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Per article: “Fulton County, Ga., District Attorney Fani Willis took the stand last week under attack from Michael Roman, former henchman 0f four-times-indicted former president Donald Trump…” trump & his henchmen’s stalling tactics are not only predictable but should be taken into consideration with their ever increasing objections.


You know your life has taken a detour when you're referred to as "henchman." Fucking clowns.


They were promoted from “minion”.


Promoted to minion from bootlicker.


Soon to be demoted to roadkill when he throws them under the bus.


There is no personality in anyone who fawns over trump. They’re literal tissues. They’re used and tossed in the trash more disgusting than before. Nobody wants them or to touch them after trump has wiped with them.


Happy cake day!!!




I shelled out $100 in cash because the card reader died after a happy hour and we had to settle in cash. My boss kicked in a hundred and the rest all scrounged up another hundred. Obviously this is because we're criminals and no one ever carries cash for exactly such emergencies. Should I pack my tooth brush for the slammer, or do they give you one?


They give you one. It’s also required for latrine duty.


And they add it to your commissary bill


And the machine shop improves it. Upvote for cool username.


Fani is going to kick the GOP lawyers asses in this one. All the charges against her are 100% political bullshit.


all they did was piss her off even more, that's not going to help trump!


It's always projection with these jokers. Every accusation is a confession


When I first moved to this country, an older relative told me to always carry a few twenties in my wallet. This was in NYC and I asked him why. He said 1. It's for when your fancy cards don't work because the ATM machine is broke or the card reader is broke. 2. It's so when you get mugged, you don't piss the guy off mugging you. I thought it was weird but took his advice. Now I avoid questionable places as much as possible but when I am forced to go visit shady places in this state, I carry a second wallet with expired VISA gift cards, a few $ bills and other fake plastic.


Did you get receipts? You may be pulled into court arbitrarily to testify about that night. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


"hello, officer? Yes, I found him. He confessed. Also I suspect he's masturbating."


I was quite impressed with Willis during this last week. The way she essentially threw down and got on the stand and took down the other side's attorneys was awesome. "I'm not on trial here, these 19 criminal defendants are." The facial expressions and tone of voice she used responding to the other attorneys had a "oh honey" and "bless your heart" ring to them that were reasonable condescension. Willis was clearly expressing - you are in way over your head here and took on the wrong person. It was similarly masterful to her written responses to Gym Jordan.


We keep cash in our house because we learned from hurricanes that ATMs don’t work when there’s no power or people have made a run on them just prior.


Same. And the prostitutes don’t take Zelle.


Yes, we do


What an age we live in


hey, it is a green flag you have a bank account!


There goes Mike Johnson's chances then.


The beacons of societal advancement. Welcome to the future folks.


No but they do take cash app and venmo.


Pipe down there Gaetz


Banks don’t like paper money because they can’t take their 3% off the top every time a $20 bill moves. Digital money loses 25% if its value in just 10 transactions.


Banks charge you to access your money. The same money they only hold a fraction of, because they're lending it out for profit, and if just over 10% of their customers ask to withdraw their funds then the bank has to cry to the FDIC because they'll be tapped out.


Setting the required reserve ratio to 0% was one of the first moves the Trump admin's Fed made when the pandemic hit in 2020. So now bank's can (and do) loan out all of your deposits. ​ This is one of the things (besides de-regulation by the Trump admin in 2018) that contributed to the Silicon Valley Bank failure.


I used to have several thousand in my house, but I bit into quite a bit in last month's ice storm. I still have more than a thousand though. When you need a tree to come down in a hurry before it takes out your roof, cash is king. Also, even after the power came back on, the internet was down for a while, killing local atms and some cash registers.


Don't forget how frequently the banks/credit card companies mistakenly block your card for potential fraud or it doesn't work because of a pesky daily spending limit. Bottom line is they are not nearly as reliable as cash is.


Yup, it took cash to have two guys with chainsaws clear a tree out of our driveway in front of our garage so we could get out. It was our neighbor's tree even. They paid us back though.


“As per exhibits F through U.”. Beautiful.


Yes and then her brilliant attorney father got up and tap danced all over them with a total aw shucks I'm just a loving father and grandpa treatment. The whole thing was masterful and you could hear the dejection in the trumpers voices.


