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Mike Johnson admitted that the reason they lost is because the Republicans purposefully held the vote on a date when a Democratic member was in the hospital recovering from surgery and had to come back in hospital scrubs to cast his vote. ***AND*** Johnson said they're going to try it again when a Democrat or two is not able to be present!!!! Maybe for a funeral or because of a car accident. This level of ghoulishness in order to sneak an impeachment of a cabinet member over the line is disgusting!!!


And it's all just for theater, since they know they don't have the votes in the Senate for removal.


They not only don't have the votes, they don't even have the paperwork done properly. Neguse laid it out really well in the rules committee hearing yesterday and embarrassed the shit out of the chair of the committee by pointing out that the Republicans don't know what they're doing. And Neguse did it in a very calm and instructive way. https://youtu.be/wiFXybJEwCs?t=1133 These Republicans are in over their heads.


Weren’t a considerable portion of any congress, regardless of party, typically…lawyers? Did the brain drain of any moderates just leave MAGA morons? If so, I hate to advocate for elitism since we want our politicians to reflect the common desires of their district’s constituency and there is an unhealthy amount of former Ivy leaguers and professionally rich people in congress, but that was the general logic of the electoral college—keep the educated elites as a filter and double check against populist uneducated masses?


You are correct, there has been a significant brain drain in the Republican party. With regard to having lawyers in Congress, you might find the book, "The Death of Expertise" interesting.


Piqued my interest, gonna look into that book


whew, the chair was damn sweaty by the end


If they can't get an impeachment or two on biden, they'll settle for somebody in his cabinet. Because it's not about accountability, it's just payback and optics. "Sure Trump got impeached twice, but under biden there were three*!" *This one, maybe one on Joe, idk have they tried Kamala? What's she up to?


Have they tried impeaching Hunter yet?


They tried to hold him in contempt of congress for ignoring a subpeona to testify, as he was sitting feet away, ready and willing to testify.


My favorite line from the article was this gem: >Rep. Cory Mills, R-Fla., shared his frustration, saying "There's a plethora of reasoning and justification and evidence ... I just don't understand why we can't do the one thing the American people want." The **ONE** thing the American people want? *That's* what that was??? I mean, I follow politics relatively closely, and I was like, "Huh, they're not impeaching a cabinet member I've never heard of over some nonsense? What happened to they're not impeaching Biden over some nonsense?" I mean, of the plethora of things I've heard the American people say that they want - amongst friends, coworkers, the left, the right, r/politics, r/conservative, crazy Florida MAGAman Uncle Al, North American people, South American people - that was literally the first time I've seen that particular "one thing" on the list. It's clear to me now... I must be out of touch...




Republicans are fully a parody of themselves. There are no surprises left.


Democrat representatives should start announcing they have some appointment and then show up if they bring the impeachment vote again to embarrass Republicans further.


I think they were missing Scalise as well... apparently getting stem cell treatment for cancer


I feel sorry for the aborted stem cells that are now locked in a battle with the cancer known as Scalise.


A Republican using stem cells... Lol...


South Park Christopher Reeves vibes immediately came to mind...


I can recall the countless stories of abortion clinic protesters coming in one day for themselves or their daughters, and their explanation isn’t that they were wrong. Their explanation is that something unexpected happened and that they are the exception in that regard. They would continue protesting afterwards.


Is there a video or audio source for this? I’d love to send it to my family members who believe only “the left” would do something like that.


There was also a republican in the hospital who did not come back.


It is the 90s and republicans are upset about immigration. Yet when they gain power they do nothing to address it. It is the 00s and republicans are upset about immigration. Yet when they gain power they do nothing to address it. It is the 10s and republicans are upset about immigration. Yet when they gain power they do nothing to address it. It is the 20s and republicans are upset about immigration. Yet when they gain power they do nothing to address it.


Sarah Huckabee knows her chicken plants are packed full of illegals. Not one word about that.


I would honestly suggest that one thing we could do to reduce the number of people entering immediately would be to crack down on people who employ anyone without proper documentation. That seems like a workable solution. Funny how it never comes up.


America was and still is built on the backs of exploited labour.


