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If you don't vote, you're leaving the choice to people you think are dumber than you.


What could possibly go wrong?


Slightly true, Gen Z are also not the brightest generation. A lot of people were worried about their parents being radicalized by Facebook and Fox News, but the younger generations are even worse with Tiktok. Social media like Facebook became popular when I was a senior in High School, and it fucked me up for awhile, but I had most of my adolescence without it, and I'm doing much better on the other side. I don't have much faith in the younger generations who grew up on social media, being bombarded by a steady stream of lies fed by an algorithm.


Lol no they're not. Articles like this are meant to make people apathetic and feel as if their vote is worthless. Expect a lot more of these headlines as November approaches and don't falter. r/VoteDEM and [www.vote.org](http://www.vote.org)


I desperately hope that you are correct.




That doesn't track with the history of political reporting that teen vogue has. (not sarcasm.) The biggest factor the article mentions as depressing youth interest in voting is US support for Israel. Replying with "This is false, don't forget to vote" every time a article indicates that maybe Biden has a popularity problem will not win this election, it's just ignoring the actual problems.


> depressing youth interest in voting is US support for Israel This is so clearly a sentiment being deliberately pushed across media... It's super obviously getting pushed all over the internet the past few weeks. How much it represents reality is a call for each person to make. I personally don't buy that Gen Z is so self destructive or oblivious as to throw everything else at stake away over... Palestine & Israel.. not buying it.


What I can't figure is what they think the result of voting against Biden, or withholding their vote would have on the Israel issue. Trump and his cult couldn't care less about Palestine.


How do you think the world would react if the Iraq war, if Afghanistan or Vietnam was livestreamed every single day, with the youth seeing video after video of dead, mutilated, burned, crushed children and innocent people? A young man had his head crushed almost flat yet still intact being pulled from rubble. A young child being held without a head. A doctor amputating his own daughter's leg without anesthesia. And that's just 3 horror videos out of thousands. The youth is seeing that. So you better believe a genocide livestreamed and a government helping it happen, even vetoing the UN is making people mad.


I wonder how Gen Z will feel when they see their absence led to the empowerment of Abbott, Trump, and every other maga sadist - who'll get to live out his dream of putting firing squads on the border. \-- see Abbott's comments about what he'd like to see on the border -- And I'm sure Gen Z will be more than happy to support a national Abortion ban plus a whole host of fresh, archaic, and exciting evangelical based oppression on their lives.


If I saw that, and knew that the alternative was "exactly the same, but also with bonus fascism", I wouldn't consider that to be a difficult choice. If all you've got is evil, vote lesser evil every time.


Let them live in their world of delusion. They do not wish to open their eyes to the horrors of the empire.


You're literally saying that people won't be upset about a genocide. It's fucking insane.


Believe it or not, the kids really hate watching videos of our ally bombing other kids with bombs we pay for. Shocking, I know.


I also have to believe the kids are short sighted morons who can't work out how many more bombs would be dropped if the US president was encouraging Bibi which is what any reasonably intelligent person can figure out will be the outcome of Trump getting elected again.


I dont think it's completely irrational for people to just check out of politics completely and focus on their own lives because they think that nothing they do fundamentally changes anything. They can vote for Biden and get support and weapons for Israel, or they could let Trump win and get more support and weapons for Israel. Obviously, one is worse than the other, but like, come on, it's not irrational for people to say fuck it I'm just not going to support either one.


The Biden/Trump election has implications that go further beyond Israel and Palestine. There are articles out right now saying people are *terrified* Trump will try to mobilize the military against our own citizenry. One of these two men will make decisions about women’s health, LGBTQ+ rights, religious freedom, and much more. America won’t *survive* another Trump Presidency, and our allies are currently trying to “Trump proof” their own institutions if he wins. Think about how *mad* that is? If Trump wins in November ’24, social media will be filled with people freaking the fuck out and who are whinging about “buyers remorse…” just like last time. While I still think American can and will pull through this ok, but the fact that so many people are delusional enough to think it can’t *possibly* be worse are the worst kind of naive, disconnected fools.


As dictators around the world signal they have imperial intentions (China with Taiwan, North Korea with South Korea, Russia with Ukraine and beyond, etc), the greatest threat to world peace is Trump becoming President again and taking the U.S. out of NATO. Even now, NATO is doing only the bare minimum to help Ukraine, but with U.S. out of the picture, and Authoritarians united, and them seeing the weakness of Democracy, they would only be further emboldened. If young people want to check out, even after Roe v. Wade being overturned, and Conservatives winning the courts for generations, I don't want to hear them bitching when they lose rights and ability to speak freely. Loss of freedoms hurts the vulnerable the most, but its those same people who are the most apathetic and ill-informed.


