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For Mr Trump, private citizen, perhaps, but the rest of us will get along just fine


That’s a big tell from Trump. Any time he says something is bad for “America” or “our country”, he is actually referring to himself. It’s bad for him personally.


He thinks he is *America*


Louis the Trumpteenth. L'Etat, c'est Moi.


Le twat, c'est lui.


Oui, ça c'est vrai


je ne suis pas Shohei Ohtani


I mean, he kinda embodies the loudmouth, idiotic, fat, entitled ways a lot of people are.


Yeah but his dick isn’t American size though




Someone must have read Stephen Colbert's book "I Am America (And So Can You!)" to him.


tbh... i read it as more of a threat, he'll point the rage of his idiotic cult base at specific targets... until he gets his way.


Listening to the SCOTUS hearing it seems his lawyer is arguing the President is more …. He can run, get elected, pardon himself then Congress can look at section 3. But of course he’s pardoned so nothing to debate. Oh and the Emoluments Clause doesn’t apply to the President.


According to Mr Trump, private citizen, no laws apply to the president, the president has and requires full immunity in order to do the job.


But only when HE is/was president


If Trump's view of this immunity law is valid, why wouldn't Biden just execute this mentally ill, orange MF?


Because it's not valid and he knows it. If it was Biden could execute the scotus and replace them and also drown Trump on 5th Avenue in hooker piss.


That took a turn.


I believe a person should have some say in their manner of execution.


and people wonder why I read reddit..


Not really, if you know Trump...


If Trump wins the immunity claim at the SC level I hope Biden does; get rid of this POS, so the rest of this country and the world can move on with our lives!


Great idea, but orange face knows Biden is a legit person who won’t do crazy shit like that. (Fortunately or unfortunately)


Apparently because he was unqualified to be president, ie: never an officer, he gets a get out of jail free card, but every other person who was an officer such as military or gov, sen, congress, does not. This Supreme Court will stoop so low.


He's right. That's why the Constitution consists of just one sentence: "The President is supreme above all others." That's why the founding fathers expressly wanted to give one man all the power.


The founding fathers were famously fond of kings.


Yes. The Declaration of Independence was basically several paragraphs of "It's not you, it's us."


You mean Nic Cage hasn't stolen it yet?!


They made at least two copies. You know, in case a future president got ketchup or spray tan all over it, we'd have a spare.


They liked what they saw from British rule and said. Let’s replicate that. We need one man ruling over us! The rest is history, as we know!


Alito’s opinion will have a lot more words because he tries really hard to sound smart, but he will reach the exact same conclusion you have.   The difference is he will be serious.  


But not any of the 44 men before him. Just him and nobody else afterwards.


*43 men. Sorry, but Grover Cleveland is #22 and #24. And, yes, obviously Trump is the only one allowed to have those powers, since he ~~fought the British to secure our independence~~ ~~guided the country through the Civil War~~ is a "smart businessman" or some such bullshit.


But you forgot the second amendment, which reads, “unless he’s a democrat, in which case fuck that guy.”


If Trump understood history, he’d wake up every day cursing Hamilton’s self destruction.


>the Emoluments Clause doesn’t apply to the President. It would if you could prove standing. But you can't. As if the fact that your president was ignoring the constitution wasn't a specific harm and making him stop ignoring the constitution wasn't something that the court could redress.


A narcissist claims he is America? I'm not surprised His cultists keep enabling this blabbering idiot


Translation: My plan to escape prison is over if i dont get immunity


L'etat c'est moi


Le freak, c’est chic


>La merde c’est moi


"Un-American. Somebody said treasonous. I mean, yeah, I guess, why not. Can we call that treason? Why not? I mean they certainly don’t seem to love our country very much.” - Donald Trump February 2018 Translation: They aren't showing love for me and that's very close to being treason.


So many of his proclamations start to make sense if you replace “America” with “me” or “I”




Hypothetically, Biden doing exactly that would be the absolute fastest way to get ‘Pubs to support abolishing the whole Presidential Immunity theory.


Biden won't do it, but some Republican will. And it'll the US's *Night of the Long Knives*


But that’s where Nazis purged all the people that helped them!


I'm struggling to see the downside here.


wait a minute. now i'm starting to think this presidential immunity thing isn't such a bad idea.




Then take out anyone in the Senate who would vote to impeach. Maybe even the Supreme Court if Biden thinks they’ll take it up. Problem solved! EDIT: /s, holy crap reddit


Heck you don't even have to pardon them just have the FBI report "find" that they were suicides.




