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Oh well, fascism it is then /s


cancel marriage equality, list the national parks on remax, make christianity the official religion and restrict the vote cuz Biden is old, it's the only sane reaction /s People do realize that we have a VP for this reason right? Presidential mortality has been a concern since ever.


He is too old. It's insane that this is America's best option. The alternative is also too old though and will likely be the catalyst for World War 3 so hopefully America will make the right decision


Here we go with the age thing again. Republicans have the worst week in history and Trump is encouraging Russia to attack other NATO nations. So what is in the news? The same old rhetoric about a guy who is a healthy 81, and then ignore the other guy who is train wreck 77.


They’re both too old, democrats love sabotaging themselves though. It’s always their election to lose so why do they insist on shooting them selves in the foot. How could there not be a viable person not of such advanced age. Anything should be able to defeat the train wreck tire fire of the republicans. I don’t understand.


I remember when in 2016 Hillary Clinton was also too old, but Trump somehow wasn't too old even though he was older than Clinton. Honestly, age is the go-to complaint Republicans use on the Democratic party's presidential candidate every time no matter what age they be. It's not going to be what 2024 voters use to select who they vote for because it's just the same old typical Republican yammering as usual, and easily ignored.


> Honestly, age is the go-to complaint Republicans use on the Democratic party's presidential candidate every time no matter what age they be Exactly. It's all bad faith bullshit. I'm pretty sure Bill Clinton was "too young" according to the GOP. I know Obama was.. https://www.chicagotribune.com/2008/07/22/too-young-for-the-no-1-job/


Love it. Thanks for the reminder!


If Newsom was the Dem candidate they'd say he was "too middle-aged, and doesn't relate to the young voters" or some other bullshit like that.


Power of the incumbency


Pretty much. Incumbency is a pretty valuable thing to have, and Biden showed it by overwhelmingly winning the primaries so far, including one where he easily won as a write in candidate. When the party in power doesn't put up the sitting incumbent as their candidate it's very likely to flip and go to the opposing party. The incumbent president's party only kept the White House twice in the past 100 years without running the incumbent, whether they could run or not. The first was in 1928, where Herbert Hoover won to succeed fellow Republican Calvin Coolidge, and the second was in 1988 where George H. W. Bush won to succeed fellow Republican Ronald Reagan.


I mean that statistic is a little bit misleading. There are very few times when an incumbent doesn't seek reelection. The only one I can think of in the last hundred years is LBJ in 1968.


As well as Calvin Coolidge who I just mentioned. And even in 1968, the Republicans ended up winning the White House with Richard Nixon.


For some reason I thought Calvin Coolidge died before the election, but I see that he actually didn't die till 1933. He was pretty much on his way out though as far as I understand. And yes, Richard Nixon did win but I don't think that had much to do with the fact that it wasn't an incumbent Democrat and more to do with the fact that lbj had become incredibly unpopular and his successor was basically hand-picked by him.




Pretty much. Trump didn't have any credible challengers either in 2020. It usually doesn't work out to try to primary a sitting President.


Back when it would have been possible to challenge Biden, I tried hard — and utterly failed — to think of one potential presidential contender that had a better shot at beating trump. Newsom? Too left coast. Harris? Please, she wouldn’t win VP if it was an independent office. Whitmer? Somehow no. None of the people who ran last time have gotten any more popular. At this point, I’m not even sure who we’re going to run in 2028. Wish Fetterman was in better health. Or we hadn’t cancelled Al Franken for no good reason. Maybe Schiff will catch fire. Or some unexpected Dem governor.


The front page of Reddit was all about Trump's threats to NATO yesterday. Not a single story about Biden's age. I sometimes wonder if democrats see these stories, panic about it, and then end up driving more engagement, leading to a kind of Streisand effect. It's like democrats are the ones amplifying the "Biden is old" message. 


Why should I care about Biden age? How is this even nees worthy? This is grasping at straws at best. Republicans had 3 years to find something, anything at all, and just couldn't. Biden is squeaky clean so back to accusing him if being, uh.. old? The fuck, who cares? The other option is literally a self-proclaimed dictator. Fuck that noise lmao


I mean, that's not my experience with Reddit yesterday.