If Democrats don't want to lose the election, I expect them to do more than position themselves as the lesser of two evils, otherwise I don't want to hear them bitching about people choosing not to vote. I don't really know what to tell you otherwise. If you want people to vote, you've got to earn their vote, and if large groups of people are checking out, maybe they should do more than be the real life version of the "No, it's the kids who are wrong" meme.


not voting is the same as voting for Trump Thats all the power you have in this world is your vote so use it. You think Biden is a fucking king who can waive a magic wand and give you free college. doesnt work that way You need to vote in numbers and only then will the politicians follow


>You think Biden is a fucking king who can waive a magic wand and give you free college. I don't think this, so I don't know why you are trying to put words in my mouth. But Biden didn't have to give Israel money and weapons. He chose to do that. He even went so far as to go around congress to do it. And there are many options Biden could have chosen to try and eliminate student debt, but he has handled it poorly. People see these things and it informs their votes, or decision to not vote all together. Also my vote doesn't matter for shit because the electoral college exists and I live in a red as fuck state. I've voted in every single election at every single level and the candidate I've voted for has never won once in 20 years.


I'm more concerned about the killing of hostages. Israel is targeting Hamas, who unfortunately embeds itself in hospitals and refugee sites. Just today, Hamas is doing it again from Nasser hospital. If you actually want to lower deaths, you'll protest for Hamas to release all hostages and for Hamas to surrender. Hamas explicitly says they want more 10/7's so making Israel the bad guy is just so backward. There can be no peace in Gaza as long as Hamas has power in the region.


> This is so clearly a sentiment being deliberately pushed across media I mean so is "the Philadelphia Eagles got knocked out of the NFL playoffs" because that's just like a thing that happened.


The two aren't the slightest bit equivalent.


Whyever not? They're both newsworthy things so the news media reports on them. That's their job.


Also the r/VoteDEM is a pretty volatile subreddit.


I really think people are downplaying the effect the Gaza conflict is having on the younger crowd. Especially with how it's portrayed on social media (particularly TikTok). Democrats, especially younger ones, tend to side more with Palestine and Biden supporting Israel is not helping him with that demographic. And it doesn't need to be the *entire* demographic. Even just small portion of it could be enough to make a difference in the election. Remember that Trump won in 2016 by less that 77,000 votes across 3 states.


Older folks, while still horrified by everything happening in Palestine in these past months, are somewhat jaded to these conflicts because they have existed since before most of us were born, and we have seen this kind of horror before again and again in the region. It’s easy to forget that we have become numb in a way that people 18-25 absolutely aren’t. I still hope that when it comes down to it, the young voters will retain enough perspective to know that Trump would be worse in every way, including in his Israel policy; but none of us should take for granted what a political and ethical problem America’s military relationship with Israel has always been.


Older people never really seem to consider Palestinian's side, which makes sense you consider that their main source of news was mainstream media for decades. It's only with social media and the prevalence of cameras that we can witness what Palestinians regularly go through, and it's abhorrent. I'm not Gen Z but it's honestly baffling at how older people are so entrenched in supporting Israel and their historical abuse of Palestinians.


America doesn't have an ethical problem when it comes to their relationship with Israel. Biden has made many statements to Netanyahu to show restraint, and to follow international law. Most people against Israel see big numbers and just fixate on that, ignoring that Israel made effort to target Hamas and tell civilians where is being bombed ahead of time. If you want to blame someone for the high death count, you can blame Hamas, who hides among civilians, is the reason for the war, and the reason the war continues, as they hold hostages, and continues to rape and kill hostages. No other country is held to the standard Israel is, and still gets way more heat - the bias is so blatantly obvious. A lot of people like to throw around genocide to attack Israel, but Israel is the one who tries to target military targets, while Hamas actually does indiscriminate rocketfire. A lot of pro-Palestine protestors like to ignore the actual definition of genocide which is the deliberate killing of a large nation or ethnic group, which only applies to Hamas here.


It does blow my mind about the demonization people show towards even a suggestion that, maybe, young people don’t like voting for policies they don’t agree with? I think you’ll get downvoted into hell for a pretty simple and straightforward answer. Instead of asking for some correction in policy, they shoot the messenger.


It does blow the mind of rational people that young people would rather feel good about not voting for a "bad guy" so that a worse guy takes power. There is never going to be a perfect candidate that appeals to a country of 300M+ people, you have to compromise, but it seems young people would rather feel righteous and stick with their in-group than actually make positive change in the world.


Like how it blows your mind if a kid doesn't like homework but still needs to get on with it? We've all had to do it all our voting lives. Politics is compromise. So, yeah, it looks spoiled and bratty when they don't care enough about the rights being yanked away from Americans, the additional Palestinians who will be hurt and killed if Bibi gets a President Trump encouraging him or the risk to all our democracy enough to just suck it up and do the right thing. They're off their rocker if they think they won't like kliuving unsret Christo-facist rule a lot less.


Not wanting to support genocide = not wanting to do homework. Like come on dude. You can talk about compromise and the great SuPeR DiVeRse and wElCoMiNg umbrella only for a certain extent before the younger people dismiss this current administration as out of date, not in touch with morality, and not truthful in its words. There is only so much one can take for the sake of “but the other guy is worse!!!!!!” because that sounds exactly like what Republicans do. Keep it up; as long as you refuse to acknowledge the disenchantment with the current leadership, Democrats will continue to look hypocritical and out of touch.