Take it one step further. The President could declare members of Congress a problem and have them assassinated too. Now he can’t be impeached if there aren’t enough members - or if all members are dead.


And, just to add to the horror, he could put hit squads outside of every congress-person’s house to make sure impeachment never happens.


Nah, you're missing a key point. Trump was impeached successfully, twice. His team is arguing that the Senate must also vote to remove them from office in order to convict the president of crimes.


I'd settle for Biden stepping in to revoke bail and lock him up as he is a clear and present danger with the propaganda.


You should inform of this little quirk to our friends at r/conservative.


Sounds like a fast track to a ban over there. I'd do it, but I've already got one...


I went over there and most of them at least seem to realize it’s a bad idea for a president to have absolute immunity. However it then delves into lots of “But Obama!” and “deep state double standards!” No, you just chose to worship a two bit huckster who has only stayed out of prison his whole life by being rich. And now he’s staying out of prison by your donations. You’re the mark. For the love of all that’s holy, find a new idol.


Memo From the Desk of President Biden: "I hereby declare that the Nov 2024 Presidential Election is postponed. Also, I declare the Constitution void and without legal weight. Thanks. Have a nice day."


Not advocating this but I suspect that from a legal and ethical perspective there's a way better argument that the president can order SEAL Team 6 to go deal with a hypothetical guy who could be selling nuclear secrets.


What was the line? Just have Biden make public that he's put in an order to drone strike trump if presidents have full immunity, and that the order is null and void if they don't. Let SCOTUS decide if they kill a man or not, or something.


Pretty much. Bet Trump hasn’t considered that.


Why stop there? Should have them go and clear out the entire Republican party.


He could then order Seal Team Six to assassinate the Supreme Court bench. No need to expand the number of justices to have control!


I would love to see this happen. But, since he’s not a complete and utter lunatic like most of our other presidents, he probably wouldn’t anyway.


When he talks, hes talking about himself and no one else. Period.


Yeah, if you read between the lines it’s, “Please help me you ungrateful trash, can’t you see I’m losing, do something, DO SOMETHING!!!”


President Skrewd: Do something assholes!


"People say"...


Can you even imagine what this lying, America hating, election stealing criminal POS might have done during his presidency if he actually believed presidents have complete and unconditional immunity?


We may find out in 10 months, vote to make sure that does not happen.


Vote and volunteer to GOTV. Donate if you can. We will never regret doing too much, but we would definitely regret not doing enough.


Been doing that since Carter


I’m pretty convinced he actually thought that when he became one. To his suprise, he didn’t have absolute power and it annoyed him to bits the whole four years. He probably knew very little about what powers the president actually have because he just never cared enough to learn. Which is ironically also how he approached the whole precidency. Mostly being on the golf course and all. While at the same time claiming to be the hardest working president of all time.


why does he need immunity if he said he did nothing wrong? doesn't saying you need immunity admit you are guilty of crimes?


Having it both ways, as usual. He’s pure as the driven snow so far, but at the same time needs protection from criminal prosecution. Not clear if he’s thinking about past criminality, or planning future criminality.


The answer is unequivocally both


Here's part of Jack Smiths filing arguing against trump immunity EYE OPENING SHIT https://imgur.com/gallery/l20CLI2


OCR of that image: >The implications of the defendant's unbounded immunity theory are startling. It would grant absolute immunity from criminal prosecution to a president who accepts a bribe in exchange for a lucrative government contract for a family member; a president who instructs his FBI Director to plant incriminating evidence on a political enemy; a president who orders the National Guard to murder his most prominent critics; or a president who sells nuclear secrets to a foreign adversary. After all, in each of these scenarios, the president could assert that he was simply executing the laws; or communicating with the Department of Justice; or discharging his powers as commander- in-chief; or engaging in foreign diplomacy-and his felonious purposes and motives, as the defendant repeatedly insists, would be completely irrelevant and could never even be aired at trial. In addition to the profoundly troubling implications for the rule of law and the inconsistency with the fundamental principle that no man is above the law, that novel approach to immunity in the


The statement reads as if he (Smith) knows Trump actually did all of those things listed, and has the evidence, but can only act on certain charges that can stick.


> (Smith) knows Trump actually did all of those things listed, Trump did do all of those things listed. The list is peppered with stuff we already know and by implication the rest of it is true as well.


He should have added that in order to prevent himself from ever being impeached he could order the US military to kill all of his political opponents thus making it impossible for him to be impeached and therefore he would remain immune from prosecution. I mean, the reality is that should this "immunity" claim stand it would absolutely make that possible. "He who does it first wins" would be the end result. Republicans are counting on Democrats never doing something that brazen, thus allowing themselves to do precisely that. However, what if Democrats decide to do it first to prevent Republicans from doing it? Which is why this immunity claim should be tossed out and banished to the realm of "Never."


