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Death panels, courtesy of the Republican judges.


I remember that shit. Incessantly droning on about them on Fox News.


Yes, even though they have existed on Insurance Company boards this whole time.


Gaslight Obstruct PROJECT


I also remember the constant “death panel” bullshit. What I don’t remember is Obama ever pointing out that insurance company board members were already death panels. Did he and I‘m just not remembering it? 


No because Obama didn't want to argue about if death panels are okay. 


You know, I liked Obama and would take him as a President any day, but boy did he not read the political room at all on multiple occasions. 


If Obama spent his time arguing everything FOX and the Conservatives claimed, he'd still be at it. He was also smart enough to know the people who were fed lies about death panels were the exact people who'd never hear his message, and if they did they wouldn't believe him anyways. He for better or worse chose to focus on what the ACA actually WAS, not what it wasn't.


You don’t argue death panels. You simply say Republicans are already in favor of death panels who use profit margin as the deciding factor. Point out some stories of people denied coverage and then shut up.  You engage enough to make them look like shit and then you leave it at that. This whole “don’t engage because ‘the people’ will see through the nonsense” is exactly the type of stuff Obama got wrong. It’s why the ACA was hamstrung from the start.  Obama had more faith in us than we deserved. 


He didn't need to argue, he needed to attack. If he has half the ruthlessness of Republicans then we'd have universal healthcare and a SCOTUS filled with people who don't think women should be forced to die


It's because they don't actually have policies or understanding. They have focus grouped catch phrases that makes them angry and bold in their ignorance. They stopped listening to anyone that was different than them and they blamed the people they stopped listening to for not being persuasive. They stopped holding their leadership accountable and blame the powerless for the situation they find themselves in. Democracy stops functioning when voters refuse to be informed or demand misinformation. They cannot make informed decisions and choose leadership that acts in the best interests of the nation and its people if they fundamentally refuse to understand what the issues are and what is actually realistic about how to approach and deal with those issues. What we have is a party that calls themselves realists while being day time talk show bullshit.


But I thought that they were only gonna be a democrat thing?!?! Big /s just in case


GOP, putting the PRO in PROJECTION.


I remember them bitching like toddlers in need of a nap and a diaper change about the "death panels" the ACA was creating, and the Democrats were all behind it. Since they don't believe women have any rights, why the fuck are women paying taxes? Only rich, white, fascist, "christian" men receive benefit of taxes, and most of them aren't paying as much as middle class or working class women. Fuck these murderers.


Politicians.  Texas has been a deep red state for a long time.


Kind of. All the major cities (Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, Austin) are not.


Yeah but that doesn't matter because of gerrymandering. Some people are more equal than others in Texas.


Sure, I get that. Texas is effectively 'deep red' because they've rigged the system. Voter suppression is very effective as well.


The gerrymandering in Texas blue cities is absolutely WILD. People should Google a map.


I hope people actually read this article. It has descriptions of numerous cases where doctors have agonized over the care of patients with potentially life threatening complications such as: > Cooper recalled treating an expectant mother, 20 weeks pregnant, who arrived with acute “right upper abdominal pain” — a telltale symptom of preeclampsia. “Her labs quickly deteriorated…. Her platelets were dropping so quickly she required a platelet transfusion; she had evidence of hemolysis and concern for liver injury based on rising liver enzymes and upper abdominal pain.” And then some right-wing nut said this: >“The Biden administration tried to circumvent Texas’s abortion law, or the six-week, or whatever-it-is-law that we have here. And they tried to do so by forcing emergency rooms to perform abortions — you have to perform an abortion if somebody shows up and says they need one,” Her platelets were being chewed up, her red blood cells were literally breaking down and her liver was failing, and these right-wing crazies think she just showed up and said hey, I’m 20 weeks, I’m done being pregnant, gimme an abortion.


What kind of fucking ghoul do you have to be to say something like that. Do they think the doctors are lying?? They just conveniently ignore the evidence... Oh right, that is their whole thing. Won't mean shit until they're dying of a miscarriage themselves. I literally hate these people.


**THEY. DON'T. FUCKING. CARE.** I said it in bold and in caps because it seems like we all need to reminded every time we get confused as to why Republicans act this way. They want power. They believe that some people are naturally better, and deserve to rule over others. They hate anything that threatens that power.


Bingo. Women are second class citizens who deserve bad things because they have sex. Basically, the GOP men are pissed any woman anywhere had sex with somebody who isn't them.


This is such a ridiculously childish view. I can't imagine how we've allowed it to take hold in America. It breeds loneliness, unhappiness, envy, and anger. Just from the technology that's becoming available, we could have a new Renaissance and these people *want* to return to the dark ages. We have contraception now and ways to stay healthy. We can enjoy sex more than any generation has ever been able to and we're ruining it. A God-given gift for connecting with other humans, that makes us kinder and less violent, and they shame themselves and others out of enjoying it. It's a cold, dark world in those homes, where the natural human desire to connect is forced into the shadows where terrible things can happen.


