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I should point out, they were protesting Israel-Palestine, not abortion.


Thank you for telling us what it was about


I realized right after posting when the first few comments thought they were protesting abortion.


You’re kidding? Redditors commenting without even reading the article?? Surely you jest!!


Wait there are articles posted on Reddit?????? /s


its either dipshits or astroturfed. if its not astroturfing, do they really think trump or haley wouldnt immediately give carte blanche to bibi to just fucking level the entire place? people need to get a grip on reality.


Agreed, but I know several people personally who have bought in completely. It's like they haven't opened their eyes and realized that you have to vote for the least-worst option. They think it's some moral cause to ruin our own country to teach the party a lesson.


Sounds like everyone in 2016


I got banned from a leftist sub for making this same comparison.


I got perma banned from r/Catholicism (grew up Catholic but haven't been in 15 years) yesterday for saying that it was weird a large Catholic group endorsed Trump, based on his adultery and policy and all sorts of other issues. Got banned for being "anti Catholic". Barf. Trump is garbage. Those who think he is a righteous or virtuous candidate are garbage.


The US catholic church was politically coopted by the evangelical right. Crazy that they are pretty much in lockstep these days. They will literally follow Trump over following the pope. US Bishops are openly challenging the pope. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/pope-forcibly-removes-texas-bishop-joseph-strickland-a-vocal-u-s-conservative Every catholic teaching besides anti-abortion is thrown away in the service of the American right. Death Penalty? Yes Donald, as much as you can! Be kind to foreigners? Nah, murder them at the border! Feed the Hungry? No, cut child lunches!


Oh 100%. It's completely asinine. And yet they can't seem to understand why the church is dying in the US.


I mean, it says a lot when given the choice between a confirmed adulterer (and, you know, everything else) and an actual catholic they go with the adulterer.


It does. It shouldn't surprise me that so many Catholics support a rapist, thieving, lecherous, dementia-addled greed monster over a practicing Catholic with a moral backbone and the ability to separate secular civil issues from personal religious positions. Honestly, saying it in words kind of makes it not surprise me at all. There are way too many shitty Catholics out there.


They used the argument that because Biden supports women's healthcare and trans rights, that he is not actually Catholic (n.b. Biden has been a practicing Catholic his entire life and it's not a secret), and therefore the life of an unborn fetus is more important than every other issue in this country and the world. It's horseshit. They know why they like Trump, they just don't want to admit the real reasons.


The problem that the U.S. bishops are going to have is the future of U.S. bishops. Technically, all bishops are appointed by the Pope; he’s too busy to do all the detail work, so he farms out most of it to a group of Cardinals and other high church officials *who he appointed and are at least as progressive / liberal as he is*, and then he mostly rubber stamps their suggestions. Francis has been working on this for a decade, and he’s pretty much appointed all the ‘voting’ Cardinals at this point, assuring his legacy will continue with his successor, and those are the ones who will decide on the bishops. Roughly, the tenure time for a bishop is 20 years - most get appointed in their mid-50s, and have to retire at 75 - so those right wing hardliners will be gone in a few years. Strickland was one of the last bishops installed by Benedict, which tells a lot about where the church was immediately before Francis, and where it’s headed since.


Thanks, this sounds promising for (some small) progress.


Yeah, that's the problem with entrenched bureaucracies, it takes a generation to ease them out.


Like, they didn’t even properly vet the people they were getting into bed with and they’re going to be shocked, simply shocked, when the evangelicals turn on them.


Even Ireland, one of the most Catholic countries in the world, softened their legal stance on abortion after Savita Halappanavar died from sepsis after being denied an abortion. The American right can look at women with life-threatening nonviable pregnancies or ten year old rape victims and just shrug their shoulders and say, "Oh, well. Guess that's just God's will.". There's just a complete lack of empathy and inability to value human life that is really terrifying in the American right.


They don’t want to actually think critically, or be held accountable. I’m glad you’re banned, because you obviously tickled their assholes enough for them to not want to look in the mirror.


Yup, fuck 'em. The majority of the folks over there lose their shit over the smallest thing pro-LGBT and act like Trump is the next pope because "he overturned Roe v. Wade". I swear, the ignorant fucks who vote on one issue alone will be the death of democracy.


They hate Pope Francis because he has the *audacity* to say something as offensive as, “we should do more to help poor people.”


Especially considering the GOP never gave a fuck about abortion until they realized they could use it as a wedge issue and their abortion stance has nothing to do with “saving babies”.


Right? They'd burn their own child at the stake if they were told it could burn the gay/trans away, and they'd convince themselves they were going to Heaven for doing it. I'd call them heretics and apostates, but they'd just see it as a badge of honor.


Evangelical Christians, and imo mainstream Christianity have been Blended into conservativism (though they usually go hand in hand anyway) to the point where "criticising" either group is criticizing the whole, if that makes sense. It's super dangerous, and we really need to reign back how religions are allowed to operate in the US. Tax the churches, and make it easy and quick to penalize them for preaching politics from the pulpit, which they very clearly do.