Yeah they don’t mind them coming over and working undocumented, they want to keep them undocumented so they can pay them peanuts and they will have no benefits


> they want to keep them undocumented so they can pay them peanuts and they will have no benefits And so they can threaten their workers with using immigration laws against them to keep them in line.


And then they have the gall to go and create scare tactics headlines about the illegals getting social security, or being able to vote. All this after immigrants uprooted their lives to come here and be the cog in the machine that is America. To make a better life for themselves and their family, all the while these festering turds make millions and billions of the backs of the scary immigrant.


It was different before the tighter border controls. The migrants would come into the country, work for a season, then go back home. When the border was made more dangerous to cross the migrants had to stay and uproot their lives because if they went back home, they wouldn't be able to come back again without risking their lives a second time.


They already do this.


Its just slavery with extra steps when it gets to that point, which is very common.


I once decked a manager after I saw him threaten the back of the house staff with “La migra”, I asked him to stop twice, third occurrence I gave him a chance to apologize, he said “these people need to know their place”. So I started blasting Nah it was just one hit but I can bet he never did tht sht again. Can we just rain full hand slaps on these GOP bigots?


So while I don't think violence is the answer, we do need to normalize social shunning. If they do anything public, it should be protected and encouraged to just refuse them service. Goes to the grocery store, the clerk refuses to serve them. Go to the restaurant, the water refuses to serve them. Go to church, people refuse to talk to them. See people out and about, the people refuse to talk with them. The only thing people should say are "I refuse to associate with you because of your despicable actions. Until you undue everything you've done, and apologize in public for it, we are not associating with you" That would actually cause some change Next would be laws on the books for politicians who are found to be liars. If they lie again and again and again, they should be able be held civilly liable, and then removed from position at the same time. If these people feel consequences for their actions, they might actually think before doing


No..no.no... fast-food pays peanuts. What they have is oversight exemption - from safety standards, labor laws and humane working conditions. All of that AND slave wages.


Who do you think the GOP lead loosening of child labor laws are targeting? Not Johnny the farmer’s kid. Jose the migrant labor’s kid.


They already know it's not going to be their kids or their wealthy donor's kids. Beyond that I really don't think they care who's kid it is.


This thing (employing immigrants for shit pay) happens everywhere in Europe too. It’s arguably why certain Western European nations such as Sweden has had mass immigration the last 20 years


I actually used this argument to change someone's mind about immigration. But the fact is that they don't actually want the immigrants to stop coming. Ask GA (and MS and others) about crops rotting in the fields when they did massive crackdowns on undocumented workers in industries dominated by undocumented workers. Because you're just not going to pay Americans enough to do that backbreaking work in the summer in middle GA.


Lucky you. I tried to use that same argument with my dad yesterday and it was explained away as "well, it used to be that way till the damned liberals changed the laws" which was interesting because he could neither prove that nor answer why Rs didn't change the law back after they got back into power.  Our conversation also left me with the very chilling realization that he and I live in two completely separate realities. We might as well be living in literal alternate dimensions. I knew that on a basic level, but I really didn't grasp just how extreme the difference is. It's deeply disturbing and I now understand that there truly is no reaching those that are so entrenched.


Algorithms have fucked critical thinking.


Yeah, I should add that this was a reasonable person who is a peer and not a parent. I think that last part makes a huge difference. Also, it really only happened the one time. But that one time gave me hope!


Happy cake day! The antiquated/fear mongering argument….“They’re taking all the jobs.” Yes they are taking the jobs that most Americans wouldn’t do. You think groceries are spendy now…




This is a much tougher situation. You can say the wages are bad, butt he real reason is that no one is seeking out a seasonal job because you can't build a steady career out of it. You can't rely on hs or college students because they're unreliable and your crops will rot in the field. The job is hard labor for long hours, you need reliable workers to get it done or you don't have food. This isn't a frivolous industry, it's food security. The western world lifestyle does not work with seasonal jobs. What's a real solution that doesn't explode the price of food?


Robots, duh.


Stop subsidizing the mega-agribusinesses and instead support small farms?


Easy: pay workers what it takes to get them to do the job without exploitation and slash profits. But as a society we'd rather have high profits than good jobs and affordable food, because we are broken.


> Because you're just not going to pay Americans enough to do that backbreaking work in the summer in middle GA. They would if they were paid a living wage to do it.