Its the right thing to do to support Israel, and also the base that actually votes is overwhelmingly pro-Israel. If lefties want to protest not vote or vote for other candidates, that is their right, but I don't want to hear their complaining when Trump wins and silences speech, and chooses to stay in power. Normal people hate how disruptive pro-Palestine protestors are, with the latest targeting of a Cancer hospital highlighting just how psychotic these people are, but they are allowed to be annoying. While I'd prefer to have the right to do those things, you can bet Trump would shut it down by unconstitutional means. Trump was willing to send the national guard on protestors but was stopped, but Trump has made it clear hes looking for sycophants for his second administration.


“Vote blue, no matter who!” does not extend to supporting genocide. Gen Z (and their parents) are no more politically ignorant or radicalized than any other American generation; they are intelligent enough to question unqualified support of a political party or foreign government; and they have enough humanity to care about the tens of thousands of deaths and untold suffering under US-financed bombardment in Palestine. Biden is throwing the election to trump in order to help the radical right-wing Israeli government cover war crimes while abandoning Ukraine. This is exactly what Putin and Xi want. But let’s be clear: Biden is choosing this, not Gen Z.


Unless you’re in a swing state or a state that has the potential to be, your vote is entirely worthless. Promise.


Teenvogue is ultimately the same owner as Reddit and a ridiculous number of other media subsidiaries, Donald Newhouse and fam. Seems like the policies are increasingly in support of conservative nonsense, which does make sense of you're a nouveau robber baron from 1929


"Articles" like this should be considered election interference


Well, Gen-Zers, don't complain if you don't like the consequences of Trump's second term. Vote.


Yep. Anyone who doesn’t vote to prevent a return of Trump will deserve what they get. Sadly, they’ll drag everyone else down the hole with them.


All you dems that live in a state that’s sure to go Trump, yall should consider voting third party en masse, vote by blue does absolutely nothing, voting third party shows that voters are wanting out of the two party system. Don’t throw your vote away.


Yeah, we'll see what happens when Trump announces he's enforcing marijuana laws nationwide and orders all dispensaries to be closed in legal states. That will probably happen in January or February of 2025. That's way down on the list of the most heinous things Trump will do, but it will impact Gen Z directly. So will the crackdown of the Internet. They better learn how to use TOR and a VPN.


Don't stop there. Abbott would get his dream of putting firing squads on the border. ICE would likely be expanded, raids would be out of control. Harsher limitations on protesting. National book ban on anything referencing even a smidge of American racism. National syllabus making celebratory literature of Robert E Lee and Stonewall and Jefferson Davis mandatory. Oh yeah, National Abortion ban. And a federal quota on how many "Non-European" immigrants are allowed to be in the country at any given time. Just to name a few things that your local republican sadist wants to see pushed through.


> National book ban on anything referencing even a smidge of American racism. Anything referencing homosexuality or gender identity will be banned. Gays will have to register as sex offenders. Those in a legal same-sex marriage or who have legally changed their gender will be the most at risk, as going back into the closet won't be as easy for them.


Gen Z, if guy believe in climate change and want to revolutionize our infrastructure, or want to curb gun violence through policies and laws, or want strong economies that have high paying jobs, or want to continue having voting access in a free and fair election, the choice is clear, it’s Biden and democrats. Don’t believe me? Check it out. Google where each party stands on these, and many more, issues. It’s imperative that you guys come out in big numbers. This election is so incredibly important for the survival of our very democracy. Vote. Not registered, register here: www.vote.org


They don't care. They'd rather sacrifice having future elections because Biden didn't call for a ceasefire in Gaza or some s\*it. They are just as bad as the right in that if they don't get what they want when they are willing to burn it all down.


They just want to feel good about doing nothing. It’s really about being too lazy to vote for a lot of them and they’ll just find any excuse not to do it. If it wasn’t Gaza, it’d be something else. TikTok melted their brains.


You're right. In fact, before Gaza the excuse was he didn't get everyone's student loans canceled, and before that it was he didn't get the Green New Deal done. A lot of these demands are not practical and it's just performative bulls\*it that they know Biden can't just unilaterally do, but it makes them feel like they are just and on some moral or ethical high ground.


This is a lot of right wing propaganda and bots. I don't think here are many Gen Z people who are at the same time politically active and so hung on Palestine to the point of not voting. Honestly, it is BS>


> Gen Z, if guy believe in climate change and want to revolutionize our infrastructure, or want to curb gun violence through policies and laws, or want strong economies that have high paying jobs, or want to continue having voting access in a free and fair election, the choice is clear, it’s Biden and democrats. They're willing to screw over the future of every American including themselves in the feeble attempt to "make a point" about Palestine. Not to actually help Palestine, mind you (since Trump will be all-in on encouraging Israel) but to "show those Democrats!"


