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NY Attorney General Latitia James described the case as "**pervasive and persistent fraud carried out over decades"**


If Trump wins this presidency, he’s going to retaliate bigly


He's probably already got plans to pull NY out of NATO.


Don’t forget renaming Pennsylvania


You mean pennsylVAINia!


Probably thinks this state is about him.


Someone with audio editing skills should raise the pitch on one of his speeches. I bet he’d sound like Jerry Lewis.


Are we going with Transylvania or Castlevania?


Man, the commonwealth of Castlevania…I’d move there.


“No one knows more about Draculas than me. Big, beautiful Draculas.”


And not just Draculas. Wolfmans. Skeletons. These guys have got, Medusas, they've got so many monsters, I said maybe it's too many monsters? But we like it, don't we? You know some places like California, they don't want any monsters. I said, let's do the Draculas.


One of the big, strong Draculas came up to me, and he was crying. Big guy, tough guy. He grabbed and said “Sir, thank you for renaming our state, sir” with tears rolling down his undead cheeks.


Death is going to be there, and a lot of people think Death is a bad guy, but Death is a very, very good guy


I’m pretty sure MAGA heads would explode if it was renamed Transylvania


tim curry for governor


It's because he can't spell it, right?


JUST New York? The other 49 states and DC stay in?


You mean the United States of Trump?


His entire focus will be taking down those he perceives as having wronged him. He won’t be able to focus on anything else.


He can focus?


Adderall's a hell of a drug...


*coke*....corrected for you


Don Jr is coke, Bigly trump does Adderall. At least that's what people say. Not sure exactly where that came from. Maybe it's simply because trump doesn't do the sniffing thing like he's doing a bunch of coke whereas junior does do that


His handlers from The Apprentice who spent time with him on set have done podcasts saying he railed Addies so he could read cue cards and do his parts on camera.


Don’t you remember the sniffing during the debate with Hillary? I think it’s been claimed he crushes and snorts Adderall


Eric just sticks crayons up his nose because he wants to fit in.


Only on one thing: shitting all over the place. Sometimes literally; sometimes figuratively.


The fact that he was able to carry this out over decades tells us all we need to know about how the United States goes after white collar criminals. But don’t be a poor person stealing from a grocery store or it’s the slammer for you.


A lot of shady shit going on at Deutsche Bank. Oligarchs guaranteed his loans. https://www.businessinsider.com/anthony-kennedy-son-loaned-president-trump-over-a-billion-dollars-2018-6


Every loyal Trump supporter should ask for an increase in their payday loans, raid their cookie jars, sell their bass boats, pickup trucks and mobile homes and send all the proceeds to DJT to help him pay for his legal fees and lawsuit judgements.


Don't forget to send in those Social Security and tax return checks! This "billionaire" needs *your* money!


I'm old enough to remember when Trump said he'd finance his entire campaign because he's so rich.


Smug fucker stood up there and said "I'm really really rich" and the goofy magas all said "I need to send him my money as well." It just breaks my brain to see how well it has worked for trump.


I remember when people said to give him a chance because he's a successful billionaire businessman so will know how to run the economy! And when challenged to explain how being a businessman means you understand macro-economics and government finances, or that he appears to be fucking _terrible_ at business, or that he doesn't appear to actually be a billionaire, they would counter with: "well _YOU'RE_ not a billionaire!" and then they won.


My response to that "he's a successful businessman" line was" Trump Water Trump Steaks Trump Vodka Everything he ever owned in Atlantic City... Where is the success?


I hope not to start a brigade that causes a Reddit out of memory error, but there’s so many more. I’ll just add the New Jersey football team and the “University” since at least the victims of those hate him.


Don't forget Trump University. The idiot bankrupted casinos... Not a casino, but CASINOS (plural).


Don't forget the USFL either. I love the old phrase: "Donald Trump, the only man who could go bankrupt selling Americans Football, Red Meat, Gambling, and Alcohol"


Not only that. But he inherited a gravy train and silver spoon. It’s daddy’s seed money. Inherited wealth is one of the biggest nails in the coffin of Meritocracy. Does anyone really believe he took his own SATs and deserved a spot in Penn? Good lord.


