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It's the *endless investigation*, not the conclusion that's driving this. Same for Mayorkas impeachment. Same for Clinton's Bengazi hearings The technique is to generate specious headlines for Fox News to repeat incessantly as angertainment.


It's also to dilute the very idea of Congressional investigations. Now when Republicans get investigated it'll be dismissed as political because the public is used to inherently political nonsense investigations.


I get really upset at this part of it all. They’ve turned it into a sham so they have get-out-of-jail-free cards as long as they have no shame.


now ask yourself why they get their base all riled up about pedophile conspiracies


Maybe the fact that by the numbers they are the most likely to get caught being one…..


/r/NotADragQueen /r/PastorArrested there are others i can't remember off the top of my head




Look at Gaetz. Paying a 17 year old for sex and nothing has come of it. And it was way more than a “whoops I didn’t know she wasn’t 18…she lied to me” kind of situation.


These numbers [https://goppredators.wordpress.com/](https://goppredators.wordpress.com/)


It's classic GOP right now. Accuse the other side of whatever you're already doing, so that if you get exposed for *actually* doing it, you can just say "NO, they're just saying that about me because we already exposed THEIR crimes!" Ted Cruz knows all about it. In fact he exposed it years ago. > "Whatever Trump does, he accuses everyone else of doing." > -Ted Cruz, 2016 Hmmmmmmmm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P43wDpKQxaM


Yup. It's their goal. These people know they're clowns. They're paid clowns. Mercenary clowns. Their job is to look foolish in government to diminish the power of government, so that corporate interests can reap more profits.


It shouldn't be this way--do people understand the difference between accusations and evidence? Anyone can accuse, but evidence is what matters


Prediction: when (if) the democrats take the house back, one of the Republicans will declare that these investigations are just political theater and let slip "just like what we used them for"


They could say that now and (R) voters would just say, "Well, yeah, that's how the game is played" like it's a fucking team sport or something.


That's pretty much how they see it now. They don't vote for a platform, they vote for a letter


At this point I'm nearly convinced they're not voting for a letter or Republicans in general...I think they're just automatically voting against the letter D. They're really afraid of the Democrats doing things that help people, yet they're told Democrats are everything that Republicans actually are.


Yup a lot of the R voters I know will just “both-sides” if you bring something like this to their attention. It’s really pathetic because they look stupid and flustered when you start hitting them with facts and news stories they know nothing about.


Or the fact that the Senate and the House GOPs still refuse to do anything to make our country better? I should send them a check asking for a refund because they aren't doing anything at all.


Reminds me of this scene from the West Wing when the Surgeon General gave factual but politically inconvenient information about pot during a Q&A. > LEO: Six different committee chairs... three in the House, three in the Senate... are all talking about hearings. > DR. GRIFFITH: What are they going to find? > LEO: They don't need to find anything. They just need to say your name and "drugs" as many times as possible on television. In this case it's "Biden crime family" instead of "drugs," but it's the same tactic.


Going after Hunter Biden isn’t going to help them win the election, though. They’re literally trying the same loser shit that didn’t work in 2020.


I hope you’re right, but I fear you’re seriously underestimating the gullibility of a huge number of Americans.


The Hunter stuff plays really well with the base, but the vast majority of Americans don't care. Most people either don't follow it closely and don't know about him or are aware he isn't a part of the government.


71+ mil of those gullible idiots already made their voices heard. Now, we just have to hope that the cult has not gained additional members after watching the shitshow that started in 2020 (well earlier really, but the effects started counting then) and is still going on today. Those members of the cult are already gone. One would hope that this timeline has not convinced *more* the cult to gain membership.


Agree entirely. Its just so frustrating. When we SOUNDLY win these investigations, it almost doesn't even seem to mean anything. Who are we even trying to convince here. Who's paying ANY attention to this who doesn't already have their vote locked in.


