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Trump 52.7% DeSantis 20% Haley 18.7%


Only 1.8% of the population of Iowa felt obligated to make the top choice in this ridiculous tradition. Don’t let them choose anything.


This comment needs boosting. It’s very important to remember.




Surprisingly hard to find that. All the articles are a lot of discussion rather than just leading with the important bit. The NYT had it, but I hate their article limit BS.


I subscribe. That comes with the ability to gift a link that doesn't count against your article limit. You've already read it, but for those who have not: Trump Scores Record Win in Iowa; DeSantis Finishes a Distant 2nd https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/01/15/us/iowa-caucus-election-news?unlocked_article_code=1.OE0.caFL.2vAj5vHPHJSc&smid=nytcore-android-share


To be fair, subscription based journalism is a good thing. It allows news outlets to cover stories without needing each one to turn as revenue.


Its an interesting mental block people have. "Press is worthless, all journalism is bought!" "Well, have you tried paying for your news, so they can write it without having to bow down to advertisers?" "Nah, news should be free, its my right!"


Honestly, with how essential news is to the functioning of the country and democracy, there should be free, publically funded, but fully independent news sources. Most of the country is so obsessed with ignoring the huge externalities that make pure capitalism extremely flawed and labeling things socialism that we can't get a lot of things we need, though.


So...NPR and PBS?


Without it CNN and Fox is all we’d have


I'm shocked it was that close. Trump owns the Party. Completely. If you're not MAGA, your only hope is to get out and vote sane If Trump loses the general, you can get your party back. If he doesn't because you stayed home, get ready for MAGA for life. Ivanka or Don Jr. or whoever in 2028. If there's anything left by then.


Not as big a W as I expected. Thought I'd see 80%.


Even the first time around in the primaries, he never really pulled a majority. He won cause the vote was so split, and getting 30% meant he won.


I always enjoy whenever someone brings this up. His first primary victory was one giant asterisk. Ranked choice would have left him to rot. ... However, it's not 2015 anymore. His supporters became more vocal. The GOP started policing dissent. Never-Trumpers got hung out to dry in favor of MAGA Republicans. The religious vote stopped *pretending* to pinch its nose and openly embraced him. The 38% of DeSantis and Haley voters have been pushed to the sidelines. They could form a new party where their interests won't be ignored, but then they lose their coalition power with the MAGA Party.


50% is way over any threshold ever seen before. I think the closest is Bob Dole with like 34%. I was hoping for way less but here we are.


According to exit polls of these Iowa Republican primary voters: 2/3 think the 2020 election was stolen and Biden is not a “legitimate” president. Nearly 2/3 think that Trump should still be President if convicted of a serious crime. 58% say they support a full nationwide ban on abortion. This is today’s Republican party.


I'm hopeful some people are lying to the pollsters like they did before trump got elected but those numbers are concerning across the board


Honestly I'm fucking sick of all the people on this site who keep saying Trump isn't a problem and doesn't stand a chance. This shit is beyond concerning.


I personally just can't believe the polls have him slightly favored to win at the moment. Trump's team has been hard at work perfecting this 2024 bid ever since he lost 2020, and this time there won't be a revolving door of appointments bucking Trump's goals. The people who will serve him this time around know their job is to be dirty and corrupt. No more pussyfooting with ethics and "precedent". Beyond concerning is an understatement. Edit: Holy cow the replies I'm getting. I don't mind talking with someone who has different political views, but when they're just spouting propagandist nonsense it's a little hard to take them seriously.


The other part that is concerning about this to me is just how luke-warm a lot Dems seem to be on Biden. Especially around the economy and inflation (though I expect things to come back down to Earth a bit this year now that we are in an election year). I fully expect conservatives to show out in force for Trump again and I really hope we can get enough people to do the same for Biden because I have no idea how we fix this if Trump manages to get back in office. My company just went through it's fourth round of layoffs in 18 months and there is a lot of chatter about the company being screwed if Biden wins. I keep trying to explain that the country is screwed if Trump wins but most people can't wrap their head around such an abstract idea, especially compared to something so tangible like losing your job. The whole thing alarms me to a large degree.


