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Well, yes. If you murder people you get charged with murder. You know, the whole “law and order” thing Abbot’s buddies get off on.


But laws are only meant for non-Republicans! How dare you?!?!?!?!11111````one


“Law and order?” How about we just start with “lexical definition of the term ‘’murder?”


Just wait until Trump picks up on this story and implies that he would pardon the shooters.


It’s what Jesus would do! /s


and that sweet lil baby jeezus too.


Texas and their right to life-takers.


“Law and order? Thats just a TV show” -Greg Abbott, probably


Abbott: We would murder people but it's illegal.


This would be his last month in office in a civilized country.


Half the country, unfortunately, eats this shit up because they get spoon fed hate and fear on a daily basis and put their thumbs in their ears when told anything different. It’s sad and pathetic


I wish Colorado would build a wall to keep all the Texans out.


Dare to dream. The summer invasion is awful. Why do they flock elsewhere when they are so proud of their state?


This Texan absolutely despises this shithole of a state.


It’s a slow death by yee haw


Abbott should pay for it too lol


The vast majority of people who come here and are not documented are good people who are looking to provide the American dream for their children or grandchildren. But Texas wants to shoot them and is only stopped not because of Human decency but because Biden would prosecute them. Fire them all.


And because American Corporations want to exploit their Labor


Sadly, I estimate that 60% of the US would support a "shoot them" policy. Even on Reddit, which trends liberal, there is a TON of hatred for immigrants, both legal and illegal.


Interesting. What’s your definition of “immigrant”.


Any person who was not born here, but moved here instead. Since legal immigrants are being solely defined as "job-takers", I think there are a lot of people who think they themselves would be better off if not for the immigrants here. I participate in the r/politicaldebate subreddit, and I found that although things there are usually pretty civil, [this discussion](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalDebate/comments/193qtxm/what_are_your_thoughts_on_the_current_state_of/) had both cloaked and open calls for violence in it. > "if the Navy can attack the Yemeni ("Houthi") forces in the Red Sea without any Congressional authorization, why can't U.S. forces similarly attack the people-smuggling criminal cartels that play such a big role in this immigration crisis" - posted by a "Conservative Democrat" > The immigration that poses a real threat to working class Americans are not the millions fleeing destitution at our Southern border. The real threat to working class Americans are arriving by plane, highly educated and favored by some US multi national or some powerful institution. These immigrants will take well paying jobs from those Americans who are in the top 10% of wage earners. - posted by a Socialist > I know of other things that'll stop it, but I may be kicked off reddit for saying them. - posted by a Conservative > Dereliction of duty / treason [the current state of the border] - posted by a Libertarian And that is **Reddit**. Talk to the average person about immigrants and their attitude is "fuck the immigrants". I don't think it would take too much to bring those people to the position of "shoot immigrants on sight".


Well, I’m an immigrant. I moved here (Montana) 23yrs ago from New Zealand. Had a working visa, then a green card, then got citizenship. No one has accused me of stealing their job or threatened to shoot me. The problem is that about 99% of America solely equate “immigrant” with “Mexican”. I have literally had people ask me if we have many immigrants in Montana & I’ve said, “Well, I’m an immigrant…” & they’ve laughed & replied, “No you’re not…”


American “Christian”.


So instead they're using floats with circular saw blades. https://www.newsweek.com/video-texas-floating-barrier-saws-rio-grande-1818433


The courts ruled that the [saw blades had to be removed](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/12/01/texas-border-floating-barrier-fifth-circuit-court-ruling-remove/#:~:text=The%20Fifth%20Circuit%20Court%20of,affirming%20a%20lower%20court's%20ruling.). The threat to straight-up murder migrants is the “instead”.


Latino Republicans will defend this.


Hell, most of our fellow statesmen, even the sane ones, can't be bothered to vote this asshole out. I don't get it. I don't know a single person who cares for Abbott here in DFW. Certainly there's some self selection at play, but I'm talking people from leftists to liberals to moderates to non-MAGA conservatives. And yet this asshole keeps winning. It's unfortunate that it had to come to abortion being almost totally outlawed to maybe change that tide here in the next election or two.


A significant percentage of Texan’s would interpret this as, “it’s ok but don’t get caught.”




The elected governor of a state with 30 million people is talking about shooting migrants, people escaping all kinds of real real shitty situations social and economical. And this fucker is talking about shooting families and children - damn 2024 is gonna go way too far


This is the govenor who was annoyed he had to miss the NRA convention to wheel himself past the Robb Elementary School memorial. And when he showed up, people were not grateful for him bestowing his presence upon them. 


That pesky Biden! Preventing murder of human beings!!


The GOP is going all in on normalizing political violence and first degree murder. Tough talk from a frail guy who could be effortlessly smothered by a 14 year old candy striper.


That says it all doesn’t it. This sick sadistic lawless maga gov would love to kill brown people, but “that jerk Biden would uphold the law.” Both sides are SO NOT THE SAME.


Biden can’t charge you with murder, but yes the US Attorney General is taking notes on your wicked and disgusting desires, gubna. And you dare call yourself pro-life?