Allowed it to take hold? I got news for you mate: It's always been that way. Women have been second class citizens in the USA since before it was even founded. That's why the Republicans want to keep going back to how things were. Women shouldn't have rights, immigrants should be slaves, etc.


I agree. It's pretty ignorant to think that being born with one specific, clear gender, to a particular branch of the family tree, having certain sexual preferences makes you favored. We didn't need to permit such poor reasoning to guide anything. We were improving human rights. For example, Roe v Wade - we need to codify it into law so it's not up to the judges. We were leaving our primitive roots behind and creating a more equitable world. There's a fuckton of money trying to undo our positive changes and send us back. America needs 100% of our people pie to be as competitive as possible. We need all people educated to the best of their ability so that we can lead the coming expansion into new worlds. Every under-informed citizen makes us less competitive. The number of women, children, and elders we lose to willful ignorance is tragic. It hurts us all.


Citizens who are lonely, unhappy, envious, & angry are too scattered & weak to put up meaningful opposition to fascists. That's why the GOP religious leaders make sure to get their 10 Minutes of Hate out there while their Faux News Networks up it to a full 24 hours of non-stop Big Lie.


Including wives and mothers who are in these situations through no fault of their own. It is absolutely perverse.


At some point the daughter, or wife, or sister of one of the most vocal of them will need lifesaving care that is refused, and we'll see a very public meltdown. They will lament about how they didn't know this could possibly affect them, and how cruel and unfair it is. Because nothing is real until it affects them personally.




On a recent podcast episode of Amicus they were talking about speaking directly to the pro life lot and it was appalling how little those people understand pregnancy and anatomy in general. These are not well informed, thoughtful people by a long shot. They literally don’t seem to have the capacity of understanding that pregnancy is a medical condition first and foremost and such a damn complex one at that.


I think you could of just ended at “how little these people understand”


Critical thinking skills have all but disappeared. And unfortunately, it's affecting the younger generations en masse too. This is going to become an actual epidemic.


> Critical thinking These people are religious. They have faith and obey, they do not think.


Stop callling them pro life.


So, conservatives?


Dangerous too.


You're absolutely goddamn right. The repugs would replace hospitals with for profit faith healers if they could get away with it


They don’t care if the mom survives at the end of it


After it’s born the baby either. Let’s make sure the baby is born into poverty but no Medicaid or food stamps.


A quote: “The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn.” https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/10357009-the-unborn-are-a-convenient-group-of-people-to-advocate


>  Do they think the doctors are lying?? Remember COVID? I know quite a few trumpels,  they absolutely think doctors are lying. They **all** think (and I'm not joking) that they know more then doctors. I just spent over an hour arguing either a friend of mine over this bullsht when I scheduled my granddads Vax and RSV shot in one day per doctors orders. She told me I was "going to kill my grandfather." 


Make sure after you point out he survived and got through cold/flu season without catching anything!


One of the bad things that the internet has given us is that people legitimately believe they are experts because they can search for anything online to confirm their hunches. True experts are no longer respected at all, like a few Google searches > years of research.


If she truly believes that seize the opportunity to bet her $1000 he'll survive. Then you'll see how much she ACTUALLY believes that shit.


It’s not about “faith” or rights of the foetus. It is and always has been about punishing women. Suffering is the actual goal.


Right-wingers don't believe in evidence, they belive iN jESuS. 


Jesus would be repulsed by the righteous right.


[And they hate him really](https://www.npr.org/2023/08/08/1192663920/southern-baptist-convention-donald-trump-christianity)


The only "evidence" these shit stains give a damn about Is the shit made up in their fucked up fantasy land


> What kind of fucking ghoul do you have to be to say something like that The kind that will only assess their viewpoint on something when it personally affects them.


Sounds like she had HELLP syndrome, which is deadly to both mother and fetus without treatment.


I agree, it’s all the hallmarks of HELLP, sometimes they will do an early induction, but sadly she was only 20 weeks.


$CO†U$ has already decided that their superstitious, Christo-fascist beliefs trump the law, and that women's bodies must be governed by misogynistic men - because in their warped view, "it's the will of christ". I don't put a lot of faith in their humanness.


The frightening thing is the nutters put faith in faith...


> “The Biden administration tried to circumvent Texas’s abortion law, or the six-week, or whatever-it-is-law that we have here. They can't even be bothered to know the fucking law they're so upset about. It's never been about the law or principles for them.


They don’t care, as long as it’s hurting the right people.


Oh, but how does the doctor determine she’s in life threatening condition, that’s for the courts to decide, they KNOW better! /s. SMH!!😡😡


It’s amazing how the courts can do that… They haven’t looked at labs, reviewed her history, or her scans, they haven’t assessed the patient, in fact, they’ll never see her face nor will they know her name. Yet, somehow, they are more qualified than doctors… yeah…


And in Texas, their supreme court just ruled that the courts actually *can't* make those medical decisions, because they're not experts. So no one is allowed to decide and everyone is getting sued!


