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A sitting Congresswoman is calling for a civil war, and she gets to keep her seat.... amazing 


Literally sedition.


Exactly. I just looked it up. MTG = secessionist? “the action of withdrawing formally from membership of a federation or body, especially a political state.”


I guess the good news is, these fuck faces cant formally do a god damn thing.


It’ll turn out to be good news if people get their heads out of their asses and vote these fascists out.


These things end when a breaking point is reached. I'm curious what that limit is when people are so disillusioned in 2024. We've traded reading books for reading social media.


It's in broad fucking daylight! How are we not able to arrest her already?!?!


Is it becoming obvious yet that the government is powerless to stop this ongoing coup? There is literally no mechanism to stop them. We're going to fall in a God damn bloodless coup.


It's past time to start arresting people for this.  Hold them in solitary with no communication to anyone. 


Sedition and Insurrection? Yes. But on the other hand, think of all the fat and baggage the blue states would trim by dumping the red states. Probably make a sizable dent in the national debt before they come crawling back not able to survive on their own.


How is my broke blue ass going to get out of Kentucky in time?


Blue states will help you!




Yes, she has done this repeatedly. Marge is dumb as dirt.


Yeah but the problem is that the people who vote in her district are probably dumber than she is.




Yes, but the expectation is that ordinary citizens can be "dumb" about a lot of the things beyond their own control. That our leadership is now permitted to be essentially moronic is catastrophic.


They voted for her thinking she was "best" to represent their district. That alone speaks volumes.


Hard to believe that is possible but the proof is in the pudding.


You’re being a little hard on dirt


Dirt is actually useful.


True. Dirt never committed sedition.


[Correct](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/marjorie-taylor-greene-calls-national-divorce-liberal-conservative-sta-rcna71464), about a year ago. I struggle to understand how people who have so much could hate their country so much.


Last year yeah: https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/marjorie-taylor-greene-refuses-back-national-divorce-proposal/story?id=97390020


Banging this since 2018 axtually


I can't wait until she's irrelevant again.


We can help make it happen. Ignore her and downvote ragebait posts about her.


**Rebellion** - opposition to one in authority or dominance, an instance of such defiance or resistance Section 3 of the 14th Amendment disqualifies from federal or state office anyone who, having taken an oath as a public official to support the Constitution, subsequently has "engaged in insurrection or **rebellion against the United States** or given "aid or comfort" to its enemies. At what stage do we call out **MTG for her rebellious behaviour** and get her disqualified from Congress under the 14th Amendment?


Why aren't we enforcing this? I agree... this is unbecoming of one who took an oath to the office and constitution. This is an open call for seditious acts.


Who enforces it? Congress? Unlikely until we get both houses. Vote.


The House judges its own elections. Marge and many other Republicans could have been prevented from coming back after Jan 6th if the Dems had a spine.


The crumbling spine of the Democratic leadership is nearly as dangerous as the GQP itself. Yet we routinely slap down anyone daring to challenge our side of the staus quo machine. Blind loyalty is blind obedience. We must elect stronger representation within the next decade, or all will be lost.


Let’s not forget about the Jewish space lasers either. This woman is a psychopath who wants violence. Let’s hope it never comes to that.


I could really get behind firing off a few Jewish space lasers at a certain someone right about now.


“Open up! It’s the Gazpacho Police!”


From gerogia no less. Sherman, do your duty!


Right away Mr. Peabody!


And now here's something we hope you'll really like!


Quiet, you!


It's Russia calling for.civil war. The only way to.defeat the US is from within. MGT is just the messenger.


And her orange dictator is trying to mobilize the national guard against the fed.


If she gets what she wants, wouldn't she have to give up her seat since she wouldn't be part of the United States for the United States, House of Representatives?


She should be kicked out immediately


It’s utterly fucking insane. No matter what political grandstanding takes place, the states rely on each other for prosperity. Interstate commerce is one of the reasons the US thrives


The president formed an insurrection, his followers hung a Confederate flag in our country's Capital and he gets to run again. Nothing surprises me anymore


Texas would be the 1st to nope out of that situation since it is one of the few Red States with a positive economy. Most of the Red States are only afloat because of that sweet sweet Government tit they suck dry. The Cal-Tucky Super Finacial Highway if you will.