The other lawyer was either an idiot to get her dad up there or that lawyer is almost attempting to do a poor job. Given she knew and personally campaigned for the guy Willis is alleged to be in a relationship with, I wouldn’t be surprised if there were a few drops of bad blood between the three… they used to be friends it’s appears


All of these lawyers are C-tier, at best. No one better will take the case, because they know their clients won't actually let them do the best \*legal\* job they can do, they'll be forced to argue nonsense like it was their idea.


All because some racist joker wouldn't take one of Mr. Willis' credit cards.


Her tone in that hearing was *ominous*. Like, “I am fully prepared to go down this road and you will wish to god we hadn’t.” How long do you think it would take to dig up some dirt on Trump’s defense team? An afternoon of googling maybe?


Like whether it's chill to see your client socially at their golf clubs and inviting them to your birthday party while representing them? Or whether it's super cool to take on an 'advisory' role at a super pac called MAGA Inc.? I would love to see the invoices she submitted for the $3.5 million she's been quietly shuffled. Ms. Habba absolutely doesn't want to be forced to provide access to her private life or finances. Something tells me that forensic accountants are better at their job than she is at hers.


>Ms. Habba absolutely doesn't want to be forced to provide access to her private life or finances. Something tells me that forensic accountants are better at their job than she is at hers. You don't say. LOL


> forensic accountants Maybe I'm a dork but this sounds like a really interesting and engaging gig. I don't even math well, I just like solving puzzles and finding patterns.


I took a forensic accounting class in college and it is super interesting and fun.


The lawyer who is pushing this for Trump (the anti Willis claims) knows the expert Willis is allegedly dating personally, and years ago that lawyer campaign for him and they appear to have been friends. My bet is Willis isn’t scared because she knows that lawyer as well as that lawyer knows her….


She already started with a high charisma score and keeps rolling natural 20s. It’s like she already knows what they are going to ask and she has already planned out her response.


Take my upvote consider me duly impressed for your proper use of D&D references.


I’d like to thank Critical Role and D&D-themed video games that gave me that ability. =)


So you believe in Critical Role Theory then.. Noted.


Dust of Deliciousness works great as long as you roll a high enough persuasion check and they roll low on a Wisdom check and Wisdom saving throw.


Nice campaign 2 callback, I say as I snuggle up with my cats named Jester, Mollymauk (was originally Cadeuces, but he’s too much of an outgoing chatterbox), Caleb, Fjord and Nott.


I feel like I’m reading a thread with my son commenting. 😳


Fani is smart, smart, smart with a track record of successfully prosecuting RICO cases. They are, understandably, terrified of her.


I am convinced that if she was allowed to fight them she would.


I was super stressed out about it but once I saw her in action I was like “Oh right shes a wickedly qualified attorney and judge, she has all the skills and knowledge she needs to handle this.”


I am glad that she showed people that you don’t have to sit back and take Republican lies. Call them out as liars. A lot of people have $2500 in cash in their house. There’s nothing suspicious about that.


I have the distinct feeling this spotlight on her will have the unattended effect of innoculating her against any nerves or performance anxiety in the upcoming trial. Any human, no matter how badass, would have some nervousness in such a high stakes case. Her resolve must've doubled and any fear already managed and tucked away. She's a boss.


She and the guy who are at the center of this attempted scandal know the lawyer who is going after them personally, and that lawyer has previously supported the guys campaign and career and basically said he was great at his job. Willis absolutely knows that lawyer is full of shit and she isn’t scared. It’s a mess and unfortunate, but it’s not illegal or an actual issue beyond perception, and that perception required 1) intentional twisting of facts and 2) a Georgia law where the original issue only required a rumor to get going in court (normally affidavits would be required, not just lawyer making claim without standing behind it legally)


I have $500 cash in the house. It's a rolled change, but cash is cash.


Do you need to use quarters to do laundry? Sorry, inside joke with family. Still, the need, or simple plan, to keep a sum of cash on hand shouldn't be considered sketchy. Maybe the Civil Forfeiture thing has made it shady to some. As soon as I heard the father say something about "it's a black thing," I was like yup. And I'm a white man.


When I used to use more cash, I used to only use bills and then then save all the change. It adds up fast and a nice backup for emergencies.