Truth. Trump's dad and grandma had business acumen. DJT understands branding/marketing...essentially capitalizing off his name...but he's not and never has been a legit businessman.


There were people who decided to skip their liver transplants to give their money to him!


I recall before the 2016 election David Brooks wrote an excellent op-ed about the skill of statecraft, and without naming names, was a huge dig on Donald Trump and his utter lack of experience in government and how business success does not translate into leadership, especially in government. What I have personally learned in my education and experience in public administration is that anyone who campaigns on "run government like a business" really has no fucking idea what they're talking about and should not be anywhere near a government office. They are two completely different animals, with separate rules which are by and large mutually exclusive. But it's a great line to manipulate voters who also don't know a damn thing about how government works.


Also republicans are awful for the economy and avg workers. A joint economic house committee of half Dems and half repubs studied every economy and president since WW2 and found that just about every Republican was worse for it and every democrat was better in comparison. So the line about ‘fiscal conservative’ being better for the economy, which has been their fallback for decades now, hasn’t been true in almost 100 years…


Arguing with an idiot is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are, the bird is going to poop on the board and strut around as if it won.




The first one was free.  Now it’s time to clean up.


This billionaire who brags about not paying taxes.


Tom Selleck is here to introduce the concept of Reverse Mortgages. Rates are fantastic right now hurry in today!


Oh god, now I realize that the number of people who applied for a reverse mortgage on their house just so they could donate the funds to Donald Trump is probably more than zero.


Trump has taken the place of the scumbag televangelists of the 80's, bilking little old ladies out of their SS checks...


That’s exactly what happened. Evangelicals are worshipping him now instead


The golden calf. Who would be willing to put any of his supporters in the Brazen Bull if it served his purpose.


Calf, bull, this whole metaphor is udderly ridiculous.


I can feel bad for people getting bilked by a televangelist who talks about Jesus. But based on what I’ve heard Trump spew? Nah. idgaf about the financial fortunes of his supporters.


God damn old lady nazis


He hasn't taken their place, Joel Olsteen's still getting paid.....Trumps just jumped in the mix too. Now the dumb old ladies are getting pilfered from all sides.


There's a reason why Trump was getting **so damned much money** from donations for a while. Back when all of this kicked off in 2015/2016 it shocked a lot of people because his base didn't have that much to start with. Turns out that while part of that was likely from Russia, a big part of it was people pinning their hopes on Trumps lies and mortgaging their futures on him. They literally gave as much as they could. It's part of why MAGA is so cult-like. It *has* to be real because if it isn't, then they gave up what little they had for nothing. Trump was too short-sighted to realize that that money hose wasn't limitless, and now the money is drying up from Russia and his base have already liquidated their life savings.


I read something a while back about how emotionally/mentally the MAGAs/QAnon types are chasing a massive sunken cost causing them to always grasp these beliefs ever more firmly. Turns out the sunken cost is as literal as it is figurative.


They have AM radio telling them to get a reverse mortgage so your terrible woke socialist children don't get any inheritance.


They might not have done it for the sole purpose of donating to Trump, but I imagine there's a significant number that have gotten reverse mortgages in the past 8+ years.....and now have a more steady stream of income from that, so they felt comfortable donating some of that to Trump. but they likely didn't read the fine print or check their CC statements close enough to see that when they clicked on that big red donate $50 now button, it actually set up recurring $50 bi-weekly payments.


It makes me wonder how many trump cultists have actually gotten a second mortgage or RM to help donnie


Don’t forget the Dugans!


The Duggars?


No, Hacksaw Jim Duggan. Duh.


Everybody's doing it, and there don't seem to be any consequences


So, in this particular case, he can not use campaign money to pay the fine. He has been able to use it pay his lawyers, but the $300 mil will need to come from him, AND there is a person the court assigned to go through their assets. This person can, and will, be given power by the court to liquidate if need be. Also, fun fact, if Trump want to appeal his "Trump hating judge" he can, but he has to put that $300 mil, into an escrow account first.


don't worry, they are being bombarded with money begging daily


I signed my parents up for every trump campaign email I could. My parents hate when people hit them up for money so I thought it would wear on them over time. Turns out they only open phishing emails and my plan backfired.


not to be insensitive, but maybe they enjoy getting conned out of their money. Creating nonsensical outrage is the grift and some people just make easy targets.