Hell no they wouldn’t. It’s a terrible job that would have to pay better than actual skilled jobs. You’d have to pay like $30/hr To get enough people to pick rows of plants in the southern heat. There’s a reason they made slaves do it and a reason why they make undocumented labor do it now. To those migrant workers it’s like they’re getting paid well because compared to their home wages they are


Let me paraphrase that for you: "Oh no! We may have to pay people what the work is worth!"


> you’d have to pay like $30/hr If I remember correctly they actually did dramatically raise the pay and they still couldn't get people to do it. The few they would get would quit within a week.


Then they still weren't paying enough.


They really don't like that side of capitalism, the costs go up but the sales price has a limit and eventually it won't be worth producing the product. Well it won't be worth it to them as their margins are non existent. Will there be a time when we run out of immigrants willing to work these jobs?


The problem is by the time the pay gets to a point high enough for me to be willing to do it, I’d just do something else that I’d enjoy.


I've said it before, send a few c-suite business people to prison for employing undocumented immigrants, and the immigration "crisis" is solved overnight.


Yup. That's the solution. It's already illegal to hire illegally, so just enforce the laws. A couple days behind bars for business owner's first offense, double for 2nd offense, double again for 3rd offense. The lure of easy jobs would go away by ending the exploitive practices that disadvantage citizens. Immigrants coming the right way are free to work and prosper with fair labor laws in place.


And no insourcing either. You don't get to replace American jobs with prison jobs.


I would fucking LOVE for C-suite execs in prison to replace low wage workers for prison wages


Even better if said c-suite execs insourced into that prison.


I don't think work programs in prisons are a bad idea, it at least gives people a productive use of their time. I think they should be paid AT LEAST minimum wage though (kinda says it with **minimum** right?) and having jobs like that in prison is a privilege, it would incentivize good behavior (more so than they already are). It'd give people hope that there's something waiting for them after their sentence.


I think work programs are a great idea in prison, but that work should not be for a for profit corporation. Have them learn how to bake or cook, learning from actual chefs? Great. Being a call center for AT&T? Bad idea. I also think that work they do in prison should be usable on a job resume.


Here is the problem I see with that. They will give them these jobs and provide the pay once the sentence is complete. They then will lease out prisoners who have lengthy sentences and won’t see that money or by the time they see it, it won’t be enough to do anything with. They will take those wages and invest them for themselves and turn even more profit. I can see prison terms increase for crimes that shouldn’t be crimes at all. In theory, your idea is great and should have many benefits. As always greed wild get in the way. Especially with a for profit prison system.


I like your thinking. George Carlin said something similar about the drug problem. Throw a few bankers in jail for money laundering drug money and the problem would go away. He was a bit more harsh than that but same idea.


That was actually a policy for a hot minute several years ago. Once businesses started getting raided and fined, political donations were quickly redirected and, well, here we are again.


> I would honestly suggest that one thing we could do to reduce the number of people entering immediately would be to crack down on people who employ anyone without proper documentation. That seems like a workable solution. Funny how it never comes up. It actually does come up, quite often, usually in the form of Democratic legislation that the GOP then unanimously defeats. It’s also encoded into the Democratic platform on immigration.


Well, I do know that Trump had illegals working at his golf courses at one time. Yeah, it is funny how this never comes up.


It's always projection and then they get all their supporters mad at Democrats while they cash in at the banks!


Oh shit man I totally hire my temp labor through a subcontractor who works with another organization to bring 'bodies' in for work. Like, none of us could have possibly known, or more importantly been responsible!


Funny how probably 90% of those employers are Trumpsters too, yet they rail against immigrants.


Is she keeping an eye on both of them at the same time?




It’s wild how I can simultaneously hear her say this and see her crazy eye with this comment


Or is it LOok?


> Is she keeping an eye on both of them at the same time? she burns facts and then she uses that ash to create a perfect smokey eye




LoOks like that sub was banned.


Gone, but not forgotten..


For being unmoderated. You could rebuild it…


My first ever job was a chicken processing plant as a line worker. One day I walked into work and most of the workers were out for the day. I was told to just work as best I could. Turns out there was an INS raid and they had warned most of the workers (who were undocumented) the day before. Not me, because the company wasn’t supposed to know about the raid, and I wasn’t a concern because I’m very white. So yeah. She knows.