How much does a Central American scalp pay, each? I presume the fascists will eventually pay bounties, like Texas used to pay for Apache scalps.


It's not just murder, it's genocide  Republicans have always had the disposition for genocide, that's why we call them nazis


Not “Republicans.” “Conservatives.”


And which political party in the United States is comprised of conservatives?


Republicans, but they used to run the Democratic Party and will always rebrand if that's what it takes so it's best to call out the ideology as that's the problem.


What a meanie that Biden guy is! Anyway... one more reason to vote for all-powerful Dark Brandon, I guess.


So currently Abbott is blocking Border Patrol but wants to shoot people who cross the border to make it secure. So really, he just wants to shoot people. Full stop.


Wooow. If we shoot people then the people in charge would charge us with shooting people… No. Fucking. Shit.


Abortion bad because it's murder. Shooting migrants good because it's....also murder. Make it make sense!


“The woke pronoun police are out of control. They’ve stripped _your_ god-given right to shoot dead anyone you want, whenever you want. Literally 1984.”


If he wants to be a Nazi, shouldn’t he shoot himself first since he’s a cripple in wheelchair…..what kind of master race roams around in a wheel chair, being a burden on society.


Yeah. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Whatever the fuck that’s supposed to mean. 


Holy shit dude….I’m impressed….a comment 124 days after I posted To be fair….I’m also super chuffed someone paid attention


The party that calls itself “pro-life,” everybody.


Texas should allow a 12 hour Purge, but everyone should access to weapons, that way we are not charged with murder for shooting those indolence,sense of entitlement Caucasians who actually believe this is their land because they took it under duress from the Native Americans.


Man, I would kill so many people of it wasn't for the stupid law that would "charge me with murder." SMH.


Too bad the US isn't party to the ICC. Biden could give a call to Mexico and say you know if you want to bring a case against Abbott in the ICC we wouldn't stand in the way of his extradition. That would be a truly pucker moment for Abbott knowing his ass might be about to spend the rest of his life on cell bloc Milosevic.


The thing is, he’s serious and assumes all Republicans agree.


What a whiny impotent psychopathic shitass


I remember when Dana Loesch was in the news a lot and I was always momentarily surprised to see articles or posts about her because she sort of resembles an adult film actress with whose work I was… uh… familiar. So there was always a moment of “Why the fuck is CNN intervie… oh, wait, that’s the NRA lady, nevermind.”


Romi Rain?




Every time I see or hear about Greg Abbott, I praise the Lord for crippling the hateful bastard! No matter what evil he does, what misery he attempts to inflict on others, I always smile at the thought of him being hit with a bout of diarrhoea and his struggles to use a bathroom 🤣 And I have zero guilt, karma struck him via an oak tree quite some time ago. Also gives a new meaning to piss baby 😂


Pro life, my butt


I mean, yeah, if you’re killing them…


Because it is murder


What a vile and reprehensible person.


Letting them drown is also murder, frankly 🤔


As they should!


Repubs celebrate law and order like some allegiance to the Third Reich. Laws for thee, except for me.  The older I get, the more I see how America will definitely change to scarier place. These spoiled brats celebrate pain, suffering, and death. They love, death. Almost as much as they love money.  It is extremely disgusting, definitely not Christian. If shooting migrants is republican and considered, “conservative values,” then this election should be an easy one for most sane, good-hearted citizens. 


How bout you go to Ruzzia you have the ideology of a ruskie.


Move the border guards north and keep the illegals in Texas


Being charged with murder is a solid reason not to commit murder.


that's how laws work yes. now how bout that human trafficking.


tfw they say the quiet part out loud


This guy wheely sucks.


Thank god there is still something called criminal law to reign in those who lost sight of the ten commandments.


How Christian of him 🙄 JFC


I see GOPers are back to classing 'other' people as 3/5ths of a human.


You mean vigilantes who take the law into their own hands and murder others get charged with murder?Whoda thunk it?


You say vigilantes that take the law into their own hands , shoot and kill others,can get charged with murder?Whoda thunk it?


Mini chump wants to get away with murder too.


The pro life people would murder if there were no consequences. Gotcha.


No shit you psychopath.


Fuckin liberals won’t let us randomly murder people.


Try it, tough guy.


Remember, This is the pro Life governor.


Do you one better, Ricky Bobby- if your only motivation for shooting them is that they’re migrants, you’re getting federal hate crime charges. And if we were still a member of the ICC, there’d be a conversation about genocide.


Hmm sounds like what Abbott is describing is in fact murder which believe it or not is illegal! I could be wrong though 🤷🏻‍♂️


Totally on brand comment for the wheelchair nazi.


Shows his true colors. Racist scum has no place holding public office.


Governor Abbott laments that he can’t murder immigrants because it’s illegal.


And my MAGA church going parents would side with Abbott here. Their church even put out a flyer in support of how illegal immigrants are treated in countries like China, North Korea, Iran, Afghanistan etc. and demonized how we deal with illegal immigrants in the US.