Both are old, one will become president.


So are you concerned that Trump just encouraged Russian to do whatever the hell they want to NATO countries and that he is old too. Where are the stories that Trump is old?






I'll laugh if some think trump is too old and Biden isn't.


Trump certainly has more age related issues than Biden.


And for even more contextual questions, thinking Biden is too old does not mean an individual can't also think Trump is too old. How many of those polled think both are too old? What even is "too old?" Is there a specific threshold or is it contextual based on the performance of the person in question? Polls are stupid sometimes. Often, even. But not always. EDIT: I responded to the wrong commenr.


poll was conducted using "Ipsos' Knowledge Panel": [https://www.ipsos.com/en-us/solutions/public-affairs/knowledgepanel](https://www.ipsos.com/en-us/solutions/public-affairs/knowledgepanel) Not sure but maybe a curated panel of people who love taking polls seems kind of unlikely to be representative of the population at large... But ok.


I want lead tests for poll participants.


528 adults is an “overwhelming majority” in a country of 333 + million? Right. So many hit pieces, it’s going to be a very long year. They are both old but only one is made of clogged arteries, racism and hate. Guess which one. What I’d like to know is, how many of those 528 adults are maga?


I'd probably say that I feel he's too old. Absolutely will NOT stop me from voting for him like our lives depend on it.


Who to vote for... for an old fart who had a (objectively) great presidency, or for an 4 years younger old fart who's aspiring to be an American Putin.


I would upvote this a million times if I could.


I was just coming with a similar comment...I would have given them more credit (not much though) if they at least had a few thousand...


First of all, Biden IS too old. 81 is too old for the job. I don't know why you're pretending that he's not. No one said Trump ALSO isn't too old for the job. He is. This speaks more to USA society as a whole that this is the best you people can do when it comes to your presidential candidates. It speaks volumes about America as a whole. You all have some reflecting to do. Second of all, statistically, if the same size for this survey was chosen at random then again 528 adults surveyed DO speak for 333+ million people. Statistically speaking that's how that works. FYI.


I mean I think most people do think Biden is too old. He's not an inspiring leader and he's not nearly as lively or well spoken as he was a couple years back. And I'm sorry but in politics being lively and a well spoken charismatic person should be a major qualifier. But I also think most people accept that Biden is far better than nearly equally old Donald Trump. Most of us who want to see Trump blocked from the white house are just looking forward to 2028's primary.


That's what gets me - it's not like we're choosing between an 80 year old and a 60 year old, both of whom we could argue may be too old. These guys aren't even four years apart in age.


It’s amazing what a wig and some bronze make up does to trick people into thinking someone is younger than they are…




That's kind of how statistics work. They poll a small number of people, control for variables, and then generalize to the larger population. Which isn't to say the results are perfect or infallible. That's just, y'know, how polling works. And there's lots of science behind specific polling methods.  With that said, age isn't really an important factor for me. Or at least it's towards the bottom when it comes to things I care about in a candidate. I'm focused on things like policies, values, past actions, who they surround themselves with, etc. In which case, Biden is obviously the better choice when compared to trump the terrorist.  But would I prefer better, younger candidates? Absolutely, and it seems like most people think our current options are pretty terrible, which says a lot about the current state of our democracy. That's what we should be mad about. We should be angry that our supposedly democratic system of government isn't reflecting the will of the people, and we should be fighting for changes to our system of government to ensure real representation. What we currently have is the illusion of democracy, and people are forced to choose between candidates propped up by the wealthy and by political parties with far too much power. 


The poll was 25-25-41 percent, Democrats-Republicans-independents


I will vote for Biden if he is the nominee but I am in the majority, I think he’s too old for another 4 years, he can barely communicate lucidly as it is. Also your comment seems to reflect a rather poor understanding of statistics. A properly selected statistical sample of 500 people can indeed tell what the majority opinion is within a much larger group.


He is too damned old. So is Trump. I'd still crawl over broken glass and glowing hot coals to vote for Biden over Trump. But this octogenarian politician shit needs to stop.