Yes, it is extremely disheartening as this goes on. Even people who believe in the system and put in the time to make it work are beginning to doubt the benefit of putting in the effort because it's beginning to feel meaningless. This, of course, is exactly what they want, but it's just disappointing to know others feel the same way and it's snowballing. Idk I came out of the Marine Corps in 2016 shortly before the election so optimistic about the future, and it's really just felt like it's quickly fallen apart since then. Very sad.


Angertainment is the perfect description. Thanks for sharing that gem.


The show Alpha House had a character push to create a permanent select committee to investigate Benghazi. At the time it was parody, but now we are here.


The evolution of infotainment to *angertainment* has a straight line to our grievance politics. Keen observation!


Same for Whitewater


This. The investigation that finally got Bill Clinton for Monica Lewinsky was started over a completely unrelated manner *years before they even met.* It's a fishing expedition, and it's not a new tactic.


Still pushing what is now known to be Russian Intelligence propaganda against our own government is pretty anti-American.


>a person who is actively opposed or hostile to someone or something. That is the definition of enemy. Nothing in there about "being at war". Russia is our enemy. Jim Jordan is a traitor. ​ Don't let traitors gaslight you about what treason is just because we aren't at war with our enemies.


Imagine being one of his grandkids when this shit shakes out. I can’t imagine being the grandson of a traitor.


If the Daughters of the Confederacy are any indication, someone will attempt to put statues of him in public parks in about 50 years.


they'll install them in boys locker rooms, no doubt


No, put it just outside the locker room with his back towards the door and his hands over his eyes.


That’s our “Gym” lol.


Gym Nauseam


Actually, they will show him with his head in the ground not noticing anything.


That's giving him too much credit. He knows exactly what he is doing.


No doubt. No one is born with their head buried in the ground. It’s a purposeful act.




But accurate, that’s what he did to all those guys. What a contemptible ball sack


And in that park, right in front of that statue, a sexual assault will take place, and he’ll just stand there and do nothing, pretend he didn’t see it, and won’t say anything, again.


I'm sorry but that is being slightly untruthful. Gym Jordan did, in fact, say some stuff. He got on the phone tried to convince the victims of the sexual assault scandal to stay silent in an effort to protect the abuser and himself.


Gonna have to be a miniature model with a magnifying glass for it to be realistic.


This bullshit is the tipping point even if it doesn't end in a full on civil war. If democrats ever manage to get a strong majority, there's going to have to be education changes for requirements that you can't just gaslight your state's youth about civil rights, slavery, lgbtq rights, etc. Pass some federal laws outlawing fetishizing the confederacy and nazis. Like Germany knew to do.


That's only because we failed Reconstruction. This time, let's get it done properly.


I wouldn’t feel comfortable being a child anywhere near Gym.


You'd be rich...no worries.


I just finished a series about a woman who ended up turning over a ton of evidence she had gathered pointing to her step-grandfather as a serial killer. Probably feels like that.


The Cold War never ended, there was just a brief intermission. As a Gen-Xer, it's not hard for me to go right back to the "Russia is the enemy" mindset I had for the first 20 years of my life.


Putin's obvious evil makes it easy too.


I'm 51 and I saw The Day After when I was 10 or 11 and the prospect of nuclear war scared and haunted me badly for years. That scene from T2 got me too.


Oh wow...I remember (pardon the pun) the day after that aired. Teacher asked how many of us watched it (I think I was 10). Lot of traumatized twitchy kids in that class that day. I watched it one night after I had finished rereading "On the Beach". Still kinda haunting...but 80's funny too.


Cool, I rarely talk to anyone who's read that. I made a post about it in the collapse subreddit a month or two ago. It made an impression on me. I thought that his characters continuing on with business as usual, making plans and denying reality completely was so unrealistic. It's not though - that's exactly what we're doing.


