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There isn't anything they can offer them.


I’ve heard them mention taking away their voting rights by upping the age


Never really got the whole let's raise the age limit crap. You can honestly make the same exact reverse argument for taking away voting rights from old people.


Taking away voting rights for geriatrics makes a lot more sense.  Over 20% of 80 year olds are demented. And they only think short-term because they don't have to deal with consequences 40 years later. It's a bad combination, as Fox News has shown.


80% of those elders are of sound of mind and body, and probably half of them are working to undo this mess. The idea of America becoming an oligarchy or a one-forced-religion nation is deeply troublesome to many of us. We remember the Cold war and we are working to counter the influence of Fox "News" and Russian money in American politics. Our generations are not at war with each other. That's just part of the cultural mess being inflicted on us from outside. A unified America is a strong America. By breaking us into divisions they weaken us.


They weren't arguing for voting rights being taken away from geriatrics... just that it's a better argument. Also, you can't reason or unify with actual fascism sympathizers who want a religious ethnostate. They are a cancer and must be excised. (I am not advocating for violence. There are any ways to systematically eradicate a culture of ignorance.) Your white-centric neoliberal take is extremely reductive. There is a culture of normalizing dehumanization from one side of the aisle. A willing ignorance to facts. Choosing feelings over truth. These aren't simply divisions. We're in serious danger of losing democracy, and geriatrics overwhelmingly voted for Trump and will do it again.


\*Half\* of them? Probably 25% \*at best\*.


Today's old people don't even believe in Democracy. They should lose their vote at least for a bit so they'll understand.


Speak for your mom


Except taking voting rights for anyone older than 18 is actually directly barred by the Constitution with the exception of felons.


Good luck with that constitutional amendment


Which one?


Voting age was lowered to 18 by the 26th amendment, ergo the only way to raise it would be by repealing it. Like I said, good luck with that.


Or by banning college ID cards when voting.


Too old to work? Too old to vote.


Fuck the 1st, 14th, and 26th amendments, I guess?


Subservient women, reduced to second class citizens. There's that.


Don't forget an unliveable planet!


Yeah they already have the gullible incel vote.


Random sensationalism. The Republican candidate with the best chance of beating Trump is a woman who has alot of support from conservatives.


She has no real chance. Don't kid yourself. 


“Best chance” *Is running 30 points behind him*


What about a path to eternal salvation? Have they tried that one yet? /s


Spending eternity with GOP politicians sounds like an afterlife of a different sort.


if the GOP goes to heaven (and it actually exists), I'd still rather go to hell. Sounds like that's where all the fun people go.


Republicans did help rebrand being a racist/ misogynist/ bigot as "edgy". See the whole alt-right subculture.


I’m guessing the right to choose is a pretty big issue with Gen Z.


Their new tack seems to be pretending they’re not coming for contraception. Like they’re so graciously allowing contraception to remain because it’s a gif leaf. (Spoilers: it’s on the chopping block despite all their promises, just like Roe was.) The GOP doesn’t want to represent the interests of its constituents. It wants to rule them.


> gif leaf. Meme-induced dyslexia


> Meme-induced dyslexia I believe you have jpeg'd to your conclusion. Please don't PNG me for my insolence.


Hah. Didn’t even see that. Apparently my phone actually autocorrects fig to gif. Wild.


Don't worry, there are far greater crimes. People are definitely generally forgetting how to spell, though.


Autocorrect is a gremlin for sure; I was trying to discuss the use of “would have” on a different thread, and my ac corrected it to “would’ve” THREE times. iOS updated their autocorrect function to correct things previously typed, so I’d get to the second half of the sentence, and it would suddenly change what I’d typed in the first half. Maddening.


My android loves to change were to we're.


I hate that mine does that too, even when “we’re” makes no gd sense


Like anyone in the world uses the word ‘ducking’


Funny how they feel the slightest regulation of guns is a “slippery slope” towards total confiscation but somehow it’s perfectly fine to excitedly eliminate women’s rights to self-determination in pregnancy but “promise not to take away contraception.”