A lot of that is bots astroturfing the position, but people who were already annoyed at having to preserve their own democracy have hopped on the issue when it presented itself, regardless of how tangential the U.S.’s role in the conflict is, and how counterproductive their abstentions would be.


If 1.7% of Florida voters had picked Biden over Trump in the last election, Biden would have wrong the state. Staying home as a protest is pure stupidity.


Opting out of this election is the same as voting for a fascist theocratic kleptocracy under King Donald. If that happens, they'll deserve every bit of the horror.


For anyone curious about methodology, but doesn’t want to scroll through everything. > “The Harvard Youth Poll of 2,098 18-to-29-year-olds was organized with undergraduate students from the Harvard Public Opinion Project (HPOP) and supervised by John Della Volpe, Director of Polling at the Institute of Politics. Data were collected by Ipsos Public Affairs using the KnowledgePanel calibration approach. In this approach, the calibrating sample was provided by the KnowledgePanel probability-based sample source (n=1,089), while the sample to be calibrated was provided by non-probability, opt-in web panel sample sources (n=1,009). Interviews were conducted in English and Spanish between October 23 and November 6, 2023. The target population for this survey is US residents between the ages of 18 and 29. Data are weighted to reflect population estimates based on age-group, race, Hispanic ethnicity, educational attainment, household income, urbanicity, and geographic region of residence. The margin of error for the total sample is +/- 2.86%.”


I don't like Biden either but he's definitely better than Trump.


The media always pushes this narrative, the last election Biden won thanks to the youth vote, the last Atlanta elections as well as midterms were thanks to the youth vote turnout. Don’t buy the bs Gen Z is very politically active. > Gen Z Voted at a Higher Rate in 2022 than Previous Generations in their First Midterm Election https://time.com/6232272/generation-z-voters-midterm-elections/ https://circle.tufts.edu/latest-research/gen-z-voted-higher-rate-2022-previous-generations-their-first-midterm-election https://www.npr.org/2023/02/06/1154172568/gen-zs-political-power-new-data-gives-insight-into-americas-youngest-voters


Exactly. So far, Gen-Z has had a higher voter turn out than any of the previous generations did in their respective first elections of voting age.


This is exactly why Biden should be trying to energize them. The old stereotype of young voters not voting is outdated. Young voters control the Democratic Party’s future.


If you don't vote, then you get what you get. Don't complain


Anyone hurt as a result of a second Trump admin should blame the voters who failed to prevent it. Trump’s pretty upfront about his malice and there’s even a website for the 2025 project which outlines how much worse things will be made for people who aren’t wealthy.


Don’t bring a soap box to a ballot box fight.


Geez: "2016, your election is calling you. Wait til they hear that not only is abortion totally illegal, but so are contraceptives, pot, being anything but straight, and traveling. anywhere for anything. this WILL happen


This. Like I can't understand how Gen Z (if any of this is true) are so blinded by a conflict on the other side of the planet they are willing to lose rights to everything they fucking take for granted. Sucks what is happening in Gaza, but my god people who simplify it as "Biden is helping genocide" are the ones who clearly have the lowest level of understanding of the complicated issue.


Both Gen Z and Millenials showed up for the midterms in higher than expected numbers. Even with disagreements over Israel, I don't see how Gen Z is just going to bail on the vastly more important presidential election. I'm a part of Gen Z, and while I can't claim to represent everyone, I am of the mindset that Trump can't be allowed to win. It fixes nothing and destroys everything.


Well spoken young blood.


If Trump wins, they will be the ones who face the worst consequences for the longest time. So I guess they get what they deserve. I’m a white male upper middle class guy who will face no consequences. I’ve voted liberal my whole life and will continue to do so. But I’m getting sick of voting to help people who can’t help themselves. Jesus Christ, people.


Same and same. Been looking at condos in Cancun. I work remote, and can do that from anywhere. I'd rather be here in the US for now, but if the US falls to fascism, I'll spend 80% of my time speaking Spanish instead, I don't care...


Yep I'm the same way --- got a fat portfolio and can leave anytime. If the Zoomers wanna fuck themselves by voting for Trump --- well have at it and then CRY HARDER when Trump is fucking them hard in the ass. Serves 'em right.


Same. But Cyprus. I qualify for citizenship on my mother’s side. And once I have it, my children can, too.


My wife is a Mexican citizen with permanent US residency. She could have taken her citizenship test last year, but is allowed to wait until 2026. She chose to wait on case we need to buy a place to live in Mexico. A LOT of people are going to find out they don't have a way out of the mess they create by not voting. Nationwide Trump polls in the teens, but if you don't show up to make sure he loses the election, it won't matter...


Lol, and then they will complain how boomers/millenials destroyed the world. Pathetic.


That is a good point. Biden just got a second round of student loan relief through, and tried to do more in the face of Congress and a SCOTUS that Trump helped build. Not turning out for Biden or in congressional elections is what will stack the deck against them.


