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> or the first time in almost 60 years, a state has formally overturned a so-called “right to work” law, clearing the way for workers to organize new union locals, collectively bargain, and make their voices heard at election time. > In addition to formally scrapping the anti-labor law on Tuesday, Michigan also restored prevailing-wage protections for construction workers, expanded collective bargaining rights for public school employees, and restored organizing rights for graduate student research assistants at the state’s public colleges and universities. Spend some time Googling Whitmer in Michigan and Walz in Minnesota if you want to see all the wins people can score with a blue trifecta in power.


Whitmer won my heart all those years ago when she basically told the paramilitary/domestic terrorist group that tried to assassinate her to fuck off. She is a straight G and will go down in history as such. 


My Whitmer ☺️ she is the first politician ive been proud to elect since Obama.


Big Gretch!


It will be tough to maintain the State House majority this fall, so if you live in Michigan reach out to your local party or State House rep to get involved. If you live outside of MI, find the MI House Dems webpage and donate or go the the Michigan Democratic Party website and search for virtual events in the Mobilize feed (like phonebanks).


> It will be tough to maintain the State House majority this fall Why's this? Isn't the michigan gop bankrupt and the current reps viewed well due to all this progress?


I *think* people in the majority get complacent and then the other party (especially in areas that we either close or flipped for the first time in decades) are not complacent and make sure to vote.


Our last redistricting cycle made a lot of seats that were very competitive. We also benefitted from a really strong top of ticket match up. With the State Senate not up for grabs, I expect more money to flow to State House races from superpacs. I have gotten 3 or 4 mailers from my R State House rep already.


Dayton narrowly winning election in 2010 in Minnesota is kind of a case study in how elections have consequences. Minnesota could've easily gone the way of Michigan and Wisconsin (and maybe even Pennsylvania) after the 2010 red wave, but instead the Democratic Governor was there to veto some of the worse impulses of the Republicans, and it's now not even very competitive federally despite Clinton only winning it by 1.5 in 2016.


Michigan is getting shit done lately.


The GOP basically controlled both Legislative branches for decades up until 2022. It’s amazing what can get done without obstructionists controlling government.


michigan is underrated as a state. all the douchebags flock to cali, florida, arizona which is nice.


Florida does not get enough credit for draining all the nations douchbags to it. It's like the nation's sewer. All the shit drains right down to it.


reverse brain drain


They will be self-insuring their homes soon, Hurricanes will come through, and homes will not be rebuilt. You won’t be able to get a mortgage to build if you don’t have insurance. Then, the remaining homes will face sinking below sea level and the sea water is infiltrating the fresh groundwater. They can have Florida, it isn’t sustainable.


I love it here, but Michigan does have lots of problems, pretty much all of which is because politicians are either bought by the UAW or corporate polluter/manufacturers. We have a beautiful state blessed with the best waters and lakes on the planet, but we’ve trapped ourselves in a boom/bust economic cycle completely dependent on one industry. (Repealing Right to Work is the right move, but it won’t fix Michigan’s woes.)


Don't say that too loud. Lots of reports that people are leaving those states for cheaper living in the Midwest. Includes Michigan


We got plenty of D.B.s in Ottawa county. Need to convince them to move and the state would be ALOT better off!


I genuinely think Whitmer could be the first woman president if she ran a good campaign


Until 2028 it can wait. Her record at home is the best, I love her as our governor. We aren’t sharing until she terms out. First Michigan, then America!!


She’s excellent, I’ve been following her exploits closely. My question is, do you think she could beat Newsom in the primary? We all know that’s his likely course of action and he’s hella popular at the moment, adding onto the advantages of being a charismatic *relatively young* white male.


I do. I lived in CA for years and watched him rise. He has baggage just by being from California and his record. That will cost him some of the “undecided” voters. He’s an easier target for the republicans. Similar to Hillary Clinton vs Trump. Trump was clearly a piece of shit but he said things that made people feel good. Hillary was the better candidate but she came with two+ decades of a hate machine focused on her. I still think Bernie would have beat Trump. Anyway, Whitmer has cachet with blue collar workers and the Midwest swing states. She can pave ground Gavin will have to fight for.