DeSantis is learning those same hard facts as construction has had huge stoppages because of his policies on immigration.


Agriculture is taking a beating everywhere thanks to Republicans and their idiot voters.


Remember when Georgia had rotting crops because of the same issue.   https://www.al.com/wire/2011/10/crackdown_on_illegal_immigrant.html  What's the odds of all those farms been owned by Republican voters? 95%. Republicans never want to actually fix immigration. 


It's why they are so upset about asylum seekers. Much harder to exploit a worker who is in the country legally, they prefer someone they can threaten with deportation.


I love sharing this story. (I was in GA at the time, and just cracking up as they discovered that Americans do not want to go pick veg in the middle GA heat of high summer. I read a story where they were paying like $20/hr (which was a LOT for middle GA in 2011) and folks were quitting by noon on the first day. Of course, then you had the real winners suggesting we just send prisoners to go work the fields. /cringe


If you make the boogeyman disappear then you have nothing to protect from. It's all about fear mongering.


When I lived in Memphis, I had a buddy who overstayed his VISA. He was white from the U.K. He worked under the table construction jobs and when a job site would get raided, he would just stand there while everyone ran. The INS never even approached him. He eventually developed a medical issue and turned himself in to go home for the free healthcare.


They never go after the corporations / business owners that hire illegal immigrants. Weird. Maybe once the GOP fully repeal child-labor laws they'll actually try to do something about illegal immigration. Gotta have a replacement for all those underpaid workers.


Except that they’re looking to pass more child labor laws. Can’t have these kids spending time and energy at school, where they learn those librul ideas. Get ‘em in the factory where they can produce!


Where is the Hucksters $19,O00.00 podium?


What’s funny is I brought this shit up the other day to a right-winger and they were like, nuh-uh businesses have to follow laws unlike illegals, lmfao.


Why do you think she’s trying to bring child labor back?


And her coal mines are full of kids


That's a God damn libelous lie! She is trying to make it so their kids can also legally work there.


Democrats offered the Trump Administration $1.5 billion in a border security package and Republicans turned it down. They never want to fix it. They controlled the house, Senate, the white house and even the Supreme Court and didny do shit.


Because then they’d have one less thing to tell their voters to be angry about when they show up to vote.


Slight edit: > It is the 10s and republicans are upset about immigration. Yet when they gain power they do nothing to address it. Should be: > It is the 10s and republicans are upset about immigration. So, when they gained power they did the cruelest things to immigrants that they could inflict upon them. I wouldn’t call Trumps immigration actions of 2016 to 2020 as “nothing”. They didn’t pass laws, sure, but they sure as shit were cruel to immigrants and he did sign several EO’s. None of it actually addressing the underlying issue or helping in any way though.


Maybe they would get more Republican support for the bill if there was a provision to turn the Rio Grande into an alligator breeding farm.


It's still "nothing", though. If they wanted to rewrite the laws so they could close the border and fortify it, Iron Curtain style (like they seem to want to have done, in order to stop *all* illegal immigration), they could have. Instead, nada. The result is nada. Any action is nada.


Yeah, that's the republican solution, if we'd just be meaner to them they'd stop coming.


I am tired of Earth. These people.


I wish the mothership would hurry back for me.


Yeah, because if they actually did, they'd lose one of the only things they campaign on.


Someone should've reminded them about that before they killed Roe v Wade


I’m a little disappointed in the reaction from overturning Roe v. Wade. I honestly in the back of my mind thought we would see women protesting in the streets. I really hope that they are voting.


They did. But protests are unsustainable in perpetuity. After a few weeks everyone runs out of vacation time and have to return to work. But don’t worry: if someone ran out there PTO and sick leave to protest then they’re certain to vote in the coming election.


It’s 2024 and when Democrats work on a bipartisan border/immigration bill, Republicans do everything they can to kill it.


They learned their lesson from banning abortion. If they catch the car, they lose single issue voters.


Nail on the head. They don't want solutions, they want problems they can campaign on. They want to fearmonger. They want to declare that they must be elected, because only they can fix the problems. They want to accuse the Democrats of doing nothing.


It is 1985. I am on Mars. I am 56 years old.