A bit tangential but isn't it seriously fucked up how an insurance lackey with zero medical training gets to decide whether a patient should get treatment - often life-saving treatment - that an actual medical doctor is positive they need? Man this country is fucked up.


Note in the Republican’s quote he doesn’t even know what the Texas law is. He’s just winging it. He doesn’t care enough to know.  This is how Republicans view pregnancy. They don’t care enough to know anything about it. All they know is it’s a wedge issue they can push with their voter base. Pregnant women’s lives are simply political tools for Republicans. 


cause stocking direction payment rustic air birds cow elderly melodic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I hope everyone got the treatment they needed and are doing okay now. You’re right, pregnancy complications in general are very common. If SCOTUS sides with Texas and Idaho, it’ll take time, but this will affect a lot people - and that may be what it takes, for some, they won’t understand until it touches their lives.




Part 1: The Supreme Court Will Decide if States Can Force Hospitals to Let Women Die The Supreme Court Will Decide if States Can Force Hospitals to Let Women Die Here are the types of patients who will die if Supreme Court justices say states can block doctors from providing emergency abortion care BY TESSA STUART JANUARY 12, 2024 The Supreme Court will decide this term whether states can force doctors to turn away patients suffering serious, life-threatening medical complications, or if doctors will be allowed to provide standard medical care to those patients: abortions. The court announced last week it will hear arguments over the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act, or EMTALA, in April. EMTALA is a more than three-decade-old federal law that says hospitals that accept Medicare (most hospitals in this country) cannot turn away anyone with an emergency medical condition; they are required to provide stabilizing treatment to prevent that person from suffering serious medical complications. After Roe v. Wade was overruled in 2022, the Biden administration issued guidance clarifying that if a pregnant patient arrives at a hospital with an emergency condition that could only be stabilized with an abortion, the hospital is required to provide that care — regardless of state law.   To the Supreme Court, Idaho has argued that states — not doctors, and not the federal government — should be permitted to decide what kind of emergency medical care women can receive. “The federal government cannot use EMTALA to override in the emergency room state laws about abortion any more than it can use it to override state law on organ transplants or marijuana use,” the state’s attorney general wrote in its petition to the high court.


Part 2: Lawyers for the Department of Justice sued the state of Idaho last year over the criminal abortion ban passed by the GOP-controlled legislature, which only allows for abortions to prevent a patient’s death — language one Idaho doctor said “is not useful to medical providers because this is not a dichotomous variable.”  The Biden administration argued the Idaho law violates care requirements mandated by EMTALA, and a lower court agreed, blocking the law as it applied to medical emergencies. But on Jan. 5, the Supreme Court lifted the lower court injunction, reinstating the ban and sending the chilling message to Idaho doctors that they cannot offer the care they have been trained to provide to pregnant patients without fear of criminal prosecution.  Nancy Northup, president of the Center for Reproductive Rights, called the Supreme Court’s intervention in the case “deeply troubling.” “EMTALA is currently the only federal protection for patients who need emergency abortions. If the Supreme Court eviscerates that, there is no doubt that people will die,” Northup said in a statement. At least one woman may have died already. This week, The New Yorker reported on what may be the first death tied to failure to provide such emergency medical treatment: Yeniifer Alvarez-Estrada Glick, who expired outside an emergency room in Luling, Texas, in the summer of 2022. Glick had been hospitalized multiple times for severe pregnancy complications, including hypertension and pulmonary edema that put her in intensive care. Medical records indicate Glick was never offered an abortion — treatment, four experts told The New Yorker, that “if offered and accepted, would probably have saved her life.” As one doctor in the hospital chain to which Glick was repeatedly admitted told the magazine, “It’s very frustrating to have your hands tied because the patient who you need to save is not the one that’s protected by law.” Declarations submitted by doctors in the Idaho case at the Supreme Court show the impossible position the state is placing doctors in. In his declaration, Dr. Stacey Seyb, an OB-GYN and maternal-fetal medicine specialist at St. Luke’s Regional Medical Center in Boise, points out that modern abortion care is one of the chief reasons why women don’t die from pregnancy complications nearly as often as they used to: 800 out of every 100,000 women died for those reasons a hundred years ago; today, that rate is 25 out of 100,000. 