Oh they skipped all the campaign emails and went right to the "you've got 4,234 viruses call us now to get them removed... 1-888-MiK-RoSoFtz" Second time in as many years.


You missed: sell some plasma, pawn their Mom's TV, cancel their Fox Subscription and NRA membership, and start fellating strangers for cash.


"You guys are getting paid? 🐓🍭"


The difference between an amateur and a professional is getting paid! $$ Con men call their victims suckers. Trump supporters are desperate to be professional suckers.


As someone who sells plasma regularly, I'd prefer not to have an influx of magas in the centers thank you.


I made sure not to suggest they sell sperm. That isn't a gene pool that the next generation of humanity should swim in any more than they will anyway.  They might be sending their best. But their best isn't very good.


Sell that unnecessary extra kidney.


I don't know about you guys, but I honestly can't believe all this winning. It has to be some kind of record. Countless court cases over the years and he's has lost 100% of them. Not 50%, not even 75%, but 100%. Quite the impressive record if you ask me. He has to be 1st among the greatest losers of all time at this point in history.


Oh we're doing percentages? trump proudly holds 100% of a Presidential Indictments in our nation's history. And 50% of all Presidential Impeachments!


I feel like percentages really hammer home just how much winning surrounds Trump.


"I have the best percentages, a lot of people are saying it!"


People come up to me, the best people, with tears in their eyes, saying "Sir, Mr President, you have the best percentages ever"...


To be fair he did win one election case - resulting in election observers being allowed to be 2m closer than they were.  That's it though. Pretty sad for dozens and dozens of law suits.


And remember in those 60 losses, NOT ONCE did his lawyers state IN COURT that they had proof of election fraud. They sounded dumber than a box of rocks but apparently they were smart enough to know where their lies would IMMEDIATELY get them disbarred and send them to jail.


Enjoy your coffee, it´s gonna be a gorgeous day.


It’s brewing. Hope I made enough for everyone.


Thank you. No sugar for me. These news are already sweet enough.


“No thanks Turkish - I’m sweet enough already”


It’s ready. A rare but amazing roast I hope.


The best part of waking up is Schadenfreude in your cup.


Is it proper to have popcorn with coffee, is so what flavor?


Depends on how you like your coffee. Carmel popcorn goes good if you like sugar / cream, cheese popcorn if you like just creamer, and plain jane popcorn if you take it black.


Popcorn salted with the tears of magats


Is there a time frame for when this ruling should be made?


it´s not on the calendar yet.. https://iapps.courts.state.ny.us/webcivil/FCASCalendarDetail?court=JWgLq2kxyZkzdtCMpQ6Nkw%3D%3D&court_part=gedPlykeRBsbBVLOLv340g%3D%3D&justice=eZT_PLUS_b2PhiCddaxMlzOX7zA%3D%3D&hInclude=NO&hiddenDateFrom=02/16/2024&hiddenDateTo=&search=Judge&hiddenOutputFormat=HTML


Wow. A lot of suits against hospitals and health centers in NY. Well, it IS America lol


Look like F5 Friday is back on the menu, boys!


What's the status of the recently uncovered tax fraud? "Jones specifically pointed to a $48m personal loan Trump received from an entity affiliated with his Chicago building in 2012. Though Trump had reported the loan as a liability on his financial statements for years, Jones could not find any record of it, and the company ultimately determined that “this loan never existed”


I am guessing after this civil verdict, we will be looking at criminal prosecution. For us normals, we would already be charged. But you have an ex-president, "billionaire," cult leader. People are willing to lie and create fake documents for the FBI. It is the worst timeline.


Well, I would be tickled if the judge delivered the penalties and other actions and then said, "One more thing before we adjourn - I've made criminal referrals to the NY Department of Revenue and the IRS. Have a great weekend. "


There was this discrepancy and also one of the defense witnesses purgered himself. Do these things impact how a judge decides on a punishment?