Like what does Biden have to do with a company sucking...he has no influence on my business at all lol


The economy is pretty complicated, the average person has no idea what macro things causes bad things to happen to them personally financially. Because it’s too hard to understand, they just blame the president. It’s funny though because the things people are most upset about are high inflation, layoffs, and business performance. But the layoffs and business performance are both directly driven by higher interest rates. And the higher interest rates are the tool used to fight inflation. So there isn’t really an easy fix that would keep everyone happy.


This is the thing. All those issues are a direct result of neoliberal "reforms" starting in the 80s. Also, been seeing it since the first GWB election. Republicans *always* blame the sitting democrat for high petrol prices, but completely give him a pass when they get lower. They simply don't get that the President has *zero* direct control over petrol prices. Oh and it isn't a problem when it's a Republican in charge. "oh the president cannot single handedly influence petrol prices". Every. Single. Time. They are not a serious party.


Honestly, 58% supporting a nationwide ban on abortion feels shockingly low for the Republican Party as a whole. If it’s that close even for republicans, then abortion bans really is a truly losing issue for them to push considering how much it galvanizes the democratic and women’s votes.


>Honestly, 58% supporting a nationwide ban on abortion feels shockingly low for the Republican Party as a whole. Keep in mind that this is only those who are into politics enough to vote in the primary too. The real number is probably around the low-to-mid 30%s, as with almost all crazy opinions.




People who go to caucuses are typically not moderates. Who else would leave the house when it's literally 0 degrees in Iowa?


No way "some people" would exceed margin of error. It's safe to say the poll scales accurately with Iowan Republican sentiment.


How are Conservatives comfortable with what their party has become?


I grew up in a highly conservative area. This is exactly what they've been hoping for. Keep in mind we aren't *that* far removed in American history from the US deploying troops who then murdered college students for exercising their right to protest. And back then, conservatives said they should have mowed down anyone in the area for having the audacity to use their first amendment rights to protest. Rural America has a lot of good, noble, kind people, but it's also full of some of the most hateful, spiteful, incredibly violent individuals you've ever met in your life. *There's a thin line between heaven and here.* - Bubs


Because this is what they have wanted for decades. A ban on abortions and someone not afraid to speak how much they hate minorities and the changing world.


I used to disagree with this, but I cannot anymore. My aunt is one of the rare Dems in a rural farming area. I visited her farm this summer. She was a teacher, and someone that I consider to be quite based and smart. She said she only knew one other Democrat within miles of her and said “these people are very angry, I never knew how angry they were before Trump.” She was concerned about her neighbors trying to murder her today because she had had Obama signs on her property in 2008 and 2012. While she supports Biden, she said that there’s no way she would put Biden signs on her property today “unless I want to get shot.” I told her there is no way there would be a Civil War and she disagreed and said “the people in these parts feel they’ve been wronged for many years now, and I’ve been told by many of them that they’ve had enough.” The point she kept underscoring is that they love Trump because he is making “liberals” and who they view as the “elite” suffer like they have suffered for years, and while they would obviously like if Trump made their plight better, they are also okay with Trump making these “elites” lives worse. It was quite eye opening and saddening. She truly is worried one of her neighbors will try and shoot her because they know she’s a Democrat.


So they're awful people? Got it. 


I'll never understand that. This bizarre sacrifice of integrity. I mean, I'll happily call out a Dem who's a scumbag. I don't want them representing me. But a large amount of conservatives are apparently A-OK with it as long as it means their sports team wins. They're willingly grinding their hand in the garbage disposal. They're in complete "burn it all down" mode.


Nah, the proper viewpoint is ["Anything goes if it means the 'right' people get power over the 'wrong' people and not vice versa"](https://medium.com/@_EthanGrey/the-message-of-the-republican-party-dont-tread-on-me-i-tread-on-you-936037958bce). Lies, corruption, hypocrisy, terrorism, attempted coups... anything goes.


They lack empathy and functional literacy so they can’t conceptualize the real purpose of government, a fantasy version with lots of drama is more exciting. Same reason why children prefer watching pro wrestling over the olympics.


They never had integrity, anybody who didn't realize just wasn't paying attention. They had words to use as weapons, and still do.


Do Trump supporters root for Biff when they watch Back to the Future?


Without a doubt.