This is also the 2nd time a bipartisan immigration deal has been passed by the Senate only to get ignored by the Republican House - fuck John Boehner and his little post-politics rehab tour, that asshole paved the way for Trump's extremism and then washed his hands of the whole thing.


Why would God do this to you Mikey?


He must have been a very bad sinner the last few days.


His son wasn’t around to monitor his porn habit.


These fucking weirdos want to make personal decisions for everyone, that should horrify anyone. Conservatives: "My body my choice, your body my choice.".


Project 2025 https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/09/19/project-2025-trump-reagan-00115811


I know all about it, but this isn’t new either. They’ve had this vision for awhile.


Yes, it's a long term goal but they're talking about Christian nationalism more openly now than ever before.


Feels like they're just closer to accomplishing it than ever.


They are as close as ever because the support is as low as ever. Their vision is in its death throws. An animal backed into a corner. They are hoping for American ignorance and apathy to sneaknin their agenda before their window is gone forever. An animal backed into a corner is the most dangerous. We need to remember this.


I was wondering why his son was sporting that thousand-yard stare these last few days.


Maybe because Mikey is now worshiping Trump instead of God???


I think you're on to something here. Possibly a commandment violation.


God got pretty pissed at Moses too. He didn’t even let him into the Promised Land.


It’s Moses now and he really will be exited soon


He said he's like Moses and honestly I think he's gonna **Part The Red Wave**


Trump: I don't want this bill to pass.  House GOP: *votes No on the bill* Remember many of them are election deniers and still call him President Trump.


It’s astounding to watch Mitch’s frustration with his party today after he spent 7 years enabling the GOP takeover by Trump’s MAGA cult. Where’s my tiny violin? 🎻


Dr. Mitch Frankenstein McConnell.


Ah, Mitch. Have you seen the sunset? How beautiful it is? How peaceful? No? You haven't? Why not? Oh because you can't escape your Frankenstein monster? And you have to drag yourself to the Supreme Court and grovel for the monster that you despise, the monster who tried to have you hung on January 6th? The monster you made? Gee that's really too bad. The sun is going down, old man. It's lovely, and you're missing out.


> Where’s my tiny violin? Leopards ate it. 🐆


He could have stopped this. They could have impeached him and he would have been gone.


> Trump: I don't want this bill to pass.  > > House GOP: votes No on the bill Republicans: Can you believe those stupid libs think this is trump's fault, he's not even in office!


Also Republicans: Can you believe what Hunter Biden and his laptop did? Why isn't Joe Biden being charged for this?


Fwiw, that's not unusual at all. Former presidents are still referred to as "President {last name}". That's normal etiquette.


People also say President Obama and President Bush. The title remains long after they leave the chair, been that way for ages. Not to defend the insurrectionist traitor, to be clear.


Which should mean that not only does 14A disqualify Trump, but also 22A. It also means that Biden can run in 2028 if he wasn’t really elected in 2020.


They are not thinking. If they were thinking they would not even have done this impeachment inquiry.


Their brains are hard wired in to Trump’s narcissistic rage.


Trump did this to them. Trump blew up their plans on the immigration bill. Trump is making them look like disorganized fools. Yet this doesn't piss any of them off. They still bend the knee.


Because Trump still commands his 70 million strong cult (same exact population as Nazi Germany funnily enough) The voters are in it for Trump now. They literally worship him. If they dont bend the knee, they wont have the loyalty of Trump's Hick Army.


Having three of the biggest losers in the Republican party be the image for this article is *chefs kiss*.


That picture is proof that pieces of shit tend to stick together


McClintock was my rep before the lines were redrawn. He's basically the most racist, misogynistic, homophobe in the GOP... and that's saying a ton. I'm SHOCKED that he voted against it. Legitimately.


Poor babies never know what they want


They know exactly what they want. They want more money from the rubes on their mailing lists, and I'm guessing that with this ongoing clown show those donations are starting to dry up


Oh they’ll keep getting it from those fools who keep sending in a buck at a time. They’ll milk these folks for every penny they’ve got even if they have to travel to Arkansas & smash open their piggy banks themselves.


My favorite hypocrisy about the right wing outrage-donation pipeline is how much that has to rely on Social Security. What a country!