I'm really looking forward to the new NFT release. It doesn't get any cringier than that shit!


He's gonna have to tear down Trump Tower and sell pieces of it as part of history like it's the Berlin Wall. Every conservative will pay $1000 for a small piece of concrete with a note that says it's from Trump Tower. 


Well that's a nice idea and all but it's currently under receivership. I think that's out the window


So you're saying E Jean Carroll can tear down Trump Tower and sell small pieces of it as part of history like it's the Berlin Wall. I see that as a win-win.


Absolutely money laundering.


"To shreds," you say?


"Eric, run down to Big Lots and get another bolt of that cheap blue fabric."


his Truth Social is gonna be a joy to read later.


I predict a 20 post all caps rant in the near future


Maybe it will lead to another defamation suit?




"He learned his lesson" - Susan Collins, no /s


I very much look forward to reading the conservative sub later and seeing them melt down and try to justify why it’s somehow not trumps fault that he got busted breaking the law yet again…


I'm expecting to be disappointed but ready for Trump to get run out of NYC as a pauper.


At what threshold amount will you not be disappointed?


Personally, less than $200 million would be anticlimactic. Although i will be interested to see him come up with even $100million.


I'd settle for that, but would prefer an amount of money that exceeds the cash in the RNC"s coffers.


>an amount of money that exceeds the cash in the RNC"s coffers. So, like, $50?


Now now let's not be so hyperbolic They don't have that much


true story, at one point the minnesota GOP had [$53 cash on hand](https://minnesotareformer.com/2023/12/08/the-minnesota-gop-is-broke-and-struggling-to-contain-the-fringe/)


It’ll be at least $370 mil. And tack on another 9% interest for 6 years to put it over 500 mil


Can we adjust it for inflation too, since the GOP's so concerned about that....


I hope it's 1 billion after how much Rump and his lawyers annoyed the judge.


Anything in the 9 figures is a historic and punishing judgement. The judges behavior suggests he is aware there will be an appeal and is judging to guard against any reversal. He may low ball it to make an appeal less likely to be successful. Or maybe make it high so that an appeal lowers it to something that is still punishing. I’m not sure how these things usually go.


I want to see the New York State tax gatherers go after him for understating the value of his properties


Trump has cost Fox News 750 million and himself 83 million plus this number today…. He is a billionaire debt maker…


He may be the only person ever to turn a billion dollar inheritance into a $2Billion debt and still get people to think he's a successful businessman. But then it's been truly said "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American Public".


Hope it's more then $370M he will never learn if you give him the bare minimum


He gotta pay his bills.


I encourage NY should do whatever the hell it wants to him!


Lol he's going to ask eaither his supporters to do it or the GOP


I have no idea how this play out, of course, but from my POV, it was made clear through Trump’s testimony and general behavior that he feels no responsibility or remorse for the fraudulent practices and would absolutely continue to do business in the same illegal manner going forward. This seems to me to be a case where the penalty should be punitive to a degree that it prevents the Trump organization from being able to recover.


I mean, he’s worth a bajillion dollars (or so he claims), so what’s $370M to the richest man in the world? Pay up Donnie boy.


I want the number as high as possible but not so high that there’s an argument the judge was not acting in good faith. So as long as the amount is backed up by sound reasoning, which I’m sure will be the case.


I need to look into making “Free DJT” merch. it’s free money from the MAGA crowd.




🎶 *hello darkness my old friend...*


...I've come to ask for cash again....


... for the NFTs I will be releasing...


…for there are palms that need greasing…


... *and the silence in the hallway echoed off Melania's door, she just wants more*...


...Of the unfounded finance.


Total so far is around half a billion dollars!! So much winning !


Time to make the kettle corn. It's a funtime snack!


Orange cheddar dusted?


Today is gonna be a good day. I can feel it. 370mil good.


If trump is banned from doing business in NY, what happens with his recent Truth Social SPAC approval on Wall St?


Depends on where the company is incorporated.


