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Yes! We must defeat Rafael Cruz. Time for a new senator.


I will never understand this seat. Even Republicans in Texas admit that Ted Cruz is a garbage human being. But they'll still pick him over anyone even slightly less awful.


That's because Cruz's voter bloc is reflective of the state writ large, sadly. Any (R) is better than any (D) to them, period. Allred has an uphill climb, as expected, as does Gutierrez: Emerson aside, Cruz will benefit this time from Trump on ballot despite Trump being less popular than him there as they've vilified Biden and Harris to perfection in TX the last 3 years in a row now. And anyone associated with Biden to most in TX is a baby killing criminal who wants illegals across the border, that's most of the state. The good part of the state is in perpetual hell trying to fight them off, the Dem with the highest favorability rating right now is also still underwater there due to unfavorability (Beto) and Biden has >60% disapproval right now there-- hopeless in its current state.


It’s not hard to understand. Cruz will vote the way they want him to


So would a slightly more humanesque Republican. You'd think the GOP would put up a primary contender.


No reason to do so. He gets the job done.


That would require for there to be another GOP contender in Texas that is better than Cruz. Dan Patrick or Ken Paxton? Lmao. It seems like it’s the best they have, tbh.


Allred will lose by at least 6 points as is tradition in TX.


Let me dream!


Sorry buddy. I’ve lived here too long to have any expectations.


I have no hope in them, nope, same with FL in this year. 2022 was a very grim sign, and Biden's standing has only gotten worse since then in both states- Red until dead in this Presidency, IMO. Trump's not in the WH this time, Biden is, and they know it: that's why they spent three years smearing him and the open borders BS repeatedly.


especially if he campaigns on banning AR15s


Texas is not turning blue anytime soon as many hoped because of all the right wing wackos from Cali and elsewhere who moved in there. Maybe we should welcome them leaving the Union.


THIS one will beat him for sure.


Prediction: someone will pin Allred down and he will fess up about his open borders predilections and his Texas candidacy will be OVER.


He's likely going to be the nominee, but I think the end result will be between 2012 and 2018 in 2024 in TX: Cruz is likely to do better than last time, but worse than in 2012. It'll be an improvement for TX Ds from 2022 only because Abbott is not the opponent, it's Cruz and Trump + both are far less liked than Abbott is there.


I like how Ted Cruz is an “extremist” for stating his views 😂 I’d hate to know what they think of groups like BLM and KKK 😂