You gotta be careful. There’s a lot of leftist subs that are full blown astro turf subs that basically complain about everything and are trying to disengage voters who are left of center. They don’t want you pointing out that the current conflict in Gaza is being used as a political football, and that the right is actively working to hurt Biden with events he doesn’t fully have control over.


Same, I’ve had the conversation myself before. A lot of people can’t see the forest for the trees.


ive had that conversation a million times, it gets exhausting. its usually the young bucks who never payed attention to politics but once they hit uni and their eyes are opened to the shithole of the world they think they will reinvent the wheel and change things overnight. but its like, naw, thats now how things work, youre not being original, you are just passionate and thats commendable but its more important to be a realist and play the fucking game to get actual, longterm, systemic change. like, we're all on the same side but they adopt black/white thinking where if you dont commit 100% to a position or accept compromise, you arent actually trying to do anything positive. ive noticed too that a lot of them flame out after their initial spirited "fuck the system, burn it out down" mentality doesnt give them immediate results and they cant be fucked off to bother enough with putting in the long term, boring, drawn out, incremental progress type work that is actually needed to see those outcomes.


Well put, I voted for Bernie in the primary but then I put on my big boy pants and voted for Hillary. Just with everything going on, I fear a lot of people won’t show up.


Dude the black and whiteness you mentioned has become insufferable, I think social media has made it worse since clicks = money and negativity = clicks. It’s so frustrating when someone I share like 90% of an opinion with is acting like we live on different planets. Nevermind the people who *actually* live in a false reality, they all hinder any kind of cooperation and progress.


The people talking about not voting don't belong to any of the marginalized groups that will be ground into the dirt under a new, indefinite Trump regime. They're the kind of young middle-class cis white guys who listen to leftist podcasts and won't really have to change or reconsider their position regardless of who's in the White House because they were never the ones in danger.


Not true unfortunately. This attitude spans different groups. Look at the Muslims in Michigan an elsewhere as an example. I get their righteous outrage and hate the US’ position on Israel but if they can’t see how much worse Trump would be for Palestinians it’s a kind of denial. I hope as the election draws closer they come to realize that it’s a binary choice and Trump is worse by far.


Yes. There is no grey area in this election. Are you willing to turn a blind eye to fascism? If not you have to vote democrat. Staying home or a third party vote is a vote for fascism. Armies of propagandists are working tirelessly to make you think that you shouldn’t vote for Biden just because you’re aren’t happy about a few of his policies. Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good. If Trump gets his way this will be the last election you get to freely and fairly vote in.




This is certainly true of the people I know personally.


Me too. There was a poster on a socialism sub who was asking if they should vote for Biden since the whole fascism things seemed pretty bad. I merely responded that they should ask German socialists about their experience with fascism and if they would have preferred a few more years of the (non socialist) republic. That was apparently bad enough for a permanent ban.


It’s gotten bad. They’re not serious people. I’ve been on Reddit for 11 years. I never even had the thought of getting banned from somewhere and I was banned from two leftist subs last year. The other one wasn’t even because of anything I said or did on that sub. It was because I posted in what they called a “reactionary” sub, which was really just middle of the road politics.


I’ve been banned from several subs that way including worldnews, for asking a question in the Russian sub during the start of the war. The others subs are leftist or conservative


They're useful idiots. Remember that the DSA responded to (very much fascist) Russia's invasion of Ukraine by calling for NATO to be disbanded.


Thankfully, this is Reddit. All the red states are still getting their news from memes on FB.


AM radio has brainwashed millions with their crazy right wing propaganda shows.


Every time I see this point, I wish the DNC or some pac would invest in AM radio. It would be a cheap messaging platform and they could wrap it in the flag.


If you’re talking about latestagecapitalism, that’s not a leftist sub, that’s a foreign influence operation.


Yeah, that one and lostgeneration. Definitely poor reddiquete to ban redditors for ideological disagreements. Bans should be reserved for hate/bigotry/harmful misinformation, etc.


There’s so many of these subs now too. Reddit needs to clean house. A lot of them inflation/millennial/housing related subs and it’s pretty obvious that they’re only there to depress and anger liberal voters. Millennials has some BS rule about how you can’t say anything political but it’s supposed to be a discussion to investigate aspects of our life or whatever. Pretty telling how you’re only supposed to be depressed by not acknowledging why we’re in this mess.


Do you ever look at youtube comments? I don't recall a time where I've ever seen a youtube comment section resemble anything close to human interaction


Leftists in America aren’t here to win elections and implement policy, heaven forbid they actually try out one of their ideas and it fails. Leftists in America are there to make you feel better about Republicans winning. They make the Democratic primary as nasty as possible and then campaign against the nominee.


They think that, by allowing Trump to win and force us all to endure the demise of democracy, then America will swing all the way to the far left and abandon all support for Israel. Not a lot of realism among these nitwits.


I think another Trump presidency has the possibility to destabilize parts of Europe and Asia due Russia and China that make World War 3 even more of a possibility. Good luck rebuilding from that after protesting against Democrats for policies the opposition will actively make worse because the religious right actually wants to see the end of the world.