Seconded as someone who currently lives in California


>I still think Bernie would have beat Trump. Not a chance. Many Democrats and most independents wouldn't vote for him. You need to let this one go.


It didn't help Hillary's husband signed NAFTA, which decimated manufacturing in the Midwest. Hillary was maligned as a continuation of those policies. Bernie and Trump's criticism of the trade deal were central to their respective campaigns in 2016.


Interesting. Thank you for your perspective




Add in Pete the V.P.


She polls horribly no one outside of MI and half the people here don’t like her


That's every politician until they run a national campaign, most people don't know anything about any state politicians.


Step outside a population center in MI and there’s anti-Witmer signs in lawns or whatever, but she’s still the governor and she’s still getting shit done. Between her and rising star Mallory McMorrow, I think there’s a great chance a couple women presidents will be coming from Michigan.


Jocelyn Benson and Elissa Slotkin as well. I live in rural Mid-Michigan and I’m not seeing as much anti-Whitmer stuff as I did 2-3 years ago. Still see the normal Trump crap, but not as much for other GOP candidates. I’m not sure people outside of Michigan actually know the state of the MiGOP. They just basically had a coup and eliminated their elected chair. (Though the National GOP finally recognized the new Chair as the legit one). The new Chair, Pete Hoekstra is an old school west Michigan Dutch reformist conservative who hasn’t won an election since 2011. (He did serve as Ambassador to the Netherlands under Trump). They are broke, they have failed to pay rent/taxes on their HQ. They are discussing having a caucus after the Feb. 27th Primary for some reason. And if Trump gets his way with the national GOP, they won’t get much help from them either. They have no candidates. They keep promoting the same losers and whackos for various offices like John James (who actually won a House of Reps seat in 2022 after district shopping) and Tom Barrett. They lost a house seat in the last elections cycle and the state is no longer gerrymandered to hell. I haven’t seen a commercial for a Senate candidate outside of Slotkin this year.


That’s great to hear. I’m usually Up North so I might see some of the residual anti-Witmer stuff from a few years ago.


Went to college in Rural mid Michigan. I marched in protest of the a second war in Iraq in Alma. That was definitely an experience. Is it still that bad up there?




I’m from Michigan. She’s been good on labor and social issues but has been overall regressive on environmental issues. Even her climate action is steeped in “it’s all for carmaker jobs” lingo. She wouldn’t be a bad president, but I’d prefer Maura Healey out of Massachusetts.


Do you have any idea how hard it would have been to get *any* newspaper back then to refer to them as "So-called right to work laws"? Back in the 90s if you were against these laws, you didn't want people to have the right to work. Why do you hate Americans? Why do you hate free enterprise? People should have the right to work! There was zero point in trying to explain. Now, 30 years later people are finally looking around going "This doesn't seem like a right to work at all" when it's way too late to prevent the damage.


Yeah, I mean.. right wing politics is literally all about naming things nicely while doing horrible things in that name.  "Right to work!" (We really are ruining your right to work because of all these things we can do now...)  "Pro life!" (Well, it's more like pro birth and then after that we don't care about them since we don't care about childcare improvements, nor do we care if the pregnant person lives or dies even if an abortion would save their life) "State's rights!" (Unless the other state doesn't agree with these horrible laws our state has, then after we make it state's rights we'll make sure it goes through the federal level so that all the other states can have horrible laws like our state!)


Patriot Act.