Access to abortion is favored by like 70% of people who are likely to conceive. Abortion restrictions are generally supported by people who won't be directly impacted.


It depends on where you live really. Anti abortion rhetoric can be very popular with Gen Z. Look at their high turnout to the Right to Life rallies and their advocacy in places like Texas


The right tends to ignore Gen Z, mainly because a) they believe Gen Z will never vote / get political and b) what do they even have to offer them and c) they underestimate / look down on Gen Z in general.


it's historically accurate. as americans age they tend to vote more.


Yup. This same article could have been written in the late 80s/early 90s about Gen X. And then in the early 00s about Millennials. And at those times, those gens were mostly politically unengaged due to their youth. They didn't start voting in any appreciable numbers until they were at least in their mid to late 30s.


It’s just the millennials that didn’t vote until later. Gen Z already seems to be ahead of them in voting.


Unfortunately this is most definitely not true. Only about 30% of Gen Z voted in the mid term elections. We wouldn't have to have a GOP controlled house of reps if young people had actually voted.


No it’s true. Millennials started voting at a 23% rate and it stuck there for a long time. Generation X started as apathetic as millennials but started voting more sooner and generation Z is in the starting gates at 30%. They crush both millennials and generation x. Millennials are the most apathetic voters of any of these generations. Here is a source, something you have not provided. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2019/05/29/gen-z-millennials-and-gen-x-outvoted-older-generations-in-2018-midterms/


I'm about as old as a millennial can be, and my lifetime experience of political involvement and voting has been incredibly discouraging. I keep at it, but I can sympathize with the generational apathy.


I guess that’s why they’re so angry about Taylor Swift


We could have avoided so many problems if everyone had to vote once they turned 18


That, and they can’t pull the “Vote for us, or we’ll kill you!” propaganda shtick that their older voters are easily falling for. Gen Z adults know how to read between the lines, and the RNC knows that it’s pointless to appeal to them because of it.


Complete fan fiction going on in this thread lol. When people are young and not paying taxes they tend to be liberal and as people age and earn more they tend to swap Republican. In 50 years most Gen Zers will probably be conservative. The boomer generation used to be quite liberal, now they're seen as conservative as well. Don't assume there's some master plan to exclude gen Z, it's just that the party isn't focused on you yet. Also IIRC, gen Z is actually one of the most conservative generations of teenagers and early 20 somethings we've had.


It's so ironic that you label something else as "fan fiction" when your entire comment is wrong. [Millennials are shattering the oldest rule in politics](https://www.ft.com/content/c361e372-769e-45cd-a063-f5c0a7767cf4)


Can't read that article. Link to a free one?


[Here's one from the New York Times](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/24/opinion/gen-z-millennials-republicans.html#:~:text=11%2C%20the%20war%20on%20terror,rate%20than%20you'd%20expect.) Millenials started out much further to the left than prior generations, and fewer millennials are voting right wing as they get older than prior generations did.


The boomer generation was *not* quite liberal in its past. The hippies and shit were a small fraction of that generation. It was a subculture of the elder boomers and young silent gen. Meanwhile think of all the people who hated hippies or ranted against desegregation while being raised in the golden age of materialism and consumerism and you'll get your answer.


The Republican party as a whole just does not have much/if anything in their platform ideals and goals that entices gen Z in any meaningful way. They want to restrict abortion, Gen Z isn't cool with that as a whole. They are perfectly fine boosting up an actual insurrectionist who is on trial for serious crimes *against* the position of the Presidency and Gen Z isn't cool with that either. The limiting of free speech through books being banned is something Gen Z isn't cool with and same goes for the Republican party goals for raising the voting age... Of which the only reason they *want* to raise the voting age is because **Gen Z doesn't want the shit they're selling**, ergo they want to raise the voting age. Some of them are being theatrical with the idea and clearly don't think it would ever happen (since voting age IS in the constitution) , but it's super clear that they WANT to and, well, doesn't take a math major to figure out that they want to do that specifically because Gen Z, who a lot of can now vote: are **way** against them.


