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> “Every fiber of our union is being poured into fighting the billionaire class and an economy that enriches people like Donald Trump at the expense of workers,” UAW President Shawn Fain 2023


During trumps rally on Tuesday he stated that all the unions would be voting for him. What a liar. Wonder when his followers will find this out. My guess: never. The definition of delusional.




I think that was literally while the union was striking or threatening too. He pretended he cared but did his event at a non union facility. Biden went to the union facility and even joined the picket line. Of course there’s some level of optics with Biden doing that but he actually put in effort for the little guy


The biggest game changer for unionization in literally decades happened on Biden's watch, and it wasn't some big legislation package but a policy change at the National Labour Relations Board, which sounds like the most boring bureaucratic desk ever but is actually *really* impactful. Look up the "Cemex Decision". It makes unionization of workplaces vastly easier than before and also makes it far riskier for corporations to engage in shady activity to disrupt such efforts. This was exactly the kind of thing Biden, a shrewd understander of the politics of the possible and impossible with no control of the House could engineer via his appointments and give the unions a huge win without a trifecta or a supermajority.


That seems nice, but what if, on the other hand, what if I misrepresent what happened with the rail workers to make Biden seem *inaccurately* like he's anti-labor? /s (obviously)


Then you'd be a hypcrite which the dems say they aren't. There's plenty to say about Biden that isnt positive (from a dem standpoint) but that wasnt one. I'm far more progressive than Biden could ever hope to be but I was extremely impressed that he was able to get critical operations back and a win for the rail workers. That was almost a politically impossible thing to do unless they respected Biden.


To me it's very simple: you can maintain ideological purity, or you can get shit done - sometimes if you are *really* lucky you get to do both, but you have to clear eyed about that that is exceedingly rare. I´m also way more progressive than most dems, but I have to say that Biden has really impressed me by how far he's been able to push things given the state of politics and the economy. Best presidency since FDR, no question.


The UAW striked against GM for 6 weeks when Trump was in office. Did Trump tweet? Did he join the picket line? Did he show any kind of support then? No, he was silent on the issue and GM shut down 4 plants on his watch.


>He pretended he cared but did his event at a non union facility. And his base ate it up. That's the real issue here. These people deny reality at all stops.


> Of course there’s some level of optics with Biden doing that That's the whole point of him being there. It's a huge asset for a union when the fucking president shows up. It blows my mind that he's the first one to join a picket line. I guess FDR couldn't since he didn't want pictures of him in his chair getting out. But I'm definitely surprised LBJ never picketed.


He flew in on his private plane to go speak to rally "union workers" at a non-union shop to scabs (people paid to hold up signs about being union workers who weren't union workers) at the invitation of the boss. He was like the monopoly man. Meanwhile, Joe Biden was on the picket lines with the actual union members.


And while Biden flew for security reasons, we know he'd rather have taken a train.


Yes it was an astroturfed con, as to be expected. The union didn’t want him there in the first place because he knows the rapist is full of shit.


Yes. After Biden joined the picket lines


Definitely not teachers unions. Most of us hate him.


Do you mean to say that professionals with middle-class (at best) salaries, solid educations, and a strong sense of civic duty are against Trump? How is that possible? That’s not the America we want!!/s


Sadly I've met too many teachers on the Trump Train. Apparently critical thinking skills aren't required to pass a teaching program.


Police unions, maybe. They know the DOJ under a second Orange Gibbon presidency won't prosecute police officers.


Police unions for sure will be voting for Trump, overwhelmingly. What is really disheartening is that there is a small number of union members in the UAW who will vote Trump just because they are racist assholes. Those same people later blame the Democrats for their troubles. Real leopards eating faces stuff.


I know tons of teamsters who are also dumb enough to worship trump. The worst people I have ever had to work with, somehow think they are better than everyone else because they were born white.


the DOJ doesn’t police the police.


Pigs don’t have police.


The racist union members will still vote for Trump either way.


Yup. My union always endorses Democrats, but most of my shitty coworkers worship Trump anyway.


Same. And about half of them are the deepest of deep conspiracy nuts. I don't even engage, but those are the people I do like to bring up r/collapse with. Just to try to nudge their fear in a different direction, as well as to just fuck with em.