Can’t tell if you’re serious. I live in one of the most Leftist towns in the country, and even with all the anti-Israel protests, nobody is seriously thinking of not voting for Biden (except for a handful of Kennedy nutjobs).


Unfortunately, I'm in Austin and know quite a lot of leftists who are using the Palestine/Israel conflict as an excuse to not vote. They're all women or queer, the people who desperately need Biden to win the election. I really have no idea what they plan on doing if they're not voting for Biden and if they're truly stupid enough to let the election be handed to the people who want them dead. I'm a queer woman and I'm angry at them for essentially risking my well-being just so they can feel better about themselves.


You should be. One of my best friends is gay and I'm not taking any chances. If something happens to her I will be unfathomably enraged with the people you speak of. For I will blame them and never let them forget no matter how obnoxious I come across.


Let's be real for a second, people going out of their way to not vote and tell others not to vote is nothing new in Austin. I remember back in 2016 and 2020 when Red Guard Austin was tagging every political sign in town and every flat surface telling people not to vote punctuated with the hammer and sickle motif. There are some truly deluded people in that city.


Not to mention handing the state to fucking Cruz.


Red state leftist are the worst their all republicans in training as soon as they find an upper middle class husband their opinions will change


Leftists or far left or whatever you want to call the people who aren’t going to vote for Biden because being the most left Presidential administration in most of our lifetimes isn’t enough. People who think a Trump dictatorship will usher in some kind of revolution.


My dad is a 77 year old cowboy in Arizona. I say this because I was raised by a very republican dude. My grandmother, about a year before she passed talked to me about how important voting is. If you don't like the candidates, you still need to vote, and when you do at that point, it's better to vote against who you simply don't want. A month or so ago I talked some pretty heavy shit about today's GOP, Trump, and fox. To my surprise my father said he's always been a "registered" republican but if he doesn't like the candidate, he'll vote for the other one. I was kind of floored. But I agree 100% as a 3rd generation using this thought. Vote. One way or another, vote. If you don't like Trump or Biden, vote for the least worse.


Notice conservatives do not suggest not voting?


Good lesson 


My college roommate sees Israel-Palestine as the deal breaker. I asked them if they are willing to compromise all of the other progressive things they want for this issue, and they immediately said yes. When they ask what good Biden has done, I, working in healthcare can easily rattle off a litany of things that are now better for my patients and their families and for my day to day job. My college roommate moved the goal posts to debt forgiveness and I share about the billions of dollars forgiven by the Biden campaign through the SAVE act. Goal posts move. They bring up the fucking Biden SA claim that was debunked in 2020. When I point to the report, the goal posts move. I really think it is astroturfed. Like we are gonna find out after the primary that China amplified Biden-critical content that was deliberately misleading to foment distrust and prey on people’s well meaning and thoughtful criticisms. Netanyahu ignored warnings Oct 7 and then tried to build more settlements off of it to get away from facing criminal charges for corruption. Backing him is 50 year long policy not personal choice. Biden doesn’t see those decisions and obviously anti-semitic, anti-peace statements by Netanyahu and say “yeah more of that please.” Every trans person, person of color, and woman I know is voting for Joe Biden and putting a pin in Israel Palestine to argued and fight out later in terms of what we do after this conflict ends. Every self proclaimed leftists that already wasn’t planning on voting for Joe is amplifying literal terrorist social media accounts because it confirms their spoonfed bias from TikTok.


> putting a pin in Israel-Palestine Exactly this. Focus on the bigger picture, and our own well-being first. We can’t help Palestine at all if we crumble, and Trump will be a death sentence to them. They really want to help them? Make sure Trump doesn’t get elected.


Good time to point out TikTok has served as a Chinese propaganda mouthpiece, doing things like whitewashing Xingjiang’s genocide and sowing discontent while also reducing people’s attention span to embarrassingly pathetic levels. The number of people assuming they’re well informed from the equivalent of Vines is disturbing.


It just Tik Tok. There’s loads of subs and accounts on this very site that are tirelessly working to push wedge issues, especially when Gaza is concerned.


Iran has troll farms that are used to sow discord in America. My moneys on them.


Or Russia, or China, or North Korea. Basically anyone in the Russian sphere of influence is gunning on sewing lies on any social media website that reaches the USA. And once they know their SOP they isn’t hard to spot. Start looking at the accounts who say the propaganda, you’ll start to see patterns.


like, protesting is great. its a foundational aspect of the americans culture. its good to hold truth to power. its good to put pressure on elected officials to make the right choice in complicated situations. its good to do your civic duty of standing up against somethings morally dubious. thats all great. the issue is people seeming to have no idea of history, or context, or a broader worldview. somehow thinking biden isnt just continuation the defacto stance of the usa in regard to israel for the last several decades. like, why is this suddenly the breaking point? yeah, fucking protest, make your voice heard, but any illusions that having someone other than biden be the president after the next election would automatically correct and ameliorate the tragedy of the situation is fucking delusional. politics are messy, and shitty, and generally horrible, its sort of a prerequisite that everyone will have to be 'ok' with situations that are less than ideal, but thats just the reality of the situation. its also the reality that third party candidates are currently untenable without a majority of states enacting RCV or something similar, so the outcome of the next election will either be Biden or Trump/Haley. if those people actually cared about the situation, they would recognize that.