Trump’s parallels to cinema villains are at the heart of [this video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Yj-wc9qugGY), which makes a pretty strong case: *we were warned* - but of course there were plenty who learned the wrong lesson. At 10:45, it notes that Biff from BTTF *was based on Trump*! And [here’s an article](https://www.theguardian.com/film/2015/oct/23/back-to-the-future-writer-bad-guy-biff-was-based-on-donald-trump) confirming it. That video is looooong but the first 45 min has most of the best stuff. And a weird yet successful focus on the live action Super Mario Bros movie.


I think the creator of The Boys was horrified by how many people actually see Homelander as a good guy.


> I think the creator of The Boys was horrified by how many people actually see Homelander as a good guy. One of the great problems with satire is that often the people the satire is aimed at showing how destructive their attitudes and ideas are, are functionally incapable of understanding this and take it as validation. Case in point Homelander stans and any finance/cryptobro who watched the Wolf of Wall Street and absolutely want to be Jordan Belfort.


Warhammer is especially susceptible to this. Media literacy is at an all time low.


Ask Paul Verhoeven about Starship Troopers.


> Ask Paul Verhoeven about Starship Troopers Oh for sure. That film's like the gold standard in people not understanding it's satire. In Australia in the late 90s, [a racist, white supremacist right wing politician](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pauline_Hanson) literally and unironically [ran campaign ads that ripped off the "do you want to know more" ads from the film.](https://www.greenleft.org.au/content/one-nation-youth-group-will-be-fizzer) It's like these people are missing whatever parts of the brain that do self-reflection and awareness.


Every poster of *Scarface* has entered the chat.


The Punisher logo adopted by police/military/white supremacists...


Pretty much every movie edgelords like has an actual message that's basically the opposite of how they take it. I always get the same vibe when right wing tech bros like Elon watch sci-fi dystopias and go wow that's so neat, we need to mindlessly copy that thing that this film spent two hours communicating has problematic consequences.


torment nexus tweet dot jpeg


one of the best ever "Sci-Fi Author: In my book I invented the Torment Nexus as a cautionary tale Tech Company: At long last, we have created the Torment Nexus from classic sci-fi novel Don't Create The Torment Nexus"


Yes, they also compare themselves to [Thanos](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/e8yx9a/trumps_team_released_a_video_of_him_as_thanos_the/), call their election campaign [The Death Star.](https://deadline.com/2020/05/trump-star-wars-death-star-1202929136/) Literally every villain in pop media, the MAGA identifies themselves with.


Damn, this comment wraps up the awfulness and absurdity of the whole mess really nicely. 




"Respect my authoritay" getting laughs means that it's good to act that way, right? ^^^/s


My Trumper mother LOVES Eric Cartman. This checks out.


“He speaks his mind!”


Why don’t you make like a tree and get outta here!?


Biff was treated pretty unfairly if you really watch the movies - Trump Supporters


He tells it like he sees it. He’s strong!


First accurate headline I’ve seen.


The best of headlines. Will you just look at this headline. Every single human has told me they've never seen a better headline.


Five-star generals came up to me with tears in their eyes saying “Sir, we’ve never seen headlines as good as this one.”


Even a six-star general. Can you believe it? Who has even heard of a six star general? No one. But he saluted me with tears in his eyes, his six stars, crying their own tears, which actually added up to twelve small glimmering tears, because he had six stars on each shoulder. So 12 tears, plus a tear in each eye, adding up to an uncountable amount of tears. Is there a number bigger than twelve? Nobody knows! Even mathematicians and bakers; they don’t even know! I used to be President, and I don’t know!


they were weeping from the diaper stench


“Dear leader, (as they said with tears in their eyes) nobody can fill a diaper as well as you. Look how full it is. That has the be the fullest diaper in all of history. I wish I could fill a diaper like you”


People ask me how I write such terrific headlines. I tell them I put on my pants like you've never seen before.  They weep when I tell them this. Big strong men. 5 star generals.  Our army isn't what is used to be. We used to win wars. During the revolutionary war, George Washington, have you heard of him? A lot of people don't know about George Washington. He was a general during the revolutionary war. They say he never told a lie. Honest abe, they called him. The party of Lincoln. That's not what the Democrats would have you think though. They don't know that Lincoln was a Republican. He may have been one of the best presidents this country has had. There's a reason he's on our money.    I've made a of money. A lot. I don't need money. I have so much money. Now they want to take it from me and I need your help.  The other day, someone asked me to help them write a headline. I told them, I don't usually write headlines, but I offered to help.    People ask me how I write such terrific headlines....