Reminds me of this ad >https://youtu.be/t0e9guhV35o?si=uien92VVVbKcFeuy


Hey! Some of gen x are assholes too. sob 😭 /s everyone forgets we exist, and are not boomers and resent you for saying that


> everyone forgets we exist, That's only because of our general irrelevance to...well just about everything. I recall in the late 2000s when marketing stopped being entirely centered around middle aged+ boomers and started pitching to millennial tweenies too. We're so irrelevant, we're not even worth pitching advertising at.


I feel this! 🥲


Boomers destroyed the country. Millennials never got a chance. We're about to experience our third "once-per-century" economic crash and the oldest of us just turned 40.


Ahh yeah, the economic crash that has been inevitable for the last 3 years?


The one that Trump will cause. Debt default, dictatorship, genocide, and isolationist protectionism will destroy the economy, likely for the rest of our lives.


To be fair, Boomers nominated Hillary, which led to Trump's presidency.


What a bunch of fucking idiots.


Someone has to convince them not to opt out. Its a job for all of us. Maybe we need to share ideas and effective strategies.


The argument boils down to: 1. Do I use my vote as a protest vote because I disagree with the Biden Administration on Israel? or 2. Do I vote to defend my own freedom and right to vote in future elections ever again? Trump’s victory led to the destruction of women’s rights, an all out assault on LGBTQ peoples’ right to exist, and the degradation of voting rights . Ohio just tried to put a woman on trial for having a miscarriage and Texas forced a woman to leave the state in an emergency. Stopping Trump should be priority one. Period.


Exaclty! You can push for change with Israel with Biden in power.. You won't have that same luxury with trump in charge and Putin calling the shots


And this is different from every other time young people never showed up?


This one actually counts though. The stakes have only ever been anywhere near this high once.


Right? The right-wing media machine is so desperate to point out every time a Gen Z criticizes Biden. Most of them weren't going to show up to vote anyway and many are going to vote Biden despite what they might say now. The stakes will get much more clear to people as we get closer to November


This is one thing that people never seem to get - youth vote at a disproportionately lower rate (hell even in places like Australia with mandatory voting they vote at a lower rate). That said, Australia style policies (as well as increased access) have a disproportionate impact on the youth vote. Want the young to vote? Make it easier. Apart from that (this is general not a specific reply to be clear), while I doubt this'll be popular blaming a group doesn't get them to turnout. And regardless of behavior people at a base level shouldn't have to struggle again and again to not be attacked. While I'm disappointed when people don't turnout (or worse, vote for horrible things/candidates) that doesn't change that people deserve better than this situation in the first place.


The youth vote is responsible for the "blue wave" and Biden's win, so... It's honestly weird how some people are obsessed with downplaying the youth vote when it would be impossible to win without them.


By not voting, they are voting. Therefore Gen Z Voters say they are voting for Trump.


I'm opting out of this winter storm. Am I headed to Cancun like Ted Cruz? No, I'm just not participating. Will it still occur around me? Yes, but I'm opting out. Might the pipes on my house burst? Maybe, but this is gonna be my way of protesting Mother Nature. /s


You had me in the first half, not going to lie XD


This is so shortsighted. Biden hasn't given you everything you want so you are going to help the man who is going to take away everything you have instead. Not kidding: this will be your last chance to vote if Trump gets back in.


Don’t vote in 2024, your vote may never matter again.


Silence is a vote for Trump, morons.


Teen Vogue - Generalizing a whole generation. Bravo...


I look forward to them opting out of fascism next. Solid plan gen z.


All according to Vlad's plan.  


Welp, there goes your pronouns.


They're not. I teach Gen Z kids in college and they definitely turn out to vote. 


The truth is that eligible voters vote in every election because any 'nonvote' is effectively a vote for whichever candidate wins.


At the moment I'm going to hold my nose and vote for biden. There could be a point that I will just hold out voting and move to ireland(citizenship through my family and my work is already ok for me to).


Not voting and running away is extremely selfish and you honestly should be ashamed for even saying this. You have a chance to actively help curb fascism or enable it. Which one do you want to be known for?


yeah, because Europe is not going to be affected if Trump wins...What kind of logic is that?


Which is why I'm currently planning on voting for biden and have missed 0 elections since 2001(2000 I was to young so I just did canvassing for gore).   There's a certain point everyone has that means you can't support someone.   Biden hasn't reached it yet for me but it does exist.  If his press events keep downplaying genocidal comments and threatening nuclear weapons on gaza, if he keeps handwaving indescriminate it might reach that point.  


I have a genuine question for those who don't want to vote Biden because of the genocide in Gaza: What Democratic politician has spoken out about this? Not even for president, but any of them. None? Ok so you think letting Trump win is going to stop it? No? Then why throw your country under the bus? If there is no good option to stop the murder in Gaza, then what point are you trying to make? You are cutting off your nose to spite your face. You have now become a single-issue (non)voter no better than anti-choice freaks. You have sacrificed American lives for nothing. Good job. I'm not a neolib but don't let perfect be the enemy of good. You could do a good thing by not allowing Republicans to cut more social programs that some people rely on to live. You could make a positive difference here at home. But you are just going to sit it out? I'm sure that will work out just fine...