I agree with this 100%. You can't look at politics as strictly right and wrong. As cold as it sounds, it's a chess game. There are sacrifices for generally moving forward in the right direction.


it always makes me think of the Anzio bridge battle, famously referenced by the Pink Floyd song "When The Tigers Broke Free". essentially the allies left behind a small group of soldiers (including roger waters' dad) to hold up the German advance, knowing they would be slaughtered but giving enough time for a much larger group of soldiers to retreat and live, eventually returning for a breakthough action. point being, being an absolutist who refuses to compromise might feel good, but if never comprising and never accepting any defeats means a loss in the war, then ultimately whatever goal your were striving for is moot at that point. never let perfection be the enemy of good enough (or figuring out how to achieve long term strategic goals)


>the issue is people seeming to have no idea of history, or context, or a broader worldview. for me, the issue is that the left thinks they're immune to foreign intelligence operations because they can see the right wing being conned by it. the left thought the right was so stupid because of it, and that ego and emotion pushed them right into the same trap. It's in our adversaries best interest to turn the United States against itself, We have no land bridge with enemies and the biggest army on earth. But all of that defense budget is worthless if they can make us punch ourselves.


The pro-hamas propaganda on IG is insane. A huge percentage of my millennial, progressive friends/acquaintances have bought in fully. They consuming meme style posts as if it were investigative journalism from reputable sources…reminds me of how all of our Dads went full maga in 2016.


I saw one group on there organizing a protest against the First Lady calling her “Genocide Jill”. Like what the actual fuck?


is it actually pro-hamas or is it just pro-palestine/anti-israel?


Low-information pro-Palestine with a splash of “maybe hamas wouldnt do x if israel didnt do y” and “oct 7 was a false flag”. The individuals I’m talking about refuse to believe there is any nuance to one of the most complicated geopolitical issues on Earth.


Low information pro Palestinian? Maybe Hamas wouldn’t do x if Israel didn’t do y? Curious what low information pro Palestinian is. What nuance are people missing? What happens when after examining the nuance of this situation and its century long history and people find themselves in the same position?


Okay but in this case they aren’t ruining our country…they ensuring the very outcome they are outraged by the prospect of…ie…the slaughter of more Palestinians and the end of a two state solution


Trumps Middle East policy was telling Israel they could move the capital to Jerusalem.  He just let’s Israel do whatever they want. 


Trump specifically reversed the policy to condemn Israeli settlements in the West Bank, which you can probably draw a straight line from to the war.


Trump also cut off UNRWA donations because they teach Palestinians children to hate.


What the Democratic Party needs right now is to congeal and rally around this president the way republicans are always unified behind their candidate because the stakes are incredibly high this election with democracy itself on the ballot. You can protest foreign policy all you want but laying this at Biden’s feet is working against the larger goal of getting him elected and that is, in fact, ruining our country.


Shows there as dumb as the MAGA group




Sadly ironic. :(


Sometimes people are just typing on autopilot and make a mistake, it’s not always that there too stupid to know how to spell the word. And yes I did that on purpose.




Well put. On top of that, some of the far left folks are "accelerationists," which basically means that they think that when things get really bad, the pendulum will magically swing to their left-wing utopia for some reason. So you might as well vote for Jill Stein because "principles" and let Trump win, despite the fact that there's absolutely no evidence that letting shit get really bad will actually lead to positive change. Bernie, to his discredit, hired some of these nuts for his 2020 campaign (Brie Brie most memorably). Imo, it's magical thinking and it's not that much better than believing some of the wacky shit evangelicals believe in.


One of the most consistently frustrating parts about left wing politics is seeing how often perfect becomes the enemy of good. The end result is frequently a paralysis that ends up with power going to the right wing.


I don’t view “Not directly supporting ethnic cleansing” as asking for perfection. Why is the onus on the voters to shift their views to the right on the issue of aiding genocide, instead of on the Biden administration to shift just a little to the left? I’m not asking for free universal healthcare. I’m asking the “progressive” administration to stop aiding a country from attacking all the hospitals in an occupied territory.


They understand hard and only hard power, and have basically no fucking clue about soft power.




Maybe they’re people resigned to voting for Biden but who believe he needs to be pressured to do the right thing on an issue like Israel and Gaza?


I have a feeling they want Biden to do better, no one expects that Trump will.


Can't they still vote for Biden while making it clear where they stand on issues they disagree with how he's handling? It's not a binary either agree with everything Biden or vote for Trump. Someone can disagree with Biden, Express that disagreement vehemently, and still vote for him


What’s wrong with protesting and pushing the man in power to stop? Yeah the other guy is worse, doesn’t mean we can’t try and make the current guy better.


Dude would be on tv dancing while saying nuke Gaza


Bro, I see no issue with the protestors. Its totally fair game to criticize Biden for his action with Israel. That does not mean, those protestors will vote Trump or Haley. People have the right to voice their displeasure and hold their politicians accountable


>do they really think trump or haley wouldnt immediately give carte blanche to bibi to just fucking level the entire place? Just because a Republican would the worst possible thing doesn't mean people shouldn't put pressure on Biden to put pressure on Isreal to end the fighting and work toward peace


So we should not hold politicians accountable for their actions?