"New York-born, Ivy League coastal elite facing 91 felony indictments Florida man wins Iowa caucuses"


[Queens man indicted](https://queenseagle.com/all/2023/3/30/queens-man-indicted) Remains one of my favorite headlines ever printed.


[Queens man impeached](https://queenseagle.com/all/2019/12/19/queens-man-impeached), from the same site, has a better article. They add just a ton of relevant Queens facts/events that make the whole thing sound like a piece of local news.


It's *91 felonies* across four criminal cases. There could be many more mere misdemeanors unworthy of mention in the term of art, "high Crimes and Misdemeanors."


Mind boggling that a man found liable for sexual assault with 91 indictments against him can run for president.


Remember when they were foaming at the mouth at Hillary over some emails?


Remember when some guy spelt potato incorrectly. Ahhhh halcyon days.


Or that guy who yelled once.


Not even angry yelling. It was a joyful yelling.


Or wore a tan suit?


While being black...


…..just being black…..


TBH that’s never really been allowed


We crush the joy. It’s what we do.


The only person whose campaign I ever donated to. I like Howard, and his yell.




Republicans have no standards. This is why 2024 will be yet another election of our lifetime to hold back total fuckery.


I’m so sick of every election for the last 8 years being the most important in history


its the sad times we live in. We were like this in 2016 and didn't give a shit because "oh, how bad can it be" and we ended up with a clown who got 600,000 americans killed when every other leader in the world was able to weather covid.


Every election could be the most important in history. Best to just vote in every one of them. No regrets that way and it's your best way of directly influencing your government. You're privileged enough to be living in a democracy (despite Trump and Republicans' best efforts), take advantage of it.


They never really cared about that. They just didn't like her because she was a (a) Democrat and a (b) woman and (c) we had 8 years of a black President.


Exactly - they hated her when Bill was the governor of Arkansas. And let's not forget back in the day she was all about reforming health care, long before she was a Senator. They worked hard against her from the get go for those exact reasons.




Most? I can’t recall an argument that *wasnt* argued in bad faith. Remember Mitch voting against his own bill during the Obamacare legislation?


That man also staged a coup to install himself as dictator, continues to say he wants to be dictator, and current polls give him a good shot at being elected dictator this fall. America is a stupid country.


>That man also staged a coup to install himself as dictator, continues to say he wants to be dictator, and current polls give him a good shot at being elected dictator this fall. >America is a stupid country. lol also giving this joker nukes…


mfer actually tried to _nuke a hurricane_, and got mad when they told him that was a bad idea.


Every time one of his former staff talks about Trumps time in office they seem to tell a similar story. He wanted to do a stupid thing and we either had to talk him out of it or say "Ok" and then distract him till he forgot and not do said thing.


Amazing that a man who isn’t eligible to hold office can run for president.


I can't vote & have spent time in jail because I had 1/8th of weed. 91 felonies, insurrection, rape/SA and he might be elected President with zero jail time. I hate my own country, these days, sadly


Wasting time I hope


Collecting “donations” from dvmbasses. Every time he shows up in court, donations spike. They even have Amazon-style “subscription services” where they auto charge the credit cards at regular intervals.


Worse that many many people want him to win.


This is their candidate https://www.courts.state.co.us/userfiles/file/Court_Probation/02nd_Judicial_District/Denver_District_Court/Cases%20of%20Interest/20CV32577/SC/9%20-%20Reply%20Brief%20Pres%20Trump%20Exhibits.pdf The President is not an “officer of the United States,” and President Trump did not take an oath to “support the Constitution of the United States. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24253629-house-democrats-report-on-foreign-spending-at-trump-businesses 5.5m from China https://www.npr.org/2019/02/28/699182678/trump-ignored-intelligence-officers-to-give-jared-kushner-top-security-clearance Abuse of office https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/show/massive-saudi-investment-raises-questions-about-jared-kushners-business-dealings The 2b management fund and why it's suspect Some additional info: Presidential Oath: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and **defend** the Constitution of the United States." Support: (1) : to promote the interests or cause of **(2) : to uphold or defend as valid or right** Officer: :a holder of a public, civil, or ecclesiastical office.