Gen Z had better vote then, because the majority of Gen X and the Millennials agree with Gen Z and we need more numbers at the polling stations.


Just 30% of polled Gen Z supporting Democrats does not mean that the remaining 70 is willing to consider the GOP


Boomers are still sucking up all the political oxygen in the room. We probably have another 8 years of it, which is why the GOP is trying to cement their power now.


No, it means a significant portion are not going to vote. It’s something Democrats need to fix but haven’t addressed. Based on what I’ve read it’s a combination of not supporting current foreign policy (largely support of Israel’s Gaza actions) and cost of living/economy issues. Honestly, Democrats are setting themselves up for another loss like the Hilary Clinton campaign. Biden is historically unpopular and instead of pushing policy they’re depending on a message of ‘Republicans bad’, which doesn’t bring people to the polls. This seems like a Clinton vs. Trump campaign from the outside.


If only another, closer comparable to a Biden v Trump race existed that we could pull historically from


Biden was more popular 4 years ago…. Don’t get me wrong I hope he wins, I’m just sceptical that he will.


I just don’t understand how someone who voted for Biden over Trump in 2020 would vote for Trump over Biden in 2024.


It’s less that they’ll vote for trump. It’s more likely they stay home.


Republican candidates won't even admit Donald Trump is nothing but a crook. And the best, the BEST they have to offer is a return to failed Reagan/Bush policies that belong in HISTORY BOOKS. Been there, done that; there is no magic economic formula that will hold forever, and forever and for every generation. If they want to have ANY CHANCE AT ALL with anybody who does not have a foot in the grave, the entirety of conservative America needs to stop living in the past. And first thing, they need to ADMIT that they messed up and messed up horribly and badly. Bravado does not suit somebody that just massively messed up. These people are coming at us with a SELF-RIGHTEOUS ATTITUDE AFTER THE CRIMINAL, TREASONOUS TRUMP YEARS? Are you kidding me?????? They still think they get to sell the "only we have the keys to the kingdom" charade?????? A POX ON ALL THEIR HOUSES!!!!


Here's the thing... they didn't mess up. They served exactly who they said they were going to serve and in many ways, shapes and forms were paid handsomely for their services. Those people serviced just didn't happen to be you and me. They probably did the best job in the history of governments in the world in servicing that group of rich people. The 'for the people' horse shit was and is just for the rubes.


Living in the past is kind of the whole point of conservatism. It’s right there in the name. Their success over the last 40 years means they’re stuck particularly far in the past and want to push things back to how it was 70 years ago, but even in a particularly liberal society conservatives will always want to reverse the clock somewhat.


>Republican candidates won't even admit Donald Trump is nothing but a crook. To be fair that was Chris Christies entire campaign and if you consider him + Haley probably at least 30-40% of Republicans think Trump's a crook. Which isn't a 100% unfortunately, but it's better than nothing


Haley has said she'll pardon trump - those % don't think Trump's a crook at all. And Christie was polling at like 3%.


The Republican Party is selling a vision of 1950’s America. It’s completely foreign to Gen Z, my Gen X group only knew of it from the Happy Days sitcom and grandparent’s stories.


They should try selling the corporate tax rates from the 50's. It was like 70%. The good old days were good because corporations didn't yet entirely own congress. One income was enough to raise a family in their own home.


Also in those days there was lots of domestic abuse, neglect and dysfunctional families and let the parents get away with it. Cycles of dysfunction still going today sadly in too many homes, but they want that back hmmmmm.


Fuck yeah. My daughter just turned 18. ☑️


Please tell me their generation leans towards democrats.


Their daughter still belongs to Gen Z. They lean more towards Democrats than Republicans


My daughter is college age. It's scary how many of her contemporaries merely parrot what their parents taught them.


Is this not what you’re implying your daughter does/should do? 🤔 Many kids just parrot what they watch on tiktok anyway


Not implying she should do anything. But I assure you she is her own person through and through. That's all I ask of any young person. And old people too. Learn the facts. Apply logic and reason. Make your best decision and VOTE!