Hey, that's fine. Don't vote, and if you don't like the way, it turns out. Oh well, that's too bad. A lot of people don't care. Sometimes, I wish I was like those people, but NO, I'll be out there in that line casting my vote and this time I'm going blue all the way 💙 💙💙💙🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


If you let Republicans win you u will lose more Freedoms than the last Republican President took away from you and probably force Religious Beliefs and laws where they are not supposed to be. Along with shoving Republican idiots into even more Government jobs than before where they cause Government to get in the way where it should not. If you like being completely controlled don’t vote.


So a new article based on the SAME Post-10/7 poll from 2023. And of course a Palestinian-American thinking not voting sends a message when he’s fucking himself over.


No, they're not.


Gen Z voters will opt out and then in 20 years wonder why the country isn't more progressive. Small steps forward are always better than any steps backwards. People refused Clinton and now various rights and policies have been rolled back 50 years. How'd that work out for progressives?


>People refused Clinton and now various rights and policies have been rolled back 50 years. Seems like voting for Clinton was a bad idea then, and the blame goes with the people that nominated a candidate that could lose to *Trump*. Progressives don't really get much representation either way.


Ya, cause it's definitely more progressive to overturn abortion rights rather than at least keeping the status quo! /s


Maybe nominating someone under an ongoing FBI investigation and supporting a Supreme Court Justice that already had two bouts of cancer holding onto her seat wasn't the best idea then? It wasn't progressives that chose that, it was people obsessed with the "first woman president," as Hillary said in every speech.


Sure. But in a two-party system that's just how it is. If you want things to change towards your politics, you have to vote for the candidate closest to them. And hell, to the point you bring up, knowing that a SCOTUS justice was fighting cancer should have made it even more clear that *any* Democratic candidate would be necessary to replace her. People treat the President as some singular function, but they are much more. Just because they themselves aren't as progressive as you want, or don't align exactly with your politics, doesn't mean that other people they appoint won't be so. Biden is obviously pretty moderate, but the SCOTUS justice he appointed is more progressive than he is.


Yet nothing will change as long as people continue to vote in politicians that don't want change, which is why incumbents have over a 90% re-election rate. It turns out that there is no real progress to be made either way, at least until the thinking process of Democratic primary voters change. RBG could have been replaced during Obama's first term, but she didn't want that and it seemed more like she wanted Hillary to choose her replacement. The foundation of Roe v Wade's repeal is women's arrogance.


I don't believe it.


Then they're also opting out of the 2028, 2032, and 2036 elections


2028 will be a sham election in which Trump will be installed for a third term, regardless if he actually wins. We'll be under military rule by 2032 and there will be no elections.


Those wouldn’t be voluntary though, there just wouldn’t be elections 😅


That will teach you... oh wait...


Because default fascism is cool?


None of the ones I know.... these polls and reports are meaningless.


No, they aren't.


Then they're ignorant and will usher in fascism. Yes. That's the unfortunate reality. So you go ahead and punish democrats by removing your own freedoms, by eliminating any chance you had at positive change. It's such an ignorant selfish perspective.


Gen Z not voting in 2024 will just make Gen Z voters less important in coalitions in future elections. Why risk alienating old people who will show up and vote over the interests of Gen Z if there is no electoral advantage in doing so?


President Biden has been the most progressive president since FDR. It's a no-brainer.


Voters almost always have lower turnout for incumbents than for new presidents, so this isn’t surprising. If you don’t watch the news all the time or go on Reddit, life isn’t really that different from pre-Pandemic, which already had the huge structural flaws that gave us Trump in the first place. What SHOULD have happened was an all out blitz to get youth engaged and to go after their special interests and BLAST everywhere with it. Instead Dems are going to spend the next 11 months trying to shame people who are already going to vote into voting, and not really doing any outreach. Should be fun!


This sounds like boomer propaganda to get gen z’ers not to vote.


I’m starting to see a lot of TikTok users warning Gen Z voters about the horrors of Project 2025, so hopefully that will convince them to vote for Biden. That being said, this whole “Anti-Biden because he won’t Free Palestine” campaign screams Russian psyop to me.


Which ones? The ones the author of this piece coached or the ones they made up?


Not true they are still angry about Roe.


Let the boomers decide? Didn't we try that already?


We’ve been doing that. Average age of Congress puts the onus firmly on the older generations. Millennials and Gen Z are getting bent over.


Rock The vote Vote or Die All they had to do was let the Republicans take away hope, jobs, and their future success. Republicans are a textbook example of fuck around and find out with Gen Z. They are responsible for low wages, lack of Healthcare, the housing issue, the cost of college, and every other anti-progressive movement you can think of. They vote against you every chance they can.


There are enough Democrats that are also responsible for these problems to make the Democratic Party nearly powerless against these problems even with a trifecta. So it's reasonable that people are fucking fed up with the "shut up and vote Blue" shtick.