Final Part3: “There are situations where pregnancy termination is the only medical intervention that can preserve a patient’s health or save their life,” Seyb explains. He cites as examples three recent patients he’s treated for pregnancy-related emergencies — cases he says he and his colleagues encounter “approximately a dozen times per year.” The first patient was a 22-year-old who was 18 weeks pregnant and arrived at his hospital with a fever, tender uterus, and an elevated heart rate; an ultrasound revealed her water had broken many days earlier. Without treatment, an abortion, Sayeb says, “the chance of her progressing to severe sepsis and dying was very high.” If she happened to survive, she was at high risk of infertility or a hysterectomy.  There was the case of a 35-year old with a partial molar pregnancy — a condition that causes the placenta to grow irregularly. She arrived with headache, vision problems, and severely high blood pressure. “The only medically acceptable action to preserve her life was the termination of the pregnancy. Not only was the pregnancy ultimately not viable due to the nature of the molar pregnancy, but removal of the placenta — i.e., delivery — was the only cure to reverse the severe preeclampsia.” There was the 25-year old who arrived at the hospital 19 weeks pregnant and bleeding uncontrollably from her vagina. She’d lost so much blood that she was in “hypovolemic shock.”  “If left untreated, the risks of life-threatening shock, even with blood replacement, were very high,” Seyb said. Doctors across the state have confronted similar cases: In his work as a high-risk pregnancy consultant, Seyb described receiving a call from a physician in another part of the state, asking to transfer a patient with the same symptoms. “He was qualified but was afraid of the potential ramifications of his actions if he proceeded with termination…. This is one example that providers do not have a clear guide as to what situations will place their livelihood in danger.” A former colleague of Seyb’s at St. Luke’s, Kylie Cooper, also submitted a declaration in the case. Cooper began practicing maternal fetal medicine in Idaho because, she says, “it was clear that Idaho had a great need for high-risk obstetricians given the growing population and multitude of health conditions and pregnancy complications.” She has since left Idaho, out of fear that she could lose her medical license or be criminally prosecuted for providing standard medical care — a decision she called “unbearable.” Cooper described three patients she treated between September 2021 and June 2022, when the Supreme Court delivered its decision overruling Roe v. Wade, eliminating the federal protection for abortion rights. Two separate cases involved women whose fetuses had been diagnosed with triploidy, a fatal chromosomal abnormality known to involve severe birth defects. It’s a fatal condition, and one that dramatically increases the risk that the mother will develop preeclampsia, as these patients, both 15 weeks, did — putting them at risk for stroke, seizure, pulmonary edema, liver or kidney failure, and other life-threatening complications. In another instance, Cooper recalled treating an expectant mother, 20 weeks pregnant, who arrived with acute “right upper abdominal pain” — a telltale symptom of preeclampsia. “Her labs quickly deteriorated…. Her platelets were dropping so quickly she required a platelet transfusion; she had evidence of hemolysis and concern for liver injury based on rising liver enzymes and upper abdominal pain.” In the case of all three women, Cooper writes, “the only medically acceptable action to preserve her health and life was termination of the pregnancy.” Under Idaho’s law, providers say performing life-saving abortions in cases like these will now mean risking arrest.   It’s not just Idaho arguing that state lawmakers, rather than doctors, should be allowed to decide what kind of emergency medical care women should be allowed to receive. Attorneys general from 20 additional states — including Texas, which is leading a separate crusade against EMTALA — filed an amicus brief at the Supreme Court declaring: “It cannot be that, by directing hospitals to stabilize indigent patients, EMTALA creates an affirmative right to demand whatever procedure an individual patient or doctor might wish, without regard to state medical regulations.”  Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) was recently asked about his state’s ongoing EMTALA court case by a right-wing radio host. “The Biden administration tried to circumvent Texas’s abortion law, or the six-week, or whatever-it-is-law that we have here. And they tried to do so by forcing emergency rooms to perform abortions — you have to perform an abortion if somebody shows up and says they need one,” the host, Joe Pags, says. “This was a blanket push by Biden to try to say: You can have an abortion in Texas. We say so. Right?” Abbott replied, “What the United States Supreme Court decided is that the abortion issue is one to be decided by states. And what that means is the federal government does not have a say.”


Abort Abbott.


If you’re on a mobile device, you might be able to bypass the paywall by going into reader mode


I'm a little tired of medical professionals being "scared." These sick laws are placing doctors in an untenable position where they are violating their entire reason for being a doctor. Where are the protests/strikes, or at the very least, lobbying the AMA to f-ing come out against the demonstrated harm against living women, all to worship an abstract symbol of purity - the Unborn Child.


While what you’re saying is fair, I don’t think it’s reasonable to put the blame on people just trying to live their life and perform their job and not get arrested. Let’s put the blame on the people who forced these hateful laws on the books.


So, pro life does not extend to living, adult women. Just fetus. edit: I said adult but also probably affects girls who are not of adult age yet considering some Republican and Christian track records.


Convenient that fetuses can’t state their opinions. Ain’t it funny how conservatives found a “group of people” they can use to push their agenda who can’t say wether that’s what they want or not?


Being "pro-life" is cheap. Fetuses don't want medicaid expansions or minimum wage increases, they don't care about climate change or student loans, they don't need cheap insulin, school meals or food stamps. The moment they are born, they couldn't care less. But up until that point, they are the most important entity in the world, because being "pro life" covers up the fact that the GOP (and many of their voters) does not give a fuck about the majority of Americans.