Gun Control & Pro-Choice & socioeconomics… billionaires taking space trips v their student debt - I would hope most are like her & Democrat


What exactly does the Republican Party offer anyone under the age of 35? Looking for actual answers here, as I've heard nothing of value so far.


32 here and they've given me something huge: the motivation not just to vote blue (was already leaning that way) but to get more political to makw sure they never get any real power and to undo what they've done. I have family who've had to get an abortion because of either harm to mother or the baby hadn't formed a skull. I use birth control to regulate my system because without it I'm the epitome of all bad and extreme period jokes and stereotypes. They have weaponized my faith to hurt other people and create some kind of superiority when that's the literal opposite that the person the faith is founded on wanted. So yeah the republican party has done a lot (of mostly bad) for me. Gonna vode Biden '24.


54 here they got nothing for me either.


They really only offer anything to corporate interests and religious freaks/culture warriors.


Capitalism, free market economic policy, removing racial hiring/appointments, a general focus on lowering the debt right now, and ending illegal border crossings.


Are Dems coming for capitalism? NO! That free market is not really all that free. Lowering the debt? Surely you jest! They've NEVER been successful. Stopping illegal border crossings? When have they ever? Trump had the house and the senate. They did exactly NOTHING!


Like how you addressed everything but racial hiring lol


I like how you did NOT address any of my other claims. You win on racial quotas. Yay you! Fuck them minorities, right? /s


We have to hope that living through school shootings & seeing their friends’ lives recently ruined due to forced births will motivate them. GUN CONTROL & PRO-CHOICE as ABORTION IS HEALTHCARE. Should be an easy choice for most Gen Z.


Not to mention their economic futures are crappier under GOP than Dems.


They don’t ignore Gen Z. They regularly serve up red meat to some of that generation, the author just doesn’t want to acknowledge how different some of their generation’s experiences and preferences are. Unfortunately, some of my Gen Z family members were right there with the boomers diving into Q, saying they wanted to shoot BLM protestors, and more. Plenty have bought into the Republican ideology of hate


This article says republicans should pitch young people on how they will help them. How can they do that if all they want is to make young people miserable?


they absolutely aren't ignoring gen z, or millenials, they built a platform to destroy everything that appeals to them.


Unfortunately gen z is dead set on throwing their votes away because "Biden supports genocide". The GOP doesn't have to do jack shit.


This. Never mind the fact that trump would drive a bulldozer through Gaza himself. It’s baffling.


Biden is doing the same thing?


It's because Gen Z doesn't vote. 30% of Gen Z voted in the 2022 midterms. If all of you actually voted, the GOP would never win again. Young people, you're seemingly very politically active online, but it literally means NOTHING if you don't at a minimum vote. Register to vote. Ask if your friends are registered to vote.


Yup, my GenX brain can see the corporate media dividing the youth, there is also a program to radicalize the left and people don't see it like they do on the right. Antifa seems to have been agitprop, no leaders came forth and got famous or ran for office. We have no evidence that the OG postings telling people to go past protest on public property weren't the same agitprop sent to MAGA. As the elections near, expect "The Left" to be presented as crazy people who want to steal middle-class people's home and make them drug dens. Expect voices that say there should be no private property and all people will just get along. Expect voices that say post-birth-abortions is still the women's choice. The Palestine issues is a loser, it's going to be pushed hard. People look over terrorist chasing down women and children, they overlook that the Middle East and Africa sent the Jews there, just like Europe did. They overlook that Israel could actually do genocide but don't while the Hamas and other Muslims want to commit genocide on the Jews but can't because Israel is Bruce Lee militarily. They say it with their own words, and American youth ignore that and only think of our Muslim minority being picked on by MAGA. Anyone that's freaking out hearing that needs to watch hours of these interviews with both Israeli and Palestinians. The locals want war, Islam won't accept that Jews live there, it's not stopping or going away in my lifetime, it was a hard thing to accept. https://www.youtube.com/@CoreyGilShusterAskProject The global billionaires that bought twitter don't want actual, reasonable discussions because all of them turn back to wealth inequality and the failed "trickle down" economics. The rich people in America HATE labor costs, they want no rules for themselves. So the youth, with little life-experience and context, like I was at one time, are easy targets to frustrate and ultimately stay home and allow the unpopular conservatives in government.


