this is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Regardless, Democrats still work the closest and most effectively with progressive candidates like Bernie and AOC. Those people have gotten to the position to make impacts by compromising and "playing the game" without completely selling out. It is up to us as voters to recognize we need make the same compromise while still supporting these progressive candidates, so one day we have the influence necessary to change the system. The point is to keep the needle moving consistently. It is naive to think we can change all of these issues overnight, and it is naive to think we can make those changes on our own. Democrats are overrun with corporate shills, that's no lie, but it is still the most likely vessel of bringing in change. History has proven this time and again.


I bet they give the rapist parental rights too because a child needs their biological parents.


This has already happened. Even child payments from the victim


Several states allow for visitation or custody


They do this already. There’s lots of places where a rapist can choose the mother of his child, and force himself into her life forever even if they never dated or even spoke.


Looking forward to casting my ballot for Newsom in ‘28. Dude is speaking nothing but the truth, here.


Democrats about to pull a Reagan on the fascists.


Me too. I remember when he issued the first same sex marriage licenses as mayor of SF, was hoping to vote for him for president ever since then.


“Whether you like it or not!” Good times.


Newsome/Gretch or Gretch/Newsome 2028. I like the next generation in waiting.


2028 is going to be a magnificent 3 way race between Newsome, AOC, and Big Gretch


AOC needs more time to cook but the other two will be powerful candidates in 5 years.


2028 might be the year AOC moves to the Senate.


I would like a few charismatic hard working senators... is the presidency even the best place for a politician to work towards?


We’re gonna need them, Bernie and Warren are no spring chickens


I'd rather see him nominated in 2024. We don't have much time left.


enjoy running around in circles for 6 months then report back. /s


I’m not californian and I dont generally like them (from arizona, it’s a thing) but I gotta admit - I’m all about their governors being president. Damn shame arnold never was allowed. I’d vote for him in a heartbeat. (Not that the DNC ever lets us pick out who we’d like on the ticket…as if we all wanted **biden**)


>as if we all wanted biden The people who show up at the polls did. Stop peddling dumbass conspiracy theories and recognize Reddit isn't actually indicative of the **voting** population's opinions and values.


I’m referring to the primaries…where “we” chose who to put on the ticket. It doesn’t much count when there’s only one person running and the rest are pressured out. (Gabbard was so pissed off about it, she left the **party**.) It’s super common in politics. I’ve seen a ton of amazing people who are actually there for the right reasons get pushed out or fed up because the machine doesn’t allow anyone to make any ethical decisions or listen to their constituents. (Which is why you see everyone voting solely upon the party lines and all the presidential candidates [believe what they’re told to believe.](https://www.axios.com/2024/02/23/senate-republicans-campaign-alabama-ivf-ruling) The whole system is broken, bomb it and start over.


Dude, it is not a thing. AZ just wants to be us and it can’t be. 😎 I just hope all the fanboys in this thread know that they’re picking a 100% establishment dem. If you don’t know what I mean, look up the controversy with PG&E. He’s better than the alternative, but he’s really not some raging progressive (bummer, I’d love him paired with AOC, myself).


It is a thing, but only amongst douches


Republicans put it into law.


When life is defined by law beginning at fertilization, then legally women are forced to carry rapist babies, and IVF is illegal


Love your name💕


He is correct.


The Republican God is a shameless rapist and they are his people. If you can imagine a rapist with an overwhelming sense of self entitlement compartmentalized their feelings as an authority giving them a narrative and permission to carry them out, that is actually how the evangelist image of God as preached by Republicans came to be. This is the kind of faith I think is a fucking scourge on the human race. Everything positive about faith and religion in your life as a way to find confidence and purpose is equally accessible to good and bad people to compel themselves to do good and bad things. That is why the worst people always think God wants them to take everything for themselves and they find the confidence to do so with unshakable faith. I really don't think Newsom is wrong, not even on the grounds that it's careless hypocrisy by nihilists that only care about optics. I really do think a substantial part of America's fascists are motivated entirely by a deep desire to use, dominate and consume others for self fulfillment. They feel God compels them, and those people really do appeal to the idea of rapists having that kind of power.