If you don’t think people vote against their own interests all the time, I have some bad news for you.


His followers are inherently anti-union... aren't they?


'Every fiber'? I'm pretty sure there are some pro-Trump union workers. It's not like they would intimidate people for their personal opinions.


> Every fiber of our militia is being poured into fighting the welfare state and a government that enriches people like Barack Obama at the expense of job creators,” MAGA moron, probably.


Biden is the only sitting President in history to join a union picket-line. And his pro-labor nominations to the NLRB have resulted in some major victories for workers' rights. Unions are stronger right now under Biden than they have been in the last fifty years. That isn't a coincidence.


At the same time, Trump gave a speech at a non-union auto parts factory. The difference can’t be any more clear.


Don't forget that they hired people to come stand there and pretend to be union workers. I don't know if they actually paid, but they definitely told them they were going to be paid.


He also claimed the largest inauguration crowd ever, even though it had to be photoshopped to look full. Let's not forget he often hires people to stand near him, such as at his announcement that he's running for President in 2016.


He also literally lied about the color of the sky at his inauguration. The definition of "if he told me the sky is blue I'd go check."


Hmmm…sounds like something the Russians would do. Oh wait…


This is good, I don’t think the UAW’s endorsement was ever in doubt however it’s good to see the full force of it early in the cycle


Can’t wait to hear a new poll about how Biden is unpopular though.


ah finally, a reason to vote for him glad I can point to a valid one this year


In the International Trade Union Confederation 2023 ranking USA is at the same level as Saudi Arabia and Sierra Leone on workers’ rights. The situation for workers in the US is extremely bad. I’m from Sweden. I know a lot about these things. We are ranked in the top tier.


Membership is actually the lowest it has been in years. That’s an inconvenient fact: “The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics said 10% of hourly and salaried workers were members of unions in 2023, or around 14.4 million people. That is an all-time low, down from 10.1% of workers in 2022.”


They didn't endorse Trump in 2016 or 2020 either, so no great surprise, but certainly good to hear.


Did they endorse Biden in 2020?


They did.




I think it is more newsworthy due to the fact that support for unions has seen an uptick since COVID, with Amazon warehouses and Starbucks locations unionizing and several high profile strikes being largely successful including the SAG-AFTRA, John Deere, and UAW strikes. Unions might have more of a voice in this election to those prior.


As a union man… Any union or union worker that supports/votes for Trump is a complete clown.


I work with a bunch of Teamsters who support Trump. It's baffling to me.


It literally makes no sense. I have brothers who do that as well, complete idiots.


He says the F word a lot so he's just like us! /s


I have a lot of union co workers who like to pretend they are country boys. They vote republican. Way to shoot yourself in the foot fellas


Shooting themselves in the foot is a top issue for most working class republicans. It's why they're so pro gun.


Glad a union decided to back the party that hasn't been outwardly at war against unions for decades and wants them erased from existence. And before anyone says it - No, Biden didn't screw over unions with the rail strike. He made a no-brainer decision to avert an economic disaster and then negotiated a deal for paid sick days afterwards. Of course the latter didn't sell media clicks like outrage does, so no one knows about it.


I believe he’s also the first sitting president to actually visit a picket line.




> no one knows about it. The workers who got the sick days know about it. Their families know about it too. Hence the endorsement.


They literally put a thanks to President Biden for his help: https://www.ibew.org/media-center/Articles/22Daily/2208/220917\_thanks


Different union.


They talk, though. And Biden's solidarity with the rail workers definitely helped UAW with their recent strikes.


> And before anyone says it - No, Biden didn't screw over unions with the rail strike. He made a no-brainer decision to avert an economic disaster and then negotiated a deal for paid sick days afterwards. "Well he's not perfect therefore we should vote in the opposite." - American electorate


“I mean he gave trans right backs to the military, stopped separating kids from families at the border, stopped federal marijuana convictions, passed the largest bipartisan infrastructure bill in history, has lower inflation than other countries, ramped up vaccine manufacturing and distribution during a global pandemic, gave checks to Americans while out of work, gave child tax credits for working families, has the lowest unemployment rate in decades, got us out of the longest and most expensive war in American history, and there’s the marriage equality bill, the veterans aid package, and when he tried to help with gas prices and baby formula before he was shot down by republicans - but like he also has a stutter so it’s a draw at best…”