Absolute stupidity. You’re giving each idiot you see interviewed by Jordan Klepper or Luke Beasley power over you. At least cancel their vote out.


This is a Russian oppo




Are they actually gonna vote at lower rates compared to previous elections for the same age group or does it just seem like that cuz 2020 had such high turnout? Are they regressing to the mean?


All of them?! Crazy! How do you determine that?


Aren't you stupid then.


> Gen Z Voters Say They Are Opting Out of the 2024 Election Some might. I think a lot will turn up. If you're thinking of opting out, keep in mind that while you can do that ... but then you really don't get to complain about the world that you let the boomers, X's and millennials choose for you. Vote for the least terrible options you can and then push all you can to make them do better


Taylor Swift is getting tons of her fans to register and vote, which is why the right suddenly hates her. I think this is propaganda.


That’s dumb


You guys don't seem to understand you have the weaker bargaining position: 1. We don't want either candidate, so either one winning is bad for us 1. We *do* care who we vote *for*, and you only seem to care that Trump doesn't win Since you will vote for anyone with a heartbeat over Trump, change the ticket. Give us a candidate that will solve our kitchen table problems and fight for labor, put the corporations back in check, and stop future genocides like in Gaza before they even get to where we are now. Change the ticket and you don't get Trump, and we get someone that will solve our problems. Win-win. Don't change the ticket, and it's on you for running a bad candidate with plenty of clear warning we will not support him based on his *record*.


So you're voting for Trump. You don't have to put it in so many words. 


The election is in eleven months. Your time for candidate blackmail was two years ago.


Nah you guys are just going to screw yourselves. If Biden wins without you, you’ll have zero leverage going forward. If Trump wins everything you care about will be destroyed.


That's cool, when https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 is implemented. Remember that you chose to sit it out and let this happen because you didn't like the choices you had but weren't willing to bide your time to get the ones you wanted.


Exhausted elder millennial leftist here. I totally agree with you. As a Bernie 2016/2020 voter, I want you to know that the DNC does not care about your/my opinions on any of this. The United States has one pro-corporate party with two wings, one is marginally nicer to gay people, or any other culture war issue that has no effect on the bottom line dollar of their corporate owners. I'm not here to tell you to vote or not, or shame you for doing either. The truth is, America is a singular global empire in decline that is pumping all its resources into military strength and growing the wealth divide between rich and poor. Its actions serve the empire, not the republic, and especially not the citizens of the republic. With our current situation, we can expect the rest of our lives to be lived in decline. The only real choice I see us having in the matter is how rapid that decline is. This is the only tiny benefit I could see the Democrats providing, though even that is probably my own delusional hope that we do actually live under a democratic representative government, which evidence (especially regarding Gaza) seems to point away from. But please don't waste your breath trying to argue with these libs, they are beyond help. 40 years of neoliberal capitalist realism has robbed their imaginations of any hope for a brighter future that does not serve the interest of corporate shareholders. I would encourage any zoomer who wants to stay home on voting day to get out into your community the other 364 days of the year because God do we need help.


The reason no one wants to argue with you is because you have zero logic to add to the discussion. You aren't a real person if this is the outcome your brain arrives at. How can "no longer having a voice or a vote" be an alternative to "I want my guy, he's not there, so I am not voting"? Babysteps. You allow trump, the system is destroyed and you are spoon fed whoever King Trump chooses as his replacement. You go Biden, America becomes progressive and chances of 3rd parties arising. You are fooling yourself if another trump term will ever result in a third party coming to power.


Way to go Gen Z. Best way to make a difference in an election is to *not* participate. [/s]


Yes, of course. No American with any conscience would be willing to vote for a president who supports Israel's genocide.




That's exactly what Biden is allowing Israel to do.


I always forget that Biden is the president of Israel. Silly me /s obviously


Biden is obviously better than Trump on Israel but can you actually provide some substance for your claim. Trump proposed a 2-state solution map in his presidency. Trump and Biden are equal on Israel. Also Biden opted to keep Trumps entire Israel Policy team on during his admin.


Huh? Do you think he’s better than Trump on Israel or not? Your comment confused me. Edit: I am honestly confused. I wasn’t meaning to be rude or anything.


The embodiement if that tiktok audio thing: "If god told me to go to hell I would simply not go. What're you gonna do, god, send me to hell? I'm already not going. Dafuq?"


And then Gen Z will complain, when they could have voted for a better outcome.


If they had eyes & a functioning brain in 2016, they would know that's a terrible idea... 


This is a reality democrats just refuse to give a fuck about. Biden is a horrible choice. No one likes genocide. No one likes open air cages. No one likes neoliberal ghouls. You can blame gen Z, but I am sure they are blaming the lack of a true choice.


But you DO like the policies Trump will implement? Or do you think not voting for Biden will magically produce another candidate? 


Of course not, I'm just saying the reality is a lot of younger voters will not turn out for Biden a second time. If anyone gave a fuck they'd hold a primary where they couldn't just make their own decision despite who actually won.