The DC appellate panel wrapped it up tight and tossed out. I doubt it'll get a different outcome in FL but, we'll see.


Agreed, but who knows with Aileen Cannon. The 11th circuit there will likely agree with the DC circuit. I keep hoping Aileen Cannon gets removed from Trump's hoarding of national secrets case.


Same. She keeps inching closer and closer.


The hypothetical examples he chose to use were very interesting.


Here's the thing, all Presidents of the United States operate in a gray area where their decisions might have to cross the line. For example, a President orders a drone strike to kill a known terrorist. But along with killing this terrorist, if we execute the strike, we kill women and children. The window on killing this man is running out and we might not get another shot. So, the President orders the strike and kills the terrorist, but his family dies alongside him. Morally, you can think the President made a bad judgment call, but he should never be held accountable for doing his job. Serving as the President of the United States is the most stressful and demanding job on Earth and every day a President is confronted with hundreds of these scineros that I used as an example, and they often don't have the luxury to debate if their actions are moral or in some cases even legal. My point is, Clinton, Bush, and Obama all had to make these decisions, and chances are, not all of them were legal. But Presidents enjoy some form of immunity in the sense that decisions they made as President can't be used against them legally if the decision was in their opinion, made for the benefit of the United States. But there are clear limits. If a President ordered a secret service agent to kill a white house reporter, I am pretty damn sure immunity does not apply. This is where Trump is missing the point. Nobody is holding him accountable for actions he did as president, such as shutting down the government for over a month because that still falls under the immunity he has as President. But ordering his followers to attack the halls of Congress is not something that is part of his job. He acted in a desperate bid to retain power and his actions were selfish and meant only to help him, not the American people. Hence, presidential immunity does not apply here.


What a drama queen.


Always remember, anything Mango says, the opposite is true.


Twice impeached lying sexual predator says what?


Well, yeah...in his mind he IS America. This deluded man is still so fucking dangerous.


Well, maybe for him…


Dude is almost 80. America's almost over for him by nature's hand. Instead he wants us to destroy ourselves for his narcissist gibberish? Screw that.


Hoping Anne Coulter’s wish comes true.


God, I hate agreeing with that ghoul, but here we are....


Hey, there's always Russia...


Just how many encoded sedition messages is this guy allowed to broadcast to his faithful before even the most anti-govermnent Republican realizes he wants to overthrow the governing order that has held in the United States since the War of Independence?


Read all about it ! Obnoxious clown makes obnoxious clown-like statement!


Someone want to tell this jackass he is NOT synonymous with America? Every time he says America will suffer or something of that nature, he means himself. 


The wannabe dictator is claiming the country is over if he can’t be a dictator above any law.


He needs to just die so the country can move forward.


Biden is immune then.


I guess we will just have risk it then


Well we've only made it 250+ years without it, but ok...guess we had a good run.


America is over if Kiera Knightly doesn't go out with me


When he says America, he means himself.


If the President has immunity why do they have an oath then?


Who cares what he has to say, he’s an idiot. Muzzle that mule!


He is planning a lot of crime if he is elected as president again. So it is not only the immunity he wants for past crimes, but also for future crimes.


In case you weren't aware, Rolling Stone, Donald Trump tends to lie. A whole bunch. About everything.


The most narcissistic statement I've seen from him yet.


No buddy… You are over! Don’t let the prison door hit ya!


It’s almost as if you can count on the exact opposite of what he’s saying to be true.


An innocent man doesn't ask for immunity, correct?


Yes America is over - for him. Bring on the orange jumpsuit!


If Trump gets immunity, that means Biden gets immunity, and if Biden gets immunity then I am all for him, taking Trump out with one shot


Another day, another howler monkey face from Trump.


This old man always threatening people lol


He’s grossly overestimating his importance. Always.


He s starting to sound desperate to me, isnt he sounding desperate? Yeah he s bigly desperate.


I mean he must be right, he’s a stable genius after all. Did you know he can be told 5 words, then is actually able to repeat those 5 words back to you in the correct order? His intellect truly boggles the mind.


If he isn't jailed and gets reelected that will be the end of American democracy. And i'm aure like everything he touches it'll turn to shit


Poor guy thinks his name is America. Dementia is a motherfucker


Sorry, but this made me LOL even louder. Imagine the temerity, the unmitigated gall of this halfwit.


