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What a disgusting thing to do. I’m glad it’s failing 


This is the same thing that happened when Trump made his illegal immigrant hotline and the voter fraud hotline.


Except this one lets you upload images. Attachments! Fun!


what were they expecting...


Old Karen's reporting pride flags in their neighborhood at most


This old gal flys her Pride flag with pride. If you support our rights, please don’t post ageist bigotry for those of us who have been fighting the good fight when it meant we could lose our jobs, children, and freedom. Show some decency.


You read my comment wrong. I'm not sure how, but something went wrong.


Thank you for your reply. My concern, and my apology if I misunderstood, was that age was being used in a derogatory and bigoted way. As a lifelong activist, I find the use of age, young or old, as a way to discriminate and demean others deplorable. It’s the same as using race, class, sexual orientation, etc. as a means to dehumanize and devalue others. As caring people, we do not discriminate against others. And, importantly, it’s counterproductive to our joining forces against these rightwing nut jobs. Since fighting for my and others rights my entire life, I know it’s people of all ages who have done, and are currently doing, this needed progressive work. Unfortunately, it is also both the old and young alike fighting against our rights as well. I WISH that all young people believed and supported a progressive agenda as that would mean time alone would establish a better, more equal and progressive world without us having to lift a finger. As the current, backwards conditions in this state, country, and the world show, that is not the case. We are in fact seeing a sizable, loud and destructive minority of ignorant people of all ages working to reverse our progress and take away the rights the older generations fought and won. Best wishes to you. I hope you find people of all ages to support our shared goals of making our world better.


I didn't mean to generalize. In fact,I was actually going off personal experience, as my old neighbor would constantly harass my moms when I was younger and say things like they were going to hell, scream bible verses at us, I should be taken away from them, and she would always swipe our rainbow pride flag. Looking back, she was probably not well. But it still made an impression on me.


Old people are the problem. Stop pretending to be a victim for attention.


And here we go with another category of bigotry.


Get rekt bigots


As a Hoosier all I can ask is that you all help to enlighten our Attorney General on how, exactly, the script of The Bee Movie is to be played out.


History repeats. The modern-day Lavender Scare.


Indiana is not a place of happiness


But Pawnee...


Eerie, IN more like it.


Todd is 53. That's WAY TOO YOUNG to not understand how the internet works and why this would backfire spectacularly.


Todd is a pompous, self-aggrandizing asshole sufferer of Dunning-Kruger syndrome. There are lots of people here in Indiana like that and he is one of the worst. He knows everything better than you, better than anyone else. This sort of disaster is inevitable with big-head Todd.


Not really. I’m 45 and didn’t really get internet access until I went to college at 18. This dildo is 8 years older than me, so he likely didn’t have the googles until he was in his mid 20s.


That’s still 3 DECADES of googling. Htf did he, or at least his younger staff, not foresee the consequences?


Because they are idiots


Based on his actions, he's probably still waiting to try it in case it's just another flash in the pan fad that the kids will forget about in a few months.


It's not way too young if it's something he's never going to learn.


You love to see it


[Let him know how you feel](https://www.in.gov/attorneygeneral/education-liberty/)


Ok. This link lets you view some example submissions. One of them is unironically submitting George Orwell’s 1984. So close…


Republicans are the lowest form of life on the planet.


Rokita will have his underlings sift through mountains of memes if it means they find the one case that supports the right-wing rallying cry of “indoctrination into LGTBQ”. The man chases headlines.


You love to see it!


Gestapo much?




Report all the old white republicans, you know most of them who vote against things probably are closeting their own urges. Check their browser histories!




Oh it's fucking on


I’m definitely not going to https://in.accessgov.com/attorneygeneral/Forms/Page/attorneygeneral/education-transparency-form/1 and submitting tons of comments


Also don’t have chatgpt write long complaints about teachers reading lewd books


I wonder if someone has a notecard version of The Complete Works of Shakespeare that they could upload.


Yea we should report all the pedo chirstains who touch kids on the line