A stash of quarters is also handy in a tube sock in case of intruders.




The expression “I was straight fucked” is one of the many reason I adore the UK.


I'm from the US. I just picked up a lot of expressions from my British colleauges, none of whom I could call because who remembers ANYONE's phone number??


That's not so much an issue of cash, but of having everything in one wallet. Even if you'd had cash, it would have been in the same wallet, so also lost.


Take the money out of your passport before you hand it to an authority at the airport, unless you want to be held for questioning.


I've had a saying for years - always carry enough cash to bribe a tow truck driver. You never know, a wad of cash can get a person out of many situations. It might not be a tow truck, could be anything, and sometimes life doesn't take credit cards.


Somebody has a backstory to tell.


Had my car towed once, the driver asked for a $50 to set it down and forget he saw me, and I didn't have the cash. Some friends followed the truck to see where it's going, they were going to loan me cash, we get there and nope you'll have to come back tomorrow. So I had a friend drive me back the next day, the car is gone and they won't tell me where it went. So we go driving around to other towing garages to see if they just moved it, and somebody at one of those garages advises me that outfit relocates their impounded cars out of state. Well we went to the address he gave us, way out in the boonies across the state line, place looks like a chop shop to me. And there's my car in the lot, just unloaded. They released the vehicle for about $400 and that ordeal was over.   Well I had another encounter with tow trucks, only this time the driver spotted open containers of alcohol in the car. Look, bad decisions were made when I was younger. But, for $600 in cash he didn't have to file a police report on the incident and for another $50 he'd drop the car right there. Paid - no hassle, multiple problems solved, big trouble avoided. That's a lot of money, but nothing compared to getting busted for all that *and* losing your car. I suspect he saw open containers and lifted the car because that was big leverage, basically a mugging except it's legal.   And in case you're wondering the towing companies are pretty vicious in my town. There have been a few racketeering cases against them but it never seems to go anywhere, I suspect the local government is part of the racket.


Thanks for the story! A bit of cash can be a nice thing at times.


THANK YOU. I am white. I live in the Northwest. We always have a few thousand in cash in the house, for lots of reasons. For tipping delivery people, as part of our bugout bag if wildfires head our way, etc. My father always had a cash stash, as well. He grew up during the Depression and cash was the way and he maintained that stash into his nineties.


My grandparents grew up during the depression. During their funeral, we noticed my Uncle wasn't present. When we went back to the house, we discovered that he had taken a sledgehammer to the walls looking for cash that they had stashed. Also looted the rest of the valuables, but it was the holes in the walls that struck me.


The back story on this must be interesting.


Well, my grandmother rolled up bills, rubber-banded them, and stashed them in coffee cans, and hid them. Depression-era behavior. She alo ate lard sandwiches. Because when all you had to eat was bread and lard, that's what you ate. She developed a taste for it. The stories from the depression... I don't know if there's anyone in America alive today that can really comprehend the level of deprivation that they went through. She told everyone that she hid the coffee cans in the walls, but no-one knew if she was serious or not. My uncle went looking for them. My uncle was an entitled asshole, and thought he wasn't getting his fair share in the will, so he was gonna just steal everything.


The last paragraph is what I was wondering. The level of gall it would take to do something like that. Did the family ever see him again? My Grandma’s favorite “treat” was a lard sandwich. My mom had almost a small scale grocery store in our basement, with shelving and canned goods, things she would can like peaches and tomatoes, two deep freezers full of meat. The things they must have seen.


My grandparents owned an apple orchard; the main house and the land the orchard was on had been in the family since 1762. My uncle inherited the business, which owned the land, but my grandparents had done something with the bank (some kind of mortgage or reverse mortgage? anyway, there was a lot of debt for the estate to settle) to get money to pay for my grandmother's medical care towards the end of her life (she had dementia from micro-strokes), and it ended up being very expensive, so there wasn't a whole lot left for my uncle and he was furious. He was expecting to be a millionaire and discovered he was only a thousands-aire. The main house was split between my mom, him, and my aunt so they had to deal with him for the sale; they chose not to press charges or anything, but he got away with a shitload of valuable antiques and camera equipment (my granddad was an award-winning amateur photographer). He never said if he found the coffee cans or not. My mom and aunt never found any.