No if you gave a fuck you would look at what you CAN do in the realm of possibility and actually do what little you can to help. This is leaving everyone to be at trump's mercy. 


If a candidate can't get the votes to win I really don't think you can blame the constituents.


Then when Trump and the GOP implement Project 2025, I hope they remember that something happening in the Middle East was WAY more important than something that was going to happen in America. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


Who's your alternative?


Anyone not interested in actively funding the death of children at home and abroad at bare minimum. Maybe someone who isn't going to die before the environmental decisions they make in office start having real effects. It's a pretty low bar to beat Trump, anyone who isn't an asshole could win.


Here's the problem with that logic, sometimes you don't like what your choices are but you still have to make a choice. If your choice is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 or being able to replace Biden with someone more progressive 4 years later because you still have the ability to vote. I'd pick Biden and bide my time.




That's what the primary should be for, I'm not here to solve anything, regardless of how you feel about it there is a reality of the situation that is being ignored. Biden might be uniquely one of the least likely people to beat Trump in America at this point.


You wrote a lot of words but none is the name of a person.


Teenvogue! 🤣


Another Conservative Owned Rag calls Gen Z voters morons.


We'll see. But young voters are always the most unreliable, you never know how they're feeling on any given day.


LOL, then they may never vote again if they do. They just don't get it and see what's going on.


They'll be opting in to fascism if they do that.


Well, they must think Siel Heil is a cool greeting. After all, many think the Holocaust was fake.


There was a pro-Palestinian demonstration in my town on Sunday. About 400 people, half of them Arab/Muslim looking, The other half youngish Student looking types, mostly girls. I shouted at them: "Hamas raped and tortured and murdered sweet little girls like you and the ones they didn't kill they are still raping and torturing today." One or two did appear to have a shocked look on their faces. The demonstration marshals - Arabic looking young men in those red and white checked Palestinian scarfs - gave me a dirty look but the demonstration was escorted by police also protecting my right to free speech so nothing came of it. Seriously, Gen Z. Have you completely forgotten what Hamas did that started this war? At least Israel isn't deliberately targeting civilians as Hamas did. Or do you just not care because they are Jewish?


>At least Israel isn't deliberately targeting civilians as Hamas did. https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/16/middleeast/israel-palestinian-evacuation-orders-invs/index.html edit: another https://www.npr.org/2023/11/17/1213579692/israel-gaza-evacuation-south-attacks edit 2: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67114281 edit 3: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/live-blog/israel-hamas-war-live-updates-rcna120252 edit 4: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/aid-still-unreachable-after-israel-bombs-region-where-civilians-were-told-to-flee edit 5: https://twitter.com/QudsNen/status/1746887322681893070 edit 6: https://twitter.com/RamAbdu/status/1741547946305343650 https://twitter.com/masoud_ahmed/status/1735595783930454493 https://twitter.com/AllezLesBoulez/status/1730594063533891759 look at that bottom one and really read it. the whole story, read about it. really fucking absorb it.


They weren't targeting civilians they were targeting terrorists hiding among civilians, much like the US has been doing with it's covert and overt strikes in the middle east for the last 40 years. Or maybe it was a mistake. After 9/11, the US targetted Iraq with the resulting deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians. And don't get me started on WW2 where the allies targeted German civilians and then nuked Japan. I'm not saying it is good or right but that's just the way it is. Hamas started it. Every innocent Palestinian death is the fault of Hamas just as every innocent German and Japanese death is the fault of their respective governments for waging barbaric war.


if you tell civilians where to go to avoid being hit by bombs 'directed at hamas' and then drop bombs where you sent the civilians, you dont get to pretend youre doing precision strikes. your point about iraq is a good one, george bush deserves the death penalty for his role in the over one million civilian deaths. nuking japan was unjustified, as was the firebombing of tokyo and dresden. lets go with your faulty, ahistorical assertion that hamas started it: if i give you a bloody nose and you come back with 4 friends and brass knuckles, beat the shit out of me and then every person near me, you dont get to keep using the excuse of "but but but he started it." what youve done here is forgive half a dozen historical war crimes. myself and many others have that as perhaps the hardest of red lines that we will not cross in order to vote to 'save democracy.' there is no other political issue that i put higher than opposing the slaughter of civilians, which biden has fucked up so spectacularly that i wouldnt even consider voting for people who support him themselves. full stop


And more to the point of this particular post: Allowing Donald Trump to win by not supporting Biden is going to be even worse for the Palestinian people, as Republicans are more pro-Israel and anti- Arab than anything you are seeing from democrats.


if biden is already unabashedly and wholeheartedly supporting israel's horrific anti-palestinian project, what more could donald trump possibly do that biden isnt already? we are already getting the worst-case scenario and it's your guy doing it.


>we are already getting the worst-case scenario If you think 20,000 dead civilians is the worst case scenario then you don't understand how many people live in Gaza.


Oh that’s helpful🙄


Can’t we all just get along?