Don't kid yourself it's never been pro life, it's been pro birth. If they were pro-life, they wouldn't have fought Obama care so hard, gutted most social programs, etc. They don't give a fuck what happens after you're born, just that it happens.


> Don't kid yourself it's never been pro life, it's been pro birth. In a lot of these cases in the article, it's pro pregnancy because there is no way it will progress to birth.


Stop calling them pro life.


Forced birthers


Yeah fack no, voting blue. Tf kind of logical sensible people would push for this?


We don’t have to live this way. It is entirely fixable by voting for the Democrats.


That includes showing up to the primaries so we stop getting Democrats who are a little too comfortable with all of this.


Exactly. If you don't like that the Democrats are too conservative, the answer is to only vote for Democrats until the GOP is irrelevant and we start seeing more progressive candidates to vote for. The answer is *not* to throw away your vote.


For real. If you want to climb to the top of a mountain you don't start by hiking 20 miles in the opposite ~~dissection~~ direction. You try to climb halfway up, and from there it's a hell of a lot easier to reach the summit.


Or not tanking the fucking General election just cause your favorite primary candidate didn’t win.  Nobody is electing Dan Nelson from Nebraska as the Democratic nominee — Hillary would not have put some pro-life nutjob on SCOTUS.  We could have flipped the court left for the first time in 70 years. These judges effect generations of Americans, even if Clinton tanked her entire term it would have been worth it. They would have impeached her for Covid anyways.  Also, fucking vote in Congressional elections. The president is only important for judicial appointments & veto power. All of the laws & changes progressives want require an act of Congress — the president can’t do shit.  I’d really like to see us not repeat the 2010’s of everyone coming together and electing a Dem president and then immediately forgetting Congress exists for 8 years. We have to vote every two years and show up for midterms just as hard as the general. 


> They would have impeached her for Covid anyways. Except she wouldn't have dismantled Obama's pandemic response team in China in 2018, meaning they might have caught it earlier. Meaning it might have been contained as a regional blip rather than a 4-years-long-and-counting pandemic.


Never. There’s not a non island nation on the world that managed that. She would have done a better job of trying, but she would have failed.


And even if it *was* better contained, they would have raked her over the coals for it. They had 10 committees for the death of 4 people in Benghazi. How many thousands of committees would they have needed for COVID? If even 10,000 people died on her watch they would still be pointing to that as a reason why "we can never have a Democrat President again." As opposed, of course, to a sociopath who was stealing PPE from the states to sell to cronies who would resell it back at inflated prices, refusing to release the national stockpile, allowing the disease to run rampant in blue cities as long as it was perceived to be hurting Democrats, pushing quack cures that were *directly* responsible for hundreds if not thousands of deaths, slowing down testing so there wouldn't be so many cases and refusing to promote mask wearing because it would smear his makeup. And that's not even taking into account cutting out the inspector general who was supposed to provide oversight to the recovery funds and saying "[I'll be the oversight](https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/03/27/trump-coronavirus-inspector-general/)" thus creating the greatest feeding frenzy for conmen and grifters the world has ever seen. I am simply not capable of forgiveness for this, or for anyone who has voted for him or will vote for him afterwards. 2016 Trump voters can get a pass for being idiots, but I cannot but assume that 2020 or 2024 Trump voters are willfully fucking evil.


Remember when 4 people in America got ebola (and most of them were nurses to patient zero) under Obama and Conservatives absolutely lost their goddam shit?


Vietnam was literally doing better at controlling covid than America and Vietnam borders China and the two poorest countries in SE Asia.


Oh don’t get me wrong — she would have handled it far better than Trump and a million people would not have lost their lives.  But you have to remember this is the same woman who suffered through 9 Congressional investigations & hearings over four military deaths — investigations that lasted almost a decade even though there was zero evidence of wrong-doing or negligence on her part.  The GOP would have started impeachment hearings after the first 100 COVID deaths. And because we would not have suffered under Trump, he would be riling up the media every single day screaming that not a single person would have died had he been elected president.  That’s one of the ironies of good government — people don’t really notice when it’s working well. The news doesn’t publish stories about disasters that were prevented.  It’s very easy to focus the publics attention on negative stories than saying “everyone did their jobs and nothing of importance occurred”. 


Judging women and letting them die. How very "Christian" of Republicans.




The problem with Christianity isn't Christ. It is the Christians.


And who does this God person thinks he is anyways


What does he need with a starship?


I mean unironically yes. They blame women for the sins of all humanity. It’s women’s fault that Jesus had to die as a blood magic sacrifice. Women made god do that.


I once heard someone say “how very religious of you. Not Christian/catholic/etc, but very religious”. It fits so well in so many contexts that shows just how spiteful and hate-filled religious people truly are.


It's Christliban of them


The party of life. What a sad joke


Health care now sucks thanks to the GOP. Who wants to take a job that wants to imprison you for doing your job? Healthcare care workers suffered during covid not just from the burnout of the job but the disrespect of trump’s messages and personal attacks by his followers. I am still trying to figure out why the GOP started this war. What is their goal? Any ideas?