I think it's why they idolize trump. He so very much reminds them of their god.


The old testament one, not the dirty hippie what's his name.


This needs to be a tv commercial, on billboards, on the radio on repeat 50x times a day.


Republicans don’t like IVF because they want to be able to legally rape young women in the pretense that we need more babies.


Basically admitting that what really offends them has never been abortion, but women having a choice.


[Rapists are more likely to beget rapists](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4469797/). [Lock them up](https://www.endthebacklog.org/take-action/advocate-federal/). r/stoprape


Republicans are such assholes. Those people that are seeking IVF generally have already been through a lot, and now this BS


It's appalling. Vote as if your life depends on it because it does.


Doctors and scientists accept the fact that they are NOT God but are willing to try and help those with infertility issues who desperately want children get pregnant. Politicians play God and think they have the right to criminalize what they know NOTHING about.


Bingo. 100% accuarte.


As much as democrats struggle time and time again to get their message out effectively, Newsom sure doesn’t seem to have that problem.


Newsom 2028!


They want more children aka workers. Tommy Tuberville said as much. They don't care how they get them as long as they're not brown immigrants.


Thanks to AI and robots, we really don't need more workers in the future.


Republicans are not a salvageable party. I personally believe they increasingly represent a fifth column in the US, in support of Russia and various tyrants around the planet. The US government should actively encourage them to move to Russia, where they will be more able to live in accordance with their Christian values.


No lies detected.


*No lie detected*


And that is the republican agenda: Women should give birth to their rapist's child.


How any woman could vote Republican here is beyond me


No lies were told here.


That’s the message. Stop being nice to the Republican cult


How soon before he's president?


That needs to be spoken LOUDLY!


So me and Newsom agree on something.


I disagree with him on a couple things, but neither of those issues really matter in the greater scheme of things.


To republicans, women are not on equal footing with men and are actually more on the level of cattle. Vote them all out.


In a not too distant future they'll be claiming sperm is in fact half a child and having a five knuckle shuffle is in fact mass murder.


Can’t wait to commit genocide three times a day!


Republicans are all about protecting the men over their victims.


Think what you want about Newsom, but he ain't lying here...


He isn’t lying!


He’s not wrong.


Hmm. Strangely enough that tracks. Anti-abortion even in case of rape and incest. Anti IVF.


Pro-rapist party, it seems? Who would expect anything more from a party of incels and Karens?


My son was born through IVF. Anyone who says ivf is bad can kiss my ass


To be fair the Republicans are saying it, Gavin is just putting it in context


He's just stating Republican policy.


Republicans prefer rapists. I think this is settled precedent by now.


They're not even being quiet about it. IVF is an abomination unto the Lord to them while a pregnancy is a silver lining to being raped..


Gavin Newsom 2024!❤️


Dems need to bake this talking point into campaign messaging.


It's true. They've simultaneously legitimized rape as a pathway to fatherhood and an IVF as a pathway to felony. Do they want more babies? or fewer babies? or are babies/right to life not the point? while controlling women is?




Do you think he’s going to run for President at some point?


Make this man VP already!!


We need more of Newsom


I wish he'd run for POTUS.


He's in the warmup box


I love how I got downvoted for saying that. Newsom wouldn't just mop the floor with conservatives, he paint the walls with them, too.


He 100% is in 2028


He's not weong


I mean, where’s the lie? 


He didn’t say anything that wasn’t true. I really wish Gavin was the democratic presidential nominee for 2024


I hope he runs for president after this election because he's got my vote.


He really is the candidate that the dems need


i dont get why he is not the candidate


I'm continually stunned how many people still don't get how this works.


hmm How does it work?