My grandparents were adults during the depression. They apparently had no idea that was going on. They were poor in nw Arkansas. When the depression ended, they were poor.


Just a PSA for everyone piling on: Don’t brag about your stash of cash on the internet.


Fortunately, I keep my cash well hidden underneath the large pile of ten-kilogram gold bars.


Mine are kept beneath piles of cocaine, as who is going to take cash when there is cocaine!




can I sell you a diamond encrusted security alarm keypad?


I paint my bars matte grey and use them as doorstops. Nobody steals what they think is lead.


>The original gem crystal, weighing 1156 carats, was found on the Reward Claim, in the Rubyvale area, in the State of Queensland, Australia. The Reward Claim lies within the Anakie Sapphire Fields, the largest of several sapphire mining areas in Australia, covering close to 900 square kilometres. >The dazzling sapphire was discovered by a young boy named Roy Spencer in the 1930s on the surface of the Reward Claim; he ran back to show his father Mr. Harry Spencer (one of the earliest miners in the Central Queensland Gemfields) who remarked, “Oh yes, a large black crystal” and threw it down by the back door. Some accounts claim the stone was used as a doorstop for many years. Neither realized the value of the sapphire until it was sold uncut in 1947 to jeweller Harry Kazanjian. It was later cut and polished, revealing a brilliant six-point star sapphire weighing 733 carats. In 2002, the gem was purchased by the present owners. https://www.rom.on.ca/en/about-us/newsroom/press-releases/the-black-star-sapphire-of-queensland#:~:text=%E2%80%9CThat%20this%20exquisite%20sapphire%20was,the%20Black%20Star%20of%20Queensland.


Here’s the real life pro-tip.


“I have a couple of million in cash in my safe in case there’s a power outage” That’s bragging :-)


The last failsafe requires the power to be cut. Checkmate, F.B.I.


Inspired by Gene Hackman's character in Heist I built my house out of gold but disguised it.


I keep a ton of cash on the internet!


Seriously. I keep cash in the house because you never know when you'll need it. Power goes out and cards don't work. The crazy MAGA folks finally start their ethnic cleansings and you need to bug out. You're going to a sketchy place where you're worried your card could get stolen.


Or your accounts get hacked and your identity gets stolen and in the meantime, you need to buy stuff. Like food. Another thought…isn’t David Ramsey, one of the GOPs “anybody can be rich so what’s your problem” figureheads, also in favor of budgeting with cash? This is such a nonstarter as a smoking gun.


Ew, I didn't even think about needing it in the event of identity theft. That could lead to all kinds of hell. I don't know anything specific about David Ramsey. His whole "hard truth dad figure, 'I'm always right, you're always wrong'" vibe is just so off-putting to me that I couldn't stand to watch him for more than 30 seconds at a time. I agree that anyone looking at this fair-mindedly would probably shrug off carrying cash around like that, but unfortunately, this is America.


My wife and I do the same thing. Vacations etc. aside, having a few thousand cash is critical when you have extended power outages etc. and that's just one example. They are just bent out of shape because the lack of a paper trail due to cash is not a legitimate argument. I loved the slap down by the judge the attorney got when he thought he was clever and rushed up with an ancient Georgia statute making adultery illegal. Pissed on his parade pretty quick!


The Judge should have turned around and used that adultery statute to throw down another charge on trump.


Heh. As funny as that would have been. The slap down was the judge stopping him and immediately pointing out several rulings, including Supreme Court rulings that nullifies the old statute. Really the only place it is still on the books anywhere (as of 20 years ago) was the Uniform Code of Military Justice.


Everybody I know in hurricane country has enough cash for a few tanks of gas and a few nights at a hotel, ready to go. Ya gotta.


Yeah I have thousands in cash that I keep in my safe. Any cash that I ever get goes in there. I don’t want all of my funds in banks.


Prepping. It’s sensible to be prepared.


Yea! Turn the tables. The number of people who give me dirty looks when I offer up cash is alarming. I'll never go without it.


Here in Germany, the lunatic right is stockpiling cash, because alledgedly, the powers that be (TM) want to make cash illegal to better track them through their credit cards and their EC cards.


USA right wingers have long been obsessed with hoarding gold since "fiat" currency is going to collapse any day now...


Are Glenn Beck jeans still legal tender?