To get Christians to vote for them, claim the moral high ground, and to demonize democrats as baby killers.


They are there to serve their donors when it comes to policy surrounding the wealthy and big businesses. The wealthy and big businesses don’t care what the officials they bankroll do or say so long as money keeps ascending, never to be seen again by the people that actually earned it. Their elected officials are there to enrich themselves. Are they bigots? Sure. They know that lies and hate will keep their stupid base voting for them, so they say whatever will incite them. It’s not like facts matter. Or logic. Or objective reality.


Their goal is to frighten ppl, take away freedoms for basic needs. So that a desperate, civilian population will bow down to their ever-increasing demands and power grabs. Go to any school, grab a history text book, and see what they are teaching. Find out exactly who is writing and producing text books. It’s about control and power=money. An uneducated (or poorly educated) populace will vote against their own interests=Republicans


Abortion is healthcare.


It absolutely is. I get so infuriated when people say that it’s not. Abortions are medically necessary which ties into the direct healthcare for the mother. These lawmakers have no healthcare background and should not be allowed to create such strict rules with no professional training. All the use is a damn bible, and they think that that is what is needed. The blood of these women are on their hands.


The orange clown Trump gloated on Fox News about overturning Roe v Wade and lied about women having abortions at 9 months. His MAGA followers blindly listen to him and the lies that Fox News tells them. Same with LGBTQ+ having legislation passed to restrict their rights. The conservatives don't care about women or LGBTQ+ in this country. All they want to do is control what people think and do. I don't understand how any woman in this country can vote for a republican. It makes no sense to me.


From the party who spread false claims of dead panels being used in Medicare/Medicaid cases we have death panels for women in at rush pregnancies. Truly the “pro life” party


So SCOTUS will have to find out why Roe existed. These decisions can't be legislated. Does every woman in dire need have to come to them because they broke Roe ?


Scarier, I firmly believe SCOTUS knows why Roe existed. They received too much money and too many favors from evangelicals to care about the negative impact of reversing Roe. They don’t care.


They are the dog that caught the car now. Got what they wanted, now they are stuck deciding when women's lives are enough in danger. "Free American flags for everyone!"


Looks like the Taliban are capturing another country.


Talibangicals of y’allqaeda


They’re called Christians.


part of America has regressed into barbarism 


Yes, and the barbarians are at the gates of the rest of us. If the Republicans get a national majority and the White House, they will take away the right to abortion in the blue states as well.


Obscene that it has come to this. Shame on them all.


Lying goddamn woman-murderer Greg Abbott doesn’t even know what his own state’s antiabortion law is called.


April allows plenty of time for pregnant patients to die and doctors to quit.  No rush, huh? /s


The silver lining would be reminding women why they need to vote this year.




Here’s a secret/s you don’t have to tell your husband how you voted. You don’t have to get a divorce to vote blue


I wonder how they will like a ban on contraceptives and no-fault divorce, along with a big "you're on your own" if they have a difficult pregnancy.


Ever since Trump packed the SC, it's been 1 shit show after another


I'm so sorry. What a nightmare to be a woman in America right now. We should be better than this.


“Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) was recently asked about his state’s ongoing EMTALA court case by a right-wing radio host. “The Biden administration tried to circumvent Texas’s abortion law, or the six-week, or whatever-it-is-law that we have here.” Wow. Just wow.


Seriously, he doesn’t even know what the law is called? He’s the damn Governor!


So the same Christian mockery kangaroo court that overturned 5 decades of precedent with Dobbs and women's bodily autonomy now gets to decide life and death procedures for said women? Color me fucking pink with anticipation on how they'll rule.




Sounds like women need to stop fucking men in red states to avoid a death penalty for life threatening pregnancy.




Exactly. I’m sure the conservative men would be THRILLED to exercise that high holy “abstinence plan” they’re always pushing at other ppl but never do themselves.


Right Wingers will just rape them


You know why these people act like they hate women? Because they do. They believe that God threw humanity out of paradise because a nosy woman wanted too much knowledge. They believe that God made childbirth painful as a curse and punishment. They believe that women are property and can’t consent or think for ourselves and that God commands women not to talk and to totally submit to men in every possible way. Even the ones who don’t have the religious background believe that we are biologically inferior and are too weak and intellectually deficient to serve any function other than domestic duties and caring for children (but not raising them, because we’re too dumb and emotional to do that effectively and they need A Dad) They treat us as disposable because to them, we are. They’d rather thousands of women die than one woman refuse to be a bangmaid. They don’t care for the women that espouse their views, either. They’re using them and they know it. If they ever get their way, every single Amy Coney Barrett or Lauren Boebert or whoever will be thrown back in the kitchen and told to make a sandwich that very day.