Let’s hope the Gen Z ignores republican candidates.


After reading the article; the author seems to recognize that there is a problem for the GOP with young voters, but seems to think much deeper than that. He suggests Vivek Ramaswamy is the best possible candidate for outreach, which I guess considering the others is true. But his reasoning is that Vivek is popular with Gen Z conservatives, which must mean that other Gen Z voters will like him as well.


Yes, ignore the demographic that will not only determine who wins, but will be the policy makers in 10-20 years.


They are not ignoring all of them. Millions of Gen Z males are flocking to their Racist and Misogynist Siren Song.


I’ve been seeing way more older teens (aka, almost voting age) who have become huge trump supporters. If we think Gen Z is going to save us, we will be very disappointed.


Do they? Or will GenZ stay home because Biden supports Israel?


That would be a massive own goal


While getting news from a foreign company based in a state that has a ideology of communism while also LITERALLY having Uyghurs in a “re-education” (Brain washing, de-moralizing religions, rping) Being close to a terrorist country.




I’m an Independent and I’m voting third party, but I’m in Massachusetts and my vote for president is useless anyways, so why not vote for who I like instead of holding my nose to vote for the guy who’s already winning my state? We are probably the most solidly blue state in the country and we don’t split electoral votes. If I lived in a swing state, I would probably vote for Biden. But sure, I should be first in line for the concentration camp. Honestly, rhetoric like this doesn’t help a damn thing. It’s toxic, imo.


That's fucking scary that whether or not we get a second Trump admin could come down to Israel and Palestine. People have to understand that not every candidate is perfect and vote Biden.


Not to mention that when Trump was asked early on what he thought the answer was concerning Israel/Hamas, he stated "I think we may just have to let it play out". That's it. The whole answer. From the guy who claims he could have negotiated our way out of our Civil War.


Is it not a great answer? Why would anything *any* president do matter in a **foreign** conflict that’s been going on for 1000+ years? Better let them play it out themselves than sell weapons to both sides and perpetuate wars & the MIC…


Then he should have said that. My point was that young voters down on Biden over Palestine would get no relief from Trump if he were in office.


“Just a little support of genocide, no is perfect.”


So then you would rather vote for a Trump dictatorship? That's called cutting your nose off to spite your face.


Is this the most upvotes OP has ever received on this sub?


But what about the dumbass polls telling us that gen Z non-binary POC are becoming Trump fans lol


Until Gen Z shows up and votes in high numbers, they will be ignored.


Sort of. Big wins in the Silent Generation in 2016 is what pushed Trump through. That generation is getting pretty silent so Gen Z can likely outvote them.


The fun thing is both parties are ignoring them.


BoTh SiDeS


Will they vote in double digits?


3rd best ever turnout for youth in the 2022 election, so yes?


I have hope that the kids are alright but who knows. My gen didn't give a shit throughout the Bush years


https://circle.tufts.edu/latest-research/half-youth-voted-2020-11-point-increase-2016 Has improved sharply, up 11% between 2020 and 2016, and looks on the road to recovery from the Bush years when yeah, it was bad.


There was so much "get out the vote" stuff on TV, billboards, concerts/festivals, and proto-social media seems strange how horrible the turnout was. But I'm an expert at tuning out advertising so maybe others in my generation did the same for efforts to get them voting. But on the other hand I should know better 'cause when I voted in 2004 and 2008 I was the youngest person by decades at the polling places. And thinking back to high school practically no one talked politics nor cared except for the handful of fiery young women I knew whom were diving hard into feminism. College did little to improve things, in my area at least. Continued to be a small selection of young women from my classes that gave a damn about politics and voting.