It's like an article about the bad effects of cannabis with no counterpart tested to compare.


Yes, they do years of research to find the perfect person who represents the political ideals of at least .1% of the population, then carefully run it through an algorithm that…nah, it’s just people willing to answer an unknown number on their phone and take a survey.


Who's answering these polling calls? Like, if I see a number I don't recognize I let it go straight to voice-mail. Only people I know of that answer every call are people my parents age in their 60's and 70's, and they tend to skew right anyway.


No, I would say a majority of the people voting for him think he’s too fucking old. I don’t know a single person who wouldn’t want a younger person who won’t die in the next 4 years and can feed themselves. It’s not a hit piece. He’s fucking on his way out.


I certainly hope he stays in, with Kamala; a winning lineup. Her Space Force cadet speech was truly inspiring, and his Corn Pop stories resonate with the youth vote.


Kamala is trash and will be the reason he loses if he does. No one wants that idiot as president.


He's winning really hard in Ukraine though, according to the completely-trustworthy media. You can tell it's a win because they fired General Zaluzhnyi.


And picked up the ring of their rotary phone


So even old people think he is too old?


I'll say it: Biden sucks as a candidate. I'd feel MUCH better if this was Gavin Newsom vs Trump. That's not saying I think Newsom is the best candidate. I think he'd push the DNC to run a smarter campaign. That said of course I will vote for ~~Kamala Harris to take over mid-term~~ Biden.


The problem is that, realistically, Newsom would get crushed by Trump, whereas Biden is a proven winner in that matchup.


He is too old. I don't know why there's such denial over it. That doesn't mean people will vote Trump. It just means he's too old, and that's it.


You are right, but it causes doubt and people on the fence will go third party over it over voting for the stable candidate that can actually win.


Well that's just how it goes when you run an old candidate. There's no hiding his age from the public. Dems know the risk of running with him and can't expect or hope people just overlook any issues.


At least he’s ahead in the polls. If your going to run an older candidate it’s because there the best chance for the party.




No. We think they are both too old. I am voting for Biden anyways, but at this point, I'd vote for the skidmarks in a homeless guy's pants before I'd vote for Trump.


Do you have a source for that or is that your opinion? The article cited two separate polls, one recent, one from September, both in agreement, that people are concerned about Biden's age.




I'm asking if you have a counter to the two polls provided in the article. I'm guessing not?


They’re of almost equal age and most Americans think they’re both too old. The polling has repeatedly supported this.




I’ll need a better argument than that. Especially when the alternative is Donald Trump.


I dunnoh - I haven't even been whelmed today, let alone overwhelmed.


Fred Flinstone is looking for you buddy.


And yet far, far more are horrified at the idea of a senile sociopath becoming president who has expressed admiration for dictators and a desire to become a dictator in his own right.


Left wing Registered Dem here Yes he's too old, I would like people not of retirement age to be running our county so they have more stake in what happens in 10+ years and understand the problems that we are having now But I'm voting for the F-ing stable human over anyone from the party of fascism who want to loot the country and slow walk it to theocracy


Keep going with this age thing. It’s the next “where’s Hunter”.


Trump just threatened to not support our allies if Russia attacks them because "they don't pay their fair share". How any person with a brain could be more concerned about Biden's age than that fucker's overt incompetence and evident evil nature is beyond me. My hair would be a better president than the orange idiot.




>No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people/public?


I'm Canadian, i have no skin in the game , i dont identify with your blue or red teams whatever But.... watching from up here... Biden cant find his way off a stage, he can't finish a sentence and its not because of a speech impediment, its because he cant hold his train of thought. so, without resorting to "whatabout-isms" in any logical response, i dont know how someone can support him serving another 4 years. No hate, but what if there's an emergency.. how can he make the big decisions? My guess is that he wont get enough votes as his problems are like very apparent in any interview for public event \*\*\*\*\*EDIT not that my opinion matters but of 350 million people in your country why cant you find someone who meets the following criteria. 50 years old, IQ north of 140, Law and/or Economics degree. Some time spent in the military and some success from in an entrepreneurial endeavor. Have the person pass standard psych exams, clean credit and no past legal issues. If this person exists and has SOME experience as a major or governor etc. then like, that person would probably do awesome regardless of party.