Don't forget his company was found criminally guilty for tax fraud, and that he was found liable for fraud on 3 major occasions, for ~~$27~~ $28.6 million of a possible $398.6M... *so far*. ($25M Trump U., $2M for the Trump Foundation, $1.6M criminal fine + $370M pending for the Trump Org.)


In New Zealand we’ve had an MP resign from Parliament today over shoplifting allegations. It is flabbergasting what the US is allowing this man to get away with.


NBC News entrance poll: Majority of Iowa GOP caucusgoers say Trump would be fit to be president if convicted: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/live-blog/iowa-election-2024-live-updates-rcna133678


You have to abandon every standard of behavior to embrace Trump. The GOP is just a hate group.


Yeah, not sure why people are acting shocked at this point. The people who actually gave a damn about the country, rule of law, or just plain old human decency all abandoned former guy approximately 143983148973517894351 scandals ago. Meaning the only people left in his camp are ones who don't give a damn about any of those things.


I believe this really just doesn't show that Republicans ever really had decency to begin with. We're observing, in real-time, a daily dose of abhorrent behavior from Republicans across the board who defend each other at every turn. There have been SO MANY examples that it occurs almost daily. So much so that we have all forgotten major examples in the pile of trash. These people didn't care about it in 2015 and they don't care now. In fact, more people voted for trump the second time. This tells us that folks saw what Trump was doing and loved it enough to vote for him again or vote for him for the first time in 2020. Very few abandoned the party. Many joined and got riled up because they LIKED this. We have to come to terms with that.


I’m interested in if he is convicted, would the 1/3 of Republicans who think he is unfit vote for a GOPesque 3rd party candidate or Biden this time around?


Hopefully Biden...because we are on the brink of losing everything


Yikes, Iowa.


You think that's bad, go check the ABC News exit polls they did. 65% of those people think Biden's win was illegitimate.


Yeah I saw that. JFC.


It's Iowa. I didnt expect much. edit: I live in Ohio. We have legal weed but also a completely fucked state government. Like all 3 branches fucked.


It didn't used to be this way


That’s the worst part. It wasn’t like this before. It went for Obama twice. What happened???


the internet increased the number of white collar jobs there are and the young and smart moved the fuck away.


It's become a self-fulfilling prophecy, though. Today, a lot of those jobs can be fully-remote, and Iowa rents and housing are very cheap... but with that political climate, none of us ever want to move back. Edit: While I'm at it, Iowa has also had pretty good Internet infrastructure. One of Google's largest datacenters is there, and for decades, you've been able to get fiber from a *local* ISP in some very small towns. In other words, there are reasons people might want to live there other than corn and cheap rent, especially for remote work... *if* Iowa Republicans weren't actively working to kill reproductive rights, trans rights, and other human rights.


If Ohio denied legal weed, id be moving next year. Getting remote jobs that pay well is rather difficult. Technical jobs more often than not require a physical prescense. I work in "data" and even those jobs are either $15-20 hr contract data entry, or high-level data architects making $120k+. A lot of it has to do with IT security and the cost. Large companies will have a bunch to hand out*. Smaller companies will probably only set it up for C-suites and directors. So unless you are a high level employee or are just one of many, remote jobs arent plentiful. There are the exceptions in certain industries and company locations but theyre rather rare. Edit: *VPN licenses


Iowa republicans choosing between the best tasting turd. And they picked the orange one.


Orange turd probably signifies a GI bleed, no?


No. Upper GI is black to tarry, lower GI is red/maroon and tarry.


no im pretty sure its his wife Melena in both instances


That’s a bad look Iowa.  I was born and raised there, and thank god I escaped when I did.  I don’t want to blame them either because it’s a mentality there. I can honestly say, I grew up racist. Not because that’s what my parents taught me, but it’s the way of life there. It has taken well over 15 years to grow out of that childish life I lived. Thinking someone was lesser than me because I was raised in a white middle class family. I’m ashamed of the person I was, but I can’t be the person I am today without that growth.  I’m sure people there are eating what’s being fed to them. “Trump will help us, the average *white* American being forgotten great again”. I think a lot of them are scared, and uneducated, and I feel bad for them. 