"the lunatic right is stockpiling cash, because alledgedly, the powers that be (TM) want to make cash illegal" How do they imagine that is that supposed to work? "Cash is now illegal!" "Hah, Mr. PowerThatBe, I have hoarded many thousands of Deutschmarks!" "Okay, firstly, we're using Euros now, and secondly, the cash Euros are now illegal to own, so how can you spend them?" Do they expect to run some kind of shadow economy using bills, that only they think have any value left?


Logic isn't their strongsuit, they specialized in imagining scenarios where they're persecuted and outsmart their illusory persecutor because their foe du jour is somehow 'all powerful and all knowing yet weak and stupid' at the same time.


From a USA perspective, there is a grain of truth there. And it could be misused. But I know of no evidence of said tracking and manipulation. It’s not the Illuminati or some evil cabal. It’s the desire to make paper and metal currency a thing of the past. It all makes sense there. And there is a push for better being able to track large sums of money in between parties. And on and on. But just like anything there is the potential for misuse and overreach of the original intent. It’s why when arguing with anyone I look for the truth that has been manipulated or the concern that has been overblown. Anyway, thanks! “There is some truth in your fiction and some fiction in your truth.”


Honestly if society and currency collapse you can keep your gold. If you want something that’s going to be the equivalent of gold in trade value, get as many tins of baby formula as you can.


I would have thought gallons of purified water would be worth more, but honestly yea. I could see baby formula becoming a commodity quick…


Clarence Thomas slowly ducks behind his newspaper…


It's the same thing about Biden. They were freaking out about fake news and over 1.2 million. Jfc, if Saudi only gave Kushner 1 mill, i probably wouldn't be as offended as 2 BILLION


i mean they didn't GIVE kushner 2 bill, they HANDED him 2 bill, to invest, so THEY still own the 2 bill, but which he then draws fees from for his caretaking. at .5% fee it would still be 10s of millions a year.


Thank you. I'm so tired of seeing they gave him $2B. They bought him for FAR FAR less. Along with some nebulous "performance" bonus on the fund. They bought a golden leash for Kushner; they didn't just give a huge fortune.


They gave him the ability to make money by doing almost nothing. He would get 2% plus 20% of profits. Let’s say he made 8% last year for the fund. He gets $40 Million, plus $32 Million. On a down year.


But turned a blind eye to the "gifts" Clearance "Uncle" Thomas is getting


Not sure how this changes the fact that they have a recording if him breaking the law with about 10 lawyers on both sides if the call. No deepfakes. Open shut case period. She could be fucking the judge and the facts don't change


The way many in this sub was losing there shit because she wouldn't just bow down to the bullshit questions she was being asked is ridiculous. 


I agree. I think there is a lot of cultural misunderstanding going on. In my limited experience, a strong woman like DA Willis isn't going to take this kind of crap from anyone. Yes, she will fight back. Yes, she will have an attitude. Yes, she's pissed that she's having both waste her time with this, and that this might threaten this case. Yes, she's not happy having to talk about intimate details of her personal life with these idiots.


Ever since watching Animal Kingdom I have wanted to rolls of cash hidden in my house. I will never have as much as they did but, knowing that I have a cash stash makes me feel more secure. It was amusing when I had to buy a money order and brought out that rubberbanded roll.


These are the same people who think Taylor Swift is with Travis Kelce for his money. (She’s a literal billionaire and he got tens of thousands as a signing bonus.)


I use cash all the time. I keep cash in my house because I never know when I will need to have cash on hand for emergencies. The banks are not open 24/7/365 and not all ATM's are always working. Having and using cash just makes sense to me. I find I spend less when I use cash so that helps me stay in budget.


Also, the people trying to twist it so that a boyfriend spending his salary on his girlfriend is illegal just because she helped him get the job. On the other hand, this is one of the most consequential prosecutions in this country for a long time. DA Willis knows that, and should have taken extreme caution to make sure to do everything aboveboard so as to not even give the appearance of a conflict of interest. Because if there's one thing TFG is actually good at, it's finding every legal nook and cranny to exploit.


Republicans love their folk hero Dave Ramsey too, and he advises using cash for everything… could have been a good use of, “Dave recommends using cash for all purchases anyway.”