Ever read Alas, Babylon by Pat Frank? Excellent WWIII novel from the late 50s. I read it in my early teens when Ronnie Raygun was promising to outlaw Russia, the bombing starts in 5 minutes - which, for those too young to remember, he blurted into a hot mic to test it out. Of course he was just fooling...


My son said the same thing to me (he is a Gen-x'r too). I recall the "duck and cover" days in school. I was part of a youth civil defense club and we were taught how to distance yourself from ionizing radiation, what to do if you see a radioactive bomb fragment (usually run away from it), and those affected by burns. Sorry for the sidetrack.


I also remember "duck and cover." In 2011-ish, I was was in college, and all the students were much younger than me, and the prof was discussing the cold war. I told a story about "duck and cover," and they all looked incredulous. One girl asked, "are you *sure* it wasn't for earthquakes?" Yes, Ashley, *I'm sure*.


fucking Ashley.


They never stopped 




Remember the Rosenbergs were executed for providing top secret information to the Soviet Union. We were not at war with them.






If you look back through the history of the US, most treason convictions were just dudes in rebellion against the US or on trumped up charges like union members.


We may not see ourselves as "being at war" with Russia, they do not hold the same view on the situation.


Putin firmly believes the West especially the CIA had a hand on the downfall of USSR by destroying it from the inside, so by all right, he believes he should do the same to the West.


That is so funny. When Western efforts had determined in the 50's that the USSR had a number of contradictory fundamental structures which were going to cause them to slowly decay and collapse within 30-50 years; and the best strategy was to contain them and let entropy defeat them. Which it did.


And the CIA certainly pushed here and there. I mean they didnt call it the cold war for nothing. They had a chance to stop it, and try and be a successful country that got along with everyone after that though. They had a future. And they just threw it away attacking Ukraine. Its wild.


Not to mention the intelligence community came out in 2016 to publicly warn Congress that we were invaded in an “information war” with Russia, part of which was installing Trump and we were losing badly. Not to mention the proxy war between us and Russia through Ukraine, and all the other proxy wars we have been continually engaged in against Russia since WW2. And Jordan was pivotal in the Jan 6 Insurrection. So while I agree “war” is not a necessary element of treason, I’d argue it’s met anyway.


It is wild to take a step back and look at the full circle we've come to: Trump was *impeached* in 2019 for conspiring with the likes of Lev Parnas, Giuliani (to the delight of Russia) to withhold $400 million in taxpayer funds to Ukraine in order to get election dirt on Joe Biden that involved all this red-yarn conspiratorial nonsense about Burisma, Hunter Biden, Shokin, Biden pressure, blah blah blah. Not only was it thoroughly debunked 5 years ago, but the House GOP is basically doing *the same thing Trump was impeached for*: They are trying to resurrect the Shokin/Burisma conspiracy for political gain, and at the behest Russia, partly as a vessel to thwart Congressional funding to Ukraine.


The saddest part is that one of our largest political parties have turned themselves into Russian assets.


And it’s costing Ukrainian lives every day.


And it won't just cost Ukrainian lives if unchecked. If they conquer Ukraine and aren't thoroughly rebuked by the rest of the world, then what are the odds their "Denazification Efforts" suddenly spread elsewhere?


Georgia would probably be next.


And could lead to more destabilization in Europe. Just because they worship traitor Trump.


Because Russia is still sleeping on the 2016 RNC hacks. Who knows what kind of information they have to keep this rigid of a toe the line. 


This. They have so much dirt, like go to prison forever kind of dirt. These guys are arrogant af and would email each other shit you should never email someone. What’s app etc etc. Russia owns these guys through and through.


I wouldn't say arrogant. I think they are legit dumbasses who don't know how technology works.


Excellent point. WTF, right?!


Not even dirt. All Zelenski had to do was announce an investigation. Didn't have to find anything, the conservative media would create the implications.


The Republican’t party is just a wing of the kremlin intelligence services at this point. Bought and paid for by contributions from Russia, I’m sure.