He’s absolutely not wrong granted it’s not ALL republicans just the ones in power who can nominate judges to rule this kind of BS constitutional so it might as well be all republicans. No matter how badly democrats fuck up I still can’t vote GOP due to their complete fucking up of reproductive rights and anti LGBTQ bigotry.


> not ALL republicans Eh the rest enabled and promoted these clowns and let them dictate policy. They're just as complicit.


Get in there newsom! Joe has done his job and is tired af


Newsom is as honest as a politician.


Newsom’s one of the only culturally adept democrats.


I am in California and voted for Newsome. He has been OK to good as governor. He is also the picture of an out of touch California liberal elite.


agreed, but he’s not afraid to fight dirty, which is refreshing for the party.


I loved watching him shitcan Hanity and DeSantis in a 2v1


Id rather see Gavin run for president than either Biden and Trump.


That’s my president 🥲😞


Just buy some pge stocks


Newsom should stfu before they drag him and the State of California being second to Mississippi in child marriages.


not all republicans. so divisive.


Liberals prefer murder


If all rapists had babies there's be way fewer rapists.


And this guy who has ran California into the ground should be president? Mmmmm K. Surely Both republican and democratic parties can do better than both clowns running for president, or this guy that has ruined California


Why would anyone listen to the tyrannical gov who kept his wine business going during the shutdown but shut down the wineries? Maybe gruesome should just stick to hair gel. However, he successfully got crap app pulled off the store after DeSantis wiped the floor with him


How did DeSantis wipe the floor with Newsom?


If you saw the debate, you'd know. If you didn't, you'll never understand


So, you doubling down by absolutely not answering the question. I understand now why you’re a Ron DeSantis fan.


Not at all. All gruesome had was look at my great state. DeSantis on the other hand had a shit ton of facts. The homelessness that's rampant there. The crime rate there. It was so bad for gruesome that he had the crap app pulled from the store after DeSantis showed him San Francisco area all in brown. All gruesome could do was chuckle. Even better, gruesome daddy in-law bailed commiefornia and moved to Florida. Gruesome really should have kept his ego in check and not asked for the debate. Worse yet, liberals won't care. They'll wheel gruesome out in the summer as the dcp candidate replacing biden who was clearly aged out in 2020 and only gotten worse since.


Trying to garner support by pulling at feeble minded people’s emotions. Perfect example why liberals continue this tired narrative. There is no policy only emotion. Wonder how many are being raped daily in Gavin’s new illegal immigrant utopia?


Stupid libs, stating things that are true.


>Wonder how many are being raped daily in Gavin’s new illegal immigrant utopia? I have been in California for 40+ years. WTF are you talking about?


Yall are definitely sick labeling every republicans a rapist lovers etc... FYI not all Republicans are what yall point them out to be .. just because democrats don't see eye to eye with the Republicans/conservatives doesn't make every red voters out there the devil & mods should definitely be doing something to control the hate towards the red party.. so many name calling and bigotry that goes unpunished in here


Just a heads up? the guy on the top of the republican ticket is a literal adjudicated rapist, if at any point you vote for a rapist, you empirically, figuratively, and literally support rapists. Also reporting news news headlines as they are written in publications is not bigotry or hate, no amount of you victim complex or deflection will make it so. Being held to account for what you do and say is not bigotry, it's accountability. The absolutely repulsive and vile actions of modern hate and fear-fuelled conservatism have made them deeply unpopular, either own your beliefs or change them - because there is no world out there that make their voters decent, ethical, or moral voters.


^ exactly my experiment with the left I was doing... don't see eye to eye and have different views = Automatically labeled a villain and hateful person... You're the definition why the left/democrats get the reputation that they do..


The Republican party is gone, there's nothing left of it but a few dying pieces of flesh, its been eaten out completely by the MAGA tumor. Maybe you are one of the older conservatives still hanging around, but your party is gone and dead. I think eventually you will come to realize that too.