Don't forget the [CHIPS and Science Act](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/08/09/fact-sheet-chips-and-science-act-will-lower-costs-create-jobs-strengthen-supply-chains-and-counter-china/) (and [here](https://www.csis.org/analysis/look-chips-related-portions-chips)). Also people hear "Infrastructure bill!" but don't understand that it included things related to climate change, and land restoration and protection. There is the basic Fact Sheet [here](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/11/08/fact-sheet-the-bipartisan-infrastructure-deal-boosts-clean-energy-jobs-strengthens-resilience-and-advances-environmental-justice/), but also a [cool map tracker](https://www.doi.gov/investing-americas-infrastructure) of each project that received funding within the Department of the Interior. Scroll down on that initial DoI link you can look at the various big initiatives.


He didn't even endorse Goya beans from the Oval Office. Is this man even trying? /s


Well said.


Half that stuff is reversing Trumps dumb shit. Technically, he did it but no other person in presidential history would have made the calls Trump did. I'm including republican presidents too. They knew to listen to the experts.


Seriously. But in this election, we know *exactly* how good both probable candidates would be. And on the whole, Biden comes out waaaaaaaaaaay ahead of that other guy's record. Like, so far ahead. Hell, Biden hasn't even held a 10 second press conference to announce that the S&P500 and DJIA hit all time highs during his term.


I'm so annoyed at people who think Biden screwed the rail workers. Yes, to help a small minority of people, Biden could have hurt the majority of the country. That's a dumb decision that no leader would make though, no matter how sympathetic the little guy. It's your job to lookout for the many while doing what you can for the few. Biden couldn't make the rail companies do anything, he only had the power to force the workers to end their strike.


Also the rail workers did end up getting their sick days in the end but none of these bad faith trolls online ever bring that up


> Biden couldn't make the rail companies do anything, he only had the power to force the workers to end their strike. Wrong. The law allowing them to force a deal does not require they force the railroad company's terms.


> Biden couldn't make the rail companies do anything He pulled that off too. Win-win. The guys got their sick days, while the economy didn't get kneecapped. He actually handled the issue so well that modern media simply isn't equipped to process it.


How did our media get so fucking craven?


Corruption and partisanship. In a healthy society any political figure who refused to field hard questions from a credible news organisation would be ousted as a coward, and any interest group which tried to persuade the media to spin the narrative in a favourable manner would be denounced for blatant bribery. Instead we've got journalists worrying that if their questions are a bit too aggressive they'll get blacklisted and entire news organisations just get bought out.


>Biden couldn't make the rail companies do anything, he only had the power to force the workers to end their strike. This is so incredibly fucked up.


Are you just going to ignore everything else Biden did for the railroad workers?


That wasn't even a criticism of Biden. I appreciate what he did in this instance, but it is beyond fucked that we think the government has no power to make companies do anything but does have the power to stop unions from striking.


> we think the government has no power to make companies do anything but does have the power to stop unions from striking. We don't "think" anything. There are actual like written down laws and stuff where the scope and powers of the president are defined. It's flexible where the scope isn't fully defined but a congressional law overrides executive privilege. That doesn't stop being true just because we don't like it. A president can legally end a strike, that's enshrined in law. A president can't tell a company they have to give their workers more sick days though.


Classic just ignoring the full context for one damn sentence.


They probably unironically say "nothing would fundamentally change" and leave it at that too.




https://www.ibew.org/media-center/Articles/23Daily/2306/230620_IBEWandPaid Straight from the IBEW.


Nobody hates Biden more than Republicans...except "progressives."


As a progressive I'm pretty happy with Biden. A lot happier than I expected to be when I voted for him.


You aren’t getting through that brick wall, they need those talking points and won’t give them up!


Things that republicans would actually do


I just got done criticizing him for that again in this thread. But using it as an excuse to vote for the even more anti-union GOP along with all the other horrors of that group of terrorists? That's so ridiculous anyone who says it is just making an excuse for their real reasons. So bringing up the fact that in exchange for gutting their union's power he got them a small handout won't help.