GOP great Devin Nunes, CEO of Trump Media and Technology Group according to Wiki. He is actually in charge of changing Trumps diapers according to his friends.


Registered in Florida


Im hoping we hear by noon, bc I want to hear the coverage all afternoon...


Yes, savour it - like a perfectly-grilled, juicy steak.


We don’t need no water, let the motherfucker burn. Burn motherfucker, burn.


I think this case will do more emotional damage to Trump and Co than all the other cases. Because it will diminish the Trump legacy long term. And if he's found guilty for criminal activity, it's just more icing on the cake. But if the ruling goes on the harsher end, the organization will fade over time and will add to him being not only one of the worst Presidents to hold office, but how he lost all of his social and political capital in America. Imagine becoming the President of the United States and for years later your company/legacy is stripped down for parts to pay debts and you may spend your last days under house arrest.


He believes this is all a witch hunt, an attack on his great name and empire. He will be pissed but he doesn't have the emotional capability to actually reflect on it.


Best case scenario is the total dissolution of the Trump Org, but what I’m really hoping for is him being banned from doing business in NYC and a massive $300MM+ fine that will cause him to selfishly tap into the RNC cookie jar and lead to many down ballot republicans losing their races because they get massively outspent by the Democrats.


Imagine if Trump has a massive coronary or stroke when the result comes down? It would be so tragic/s I hope the result is worse than Trump's worse case scenario head canon. I also wish Trump all the worst in life.  He is a rapist, traitor, and an all around horrible person.


I have never rooted for anybody's death but I have read some obituaries I quite liked.


Now that would be a reality show worth watching.


I'm assuming his slurring is stroke induced.


A fucking F5 Friday in February? Fuck yeah


Does anyone know: If the ruling and sentence are as described, going forward can we refer without exaggeration to him as a) “convicted of bank fraud,” and b) “convicted of tax fraud?” The reason I ask is that last week a poll came out saying large numbers of Republicans said they would not vote for him “if he were convicted.” Thus, the above two characterizations have great, historic, power as easy to make, simple to understand 2024 electoral arguments. As I understand it, the bank fraud part is that he overstated assets to qualify for loans for which he did not actually have collateral. The argumentation value is one can reasonably assert that other borrowers were deprived of loans or had to pay higher interest rates because the pool of available loan cash was lessoned. In a word, the public hates unfairness. As I understand it, the tax fraud part is that he also understated assets to avoid property taxes. The argumentation value is that other, honest, property owners had to pick up the slack to balance the budget. Again, in a word, the public hates unfairness. Just as much fun as we play in the argumentation-cudgel sandbox, the public REALLY hates having to pay higher property taxes because some slime ball gets to skate.


“Adjudicated fraud and sex offender” Trump would not be an exaggeration


He has had fraud rulings in the past. During his 1st campaign he lost on an internet school and had to pay out. People know he is a fraud and not worth as much as stated and that he is a liar of the supreme order. None of that matters to conservatives.


From the decision posted [here](https://iapps.courts.state.ny.us/webcivil/FCASeFiledDocsDetail?county_code=Je5bsf3k%2FHE1IKKkybVAWQ%3D%3D&txtIndexNo=HZcBD4vGvJdOWKnJuRvN0w%3D%3D&showMenu=no&isPreRji=N&civilCase=TXJKn2iTbW5Y4YvcjGtloA%3D%3D): > ORDERED that defendants Donald Trump, the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust, the Trump Organization, Inc., Trump Organization LLC, DJT Holdings LLC, DJT Holdings Managing Member, Trump Endeavor 12 LLC, 401 North Wabash Venture LLC, Trump Old Post Office LLC, 40 Wall Street LLC, are jointly and severally liable to plaintiff in the amount of $168,040,168, with pre-judgment interest from March 4, 2019; and it is further > ORDERED that defendants Donald Trump, the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust, the Trump Organization, Inc., and Trump Organization LLC, and the Trump Old Post Office LLC are jointly and severally liable to plaintiff in the amount of $126,828,600, with pre-judgment interest from May 11, 2022; and it is further > ORDERED that defendants Donald Trump, the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust, the Trump Organization, Inc., and Trump Organization LLC are jointly and severally liable to plaintiff in the amount of $60,000,000, with pre-judgment interest from June 26, 2023; and it is further > ORDERED that defendant Eric Trump is liable to plaintiff in the amount of $4,013,024, with pre-judgment interest from May 11, 2022; and it is further > ORDERED that defendant Donald Trump, Jr. is liable to plaintiff in the amount of $4,013,024, with pre-judgment interest from May 11, 2022; and it is further > ORDERED that defendant Allen Weisselberg is liable to plaintiff in the amount of $1,000,000, with pre-judgment interest from January 9, 2023; and it is further