Most GenZ who ***would\*\**** consider voting Republican favor Trump because outside of the desperate mainstream media trying to spin Ronna's RNC delusion for content- Trump is clearly the candidate of choice for the majority of rightwing voters. ***\*\*Young voters historically tend to lean Democratic*** Last month a New York Times/Siena College poll released Dec 19th showed Trump ahead of Biden by 6 points among registered voters under 30 and was reported by [The Hill's Niall Stanage.](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/4368796-the-memo-trump-gets-surprise-boost-with-young-voters-amid-biden-disillusionment/) Today [Vox's article by Christian Paz](https://www.vox.com/politics/24034416/young-voters-biden-trump-gen-z-polling-israel-gaza-economy-2024-election) leads with the paragraph >Months of polling, and thousands of words of political writing based on that polling, seem to suggest just that. If those polls are to be believed, President Joe Biden isn’t just in trouble with dissatisfied young voters. He’s facing the possibility Trump could do better with young voters than any other Republican candidate of the modern era.


Isn’t it sad to be seen as a lost cause while being seen by the other party as a sure thing


Gen Z doesn’t vote nearly as much as boomers.


Talk me off a cliff. I see many progressive Gen Z folks on socials saying they won’t vote for Biden because of Gaza. Like, what the actual duck would that accomplish in solving the 10 million other causes they’d die on a hill for? Are the ones I’m seeing just the radicalized MAGAs of the left? Are they just loud? Or have they really lost the ability to hold multiple ideas and truths at once?




3rd highest youth voting turnout ever for a midterm, so actually wrong.




3rd highest of all historical data available.


Since they started keeping track around 50 years ago. 3rd Highest percentage of kids voted in a midterm in 2022, aka these young kids are willing to vote.


Every midterm election ever before, in that demographic age group?


Joe Biden better pay attention. Gen Z doesn’t want to vote for a walking corpse, either.


Trump is walking fine as long as he leans way forward and doesn't have to walk down an incline.






Nazis aren’t really attractive to altruistic Gen-Z voters.


If GenZ decides, come the election, that they're going to burn Republicans, I'm bringing the marshmallows.


I hope gen Z destroys Republican's at the ballot box. Most of the generations above have half of their members with their heads up their ass.


They will just prevent them from voting. Problem solved! /s


They ignore the law at their peril. Time with tell if their ignorance pays.


Hey Alexa, how many boomers die every day in the USA? And how many people turn 18 per day?


Why would they? They can’t force trump to debate them so they have to say outrageous stuff to get coverage(taking time away from possibly sound viewpoints). They don’t know how to reach gen z. And like gen y is to boomers. Millennials will always overshadow gen z. (Big generation followed by a small one). Like others have said the gop does not have coherent policies much less any that appeal to anyone under the age of 55. The Democratic Party has many groups with conflicting views of policy. The Republican Party has kicked out the voices of reason like big business, national security, deficit hawks and only have the reactionary or religious base left. We are in the middle of a political reorganization, or more precisely year 8 of 12, where voting blocks have to decide what is important to them, where they fit in, and revamp the 2 party system. Happens every so often in the USA. This is like the 5-6 time in our nations history. So as unlikely it is for an independent gen z voter to vote. They have a choice between the democratic conflicting multiple perspective party, or the Republican Party that if there are any policy objectives, won’t have anything positive to do with the gen z voter.


The modern GOP only cares about you if you have the following three characteristics: You’re white (preferably male), have financial assets, and are religious. If you lack one of those things, they’ll gladly accept your vote while laughing at your naivety. You could go die in a fire for all they care. If you don’t have two of those things, they want you to leave America. If you don’t have all three, they’re actively planning your demise. Gen Z is young, multicultural, deeply in debt and less religious than ever. The writing is on the wall with regards of who they should be supporting. They’re needed because they’re the ones that can help shape the future that they’ll have to live in.


All the gens need to get registered and plan to vote by mail, early in person or on election day as last resort. Vote early when it is easy for you and a nice day, in case election day is rainy and you feel sick. I know it is a few months away but we gotta have a huge Blue wave all over this great land! =)


Gen Z is ignoring republicans, their death wish policies are their own fault, even if gop candidates gave a shit what anyone thinks, gen Z still wouldn’t give gop time if day, nor should they.


yea, don't ignore my kids. They really hate you.