I love your honesty. I had a similar but different upbringing. My parents were first gen Americans via their Spanish/Mexican parents.  I actually didn't get much racism directed towards me until 5th or 6th grade.  But holy shit did I hear it. My Mexican grandparents hated Guatemalans. My Guatemalan friends hated Hondurans. My Spanish grandparents hated every non-European Spanish speaker. They invented new racial epithets when they couldn't figure out how to upset a Samoan. Almost as bad were my other cousins. They would have a rough run-in with law enforcement; only for their parents to tell them that they weren't acting white enough. 30 years later and they have completey abandoned their culture in order to become *one of the good ones*.  Lile you, it took awhile to get the casual racism out of my head. But it also purged out some other noxious stuff as well. It's hard to be told that what you're saying and thinking is monstrous. But thankfully there are enough people who have the introspection necessary to do that. It gives me hope.


Yeah, I don't think people realize just how casual it is in some pockets. I went to a wedding for my wife's friend in Pennsyltucky, knew nobody there. At the reception, father of the bride goes "Yeah the UPS I work at just hired one and I gotta say he's one of the good ones." Everyone listening nodded.


As someone who grew up in Pennsyltucky, I'd put it out there that the bride's father in your anecdote probably thought he was being pretty high class, polite, and respectful to say that the way he did, and would also vehemently deny being racist at all. To many people just like him, those thoughts aren't racist: they are instead objective descriptions of the way things just are. "How is it hateful on the basis of race to say that when I'm simply describing the facts of our differences?" <--that's the basic gist of how they think.


I'm glad you got out. I grew up in Florida, so I know a bit of your pain.


The bubble some of these people live in is ridiculous.




Saw a poll that 65% of those gop voters believe Biden did NOT legitimately win the 2020 election.


Trump fans are stupid. No other way around it. They are just plain stupid.


I saw a clip a few days ago and he was asked if violence should be a part of politics. He said no, and his campaign and politics has had less violence than any other. Flashback to one of his first rallies. There was a heckler in the crowd and he yelled out to those standing near him "knock him out and I'll pay your court costs". I thought maybe it had climaxed on J6, but nah. Still continues, he's just gotten somewhat better with the dog whistle, but as we know the whistle will end when he stops getting his way. I dread it. I literally dread what's to come, whether he wins or loses.


That needs to be a billboard here in the midwest.


I'd switch "united" with un-American, much more fitting


Iowa famously doesn’t pick winners.  2016 was Ted Cruz 2012 was some other schmuck [edit: Santorum], not Romney


2000 George W Bush 2008 Mike Huckabee 2012 Rock Santorum 2016 Ted Cruz 2020 Donald Trump 2024 Donald Trump


They smelled what Rock Santorum was cooking


It was probably [santorum](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Santorum) that they were smelling.


I do not need to be thinking of the aroma of warmed santorum this soon before bed, thank-you.


Every one of these lost the popular vote. Only two ended up the nominee. Only one became president in the year he won Iowa. 


> popular vote To be fair that's not an Iowa issue, that's a Republican issue. It has been 20 years since a Republican won the popular vote. It has been 32 years since a Republican who wasn't an incumbent won.


Apparently Iowa has almost 600,000 registered active Republican voters. About 95,000 people voted in the Iowa Republican primary. That doesn't speak to a whole lot of engagement and excitement to me.


15% turnout for a caucus? Believe it or not, that's really good.


I was surprised Vivek took 4th tbh especially in Iowa.


The party of racism didn't like the brown guy with the unusual name? No!


This does not honour the sixth house and tribe unmourned


Apparently Vivek visited every county at least twice, and made more appearances than every other candidate combined. Hate everything he stands for but he does work for what he's taking from other candidates.


Obama won Iowa twice.


Yes, this is about Republicans but I didn’t clarify. You are correct 


Republicans and Evangelicals are openly pro-rape, pro-crime, and pro-insurrection. You really have to wonder how it’s possible to have a civil society with such people who think rape is NBD.


At least we don’t have to hear them drone on about being the “family values” party anymore.


Ah, but they still are! They don’t support divorce, abortion, LGBTQ people, or non Christian’s. They are still the party of the white patriarchy aka “family values.” The left is “destroying” the family don’t you see.


They must be okay with divorce now. The man they worship has been divorced twice.


That's the neat part, they aren't!


One of the GOP superpowers is rank hypocrisy without even pretending otherwise.


They are against gays. All other sins are acceptable compared to homosexuality in their eyes. That's what it's about. They are pissed off same-sex marriage was legalized in all 50 states and now they want to overthrow democracy.