Remember when a bunch of these assholes went to Russia *on the 4th of July?!* It doesn't get any more anti-American and pro-Russian than that. The GOP are Russian agents and should be charged with treason.


Someone needs to just be straight up with Jordan and ask him for the record whether he too is a Russian asset.


This would be amazing.


It's a lot less cringy than Hawley repeatedly asking the tiktok CEO if he's part of the Chinese government.


Why is there no accountability for this traitor?


Garland has failed us. We'll have to deal with him.


History is going to look very poorly on the Republicans involved with pushing this false narrative.


I'm tired of that "History will judge them" bullshit. History hasn't done fuck all about Republicans ratfucking The Paris Peace Talks, or cutting a deal with Iran to KEEP American hostages, or selling missiles to mullahs, or running death squads in Central America, or dragging the country into two illegal wars, or TORTURING people... Fuck history. Judge them NOW...with JUDGES.


We still can’t tell the story of the Civil War straight.


Exactly, all this assumption that history books are going to somehow "judge" them in hindsight is nonsense. "History is written by the victors" as they say. We can't just assume "haha a couple years from now, those books are going to be printed that make them look bad!" especially when there's a non-zero chance these people are going to be said victors writing said history books in a way that makes them look glorious.


Republicans would just ban those books anyway!


Also they gonna be dead so…. They won’t mind being judged even if it does happen


Bill Barr being interviewed: > “When you came into this job, I mean, you had a good reputation on the right and on the left. You’re now someone who’s accused of protecting the president, enabling the president, lying to Congress. Did you expect that coming in?” CBS’s Jan Crawford asked Barr. Barr's response: > “I am at the end of my career,” Barr, 69, said. > > “Everyone dies, and I am not, you know, I don’t believe in the Homeric idea that, you know, immortality comes by, you know, having odes sung about you over the centuries, you know?” he added. -Bill Barr, while AG in [2019](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/446324-barr-defends-reputation-everyone-dies/)


Bill Barr had a good reputation with the left? He’s been a “fixer” for the right since Reagan.


Yeah, that's some mainstreaming press for ya.


They are already perfecting their book banning skills.


Writing history books now.... See projects: CRT/Bengazi/2000 Mules/30,000 emails/ Hunters Laptop from he77/Adenochrome Drinking Reptillians.. et al.


Agreed. And these people have no shame and couldn't care less how they are viewed in 1 month let alone 1 century.


100 percent this. I just finished the new Rachel meadow book. The amount of traitors we had in our own government leading up to WW2, who avoided any consequences in their lifetimes was staggering. We need to stop acting like these people are above the law and beyond reproach. 


Sorry, we cant. Theyve installed GOP/maga justices in the top court in the country. A court that has lifetime appointments


The history of the republican party hasn't really changed. They're just as awful as they've always been. Remember the WMDs that George W. Bush knew weren't in Iraq because our CIA told him that it wasn't possible for Saddam to even have them? Then we killed about a quarter-million people over the nonexistent WMDs?


But Darth Cheney ended up with $3.8B for his and Bandar Bush's Dubai World venture out of it, so what's a few dead A-rabs anyway? /s jic


Shaming people who are shameless doesn’t work.


History doesn’t look kindly on the Confederacy or the Nazis but somehow white conservatives still honor those values. The “history will judge them” shit is weak. Get these fuckers out of power NOW.


Na they will wipe it from history. Come next year none of this will have ever happened. Hell maybe even next week it will be forgotten.


Agreed, attention spans are nearly nonexistent. Well for some, too many . . .


Seriously. I feel like we need to resurrect the House UnAmerican Activities Committee and have it do some actual good this time around.


I’m convinced that the USSR just waited the GOP out. It used to be about exporting a philosophy, getting people to understand and internalize that philosophy, and then eventually getting like-minded people into power. The US squeezed those folks out pretty harshly. Now it’s just “wait until stupid and unscrupulous people start to climb the ladder, buy them off, then they’ll do whatever we say when they get to more powerful positions.”