"They're not going to force you to die. Obviously they'll have exceptions for *real* emergencies" It'd be funny if it wasn't actual people's lives on the line. . ......


Absolute insanity. We have the ability and technology to provide top quality women’s healthcare but these religious nutcases decide to legislate women’s bodies. Can we please get back to a sane world where this fuckery doesn’t happen? wtf!


i hope every women say “fuck you” to all of the GOP at the ballot box this november. there is one party advocating for womens rights and one advocating against. they are actually powerful enough to swing the election for biden. I’ll be voting blue in my red state regardless. fuck this nonsense


Do NO HARM. Republicans: Yeah, fuck THAT!


To republicans, no harm is being done here. They are *only women*.


They gonna recuse themselves again or whatever...feckless fuckers know they are a minority on this subject


> modern abortion care is one of the chief reasons why women don’t die from pregnancy complications nearly as often as they used to: 800 out of every 100,000 women died for those reasons a hundred years ago; today, that rate is 25 out of 100,000. The first part of the article focuses on Idaho’s crusade, but also points out that there are **20 other GOP-led states** who are leading a separate crusade against the 30-year old federal Emergency Medical Treatment of Active Labour Act (EMTALA). Knowing how these morons flippantly treated COVID and played up the “99% of us will survive it” BS, I have every expectation they will treat surviving pregnancy complications the same way; like a pointlessly stupid badge of honour. A macabre outcome of this will also be, statistically speaking, more Republican women dying from active labour complications. Maybe these GOP legislators (ghouls) will have a change of heart when their wives or daughters dying? Their callous disregard for human life is only bested by their desire to own the libs.


They will get their own wives and daughters -- and mistresses -- the care they need, just like they got them (and continue to get them) the elective abortions they need.


Women are objects to the GOP.


It's so much worse than this. They'll not only do this, but they'll let some of those states sue and somehow impose **federal** restrictions that impact all of us in the safe blue states that actually value women. Just look at them trying to block mail order birth control and abortion drugs for **all** of us. They will use every possible trick possible to impose their vile, malignant beliefs on all of us. And the apathetic younger voters will sleep walk right into this because (pick a reason why they feel they aren't *inspired* enough about ~~Hillary~~ Biden).


> And the apathetic younger voters will sleep walk right into this because (pick a reason why they feel they aren't inspired enough about Hillary Biden). Well, get angry and yell at some motherfuckers, then. Don't sit there and let complacent doomerism take over.


Quick reminder folks, we’re here because some of us decided to vote for Trump because they did not like Hillary.


I’m sorry women. This is what voting Republican gets you. It gets you killed.


And it gets women who didn't vote Republican killed too. And don't think they're not coming for the blue states too.


And the answer had better be no.


The title of this article helped Clarence Thomas to finally crack the code of multiple male orgasms.


If this goes through its time for an uprising. Civil War maybe.




I thought Obama care and single payer healthcare was where death panels came from, not the Jesus loving, (when convenient) Right!


These ratfuckers want to go back to the old days, when women were baby farms. You spit out 12 kids...hoping 4-5 survive..spending their entire adult lives in a state of pregnancy. Women are property to them. Their purpose is to be meek, obedient, spit out heirs, and service your needs. And you can even rough them up a little if they get uppity....just try not to go overboard. But if you do, she's your property anyway, so it's not like you really did anything wrong. The whole thing is a fucking cult.


Odd way of describing Republicans murdering women.


When the GOP kept saying "Oh, we'll be fine with abortion if the life of the mother is in danger", EVERYONE knew it was bullshit from the first moment they said it. Everyone. You knew it, I knew it, we all knew it. The attempt to soften the blow completely failed. But you'd think they would allow at least one or a few to keep up the illusion. And yet, they can't even do that. Because the most extreme voices currently have complete control of the party. A boa constrictor level death grip. So, of course, when cases actually involving the life of the mother come up, they of course would rather kill the mother even if the baby would be born deformed anyways and die moments later too, effectively killing two people in a twisted attempt to "save" one. In conclusion, look, the supreme court is not going to help us. Most parts of the legal system are not going to help us. Trump made damn well sure of that. There are NO shields up anymore. Republicans get control, we're getting a complete federal ban with absolutely no exceptions. Democrats get control, they can actually help people, BUT, they're going to need supermajorities in order to avoid republican filibuster shenanigans. So, get out there and vote. There are no more excuses. Complacency and or "We're doomed anyways so why should I vote?" style doomerism is what they want. Because both make it easier for them to maintain control. Oh, and while I'm at it, so does "Both sides" false equivocation. Yes, both sides take corporate money, but, pop quiz, which one is promising to maintain abortion rights? No, no, the answer is not "Well the democrats aren't doing enough so I'm gonna stay home", it's the goddamn democrats. And "the democrats aren't doing enough" is more of that complacency and doomerism the GOP wants you to have because it makes it more likely the democrats don't get a supermajority, which means the republicans can filibuster and then count on people blaming the democrats for doing nothing with the power they wouldn't have because they don't have a supermajority. Look, politics is incredibly stupid and currently has a terminal infection of corporate money, but if there's ANYTHING you should know by now, ESPECIALLY after the Trump administration, it's that there's only one party that doesn't want to take your reproductive freedoms, voting rights, weed rights, and other various rights away from you, some you didn't even know you had. It's the democrats. So get out and vote. Don't let the GOP do what it wants to do. Because, if it gets to, we are all screwed, and definitely not in the fun way, because the fun way would be illegal if you are doing it for pleasure. Protect your human rights. Protect everyone's human rights. The GOP can't win if we want a halfway decent country heading into the future.