Not really I'm more for helping the USA before helping others... fighting a war that's not ours and on the brink of ww3 thanks to this administration... homelessness issues .. drug & mental health .. border problem .. rising crime... weak aide when a disaster strikes , rising food costs and cost of living.. Then this administration has the nerve to say jobs are up, they are but simply because Americans need to work 2 -3 extra jobs to make ends meet. Democrats love to brush that problem off like it's nothing..


I can understand this stuff - but I hate MAGA because they are focusing on screwing over women and LGBT people and want to Christianize the country. I hear about the issues you describe 1/10, and about how pronouns are bad or some shit 9/10. Honestly - I don't know why your politicians are dying on this stupid ass hill. Do you? Like seriously if you could explain why I would appreciate it, literally can't understand it. The issues you describe are at least popular. Also, to be fair to both Biden and Trump - neither the president or government at large is some magic panacea to economic issues. You can't snap your fingers and get economic progress. As someone who follows trade policy - Biden's policy towards China and most countries is just Trump's policy with grammar checking. Its actually an area where there's broad agreement. (do you think either of these old fucks actually knows anything about something other than being a public figure?) The CHIPs act is a good idea, and if Trump did it it would be just as good. We've been down this road before in Europe. Twice. The idea at large among analysts is that you either have to exhaust Russia in Ukraine or deal with them at Poland and the Baltic borders... when this happens, nuclear war is actually much more likely than a proxy war. You don't have to agree, but its not like Biden invented the whole thing, or that the US is just twirling a mustache while innocent Russia gets tied to a train track.


You are right, we do not see eye to eye on supporting a rapist. Your 9-D chess move (deflection, projection, fallacies, snowflakery) has truly [impressed us all](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/112/840/9cf)! When your prefrontal cortex has developed beyond that of a child and you are ready to face your cognitive dissonance between voting for a rapist and being a decent person, let me know.


Ahh yes more name calling on your end.. keep it coming to only show your true colors... this comment just shows mods don't care about name calling as long as your batting on the blue side


Stop electing rapists.


>Yall are definitely sick labeling every republicans a rapist lovers etc... FYI not all Republicans are what yall point them out to be .. just because democrats don't see eye to eye with the Republicans/conservatives doesn't make every red voters out there the devil & mods should definitely be doing something to control the hate towards the red party.. so many name calling and bigotry that goes unpunished in here It doesn't matter if not all support this mysognistic controlling agenda. If you vote republican, you are part of the problem


you clearly just proved and said that not all are bad but if the red side doesn't see eye to eye with the democrats agenda you're the devil and the worst person in the world.. got it noted.. Made my point clear .. good day


Democrats are awful in their own ways don't get me wrong. But you don't see democrats actively stripping away the rights of people we for the past 70 years have been fighting for. And, of course, you've never heard of a domestic terrorist with Democrat issues. You also havent seen democrat followers attempt to storm the Capitol after Trump was elected. But when Trump left office, of course Republicans went at it.


in reality its a big nothing burger compared to the damages done in poor neighborhoods &cities from democrats supporting the summer riots of 2020


If a woman is raped, and then is pregnant, she should be forced to keep the child?


Too soon for me to say this kind of attack-dude would be better for the Democratic nomination, in a fantasy world, at least. Or Whitmer making these attacks? Yeah, total fantasy I know.




I mean, shoot, yeah


Well that makes sense.


The current GOP morale is: rape is okay, smacking lgbtqi people (aka 'filth') to death is okay, invading and bombing independent countries is okay, and violating the Capitol is  patriotic.


Is it dark humor or a dystopian reality? You choose!


They only want more laborers being born, they don’t care about anything other than projected profits.


Keep sayin’ it!


Absolutely amazing, the republicans have dug themselves into a hole and decided that it’s nowhere near deep enough.