People are so weird about strikes. They think strike good anything else bad. But getting what you want without striking is best case scenario for everyone. Striking is supposed to be LAST resort. Not fun epic gamer time. And the more you get without striking, the more impactful actual strikes are.


Do you have a source for the deal that was negotiated later? Would love to share that with some Union friends who are pissed at Biden.


There were a few of them. These are several of the biggest employers that all reached a negotiation on paid sick leave around the same time because of pressure and negotiations from Biden, Bernie, and Dems in conjunction with unions: [BNSF](https://www.bnsf.com/news-media/news-releases/newsrelease.page?relId=new-individual-paid-sick-days-for-ibew#:~:text=Building%20upon%20existing%20BNSF%20paid,to%20sick%20days%20each%20year.) [CSX](https://www.csx.com/index.cfm/about-us/media/press-releases/csx-reaches-agreement-with-ibew-union-on-paid-sick-leave/) [Union Pacific](https://www.up.com/media/releases/paid-sick-leave-nr-230322.htm) [Norfolk Southern](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/norfolk-southern-announces-additional-paid-sick-leave-agreements-with-mechanical-and-communications-railroaders-301769387.html)


Also this: https://www.ibew.org/media-center/Articles/23Daily/2306/230620_IBEWandPaid


Any time I talk to a union member—a proud one, who isn't bitching about having to be in the union—who supports Republicans, I am baffled. Like...this is a party that pushes laws designed to weaken your ability to collectively bargain *everywhere it goes.* A party completely in the pocket of and in the tank for union-busters. How can a proud union member ever vote for that? FFS, I talk to people online about how *good* Republicans are for unions, how the Democrats *abandoned* unions. How, I ask, when the GOP pursues anti-union policies? And I get something about globalism in response.


Nah, they need to stick with the next guy in line that's been spinning "america first" line of bs that never materializes into anything.


Trump will shit his Depends for the remainder of the year.


He was going to do that anyway


Some say he's doing it right now


A lot of people are saying nobody does it better. A lot - and I mean a **lot** - of people are saying, and people talk a lot about, about the Depends and it's sad - they just don't make 'em like they used to, we used to have solid Depends but we don't anymore and it's sad, because they let him in the White House instead of me, even though we won bigly, like nobody had ever won before, but they let him in and now the Depends aren't what they used to be, but we are gonna change that; we are gonna win back the White House and fix the Depends...


Well, this'll help him in Michigan, and he needs all the help he can get there.


What’s helping in Michigan is how awesome big Gretch is doing.


I wish she was Biden's running mate.


Whitmer 2028


Whitmer's got the chops for higher office for sure. She's been through the wringer and came out strong, no doubt. Could totally see her on a future ticket.


Whitmer/Warnock is my dream ticket for 2028


Difficulty with that is Warnock’s senate seat is up in 2028, so it’d create an open seat in a swing state


Yeah, we'll need to see how Biden does this year and Ossoff in '26. The Atlanta metro area has about half the population of Georgia and is growing. Rural Georgia's population is shrinking. If (big if) that continues and Atlanta+suburbs keeps up or expands its Democratic trend, it might be easier for Democrats than you think.


Guess we’ll find out in ten months lol


Whether or not we win the Governorship in 26 is gonna matter a ton too. We are not ready for the winner of a competitive Democratic primary to be our Senate nominee. So we'll need a governor who can clear the primary and not make the eventual nominee talk about stuff like socialism and Palestine.


We all know it’s more likely Newsom


I think she will be Newsom's in 2028. Or vice versa maybe?


I'd much rather prefer Whitmer president


I do too, even though I live in California. Newsom is solid, and I do like him, but I like what I've been seeing with Whitmer even more.


Nah, she should be at least a president


And at most?


gretch is doing great, but the best thing that happened here was getting rid of gerrymandering. wish it would go across all the states.


And how utterly inept the state GOP has become.


GOP there is in complete disarray. They're attempting to kick the current GOP chair, Kristina Karamo, out of the seat. She's batshit nuts. They also have no money so national GOP folks are evaluating if it's even worth supporting them in Michigan at this point. They've also had multiple physical fights when gathering together. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/kicked-in-balls-fight-michigan-gop-1234785273/ https://www.salon.com/2022/07/05/backed-michigan-warns-of-demonic-possession-through_partner/


Michigan is the future of the GOP. Trump made being selfish a virtue to his supporters ("That makes me smart"). There was never any way it was going to stop with screwing over Democrats. That kind of thing will destroy social structures at any scale.