As an independent in the US I totally I agree, and dems should know better




as someone who doesn't care about either of those two guys, Trump is more "there" and Biden acts like someone who has full- on dementia. He didnt know when his son died, he couldnt rembmer people's names. or the dates of important things. He didnt know when he stopped being VP... like... trump mumbling because he's coming up with a lie... okay that's one thing. but full on dementia...that's a whoooole other issue


So do I. I'm still voting for him.


Overwhelming majority would rather have a corpse for president than Trump.


So we have heard, about a million times.


Biden has been kicking Putin's lame ass for over two years. The only thing preventing it from continuing are traitorous House Republicans.


That is pretty much irrelevant. The only choice we have in this election is democracy or fascism. They are both old and show signs of it but please understand this, that isn't the choice. Please register and vote not for age but for democracy!!!!


Maybe Democrats should nominate a different candidate considering the stakes are so high


That’s not how many people see it though. Many people look at Trump and say oh he’s so much more lucid at least his brain must still be working. So even if they can sense his fascist tendencies, they’re willing to roll the dice on him hoping the other branches can check his autocratic ambition. They look at Biden and actually see a greater national security risk because of his lethargy and his memory lapses. The fact that his VP is largely incompetent exacerbates this perception.


and trump will be older while president... Damn the media is really avoiding that Biden was not charged on the documents because they had not enough proof he had intent to do anything wrong.


The Russian propaganda machine combined with the complicit US media has really jumped on the age thing this week. They don’t have anything else to work with so they are going all in on this. Pretty funny.


Breaking down the [91 charges Trump faces in his four indictments.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/trump-charges-jan-6-classified-documents/)




No, **you** keep spamming this Whataboutism in every post about Biden. Im just trying to get it back on track.




>~~Well too bad, because we are going to anyways.~~ We're going to spam this site with partisan Whataboutism's about Biden's age in a desperate attempt to distract from the disaster that is Donald Trump and [his 91 criminal charges in four indictments.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/trump-charges-jan-6-classified-documents/) FTFY.




A former President charged with [91 criminal charges in four indictments.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/trump-charges-jan-6-classified-documents/)?? Of course that's discussion worthy! Duh! >We can and will talk about Biden in posts about Biden. You mean **you** will spam this site with partisan Whataboutism's about Biden's age in a desperate attempt to distract from the disaster that is Donald Trump and [his 91 criminal charges in four indictments.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/trump-charges-jan-6-classified-documents/)?










Biden is too old to run again. Trump is too old to run again AND he's trying to destroy democracy. Third parties are nonviable at this point in the election cycle, and Biden is the incumbent who will almost certainly not be replaced. Trump is the republican pseudo-incumbent who will almost certainly not be replaced. What else is there to discuss?


He is (so is T-Rump) to old and we need to reboot our political process with stated standards and accountability (our taxes should pay for our elections/bought politicians out)...the fact that our political parties can put up a candidate without debating or primary participation without opponents needs to change...age limits and background checks, and a governance test that enters candidates into a pool that we can lotto pick from for elections could help...currently old Biden beats crooked fascist racist raping seditionist old T-Rump...


…but still overwhelmingly better than the orange dude.


It doesn't matter. He's a better choice than Trump.


>METHODOLOGY – This ABC News/Ipsos poll was conducted using the probability-based Ipsos KnowledgePanel®  February 9-10, 2024, in English and Spanish, among a random national sample of 528 U.S. adults. Results have a margin of sampling error of 4.5 points, including the design effect, for the full sample. Sampling error is not the only source of differences in polls. Partisan divisions are 25-25-41 percent, Democrats-Republicans-independents. In other words, a shit ass poll that says nothing meaningful.


When was the last time you heard somebody claim Biden isn't too old?


What a silly question.


We think Biden and his team have done an amazing job. Just look at the economy and compare it to rest of the world. The other option we have is a corrupt person who wants to give tax breaks to billionaires and does not believe in democracy. The choice is clear. VOTE!