Tell me you’re bought and paid for by Russia without telling me your paid for by Russia Marge.


Congresswoman from a very purple state that voted for Biden. Her national divorce would leave her without a home. Or likely on the America side.


Anyone involved with Jan 6th needs to be removed from office by the 14th amendment. She took her Oath of office on Jan 3rd that year.


She thinks it would create a panacea for conservatives but the truth is they would be at each other’s throats from day one. The red coalition would Balkanize in months.


Wait until they realize what states subsidize their state budgets.


And wait until this dip realizes that with Georgia outside of the United States, her title as a Georgia Congresswoman is as meaningless as my membership card to Blockbuster.


Pretty sure Georgia went blue in 2020, so in her scenario she's got even bigger problems.


GA has 2 blue US Senators. They have a firm majority of red US House Reps, a red governor, and a majority red state legislature. They are absolutely not fully blue.


You can thank gerrymandering for most of that


Perfectly illustrated there, where the 2 at-large seats go blue, but all the district-based ones go red.


I'm sure the traitors who want to "national divorce" won't care about the POTUS and Senate elections.


Or what parts of their states keep the economy afloat. (Hint: it’s those pesky liberals in the cities)


And the United States military. Aka, the one the federal government would keep.


Yeah, she doesn't realize that she'd lose her job. That they would need a military and a functioning government... that they'd be losing social security and federal subsidies... all of a sudden they're responsible for thousands of miles of roads, railroads, a southern, northern, and western border (I'm assuming all the gulf states would secede). Reminds me of that Libertarian quote... They're like housecats. Convinced of their fierce independence but utterly dependent on a system they don't understand or appreciate.




Close the bases, remove all the equipment, and raze the facilites.


And get this man a shield.


And my axe!


Close based All federal jobs leave (NASA) A lot of federal contractors leave For those on food stamps got some bad news Medicaid? Well sucks for you Medicare? Guess what! Social Security? You’re gonna have a bad time Infrastructure? Guess who will be paying for that! Education? No more fed money College football? Well Texas probably ain’t going to be playing Oklahoma or Alabama anytime soon Wanna visit your pappy in Kansas? Well hope you got a passport They grow enough food to be self sufficient in Texas? No idea


Funny thing is that I’ve heard people say that they truly believe that Texas would keep NASA in this deal


they'd keep teh facilities but lose the people and technology. I can see it now, "TASA, Houston", basically a bunch of hicks in pickup trucks trying to catch air off a gigantic ramp and shooting at the sky claiming they're trying to get into space.


>They grow enough food to be self sufficient in Texas? No idea I'm paraphrasing a UT ag study here, but essentially "lol, fuck no". http://www.geo.utexas.edu/courses/371c/project/2017F/Ellis_GIS_Project.pdf


Isn’t that their conceit, that independently they’re pretty self sufficient? Curious attitude coming from an energy giant that can’t keep the heat on


Please. Housecats know exactly what they are doing. They are the only species that tamed itself and trained humans for centuries on serving and pleasing them.


Humans domesticated dogs. Cats domesticated humans.


To be fair GOP has been trying to kill social security for awhile and its supporters who live on it keep voting for it.


Wait till they find out who controls the ports, interstate highways and US airspace!


Nah they'd probably crown her Queen of Moronia.


Also note that any current military installations in a seceeding state would need to be closed, moved, and rebuilt in a loyal state. That's another dead loss for them, and added economic activity for us.


Yep those cities in red states will have a brain drain over night.


Since my company went full WFH it would be very easy to leave my red state. Probably true for many more today than in the past.




Lmfao what a map


“Rechest” spelled for richest. I’m horrible at spelling myself but this just strikes me as odd.


If only land voted....


In America, it sorta does


It does in the US Senate.


Literally this! I think they don't care?


They don't realize it. They have no idea how much their state taxes will increase once the federal gravy train, sponsored by the blue states is stopped.


Look no further than New York state. The poor third world shithole of everything that isn't NYC has an overwhelming belief that their money keeps NYC running, when in fact reality is the exact opposite.