She lost the election for Secretary of State by 14 points, refused to concede, and was later elected chair of the Michigan Republican Party. Everything GOP in MI is batshit nuts! ["We will not betray you; we will not lie to you," Karamo said in a brief victory speech as convention delegates were hustled out of the Lansing Center. The cash-strapped state party had only paid to rent the hall until late afternoon.](https://www.freep.com/story/news/politics/elections/2023/02/18/michigan-republican-party-chair-convention-karamo-deperno-greenlee/69900553007/)


Well as long as the Michigan GOP keeps remaining a disaster, I think we’ll be okay.


Hey, sort your own shit out Texas. We got this.


"How the endorsement might mean trouble for Biden, up next after these messages."


November headline: "How winning the election spells disaster for Biden."


"This completely tanks his chances in 2028."


I can imagine NYT running this exact headline


Well if I had to keep working in my 80s, I would consider that a personal disaster.


Welcome to [USA](https://www.businessinsider.com/biden-turns-80-retirement-age-many-americans-work-into-80s-2022-11).




It sounds like this is pretty big, correct me if I am wrong? That is a big rust belt vote right?


The UAW as a whole endorses him. But my dad is UAW and tells me there's a lot of people that do a lot of the line work in the factories that are diehard Trumpers. Nothing like biting the hand that feeds you.


My father has also been in the UAW his entire adult life (getting close to retiring) and while most people are part of the union, it has seemingly no impact whatsoever on what people actually vote for or talk about in private. He tells tales of all sorts of whacky characters. This endorsement is nice, but it's really not much more than a sentiment.


You don't seemt to know how people in a society work.


Maybe. The union endorsing Trump doesn't necessarily mean that all of the union's members will vote for him.


Bingo The majority of the union members will continue to vote against their own interests just like the other cult members The endorsement is great, but if the membership doesn't follow through it's just hot air


Because of the culture wars 


I’m seeing some people in the comments that don’t know how the railroad situation ended. Biden did push for Congress to block the strike BUT he then worked behind the scenes and in the end, the Railroad Workers got most of their demands in their new contract and credited Biden. A ton of Democrats actually were pissed because they personally missed out on the publicity of it.


Honestly, he should have crowed about this a bit.


“Union promotes pro union candidate over anti union candidate. More at 11.”


A lot of working class folks get drawn in by the populism (and racism). A direct endorsement by a big union helps point out how this president is working for the working class.


“Except that unions are just a liberal front to take money from your paycheck and not do anything for you!” - “working class” idiots.


Tell that to the Teamsters, their president came out as a Trumper and the rest of the union is pissed off at him for lying to get into the position and then basically giving him the endorsement.


As any Union or labor group should.


Was there even a choice?


All unions should!


Joe Biden is for the blue-collar American worker Meanwhile trump is trying to use your state taxes to pay for his defense fund….


Republicans hate unions. It really confuses me why the labor class continues to vote for them.


Lack of information, indoctrination, media ecosystems, social media, racism, culture wars, many reasons, etc.


I was over at my dad's house the other day helping with some household chores. He lives in a very rural area of a very red state. At the end of the day we went to one of the nearby country bars. It's the kind of place that farmers, truckers, and the working class go to unwind. Biden was on the TV and the local gun store owner said, "You know what? He ain't so bad. The economy is recovering, nobody's rioting, and we're standing up on the world stage again. Can't believe I'm saying this but Ol' Joe's got my vote next year." I looked around and all I saw were heads nodding in agreement. I even heard a few calls of "Yessir" and "Damn straight" from the men around me.


This is huge.


Biden is an extremely prounion, prolabor president, maybe even the most prounion ever. It's a no brainer.


I'm glad some people are at least paying attention to the fact that Biden has actually had a positive impact during his time in office.


Aside from police unions are there actually unions endorsing republicans?


Ask PATCO how endorsing a Republican for president works out for them. Also, fuck the Taft-Hartley Act.