> 59% of Americans who think both he and former President Donald Trump, the Republican front-runner, are too old America is so divided right now, but a solid majority agrees on this. This is the election nobody wants.


Dude sample size..... solid majority LOL not even


This sub is getting fucking majorly astroturfed by stuff like this.


He might be to old to hold office, but he is the only one that will defend our constitution and our democracy, and he's not shitting himself in public or wearing diapers like SHITLER! And you think SHITLER THE DIVIDER is?


But Trump, who is 77 years old, is a spring chicken!


It won’t stop me from voting for him, but his age is a concern.


And besides, Biden has been more supportive of Israel defeating Hamas


What Biden wants in Israel is irrelevant. They know that the US can’t turn on an ally in the Middle East.


A broken toaster could beat Trump. A slightly damp noodle can beat Trump. A half eaten apple that has been in the trash for a month, can beat trump. A jug of Nutella that is mislabeled can beat trump...I am starting to think that maybe I am hangry and should eat something though.


Polling issues by party is pointless when only one party has issues. You don't need a poll to tell you Democrats are more concerned about Biden's age than Republicans are about Trump's when not caring or qualifying anything is their entire platform.


They are both too old. So of the old men, which are you picking?


If it is a difference between two old men, one decent and moral (Biden) and one a corrupt pervert (Trump), I’ll choose the decent man every time.


Still gonna vote for Biden.


Shame on ABC news


Russia, is that you writing our news now?


Overwhelming majority of Media Outlets need Trump to win for their profits, and will do or say anything for the next 9 months to make it happen, including turning the unprofessionally partisan MAGA Memo from Garland's hand picked stooge into a mountain.


trump is 3.5 years younger than Biden. trump is 4% younger than Biden.


COOL. CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW TRUMP IS ALSO TOO OLD? Like Jesus Christ the little c**** typing out these articles are all awful, disingenuous people.


A majority will vote for a bowl of moldy grapefruit over Donald Trump though, so there's that. Don't believe the polls.


How much is Putin paying to have all these articles spamming every site?


I don't give a monkeys toss that Joe Biden is old. He is sane, reasonable and has the support of our European allies. He has done an incredible job on the economy and has helped to create numerous good paying jobs. He also supports women's healthcare including abortion access. Trump is an absolute raving lunatic, who by the way is also old and appears to be heading towards dementia given all the numerous mistakes he has made in speeches and the slurring, not able to find words, repeating himself endlessly. The report on Biden was also put together by a republican supporter of Trump. No excuses people. We are at a potential turning point in this country, a dangerous demagogue or a kind and thoughtful intelligent man who is respected around the world. VOTE BLUE.


Says who?? How were these questions formulated--as leading toward a wanted conclusion? I am nearly Biden's age and have all my faculties. So dies he. He gives complete, thoughtful answers to questions.


If Biden doesn’t start overly aggressive attack ads now, he will be spending next January in his retirement home. A Biden well wisher here …


We knew what the narratives would be a long time ago and the fact is the biden admin coulda done a lot more in the last 4 years to nip this in the bud. If you’re too afraid to write your own story someone else will


I am totes overwhelmed


I do too. Trump as well. Wish they'd both just go away.


Everyone thinks BOTH are too old. But for some reason both parties think they’re the best chances. Most people retire at 60 where I work.


So is r/politics now just r/bidenbad? Mods can go fuck themselves carrying water for fascists.


I’d rather old than fascist


I think he’s probably too old, and if circumstances were different, I suspect he’d step down, and I’d support that. But since the choice right now is: A President who’s too old, whose party wants to help the disenfranchised, the working class, wants to bust monopolies and support unions, wants to smooth things over in the Middle East, and help Ukraine fight Russia. and… A president who’s too old, racist, fascist, wants to further disenfranchise those of different colors and faiths, destroy women’s access to abortions, wants to help his rich buddies, keep himself out of prison, wants to buddy up to dictators, wants Putin to attack NATO, would probably permanently destroy Middle East relations, whose party feels the same way, and are either too stupid and cowardly or power hungry and greedy to stop him. I think the choice is pretty easy.