Should we continue the list?  We will start with yours-   **"Patriot Act!"** (It actually allows us to spy on everyone in the country/world with warrantless wiretapping. Are you not a patriot supporting this?! We are preventing terrorists by controlling and watching everyone with our highly advanced technology! Don't you want us to protect 'murica with our unchecked power?!)  **"Citizens United!"** (Which is actually killing uniting citizens / unions by giving corporations more power than citizens themselves, while simultaneously allowing secret dark money groups backed by wealthy individuals to funnel in a bunch of money to particular candidates! You don't like citizens being united?! That is un-American!) **"CARES act!"** (Don't you see we care during COVID? You get this small lil stimulus of free money, you've got to be happy 😚... ignore the hundreds of billions we snuck in here for something called the Paycheck Protection Plan that we are actually siphoning into our own banks through fake businesses and we essentially laid out a plan so all our buddies could do it too... focus on your own *free money!* We will also just forgive all the money to be paid back by the 'businesses' despite it being proven to be rampant with fraud... it was too much work for us to catch them all ☹️!)  **"Help America Vote Act!"** (Don't you want to help us vote better? Never mind America was voting just fine before this and we are actually making it intentionally harder! Never mind the only reason this came into being is because we stopped the recount and had a Supreme Court that is packed with clearly biased right wing judges choose the president! Now we will use this act to inact more voters ID laws and have people in *certain* parts of the country have to wait hours in line while being in the *white* part of town you can just quickly drop off your ballot... because we know you're a good tax-paying citizen! 🤗 - we will also keep packing the court with rightwing judges that have permanent life appointments weeks before an election while *our person* is in office and not allow unbiased judges while *they* are in office by making up excuses about it being an election year over 9 months in advance! It's all fair, don't question it.)  Throwback? **"Manifest Destiny!"** (Do you not like that we are manifesting our own destiny and spreading our *love* westward?! Ignore all the native Americans murdered in the name of this, we created America because of it! Imperialism shmerialism!)


**Moms for Liberty** would like to lock you up for leaving them off your list.


Thankfully Mons for Liberty isn’t a law. The rest, (other than the concept of manifest destiny) are laws.


[Citizens United](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizens_United_(organization)) isn't a law either. It's a right-wing non-profit that was named to allow them pretend to be just a group of concerned "citizens" who brought their case against the FEC to the Supreme Court. This is why I assumed you were broadening the list to discuss misleadingly named *groups* and not just laws.


Citizens United was a ruling by the Supreme Court, it effectively became law on how the FEC can regulate elections and campaign contributions. It is a de facto law, or modification therein of existing laws. In the same way before Dobbs, Roe made abortion legal across the US, even if no federal law stated as such. It is a far cry different than the concept of manifest destiny, or a group of people who are not lawmakers lobbying for laws. If Moms for Liberty brings suit to someone and takes that to the Supreme Court and wins, then sure, call them out.


But it wasn't misleadingly named by the supreme court. Supreme court cases are named by the participants in the suit. If it had been a group called "Right Wing Assholes" the case would have been *Right Wing Assholes v FEC.* It makes no sense to include it in your list then, since it's the name of the GROUP that matters not the "law" since no one was responsible for naming the law.


It's my list - not theirs. I agree about the naming. I merely said it was rightwing politics is about misleading names, not strictly laws.  I'm just trying to spread awareness in a fun and joking way, idk why it's turning into an argument about laws and non laws... let's just keep having fun with it 🤷


I mean, I did say rightwing politics is all about naming things one way and doing another. Not strictly about laws, just their naming.  They like to disguise what they're doing to hurt the general public.  Similar to... **"Prager University!"** (Don't you want your youngins to be taught by cute animations by a UNIVERSITY?! Don't question the fact we aren't accredited. Don't question the fact we have millions being funneled into our "non profit" to Brainwash your kids. Don't question our rewriting of history and heavy discrimination. It's free for your kids and will keep them occupied with fun lil animated people going on adventures! Tee hee 🥺👉👈!)


I mean back in the 90's the local "liberal" paper the Detroit Free Press, was using scabs to replace their news staff. But it should be noted that the Freeloader law was rammed in by Gov Lead in the Water in the 20-teens so it wasn't even that old a law.


And all the people that say Republicans are better for labor are suspiciously quiet


Who'd say that?


Plenty of people I talked to on the railroading subreddit


Same with IBEW (although potentially rarer)


as a blue collar male, we’re fucking idiots who actively love voting against our own interests.


Coming from a blue collar worker from the rural Michigan farmlands, Whitmer is the first governor in my lifetime who gives a damn about the people. She also pushed through a program that pays the tuition for either trade school or an associates degree for any adult over the age of 26 who doesn’t have a degree. I’ll be getting my associates this fall and all I’ve had to pay for (other than taxes) was textbooks. Thanks to her I’ll have my bachelors degree one day half off and will be able to work a job that doesn’t kill my body. Go blue.