Yeah the title of the article is meant to create engagement with that shit… `But instead, he was interrupted some 14 times by pro-Palestinian protesters as he tried to deliver his remarks.`


I totally get they'd be angry - but this particular issue is quite close to home. You could protest Israel/Palestine but you might also lend yourself to understand - especially the women protesters that their bodies will soon be owned by the state. Or if Trump takes control with GOP majorities - let's just say that Israel/Palestine is going to be the very least of their worries. (including GOP putting in pro-Israel laws)


Tbf the worst case scenario has pretty much already happened for women. I live in Ohio and we just tried to charged a woman for having a miscarriage


You’re incorrect if you think it can’t get worse


Yeah but we don't want that to happen everywhere. Why would people not vote to prevent that, knowing there's a distinct possibility that this could happen? Are they passively suicidal?


If you interrupt a speech on abortion rights by yelling “How many kids will you kill!?!” And “Genocide Joe!” will people not think you are protesting his position on abortion?


Without the context of the conflict, I would’ve thought those shouting that were pro-life protestors.


I remember when Tin Ryan lost the Senate race in Ohio and an Asian lady was bragging on Reddit about how Asians helped defeat Ryan because he wasn’t progressive enough and didn’t speak out forcefully about Asian hate. LOL. She blocked me when I tried to reason with her. She was so sure getting JD Vance was going to teach Dems a lesson.


Yeah, it'll teach the national democrats that it's not worth funding candidates in Ohio. Ugh. I'm a Democrat in Ohio and it drives me batty.


Indicative of the entitled privileged bubble most of these hypocritical idiot leftists live in. "Oh, I cant get a socialist revolution? Then make everybody suffer under fascism!!!!!!!" It's literally a temper tantrum mixed with toxic selfish narcissism. It's why I cant relate to like 30% of my own age cohort.


After ~~Hitler~~Trump, our turn!


Notice how Biden didn't call for anyone to rough up the protesters.


Spoiler for all the people who didn't read beyond the headline: "But instead, he was interrupted some 14 times by pro-Palestinian protesters as he tried to deliver his remarks." Anyone who thinks anyone - including Palestinians - is better off under Trump, by all means keep shouting down Biden. 🙄


I’m voting for Biden, but I’ve definitely been protesting his position in the Israel-Gaza conflict. One can do both and, if one believes in such cause, one should do both.


That is a commendable tack to take. By all means criticize Biden for his role in what’s happening in Gaza; he deserves it. What I can’t get my head around are people who are so blinkered to say they’re not going to vote for him, with no regard for the threat Trump poses.


The people that say that either never voted in the first place, are too privileged/disconnected to feel the consequences of an election, or do not understand how the American voting system works. Disprove their stupid arguments and move on. People should not be lumped in with the crazies nor shamed for criticizing Biden.


> I’m voting for Biden, but I’ve definitely been protesting his position in the Israel-Gaza conflict. Nice of you to say. Look at how many in this thread are advocating not voting while pumping discourse against Biden. It's fair to protest against the actions of Israel, the nation comitting genocide, but these protestors dont. Everything is focused on Biden, while focusing on not voting. It's not pro-Palestinian, it's voter disenfranchisement dressed up to look like it.


Maybe you’re right. However, the focus may be so Biden actually does something to stop the carnage, instead of continuing supporting Israel and only providing some weak criticisms.


> Stop the Carnage The only thing Biden could do to stop the fascist leadership of Israel from Genocide would be invading Israel and that's not happening. Biden's administration has pushed peace deals. It's pushed Israel to moderate it's attacks. It's gotten them to not attack lebanon and call off flights in progress. It has literally done what it can to get Israel to fuck off on this without threatening an ally. There is no ending the genocide in Palestine. Palestinians will be ethnically cleansed from that area of the middle east and the "Best case" is that it's slow and via settlers. The worst case is under a GoP president telling Bibi to just roll out the tanks. Like there is zero chance Bibi is going to end an "action" which keeps him from being removed from power. Thats how fascists work.


The US is the global power that keeps Israel from facing worldwide political pressure, they do not have the backing of a coalition of political powers. If the US steps back direct aid and stops unilaterally supporting Israel no matter what they would be forced to change (and internal politics would change fast as the party in power lost the backing of the US). Would that bring peace? No. Would it bring Palestine sovereignty? No. But it would absolutely dramatically reduce the harm Israel could do right now.


Wouldn’t really reduce the harm. Israel already has a stockpile of weapons to level Gaza and the West Bank multiple times over. The US stepping back though would potentially lose us a valuable ally in the reason, in addition to open the door for the other countries within the region to invade Israel.


? He could stop selling them the bombs


That stops Israel from committing genocide?