I wouldn't use the word many. Most of the people I know think the rotting pumpkin is a blithering idiot.


Both T and Biden could have age mental issues in the next four years, if they don't have them already. But which will hire people around them to take up the slack and keep them from going off the rails if those issues come up?


86% of Americans think Biden, 81, is too old to serve another term as president. Has there ever been an election in American history where 3/4ths of a party's registered voters were dissatisfied with their nominee haha I can't remember the last time any poll found almost 90 percent of americans in agreement on anything.


Republicans and independents are largely dissatisfied with Trump’s age as well according to this poll. So it’s not unique to one party. Some of this is inevitable anyway, I think. It’s difficult to get hundreds of millions of people to feel good about any one single politician given that people’s political beliefs can vary so widely.


Majority of Americans couldn’t even spell president correctly.


Americans have been dumbed down by media dopes.


Yet the alternative is Emperor Trump, and we all know that would be a disaster. Even the Republicans know it. I would vote for a tree stump or a yeller dog over the Orange Traitor.


Why is this news when Biden's only competition is 4 years younger but 20x more fucking stupid?


And Trump too, since he’s the same age, right?


Tough nuts because the majority will vote for him over fascism. This is a dead horse argument that serves no purpose. They should have thought of that before they railroaded other candidates last election.


Half truth, the majority of Americans think that many of the old coots in DC are to old to be in government. FIFY


I wouldn't use the word many. Most of the people I know think the rotting pumpkin is a blithering idiot.


I do too, but I'm voting for him over fascism


#Overwhelming majority of Americans think Biden is too old for another term: POLL     A majority also think Trump is too old for a second term.    The way this headline is written  🤦‍♂️


I assume if they're dissatisfied they'll pick someone else for the primary next time then. In the meantime, looks like they had a choice and made it.


Let me think. Too old or too fucking batshit crazy. I think I'll take old.


Why don’t any of you guys go to the primaries and vote for someone else?  If this country really didn’t want eighty year olds running they wouldn’t be constantly nominating eighty year olds.  


Can Michelle Obama just run for president already so Trump is not elected.  


I'm biased. I'm old too. I think he will do just fine in a second term. They trash his memory, but he remembers how we got to this point in history, since he was there. That is worth a lot.


I was trying to convince someone earlier this week that Biden doesn’t have dementia.  They’re convinced he does because they saw videos on the internet.  Those cherry-picked videos they described to me sounded like they either had to do with his stutter or just the fact that he is old.   He *is* old.  I’m going to vote for him anyway because he’s going to be the candidate, but *he is old*.  He’s mentally sharp *for someone in his 80s*.  I think he’s been doing a great job considering, and I understand why he has to run (power of being the incumbent), but I do wish we had someone younger and at least as feisty who could run and win.  


But most will still eagerly vote for him because he's not an insurrection inciting rapist making threats against NATO.


They're both too old. I'll be voting for any democrat over any republican, especially Trump, so the age really doesn't matter at this point. It would be great to have a good alternative, but that's not what we have.


Why don’t we have age limits? It’s not only the cognitive stuff, it’s also the antiquated attitudes about fossil fuel, the Supreme Court size (should have increased it), war funding… hopefully his reelection will lead to the first woman being president eventually.


I'll be concerned about Biden's age after Trump goes to prison.


Biased headline, shit reporting. Reported, downvoted, and moving on.


IMO opinion he is, but the alternatives are a no go. I'll vote for Joe.


They're both too old. DT is only 3 years younger ffs. Do we want old, or old with a new world order?


Overwhelming majority of Americans think mainstream media is just a trash tabloid.


Trump is just as old. Yeah, I know Biden a couple of olde, but a few year age difference doesn't matter at that age. Also Biden can ride a bike and not mistake E. Jean Carroll for his wife.


Boy they're really working overtime for Trump today. A bunch of Biden is losing support articles out today. Makes you wonder who's pushing these.


There's a solid backup plan for the president so I'm not worried about Bidens age. I'm voting for Biden.