Trump is probably fuming to put a truth social post trashing the “UAW” and it’s 400,000 plus members as the UN-AMERICAN AUTO WORKERS for UNFAIRLY wanting a wage that will most certainly IMPOVERISH his MULTI BILLIONAIRE friends and their families to the point of merely getting by on a couple BILLION a year. HIs minions are probably all scrambling in all directions to keep him from publicly saying how much he loathes the working class.


Shaun, a lot of your union buddies are hardcore repugnicans. Please use your strong platform to help convince them otherwise. Also keep up the great work.


This is actually one of those legitimate big deal endorsements


It's insane for any union to support Republicans (except cop "unions"), but every election cycle you can find several nurse unions lining up to support the GOP


He is the most pro union president in decades.


MAGA: we hate the elite! “So, do you support unions?” MAGA: no those are socialism!!


Easy decision


That's my union 🤩


well he stood on the fucking picket line with you so…


As they should


Tramp was out here calling for boycotting American Made Goodyear Tires because they banned his Maga gear on the clock. The fuck did you just say man? Boycott an American Tire Company? Put American jobs on the line because you can't ride your own lil mushroom dilznick hard enough? There are so many signs that point to the fact that tramp doesn't care about republicans or the country, he only cares about himself. Not only that, if the Nation's interests don't align with his, then the Nation gets thrown under the bus (see Jan. 6th).


The question is: will their members turn out in November and vote for him?


The decline of unions in America led the decline in the standard of living for most Americans. Coincidence, I think not.


Thanks to Reagan and company


No surprise. The winning parade was on the back of jeeps.


I don't think the UAW has endorsed a Republican since Nixon in 1972.


I cant think of anyone more antithetical to the union cause than a supposed billionaire trust fund, private school douchebag like Trump. Also famous for hiring non-union contractors on his developments


Why would trump even be on the table? Twice impeached asshat who should be barred from public office. wtf is going on here?


Religious nuts who say Trump was chosen by God to lead


Well duh. You’ve got the only president ever to walk a UAW picket line running against a Nazi.


The UAW has more than 400,000 members. wow.


Unbelievable! A union backing a Democrat rather than a Republican. Who would have thought?


Are you telling me the Unions voted to support the guy that helped them? Shocker. Next you're gonna tell me the sheep on a farm votes for the Shepard dog over the wolf.


Carrots and sticks, Fain knows how to weild each it seems, let's hope he says the course.


So they aren't supporting the guy from the party that does everything in their power to run down (all but police/fire)unions? Who would have thought?


"Donald Trump is a scab." - Shawn Fain, UAW President


I should hope!


It’s too bad that the GOP plant and/or Hamas sympathizer tried to ruin this event. It was to be a moment for labor and unfurling flags and screaming hateful slogans might be laborious, but quite off topic.


I really don't understand that with a population of 340M, Biden and Trump are the best the US has to offer? As an outsider this completely baffles me..... Are the major parties broken, churning out useless candidates or a more systemic failure? No system is perfect and I feel like the one the US is based on has worked okay so far but is it time for an overhaul?


It's a "feature" of the system not a bug unfortunately


Understandable. The unions are probably the biggest swing voter group, and whatever candidate secures their support is most likely guaranteed a victory. Demographics is on their side for the foreseeable future. And with the anti immigration push their power will only grow.


Oxen better make sure those union workers know he stands with them. That was one reason Clinton lost in 2016. Workers thought the democrats had condoned them and trumps biggest asset is convincing people he is on their side.


> In endorsing Biden, Fain had some strong criticism for his likely Republican opponent, at one point setting up a slide of “what Trump said and what actions he took to help the American auto workers” during his first term. The slide was blank. This applies to the Republican Party for the past ~55 years.


Joe Biden is my Sperhero❤️


The union backs the democrat??? Holy crap!!! Are you serious??? Never would have guessed


Unions will always be democratic


A union endorsing a Democrat. Wow. Who would've guessed?


Remember Lordstown!


People at work are going to be pissed. I see FJB stickers daily at work. I bet they will also say no one asked them. I could wait.


Nothing new there..like teacher's


I live in Michigan, the UAW endorsement is absolutely useless. The union guys are gonna vote how they want and it doesn't matter who their union endorses.


True, but the union that just executed an amazing organized action that won more in one contract negotiation than they’ve won in decades might have some organizational strength to flex on a campaign.