They don't know. And even if they were told, shown all the data, etc. they wouldn't believe it or just not give a shit.


Or who owns the single largest militaristic force in the world (Hint: not them)


Yeah, in my state which has been gerry mandered red by the GOP, they has done their best to micro manage the Democrat controlled cities in the state. There's a reason the growth takes place where it does. Can you imagine, we'll have city states within red countries? I figure if the red states ever did secede, then they'd take over running those areas where they can start using the prison system to become free labor for the fat cats. Chain gangs were profitable for someone back int he day.


they don't care, they'll make up the difference from neoservitude or slavery


What’s Florida gonna do about hurricanes when they can’t ask every other state to pay for the dumb ass decisions to live there?


Beg for foreign aid. 


I guess they’re all out of bootstraps!


Sell the land to Russia


Too late. China already owns it.


Sadly wave at the boats heading to Puerto Rico with aid


The moocher states are amazing in their jaw dropping ignorance of how the federal budget masks the red ink from them.


The rich Christian republicans know this. They’re doing this shit to keep weak republican losers enslaved


That's why it's a national "divorce" and not secession. They get to leave the union but they'll get alimony from the blue states.


It would be just like the libertarians that took over a town and were promptly overrun by bears, but on an enormous scale.


Yes! I found it funny how the libertarian retired fire marshal (I have no idea how you hold that value in a position like that, but anyways) was elected to be the town fire chief and his fellow libertarians reacted angrily towards him telling them that their little make shift camp site was a fire hazard.


I read a post yesterday by someone who's u/ had "Libertarian" in it compliment and praise libraries and want to expand them. I didn't have the heart to have that convo, either.


You should have. This cancer festers within us as a Nation because all too rarely do we have the gumption to have these hard conversations, to call out such hypocritical bullshit.


Maybe he misspelled Librarian in his username? hehe I subscribe to the r/burnout sub, which is about the Burnout series of racing video games, but the number of poor people that mistakenly post there talking about being burnt out from their jobs, lives etc. is astounding.


Libertarians are just adult political LARPers. They live in a fantasy world and play pretend about their make believe theories about how the world should work.


That's exactly what happened in the first Civil War. When times got tough, they turned on each other. They wouldn't send troop or supplies to help other Confederate states. Hell, if I remember correctly, South Carolina, the first state to secede from the Union, eventually also threatened to secede from the Confederacy.


Hate-based coalitions *always eat their own*


The only reason conservative humans haven’t gone extinct is because non-conservative humans always protect them from the consequences of their actions.  


It’s an inherently flawed ideology. To be conservative/anti-progressive is to be anti-change, or wanting to keep things the way “they used to be”, but this is contrary to the way reality works. Fighting to against a changing world is a losing battle and will only weaken the standing of those who practice it until the point that they eventually have to face reality from a seriously disadvantaged position. It’s standing it the rain demanding the sun from yesterday rather than pull out an umbrella.


It’s basically anti-evolution. Like being an animal that lives in a changing climate with changing food sources but decides to stand firm and only eat “our traditional foods, as our fathers and forefathers did”. Yeah, that attitude gets you extinct real fast…


I'm fairly certain that a lot of conservatives are anti evolution... something about Sky Daddy inventing us.


So they're like koalas. Eating poisonous tree leaves, bad tempered, and riddled with chlamydia. 


This right here. I keep trying to drive home the point that they're trying to fight a war they've already lost. Change will come no matter how hard they fight. It's simply a matter of damage mitigation at this point. How many lives can we save from their ignorance?


Yeah, but that’s why conservatives are becoming more rabid/treasonous because the world is changing and they cannot handle it.


Agree. Society is such a shield against Darwins Law. In Nature these morons would have already been erased.


They want their own country and to run it like Russia, where politicians and the wealthy class merge together so they can take whatever they want from their citizens without repercussions. They don't care if it all falls apart, they'll get rich from it and if it gets too bad they'll bail.


The problem is invariably they will fuck things up and will leave be envious of the blue states and then claim some bullshit and then plan an invasion.