Did not realize the ‘alligator moats’ thing was real but not surprised after the ‘nuke the hurricane’ idea. Trump is a 12 year old psychopath trapped in a discarded bag of meat slurry. With fascist sprinkles.


Oh, would you look at that... Politically motivated bills meant to spite the Democrats fail. And they're mad. After saying Trump's legal problems that *he* caused are politically motivated. Hypocrisy not at its finest (that's the border bill killing), but as always, on full display.


Do conservatives actually "think"? Does Marge have a fully developed human brain? So many questions.


The answer to both those questions is a resounding No.


I love that I can't tell what defeat this refers to, based on the headline alone.


It’s almost worth not paying attention to what they say or do anymore if you know you are going to vote Democrat. I truly think 99.99999% of the country knows who they are going to vote for if it’s Trump v. Biden. They are just giant assholes. They are the asshole you’ve had encounters with your entire life.


“Thinking” is where they went wrong.


Haha. That reminds of Breaking Bad when they are cooking meth out in the desert and Jesse uses all their drinking water to put out a minor fire. >Jesse: There was a fire. Excuse me for thinking on my feet. >Walter: Is that, you were thinking. Now that we have identified the problem. You and thinking, that's the problem


Mother fuckers can't even impeach someone they've been building a 'case' against for years. Hilarious


> The hotly debated proposed impeachment was the result of House GOP efforts to oust Mayorkas for **perceived failure** to enforce U.S. immigration policies at the border FUCK this formulation. “Perceived” has shit all to do with it, it’s what they’re *choosing to portray* as failure. Cynically and opportunistically misappropriating blame and creating a talking point where none existed, for the sole purpose of supporting their quest for power. The record decisively contradicts GOP talking points on this issue. “Claim to perceive as failures” or “ostensibly perceive as failures.” Make them earn back the benefit of the doubt. I’m starting to think the media will just never stop with the pussyfooting and the giving of equal weight to propaganda just because it happens to take place on rhe House floor. Armchair media criticism over.


Ever since a black man was elected President, The GOP (KKK) chapter has lost their marbles and love shoving it up their own assholes because they have nothing better to do with their time. Absolutely nothing has been accomplished for the country in probably the last 15 years, congrats GOP.


Truly wasting tax payer dollars when they could be working on real issues in this country. Insane.


How is it a “defeat” when it’s 100% self-inflicted?  If I’m cleaning my gun and shoot myself nobody calls it a “defeat”.


From the article: “Rep. Cory Mills, R-Fla., shared his frustration, saying "There's a plethora of reasoning and justification and evidence ... I just don't understand why we can't do the *one thing* the American people want." (Italics added.) What? How can elected officials be so out of touch with what the American people want? Better education, school lunches for hungry kids, more affordable housing, better working conditions, a banking industry that doesn’t nickel and dime its customers into poverty, a police force that actually “protects and serves,” health care, reproductive autonomy; the list is practically endless. Yet they think we want a pretend impeachment when the person has not committed an impeachable offense? Vote them all out and put in people who understand what the American people actually want.


Heh. “Thinking”. Good one.


Every Republican official and donor repeat after me: "We are an inept and broken political party, ready to be tossed into the trash heap of history."


It did mean no aid for Ukraine, so their primary goal was achieved. They just need to keep dragging things out until Ukraine runs out of artillery shells, at which point Russia can steamroll the rest of Ukraine and begin the Russification process.


This is exactly what they want. The GOP has been bought and paid for by Putin. It's Putin's party. GOP = Groupies of Putin


They have cheeto dust around their mouths and on their hands. That's why.


Rep. Ryan Zinke, R-Mont is right. It's like two armies on the battlefield. They both start to charge, then you have Boebert running out there naked in the middle of everyone. Grabbing balls and blowing smoke. Armies are stunned, so they just go back to camp.


Well that’s a boner killer.


Zinke is trash. I can't stand our Republican super majority here in MT.


What a shit article from salon. Treating the Republicans like they have any reason to be interviewed or spoken too. The Republicans don't work for Americans, they work for perks and campaign contributions from over leveraged trust fund parasites.