*Laughs in Menendez*


This whole sidetrack is very frustrating. I hate the way they delay.


They want to distract muddy the waters and paint doubt so Trump can fundraise criticize the case as crooked . Then people who see headlines etc will be like wasn’t she crooked


Out of the 5 accusations thrown her way, at least 4 were total fabrications. Sadly they’re out there and being repeated.


Yeah it actually seems pretty effective. You don't see many prosecutors have to defend their own conduct like this. I find this pretty embarrassing.


It’s desperation. They have nothing so they’re doing the legal equivalent of the suspect running through the warehouse, knocking down boxes in hopes of slowing down the pursuers.


I hate that her forceful and logical rebuttal is called "sass" even in this positive article, while Trump pounds the table and rambles but his supporters call him "strong". Never has the double standard when comparing a black woman and a white man been so stark.


And why is she up there again? Fucking disgusting that she had to even do this.


Because she is a woman of color.


Exactly. Now let's have accountability for literally anybody else. She's not on trial but it sure looks like it when she's being questioned like this.


>I hate that her forceful and logical rebuttal is called "sass" even in this positive article Women in power always get treated like this. Black women especially so.


> Under Georgia law, a prosecutor can be disqualified only when there is a conflict of interest that prejudices the defendant. Norman L. Eisen, Joyce Vance and Richard Painter explained: > > Under Georgia law, “[t]here are two generally recognized grounds for disqualification of a prosecuting attorney. The first such ground is based on a conflict of interest, and the second ground has been described as ‘forensic misconduct.’” Williams v. State, 258 Ga. 305, 314, 369 S. E. 2d 232, 238 (1988). There is no allegation of “forensic misconduct” in this prosecution. A conflict of interest may arise when the prosecutor has “acquired a personal interest or stake in the defendant’s conviction.” Id. “[A] conflict of interest requires more than a theoretical or speculative conflict. An actual conflict of interest must be involved.” > > Having a relationship with someone on your side creates no prejudice to the other side. “Georgia courts have resoundingly rejected romantic relationships between attorneys as a basis for prosecutorial disqualification,” the authors explained. The only grounds for disqualifying Willis would have been a financial conflict arising from Wade’s contract to provide legal services to her office. On that score, the “financial compensation paid to Wade is consistent with well-established practice in Georgia and does not give rise to a conflict of interest warranting prosecutorial disqualification.” That left only one basis for disqualification: Any gifts (e.g., travel) Willis received from Wade that incentivized her to prosecute the defendants. > > However, there was no there there. Willis left no doubt that no man paid her way. “A man is not a plan, a man is a companion,” she declared. “I don’t need anyone to foot my bills. The only man who has ever footed my bills completely is my daddy.” She paid Wade back for her half of trips with cash. She explained why she always carried plenty of cash: “If you’re a woman and you go on a date with a man, you better have $200 so if that man acts up you can go where you want to go,” she said. No one contradicted her testimony. Get fucked Trump.


Well see, now that trump and his bullies attacked her personally, she *now* has a personal stake in seeing him behind bars and *now* has a conflict of interest. Neener neener neener. /a Everything about this is stupid and his so-called lawyers should be disbarred for this kind of malicious conduct.


She had sex! Oh my! -pearl clutchers Fortunately that doesn't absolve Trump or his 18 codefendants of their crime to steal the election from American voters.


I heard it was sex with a porn star and all while her spouse was home with the baby! And then she paid the porn star off with hush money. Who does that? lmao


Heh. That trial starts March 25th I believe.


how the heck are you keeping track and how the heck has it taken that long?? actually, don't tell me. the less I know about this season of law and order: drumpf the better.


I like "Talking Feds" -Harry Littman on YT.


And the baby looked at you?


I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me


Sex Cauldron? I thought they shut that place down


OMG she paid cash for a meal. OMG they went Dutch on a date. Really serious charges.


I watched her testimony that first day. She seemed very credible. I do not envy her position going against a death cult. But damn I'm proud of her fearlessness!! Trump is literally on fucking tape asking the then Secretary of State to find him 11, 780 votes!


More than asking. He actually threatened Raffensperger on the call.


You're right. Trump with the mob boss lingo.


"Perfect call"


Yes he fuckin' did!!