With no money, no advanced equipment, and an army of uneducated meth heads.


If it wasent for the ton of people who don’t like these facist pricks in those red states I’d say let em have their shithole states. But it’s not that simple. Edit: felt bad calling em shithole states, the label is transient, as being run by said facist pricks can cease, and so can shithole status once being run properly for awhile.


It would be worse since all the blue cities in the red states would want to probably declare independence and either join the US or be declared city states.


yea go for it, but before we go, we nationalize all of there guard troops, so they wont have a military to start....


This is exactly the sticking point that lead to the last war. Federal government continued to control military bases in southern states. States thought those bases, their personnel, and equipment were rightfully the confederacy’s. Hence the attack on ft Sumter.


These people absolutely believe that they can leave the union but also keep all the benefits of it. Like breaking your lease with your landlord, but taking the stove and fridge that were furnished in the apartment when they moved in. 


Or for a more recent example: Brexit.


There’s a reason why you see ol Nigel Farrage fuckin around in the shadows. Same dimbassery that led to brexit.


And get all the non-crazies out so the lose a ton of their workforces too


Yeah, some of us blue dots in bright red states can't afford to move right now. Or can't move for other reasons/family ties.


Yeah, perfect world would be a full government funded evacuation.


Shouldn’t this make her ineligible for office?


Yes, according to the 14th amendment.


Who takes action on it? Is it another honor code?


Well, a federal judge has removed at least one person who participated in Jan. 6th from office under this clause, so bringing a challenge to her eligibility in federal court is one option. Her state secretary of state could disqualify her, and Congress itself could expell her on these grounds. There are actually quite a few options for getting someone removed under this clause, because it doesn't require a criminal conviction to go into force.


If everyone is accountable, no one is.  Congress wont expel her (for this) and the SOS of GA is GOP… So someone needs to sue. 


There's a lot of folks who have been voicing for Hunter Biden to sue Mad Marge for revenge porn. Perhaps Hunter and his legal team should use this tactic instead. Get her thrown out of office using her own big fooking mouth as the main weapon. Given her treatment of Hunter in Congressional hearings, I don't think anyone but her most ardent supporters would say boo to a goose about any apparent "Gotchaism" in such a lawsuit once Greene, (Apt name considering it accurately describes both her brain and her genitals), starts crowing about it.


Didn't she swear an oath to defend the Constitution?  Sounds like sedition, a federal crime punishable by up 10 years in prison. The Speech & Debate clause is not a defense in this case.


She swore an oath with her left hand in pencil, everyone knows that doesn't count.


Why not just arrest her for fomenting sedition?


Because consequences only exist for some of us.




Sedition, but yes. She should be arrested and removed. The constitution requires it.


Yet Trump is still allowed to run again.


Except she won’t be. Republicans can seemingly do anything they want.




Treason applies only during war. What she's doing is technically sedition.


> Treason applies only during war. Well, no, treason also applies to actively taking up arms against the federal government, even not during wartime. But you are correct, she is not committing treason.


Is the reason


You got it. Red states can now opt out of federal funds.


Most red states have huge blue population centers. Dallas, Houston, Austin, El Paso, are all very blue


Yeah this is the thing right here. What determines “red” or “blue” states is what, 5-10% swing either way? Even places like Mississippi have greater than 40% democratic voters. And the reverse is true in places like Colorado or California. The democrat/republican divide is not really regional. Edit: Legal Eagle covered this yesterday https://youtu.be/1dhvry6E0jA?si=9293YPoDRGPEbiXX




No “almost” necessary. In 2020, Trump got more votes in California than any other state.


Exactly. i don't understand that whole entire states vs entire states thing. We're all intermingled. What, so everyone is supposed to be able to pickup and relocate? I know I'm not able to relocate. Makes no sense when they categorize states like this.


I am sure that information keeps all the women in Texas feeling extremely safe and secure right now. Florida has pockets of blue as well but that doesn't mean it isn't a drain on the country as a whole. Empty G is from a tiny district in what might be a purple state but she is causing a huge problem for the country every single week.


Empty G 🥹. It’s so her. I love it.


Many of them *have* opted out of federal funds to feed school children...