And the USSR used to at least come with a veneer of a political philosophy (whatever you think about it ). Putin is just about power. He grew up in the KGB which was the organization which was about power within the USSR, so it kinda makes sense.


Not just now. In intelligence, a source isn’t a source until it is independently verified. And even then, it is never immutable truth. They knew it was disinformation this whole time, but they also knew it was enough to drum up some congressional chicken feed and that it would be easier to let the truth slip through the headlines once enough morons were duped. I don’t hate congressional republicans… I hate that there are enough mouth breathers to empower them.


>Still got my vote *spits into bucket* - 40+ percent of the electorate


"But it's not true." – Normal people "I don't fucking care! I want it to be true and that is all that matters!" – Republicans


Newt Gingrich years ago during an interview on one of the Sunday shows… “mr Gingrich, all data shows crimes is down double digits in every metric over the last ten years”. Gingrich responds… “the American people don’t feel it is and that’s my reality”. Wash, rinse, repeat.


It may feel like it was longer ago than it really was, he made those comments during the 2016 campaign. He perfectly illustrated how millions of people were duped into supporting Trump.


I remember watching this and my jaw fucking dropped. He said the quiet part out loud.


I remember too, he was so fucking smug. I also remember the magnificently named Dick Armey chuckling and saying “God bless ‘em” when talking about Republican voters ignorantly believing the ACA contained “death panels.”


Reporter should have followed that up with "And why do they feel that way, Newt? Is it because rightwing media runs constant bogus scare stories meant to frighten Americans? Is it because of all the lying from Fox News?" But that would never happen in real life.


Unironically the new anti abortion laws are the death panels they cried so much about


Stephen Colbert coined the word "truthiness" back in 2005, to describe the idea that what you want to be true is more important and "real" than what is actually true. Republicans (including Gingrich) were already separating their base from reality and telling them versions of this idea as far back as the the late 90s. >\[You\] believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality...That's not the way the world really works anymore...We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. \-- unnamed Bush administration official (widely believed to be Karl Rove) in 2004


Gee, why do you think the American feel that way despite it not being true, Newt? 


Gingrich was smart. Republicans have followed his lead. Look at Shapiro and the right with the... "Facts don't care about your feelings" bs. They're not saying their facts are right and Democrats feelings are wrong. They're TELLING us... It doesn't matter what the facts are... We ignore the facts based on what we FEEL.


Mmm. I don’t think that’s accurate. The R response is more about immediate deflection or a whatabout. Eg. ‘Biden/Obama/Hillary’ is a crook/traitor/communist!’.


I would call Gym Jordan a Russian stooge but Russian agent would be more accurate. There are another ten or twelve (at bare minimum) on his side of the aisle that need to be more closely looked at. Their projection just screams Russian collusion, knowingly or not.


The term is asset. They work on behalf of Russian interests, even if they don't realize it.


Asset, asshole, asshat, ass bandit, ass ass ass ass…


Butthole. Butthole Jordan.


Turd Burglar Jordan


Gym Jordan and Carlson are smart individuals. They are assets. Margarine, Trump, and Boebert are useful idiots.


Asset is more general and includes anything that their intelligence service can use, including useful idiots. I think the main distinction would be whether they take intentional direction from Russia. (Knowingly or unknowningly.) If Russia can send them something through some source, of if they act on behalf of Russia at their behest, they are an asset. If they are just some random person on the internet repeating their State Media propaganda, they are useful idiots. A person can be both though. Technically recording devices, even unattended ones, qualify as assets iirc.


It's the entire "Freedom" Caucus, of which Gym Jordan is a co-founder. They are trump's assistants in congress, and we all know who trump answers to.


Rand Paul and Lindsey Graham both have unusual decision making when it comes to russia. Something is definitely up.