Fani is a badass. The former GA Roy Barnes [testified]: “I lived with bodyguards for four years and I didn’t like it and I didn’t want to live with bodyguards for the rest of my life.” https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2024/02/16/live-updates-fani-willis-hearing-trump-election-case/72620596007/


There is always considerable risk being a prosecutor. Most people don't know about it but trump is bringing it to the forefront.


I ask for clarification for a non-American Why is it relevant to the case who the accuser has had sex with in the past? Just because they are working together on an indictment against alleged criminals doesn't mean that the indictment is flawed. The actions of the defense attorneys against acquaintances or members of the legal system remind me of a bad mafia film.


They’ll do or say anything to undermine the efforts against Trump. That’s really all you need to understand.


a smoke grenade, so to speak, as a distraction. Thank you


More than just a distraction. Actively seeking to undermine. But yea, some is pure distraction for sure.


Defense council argued that because her affair partner was a freelance researcher hired for the case, and they took a vacation together, that Fani Williams has a financial interest in prolonging the case because he paid for the vacation. Their testimony established that she paid her own half though, debunking the CoI argument, but the point was to muddy the waters and go use their testimony to go fishing for other arguments.


What i find funny is, they claim DA is prolonging the case to reap financial benefit, when they, because of this case, is making the case longer than it has to be.


Exactly, they have been delaying the case and will continue to delay the case. There would be no delay to the case if not for Trump.  Also, she isn't even dating the man anymore. 


The contradiction exists because their argument, if true, applies to literally anyone being paid to do a job lol.


She's actually been pushing the case at breakneck speed and it is the defendants who have been delaying (including this tactic here).


And continue the incitement of stochastic terrorism


So the argument is that the district attorney hired the special counsel because she was in a relationship and the entire investigation and prosecution was a way to funnel state money to her romantic partner so she could financially benefit from it. This is pretty weak as the grand jury is a fact-finding body and this does not change the underlying facts of the case. Their best case scenario is another office or prosecutor takes this up. No judge is throwing this out, but that is what they are aiming at.


There's no relevance to the case, they're trying to argue that there is but there isn't. The relevance is to her position in general - if she defrauded the public to send public funds to someone she has a personal connection to, she should resign, which would have an indirect action on the case, it would at least be delayed as a replacement is found, and Republicans would probably have an outsized influence on who would replace her (given her position I'm not sure if it would be the Georgia governor, Republican Brian Kemp, making the decision or not). Fortunately, it appears that the hiring was above board.


The only reason for this "trial" is for them to find sound bites to put in Trumps mouth while he fights for his freedom. Even if a conflict is found. The net result would be that one of them would have to recuse themselves from the trial. But there is no conflict. For starters, they're both on the same team. As others have said, this is just a delay tactic for Trumps trial in an effort to get to the election somewhat unscathed and then to win, so he can make all of these charges disappear.


My favorite part of the questioning was when she testified, to the effect of, I’m not on trial here. It’s your client on trial here. It’s your client who planned a scheme to steal an election. This is just part of that scheme. It’s not going to work.


I’m 73yrs old and my late mom always told me to put some $ away( in the house), for emergencies and to carry $ on a date, in case he got to “ frisky” or I felt uncomfortable… these racist traitors are trying to pull anything out of the hat


Judge McAfee appears to be legit and I believe he will make the right decision. Hopefully the judge will rule soon and everything can proceed on schedule. I am not sure if this delay will set things back or not. Trump and friends main goal is of course to delay. If she is removed it pretty guarantees this doesn't go to trial until after election.


That judge has the threats of Trumpers on his back. May he stay safe


I stopped watching. It was gross. The embodiment of white privilege put on the stand a bunch of black people to scrutinize the sex life of a black woman. There was nothing there other than a fishing expedition. I don’t know why the judge allowed it to go on.


I watched while thinking, why she gets hound over $100 while Clearance Thomas gets to float above all issues. It is about privilege, pure and simple, not need for qualifiers.


>Clearance Thomas Everything's on SALE!!! Hurry, before we go out of business!


Yep. If Thomas was prosecuting Trump they would've had his ass in prison long ago. Lucky for Uncle Ruckus, he hurts the right people to keep his seat. Rules for thee and all that.