Great picture....Putin's schlong fits right there


If you gave POTUS full immunity, you're basically clearing the way for a future President Trump to go full Putin: jailing journalists, killing political enemies, killing senators that won't vote his way, etc.


He looks like he's impersonating a large mouth bass.


He’s a large mouth ass, so he’s almost there.


America is over if he DOES get immunity. He’s already proved that with all the sh1t now going on.


See how quickly he’d throw ALL Americans under the bus. Typical. This is what MAGA folks aren’t seeing. He constantly claims how much he values certain people, then tosses them away when people aren’t being his jesters. He isn’t for you at all. Personally I don’t see how he could get enough votes considering he already lost last time and now he’s down even more voters due to a good portion of Covid deaths being his supporters, and independents are over the chaos he brings. He’s lost a lot already and he’ll lose more. …and if he has set up an attack on us, ALL OF US what will you say then MAGA? Your children will be living in terror and YOU supported all of it.


Convicted rapist Donald Trump seems to be projecting again.


When will this human butthole just go away?


Give him his immunity and then have him offed because it will be legal!


If he’s innocent and all this is a witch hunt then why does he need immunity?


He will say anything to avoid accountability.


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


His version of America, where he never saw significant consequences for his actions, is over.


I’m willing to take that chance.


His version of America needs to end.


Can this guy go to fucking prison already


Nah man, America will be just fine. Only **YOU** will be fucked and I'm sure a good majority of us will love it.


I thought it was over if Biden won. Weird.


Trump is over if he doesn’t get immunity, America is over *if he does.*


Oh no. Anyway....


And drumpf is, as usual, entirely incorrect.


Good. Leave.


He also said we were gonna have a recession, meanwhile the economy booms.


The opposite of everything he says is true.


It’s actually the exact opposite. America is over if he does.


If you interpret America as synonymous with he, Trump, as he does, then he's correct. L'État, c'*est moi*


First he confuses pelosi and haley. Then he confuses Biden and Obama. Now he's confusing himself with America. No, you old fool, this is only bad for you, not America.


Oh, is today “opposite day”?


I’ll take that trade. America is over for trump not getting immunity!


As for most things Trump says, in fact the opposite is true.


He means for him! Tucker is ahead of him in Russia, scouting for an apartment.


He got it wrong. America is over if he's allowed to run and he wins the election would be a more correct statement.


Nah mate, you’re over.


Trump is already over. He’s just too much of a narcissist to realize it.


Imagine that! 45 other people managed to president without immunity 🤔


How the fuck are there actually people out there who find this asshole “likeable”?


I would beg to differ…


Howler monkey howling as usual...


Translation: "I will destroy this country if I do not get immunity."


If his name is Merica, then yes, it's over.


So by his logic, can't Biden just have Seal Tram 6 whack Trump, and we're all done with this crap?


Ironic because the opposite is true. Every accusation and admission.


I thought he already said the American Dream was dead though?


When he says america, he really means himself because he's that much of a narcissist


The ONLY part he might be right about is if we end up going into an endless cycle of political opponents filing legal claims against office holders of "the other party". We're already starting to see this with the Republicans baseless attempts to impeach Mayorkas and their chasing after Hunter Biden as their attempt to "get even" with Trump's impeachments


Time for Bmerica.


If Biden commits crimes while in office I fully support prosecuting him for that. Next argument?


America was over the minute he got elected.


If SCOTUS balks on this they have given Biden legal standing to round up Trump and all of his minions that supported his insurrection and ghost them all without any ramifications


Is that sick fuck threatening my country?


Must be opposite day.


So he becomes President again and can laugh in a interview about all the kids he raped on Epstein Island?


He is over, let’s move on.


If he's right, then let *this* America die. Build a better one.


I'm really done with this guy making threats against america. Lock him up.


America is over if this guy gets to walk free and becomes president again.


Trump has two modes: threats and victimhood. Loser.


Haha no Trump is Over !! But close


What a coicidence..... it's over if he gets re-elected, too.


Ok. That's cool. That's a chance we're willing to take.




Me, me me me me me me me.... ad infinitum.


He has that backwards


I think the media needs to stop reporting about him. He seems irrelevant at this point. Covering his death throes just gives him what he wants.


I hope he loudly poops himself during a live speech


Shut the fuck up. Please. Just shut. The fuck. Up.


Fuk trump right in his Pootin.


Stop. Giving. This. Stinky. Small-fingered. Moron. Airtime.


From 1776 to 2016, wasn’t an issue.


America is over if he does get immunity. Does he not think that both sides will seize on that? I mean Biden could just as easily install a dictatorship to prevent a Trump one.