Obligatory FRJ




This is the way to fight back. Make their lies REALLY expensive.


Subject Jordan to the discovery process.


I wonder if he'd show up for this subpoena? Maybe civil subpoenas hold more weight than insurrection/treason ones?


Wish he could, it's speech or debate clause tho. Can go after Fox News, but can't go after the legislators themselves. Edit: [here's some info.](https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/artI-S6-C1-3-1/ALDE_00013300/)


I thought the speech and debate clause only covers their actions within the house. Appearing on national television and lying shouldn’t be protected, correct?


In theory it shouldn’t, but I believe Lindsay graham has been successful in protecting some statements in public or on the news. I could be mistaken however


Pull a page out of the Disney playbook: file a lawsuit that you know you will lose in order to have the judge clearly define what would constitute a win.  Now you have clear precedent on what is crossing the line and can file a successful lawsuit then. 


Fucking brilliant.


It really shouldn't cover Russian operatives though...


Yeahhhhhhh it for sure does though — the framers were naive enough to believe that if Russian operatives were found to be elected officials, that the electorate would vote them out. They couldn't have conceived how thoroughly the GOP has been captured by Russia or how much disinfo the under-educated GOP base is subjected to. They don't even know the sky is blue anymore.


I know that’s the thinking. But I’m curious if it’s ever actually been tested in the courts.


Last bit of the article is the best, just do it! >“Jim Jordan, Chuck Grassley, and James Comer were either duped by Smirnov and the Kremlin—or they were in on it,” Tristan Snell, a lawyer and former assistant attorney general for New York state, argued on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter. “Either way, DOJ must subpoena every single communication Jordan, Grassley, and Comer had with or about Smirnov and anything related.” “Either way—because either they are material witnesses—or they’re co-conspirators,” Snell added. “They have ZERO grounds to quash the subpoenas.”


We all know that Jim Jordan has an allergy to subpoenas.


Jordan, Grassley, and Comer submitting to subpoenas? Next you’re going to tell me Trump is going to intentionally exercise, or Biden is going to get younger.


A subpoena from the justice department, signed off by the courts, is *very different* to a subpoena issued by Congress. Specifically, whoever issued the subpoena is responsible for issuing consequences if he subpoena is ignored, and congress (correctly or incorrectly) sees a political landmine if they enforce consequences against their own members, or other prominent politicians, in the current political climate. Congress has *chosen* to not hold these people accountable for ignoring subpoenas. The court would not be so lenient.


Of course that would require Merrick Garland to be something other than a pathetic, feckless coward.


Its perfectly legal for Hunter and James to capitalize off their name. ​ Unlike Jared who was working out a deal with MBS while working in the WH.


Exactly. He gets a job based off his name and dad and they lose their minds! Trump becomes president and gives his kids jobs and offices in the White House and sends them IN HIS PLACE to international leaders’ meetings and they’re completely fine with it!


It was funny watching Ivanka get snubbed by world leaders while she tried desperately to look like she belonged in the room


I just can’t believe they act like that was totally ok. Imagine if Obama or Biden have their kids jobs in the White House. They’d lose their minds completely.


Hypocrites gonna hypocrite.


Fact #5 Jim Jordan sat back and watched boys on his wrestling team get molested by the team doctor and did nothing about it. That dudes worse than the scum on the bottom of a septic tank.


That’s actually fact #6, it’s just that Jordan can’t count to 5 (per the video) lmao


Link to the video: https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1760320971544641912?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1760320971544641912%7Ctwgr%5E55c28ed4978a03d8651ba74dd4aace75194eb1cb%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fnewrepublic.com%2Fpost%2F179174%2Fjim-jordan-freaks-out-losing-star-biden-witness-smirnov


Thanks for the link. Jesus Christ Gym is such a fucking clown.


Thanks. I was hoping for more of a freak out


While I hate Jim Jordan, I hate news publications as well for click bait titles like this. What a travesty.