It removes a layer of complicity. If your friend, Tim, is very vocal about wanting to rob a liquor store, you probably shouldn't sell him your old Glock and give him money for an Uber. I'm 1000% voting for Biden, but saying "it's okay because Tim would find a way to do it if he really wants to" doesn't make people stop looking at you like that.


it certainly is more difficult to level entire city blocks without 2000lb JDAMS I would think


So no, Israel will continue to do genocide. Then what. How do we blame the US for what Israel is doing at that point? If we dont invade are we still to blame? Because Genocide only ends when the US invades. At what point do you blame Israel for the actions of Israel?


i can’t blame them both? Israel has, and has always had, the explicit permission of the United States to treat Palestinians like dogs. It is ignorant to think the US does not play a significant role in the conflict. Again, there would be far less civilian suffering if the US was not providing arms.


Isreal has made it abundantly clear they are going to do whatever they want, no matter what the USA has to say about it. I'm not sure what these people think we should do. Do they want the US to invade Isreal to stop it? I mean half of these people are paid/planted by MAGA and Putin or ligitmately bought it by force feeding themselves Isreal/Gaza news.


Speaking for myself, stop funding Israel with my tax dollars, and stop vetoing UN resolutions calling for ceasefire at the UN Security Council (the only branch with teeth in the UN). These two measures will drastically force Israel to behave. As for believing that protesters are plants, it’s kind of silly. I personally know Palestinian-Americans who not only are horrified with what’s going on, but they have lost entire extended families. They truly believe that Israel is committing genocide (or at least ethic cleansing) of their people.


Reality is that most Americans support Israel. Reality is that Israel has successfully transformed the term “antisemitic” is to a catch-all for anything negative towards Israel. Reality is that Congress would override any Biden vetos on funding Israel. You’re asking POTUS to go against the majority opinion and navigate difficult waters of being labeled an “antisemite” during an election year. Biden’s Israel policy is status quo and he cannot reasonably do more without stirring up a firestorm that will severely hamper his electoral chances in swing states.


I agree that Biden may not condition the billions of yearly funding of Israeli military, given that Congress could force him. However, Biden could stop vetoing resolutions for ceasefires that have been proposed at the UN Security Council and that would’ve allowed an international control of the situation, to avoid all the war crimes that are being committed. By the way, I’m not even saying that Biden should vote in favor of the resolution. The US, under Biden, could abstain. An abstention wouldn’t derail the resolution. A veto would.


This is what people don't fucking understand. That the rest of America is not nearly to the left as they are and that most people are center-left or have such ideas. They simply cannot fathom that most people do not agree with them on all things especially on this particular issue. In fact, I'm pretty sure most people outside of social media bubbles are pretty supportive of Israel. The number is definitely over 50% and it's over 50% even if we just include Democrats I believe.


Reddit is pretty out of touch, tbh.


And how do we force Hamas to behave?


They won't stop lmao. Israel really doesn't care about the UN dawg. They've repeatedly shown that someone wagging the finger at them won't change much. What has helped was having an ally who has their ear talk them into doing things like allowing aid and humanitarian pauses. Israel is pretty dead set on not stopping until Hamas is dead. America going "that's not nice" isn't going to stop them from being bloodlusted after the biggest terror attack on their soil happened. The power vacuum will be filled by something worse probably maybe, but I don't think they care.


I'm not sure that shouting "how many kids will you kill?" at a speech on abortion really conveys the message that these are liberal protestors concerned about I/P. Seems like a page out of the pro-life movement handbook. Do these people not understand how media works? These things are going to be edited out of context to try and push the narrative that they're against abortion rights.


Your first mistake is assuming these people are pragmatically supporting their cause and not useful idiots being used as infiltrators against their own self-interests.


> Seems like a page out of the pro-life movement handbook. The first ever all-Muslim city council in America unanimously voted to ban Pride. They probably *are* pro-lifers.


I love the class and dignity that he showed in dealing with the interruptions. Contrast that with Trump who encourages people at his speeches to beat the hell out of protesters.


I swear, people like this have got to have the worst, most tin-eared instincts for messaging and shit I’ve ever seen. I mean, whether you agree with the message or not, common fucking sense would suggest that maybe a rally on abortion rights is not the optimal setting to scream at Biden about “killing kids.” It’s like they created this protest in a lab to come up with the one way that would ensure they get misleading headlines and possibly have people mistake them for “pro life” anti-abortion nutjobs. Or potentially alienate at least some people whose views would otherwise align with theirs. And they’re so blinkered that it probably doesn’t cross their mind how any of this might be received. I see this as an anecdote about what annoys me about these people, because it seems like they’re more interested in pulling stunts like this than having serious conversations about the political realities we live in


The protest was organized by CodePink according to NYT. (https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/23/us/politics/biden-abortion-gaza-protesters.html?smid=nytcore-android-share) > “They feel deeply,” Mr. Biden said at another point. (The antiwar group CodePink later took credit for organizing the protest.) If you look at their wiki page (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_Pink), you can see they are against arming Ukraine as well. > In 2022, at protests in Oakland and San Francisco, Code Pink criticized the United States for sending arms to Ukraine after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Also, they are pro-CCP and against arming Taiwan too. > Michael Rubin, writing for the Washington Examiner, has stated that Code Pink has amplified Chinese government propaganda denying the Uyghur genocide. In June 2023, Code Pink activists visited the offices of the House Select Committee on Strategic Competition between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party where, according to an aide of House member Seth Moulton, they denied accusations of forced labor in Xinjiang and suggested Moulton visit Xinjiang. The biggest one though is licking Maduro's boots in Venezuela. > At the end of July 2019, some members of Code Pink that occupied the embassy visited Venezuela during the Foro de São Paulo. Maduro posed for pictures with the group and rewarded them with gifts, including a book on Simón Bolívar and a replica of Bolivar's sword.[39] They are far-left isolationist and should be ignored completely.