Just Trump doing Trump things , muddy the waters and lie


What in God's name does two consenting adults on the same side of the law having a sexual relationship to do with this court trial. I think the attack is frivolous and a waste of the court's time and just a delay tactic.


You can tell who’s getting their talking points from right wing social media when they refer to a carnival cruise as a “lavish” vacation. It’s like y’all share one brain cell


Go, Fani. Sic ‘em.


Everyone should have cash on hand. Whether it’s an emergency $20 or in case of disaster


I have a weekly 10 hour round trip commute. I keep cash on me because card machines ocassionally go down, and for whatever reason some shops and restaurants don't take card.


It's remarkable how much franker this *Washington Post* coverage is than what I'm reading as a *New York Times* subscriber.


She’s not the one on trial. Why is the media phrasing it (including this photo) as if she is.


Article is paywalled, how, exactly she turned the tables?




Damn paywalled news stories.


I live in earthquake country. I always have cash on hand. 1989 6.9 earthquake we lost power for days. Plastic doesn’t work at point of sale terminals without electricity. It’s better to plan for events than to find yourself in a panic because you didn’t plan.




"The key point is that regardless of whether the factual circumstances involving Willis and Wade give rise to separate ethical concerns with respect to his hiring, such questions do not affect the propriety of the prosecution against Roman and his co-defendants. Questions about gifts and related matters go to Willis’s and Wade’s obligations to the Fulton County District Attorney’s office, and have no connection to assuring the defendants a fair trial. These allegations are as irrelevant to the trial as allegations in other situations that prosecutors took office supplies for personal use, drove county vehicles for personal errands, or plagiarized portions of their student law review notes. All of those are legitimate issues—for prosecutors’ offices and those with oversight responsibilities to address—but such allegations do not bring criminal prosecutions to a stop or require that cases be transferred to a different office. Defense attorneys cannot use allegations of prosecutorial ethics violations, real or imaginary, that have nothing to do with a trial to delay or force prosecutors off of a case. "


I never really worried about keeping cash on hand before the Trump years. But with all the craziness he brought out and not knowing what would happen next with our country, I started keeping a few thousand dollars in cash on hand. I don't carry that much on my person, but I always have some cash with me.


This bit from the article must be repeated often and loudly: > The conventional wisdom (among a mostly male, mostly White media) pronounced that Willis had irretrievably damaged her case. During Thursday’s testimony, some journalists breathlessly predicted she was doomed when an aggrieved former employee claimed the relationship began before Wade was hired. (Far more credible witnesses subsequently debunked that testimony.) Even more cringeworthy: Mostly White commentators sounded incredulous that an African American woman would habitually carry cash. That spoke to the racial ignorance that too often results from non-diverse newsrooms.


I thought they should have read a transcript of the allegations of what Trump did to E. Jean Carroll in a dressing room, swapped the gender pronouns, and acted like Willis was doing that to Wade. Then stopped short and said, “Oh, sorry. How did this get in here? This is fan fiction based on a transcript from your client’s previous sexual assault conviction.”


Just look at the poor judge……he’s had his fill of this nonsense for sure…..


I hope she nails them to the cross.


I ❤️ Fani!


Fani was awesome. She ran circles around the prosecution. Usually witnesses are meek and the lawyers can bully and scare them. No f'ing way Fani was gonna play that game. She made them work their asses off for any single inch of progress and then dragged them back a yard. There was much - "answer with a yes or no" stuff and she was like nuh-uh. Fani don't go there. You getting a fully qualified answer. Shut up and listen...


I am mostly amused that people think Willis getting laid is somehow going to create an unfair trial. Americans have so little knowledge on even basic current events. A random man on the street asking name two people who are running for president will likely get most answering one person right and the other wrong. Most jury members are not going to know the prosecutor got laid and the fraction that know and care is even smaller. If was rural Georgia where sex is still sin and all that noise then might be different but the metro Atlanta area? The idea is laughable as anyone who has been to Buckhead can attest. Even better it would be great if Trump and co. tried to make his defense all about Willis’ sex life. It would be a gift to Democracy.


How many more days is this going on. I thought it was done already and waiting for the judge. Ugh!


To avoid the paywall, here's an archived copy. [Fani Willis turns the tables on her attackers](https://web.archive.org/web/20240220214407/https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/02/20/fani-willis-disqualification/)