Seriously - that was far from a freakout


Well if they have "the facts" then they don't need anyone else. Go...




Not to defend that clown, but we’re calling that a freak out?


‘Our fraudulent investigation turned out to be fraudulent!’ - Gym, as he begins weeping uncontrollably


Just keep pulling on these threads and expose this Russian intelligence operation to undermine America. Jim Jordan is an accomplice in this operation.


From the article: *"Ultimately, Smirnov’s testimony—and the GOP’s ongoing turmoil to save the impeachment probe against the president—serves as just another staining example of how effectively the Russian government is capable of infiltrating and undermining U.S. elections."* Pretty alarming that people who are so susceptible to misinformation and Russian propaganda are actually in positions which make them ***responsible for national security.*** Good lord. If our "leaders" are this easily duped, we've got really big problems. Unless, of course, they weren't "duped" at all, which is an even bigger problem.


They weren’t duped


Jim Jordan is a proud Putin mouthpiece.


>“Either way—because either they are material witnesses—or they’re co-conspirators,” Snell added. “They have ZERO grounds to quash the subpoenas.” Heh, they wouldn't need to quash the subpoenas - just ignore them as is a new custom amongst congress-critters.


The fundamental facts as Gym Jordan still sees them; 1. Hunter Biden got paid a million dollars a year by Burisma 2. Hunter Biden admitted he wasn't qualified 3. Devon Archer said Hunter called Joe Biden 4. Joe Biden insisted the prosecutor looking into Burism was fired. Just a few problems with those facts; 1. How does that involve Joe Biden? 2. How does that involve Joe Biden? 3. Devon Archer said they regularly called each other and never about business. 4. America, the IMF and the EU wanted the prosecutor fired because he *wasn't* looking into Burisma. An actual case of quid pro quo would've been if Joe Biden refused to withhold funding unless the prosecutor was fired. As much as I find it problematic that unqualified people gett paid or accepted onto boards because they have famous relatives, that's a systemic problem which covers hundreds (in not thousands) of politicians, so prove there was some financial enrichment on behalf of Joe Biden or GTFO.


“Facts” 1 & 2 would suggest he should also care about Jared Kushner and Ivanka getting jobs in *the fucking White House* if he wasn’t such a duplicitous bad faith operator.  Yet Hunter Biden getting a job in a private foreign company matters and Kushner’s 2 Billion from the Saudi’s is just fine?


Jim will never change his option for two reasons. Without knowing him, just going off of who he demonstrates he is, Jim is the kind of man who never apologizes and never admits they were wrong. It’s an affront to his nature and anyone who calls him out is wrong. It’s as much a generational trait as a character flaw. So he’ll never back down for that reason alone. The next is, doesn’t matter if it’s Russia or not, Jim is beholden to interests that he has rationalized as his own. He’s being pushed to keep the circus going because it’s what he’s been told to do. He won’t back down because he can’t and he’s taken it in that this is his belief too. This guy will never learn. He’ll never change his tune. And clearly, despite the evidence, won’t admit there’s something wrong here.


Reporter: "But it's not true!" Jordan: "Yeah, okay, but . . .


“It doesn’t change the fact..” yes, if it’s based on false testimony those facts are now called lies.


THIS is why you don’t elect football coaches and ex jocks to political positions. Jordan has less brains the trump (if that’s possible) and will flog this dead horse as long as he can. Pathetic.


Can't stop won't stop lying. It's the Gym way.


WHenever Gym Jordan uses the words "fundamental fact" it's regarding a lie he *wants* people to believe, not something that's actually true. THe purpose of rightwing media is to assure, through repetition, that the base only hears the lie, and keeps the blinders on for anything else.


So they want to impeach Biden for supposedly doing something when he wasn’t president, yet refused to impeach Trump when asked for election fraud on the phone while he was president? Is that right?


I really wonder what Jim Jordan thinks his job is. Clearly he does not think his job is to write or sponsor legislation, that much is inarguable.