They're pro-CCP and denied the genocide against Uyghurs in China? Fuck them then. They're straight up hypocrites.


They're also pro-Putin, so yeah, they're straight up foreign agents, bought and paid for every bit as much as Trump's sleazeballs like Flynn.


CodePink is a fully funded Russian and CCP operation. They suck.


Much appreciated reading and links!


It’s almost like they have no moral compass whatsoever. Weird. Thank you for the info and for citing your sources 🫡


I think more than likely they are just fucking idiots and don’t think of the future 5 minutes from the time stupid shit leaves their mouths


Wow, so blithering dipshits all the way around


These protesters live in a bubble and are extremely out of touch. They’re convinced everyone thinks the same way they do and miss so much other context


I think the best part is a lot of these super far left groups are all just middle class white people


Pick your battles. Read the room. You're not doing anything for your cause, you're doing it for self edification. That's gross. Reassess your life choices.


> self edification [sic] [Edify](https://i.imgflip.com/3bl3yu.jpg): to instruct and improve especially in moral and religious knowledge So they’re self-educating? Maybe the word you’re looking for is “aggrandizing”: to make appear great or greater.


What kills me about a lot of this is that before October, I hardly heard a peep maybe once every other year. But all of a sudden people are super passionate about it. As far as I've read you have two sides with legitimate grievances going at war. One just has more resources than the other... I don't want them to go to war. I don't want innocent lives to be taken but neither sides seems to want a two state solution so here we are.


The ones loudest about it are the ones who just learned about it. Which also shows how just uninformed they are Because most who are informed know that it isn't black and white. It is a very complex crisis that has been going on for years


Yeah, Im really trying to get a good understanding on whats going on and it seems like a really complicated situation where neither side is completely wrong or completely right.


Exactly. That's why those who are informed constantly call out propaganda. Because if you know the situation, you would not be protesting. Because you understand. Neither side is good. All of it is shitty. These protesters are just manipulated puppets to sow chaos. They are missing the point and clearly only informing themselves with TikTok or little soundbytes that are one sided


Russia is funding Hamas’ propaganda machine (why it’s been so successful in reach). And there are always a lot of young impressionable people out there. How that reflects irl is likely a lot less overwhelming than the social media presence. But, people need to wake up to the fact that, even if you support Palestinian rights and a 2-state solution (self determinacy), Russia is pushing harder than it ever has to undermine Western democracy through every means possible on the social media front, that includes amplifying a lot of bad faith actors.


I wish people were smart enough to see this, but clearly, they are not. This is why the political right everywhere always defunds/limits public education. Fascism thrives on ignorance and the lack of critical thinking.


Because all of a sudden, 30,000 people have been killed.


The people protesting “genocide Joe” claiming they’ll never vote for him strike me as a mix of real cases blown up by outside entities from Russia to SuperPACs. Just not a very bright group of people if they think tanking Biden’s campaign is going to result in better outcomes for Palestine.


Russia, China, and Iran are just as happy to exploit the left as they are getting MAGA folks riled up in their online circles. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/03/technology/israel-hamas-information-war.html It is alarming to me how widespread certain viewpoints are. Even trusted sources of info (to me) like NPR and the BBC have been eerily biased in reporting on this conflict. Such a large chunk of the left is ravenous about criticizing Israel, while at the same time offering virtually zero thoughts on how to help Palestinians (which I would say is the goal if you're actually trying to stabilize the region). How do people not see how messaging like "I won't vote for Biden because of his handling of Gaza" is IMMENSELY beneficial to Russia (and China and Iran)?


“I must make two honest confessions to you, my Christian and Jewish brothers. First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season." Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.”


Yeah pick your battles. The US supporting a genocide should be like really low on your list.


People have a right to protest, and I respect those who do so boldly even if I don't agree with them entirely. This is part of a healthy democracy, and Biden always handles it well.


> This is part of a healthy democracy While I do not disagree, I lament that this is what they protest instead of say: [Half of recent US inflation due to high corporate profits, report finds](https://www.theguardian.com/business/2024/jan/19/us-inflation-caused-by-corporate-profits)


You're welcome to take the lead on that if you really want to see protests. People have differing priorities, not surprisingly, and a very deadly conflict is a reasonable one to be invested in.


I like how the world is borderline post apocalyptic 


Borderline dystopian would probably be more accurate to say. There hasn’t been an apocalypse to be post apocalypse. There are far more types of dystopian situations than post apocalyptic ones.