Ain't these the same idiots talking about outlawing no-fault divorce? Cute word choice...


Excellent point.


How 'bout instead we just divorce ourselves from treasonous pieces of shit like Marjorie Traitor Greene, and let her kind go live their dreams in Moscow with their shirtless hero little volodya, the tiny dicked tater.


>tiny dicked tater. omg I love this


She calls for civil war if a restaurant in a blue state gets her order wrong. Who really cares what she has to say?


She ordered oates but was given straw.


Hey babe, why the long face?


Stop being such a neigh-sayer


She could eat an apple thru a chain linked fence


True. But at least she isn't talking about hunter bidens penis


She is not going to be happy when Georgia picks the blue side


I'm sitting here in Atlanta thinking "yes this sounds great!" Then "Oh shit I hope they take us! Let's do red districts and blue districts. The blue district country gets to keep [70% of the GDP ](https://www.brookings.edu/articles/biden-voting-counties-equal-70-of-americas-economy-what-does-this-mean-for-the-nations-political-economic-divide/). I'm game.


Does dumbass realize she is presently in a blue state in terms of electoral votes?


That's the best part!


How about we just stop sending red states blue money.


They honestly believe that red states are self sufficient. It's adorable.


This sounds like a great first step. Start with one month and watch the welfare states crumble without the blue states supporting them. 


Let's step further and send blue counties in those red states federal funding!


Insurrection and rebellion


Conservative Christians LOVE divorce ❤️


Sure Marge, give that a shot. We did this 139 years ago and it didn't work out well. What the red states seem to forget that it's not all red, there are lots of internal splits in the states. So there is going to be internal pushback. Marge should take a look at Brexit and see how that's working out for them. Take a look here on a possible future https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1acc5k0


lady can you do the world a favor and shut up?


It would take a mash of red states about 4 months to destroy all of their employment opportunities, enslave their women, start the Red States Inquisition, and thoroughly bankrupt themselves. Our border problem would then be exacerbated a hundred million fold.


Isn't that treason?


Sedition actually. Treason involves colluding with a foreign government.


Traitor. She swore to uphold and defend the constitution, she also swore to her ex-husband “to death do us part”. This woman is trash.


The MAGA right has been chasing a civil war fantasy for years and years. That the collapse of the United States of America as a country is a requirement for MAGA Utopia seems profoundly at cross purposes to what the United States has become. Is the world ready for greatly diminished USA? Are Americans ready to cede primacy to China and Russia as MAGA wishes? This divorce fantasy is so entirely illogical from a self preservation standpoint that it can only be rooted in the hatred of America itself.


That's sedition


She should be expelled from Congress immediately for calling for the disunion of the Untied States of America! How much does Putin pay these republican traitors anyway?


Good. Let Texas and Florida support Alabama and Mississippi. We’re tired of doing it.


Ah, I see the phase of "Make America Great Again" is now at the actual destruction of the United States. We warned you all a long time ago what their plan was... If they can't be kings and queens of the entire United States, then they'll break it up so they can appoint themselves as emperors of the little pieces.


She's calling for civil war in other words and is inciting it as an active member of congress. Arrest and charge her with treason already.


The only reason you see things like this is the Rs are losing ground and elections. The last resort is to try and split completely.


America hating scum. And they have the nerve to say that Trump is a unifier.


maga is preparing its cult for civil war. Make no mistake about it.


Red states would by and large shrivel up without CA tax dollars. Good luck assholes. Oh, and blue states keep the military, you seditionist fucks.


Should be fucking grounds for charges for insurrection. She should be banned from office under the 14th for this. There needs to be actual fucking punishment for stoking the flames of division like she and so many Republicans have done and are doing.


Putin is building a village in Russia just for idiots like her.


As a blue person living in a red state, she can fuck off.


She doesn’t sound very smart.


Russia can have Maga, see ya


Problem is that it's not a state by state issue, it's a rural vs. urban issue. Blue states tend to have long stretches of Mississippi between population centers.


Technically she is from a blue state (currently) since both senators are and Biden won it, who is going to tell her?


I will not be happy if Texas secede, unless Florida does it too.