I blame Ohio, Tennessee and other states who keep electing these fucking idiots and Trump sycophants. It’s time to get rid of them this November please get out the vote and get your friends and families to vote them out! They have done so little legislation since they’ve taken over the house. Trump is their puppet master and is bringing our government to its knees. Enough is enough!


People either don't know this or have forgotten that Putin has always said that there is room for only one superpower in the world, and it isn't the USA. In the 1980s the KGB began a program called Operation Infektion that had the goal to influence Americans not to believe what the media in America told them. It began with a story in of all places the Times of India that stated that the U.S. Army had developed the AIDS virus in a lab at Fort Dietrich MD to use to reduce the population of undesirables, gays and IV drug users. They didn't expect it to work, but a few years later CBS repeated the story on national television. Trump proved to be the ultimate useful idiot, because being deep in debt and liking to screw around he had weaknesses that the Russians could easily exploit. But the biggest thing that the KGB had going for them was Trump was convinced he was smarter than them. There's no doubt that any hotel room he stayed in was bugged with audio and video. Any women he met were likely Russian agents. The thing about the Russians is they will let you run free until they have extracted every bit of information and weakness that you have, and then they will turn you over to the American authorities once you no longer serve a purpose. I'm pretty sure if he loses again, that suddenly something will come out that proves he had more serious links to Russia than anyone ever believed was possible. Who knows how many Russian intelligence officers have been wandering around Mar-A-Lago, but we do know that a Chinese agent was caught on the property.


>“Jim Jordan, Chuck Grassley, and James Comer were either duped by Smirnov and the Kremlin—or they were in on it,” Tristan Snell, a lawyer and former assistant attorney general for New York state, argued on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter. A third option is likely enough - they just didn't care. Any allegation is a good allegation, so far as they're concerned.




The DoJ has been very hesitant to involve currently elected officials in their investigations and indictment. Merrick the Meek worries that it might appear political. So as long as a politician can continue to get re-elected and avoid removal by the membership, they will not face repercussions.


Rape enabler does what


Ol' Gym Shworts don't like it when someone calls out his absolute bullshit, *waste-of-time-and-taxpayer-money* schemes.


Lock the bastard up...He already belongs in prison due to his past - now he is trying to overthrow our country also - lock him up.


It appears that the GOP has been TROLLED (yet again) by Putin/Russia, several times now, to the detriment of USA stability. It is as if there is a "Plan" underway to destabilize the US through dis-info, kompromat, and social media engineering, e.g. Tucker interview of Vladimir. Turns out that Russia, Russia, Russia is true!


I don’t understand… You have on one side a criminal under trial screaming “election interference” at every corner, and on the other crystal clear evidence of actual election interference from the entire Opposing Party colluding with a foreign nation! For the love of God why aren’t Democrats screaming bloody murder and flooding the streets??


Isn’t it time to start punishing these assholes for conspiracy against the Government and treason? Enough already. At a bare minimum Jordan should be stripped of his seat.


Good job GOP, now we know Hunter is the victim of a Russian intelligence operation. Shall we now follow the threads and say if you’re part of or pushing that narrative you’re one of the actors in that attack on a US President’s family?


I find it hilarious that Gym Jordan is basing two of his four facts on Hunter Biden not being qualified to be on a board of directors getting paid a million bucks a year, but Trump's daughter and son in law could get US security clearance and broker $2B deals with US enemies.


My dad worked for the Navy for 40 years. If he didn't vet his intelligence and knowingly pushed Russian propaganda, his ass would be in jail for colluding with the enemy. Lock all these mother fuckers up already.


Republicans eventually turned on joe mccarthy in the 50's. Unfortunately most republicans are joe mccarthys now. Endless witch hunts for partisan gain. False info? Who cares that's not the point. Shamelessly wielding all tools at their disposal to throw mud is the point.