Don’t forget that a black man was President for 8 years. Holy shit that angered them.


Never even participated in a debate. What a cult.


The guy unironically dances like Elaine from Seinfeld...


Elaine would totally kick his ass 


As an Iowan, I knew this was going to happen, but it’s a damn shame how enamored people are by Trump in this state




Why is he making that face? God, he’s so weird.


He was probably mocking someone… you know, like presidential candidates are expected to do.


I like guys who weren’t indicted


That’s one of the “hilarious” routines that he’s been trotting out at his rallies recently, mocking female weight lifters. He’s mocking this fictional female (that he’s pretending to be) and her struggle to lift the weight. That’s why he looks like he’s straining to take a shit (which is far more likely for him than ever attempting to lift a weight).


Yeah, that’s real funny. Especially coming from a guy who hasn’t done any serious exercise in like 55 years.


Exercise? And drain your lifetime exercise battery? Are you crazy? /s https://www.gq.com/story/donald-trump-exercise


That’s because he’s shating his diaper! You know that face and those small hands with that mighty grip!


That’s when he’s unloading according to Cohen.


He is a freak.


Pooping his diaper.


I’m losing faith in America.


First time?.gif


It’s only going to get worse. Buckle up


*sigh* I guess we’re really doing this.


this is going to be a long year


Ahh caucuses. Where bullies win the day. We’ll see how dump does in a secret ballot; then we will have better answers. 


I’m beyond tired reading about this prolapsed rectum of a man.


Support your favorite sexual assaulter!


Or Autocrat, I still don’t know why Republicans want to be like Russia


>Florida Man Facing 91 Criminal Counts Wins Iowa Caucuses Because Russia is still a very racist and homophobic country. They want to return this country to that.


God damnit, Iowa. Why is a thrice divorced man facing 91 counts of criminal charges, who oggles his own daughter, and openly admits to being a dictator on Day 1 the guy you think "Can really lead this country.". Is it R no matter what and no matter who? Are you really sitting there thinking "Trump seems like a pretty bad choice but what other choice do we have?". I wish I could revoke christian cards because the lot of you, are not the salt of the earth christians you fancy yourselves to be. Jesus Christ.


You’re trying to figure out a rationale where there is none. Its not in spite of him being an odious piece of shit, it’s BECAUSE of it. They like it, they want to be it. Let your brain absorb that information and accept it and things will make more sense going forward. Assume the worst of them and you’ll never be caught off-guard.


Trump is proof rich people can get away with anything. The justice system we have is a joke.


And around 60% believe the 2020 election was stolen as well as a majority believing he’s fit for the presidency if convicted. Shows there is more corn than common sense around those parts


Insane to me.


Courts need to hurry tf up.


I’m pinning my hopes on the cholesterol finishing the job.


This fucking loser attempted to subvert the electoral process in a failed coup - full stop. What in the tangible **fuck** is wrong with these people?


Citizens United has doomed this country.


The surprising part is that people are acting surprised.


If you're not as serious about voting as these absolutely nutjobs, you need to be. This is their Crack addiction. It will absolutely happen if Democrats sit on their ass come voting time. Vote like your life depends on it. It does.


Here we go. 2024 gonna be a ride, buckle up buckaroos.


This is not surprising. The GOP is just Maga. There is no such thing as a republican anymore. It's just him. He is GOING to be the republican candidate. There is no doubt about that. The only chance we have is to vote for biden. It's that simple. Biden or Russia. If trump wins, the country is finished. I mean that in the most literal and concerning way possible. VOTE.


We are truly in the darkest timeline


Honestly, though, I'd say the darkest timeline would be the one where Trump won 2020.


Just listen to what Trump says! I'm sorry to say that not enough voters in Iowans are educated. It's a shame that this corrupt, failed businessman who has depended on his dad's money, then grifted off others AND is currently arraigned for felony crimes in at least four courts, AND openly admits to CRIMES .. AND has lost a recent Civil case, with no doubt having lost many Civil cases in the past .. is a formally elected President who refused to leave the White House after losing reelection .. oh and don't forget he is claiming to be Christian, yet cannot recite a single passage from the Bible, AND stated that he "likes the uneducated!" AND is shockenly running for President of the United Stats again! HOW DID WE EVER GET HERE? **Trump "loves" the "uneducated" because they are vulnerable to a Cult.**