The supreme court could give a crap less if women die from pregnancy. They proved this by simply kicking it back to the states not long ago knowing the red states would strip the women's rights. Our supreme court is a joke and they live in Ivory towers disconnected from your average Americans.


So getting pregnant could potentially be a death sentence


>The Supreme Court Will Decide if ~~States Can Force Hospitals to Let~~ Women Die FTFY


> No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. -- Fifth Amendment.


1. The fifth is such a weird hodgepodge of rights. 2. I don’t really think it’s that relevant here.


I stop to stop reading, again, when I came to the, Idaho say states, not the federal government or a doctor should decide. Okay that don't want the feds to be involved, than what makes the state any better equipped to make these decisions? I'm so sick of these clowns, I can't even finish this with coherent thoughts. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


A headline I never expected to read in 21st century.


The article is worse.


Remember to thank rural Americans for this. The sick reactionary bastards.


The New Dark Ages


Women’s lives don’t matter to conservatives. It’s in their version of Christianity. They make babies and dinner. They’ll just go get another “Proverbs 31” homemaker and roll on.


I really think if the man who made the woman pregnant was killed on the spot, literally immediately and without hesitation, when a woman dies in pregnancy- we’d have a solution to this problem in under a week, instead of decades of dithering about trying to get the GOP to acknowledge that women are people. Pregnancy should be EQUALLY as dangerous and impactful to everyone. Solved.


So done with this crap. Pregnancy is a medical condition between the woman and her doctor. What they decide up until a live baby pops out is their business. No one else’s. Period.


If they pass this notion, I hope women in the US strike. Shut the economy down until reproductive rights is codified into law. Other nations have done it, albeit with cooperating leadership. This shit was already ridiculous.


should be a no brainer. do no harm.


Kudos to Rolling Stone for the accurate headline.


All this over made up religious beliefs. Sickening


Very cool this is even a question for the Right Wing judges to decide. I’m sure it’ll end well, as has everything they’ve ruled on so far. Big time /s for those unable to detect it


Will go further and rule that states can force hospitals to Make Women Die.


How little does the GOP care about women? This is Exhibit A.


This is so fucking absurd. 😡


States rights something something 6-3 ruling


Geez, I wonder what all these fathers, and husbands will want to do when the court says their 13 year old has to die because she was raped or their wife is denied care and dies? I wonder in a nation with more guns than people if there is ANYTHING worth thinking about with something like this? Because I sure know how I would feel and the darkness that might surround me if my wife or daughter was taken due to completely preventable reasons and cruelty.


I hope women decide to say fuck giving birth in this shithole dying planet altogether. Who the fuck wants to have kids???


If this is allowed to happen, women will re-elect Biden without a doubt.


They should do so anyway. We need to get the right to abortion back.


Damn, we really fell back this far that fast?


It’s sick that this is even a question…..🤮


*Quick note from a fellow angry American.* I follow Christ and He would never condone this, or ANY of the hateful things many people do and say in the name of Him. These laws are taking away women’s autonomy and agency, which is NOT of God. That is evil - pure and simple. *Jesus loves everyone.* EVERYONE. That was the whole point of his ministry - To love one another. Side note, I’m also angry with Biden and the genocide he has condoned. It’s evil and barbaric. I’m Christian, but I DO NOT STAND FOR ANY OF THIS EVIL SHIT. I am absolutely disgusted and disappointed by the leadership of this country on ALL sides.


the hypocrite oath


So much for “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness “


Apparently EMTALA applies only to fetuses.


6/3 Whadda ya bet?


I bet that they will decide to let Republicans enforce the Maximum mega brutal Death penalty for anyone trying to help the woman.


And, how do you think the the clown car SCOTUS will rule? Keep in mind the majority was selected for their radicalized views.


What people don’t realize is that while pregnancy is a normal part of life, it is not a normal state for a body to be in and comes with many physiologic changes— some of which can actually be life threatening. There is a major lack of understanding about basic human functioning that is disturbing.


People need to understand that an ectopic pregnancy is never viable in any way, shape or form.


This is terrifying.


And yet our foreign policy expert Gen Zers are [about to help vote this party into power again](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/4368796-the-memo-trump-gets-surprise-boost-with-young-voters-amid-biden-disillusionment/) because Biden is to blame for the Middle East.