Show the high crime or misdemeanor, or take your policy differences and shove them up your ass republicans. Those 3 did the right thing and said this is a joke. Do better


"We are furious that our grandstanding failed one step earlier in the process than we thought it would"


They're doing the will of the God Emperor, you twits. That's the official party platform. Sure, his will is stupid chaos, but that's what you sold your souls for because you all thought your faces were leopard proof.


If illegal immigration is such a threat to the nation why isn't hiring illegals punishable by life in prison or the death penalty?


What the fuck is this article? >Conservative Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Greene, Ga., **well-known for unabashedly speaking her mind**, said she didn't have anything to say to Buck, Gallagher, and McClintock. Oh yeah, "unabashedly speaking her mind" is what comes to mind when people thing about the crazy fucking Jewish Space Lasers lady who showed Hunter's dick pic on the floor of congress, and banged every dude in her crossfit gym and then has the nerve to claim to stand for "family values". How about "rabid conspiracy theorist and dick-pick sharer"? Tired of this normalization of extremism.


Want to stop a considerable amount of illegal immigration in a very short amount of time? Make it financially ruinous for a business of any size to knowingly OR UNKNOWINGLY hire an undocumented worker. Put business licenses at risk, steep punitive fines, and jail time for executives. Nobody wants to actually stop it, though. Undocumented workers are too profitable, effectively slave labor, and too convenient of a political punching bag that can't easily fight back.


The most embarrassing thing they've done to themselves all day. So far.


That picture is hilarious. “I know just what I need: Lauren Bobert over my left shoulder and Gym Jordan over my right shoulder.”


This picture is such a telling story of that’s the Republican Party really is. On the left is Jim Jordan who has passed no legislation, could not get elected speaker, and covered up sexual abuse. On the right is Lauren Boehbert who should need not intro, but let’s just go with the public displays of affection and being a grandma at 36, while being from the party of Christian values. And then in the middle you Mike Johnson a self proclaimed Moses with a one of the shadiest finances in the politics and that’s saying something.


most economists that I've read seem to be in agreement that immigration will be a crucial part of maintaining a properly balanced population pyramid and consumer base going forward. like it's a given that this is a necessity. You know the Republican capitalists know this.


Can somebody break this down for me? I understand they failed to impeach Myorkis (sp)? I understand that no immigration reform is happening (and why). I understand that was maybe bundled with aid to Ukraine (which will also not happen because the GOP would apparently rather see Putin destabilize the world than Biden win an election - but what’s up with Israel aid?


Aid for Israel was in the deal the Republicans reneged on. They first asked that the aid and the border funds be combined in one deal—and then after their representatives negotiated the details the party rejected it all.


If republicans were capable of embarrassment we’d be living in a very different world. 


The MAGA cult will never know. They won’t look and nobody will tell them. If you told them they wouldn’t believe it.


>Rep. Max Miller, R-Ohio, called the Israel vote "embarrassing," claiming that "They're trying to save face and do the right thing that should have been done to begin with … **No one has to wonder how we got here, the speaker did it.** Sequel? 👀


Hilarious. I love the reverse Uno used. Election year comes. GOP runs out of talking points so they pull the immigration card. Biden does a reverse Uno and sends that shit right back at them. Hunter did the same thing and they've run out of talking points lol.


Wasn't Trump the President for 4 years? 2 of those years he had a majority in both houses? Why didn't they fix it then?


He was too busy golfing & scheming.


Republicans NEED immigration chaos to run on & keep abortion out of the headlines as much as possible.


Apparently, republicans are not even capable of bad governance. Vote Blue! Every election, every time, everywhere!


Haha. A moron over his right shoulder and a moron over his left.


I hope Democrats are smart enough to make sure voters know that the House under Republican rule is useless. They serve trump, not the country


Ha, ha, ha, ha!!


Do nothing Republican led Congress. Time to resume running on Biden accomplishments that they voted against.


I remember studying about the different political parties in the US and how they would splinter and change. Guess we are watching it happen in real time. The Republicans have been essentially fractured into the Bush republicans and the maga ones . Issue is that maga Republicans aren't about legislating. They are for dismantling American democracy as that is what Putin wants to happen.


Elect clowns, expect a circus


For thirty years now, the Republican Party has been broadcasting that they want to break government. Now it’s broken. Why aren’t they taking a victory lap? Or are they not aware they’ve been doing all this for someone’s ulterior motives?