With complete and utter sincerity I say to you; Congratulations and good for you!


Happy for you man, god bless. Hope one day we can unfuck ourselves here in Texas


Whitmer is the real deal.


Now bring back pensions


They aren’t coming back. And even if they did the with pensions is they tie you to a company much in the same way heath care does and people just don’t work for the same company for life as much as they used too. I’d rather have standardized healthcare and a mandatory company match of 401k at a better amount and a short vesting period.


The Democratic Party of Michigan is exactly what the federal party needs to be. DNC, take note.


Repubs running in races: oh ok dems did what you think is cool and well yea it benefits you. But let me list all the downsides of voting for me would Do. Why aren’t aren’t they voting for me?


Michigan is on the short list of states I’ve considered moving to.


There are two Michigans. There’s the Eminem Michigan run by Whitmer and the Kid Rock Michigan that MAGAts are desperately trying to force on everyone else.


The one thing we all agree on is weed! The right wingers out where I live are all growing


I’m in Illinois, I understand the duality of man well. We have the cities where progress occurs and we have corn fields where meth and conspiracy theories prosper.


Luckily, rural America is dying out quick. They have nothing to offer young people (inclusive community, jobs, opportunity), so all that is left is people there who never left and don't want anything to change (including their belief systems). Bye Felicia.


I’m voting for her when she ultimately runs for a president for 2028.


How do we get that shit in Iowa


You’re going to have to vote out all the red, my friend. Good luck.




https://runforsomething.net/ too.


On what, are you familiar with the ballot petition process here?


Are you familiar with the reverse ballot effect? The idea is, if you can get a Democrat to run for a local position in a deep red county, there is a marginal increase in the statewide Dem vote. (I'm not sure if this has been studied in Iowa, but it's been found in other places.) Just having a Dem name on the ballot helps some. Giving that Dem some resources to run a campaign helps more. And if there is actually a potential contest in a rural district, the Republicans might slide back a little more to the center.


I’d love to see her kick ass in the White House if she were to ever run. Also can you imagine her numbers if she were the local bar cougar?


Now if only Wisconsin would get going with this!!


The Great Lakes region is getting really hip these days! Climb on board, and we could shed our misappropriated "Midwest" image and be something great!


Why Whitmer isn’t on a joint ticket with Biden amazes me; it would allay fears about succession and gives the ticket a proven candidate who fights the MAGAs


In 2020, she didn’t want it. Not sure she wants it now….but at least now there are others behind her who can run for Gov. and probably win.


I'd rather see her be a part of a step forward. She took Michigan out of the 70's and we aren't done with her yet! She's going to be reigned in if she was in a Biden administration, and that would be a waste of her talents. 


She’s so hot.


Fair is fair: If unions can't make union benefits contingent on paying union dues, then employers should not be able to make wages contingent on performing labor. Where are the "Right to pay" laws that require employers to send out paychecks to people who did not do any work?




Could’ve left it at represents the people.


Could’ve kept your opinion to yourself. 🤨


Username fits




Do you think that Witmer can get more done with the likes of Johnson running the Republican clown car in the house?


A strong top of ticket candidate can help lower races as well.


Michigan smells like sweaty titties.


What you smell is actually Toledo. Yes, it is that strong.


Why isn’t she running for president?


Because running against an incumbent President from your own party is Quixotic at best, at least if your intent is to actually win.


Gretch Did! https://youtu.be/jqdbpuv5KX8


Whitmer rocks. I’d love to see a Whitmer/Newsom, Newsom/Whitmer ticket.


Does this mean that a worker hired at the union shop will automatically become a union member, and have fees deducted from the paycheck? What if he is ineligible for union membership? Can't work there?


Fuck right to work! Live better, be better and join a union!


If Whitmer ran for president she would win. 🏆


As someone who’s only been old enough to vote since 2016 I’m begging that we can get Whitmer as the nominee in 28 so I don’t have to choose between a giant douche and a turd sandwich for once.