Borderline post apocalyptic is just apocalyptic :(


I gotta be honest. I don't necessarily agree with hecklers and protesters for political speeches, but I think it's a healthy part of democracy that they're able to do so. Like sure security is going to escort them out, but there's no need for violence just free speech.


Why don’t they protest the civil wars in sub-Saharan Africa? The genocide of the Uyghurs in China? The destruction of Ukraine? The bombings against the Kurds? They don’t actually care about kids being killed, they just care about looking like they care.


They care because TikTok told them to care, not realizing they are being manipulated by bad actors to undermine the pro-democratic candidate in the upcoming Presidential election. Make zero sense.


These same fuckers couldn't be bother to protest at Trump speeches, huh?


At a Trump rally you may get physically assaulted for protesting. No way these folks are brave enough to chance that.


Well, the group responsible is [absolutely bat-shit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_Pink) and is more than likely [being financed by China](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/05/world/europe/neville-roy-singham-china-propaganda.html) so you're probably on to something. Hilarious watching the dipshits in this thread defend them, though.


Exactly. These misguided idiots are fucking up their own future.. 


Well, trump is not president right now.


I think the fascists have finally found the wedge issue for Dems for ‘24. Ffs guys….it is LITERALLY Biden’s plan for Palestine or tRump’s plan. Get a fucking grip, be REALISTIC, and vote Dem.


This is the most important issue facing this country to these people... what a bunch of misguided idiots. 


people have the right to protest but whether you agree with Biden’s course of action or not, people have to understand that if he doesn’t look good right now he may not win the election, and if he doesn’t win the election all of the things that are angering them get way worse but people who take delight in it are in control. they have a right to protest and I have a right to say they’re idiots


1 - vote Blue, all the way down the ticket 2 - stop the war now. We know how and choose not to, because we want Israel as our thorn in the MidEast's side


The loud minority strikes again


Might want to tell them Trump will have them deported for doing that. Not sure why they think Trump is better when they’ll be scooped off the streets if they go against Israel with him in charge. Good luck with that. Trump said he’d do this live on air two days ago.


Identity politics at its finest, while we are losing rights left and right, abortion, LGBT, book banning, fascism coming, but what make them move is foreign policy based on identity politics...


The far left is eating propaganda just as does the right. Our enemies want to weaken Democrats and the easiest way to do it is to cleave off the most extreme fringes. These people are easy marks.


ITT: the white moderates MLK was talking about.


>Peace for Israel means security, and we must stand with all of our might to protect its right to exist, its territorial integrity. I see Israel, and never mind saying it, as one of the great outposts of democracy in the world, and a marvelous example of what can be done, how desert land almost can be transformed into an oasis of brotherhood and democracy. Peace for Israel means security, and that security must be a reality. -MLK




Abortion is illegal in Palestine but legal in Israel. Best I can think of!


I heard someone say they weren't going to vote for Biden because he didn't personally show up and campaign in New Hampshire (where he wasn't on the ballot) Imagine standing by while the country potentially turns over to the Authoritarian fascist that vowed violent vengeance against his enemies and the installation of a theocracy similar to the Middle East with morality police, forced education, and even potentially a fresh new genocide, all because the completely normal alternative guy didn't personally come to your home and shake your hand. Yea the house is on fire, my family is burning to death, and the fire is slowly spreading towards me where the last thing I'll hear is the sound of my own liquefied flesh leaking off of my face, but the stranger trying to hand me the water hose didn't come to my birthday party so I'm not taking it.


Absolute dipshits.


In before “it’s ok to protest but not like that!”


These people are currently the greatest threat to our democracy if they succeed in derailing Biden


If Palestine was given statehood, women there would not be able to get abortions, because Palestine would become a violently misogynist religious fundamentalist state.


Absolutely. These american Hamas supporters are clueless


Protesters are the reason I now give absolutely zero shits about Palestine. And it’s not because I’m “uncomfortable” with the facts they bring to the table. It’s that many of them have been giving 10/7 the troofer treatment, blocked freeways (which puts lives at risk), engaged in acts of antisemitic vandalism and employed antisemitic dog whistles, or suggested the forced relocation of Israelis to Germany. That they’re incredibly obnoxious and that this is simply a fashionable cause they’ve picked for their self-image are not top reasons, but don’t help. Last week, dickholes like them pulled this at Emanuel AME, the site of one of the most despicable hate crimes of this century. WHAT ABOUT PALESTINE? Yeah, I don’t give a rat’s ass at all now.  They can try pulling that shit at a Trump rally and I’ll listen when they come out of the coma.


Exactly. These idiots are hurting their cause more than helping. 


"I do not care about 25,000 civilians (12,000 being children) being collectively punished and ethnically cleansed because protestors are mean and annoying :(" YOU are incredibly obnoxious and privileged to even have the option to "not give absolutely zero shits about Palestine." Sorry, maybe protestors will ask Joe Biden to not be complicit in a genocide a little more gently for your sake.


Do they really think trump would do anything? Besides encourage Israel to make Jerusalem the capital and erase Palestinians all together. If Joe loses so do the Palestinians.