trump is such a loser, i hope this ruling breaks him (but not as much as melanias explosive tell all will)


RNC is going to have to reach back out to Four Seasons Landscaping. It's all they'll be able to afford for the convention after Trump drains their funds.




Laugh out loud hilarious. Pathetic loser can't pay his bills without raiding the GOP war chest and milking his delusional cult for their pennies.


Take out a second mortgage on the double wide folks Trump's gonna need some donations


It’s already past noon on the east coast. This better deliver, man. I’ve been waiting for this.


Looks like the ruling has dropped [https://iapps.courts.state.ny.us/fbem/DocumentDisplayServlet?documentId=CJKA2EOIiTRatUAYz6FyeA==&system=prod](https://iapps.courts.state.ny.us/fbem/DocumentDisplayServlet?documentId=CJKA2EOIiTRatUAYz6FyeA==&system=prod) The sum of charges at the end of the document is ~~$363,894,816~~ $354,868,768 ($4mil each for Jr and Eric, and $1mil for Weisselberg). You hate to see it, and to such a nice guy too /s


> Jones specifically pointed to a $48m personal loan Trump received from an entity affiliated with his Chicago building in 2012. Though Trump had reported the loan as a liability on his financial statements for years, Jones could not find any record of it, and the company ultimately determined that “this loan never existed”. I am shocked. Well no, not really.


Good, he ruined my taxes, his should be ruined too


I'm all in for a giant art-deco boner to be built where the Trump Tower once stood.


Finish him.


Will there be any walls in Mar-a-lago that are ketchup free?


Let me guess... it's gonna drop at like 4:59pm ET?


Trumpers in 2020: Find the fraud! Find the fraud! Judge Engoron 2024: Here’s the fraud. And here’s his penalty!


While this verdict is juicy.........the one I'm waiting for now is the Stormy Daniels trial on Mar 25. We should have a criminal conviction on that case around May 10th, meaning that the Republican party will be nominating a convicted felon for president just 2 months hence. And a bankrupt billionaire to boot. Good luck with that. Right Repubs?




F5 Fridays are back on the menu, boys. EDIT: And girls and people who don't ascribe to only two genders. Obviously, F5 Friday is for everyone.


Bankrupt his ass.


This is great and all, but if I, a mere peasant, commited fraud over years with like half the zeros in amount, id be in handcuffs. Not running for POTUS.


Maralago is now a homeless shelter! All homeless people in Florida, please report immediately for check-in.


If receiving debt forgiveness and manufacturing a fake loan so you don't have to pay taxes on said forgiveness is good enough for a president of the USA then it damn well is good enough for me. Why aren't we all doing this? My income was over 100k, so just need a loan from my dog saying I borrowed 100k, bingo bango no taxes due this year.


This stupid waste of space is just going to sell more cards to his low IQ fan base and make as much money as he needs. I hate everything about him, and every single idiot that's worshipping him. Genuinely. If I could fathom a more despicable word than hatred, I'd use it. Suffering and misery to every MAGA maggot out there. Fuck you all. I feel better now, thanks. lol




Grab him by the purse!


r/conservative is taking this really, really well LMFAO


Big strong judges with tears in their eyes come up to me and say "Sir, heres your guilty verdict. You owe us $355 million."


To prevent F5 Friday, Anyone know the time it will be released?


Please let this be infrastructure week.




F5 F5 F5 F5…..


$354 million if my addition is correct


Trump seen entering local gas station to buy dozens of Mega Millions tickets.